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Crystal Clear Podcast

Crystal Clear Podcast

By Crystal Hollman

Get clear on your business! This podcast helps the Creative Boss get empowered every week to elevate and grow a business that matches the creativity and passion you have for creating services, physical and digital products!
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3 Ways to Use Images in your Instagram Marketing

Crystal Clear PodcastFeb 16, 2020

How to Show Up for a Coaching Membership

How to Show Up for a Coaching Membership

You have finally made the big step to invest in yourself and your business by signing up for a coaching membership. Things are going great in the beginning. You're showing up to every coaching call, you're completing the monthly trainings, and you're collaborating with other members. But then your business picks up, you're drowning in the amount of work you have to do, and your coaching calls are starting to take a backseat.

I get it. It's tough to juggle everything, but it's important to remember that you are also a priority. So, here are three tips on how to navigate a coaching membership.

Commit to the Cause

Before you get overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to get done or the projects you have to do, mark the coaching call times on the calendar beforehand, so you don't miss a live opportunity to chat. Get to know other members and listen in on coaching topics designed to help you grow. Treat yourself like you would treat a client. Set aside time in your calendar to do the things you need to do for your business to succeed.

Often, business owners get caught up in their work for other people, and their own business falls to the wayside. Don't let that be you. You're just as important as your client, so make yourself a priority and commit to your new coaching membership. You will thank yourself later.

Show Up For You

Your coach may give you all the tools, but it's up to you to do the work. It's like the old saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink." You have to be willing to put in the time and effort to make your business the best it can be. If you're stuck, feeling insecure, unsure how to apply it to your product or services, I challenge you to ask for help from your coach or other members. That's why they're there. There's no shame in asking for help. You do what you have to do to turn your business into a successful one, so show up to the coaching calls because you will benefit from them.

Show Support

A community develops from supporting one another and helping each other grow. If you have feedback or maybe a solution you've used before - chime in and help your fellow members. Mark a 15-minute window a few times a week where you can intentionally pop into the Facebook group, browse what's going on, offer some support, or ask some questions you've had on your mind. More than likely, other people in the group have the same concerns or questions that you do. You're there to receive support just as much as you give it, so help support fellow members who may be feeling a little lost in their entrepreneurial journey.


You get out of a coaching membership as much as you put in. Make it a priority to keep up with the program because it genuinely can benefit you and your business if you stick with it. A lot of times, the people who don't see any change are the ones who stopped showing up for themselves. It takes discipline and consistency, but your business is just as important as the next. Continue to show up for your coaching membership each month like you did when you signed up.

If you feel like you've been in business too long, and you're still not reaching your goals, send us a message on Instagram. Let's talk about what we can do to change that. I've been there, and that's why I developed these systems and strategies for the Creative Boss Society. It will give you the tools to reach your new goals quickly and a pace you can manage.

Oct 29, 202010:38
My Top Business Apps I Can’t Live Without

My Top Business Apps I Can’t Live Without

I am so excited to talk to you today about the top business apps that I can't live without. I like to update people with what I'm currently using in my business in hopes that you, too, can become more organized and efficient. As my business has grown with Crystal Clear Creative Studios and now the Creative Boss Society, there are many moving parts. Some of the apps that I use have changed from what I used last year, and I wanted to share them with you.


It's the organizational core of my businesses - Crystal Clear Creative Studios and the Creative Boss Society. Everything like product photography and shot lists to client information is kept here. Along with branding information, graphics, hex codes, content calendars, and more!


You can use it for notes, create sections, templates, spreadsheets, etc. I love it because I can have a board in Notion and build out lesson plans and trainings. There are also sharing capabilities that allow me to share content and copy with my team.


I love Slack for team communication. It gives me one central place to track back-and-forth conversations with every team member. It's searchable, so I can search for attachments or photos that my team might have dropped and sent to me that I need to find and vice versa.


Dubsado has been great for my business because I can set up a portal and workflows for my clients. They have access to all their invoices each month, and they can access them at the end of the year for tax write-offs. Dubsado also keeps track of client contracts, documents that I've uploaded if I'm working with a new client, email follow-ups if something needs completion by a specific time, and more.


