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Correctly Mistaken

Correctly Mistaken

By Wes Cherry

This is the Correctly Mistaken podcast, were your progressive conversationlist Wes Osei discusses the political landscape with facts and practical analysis in relation to the challenges we face as society due to deep corruption with in our current federal government.
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Mid Week Chop up Volume #3

Correctly Mistaken May 21, 2020

Christians, have we lost our damn minds?!!!

Christians, have we lost our damn minds?!!!

Been gone for a minute, now back for the jump off...

In this episode I ask the question that has been eating at me for a while now as a Christian. How some Christians (especially those in positions of power) really feel they are actually doing God's will by dehumanizing and attempting to restrict how others choose to live their lives because they don't agree with it. When it directly goes against the true teaching of Christ in the terms of how we should treat people always walking in love.

Acceptance is not compromise as the Right would like for you to think.

Jun 25, 202340:44
Yes, the law was broken...but I understand.

Yes, the law was broken...but I understand.

In this episode I give my thoughts on the midterm elections from a couple weeks back. America may have run off the crazies (somewhat to my surprise) though unfortunately the establishment still remains which continues to be a detriment to us all.  

Also, I discuss the arrests that are coming from the PPP loan program where people are being accused of defrauding the federal government for financial gain during the pandemic. How yes, they did break the law but considering the fact how we have been getting robbed by the government for all these years now, I can't help but to understand.

Nov 27, 202229:37
It's all insane *bleep* right...well let's act accordingly!
Oct 23, 202230:22
"Minority Rule"

"Minority Rule"

In this episode we discuss Minority Rule and how it is prevalent in this country due to the massive corruption of the Federal Government at the hands of corporations carried out by politicians. How are we supposed to be a democracy when the policies American people agree on overwhelmingly never materialized? Though policies that favor the top 1% dictate the country? Because it's all broken.

Jun 24, 202230:24
Tucker Carlson, I blame you.

Tucker Carlson, I blame you.

Discussed in this episode is how a mainstream media "news" network has given free autonomy to one of their nightly show host who is a white supremacist, to push an dangerous ideology that had a directly connected to the racially driven hate crime that lead to the killing of 10 African Americans over the weekend. There is a motive to why they have decided to go the route of hate, they decided nothing will get into the way of their efforts to consolidate power through hate.    


May 18, 202231:57
Straight up projection. All for the goal of fear and distraction.

Straight up projection. All for the goal of fear and distraction.

Discussing the newest Republican culture war in attacking Democrats as the party of pedophiles. Though every instance of that behavior is being shown by the very party that is doing the accusing. Wait, what?! 

Apr 09, 202229:27
"Can we live?"

"Can we live?"

In this episode I discuss the how the pandemic has given a huge MRI on the state of the Country from a economic standpoint. How so many people have worked jobs with low wages for so long, and now due to unemployment benefits they actually feel they are not drowning. Making it difficult for employers to find people to work. Though the notion of people not wanting to work is nonsense, its that they know their worth and going back to how it was isn't a viable option. If you want good workers, pay a good living wage.

May 27, 202130:32
"Even stationary, I'm a considered a threat"

"Even stationary, I'm a considered a threat"

In this episode I discuss another tragic unarmed shooting of a Black man Andrew Brown Jr, again by the hands of law enforcement. The District Attorney has decided that no charges will be brought onto the officers responsible and his reasoning should have us alarmed. 

May 21, 202126:25
"The writing is on the wall"

"The writing is on the wall"

In this episode I discuss why the Republican Party have decided to double down on this anti-democratic rhetoric that stems from the lie the former President still spews that the election of 2020 was stolen. It is for a very strategic reason based on how the demographics in the country are changing. They are fighting for minority rule and they have decided this is the way they will go about achieving it. 

May 13, 202130:36
"Too far gone"

"Too far gone"

In this episode I dive into the current state of politics in this country. How one political party has gotten to the point where making up stories and get the base hyped up in fear is how they want operate. How the Republican Party in its current state is too far gone from anything that is considered being productive to assist in the advancement of the Country. 

