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Scammed Wellness

Scammed Wellness

By Curissa Groll

Hello, I’m Curissa Groll. I’m currently working on my masters in Human Nutrition. I obviously love health and wellness but throughout my life I discovered a dark side to the wellness industry. Scammed Wellness is a podcast dedicated to breaking down the scams, scandals, and swindles within the wellness industry. I use the power of storytelling to illustrate these narratives. Storytelling allows us to immerse ourselves into the stories of others, which can help us gain perspective of the world around us.
Currently playing episode

Episode 12: The Story Behind the Infamous Liver King, Steroids, and Their Impact on Our Health

Scammed Wellness Oct 05, 2023

Episode 12: The Story Behind the Infamous Liver King, Steroids, and Their Impact on Our Health

Episode 12: The Story Behind the Infamous Liver King, Steroids, and Their Impact on Our Health

Liver King, formally known as Brian Johnson is now an infamous health and wellness influencer who struck fame in mid 2020 with his outlandish, viral videos of eating raw liver and other meats. He has made it his life purpose to spread his nine ancestral tenants and encourage everyone to eat raw meat, just like our ancestors did. What he doesn't want you to know is that his muscular physique comes from the use of anabolic steroids and hormone injections, all while cashing in on his multiple million dollar supplement companies. In this episode we learn more about Liver King's past and how his impact sends a dangerous message to the wellness community.

Resources linked down below.






Resources for help.

Oct 05, 202326:32
Episode 11: happy 1 year to the podcast, let's get vulnerable
Jun 13, 202316:00
Episode 10: The Olaplex Lawsuit Scandal and Hair Care in the Wellness Industry
Mar 16, 202320:04
Episode 9: Rainbow Diet Pills, the Fen-Phen Scandal, and the Resurgence of Weight-loss Medication

Episode 9: Rainbow Diet Pills, the Fen-Phen Scandal, and the Resurgence of Weight-loss Medication

Disclaimer: The information provided in today’s episode is not intended nor should be used for diagnosing or treating a health condition or disease, and if you’re seeking personal medical advice you should consult with a board certified physician.

In today's episode we discuss the rainbow diet pill, also referred to as the perfect drug cocktail that famous Hollywood movie stars, like Debbie Reynolds and Judie Garland allegedly took to keep up with the demands of show business. Then we transition into Fen-Phen a popular non-approved weight loss medication that eventually led to severe heart conditions. I wrap up these scandals discussing how some weight-loss medications work, specifically with our hunger/fullness cues and digestion. With the popularity in medications like Ozempic I felt this episode was needed! Although, I have my expert views on weight-loss medication I acknowledge some of the nuance regarding weight loss medication as a treatment to weight loss and obesity. This episode was created to inform you on weight loss medications so that you can make informed decisions moving forward with your health. 

As always thank you for listening! Follow the podcast on Instagram @Scammedwellnesspodcast!


Feb 24, 202326:01
Episode 8: Diet Pills, Ephedra Deaths, and How to Actually Set Productive Goals
Jan 19, 202321:13
Episode 7: The Story of Taste and the Mystery of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Episode 7: The Story of Taste and the Mystery of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

MSG is a popular food enhancer that is responsible for giving food an umami flavor- one of the five tastes humans have. MSG was is found in many foods found in nature like meat, cheese, and vegetables. MSG is has been used in some processed foods and in popular chain restaurants like KFC. But for some people MSG can cause allergy like symptoms. For many years Asian food, specifically Chinese food in America has been blamed for the MSG intolerance some individuals experience. However, when looking deeper at the history of MSG and the research we learn that there's always more to the story. In this weeks episode we explore the story of taste, what the research actually says about MSG, and the unfortunate reality blaming a single ethnicity has led to. 

Support the Podcast:

If you would like to support the podcast please follow @ScammedWellnessPodcast on Instagram and/or leave a review on Apple Podcast or Spotify. You can also share the episode with a friend. 

As always, thank you for listening!