Unfold is one of the apps that I have on my phone that allows me to create social media graphics quickly.


Mojo is how I make all of the moving graphics used in my Instagram stories.

Voice Memo

I use voice memos for everything, especially when it comes to blogs. I could be out somewhere, and something inspires me, so I'll stop and do a voice memo, then go back, clean up the audio, and upload it or use it for later.


Voxer has become a great tool for many people in the coaching industry and just a lot of business owners in general. It allows you to have back-and-forth conversations with people at your leisure.


Those are some of the top tools that I'm currently using in my business. If you want to check it out or have some other questions on how I'm using some of these apps in my business, please let me know. Whether you're starting in your business or are already established, the Creative Boss Society will provide the direction, training, and tools you need to start selling confidently, all while being supported by your community and coach. You can also find me on Instagram, where I post tips and tricks to help you thrive as a business owner.

Oct 27, 202010:31
Why Market Research Matters When You're Starting Your Business

Why Market Research Matters When You're Starting Your Business

Market research is the number one way to get to know your ideal audience or client avatar. It will answer the questions of who you want to help, their problems, and if you can provide them with a solution. The more you can understand who it is you’re serving, the better you will be able to provide what they need.

Check the Competition

The first way to get the information you need is to check the competition. Go to people’s websites and social media profiles who have similar audiences to you or work in the same niche. Check what kind of content they post and what people are saying about it. Take note of how your competitors interact with their audience and what calls-to-action they use.

You can also subscribe to their email lists to see what kind of content they send out and how often. Gather information from different people and see how you can apply it to similar areas in your business.

Do not copy the competitors! The point of checking the competition is to gather information and apply it in a way that works best for you and your ideal audience. You can also better identify any gaps in the marketplace and fill them accordingly.

Identify the Target Market

Once you’ve done your research, identify the target market. Who is it that you want to help? What kind of people are looking for your services?

Market research makes things more clear as to who it is you’re trying to attract. You can then create content geared specifically towards that audience. Through your research, you will also identify specific words or phrases often used, which you can incorporate into your content to attract the right people for your business.

You can also go straight to the source and survey your target market. If you’re a relatively new business owner who hasn’t acquired an audience big enough to survey yet, start small. Ask friends and family if they know of anyone who fits your ideal client avatar. Facebook groups are also a good place to find your target audience.

Review Social Media Insights

Another great place to find some additional information on market research is in your social media analytics. Find out which content resonated most with your audience or had the most engagement. This includes likes, comments, and shares. Insights and analytics alone tell you right away what works and what doesn’t.

Your website is another great way to check your insights and see which pages are the most viewed. The data will tell you everything you need to know, including which content to make more of and which ones to scrap.

I recommend checking your insights often to see what works best for your audience on each platform. Some things work better than others depending on the social media platform. The more you check, the more familiar you will get with the content that resonates with your ideal audience.


Market research is crucial for any business owner and gives you a direction to work towards, will help you to identify your target market, and find out what sparks their interest. A little research goes a long way and provides the answers you need to create better content for your audience. 

Whether you’re starting in your business or are already established, the Creative Boss Society will provide the direction, training, and tools you need to start selling confidently, all while being supported by your community and coach. You can also find us on Instagram, where we post tips and tricks to help you thrive as a business owner.

Oct 22, 202014:42
My Top Tools for Editing and Creating Graphics

My Top Tools for Editing and Creating Graphics

I get a lot of questions and wonderful compliments about the graphics and the branding in the way that I do things. And so, I thought I would dive more into how I edit my graphics and photos and share my tips with you.

First Things, First

When it comes to editing, I have a set of presets that I have tweaked and developed based on how I like editing my photos. They're bright with loads of contrast. I shoot in a RAW format on my camera, which means I'm allowing the file to absorb as much data on the color and lighting as possible. Then, I cull through my photos and narrow them down to the best ones before bringing them into Lightroom. This is where I'll apply my presets because I know they already have the tweaks needed to make the photo better most of the time. And then I go through, and I have to make subtle adjustments.

