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Creekside Community Church of Elizabeth

Creekside Community Church of Elizabeth

By Creekside Community Church

Our mission is to be a living expression of Jesus Christ. Our weekly sermons and additional messages are aimed at providing those outside the Christian faith a safe place to explore who Jesus was, and to equip followers of Him to grow in their faith and be equipped to serve Him more faithfully. If you'd like more info about our church community, or would like to partner with us, go to We'd love to help you take your next step with Jesus.
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Blueprints #3: Sweat the Small Stuff

Creekside Community Church of ElizabethSep 13, 2021

Centered (Cultivating a Christ-Centered Life #1)

Centered (Cultivating a Christ-Centered Life #1)

In today's service, we delve into what it truly means to place Christ at the center of our lives. Inspired by the insightful words of Tim Keller, "If God is not at the center of your life, something else is," we explore the common ways we may drift from our spiritual focus and how we can recalibrate our hearts towards Jesus. What to Expect: Guiding Thought: Discover why constant recalibration with Jesus is essential in every relationship and area of life. Common Drifts: Understand the differences between living 'from God' for material or spiritual benefits, 'for God' with a focus on mission, and the transformative approach of living 'with God.' (Credit to Skye Jethani) The Truth: Learn about the fruitful life that stems from a true connection with God, as emphasized in John 15:1-8, and reflect on God’s ultimate purpose for our salvation. Application: Practical advice on dedicating time to prayer and maintaining awareness of God’s presence in daily activities. Whether you’re feeling spiritually adrift or seeking deeper engagement with your faith, this sermon will provide valuable insights and practical steps to truly center your life around Christ. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

May 06, 202430:14
Can a Christian explore other religions?

Can a Christian explore other religions?

We invite you to join our live-streamed service for an insightful exploration into the compatibility of Christian faith with studying and participating in other religions. "Can a Christian Explore Other Religions?" examines the delicate balance between understanding diverse spiritual landscapes and maintaining a devout Christian practice. What to Expect: Scriptural Examination: We dissect passages such as Acts 17:16-34 to understand the apostle Paul's interactions with different religious groups and his method of engaging with diverse beliefs while firmly anchoring his teachings in the message of Jesus Christ. Ethical Boundaries: Drawing from 1 Corinthians 10:14-22, we will discuss the potential spiritual implications and conflicts for Christians participating in non-Christian rituals and how these can affect their spiritual faithfulness. Cultural Practices in Worship: Reflecting on historical and scriptural perspectives, we consider the tradition of dressing for church services, exploring how attire has evolved over time and what it signifies about our approach to worship and community values. This session is designed for those who seek a deeper understanding of their faith's place in a pluralistic world and for anyone interested in the theological reasons behind Christian practices and beliefs. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Apr 29, 202444:20
Can a Christian get an abortion?

Can a Christian get an abortion?

Join us this Sunday at Creekside Community Church for our next installment in the thought-provoking sermon series "Can a Christian…?" This week, we jump into a highly sensitive and impactful question: "Can a Christian… get an abortion?" In this sermon, we will explore what the Bible teaches about the sanctity of life, the intricate issues surrounding medical ethics, and the profound need for grace and forgiveness. Our focus is not on politics but on understanding these issues through the lens of biblical ethics. Whether you are joining us in person or tuning in online, prepare for a message filled with grace as we address this complex topic with the compassion and wisdom that Scripture provides. We'll discuss direct and indirect biblical teachings on life, the role of medicine, and God’s heart for children and families. This service is a chance for reflection, healing, and understanding God's immense love for every human life. We welcome all to join, listen, and engage with open hearts. Remember, no matter your past decisions or experiences, grace, mercy, and forgiveness are available to all through Jesus Christ. Let's come together as a community to support one another and affirm the value of every life at every stage. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Apr 22, 202439:27
Can a Christian be gay or *trans?

Can a Christian be gay or *trans?

Join us live at Creekside Community Church for a thought-provoking and sensitive discussion in our ongoing series, "Can a Christian...?" Today's sermon, led by Pastor Luke, delves into the complex and personal topics of being gay or trans within the Christian faith and whether or not Christians can support those who are. With a focus on scripture and a heart for understanding, we'll explore what the Bible says about gender, sexuality, and the nature of unconditional love. We approach this topic with the utmost respect and delicacy, understanding its personal significance to many. Our discussion is framed within the context of Christian life and beliefs, guided by 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 and Matthew 7:3-5, reminding us to look inward before judging others. In today’s sermon, we will explore: The biblical perspective on gender and sexuality, referencing Genesis 2:21-25, Matthew 19:3-6, and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. The meaning and implications of identifying as gay or experiencing same-sex attraction.. The Christian understanding of gender identity, including the concepts of social, hormonal, and surgical transition, in light of Deuteronomy 22:5. The distinction between unconditional love and unconditional approval. This service promises to be a time of deep reflection, learning, and understanding as we navigate these important questions together. Tune in to our livestream to be part of this vital conversation. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Apr 15, 202441:07
Can a Christian consume alcohol or cannabis?

Can a Christian consume alcohol or cannabis?