May 03, 202130:35
"They always looking for something"

"They always looking for something"

In this episode I discuss how when situations in this country that pertain to race, mostly in shootings of unarmed black people. "They" always look for something that can be used to dismiss the issue especially when a African American of prominence speaks out. Especially when they may have to change their stance somewhat when more facts and details of the tragic incident comes out. As if now the whole issue is moot because they had to shift their opinion a little, even though the issue itself is what needs to be focused on.  

Apr 28, 202130:13
" In too deep"

" In too deep"

In this episode I discuss the tragic Police shooting of Dante Wright, another shooting in the long list of black people whose lives have been taken by the hands of Law Enforcement. How yes we do need complete and total reform on policing in this Country, though because of how negatively deep rooted minorities are viewed by police that literally dates back hundreds of years, are we in too deep to systematically for it ever to truly change?

Apr 19, 202130:30
"Damn its good to be back"

"Damn its good to be back"

It feels damn good to be back on the mic!!!! In this episode a new opening segment is introduced and we discuss the growing ground swell of parents demanding schools to open up. Though we would never never had to worry about getting to this sad point we are now in if we had the proper leadership when all of this started. Also, we talk Masters and how much it complexes me how the media never asked the golfers anything of substance concerning the new brazen voter suppression laws in Georgia. Though if NBA players were dealing with this very same issue, there wouldn't be enough time for the questions that would be asked.

Apr 12, 202130:34
"Totalitarianism won't look like what you think"

"Totalitarianism won't look like what you think"

In this episode we discuss the new voting restrictions that the Georgia and Arizona Republican majority State legislatures along with 43 other States are making to literally phase out Black and Brown people in future elections. Instead of being a healthy political party that works to make the necessary changes to bring in more voters, they have made the conscious decision to double down and put all their efforts in once again taking control in minority rule. How the decisions the Democrats make now moving forward will decide if actual totalitarian rule can come into realization. How it won't look like at all how we imagine totalitarianism. 

P.S pay no attention in my struggle in saying the word totalitarianism, ya know I can't talk but I love to do it.

Mar 02, 202130:32
I do not hate Republicans, I strongly dislike their fundamental ideology.

I do not hate Republicans, I strongly dislike their fundamental ideology.

This episode we discuss the fundamental foundation of the Modern day Republican Party. The notion that I hate Republicans is false, though I strongly dislike their ideology and why it has no place in the direction where the country is heading to as a whole.

Feb 22, 202130:36
Democrats, you missed the mark.

Democrats, you missed the mark.

In this episode I discuss how the Democrats completely and totally miss the mark when it came to the matter of presenting witnesses during the Impeachment Trial for Former President Donald Trump. How they allowed an incredible opportunity to continue to speak to the American People go to waste.

Feb 17, 202127:13
Still no denouncement? Then they must approve.

Still no denouncement? Then they must approve.

On this episode we discuss the total silence from the GOP in regards to the situation with Marjorie Taylor Greene. Why is it so hard for the Republican Party to condemn abhorrent hate speech? Well maybe, just maybe, they have no problem with it and they approve.

Feb 04, 202130:33
Democrats...don't f this up!

Democrats...don't f this up!

This episode we discuss the huge opportunity the Democratic Party has to really do some good for the country. A chance to show they have learned from 2010 and not allowing the desire to work across the aisle and wanting everything to be bipartisan get in the way of the governing that is needed in order to get the country out of the mess that it is currently in. Especially now knowing what the true intentions are from those who are on the other side of the aisle.

Jan 23, 202130:31
"Don't ever let them forget"

"Don't ever let them forget"

In this episode we discuss how the Republican party is trying to completely ignore the fact that their was an attempted coup orchestrated by the leader of their party while perpetuating the lie that manifested into January 6th, 2021. Trying to make the Ludacris argument of you can't have unity if you are calling for accountability. Why we must never let them forget you they have exposed themselves to be.

Jan 23, 202130:24
Damn, what a *bleeped* year.

Damn, what a *bleeped* year.