Zanfirescu A, Ungurianu A, Tsatsakis AM, et al. A review of the alleged health hazards of monosodium glutamate [published correction appears in Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2020 Jul;19(4):2330]. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2019

We Can't Talk About MSG Without Talking About Racism. ​Frankie Haung. Men's Health. November 2021.

Oct 21, 202216:10
Episode 6: The Magic of Essential Oils, Gary Young, and the Danger of Wellness Multi Level Marketing

Episode 6: The Magic of Essential Oils, Gary Young, and the Danger of Wellness Multi Level Marketing

Essential oils have been around for centuries. The only difference now is they are manufactured on a larger scale. Touted for their broad abilities and DIY home remedies. From aiding a stomachache, removing toe fungus, and curing cancer. However, the science isn't matching up to the claims, and worse the idea to capitalize on essential oils has led to some pretty risky business moves and corruption. If you haven't heard of wellness multi-level marketing companies episode 7 dives into the false promise of alternative medicine and unethical business practices. A company called Young Living, started by Gary Young started in the 90s took off convincing people that essential oils were the cure to all their worries. Sadly, something more tragic lies behind the success of Young Living. Lies, unethical medical practice, false claims, and even death. 


Stacey's story 

(Un)Well episode 1: Essential Oils . 2020.

Young's Background

Young Living

MLM Research

Marguerite DeLiema, et al. Study of Multilevel Marketing: Profiling Participants and their Experiences in Direct Sales. AARP. 2018.

Scientific Literature on Essential Oils 

Valdivieso-Ugarte M, Gomez-Llorente C, Plaza-Díaz J, Gil Á. Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, and Immunomodulatory Properties of Essential Oils: A Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2019;11(11):2786. Published 2019 Nov 15. doi:10.3390/nu11112786

PDQ Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies Editorial Board. Aromatherapy With Essential Oils (PDQ®): Patient Version. In: PDQ Cancer Information Summaries. Bethesda (MD): National Cancer Institute (US); August 16, 2022.

Oct 05, 202219:12
Is Red Wine the Fountain of Youth? Agism in the Wellness Industry

Is Red Wine the Fountain of Youth? Agism in the Wellness Industry

What if you could take a pill that reversed aging? Well, David Sinclair, a biologist and Harvard genetics professor, had high hopes when he discovered resveratrol, a molecule found in grapes could help reverse the effects of aging like inflammation and cell growth. He claimed one day there would be a pill people could take that would solve all of our aging problems. The media had a field day with his findings and soon resveratrol made its way into wellness as the new fad food. Better yet, you could find resveratrol in wine! But what happens when research studies go wrong? When the findings aren't always what they seem? The story of resveratrol is a great example of trusting the data too soon, before it's replicated over and over by other scientist. Today's story is about one scientist who got too ahead of himself which led to criticism and conflicts of interest.....all in the name of aging and fame.


Gupta SC, Kunnumakkara AB, Aggarwal S, Aggarwal BB. Inflammation, a Double-Edge Sword for Cancer and Other Age-Related Diseases. Front Immunol. 2018;9:2160. Published 2018 Sep 27. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2018.02160

Brenjian S, Moini A, Yamini N, et al. Resveratrol treatment in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome decreased pro-inflammatory and endoplasmic reticulum stress markers. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2020;83(1):e13186. doi:10.1111/aji.13186

Martins L.A.M., Coelho B.P., Behr G., Pettenuzzo L.F., Souza I.C.C., Moreira J.C.F., Borojevic R., Gottfried C., Guma F.C.R. Resveratrol induces pro-oxidant effects and time-dependent resistance to cytotoxicity in activated hepatic stellate cells. Cell Biochem. Biophys. 2014;68:247–257. doi: 10.1007/s12013-013-9703-8.