Join us live from Creekside Community Church in Elizabeth, Colorado, as our preacher dives into a thought-provoking sermon titled "Can a Christian Drink Alcohol or Consume Cannabis?". This sermon explores the complexities of alcohol and cannabis use from a Christian perspective, encouraging us to think biblically and with wisdom about these controversial topics. In this service, we will address the tension between freedom and responsibility, asking important questions about how our choices impact our relationship with God, our bodies, and our community. We'll explore what the Bible directly teaches about alcohol, examining its place in biblical times and Jesus' approach to drinking, while also confronting the realities of drunkenness and addiction. As for cannabis, we'll navigate the indirect biblical teachings, discussing self-control, health, and the implications of modern-day cannabis consumption. Whether you're someone who enjoys a casual drink, considers using cannabis, or seeks to understand these issues in a Christian context, this sermon is for you. Let's dive into God's word together, seeking understanding and guidance on how to honor Him in all aspects of our lives. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Apr 08, 202444:48
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (The Week that Changed the World #7: Luke 24:1-53)

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (The Week that Changed the World #7: Luke 24:1-53)

Join us live this Easter Sunday for a special service, "The Week that Changed the World #7: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ," as we explore the profound narrative of Luke 24:1-53. This week, we jump into the mystery and miracle of the resurrection, examining the initial disbelief and gradual belief of Jesus' disciples. Through their encounters—from the empty tomb to Jesus’ final ascension—we witness the slow yet transformative journey of faith. Discover the significance of the resurrection: how it fulfills God’s grand design, offers new life through repentance and forgiveness, and calls us to share in Jesus' redemptive work, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Tune in to experience the power of Easter, a celebration of life, hope, and the slow dance of faith that leads us to the truth. For resources and information about our church, please visit

Apr 01, 202431:46
The Crucifixion of the Son (The Week that Changed the World #6) Luke 23:26-56)

The Crucifixion of the Son (The Week that Changed the World #6) Luke 23:26-56)

Join us this Sunday for a powerful worship experience and an insightful message from our series "The Week that Changed the World." This week's sermon, "Darkness Falls on the Son," takes us through Luke 23:26-56, exploring the profound events of the cross and its impact on humanity. In this service, we dive into the question: "How have you responded to the cross of Jesus?" Discover the significance of Jesus's unwavering obedience, the torn veil's message, the paradoxical darkness, and the great exchange of our sins on the cross. Reflect on the three responses to the cross, both then and now: the disappointed followers, the rejectors, and the confessors. Learn how these responses are relevant in our lives today and how we can navigate our journey of faith, even in times of disappointment and disillusionment. Don't miss this transformative service that promises to deepen your understanding of the cross and its meaning in our lives. Whether you are a long-time believer or just curious about the Christian faith, this message will challenge and encourage you to view the cross in a new light. Tune in live to our service to experience heartfelt worship, engage in community prayer, and gain insights that will empower your spiritual journey. Let's come together to worship, learn, and grow in our faith as we explore the pivotal events of "The Week that Changed the World." For resources and information about our church, please visit

Mar 25, 202434:51
Jesus's Final Supper (The Week that Changed the World #4) Luke 22:1-46

Jesus's Final Supper (The Week that Changed the World #4) Luke 22:1-46

This week, we dive into Luke 22, exploring the significant events of the Last Supper, Jesus's intense prayer in Gethsemane, and the pivotal moments leading up to His betrayal. Discover the profound meanings behind the new covenant, the importance of true greatness in the eyes of God, and how Jesus's love and preparation for His disciples apply to us today. As we reflect on the historical and spiritual significance of Passover, we'll examine how this celebration is fulfilled in the kingdom of God and what it means to live out the new covenant in our daily lives. Learn about the power of prayer to persevere and resist temptation, and the real meaning of servanthood as the true measure of greatness. Whether you're grappling with doubts, seeking deeper understanding, or looking to strengthen your faith, this message is for you. Embrace this time to re-member and renew your commitment to follow Jesus more closely. Share in the Lord's Supper with us as we remember the ultimate sacrifice made for our freedom. Tune in to our live stream this Sunday to be part of this transformative service. Let's explore together how we can apply these timeless truths to our lives and find strength in the unity and love of our church community. For resources and information about our church, please visit

Mar 11, 202443:43
The End of the World as They Knew It (The Week that Changed the World #3) Luke 21:5-28

The End of the World as They Knew It (The Week that Changed the World #3) Luke 21:5-28