The Types of Adjustments I Make

One of the most common adjustments I make to my photos is tweaking the brightness. Every day could be different, as well as the time of the day. So sometimes, I'll go through and make subtle adjustments if everything wasn't at the prime time that I tried to shoot that day. I adjust my whites and bring them up about 20 points or so. I like to drop the shadows down to keep the dark contrast and keep things that are dark, dark. Then, I will also adjust my lights and make them lighter.

From there, I'll bring my photos into Photoshop for some final touchups. I'm not a big fan of Photoshop, but I do use it for things like overlays. If there's a screenshot or blank tablet and I want to put a nice overlay - you get better mobility in Photoshop by manipulating the screenshot. If you have some fuzz on a shirt or lint on the floor of a flat lay and need to edit it off quickly - Photoshop is the best option.

If I need to add a screenshot or make any quick edits, I use the "healing tool" to take out little imperfections and things here and there. Then, I export my edited photos into Canva, which I use to create all of my graphics to avoid the rabbit hole that comes along with Photoshop, InDesign, and some of the more advanced programs.

Creating Graphics

I'd say about 80% of the graphics I create are done in Canva. You can use Photoshop, but I find it time-consuming since the program is more complicated and detailed than what I need. In Canva, I can quickly plug in my photos to pre-made templates, and they still have a high-quality resolution. I can make a quick design, export it fast, and get it out there.


Having these platforms makes my process for editing, creating photos, and graphics more efficient. I can rapidly produce lots of content and social media posts. So if you want to edit more like me or try to edit your flat lay, and you want better whites and brights, I recommend you check out my Presets Mini-Course.

I created a mini-course that includes videos of me pulling up a few photos and showing you how I make specific tweaks and adjustments based on common things that you'll find wrong. For example, why some images look very gray or the whites aren't white enough, different color tones based on the time of day the photo was taken, things like that.

I give you both Lightroom for mobile and desktop, in case you would rather stick to having the mobile format. If you have any questions about my process or some of the things that I do, send me a message. I answer questions like this all the time. You can also find me on Instagram.

Oct 20, 202008:55
What You Need to Know Before Starting a Business

What You Need to Know Before Starting a Business

Starting a business requires a lot of patience and determination. You have to be willing to make some sacrifices in your life, change your mindset, and keep pushing through when the going gets tough. But before you hit the ground running, there are a few key things you should know before you start your business.

Why? What? Who?

Why - The first and most crucial part of your business is knowing your "Why." Why are you doing what you're doing? What is the driving factor that pushes you to keep this business running? Your "why" gets you out of bed every morning, even when you're at your lowest.

What - What are your goals? What is it that you're trying to accomplish? Set small milestones that will help you get where you want to go. Start by creating small goals that are within reach. Not only will this help you stay on track towards the bigger picture, but you will build your confidence as you go along.

Who - Lastly, who is it that you're doing all of this for? Who is your ideal client? The one that you dream of working with or would benefit from your services or products. The more you know about them, the better you'll provide them with exactly what they need.

Prepare to Sacrifice

Within the first year of your business, prepare yourself to make sacrifices. Running a business takes a lot of time. The reality is that you'll work more hours for yourself than you ever did at your corporate, full-time job. That's entrepreneur life for you, but the reward is worth it when you see your hard work paying off.

The Money Doesn't Come Right Away

Starting a business doesn't mean instant profit. It could take a year or longer to see a consistent and profitable income. This is usually because, within the first year, your expenses go towards building a solid foundation for your business. So, before you start a business - don't quit your day job just yet. Set aside some money so that you can compensate for the days that your new business doesn't bring any income.


The thought of quitting will often cross your mind, but when it does - take a step back and reevaluate where you are in your business and if it's in the direction you want to be going. Know that you will have to pivot along the way and adjust to the many challenges that come your way, but these are the things that will make you stronger. Take those lessons, learn from them, and grow.

If you're seeking extra help and guidance along the way, check out my free resources here or you can join our membership - The Creative Boss Society.

