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Faith, Family & Freedom with Curtis Bowers

Faith, Family & Freedom with Curtis Bowers

By Curtis Bowers

Welcome to Faith, Family, and Freedom with Curtis Bowers! On this podcast, we'll uncover the agenda of those that seek to destroy our country from within, and what we can do to fight back and make a difference. We'll also discuss how to purposefully protect our children and grandchildren from the Marxist agenda and prepare them for real success in life. To preserve this great land, we must be wise, both in strategy and action. Change begins with understanding our enemy and ourselves, in our fight for true liberty.
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Faith, Family & Freedom with Curtis BowersFeb 25, 2023

WAR is RAGING on EVERY Side: It’s Time to Stand Up and Be Counted

WAR is RAGING on EVERY Side: It’s Time to Stand Up and Be Counted

We face an existential war against freedom. Curtis details the different battles engulfing us on every side, and explains how significant these conflicts are. Where is the Ukraine War headed? Why is our two-party system so corrupt? How is public health being weaponized against freedom? Is there any difference between Big Pharma and criminal drug cartels? Why are the attacks against patriots being escalated every day? What is the next big CRISIS? How can you protect your health and that of your loved ones? What does it mean to stand?

May 31, 202440:15
The GREAT CROSSROADS: Patriotism or Globalism

The GREAT CROSSROADS: Patriotism or Globalism

Americans are more divided than they have ever been. Half of the country wants to go in one direction, while the other half wants to go in the exact opposite direction. Since taking office, every action of the Biden regime has been for the purpose of World government. Unlike the globalists, the patriots want America to return to God, the Constitution, and America First. It is impossible to walk in two different directions down the same road at the same time. America stands at a crossroads between patriotism and globalism, and major events this year could decide the outcome. By January 2025, will we clearly know which road we are taking?

May 24, 202455:28
FREE and FAIR Elections? With Cleta Mitchell
May 17, 202439:21


Curtis covers a variety of important topics, including the wisdom of good books and documentaries, learning how to do hard things, the Marxist agenda behind the riots on college campuses, the rise in anti-semitism, the threat of civil unrest before the 2024 elections, and how God could use today’s crises for good. 

May 10, 202457:44
Hospitals Are No Longer Safe

Hospitals Are No Longer Safe

Curtis comments on several video clips that expose the deliberate move in our health system to stop helping people live long and healthy lives and instead create sick, prescription-dependent individuals. Once God has been dethroned, humans have been demoted, and the climate cult has decreed that we are a “disease” on the planet, everything they are doing makes sense. There is much we must do to rebuild a culture of life; in the meantime, we need to create alternative options for health emergencies.

May 04, 202456:02
The JFK Assassination and Why It Still Matters, Part 2

The JFK Assassination and Why It Still Matters, Part 2

The JFK assassination is one of the most significant events in the destruction of the America of our Founding Fathers. At that moment, unelected bureaucrats seized the levers of power, knowing that if they could get away with murdering the president, they could get away with anything. Curtis breaks down the real story behind the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, and the murder of Robert F. Kennedy. Since the War of 1812, almost every major historical event has been rewritten to promote a pernicious agenda.

Apr 26, 202444:12
The JFK Assassination and Why It Still Matters

The JFK Assassination and Why It Still Matters

Curtis reviews essential facts from Jerome Corsi’s new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis, and the recent film, JFK: What the Doctors Saw. Both provide further proof that JFK was not assassinated by a “lone” gunman. Curtis also explains why the CIA had to take out JFK and why they are still trying to cover it up. The assassination was clearly a coup d’état by the CIA, which has given them total control of our country ever since.

Apr 19, 202450:01
The Depopulation Cult is Alive and Well

The Depopulation Cult is Alive and Well

Curtis answers some of your questions and shows how the eugenics movement is bigger than it has ever been. Unfortunately, the eugenics movement did not end after the atrocities of Adolf Hitler and Margaret Sanger were exposed. The death cult simply re-packaged and rebranded their efforts to eliminate “human weeds” from the earth, under the mantra of “saving the planet.”