Join us for our live-streamed service as we continue our impactful sermon series, "The Week that Changed the World," with the third installment: "The End of the World as They Knew It." This week, we dive deep into Luke 21:5-38, exploring the profound message and warnings Jesus shared about the end times and the fulfillment of prophecy. Guiding Question: How should we respond when it seems as if prophecy is being fulfilled in our lifetime? This sermon will guide us through the scriptures to find clarity and understanding in times that often seem confusing and overwhelming. In this service, we will cover: Admiration, Warnings, and Questions (Luke 21:5-7): Discover the context of the disciples' admiration for Herod’s Temple and Jesus’s stark warning about its destruction. Understand why the collapse of the Temple meant the end of a spiritual era and what that means for us today. Signs of that End (Luke 21:8-24): Learn about the forewarnings Jesus gave concerning false messiahs, natural disasters, and the events leading to 70 A.D. Understand the importance of fortitude, God’s care, and the judgment that was to come upon Israel. Signs of the End (Luke 21:25-28): Contrast the earlier signs with the cosmic signs that will accompany Jesus’s return. Discover the hope and direction provided as we anticipate Jesus's reign. Application (Luke 21:29-38): Reflect on what Jesus's words mean for us today. How do we watch for signs? How should we live in light of Jesus's imminent return? This part will challenge you to devote yourself to obedience and vigilance in prayer, rather than to idle conjecture. Takeaway: Engage with the scripture to understand the importance of readiness, obedience, and how to live a life filled with purpose and anticipation for the Lord's return. Whether you're joining us in person or online, we invite you to delve into these profound biblical truths with us. Let's explore together how the events of the past shape our understanding and readiness for the future as foretold in the scriptures. Be ready to be inspired, challenged, and uplifted in your faith! For resources and information about our church, please visit

Mar 04, 202442:13
Day 3: Questioning the Questioners (The Week that Changed the World #2) Luke 20:1-21:4

Day 3: Questioning the Questioners (The Week that Changed the World #2) Luke 20:1-21:4

Join us for our live stream service as we continue our journey through "The Week that Changed the World." On Day 3, we're exploring the challenging interactions Jesus faces with the religious authorities in Luke 20:1-21:4. Guiding Question: Who do you think you are, Jesus? Today's Focus: The Confrontation: Religious leaders question Jesus' authority to cleanse the Temple and preach. Jesus, turning the tables, poses a question about John the Baptist's authority, directing us to His divine right received at baptism. The Parable of Judgment: Jesus shares a parable indicting the religious leaders for rejecting God's messengers and His Son, asserting His identity as God's Son. The Divine Lineage: In a masterful twist, Jesus poses a question about the Messiah's lineage, affirming His lordship even over David. Reflective Application: We invite you to consider the authority of Jesus in your life. As you bring your questions to Him, be open to the profound ways He may challenge and transform your understanding. Tune in and be part of this compelling service as we delve into these scriptures and uncover the depth of Jesus' teachings and His powerful responses. Connect With Us: We invite you to engage with our community and grow in faith. For resources and information about our church, please visit

Feb 26, 202444:32
Day 1: The Triumphal Entry (The Week that Changed the World #1) Luke 19:28-48

Day 1: The Triumphal Entry (The Week that Changed the World #1) Luke 19:28-48

Tune in to our live stream for "The Week that Changed the World: Day 1 - The Triumphal Entry," where we examine Luke 19:28-48, reflecting on the events of Holy Week beginning with Palm Sunday. Experience the first chapter of our series as we follow Jesus' steps into Jerusalem, an act fulfilling ancient prophecies and setting the tone for a transformative week. Key Moments: Jesus enters Jerusalem, fulfilling Zechariah's prophecy as a King of peace. The cleansing of the Temple signifies Jesus' desire for inclusive, pure worship. Jesus weeps over Jerusalem, illustrating His compassionate judgment. Reflective Questions: Consider the state of your heart towards Jesus as King. What needs cleansing in our communities and personal lives? Do we recognize God's love in His guidance and correction? Join our journey of reflection as we approach Easter, learning from Jesus' profound actions that speak across centuries. Stay Connected: Visit our website for resources, follow us on social media, and support our ministry through the links provided.For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Feb 21, 202435:23
A Christian Politic (The Elephant in the Room - Week 2)

A Christian Politic (The Elephant in the Room - Week 2)

Join us this Sunday for a powerful message in our series, "The Elephant in the Room," where we delve into "A Christian Politic." In a world where the realms of faith and politics often seem at odds, we explore the indispensable role of Christian values in political engagement. Michael Wear reminds us that no aspect of life, including politics, should be exempt from God's influence, challenging the notion that God is either too pure or too inept to be involved in political affairs. This Sunday's message will guide us through the importance of Christians interacting with systems of power to champion the common good, while also recognizing that what often passes for politics falls short of this meaningful engagement. We'll discuss the necessity for Christians to approach politics with calm rationality, understanding that political outcomes are not the end-all. Our journey will take us through a Christian approach to politics that emphasizes: 1. More Local: Encouraging Christians to focus their political efforts where they can make the most impact: at the local level. A reminder that significant change starts with the smallest ripples in our immediate communities. 2. More Vocal: The call to speak truth to power boldly and with conviction, using our voices to advocate for righteousness, even in the face of opposition. 3. More Loving: Shifting the focus from self to others, asking how political issues and decisions affect both ourselves and our neighbors, fostering a less self-centered, fearful, and angry approach to political discourse. We'll close with a contemplative reflection on what it means to truly live out Jesus's commandment to love one another (John 13:34-35). What if this year marks a turning point in how we, as Christians, engage in politics? Don't miss this thought-provoking session. Whether you're joining us in person or tuning in to our livestream, prepare to be challenged and inspired to view politics through the lens of Christian faith. Together, let's discover the path love leads in the political sphere, affirming that it's always the right way forward. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Feb 12, 202432:31
Kingdom Politics (The Elephant in the Room - Week 1)

Kingdom Politics (The Elephant in the Room - Week 1)