As this *bleeped* year comes to a close. My partner Donnie and I discuss the year that we are sure has been terrible for most. Along with some mid episode turbulence once Tiger Woods was discussed(we don't condone, we just asking the questions lol) Also Donnie has a dope testimony that you have to hear. We close this *bleeped* up year with tremendous optimism going into 2021.

Dec 31, 202001:00:39
The American People still have a problem...even after Trump leaves.

The American People still have a problem...even after Trump leaves.

In this episode I discuss the biggest problem the American People face even after Trump leaves office: The Republican party. How even though the Democratic Party has their bevy of issues, this pandemic has shine a bright LED light on one of the major political parties in the country and how much they do not care about the millions of American's struggling and only concern themselves to the needs of Corporations and individuals who don't need it. How much more can the American People take?

Dec 26, 202030:36
"What is done in the darkness will come out to the light, but what comes after?"

"What is done in the darkness will come out to the light, but what comes after?"

In this episode I discuss the appalling incident that happen to Anjanette Young, the African-American woman whose house was wrongfully raided by Law Enforcement. An incident that left her being cuffed in the nude for almost 30 minutes. Even more disturbing the incident was being suppressed by the current and past Mayor of the city of Chicago. Why it took litigation in order to make the body cam footage public, highlighting again the clear intention of protecting police and not the citizens they swore to protect. 

Dec 19, 202030:25
"No longer the Party of Lincoln"

"No longer the Party of Lincoln"

In this episode I discuss the how it is absolutely unconscionable that Mitch McConnell and the Republican majority have absolute no care for working Americans. That it has been since March that Americans have received any relief for a pandemic that came upon the country, people who have lost so much from no fault of their own. How it was easily agreed upon to pass a 740 billion dollar defense bill, but giving out $1,200 checks(which isn't enough) to working Americans is such a hassle. Also I discuss the new report that came out showing evidence that proves the Trump Administration was implementing the strategy of herd immunity for their response to the pandemic, which would have come at the cost of millions of lives lost. Showing how much they didn't care about the American people they were supposed to protect.

Dec 17, 202056:45
Why would anyone ever vote Republican again?

Why would anyone ever vote Republican again?

In this episode I talk about the state of the GOP. How Donald Trump didn't change the Republican Party, he exposed it for what it is and how they truly operate. How there isn't any bottom or lengths to what they will do in order to stay in power. Even to the extreme unconstitutional and unamerican measure of trying to overthrow democracy and divert the will of the people. 

Dec 15, 202030:27
What in the hell Evangelicals?!

What in the hell Evangelicals?!

On this episode I had the opportunity to speak with Pastor Bill Malone, who is the Pastor of Life Empowerment Ministries in Fredericksburg Virginia. In this episode we discuss and try to understand why these supposedly Christian Evangelicals have become Trump sycophants and try to mask it under the cloak of being righteous and holy. Why they are backing this corrupt President so hard and it has nothing to do with Christianity.

Dec 14, 202054:17
"The plight of Kevin Hart"

"The plight of Kevin Hart"

In the episode I discuss the the difficult position Kevin Hart is in. As he climbs up the mountain of accomplishment in Hollywood, the further he gets away from the ability to be authentic or genuine when it comes to living life or in being a comic in terms of his material. The more mainstream he goes the higher the expectations to live his life to the standard that the public sets for him. How badly him and other comedians would love to live in the arena where Dave Chapelle resides.

Dec 04, 202029:56
 "Double Down"

"Double Down"

Another episode of the Mid Week chop up is in session. Me and Big Brodie Donnie talk about all the fallout from the recent election. We also double down on if you are a Black Human you had no business voting for the current President.

Nov 13, 202001:00:23
"Never negate the power of conversation"

"Never negate the power of conversation"

On this episode I had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Race Reconciliator Daryl Davis, the gentleman who played a pivotal role in many members leaving the Ku Klux Klan. We discuss how his mission started at the age of 10 to answer the question "Why do you hate me when you nothing about me?" Also we talk about why he feels that we are living in the best possible time to make true progress in race relations within the country. 