Apr 13, 202401:01:35
Pushing Perversion to Collapse the Culture

Pushing Perversion to Collapse the Culture

Curtis shares a talk he gave to a group in Oklahoma City on the state of America, and what believers must do to restore our land. Curtis discusses Joe Biden‘s transgender visibility day, China’s increasing threat to the U.S., and why Christians must get out of woke churches and the failing government schools.

Apr 08, 202441:20
LAWFARE: The Battle Ram of Tyranny

LAWFARE: The Battle Ram of Tyranny

Just as in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, criminal governments today are perverting the judicial system to punish all opposition to the tyrants in power. Unfortunately, America has followed suit in this evil since the Deep State pulled off the coup of 2020. Curtis explains why lawfare is so deadly and how it will not stop with just the big opposition targets. With the J6 political prisoners and the incredible case of Paul Vaughn, they have clearly shown that they will not stop until everything has been destroyed.

Mar 29, 202440:00
COMMUNISM is Liberty's Mortal Enemy

COMMUNISM is Liberty's Mortal Enemy

Curtis explains that many still fail to understand that America was taken over in a Marxist coup in 2020. West Point’s removal of “Duty, Honor, Country” is a revealing indicator of their success. Today’s Marxists admire mass-murdering Vladimir Lenin and are seeking to recreate the evil system he invented. Communism is Satanic and the greatest enemy to freedom and humanity the world has ever seen. Now is the time to boldly and faithfully stand.

Mar 23, 202442:03
Answering Your Questions

Answering Your Questions

This week Curtis answers some of your questions dealing with everything from, The Great Taking, Taxing the "Wealthy," Prodigal Children, Discerning the Times, The CIA and Solar Generators.

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Mar 15, 202441:43
Why Hasn’t The Economic Bubble Burst? with David McAlvany
Mar 09, 202450:51
The Marxist Communist Threat
Mar 02, 202456:53
Indoctrinating Our Children to Death with Alex Newman
Feb 24, 202443:53
Lessons Learned From The Book of Life

Lessons Learned From The Book of Life

Most of the poor decisions that are made everyday are a result of not understanding the times and not having the wisdom to discern the difference between the narrative and reality.  In this episode Curtis goes through many important concepts that must be understood to successfully navigate life.  America is collapsing because far too few people have been students of the book of life.

Feb 17, 202437:49


Curtis breaks down many current issues that are awakening millions of people in a variety of groups. These issues include the open talk about the coming release of a new bio-weapon, the no-win Ukraine war, increased mortality rates from the Toxic shot, Planned starvation through cutting food production, enemies being welcomed at the open border, and attempts by our elected official to install a permanent dictatorship.

Feb 10, 202447:28
Answering Your Questions: Border Crisis, Threats to America, Alternative Medicine, and Strategic Action

Answering Your Questions: Border Crisis, Threats to America, Alternative Medicine, and Strategic Action

Curtis answers many of your questions, including: Is Communism or Islam a greater threat? Is Texas Governor Greg Abbott a true conservative? How can I “wake” the troops right where I am? How should I prepare for a “grid-down” scenario? And, what are good resources for alternative medicine?

Feb 03, 202449:15
The Great BIG Takeover

The Great BIG Takeover

Curtis outlines three areas in which the current BIG Government is accelerating the complete collapse of America. First, they are welcoming hundreds of thousands of illegals into our country each month through the open border. Second, the establishment is looking for the right crisis to confiscate all private property through “The Great Taking.” Third, our leaders have ignored the Chinese threat by funding China’s military build-up and purposefully allowing them to obtain a foothold in our republic. Curtis shares a lot of things to think about as we prepare for uncertain times.

All references made in the episode to additional resources is at

Jan 27, 202447:57
Medical MURDER During COVID-19 with Scott Schara
Jan 20, 202459:58


Curtis lays out the case that the globalists are all communists. While many believe they are different, Curtis shows why they are not. Every major communist dictator of the last 100+ years was put in power, funded, and protected by the global elites. Every anti-American, anti-freedom cause or movement today is funded by these same tyrants, including COVID-19, Climate change, chem-trails, open borders, fraudulent elections, fake news, Marxist Universities, toxic medications, mutilation of our children, weaponization of justice, the destruction of the family, and the Great Reset. If we don’t understand this, we won’t be ready for the next BIG thing the Marxist manipulators are planning.