Join us for week 1 of "The Elephant in the Room," where we dive into the complex relationship between faith and politics. Discover three biblical approaches to political engagement, learn about God's priorities including being pro-family, pro-life, pro-poor, and pro-foreigner, and reflect on how these insights shape our actions in the political realm. This series promises to challenge and inspire your understanding of Christ's lordship over all nations and our call to serve His kingdom first. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Feb 05, 202439:10
Plan Be (Margin #4)

Plan Be (Margin #4)

Are you struggling with life's unexpected turns? Do you find yourself grappling with situations that leave you with no margin, despite your best efforts and intentions? If so, you're not alone. Today's message, "Margin #4: Plan Be," addresses these very challenges. Key Highlights of Today's Sermon: 1. Look to the Lord: Discover how David found strength in the Lord during his toughest times (1 Samuel 30:6). We'll explore how to shift our focus and find hope and strength in God's enduring presence (Isaiah 40:28-31). Reflection Question: Where do you turn when you're at the end of your rope? 2. Share the Load: Learn the importance of leaning on one another and being open about our needs, as guided by Galatians 6:2 and Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. Understand how creating margin in our lives can empower us to support others in their times of need. Reflection Question: Are you open about your struggles and needs with your community? 3. Accept the Shaping: Embrace the idea that God, like a master blacksmith, uses life's trials to shape and strengthen us (James 1:2-4). We'll delve into how to remain teachable and learn the lessons God intends for us (Hebrews 12:11). Reflection Question: Do you see God's hand shaping you through your trials? Remember, above all our needs for time, energy, money, or margin, we need God Himself. And the uplifting truth is that He is always available to us. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Jan 29, 202429:27
Keep the Change (Margin #3)

Keep the Change (Margin #3)

Join us for a powerful message on financial stewardship from a biblical perspective in our series, "Margin." Pastor Luke Heirendt explores how following Jesus influences our financial decisions, highlighting the importance of preparing for emergencies, cultivating peace through financial margin, and living a life of generosity as per Luke 14:25-33 and Malachi 3:8-12. Discover practical steps towards financial health, including budgeting, seeking help, and fostering contentment. Be inspired by personal stories and learn how to move forward with grace and purpose in your financial journey. #keepthechange For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Jan 22, 202441:60
Rest & Energy (Margin #2)

Rest & Energy (Margin #2)

This Sunday's church service explores the concept of 'Margin' – the crucial space between our resources and our responsibilities. Join us as we dive into practical and spiritual ways to balance life's demands. We'll discuss how focusing on one task at a time, batching similar tasks, and aligning our actions with our most productive times can help decrease what is required of us. Additionally, we'll explore how allowing Jesus to guide our lives (Matthew 11:28-30) and regularly connecting with God can increase what is available to us, both spiritually and practically. Learn about the importance of practicing a weekly Sabbath as an act of trust in God's provision and a means to genuine rejuvenation. Tune in to find practical wisdom and spiritual guidance for creating more margin in your life! For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Jan 17, 202439:16
Make Room for Jesus (Margin #1)

Make Room for Jesus (Margin #1)

Join us for the first week of our enlightening sermon series 'Margin: Leave Room for Jesus,' streaming live. In today's fast-paced culture, it's easy to fill every moment, leaving no room for rest, reflection, or God. This week, we delve into the importance of creating 'margin' in our lives - the vital space between our commitments and capacity. Through insightful interpretations of the parables of the Sower (Mark 4:1-9, 14-20) and the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42), we explore the necessity of intentional living and setting boundaries to prevent life from crowding out God's voice. Discover how even just a few moments reserved for God each day can transform your life, bringing peace and purpose. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Jan 08, 202433:45
New Year, Next Step

New Year, Next Step

As we stand on the brink of a new year, it's time to reflect, renew, and step forward in faith. Join us for a special New Year's Eve message, "Embrace Your Next Step with Jesus." This inspiring service is dedicated to helping you discover your path and deepen your journey with Christ in the year ahead. What to Expect in This Livestream: 🙏 Explore Faith: Delve into the life of Jesus and understand the core of Christian beliefs. Whether you're full of faith or filled with questions, all are welcome here. 💖 Commit to Transformation: Hear a heartfelt invitation to say "yes" to Jesus, embracing a new life of hope and restoration. 🎵 Worship Together: Experience the joy and community of worship, as we honor God through song, scripture, and prayer. 🤝 Connect & Grow: Learn about our Connection Groups and how they provide a space for forming friendships and applying Scripture to daily life. 📚 Educate and Serve: Discover opportunities to deepen your knowledge of Jesus and serve within our church community. 🌱 Lead and Inspire: Hear about our Creekside Leadership Cohort and how you can pursue a calling in ministry or missions. Subscribe to our channel for more uplifting messages. Share this service with friends and family who might need a word of encouragement. As we say goodbye to 2023 and welcome 2024, let's commit to growing closer to God and each other. Whatever your next step with Jesus might be, we're here to support and journey with you. #NewYearsEveService #CreeksideChurch #FaithJourney #Welcome2024 For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Jan 03, 202442:41
From the Old Covenant to the New Covenant (Divine Promises Week 4)

From the Old Covenant to the New Covenant (Divine Promises Week 4)