Nov 06, 202001:00:13
Damn America, we are disappointed.

Damn America, we are disappointed.

 Me and the homie Big D are back at for the Mid-Week chop up and dammit it feels good. We discuss all the fall out from the election so far as well as  trying to answer the question of why Black people voted for Donald Trump after all the hateful racial rhetoric he has spewed over these past 4 years. How disheartening it is to know that many people in these country want to hate without limitations.

Nov 05, 202001:05:43
This election has only 2 candidates to choose from...not 3

This election has only 2 candidates to choose from...not 3

This episode I discuss how voting for a 3rd candidate in a presidential election that has no chance of winning is literally a waste of your vote. As well as the swift and hypocritical confirmation of Amy Cony Barrett as the newest Justice of the Supreme Court. Why it is so concerning to have a 6 to 3 conservative majority and what it means the for laws we currently have in place from pro choice to same sex marriages.

Oct 27, 202030:20
What the F**k did we watch?!

What the F**k did we watch?!

In this episode of the Mid-week chop up, we discuss the absolute shit show which was the Presidential debate we all witnessed. The fallout of it and how this is a election where we as a country of citizens are on the ballot, not Joe Biden. We must decide how we want our country to look like going into the future. Also we get into a little NBA Finals talk, yes among everything going on we still have playoff basketball for an outlet. I thank the good Lord we do.

Oct 03, 202058:50
"Stephen Cameron"

"Stephen Cameron"

It's was Wednesday, so it was another episode of the mid-week chop up with the Brodie Donnie Chambers. In this episode we discuss the fallout of the decision not to indict the officer who shot and killed Breonna Taylor. As well as the complete lack of competence in the investigation lead by Attorney General Stephen...uh excuse me I meant Daniel Cameron(If you seen Django Unchained you'll get it). Also we  discuss why this election is so much more than deeper than just policy...because our democracy as we know it is at stake.

Sep 25, 202059:32
Trump Supporters, I'm here to give you clarity.

Trump Supporters, I'm here to give you clarity.

Just wanted to speak to Trump Supporters. I want to just explain why someone you hold to so much reverence, could care less about you. Just hear me out. Just here to give clarity.

Sep 23, 202029:42
Conversation Starters Volume 1

Conversation Starters Volume 1

On this episode of I had the opportunity to speak with the Co-Founders of Conversation Starters Skyra Rideaux and Elsa Dimitriadis. We really started the conversation on many of the issues we face in the country today as it pertains to race. How it is so important not to only start the conversation, but to continue to have the "uncomfortable" dialogue on the rocky, rough and windy path to achieve true racial equality.

Sep 05, 202055:60
"Everything is politicized"

"Everything is politicized"

In this Bonus Episode of Correctly Mistaken, I discuss this current President on why the reason he politicizes everything for the sole reason just to stay in power and nothing to do at all with the best interests of the American people in mind, including his supporters.

Sep 01, 202026:12
"Earth 2"

"Earth 2"

We and the homie Big D are back after a little hiatus for the Mid-Week Chop up. We chop it up on everything from the the Jacob Blake police shooting to the NBA boycotting playoff games in response to it and why it was so impactful. We also talk about the Republican National Convention that took place on Earth 2 last week along with all the lies and "Trump" propaganda that came with it. Damn it feels good to be back!!!

Aug 31, 202001:11:46
" It's time for change"

" It's time for change"

On this episode, we have the opportunity to speak with Chief Patrick Labat. Who is the candidate for Sheriff of Fulton County in the great state of Georgia. In the episode we talk about his vision for policing within community engagement, what the first order of business will be once he is elected. (He gave us some breaking news) as well as the renowned reentry program he created during his time as Chief for Atlanta's Department of corrections.