Jan 13, 202457:21
Jan 06, 202446:16
Looking Back on 2023: Looking Toward 2024

Looking Back on 2023: Looking Toward 2024

Because life moves so rapidly, it is very easy to forget lessons learned along the way and become overwhelmed by the avalanche of information. Curtis reflects on essential lessons from 2023 and explains why 2024 will likely be one of the most pivotal years yet. As the old year comes to a close, let us prepare and organize purposefully to maximize our influence in the months to come.

Dec 30, 202340:22
Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas!

Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas!

Please watch the video with your family, if you can, at:

Curtis discusses the significance of this Christmas season, suggests ways you can make it more purposeful, and explains why Jesus truly was the greatest gift ever given. We hope it will be an episode the whole family can watch together and that it will give each a grateful heart for all that they have been given.

Dec 15, 202330:17
Dec 09, 202351:48
The Digital Surveillance Cage For 2030

The Digital Surveillance Cage For 2030

With the new 50 in 5 program, the United Nations and the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations are attempting to get 50 countries within 5 years to go fully digital on all information – payments, tracking, tracing, recording, and monitoring of every citizen. Censorship, surveillance, and retaliation are the three primary components the elites are implementing to trap all who seek freedom in a digital prison. Once a digital ID, CBDC, and a global data-sharing network are added to their arsenal of weapons, all resistance will be easily crushed. If we do not push back now and organize to set up parallel systems, resistance will almost be impossible.

Dec 02, 202346:19
Remembering Our Incredible Heritage

Remembering Our Incredible Heritage

Curtis highlights our stalwart forefathers and the monumental examples they left of standing with courage, sacrificing for the coming generations, and dying for the truth. As American culture collapses, it is critical to reflect on those who have come before for direction. We can be the heroes of the next generation. As He has in the past, God is raising up a remnant today to stand, submit to His authority, and say, “Here am I, send me.”

Nov 24, 202355:21
Unmasking Marxist Narratives and Agendas with Diana West
Nov 18, 202356:55
Is The NEW WORLD ORDER Finished?

Is The NEW WORLD ORDER Finished?

We live in possibly the most pivotal time in world history. For over 100 years, globalists have pursued totalitarian control of every human on the planet. Their stunning successes caused them to pridefully push their agenda too hard and fast over the last four years. Their dramatic tyranny included lockdowns, forced experimental vaccinations, the 2020 election steal, the criminal pursuit of political opponents, and purposeful economic collapse. Because millions have awakened and started to resist, many freedom fighters are saying the NWO is over, and we have won! Curtis outlines four key areas for action and explains why thinking the opposition will disappear is very dangerous.

Nov 11, 202341:21


The Marxist Left knows that a global totalitarian government is impossible with America in the way, and the best way to destroy America is to make sure we forget God. To this end, Leftists have systematically removed prayer, Bible reading, and the Ten Commandments from government schools and replaced them with evolution, pornography, and perversion. Now, they are seeking to cancel those who remind Americans of their Godly Heritage and the blessings God provides for obedience to His Word. Curtis interviews David Fiorazo to discuss this very important topic.

Nov 07, 202340:57
The 2ND Amendment and Why It Matters

The 2ND Amendment and Why It Matters

Curtis discusses the importance of our second amendment rights and what “God-given rights” really are. Some on the Left are now pursuing a constitutional convention to eliminate these rights in order to unleash tyranny on the American people and further their global objectives. The Second Amendment is one of the most significant battle in American history. We must educate others, so that all who love freedom will stand now while it can still be done peacefully.

Nov 03, 202344:37
The COURAGE To STAND: Do You Have It?

The COURAGE To STAND: Do You Have It?

The character quality of courage has been deliberately assaulted over the last 100 years. Radical leftists plotted to destroy society and neutralize men by feminizing them, drugging them, and brainwashing them into believing that masculinity was “toxic.” Today’s American men and women must dig deep and rediscover the courage required to stand against the engineered collapse of our civilization. Significant events in the near future may force us to rise up and take back the country from the enemies within.