Join us for Christmas Eve! Today we conclude our series exploring how Jesus came to fulfill God's promises to His people in the Old Testament. We explore the profound transformation from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant through Jesus. In this enlightening episode, we delve into the heart of the Christmas message, discovering how Jesus' birth marks not just a historical event, but a divine shift in how we relate to God. We start our journey with an exploration of the Mosaic Covenant, given on Mount Sinai, focusing on its core elements, the Ten Commandments, and what they meant for the ancient Israelites. We dive into the powerful words of Jeremiah 31:31-34, uncovering the promise of a New Covenant during a critical time of exile and anticipation. We tackle the essential question: What were the limitations of the Old Covenant, and why was a new approach needed? The Superiority of the New Covenant: Discover how the New Covenant brings about internal transformation, freedom in the Spirit, and a direct, personal relationship with God. 🎁 The Ultimate Christmas Gift: As we celebrate Christmas, we invite you to reflect on the greatest gift of all – the New Covenant through Jesus. This is a time to embrace personal worship and celebrate our Savior in a deeply meaningful way. 🔔 Subscribe and Stay Connected: Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon to stay updated on our latest messages and series. Your journey through faith and understanding doesn't have to be walked alone. 📖 Recommended Reading: For further study, check out the Scriptures we discuss in this video, including Jeremiah 31:31-34, Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 6, and Galatians 3:23-25. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Jan 03, 202444:30
From the Promise to David to the Son of David (Divine Promises week 3)

From the Promise to David to the Son of David (Divine Promises week 3)

This week's service takes us on a journey through the heart of the Davidic Covenant, as outlined in 2 Samuel 7:11-16. We'll explore God's promise to build a dynasty through David, the wisdom and wealth of King Solomon, and how his reign reflects both the blessings and consequences of God's promises. The pinnacle of our exploration is the ultimate fulfillment of these promises in Jesus Christ. Discover how Jesus' genealogy revea Him as the living Temple and the embodiment of perfect obedience that redeems us. This is an opportunity to gain deep insights into Biblical prophecies and their fulfillment. We dive into the significance of Jesus's birth, life, and His eternal kingship, and reflect on our role as citizens of His kingdom, living under a higher law of love, justice, mercy, and humility. Whether you're exploring Christianity or seeking deeper understanding, this service is a perfect opportunity to connect with the story of God's enduring love and promises. Be sure to like, subscribe, and share this video to spread the joy and wisdom of God's word! For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Dec 18, 202333:42
From the Blessing of Abram to the Blessing of Bethlehem (Divine Promises week 2)

From the Blessing of Abram to the Blessing of Bethlehem (Divine Promises week 2)

Join us for an enlightening live church service where we jump into the second week of our series, "Divine Promises". This week, we focus on a thought-provoking question: Does God show favoritism, and if so, why? We trace the journey from the pivotal Blessing of Abraham, as outlined in Genesis 12:1-3, to its broader implications for the world. Our exploration includes understanding the profound meaning of blessing as a source of goodness and favor, and how this contrasts with the concept of cursing in the biblical narrative. We also examine the significant moments such as the Covenant Ceremony and Abraham’s test of faith, highlighting God's unwavering commitment and the challenges of faithfulness. The service will also address the unresolved promise of Israel's role as a blessing to all nations and its fulfillment in the New Testament, particularly through the life and mission of Jesus as depicted in John 12:20-33. This exploration is not just about understanding biblical events, but also about drawing practical applications for our lives today. We will reflect on the reliability of God's promises, the importance of embracing the blessing through Jesus, and our role in extending this blessing to others, even in challenging circumstances. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Dec 13, 202333:44
From the Seed of Eve to the Star of Bethlehem (Divine Promises Week 1)

From the Seed of Eve to the Star of Bethlehem (Divine Promises Week 1)

Join us this Sunday for a transformative journey through the Scriptures as we embark on Week 1 of our Christmas series: "Divine Promises." 🌱 In this message, we delve deep into the heart of Genesis 3:1-15, exploring the profound promise God made in the Garden of Eden—a promise that echoes throughout time and culminates in the birth of Jesus. We'll uncover the identity of the serpent as depicted in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, revealing its role as a rebellious spiritual entity opposing God's divine plan. 🌟 Our guiding thought challenges us: "If you don’t understand how great a problem is, you won’t appreciate how great a solution is needed." This message promises to bring a new depth of understanding to the magnitude of the issues humanity faces and the extraordinary nature of God's redemptive plan. 🌍 We'll also explore the cosmic conflict described in Revelation 12, setting the stage for Jesus's birth into a world at war, and His ultimate victory that was more than just a historical event—it's a victory that has personal implications for each of us today. 💡 This Sunday's message is not just a lesson but an invitation: - Stay vigilant and recognize the real enemy behind the world's evil. - Understand temptation and personal responsibility in our spiritual walk. - Look forward with hope and trust to Jesus's Second Coming, anticipating the final victory over evil. 🙌 Whether you're joining us in person or tuning in online, this message is an essential part of your spiritual journey. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your faith and understanding of the Scriptures. 🔔 Subscribe and don't forget to share this with friends and family who would benefit from this engaging series! For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Dec 04, 202338:10
The King and the 10 Minas (Luke 19:11-27)

