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Tune In to Take One

Tune In to Take One

By C. Francis

Transforming, Affirming, Kindling, Edifying. One life at a time. A podcast that endeavors to bring depth of content to listeners by creating connections through common and everyday experiences.

No drama, no division, nothing offensive; no gossip, no politics, nothing intended to spark controversy. Only educational topics and supportive information intended to refresh and counterbalance all the negativity that surrounds us.
Currently playing episode

Social Exclusion & Isolation

Tune In to Take OneMar 17, 2023

Social Exclusion & Isolation

Social Exclusion & Isolation

Who doesn't enjoy some alone time to rest, relax and refresh? While occasionally "getting away" can be restorative, extensive isolation can have physical and emotional consequences.

Social exclusion is the repetitive, intentional, and aggressive exclusion of someone to cause emotional harm to that person and is not much different than verbal and physical bullying. In fact, social exclusion is now recognized as a subgroup of bullying. Therefore, isolation or exclusion instigated by a bully, or another person may affect a person's sense of self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth. Overtime, this may lead to loneliness and loneliness may lead to the development or worsening of mental health issues.

This episode explores the connection between social exclusion and negative medical effects and who may be at a higher risk from the impacts of social isolation.

Mar 17, 202324:33
Child Labor & Exploitation on Social Media?

Child Labor & Exploitation on Social Media?

The use of children as workers has been practiced throughout most of human history until the turn of the 20th century. Still, in some places, child labor is pervasive. What often comes to mind when the term 'child labor' is mentioned is the picture of children working in factories, mines, or on farms. Children working in these environments were very young - many under the age of 15 and were paid little to nothing. It was not unusual for their earned wages to be taken from them or otherwise given to their parents or guardians. By current standards, the notion sounds absurd and unjust. 

However, how many children work hard to make viewers, followers and subscribers laugh or otherwise provide online entertainment on social media platforms? Have children as young as infants or those still in utero given their consent to have their bodies on show for anyone to look at? Where is the ethical consistency when it comes to the right to privacy and confidentiality, and consideration for individuals with disabilities or conditions in which personal medical information is open to the viewing public?

With the increase of content monetization for posts, shorts, reels, videos, blogs, vlogs, etc., the possibility to attain popularity to earn thousands if not millions of dollars can be within reach of many individuals or families. But are there labor laws or regulations governing financial compensation that goes to children used on social media platforms? Should there be?

This episode briefly reviews the history of child labor and reflects on whether or not children today are susceptible to exploitation in a different form. 

Feb 18, 202331:19
What Are You Eating? Diet & Consumption for the Mind

What Are You Eating? Diet & Consumption for the Mind

Diet choices can have an effect on weight gain and disease. Healthy eating involves consuming more foods that are fiber-rich, that contain vitamins, minerals and are low-calorie and low-fat and less of those that may contribute to health issues. But what about its influence on our brain, our mental health? 

An equally important question is: what we are feeding our minds? On a daily basis - and depending on how we spend our time - we are be inundated with a variety of commercials, advertisements, images, conversations, and ideas.  These things impact and shape our lives even if we are not aware. If we are not cognizant of our mental intake and if we don’t guard the door of our mind, we may be consenting to the power of discouraging, demoralizing and depressing material.

Jan 24, 202329:16
How Do Your Relationship Gardens Grow?

How Do Your Relationship Gardens Grow?

Do you have a physical garden? What do you do to cultivate it? It is no secret to gardeners - or to those who have ever eaten vegetables or received or seen flowers - that gardens need to be tended to and nurtured if they are to properly and adequately produce. The same can be said about relationships whether they be with a spouse, family members, friends and other individuals with whom we are close. If we desire a beautiful and productive garden, there are vital steps that are required for preparation, protection and for the sustaining of it. 

This episode delves into how to refine and nourish the garden of friendships and relationships we have as well as recognizing those we need to remove ourselves from or leave to the proverbial birds. 

Dec 30, 202219:57
Grief & Loss

Grief & Loss

Grief is a response to loss during or after a tragedy or other distressing or traumatic event. Since all losses are indeed significant, grief can occur in response to any of them; it doesn’t necessarily have to be a loss of life. We all experience some form of grief at one time or another as it is a universal emotion.  People grieve the loss of a family member or friend even a pet that was considered a family member or friend; we are saddened at the breakdown of relationships, loss of a home, job, hopes and aspirations, and state of health. We mourn the death of what was, what is and what could have been and experience different types of grief. How do we cope with the pain?

Dec 09, 202218:08
Persevering though Difficulties

Persevering though Difficulties

Have you ever been told to 'get over' something? If so, how many times? Did you feel that was good advice for you in dealing with a difficult situation? Telling a person to 'get over it' may send a message that they should not be having the feelings or emotions they are currently experiencing in relation to a particular circumstance. Perseverance, on the other hand, encourages one to endure, maintain or persist despite struggles. This episode discusses what it means to persevere as it relates to stressful or traumatic events.
Nov 20, 202213:39
Bullying in the workplace

Bullying in the workplace

Would you be able to recognize the subtle signs of workplace bullying? 

Bullying that occurs in the workplace can occur at a physical location but now happens online since many jobs have moved to some aspect of remote work. Currently, there are no state or federal laws prohibiting bullying on the job as there are laws against harassment. Existing laws only protect workers when it comes to physical harm or when the target is a member of a protected group. It is important to know and recognize the difference between bullying behavior and harassment.

Oct 31, 202216:17
Bullying, Motivation & Mental Health #WorldMentalHealthDay

Bullying, Motivation & Mental Health #WorldMentalHealthDay

World Mental Health day is October 10th. This episode is to begin a dialogue on mental health and mental health issues. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and World Health Organization (WHO), one in eight adults and one in seven youth worldwide live with some form of mental health condition.
Oct 10, 202226:52
Author Interview - "Defining Success: One Word at a Time" by Gary McAbee

Author Interview - "Defining Success: One Word at a Time" by Gary McAbee

Do you think a daily dose of motivation can lead to success? Author Gary McAbee gives an overview of what motivation is and how it may influence our actions and behavior both positively and negatively. Gary invites readers to join his movement - Motivation for the World - by utilizing key concepts and principles in his book Defining Success: One Word at a Time.

Oct 09, 202221:21
Author Interview: "How the Peacock Got Its Feathers"

Author Interview: "How the Peacock Got Its Feathers"

All of us can admit that bullying is a major problem in society affecting children to senior citizens. Tune in to "Take One" as one of the authors of the children's book How the Peacock Got Its Feathers discusses the topic, her experience being bullied and the various takeaway themes of the book.
Oct 05, 202221:51