Oct 20, 202348:10
Is There A Master Plan Behind The Hamas Attacks?
Oct 13, 202328:10
WHEN The CHURCH must STAND against The STATE with Mike McClure

WHEN The CHURCH must STAND against The STATE with Mike McClure

During Covid, churches were labeled “nonessential” and most pastors nationwide conceded by closing their doors. When Pastor Mike McClure of Calvary Chapel San Jose refused, state and county government officials surveilled church attendees and fined the church over $3 million, in hopes of permanently closing the church and sending him to jail. Curtis interviews Pastor McClure, who tells the incredible story of how God protected and blessed his congregation’s courageous obedience to “go into the house of the Lord.”

Oct 06, 202349:54
Preparing For The Crises The Elites Are Planning

Preparing For The Crises The Elites Are Planning

Curtis reacts to financial analyst Andy Schectman’s explanation of how the elites are moving to destroy the dollar at the moment the CBDC is ready to go. Elites want to take America down, so we will be poorer and more dependent on them. Curtis discusses how we can prepare for crisis in important areas, and highlights a few of the products he got at the Prepper Camp that may be useful for preparing for the unknown.
Here are the links to the four products Curtis got at the Prepper Camp and thought you might want to consider getting as well.

Sun Oven - Cook, bake, dehydrate, slow-cook, & boil foods. Boil or pasteurize water for safe drinking.
Sterilize equipment, dry herbs or kindling. They offered a FREE cookbook for the Agenda Weekly family. That’s included using the link below.

RockPot - No Propane? No Power? No Problem. We understand the importance of being able to cook your food no matter the situation. Our Rockpot can heat like a stovetop, bake like an oven, and cook like a slow cooker. Click the link below to see more details and order.

RADIO MADE EASY - Evan will personally answer your questions and set up your system to be very easy to use. These Ham radios are a low cost solution to communicating with the likeminded family and friends in your community when the grid goes down or just in everyday life. There are NO MONTHLY FEES with these units.

Here is a video that explains what RADIO MADE EASY offers: - Ghost phones or laptops and many other items that help your life be more private. Sean is just getting his business up and running and will be adding more items soon.

Sep 29, 202340:03
De-Constructing the Theory of DEVOLUTION

De-Constructing the Theory of DEVOLUTION

Over the last several years many have started to believe the theory of Devolution.  Devolution is the belief that President Trump and the military are still in power and behind the scenes, they are setting things up to trap all the corrupt politicians and free the world from the Deep State.  Today Curtis goes through the idea and the new documentary pushing it, “The Greatest Show on Earth.”  He believes it is a dangerous lie that the marxist are using to buy themselves a little more time to finish setting up their one world government.

Sep 22, 202334:40
THE C.I.A.: THUGS of the N.W.O.

THE C.I.A.: THUGS of the N.W.O.

Curtis explains how the CIA is simply the strong arm of the New World Order. Directly after World War II, the globalists established the CIA as a secret organization to ruthlessly achieve their goals and to brainwash the populace using Nazi techniques. CIA fingerprints are on many of the dirty deeds of the last 80 years – including the JFK assassination, the 2014 regime change in Ukraine, 9/11, and gain-of-function bio-labs.

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Sep 15, 202345:01
Building Back Better: FAMILY ECONOMIES with The Groves Family
Sep 08, 202333:21
Why Must The Marxists Abolish The Family? with SCOTT BROWN

Why Must The Marxists Abolish The Family? with SCOTT BROWN

Curtis interviews Scott Brown to discuss why Karl Marx wanted to abolish the family. Tragically, Marx's philosophies have influenced billions worldwide and the family is quite literally "hanging by a thread." It has been 150 years in the making, but little is left that hasn't been severely tarnished by the disciples of Marx. Curtis and Scott also talk about ways to break free from this pervasive propaganda and once again rebuild family, church, and community the way God intended them to be.