The King and the 10 Minas (Luke 19:11-27)

Join us for an inspiring church service this Sunday as we dive into the profound teachings of Jesus through the Gospel of Luke. In this livestream, we will explore the Parable of the Ten Minas (Luke 19:11-27), a powerful story that challenges our expectations, emphasizes faithfulness rewarded, warns against faithlessness, and speaks of judgment on rebelliousness. Discover the significance of embracing life's entirety as your stewardship opportunity and the importance of faithfully using the resources entrusted to you. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and find encouragement in your journey of faith. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Dec 01, 202334:53
Parables on Prayer (Luke 18:1-18)
Nov 25, 202336:49
The Rich Man & Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)

The Rich Man & Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)

🙏 Join us for an inspiring church service this Sunday! 🎶 Experience uplifting worship and a powerful message that delves into the Parables of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke, focusing on the intriguing story of "Lazarus and The Rich Man" (Luke 16:19-31). 📜 **Message Listening Guide:** - 🌟 **Context**: Explore the background of Luke 16:1-18, where Jesus imparts wisdom about wealth, faithfulness, and the Pharisees' response. - 🌟 **The Point of the Parable**: Discover the central theme of reversal, highlighting God's unexpected favor in the afterlife. - 🌟 **Question 1**: Dive into whether the parable teaches salvation through good works and consider its alignment with the Law and Prophets. - 🌟 **Question 2**: Reflect on why the poor man, Lazarus, is named and its significance in the story. Uncover the relationship between belief and signs, even in the face of resurrection. - 🌟 **Question 3**: Gain insights into what this parable teaches about the afterlife, with a focus on the location (Hades) and its implications. 🤔 Don't miss this thought-provoking service that explores the depth of Jesus's teachings. Join us and discover how these timeless parables relate to our lives today. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Nov 13, 202345:18
Finding What Was Lost (Luke 15:1-32)

Finding What Was Lost (Luke 15:1-32)

In this week's sermon, we dive into Luke 15, exploring the profound parables of Jesus. The Pharisees and teachers of the law were grumbling, but Jesus responded with stories that reveal God's incredible love and grace for all of us. 🐑 Lost Sheep and Coins: Discover the significance of the lost and found. When the lost is found, a celebration ensues. 👦 The Lost Son: Explore the parable of the prodigal son and the Father's unwavering love and grace. No matter how far we've strayed, God longs for us to come home. 👨‍🦳 The Older Brother: Uncover the important lesson of rejoicing in the return of those who were lost. In God's eyes, every lost child is worth celebrating. Join us for a service filled with inspiration, reflection, and community. Don't forget to bring your open heart and an appetite for spiritual growth. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Nov 06, 202340:50
Honor Among Feasts (Luke 14:1-24)

Honor Among Feasts (Luke 14:1-24)

Join us as we continue our journey through the Parables of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. In this week's sermon, we explore the concepts of honor, hospitality, and kingdom priorities. Discover how these timeless teachings from Luke 14:1-24 hold significant relevance in our lives. Watch and be inspired! 🤝 Seeking Honor: In a society where honor was highly valued, Jesus challenges our perspective on seeking honor. Discover the profound wisdom He shared about how true honor is found in putting others first. 🏘️ Extending Hospitality: Jesus calls us to extend hospitality and honor to those who may not be able to reciprocate. Learn how this powerful act of kindness uplifts those whom the world tends to overlook. 👑 Prioritizing the Kingdom: Uncover the importance of prioritizing God's kingdom above all else. Jesus's parable will shed light on what happens when we elevate other priorities over our devotion to the Lord. Join us online and be part of our church community. Whether you're a regular member or a first-time visitor, we welcome you to worship with us. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more enriching content. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Oct 30, 202335:27
Parables of Yeast & Doors (Luke 13:1-35)

Parables of Yeast & Doors (Luke 13:1-35)

Join us for an uplifting and insightful church service this Sunday as we explore "The Parable of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke: Yeast and Doors" (Luke 13:1-35). In this service: - Discover the profound lesson that tragedies are not punishments from God. - Reflect on the importance of bearing fruit in keeping with repentance and examine your own life for signs of transformation. - Explore how the Kingdom of God starts small and experiences slow growth, emphasizing the value of patience and faith. - Engage with the question of and the significance of entering through the narrow door that is faith in Jesus. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Oct 23, 202338:49
The Parable of the Watchful Servants (Luke 12:35-59)

The Parable of the Watchful Servants (Luke 12:35-59)

Join us for an insightful church service this Sunday as we continue into our new sermon series, "The Parables of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke." In this week's message, "Watchful Servants" based on Luke 12:35-59, we explore what it truly means to live "in light of eternity." Here's what you can expect: - Discover the importance of faithfulness and vigilance in light of the Master's unexpected return. - Learn to shift your focus from speculation to steadfast commitment. - Gain insights on judgment and accountability, as we examine whether Christians will be judged. Don't miss this worship service that challenges us to make choices today with the reality of tomorrow's judgment in mind. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Oct 16, 202332:43
The Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-34)

The Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-34)

