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Daily Devotions for Women

Daily Devotions for Women

By Renae Adelsberger

Daily Devotions for Women creates an additional opportunity for Women to fill their homes and hearts with Scripture. Each day will encourage, equip, and teach from the Word of God. Daily Devotions for Women is an outreach of Pedestrian God Ministries.
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Psalm 117

Daily Devotions for WomenAug 29, 2018

Psalm 117

Psalm 117

For a chapter with only two verses, it packs in all the praise we need! Praise the Lord! Glorify Him!
Aug 29, 201801:10
The Lord Hears

The Lord Hears

Psalm 116:1-2 paints a beautiful picture of our Heavenly Father. He is not a distant deity unaware of us or our needs. He hears us.
Aug 28, 201800:57
Physical Training

Physical Training

1 Timothy 4:8 reminds us that this physical training has a limited benefit. We need to broaden our perspective. Dieting to fit in that dress next month does nothing for us eternally.
Aug 27, 201801:20
Creating a Calf

Creating a Calf

When confronted with his sin, Aaron was not able to confess it. He was not able to be an honest and upright leader.
Aug 26, 201801:31
Appointed Artisans

Appointed Artisans

Exodus 31:3 lists the names of two artisans that were given their talents so that they could be used to build God's temple.
Aug 25, 201801:06
No Separation

No Separation

But what can separate me from God? What can tear us apart? Romans 8: 38-39 says absolutely nothing can separate us from God's love!
Aug 24, 201801:21
Only One

Only One

1 Timothy 2:5-6 reminds us that Jesus is the Messiah - the One God promised to send all the way back in the Old Testament.
Aug 23, 201801:02
Most Important Command

Most Important Command

We just finished looking at each of the 10 Commandments individually. Now we look at Matthew 22:34-40 to hear from Jesus on the subject.
Aug 22, 201801:32
Tenth Commandment

Tenth Commandment

The 10th Commandment in Exodus 20:17 tells us not to covet. Coveting blocks all forms of thankfulness in our lives. It transforms us into our most selfish self.
Aug 21, 201801:29
Ninth Commandment

Ninth Commandment

Exodus 20:16 tells us not to bear false testimony against others. We are to keep our words honest at all times. Even when we’re the ones in the wrong.
Aug 20, 201801:26
Eighth Commandment

Eighth Commandment

Exodus 20:15 tells us not to steal.
Aug 19, 201801:15
Seventh Commandment

Seventh Commandment

We learn more about what God intends for us when he tells us not to commit adultery in Exodus 20:14.
Aug 18, 201801:23
Sixth Commandment

Sixth Commandment

We combine the sixth commandment from Exodus 20:13 with Jesus' teaching from Matthew 5:21-22 to learn more about what it means not to murder.
Aug 17, 201801:23
Fifth Commandment

Fifth Commandment

The start of learning how to correctly interact with others is to first and foremost learn how to obey and honor your parents. Exodus 20:12 gives us that command.
Aug 16, 201801:15
Fourth Commandment

Fourth Commandment

Exodus 20:8-11 has the fourth commandment which tells us to set aside our worldly concerns for earning money and keeping our daily lives running and focus on our relationship with God through a Sabbath Rest.
Aug 15, 201801:30
Third Commandment

Third Commandment

The third Commandment reminds us to use our lips to honor Him. Exodus 20:7 helps us reflect on the way we refer to God in our daily talk.
Aug 14, 201801:18
Second Commandment

Second Commandment

Exodus 20:4-6 gives us the second commandment - don't value anything above God.
Aug 13, 201801:26
First Commandment

First Commandment

Exodus 20:3 lists the first command - the one where we learn how to order everything in our lives.
Aug 12, 201801:06
Ten Commandments Introduction

Ten Commandments Introduction

Exodus 20:1-2 has the introduction to the 10 Commands. It reminds us that these are the words from God Himself.
Aug 11, 201801:12
Sing About His Name

Sing About His Name

Psalm 7:17 shows David using his voice to thank the Lord and sing about His name.
Aug 10, 201801:03
Sluggish Speech

Sluggish Speech

Rather than trust that the Lord will strengthen him and provide for him whatever he needs, Moses doubts in Exodus 4:10-12.
Aug 09, 201801:15
Prayers for All

Prayers for All

It’s easy to pray for the people we see everyday. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 reminds us that we are supposed to pray for everyone.
Aug 08, 201801:28
Proper Fellowship

Proper Fellowship

Fellowship was important to New Testament believers. In fact, 1 John 1:3 reminds us that right relationships on earth start with right relationships with God.
Aug 07, 201801:19
Opportunities to Repent