To register for the conference, October 26-28, 2023

Sep 01, 202342:32
10 Signs The Globalists Are Engineering Society For Slavery

10 Signs The Globalists Are Engineering Society For Slavery

Curtis breaks down 10 signs that prove elites are pushing the world toward tyranny, including the demolition of energy and food infrastructure, the mass collection of biometric data, and the elimination of blue and white-collar jobs. Curtis also addresses the difference between leaders who are ignorant and those who are evil and shows that their clock-like consistency demonstrates their actions are not bumbling “mistakes,” but willfully evil. There is always a purposeful agenda behind every seemingly unrelated action.

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If you haven’t had a chance to purchase and read “DURABLE TRADES” by Rory Groves, please get a couple copies. Every high school and college age student in America should read it. Any man wondering is there something I could do on my own to be self employed? It covers over 60 trades, that even with all the advances in technology have hardly changed at all over the last few centuries.

Aug 25, 202333:22
Aug 18, 202343:11
BLACKROCK: Masters of the Universe with ALEX NEWMAN
Aug 11, 202347:01


Curtis breaks down the weaponization of food and the globalists’ end goals. Global elites want to cut population and increase poverty in prosperous countries by creating food and energy shortages, eliminating private food production through massive regulations, and monopolizing food through genetically modified products. Stalin starved five million, Mao starved over 30 million, and today’s elites want to eliminate seven and a half billion people to “save the planet.” Curtis gives practical advice on how to unplug from the “Big System” and educate others to do the same.

Aug 08, 202340:35


Curtis interviews David McAlvany to discuss the worsening global economic landscape. How can people protect the wealth that they have, and take advantage of bargain prices in real estate, stocks, and other assets in the coming years? How soon might a serious recession hit the U.S.? How will rising interest rates impact governments, businesses, and people who are buried in debt?

To find out if your bank has a good rating or for more information on buying gold or silver, go to:

Jul 28, 202356:54
Jul 21, 202353:10
The CONDITIONS are RIGHT for CIVIL WAR. What will be the spark?

The CONDITIONS are RIGHT for CIVIL WAR. What will be the spark?

Many wonder what the spark will be that "starts the fire" in America, but Curtis explains why studying the conditions necessary for fire is far more valuable. Covid, famines, war, riots, inflation, and new “pandemics” are among the potentially flammable materials. Two conditions indicate a civil war is possible: Those in power are clearly desperate to solidify total control, and those who are now awake are more determined than ever to no longer be controlled. These are clearly conditions for disaster, and any spark will do.

Jul 14, 202346:02
The Arrogant Takedown of AMERICA

The Arrogant Takedown of AMERICA

Curtis details how the patient, methodical Marxist subversion deployed from the 1920s to the 2010s has now been exchanged for an angry, arrogant, exaggerated race to the finish line. America isn’t going to collapse; it has already collapsed. We must not fall prey to the many global crises being prepared to permanently cement global tyranny. Americans must face reality if we are ever to have a chance of taking our country back and rebuilding. Curtis explains actions to consider today in light of this reality.


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Jul 08, 202348:36
Answering Your Questions: Ukraine, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and The Last Revolution

Answering Your Questions: Ukraine, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and The Last Revolution

Curtis answers many of your questions, including: Did Zelensky really say he was going to cancel Ukraine’s elections? Did Bill Gates really predict a deadly pandemic affecting children by 2025? What does it mean that we are in the last revolution? What can we do about the war on our children? Curtis also explains how to see through a culture of lies.

Jun 30, 202356:15
Hacking The Human Genome: To Engineer the Perfect Communist

Hacking The Human Genome: To Engineer the Perfect Communist

Curtis analyzes an interview with Brandon Weichert to discuss the Communist Chinese government’s radical quest to genetically engineer the perfect communist and then use bio-weapons to eliminate all opposition. The CCP is dead set on world domination, and American money and scientists are aiding their mission. China has only grown more powerful since 1973, when globalist David Rockefeller said, “China is the model for the world.”


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for a WEEKLY summary of the news you need to know, prayer and action items, additional videos and articles. Subscription is $5/month.

Enter CODE: PATRIOT for first month FREE!

Jun 24, 202349:07
Government Subsidized Child Trafficking with DIEGO RODRIGUEZ
Jun 16, 202301:25:02