Join us for this Sunday's livestream service as we kick off our new sermon series, "Parables from the Gospel of Luke." In this message, we'll explore the timeless wisdom of the Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21) and Jesus's teachings on overcoming worry (Luke 12:22-34). 🤔 Guiding Question: How do we navigate financial wisdom and saving for the future while also embracing generosity and radical trust in God? Discover the key insights: - Understand that life's richness isn't measured by possessions. - Learn why worrying is a bad investment. - Explore how a strong faith leads to radical generosity. - Reflect on the importance of bringing your cares to the Lord. Join us for this thought-provoking message that challenges our perspectives on wealth, generosity, and faith. Don't miss out on the opportunity to grow spiritually and gain valuable insights for a more meaningful life. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Oct 09, 202336:09
Sexualism (The Way I See it #4)

Sexualism (The Way I See it #4)

Join us for a thought-provoking worship experience as we dive into the intriguing perspective of sexualism. Discover the roots and rise of sexualism, from its philosophical origins with Freud to its cultural influence in the 1960s and the digital age of the internet. We'll also delve into its theological foundations and how it relates to our understanding of God's grace. Prepare to engage in meaningful conversations with your friends and neighbors as we address questions like: - Who defines the boundaries of sexual freedom? - How can we differentiate between sexual repression and healthy self-control? - Is it possible for people to be born with inclinations that require resistance? Don't miss this eye-opening message that explores these crucial topics and more. To view past church services and messages, go to: For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Oct 02, 202345:31
Spiritualism (The Way I See it 3)

Spiritualism (The Way I See it 3)

In this week's message, we'll explore the theme of spiritualism and its impact on our lives. Explore major issues and thought-provoking questions: - Objective vs. subjective spiritual truth - Effective vs. healthy spiritual practices - Inner peace vs. outer evil Find practical applications and insights, including: - Taking the occult seriously - Understanding the true purpose of spiritual practices - Embracing the invisible realm Our message concludes with a powerful reminder that we were created to be whole and connected with the divine. To view past church services and messages, go to: For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Sep 25, 202334:33
Scientism (The Way I See it 2)

Scientism (The Way I See it 2)

Join us for our live church service, where we'll delve into a thought-provoking sermon on "Scientism." We'll discuss how deceptive systems of thinking can be significant obstacles that hinder individuals from knowing God, emphasizing that Christians are not immune to these challenges and must remain vigilant. We'll examine scientism's answers to the fundamental questions of existence: Where did we come from? What's wrong with the world? How do we fix it? Our discussion will shed light on the tension between reason, science, and spirituality. We'll also touch on the relationship between Christianity and science, highlighting that faith and science can coexist harmoniously. Science, in many ways, has been inspired by the notion of a knowable God who created an orderly world and entrusted humanity with its stewardship. We invite you to ponder the truth to apply from this message: Has scientism affected your perception of God, your understanding of the world, or your approach to life? Join us for this enlightening and enriching service as we explore the intersection of faith, reason, and the search for meaning in a complex world. Subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our weekly services and content! To view past church services and messages, go to: For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Sep 18, 202346:08
The View from the Cross (The Way I See it 1)

The View from the Cross (The Way I See it 1)

"The Way I See It" series offers an exploration of how our various perspectives shape our thoughts, values, and choices. In this series, listeners will dive into three fundamental questions about their worldview: Where did we come from? What's wrong with the world? and How do we fix it? Through 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, the series emphasizes the importance of recognizing and challenging false conceptions about reality, highlighting that even Christians must stay vigilant against deceptive systems of thinking. Ultimately, we want to see the world from the viewpoint of the cross, acknowledging the beauty and brokenness in the world, breaking down the divide between the sacred and secular, and emphasizing that Christianity is a truth with global significance, not just a private belief. To view past church services and messages, go to: For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Sep 11, 202336:12
Get Real (Made for More 4)

Get Real (Made for More 4)

Join us for a thought-provoking worship service as we continue our "Made for More" series with the message titled "Get Real." Delve into the question: Who are you, really? Explore the tensions between desires and authenticity, and learn how embracing your identity in Christ leads to an abundant and authentic life. Discover the truth that sin diminishes our true selves, while choosing to serve God empowers us. As we journey together, we'll uncover how becoming more like Jesus doesn't erase who you are; it reveals the person God designed you to be. Don't miss this impactful message on embracing your true self and leading a Spirit-led life. To view past church services and messages, go to: For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Sep 06, 202336:46
Experiencing Common-unity (Made for More 3)

Experiencing Common-unity (Made for More 3)

In this week's message we explore the truth that the abundant life cannot be fully experienced in isolation. Drawing from John 10:10 and Genesis 1:26-28, we delve into the divine nature of community and how it aligns with God's own Trinitarian relationship. Prepare to be enriched by the message as we dive into John 17:20-23, discovering the beauty of communal life with God. Uncover how community is not only divine and glorious but also deeply attractive, reflecting the countercultural love of Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit, we find our source of Christian unity, united by our common salvation, allegiance to Jesus, and shared love for God. As we journey together, we'll paint a vivid picture of Christian community—one where authenticity thrives, where acceptance meets growth, and where selfless giving replaces mere advice. To view past church services and messages, go to: For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Aug 31, 202333:34
God's Will: Your Joy (Made for More 2)