Salehi B, Mishra AP, Nigam M, et al. Resveratrol: A Double-Edged Sword in Health Benefits. Biomedicines. 2018;6(3):91. Published 2018 Sep 9. doi:10.3390/biomedicines6030091

Aug 25, 202218:31
Jilly Juice the Detox Drink That Can Do It All

Jilly Juice the Detox Drink That Can Do It All

Jillian Epperly was not a biochemist or a medical doctor. Jillian didn't even have a background in human physiology or health, but what she did have was an idea and way to promote her idea. Jillian created the detox drink known as Jilly Juice which consists of pureed cabbage, kale, water, and a lot of salt, which she claimed could cure a list of diseases and conditions. From cancer to homosexuality the deeper into the list you get the more offensive the claims. But what comes next are the waterfalls and purging which is just a fun way Jillian likes to say you'll have extreme cases of diarrhea, headaches, stomach cramps, and more. In episode 4 we break down the story of Jilly Juice and the dangers when we put our fate into the hands of non-experts and detoxes.  

References and Resources:

Jillian's book

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025

Dr. Phil episode of Jilly Juice

Jul 20, 202214:40
Self-help Guru James Arthur Ray, Sweat Lodge Deaths, and Culture Appropriation within Wellness

Self-help Guru James Arthur Ray, Sweat Lodge Deaths, and Culture Appropriation within Wellness

James Arthur Ray was a popular self-help guru in the early 2000s. Appearing on talks shows like Oprah and being in a popular documentary called The Secret, James’ career took off, along with his ego. In 2009 James leads a sweat lodge ceremony that ends in three deaths. In this weeks episode we break down the self-help side of wellness along with the culture appropriation that the wellness industry is famous for.


Welton S, Minty R, O'Driscoll T, et al. Intermittent fasting and weight loss: Systematic review. Can Fam Physician. 2020;66(2):117-125.

Books mentioned 

The Science of Success: How to Attract Prosperity and Create a Life of Balance Through Proven Principles

and Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism  

Jul 05, 202215:39
Meth-like compound found in Craze pre-workout, victim’s stories, and the supplement industry

Meth-like compound found in Craze pre-workout, victim’s stories, and the supplement industry

The supplement industry is another billion dollar market that’s entwined in the wellness industry. Body builders, professional athletes, to the every day person probably uses supplements. It’s even reported that half of the U.S. population is taking some type of supplement— see the end for sources. Supplements have their place, but are not a substitute for food. They’re also not regulated by the FDA. This means supplements are not held to the same quality control standards as food and drugs. Matt Cahill, the founder of Craze pre-workout, is a prime example of taking advantage of a non-regulated market. You might have heard of the meth-like substance found in Craze pre-workout back in 2012, when athletes started failing drug tests and reports of liver damage where associated with the pre-workout. If not here’s the story, and the stories of those impacted, along with my expert advice when it comes to navigating the supplement industry.


Cohen PA, Travis JC, Venhuis BJ. A methamphetamine analog (N,α-diethyl-phenylethylamine) identified in a mainstream dietary supplement. Drug Test Anal. 2014;6(7-8):805-807. doi:10.1002/dta.1578 - Lab test that detected N,a-DEPEA

Chen F, Du M, Blumberg JB, et al. Association Among Dietary Supplement Use, Nutrient Intake, and Mortality Among U.S. Adults: A Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2019;170(9):604-613. doi:10.7326/M18-2478 - Observational study showing that supplements did not improve over all mortality in U.S. adults compared to nutrient intake from foods. 

Information on DEPEA and DMAA from the FDA and NSF

USA Today articles of the story 

Jun 22, 202218:59
Belle Gibson, the Rise of the Wellness Influencer, and Fake Cancer Diagnosis

Belle Gibson, the Rise of the Wellness Influencer, and Fake Cancer Diagnosis

Belle Gibson was one of the first mega influencers in 2013. Belle launched an app called, The Whole Pantry where she falsely claimed her recipes cured her cancer. In 2015 Belle was exposed for never having any of the cancers she claimed, and soon her empire crumbled. Listen to find out why you should always be cautious when it comes to wellness influencers. For more insight check out the links below. 


“The Shocking Story of the Rise and Fall of Instagram's First Super-Influencer Belle Gibson'' must have been removed from YouTube, but you can watch the 60 Minutes interview here or through BBC's documentary the Bad Influencer via a paywall here

Amazon review of the Whole Pantry cookbook (the book has been removed from purchasing)

Media/News Articles used for reference

Jun 06, 202215:28