Opportunities to Repent

In Daniel 4:27, Daniel is speaking to the King and warning him that God has given him a chance to turn from his sin.
Aug 06, 201801:27
Staff to Snake

Staff to Snake

Exodus 4:3 shows the human side of Moses in a very humorous way. It's a good reminder that these Biblical characters were real people with real events.
Aug 05, 201801:08
Teach & Remind

Teach & Remind

In John 14:26, we learn two important roles that the Holy Spirit plays in our lives - to teach and remind us.
Aug 04, 201801:11
Joseph's Success

Joseph's Success

As shown in Genesis 39:2, the Lord was the reason why Joseph had so much success in his life.
Aug 03, 201801:24
Mercy For This Reason

Mercy For This Reason

1 Timothy 1:16-17 reminds us that we have received mercy so that Jesus’ patience would be revealed to the world.
Aug 02, 201801:12
Three Senses

Three Senses

In 1 John 1:1 John references three of our senses in this verse - hearing, seeing, and touching. Think about what all the disciples had heard, seen, and touched during Jesus’ ministry on earth.
Aug 01, 201801:14


In Daniel 2:10-11, even the nonbelievers were acknowledging there are things humans cannot do. And Daniel was able to share the Gospel through their searching.
Jul 31, 201801:34
A Wife's Words

A Wife's Words

In Job 2:6-9, we read the discouraging words that Job's wife said. Let's not be like her.
Jul 30, 201801:21
Introducing Ourselves

Introducing Ourselves

In 1 Timothy 1:1, Paul gives an elaborate introduction of himself that boldly proclaims that he's a follower of Christ.
Jul 29, 201801:19
Way, Truth, Life

Way, Truth, Life

Let's not allow verses like John 14:6 to become so familiar that we disregard the truth it teaches about Jesus.
Jul 28, 201801:26


As we see in Ephesians 6:19-20, boldness is important when it comes to sharing the Gospel.

Jul 27, 201801:11
Salvation in No One Else

Salvation in No One Else

Acts 4:12 is a strong testimony given by Peter to tell others that salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone.
Jul 26, 201801:22
Pierced to the Heart

Pierced to the Heart

Acts 2:36 shows how the message affected the Jews in a way that only God could do.
Jul 25, 201801:34
Unless the Lord

Unless the Lord

Psalm 127:1 should cause us to pause and reflect on our goals and priorities.
Jul 24, 201801:11
Forgetting God

Forgetting God

How quickly we forget how God reveals Himself to us and provides for us. We see this in the King's life in Daniel 3:4-6.
Jul 23, 201801:32
Bringing Up Children

Bringing Up Children

Scripture can help guide us as parents in the moments where discipline is necessary. Today we look at Ephesians 6:4.
Jul 22, 201801:28


In Galatians 5:1 Paul reminds us that our sin enslaves us but God has set us free.
Jul 21, 201800:47
The Goal is Love

The Goal is Love

The goal of the Christian faith is not perfection through sainthood. In 1 Timothy 1:5-6, Paul writes that the goal is love.
Jul 20, 201801:28
Truthing in Love

Truthing in Love

“Truthing in love” better shows the tight knit relationship that truth and love have with each other - especially as described in Ephesians 4:15.
Jul 19, 201801:10
Remain Witnesses

Remain Witnesses

Acts 1:7-8 reminds us to remain faithful witnesses in the moments we have been given rather than speculate about unknown future events.
Jul 18, 201801:03
Intellect is a Gift

Intellect is a Gift

This passage in Daniel 1:17-18 is a strong reminder that intellect is a gift of God to be used for His glory.
Jul 17, 201801:10
Coming Tomorrow

Coming Tomorrow

Proverbs 27:1 says: Don’t boast about tomorrow, for you don’t know what a day might bring. We want control of our lives but God wants us to rely daily on Him.
Jul 16, 201801:37
A Good Response

A Good Response

In Job 2:11-13, we meet Job’s three friends who walk through the calamity with him. Their initial response is a good way to support friends and family during hard times.
Jul 15, 201801:22
Abba Father

Abba Father

In Galatians 4:6, Paul writes out an explanation of our adoption into God’s family and His role as our Abba Father.
Jul 14, 201800:54
Curse Words

Curse Words

Ephesians 5:4 helps us realize that all our foolish words and obscene talking are against the gratitude that we should be communicating.
Jul 13, 201801:06
Telling Generations

Telling Generations

We need to learn a lesson from the book of Judges. Actively live out and speak the Gospel to the younger generation.
Jul 12, 201801:33
Belief, Not Trouble

Belief, Not Trouble

In John 14:1 Jesus tells His disciples to cling to belief when their hearts feel troubled.
Jul 11, 201801:27