Aug 17, 202039:18
"Good old fashion American racism"

"Good old fashion American racism"

On this episode, I speak with Luke Bohm, the 25 year-old Democratic Party Candidate that is running for the Indiana State Senate to represent the 5th District in November.  We talk about various subjects the reasons Trump was elected President(hint: the fault doesn't fall on Republicans) How Trump has created a whole new party within the Republican party. As well as his thoughts on the Vauhxx Booker situation to his plans once he's elected to the Senate seat in the Fall.

Aug 01, 202001:03:34
"Creative Tension"
Jul 22, 202001:14:13
"We can't fight for equality while tearing down another nation"

"We can't fight for equality while tearing down another nation"

Its the mid-week chop up as another Wednesday came through. In this episode me and the homie Big D discuss the Desean Jackson anti-Semitic Instagram post. Why trying to associated anything good with Hitler will have you dead on arrival on any point you are trying to make. We also discuss the Black Lives Matter mission statement, how people are taking it out of context in order to discredit the movement.

Jul 10, 202001:18:41
" We all came from a Country in Africa"
Jul 08, 202030:02
Are you a Movement Maker?
Jul 07, 202045:43


Another Wednesday, another chop up session with the homie Donnie Chambers. In this episode we get into the latest of what is going on within the country concerning coronavirus. The Russian bounty on American soldiers as well as the continued talk on the state of racial relations in this moment we have to bring about real change.

Jul 03, 202001:12:05
" Friend or foe yo, state your biz"

" Friend or foe yo, state your biz"

It's another Wednesday, that means another volume of the Mid-Week Chop up with the homie Big D. In this episode we chop it up about the current race climate sudden change within Corporate America. How everywhere we see from Companies to Television Networks, supporting the Black cause. Though how we need to be careful to make sure this new era of being "all in" isn't crossing over to pandering and we are not being push out the door so quickly.  Also, we call for all racists to come out and let us know who you are. If you don't like me because of the color of my skin, let us know and we will operate accordingly. So we proclaim what Jay-Z said back in 1998, "friend or foe yo, state your biz."

Jun 27, 202001:23:07
"Be your differentiated self"

"Be your differentiated self"

This episode I had the privilege to speak with Gun violence advocate Dr. Lorenzo Neal, who is the Pastor of the New Bethel AME Church in Jackson Mississippi. He is the Author of the book" A breach in the family" as well as the host of the Zera Today show and " Be your differentiated self " podcast.

 We discussed about what it takes to acquire your differentiated self, his personal tragedies with gun violence which drives his advocacy, as well as what it will take to achieve true racial equality within the country. If you like to hear from someone who is super smart and informed, this episode is for you.

Jun 19, 202001:25:41
"Movements take Capitol"

"Movements take Capitol"

It was another Wednesday, so another episode of the Mid-week chop up with the my homie Big D. This episode we get into the arrests of the officers responsible in the shooting death of Rayshard Brooks. Also how if we were ever to receive reparations, what will be the right way to go about the money that we receive.  As well as why Kyrie Irving is missing the point of having a NBA platform.

Jun 18, 202001:20:18
" I'm so Black"

" I'm so Black"

Another episode of the Mid-Week chop up with the homie Big D. We get into the discussion of what it really means to defund the police. As well as Drew Brees' comments along with his over apology tour.

Jun 15, 202001:05:06
"Who you are to your core just keeps repeating itself, that's why visual storytelling is so powerful"
Jun 13, 202001:25:46
"The only way to solve racism in America once and for all is reparations."

"The only way to solve racism in America once and for all is reparations."

On this episode I chat with Chris Broussard of Fox Sports 1 as well as Founder/President of the K.I.N.G. Movement.  We discuss the state of race in this country. As well as only through reparations we can solve racism in America. Also on how important it is to walk out the full gospel in our lives to really generate the positive outcomes we need in our communities so badly.

Jun 09, 202053:15
"Separate but equal is ok"

"Separate but equal is ok"

Another Wednesday means another volume of the mid-week chop up with the Big Homie Donnie. We get into heavy on the tragic death of George Floyd by the hands of law enforcement. Also we discuss how we feel about trying to cease conforming to a system that wasn't built for us to thrive and start putting our efforts in making our own. 

May 28, 202001:24:31