Oct 15, 202017:04
Your Brand Story and the Role Your Images Play in Storytelling

Your Brand Story and the Role Your Images Play in Storytelling

Build the Foundation

Your brand story is what builds the foundation of your business. It’s what helps your ideal audience understand who you are, what you do, what you stand for, and why they should choose you. Your story is what they care about most and why they, ultimately, buy from you. Share the most authentic pieces of your story that people can relate to and care about.

Every story has a beginning, middle, and end. Your brand story is no different. The beginning is where you want to be clear. Who is this story for? The middle is where you address the problems and struggles your audience may have. And, the end is how you can help.

Your customers are the main characters of the story. You want to give them a visual example of where they fit into your brand. They need to be able to see themselves and their problems answered with the help of your product.

Where Your Photos Come In

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - people relate to people. The types of models you use, how they interact with your products, what they’re wearing - everything goes back to your brand story, and what it represents. When you know your ideal customer and understand their journey, it’s easier for you to create the right images that resonate with them most.

If you outsource your product photography, connect with someone who understands your story and how you want to share it. If you struggle to communicate your product photo ideas to your photographer, I cover everything you need to know here.

Your images should show how your products solve your customer’s problems. Use your photos as a way to capture how they make people feel, what it can do to help make life easier, etc. There’s a lot of power in visual storytelling. Share yours in a way that captivates your audience.


Every piece of your brand story (the good and the bad) needs to be told. It’s the not-so-glamorous parts that your audience will most likely relate to. How can you incorporate that into your visuals? Create solutions through your photos. Your brand story should show how you can help others solve their biggest problems and why you are the person who can solve it.

If you want to reevaluate your offer or go back to some of the necessary steps because your company is brand new, then let's talk. The Creative Boss Society is where I'm teaching other creatives how to use methods that I have applied in my brand and business to grow. I will help you get straight to the strategy that is working for you. Let me know if you have any questions. I'd love to help! You can also find me on Instagram.

Oct 13, 202009:32
The Importance of an Entrepreneurial Mindset

The Importance of an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Your mindset is everything when you’re starting in your business. Finding ways to practice a positive mindset routine can make all the difference when the going gets tough. Being an entrepreneur is no easy feat, but it can be so rewarding when you see your hard work come to fruition. It’s easy to feel bored or lost because you hear yourself all the time, but how is it really looking? Are you letting the negative thoughts get in the way of your abilities? Here are a few reasons why entrepreneurial mindset work is so important.

No Comparison Mindset

By now, you know that social media can be a blessing and a curse. Chances are at some point in your life, you have found yourself endlessly scrolling through your Instagram feed. Then, by the time you put your phone down, your mood has changed for the worse.

Subconsciously, you spent all that time comparing yourself to other entrepreneurs and their progress. You start doubting your capabilities and your services and wonder if this life is for you.I’m here to tell you that it is. Sometimes, we all need a little reminder that everyone is on their own path—focus on yourself and your success, and no one else’s. You have no idea what’s going on behind closed doors.

Remember that your journey is different than everyone else’s. Instead, turn comparison into inspiration for how to make things better in your own business. What’s working for that person that you can incorporate into your business? Not everyone is as perfect as social media makes them out to be.

You Are Enough Mindset

Don’t wait until you feel “ready” to take the next steps in your business because that day may never come. There’s no better time than the present to take action, whether you’re just beginning or scaling upwards. You have the tools to get started, and you can learn the rest along the way. Putting pressure on yourself to know everything is counterproductive. Free resources and content are great starting points, but eventually, you need to go for it. Don’t let your fear of failure hold you back from all the possibilities that are available to you. As long as you know that you will make mistakes along the way, learn from them, and keep going.

Abundance Mindset

One thing to be clear about right now is that there is room for you and your business in the online world. Despite what people say about there being too many entrepreneurs or that the market is too saturated is not true. You, too, can succeed as an entrepreneur, friend. It’s so important that you get rid of the scarcity mindset and start believing that you are capable of abundance. You can have that 6-figure launch you’ve always dreamed of, but you need to believe that you can do it. Sometimes, a little accountability and support can play a huge role in getting you where you want to be as a business owner. This is why I’ve created the Creative Boss Society. It’s an opportunity for you to get the systems and strategies you need to move your business forward.


