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Daf In-Sight

Daf In-Sight

By Rabbi Effie Kleinberg

4-5 Minute insights from the daily "daf yomi"
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Beitzah 18

Daf In-SightSep 17, 2021

Bava Metzia 95

Bava Metzia 95

The deep and spiritual idea behind why hiring the owner with the borrowed item creates an exemption of liability
Jun 02, 202404:57
Bava Metzia 94

Bava Metzia 94

Is a husband considered "baalav imo" in his marriage to his wife- if his wife breaks something in the house is that her responsibility to pay for it?
May 31, 202404:46
Bava Metzia 93

Bava Metzia 93

How Yaakov Avinu taught us the standard for how carefully one should guard someone else's items
May 31, 202404:46
Bava Metzia 92

Bava Metzia 92

Can workers eat on the job? Is there a limit to how much?
May 30, 202404:17
Bava Metzia 91

Bava Metzia 91

When we say a person is exempt by dinei adam/earthly court but accountable by dinei shayamim/Hashem’s "court"- How do we view the monetary compensation?
May 29, 202404:54
Bava Metzia 90

Bava Metzia 90

Does the prohibition of asking a gentile to perform a otherwise prohibited activity for a Jew apply outside of the laws of Shabbat?
May 28, 202404:55
Bava Metzia 89

Bava Metzia 89

The parameters of separating challah from dough
May 27, 202404:43
Bava Metzia 88

Bava Metzia 88

Does the plate of food (the food itself) you are served when you are a guest belong to you? Can you betroth a woman with it?
May 26, 202404:59
Bava Metzia 87

Bava Metzia 87

The righteous tzadikkim say little and do a lot and the wicked make big promises and do nothing!
May 24, 202404:56
Bava Metzia 86

Bava Metzia 86

The greatness of hachnasat orchim and a special halacha related to the idea
May 24, 202404:43
Bava Metzia 85

Bava Metzia 85

The purifying and elevating aspect of the cave and it's lesson for our lives
May 23, 202404:44
Bava Metzia 84

Bava Metzia 84

The beautiful and tragic chavruta of Resh Lakesh and Rav Yochanan
May 22, 202404:44
Bava Metzia 83

Bava Metzia 83

Handing over Jewish criminals to the gentile authorities
May 21, 202404:44
Bava Metzia 82

Bava Metzia 82

If I'm involved in one mitzvah am I obligated to give tzedakah during the one mitzvah?
May 20, 202404:59
Bava Metzia 81

Bava Metzia 81

When an honest righteous person makes a mistake- how is he viewed?
May 19, 202404:54
Bava Metzia 80

Bava Metzia 80

The responsibility of a renter or mechanic to also guard over the item they are renting/fixing
May 17, 202404:37
Bava Metzia 79

Bava Metzia 79

Why we don't commemorate the yovel/50th year of shemitta as a remembrance
May 17, 202404:59
Bava Metzia 78

Bava Metzia 78

We are not "exacting"/medakdek with giving out Purim charity
May 16, 202404:59
Bava Metzia 77

Bava Metzia 77

Employment challenges in a time of war- e.g. agricultural workers being prevented from getting to fields because it is a closed military zone
May 15, 202404:52
Bava Metzia 76

Bava Metzia 76

Is an employer allowed to change the terms of a contract mid-job with salary increase? What are the employees rights to compensation for a worsening of terms?
May 14, 202404:54
Bava Metzia 75

Bava Metzia 75

Is a drafted IDF soldier allowed to volunteer for longer service? Is an exempt individual allowed to volunteer for army service?
May 12, 202404:40
Bava Metzia 74

Bava Metzia 74

The nature and parameters of "situmta" - verbal agreements & marking a sold product
May 12, 202404:53
Bava Metzia 73

Bava Metzia 73

Is it called "damage" when you prevent someone else from making a profit? What level of accountability would there be?
May 10, 202404:56
Bava Metzia 72