God's Will: Your Joy (Made for More 2)

In this week's installment of the "Made for More" series, we dive into the topic of joy. Drawing inspiration from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, we explore the profound idea that God desires our hearts to be filled with joy. Reflect with us on how joy can be present even amidst challenges and how it can be cultivated in our lives. Engage in worship that lifts your spirits and prepares your heart to receive a transformative message. Be a part of this meaningful experience as we uncover practical ways to grow in joy and walk in alignment with God's Spirit. To view past church services and messages, go to: For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Aug 21, 202330:57
The More You're Looking For (Made for More 1)

The More You're Looking For (Made for More 1)

Our church driveway was destroyed from flash flooding. Join us for our final outdoor church service. Next Sunday we will meet back at our building! Inspired by John 10:10, we're exploring the promise of a life beyond the ordinary, filled with purpose and abundance. We'll reflect on God's diagnosis of His people from Jeremiah 2:13, where God's people turned away from the true source of life. Join us as we discuss Jesus's cure, discover the significance of the Festival of Tabernacles, and uncover the point that true abundance springs from the source of life itself. Let's experience the joy of embracing the abundant life that Jesus offers. To view past church services and messages, go to: For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Aug 14, 202323:38
Luke 11:37-12:12 (A little bit of hypocrisy goes a long way)
Aug 07, 202338:54
Luke 11:14-36 (You have a heart condition)

Luke 11:14-36 (You have a heart condition)

Our church driveway was destroyed from flash flooding. We will hold Church services at Evans Park until repairs can be completed. Join us as we dive into Luke 11:14-36, exploring the theme of "You Have a Heart Condition." Through this message, we'll explore why some people have every reason to believe in Jesus but refuse, while others have every reason to doubt Him but don't. What's really going on in our hearts, and how can we address it? In the message, we'll uncover various excuses people use to disbelieve, the importance of not only being cleansed but also filled, and the significance of obedience in shaping the orientation of our hearts. As we explore the signs we seek and the signs we receive, we'll come to understand the profound truth that the posture of our hearts determines our alignment to Jesus. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Aug 02, 202338:42
Luke 11:1-13 Teach Us To Pray

Luke 11:1-13 Teach Us To Pray

How Does Jesus Teach Us To Pray to the Father? For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Jul 24, 202331:04
Luke 10:1-24 (The Sent Went)

Luke 10:1-24 (The Sent Went)

Our church driveway was destroyed from flash flooding. We will hold Church services at Evans Park until repairs can be completed. In this message, we'll explore the commissioning of the seventy-two followers of Jesus, their mission to prepare the way for His ministry, and the relevance of their experiences for us today. Discover the importance of prayer, our role as ambassadors, and the joy of living in the age of salvation. Don't miss this opportunity to gather together in worship, learn from God's Word, and experience the transformative power of the Gospel. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Jul 10, 202332:53
Luke 9:18-62 (King of the Mountain)

Luke 9:18-62 (King of the Mountain)

In this sermon based on Luke 9:18-62, we delve into the transformative message of following a crucified Lord and leading a cruciform life. Discover the profound meaning of surrender and obedience as we explore the challenges and rewards of living out our faith in a world that often values self-fulfillment over self-denial. Join us as we explore the rich teachings of Jesus and uncover practical applications for embracing the cruciform life in our daily walk with Him. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Jul 03, 202328:16
Luke 9:1-17 (The Final Clue)
Jun 26, 202324:26
Luke 8:19-56 (Demons & Daughters)
Jun 19, 202335:04
Luke 7:36-8:18 (How to Till the Soil of Your Heart)
Jun 12, 202342:18
Luke 7:1-35 (I Believe in Miracles)

Luke 7:1-35 (I Believe in Miracles)

In Luke 7:1-35, we dive into the transformative miracles performed by Jesus and their significance for our faith today. In the first account, Jesus heals the centurion's servant, revealing the contrast between the humble faith of the centurion and the perspective of the Jewish elders. Next, we encounter the story of Jesus raising a widow's son from the dead. We uncover the profound comfort this miracle brings to the grieving mother and draw parallels between Jesus and the prophet Elijah. As we journey through these miraculous events, we are reminded of C.S. Lewis's words: "Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see." We understand that miracles are not mere displays of power, but rather signs of God's Kingdom breaking into our lives through Jesus. Examining the story from John's perspective, we discover that although he did not witness the miracles firsthand, Jesus trusted that the testimony of others would be enough. We explore the profound implications of this trust and its relevance for our own faith. Lastly, we delve into Jesus and John's ministries, highlighting their different approaches and the unified message they shared—the coming of the kingdom of God. We confront the reality that people rejected both Jesus and John, often due to their preconceived notions and conflicting expectations. We challenge ourselves to align with the true nature of Jesus, submitting to His authority and resisting the temptation to shape Him according to our preferences. For more info about our church community, or to connect with us, go to

Jun 05, 202340:09
Luke 6:17-49 (The Sermon Not-on-the Mount)
May 30, 202341:48
Luke 5:27-6:16 (The Perpetual Requirements of Discipleship)
May 22, 202343:54
Luke 5:1-26 (Simon the Fisher & Jesus the Healer)
May 15, 202346:06