Mastering your mindset is an ongoing process. There are so many different ways to work on yourself as a person and as a business owner. Know that the entrepreneurial journey is not an easy one, and you should be so proud of yourself for making the first steps towards a better you. If you need action plans that are straight forward and easy to implement, check out our membership program. Here, you’ll learn to leverage success, grow month to month, and develop new relationships with other business owners too!

Oct 09, 202016:06
3 Components of a High-End Brand

3 Components of a High-End Brand

Many small business owners that I work with really want to channel a high-end appeal. They want to put their best foot forward, and they are looking to do that through their visuals. Photography adds that high-end, tailor-made feel to your products if you do it right. So, here are three important components that you need to have for your high-end brands.

Quality and Luxury Appeal

First, you need quality and luxury appeal. That means having the best kind of props, the best kind of materials, the thought, and detail that go into every image. Instead of creating an image with ingredients that are brought together digitally, you invest in having a luxury appeal by using real fruits that you can cut up and put with your product. Sometimes the quality and luxury aren't about the props, but rather the details that go into it. Think about the pieces that make your product unique.

Solid Differentiator

The second component is a solid differentiator. Think to yourself - what are the things that you are coming back to? Do you keep coming back to this minimalist, clean style? Do you keep coming back to that bohemian type vibe? Do you lean hard into blacks and whites and accent details? What are the things you find yourself leaning hard into, and that you love to see for your brand? What do you think your ideal customer is going to resonate with? You have a similar style and trend in the way that your brand is showing up.

Natural Products

I've also noticed many brands are leaning more into natural products or products made of real ingredients that you can get at a store. Take skincare products, for example. Many brands want to show that they use natural ingredients. So, what do they do? They style their product photos using fresh fruits to help bring their product's story to life. You give your audience a better visual of what you bring to the table and make your product more appealing.


Once you decide your differentiator, choose what style and direction will fit you and your brand best. That specific thing that makes your product different from the rest needs to be in your detailed shots. It needs to be in the clothes that your model is wearing. It needs to be in everything. So that look, that feeling, that lifestyle translates 100% into everything that you're doing. When you're marketing and putting things out there, you are pulling in more and more of the ideal clients you want to have to buy your things.

If you want to reevaluate your offer or go back to some of the necessary steps because your company is brand new, then let's talk. The Creative Boss Society is where I'm teaching other creatives how to use methods that I have applied in my brand and business to grow. I will help you get straight to the strategy that is working for you. Let me know if you have any questions. I'd love to help! You can also find me on Instagram.

To continue your journey as a Creative Boss you can find me or

Oct 06, 202014:35
3 Tips to Keep your Photos Consistent
Jun 04, 202008:60
Ask for This in your Next Photoshoot!
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The Best Tips to Instantly Improve Beauty Product Images
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Vertical Images: The Product Photoshoot Must-Have!
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Create Beautiful Emails with this Tool!
Apr 30, 202006:15
How You Can Save Costs on Shipping to your Fav Photog!
Apr 23, 202009:24
Things that are Making your Business Look Unprofessional
Apr 16, 202011:11
My Top 4 Favorite Business Tools for 2020

My Top 4 Favorite Business Tools for 2020

Everyone has distinct likes and dislikes, and our brains all work in different ways. But as business owners, we’re all looking for the tools and systems that will allow us to run our businesses in the best way possible.

I just hit my 6th year in business, and I have spent so much time over those years trying to figure out what tools and systems were right for me. I wanted to get organized, have tools that work for the way I individually think and like to see information, and have a system that would allow me to scale my business. It’s only been in the past little while that I’ve finally gotten down to a method that really works for me, my team, my clients, and my partner in my other business, Creative Boss Method. Since business owners are often curious about tools others are using and whether or not they might be a good fit for them, here I’m going over my four favorite business tools and how I use them in my now successful system.Description

Catch the rest over on my blog at

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3 Ways to Use Images in your Instagram Marketing
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If You Don't Have These Things...Good Photography Won't Help You
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Use a Style Guide Ebook to Transform Your Photoshoot!
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