Bava Metzia 72

The case of the ketuba whose date did not reflect when the actual wedding took place!
May 10, 202404:54
Bava Metzia 71

Bava Metzia 71

The severity of the sin of lending with interest and who is implicated
May 09, 202404:35
Bava Metzia 70

Bava Metzia 70

Is it permissible to charge interest to gentiles? What about in Israel where most of the population is Jewish?
May 08, 202404:56
Bava Metzia 69

Bava Metzia 69

Are courts required to provide a rational written out for their halachic rulings?
May 07, 202404:42
Bava Metzia 68

Bava Metzia 68

Introduction to "heter iska"
May 06, 202404:56
Bava Metzia 67

Bava Metzia 67

Can a lender eat from the produce of a mortgaged field if he deducts from the loan amount? What if he is a Torah scholar? Can a Torah Scholar not hold of himself as such?
May 05, 202404:59
Bava Metzia 66

Bava Metzia 66

When verbal conditions of a sale (the house comes with the cabinets) are not included in the written contract are they binding?
May 03, 202404:53
Bava Metzia 65

Bava Metzia 65

Charging interest on a rental period or a sale
May 03, 202404:52
Bava Metzia 64

Bava Metzia 64

Can a loan society charge a commission fee to a borrower to offset their rent or electricity costs?
May 02, 202404:49
Bava Metzia 63

Bava Metzia 63

Charging interest on credit and paying installments- giving discounts for paying upfront
May 01, 202403:53
Bava Metzia 62

Bava Metzia 62

Rabbi Akiva's approach to the waterbottle ethical dilemma- how does it apply to the laws of war? are there exceptions?
Apr 29, 202404:42
Bava Metzia 61

Bava Metzia 61

Is one allowed to steal for a joke? for a few seconds and then to give it right back?
Apr 28, 202404:57
Bava Metzia 60

Bava Metzia 60

Background and rationale for the Torah prohibition to lend with interest
Apr 27, 202404:58
Bava Metzia 59

Bava Metzia 59

What is the extent of "Torah is not in the heavens"?
Apr 26, 202404:19
Bava Metzia 58

Bava Metzia 58

The parameters of onaat devarim- verbal mistreatment in halacha
Apr 26, 202404:53
Bava Metzia 57

Bava Metzia 57

What is the status of a passport in jewish law?
Apr 25, 202404:14
Bava Metzia 56

Bava Metzia 56

Do the laws of guarding and negligence apply to peoples property?
Apr 24, 202404:33
Bava Metzia 55

Bava Metzia 55

What is the minimum amount one needs to give to tzedaka?
Apr 22, 202404:51
Bava Metzia 54

Bava Metzia 54

The mitzvah of Oneg Shabbat in relation to hekdesh
Apr 22, 202404:43
Bava Metzia 53

Bava Metzia 53

How does a davar sheyesh lo matirin/an item that is temporarily forbidden work?
Apr 21, 202404:32
Bava Metzia 52

Bava Metzia 52

Can a boy wear a necklace made from a used coin?
Apr 19, 202404:48
Bava Metzia 51

Bava Metzia 51

When gneivat daat is allowed
Apr 18, 202404:57
Bava Metzia 50

Bava Metzia 50

How much time does one who was overcharged for a purchase have to claim a bad sale and get his money back?
Apr 18, 202404:40
Bava Metzia 49

Bava Metzia 49

When parents promise their kids an "afikoman present" on Pesach, do they have to keep their promise?
Apr 17, 202404:58
Bava Metzia 48

Bava Metzia 48

People who don't stand by their word are cursed and untrustworthy!
Apr 16, 202404:20
Bava Metzia 47

Bava Metzia 47

Can moveable products only be purchased by kinyan meshicha or with money as well?
Apr 15, 202404:44
Bava Metzia 46

Bava Metzia 46

When a buyer claims that his purchase was unfair as actual price of the item was inflated or false
Apr 13, 202404:37