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Daily Mind Feed

Daily Mind Feed

By Monica Denisse Pineda

Daily Mind Feed was born to help us make progress on issues that affect us daily, by increasing our awareness and actions with strategy. Brief episodes to give you insight, ideas, and the courage to do something different today so that you can breathe a little lighter and shift for a better tomorrow.
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C2Y: Our Truths

Daily Mind FeedMay 01, 2024

C2Y: Our Truths

C2Y: Our Truths

One of the premises in Connect to Yourself is knowing your truths, and recognizing that others do not know your truths. This alone can help you navigate interactions and relationships, knowing that “they don’t know what’s inside.”
May 01, 202409:08
C2Y: Flexibility

C2Y: Flexibility

A key component in Connect to Yourself is flexibility. A flexible approach is a strategy to use throughout life as you navigate changes and growth.
May 01, 202409:19
Connect to Yourself (C2Y)

Connect to Yourself (C2Y)

From E-Circuits to C2Y. Connect to Yourself is available for new members now. Listen in to what’s behind C2Y and check out our website more for information. Disclaimer: We offer space for practice and support. *Daily Mind Feed, Avance Hub & C2Y do not offer coaching, therapy, or crisis services. We do not provide treatment. We do recommend seeking professionals for treatment, and 911 in crisis. For support, we do recommend getting help from people you trust, and small bite size actions that keep you safe and healthy for better moments inside and out.
Apr 24, 202411:37


Bienvenidos a lo que es Daily Mind Feed, Avance Hub, & E-Circuits. Vamos empezando la conversacion de salud mental que es para todos como la salud fisica. Gracias por estar aqui con nosotros y seguir el camino de Avance.
Apr 01, 202419:22
Personal Ownership & Responsibility

Personal Ownership & Responsibility

Diving into the underpinnings of E-Circuits with one of the most important aspects: personal ownership and responsibility. Because we, and by we I mean I, need to practice this too. Not being perfect, right, or okay gets better when we own it. We get stronger inside & out when we practice calling ourselves out.
Apr 01, 202413:22
Self Leading

Self Leading

We are working towards strengthening our understanding and practice of self leadership.
Mar 01, 202406:44
The New Season: E-Circuits

The New Season: E-Circuits

Follow our journey with E-Circuits, focused on self leadership.
Feb 01, 202406:19
2023, checking out

2023, checking out

Pause for just a moment to reflect just enough on 2023 and highlight our intentions of 2024.
Jan 01, 202404:37
How You’re Showing Up

How You’re Showing Up

Another episode in self learning and self leadership addressing how we show up. Recognize stress levels and that how we show up actually gives us valuable information on how we are doing.
Dec 12, 202304:29
Emotional Boundaries in Season

Emotional Boundaries in Season

It’s the holiday season and we may notice stress and intense feelings in the air. Focus on emotional boundaries this season to give space between your internal experience and someone else’s.
Dec 08, 202304:25
Listen in

Listen in

It’s how we connect back to ourselves and give ourselves the attention we need.
Dec 05, 202304:04
Parts Language

Parts Language

Parts is a great way to break down what’s happening inside and in life. A short brief segment to give perspective and insight that support you in your day.
Dec 05, 202305:39


When we prepare, we help ourselves have easier days. Use preparation in several life areas to progress forward taking advantage of the perks it gives you.
Nov 27, 202307:24
Consciously Move

Consciously Move

When we take a moment to sit with what is going on, we can consciously choose the next move in the best direction. Listen in to sit with yours & make your plan too.
Nov 27, 202303:24
Listener Request: Sobriety

Listener Request: Sobriety

A multifaceted look at the process of sobriety for tips along the journey.
Nov 25, 202314:22
From Awareness to Action

From Awareness to Action

A wrap on Awareness Training and Action Orientation, an approach and strategy from the Daily Performance Program.
Sep 19, 202310:14
Action Orientation: The Belief

Action Orientation: The Belief

Before we take action, there’s this belief. It gets us every time….until we notice it. Tune in to this episode to remind yourself to catch those beliefs to be able to address them and get closer to action and results/outcomes. With examples and a tip on tackling both the overwhelm and the problem that already piled up.
Sep 09, 202307:58
Overview: Your Voice

Overview: Your Voice

This overview focuses on one of the purposes of Daily Mind Feed, empowering you to know and use your voice resulting in authentic living.
Aug 31, 202305:60
Action Orientation

Action Orientation

The way we think about action steps can make all the difference to move from stuck points to problem solving and progressing within our day.
Aug 31, 202308:34
Overview: The Feed

Overview: The Feed

The first overview of DMF covers The Feed. Your Daily Mind Feed matters to us. It’s why we show up to offer you strategies to living in your day. Being human isn’t easy, but your day can be easier with a few strategies to play.
Jul 30, 202305:53
Awareness Training: Timing

Awareness Training: Timing

Timing is a part of awareness training that helps us learn “when” to do “what.” These parameters can help guide us through our days, helping us control more of our day and outcomes.
Jul 30, 202306:06
Awareness Training: Tracking

Awareness Training: Tracking

Incorporating tracking into awareness training.
Jul 25, 202306:29
Awareness Training (AT)

Awareness Training (AT)

Practice increasing your awareness, growing in your self knowledge, making progress by first learning more about why you do what you do.
Jul 25, 202306:34
Mental plan/planner

Mental plan/planner

A mental plan/planner is an active approach to your thinking. Write down what you want to think about next. Plan out/schedule your midday thinking, and focus your thoughts there when the time comes. Experience the difference of random or overwhelming thoughts vs organized or focused thinking. It’s not always necessary but it can be helpful and useful when scattered thinking consumes us.
Dec 02, 202103:38
Applying self knowledge

Applying self knowledge

Learn about yourself daily. Learn & then apply it to your next day to continue shaping & aligning your behaviors to match your sense of self.
Nov 23, 202104:26
Visualizing your tomorrow self

Visualizing your tomorrow self

Visualization is a powerful tool to use and practice to elicit the changes you want in your internal and external experience.
Nov 17, 202104:14
Therapeutic approaches & deep breathing

Therapeutic approaches & deep breathing

Get insight into the approaches, tips & strategies in daily mind feed.
Nov 13, 202104:39
Special Guest: Flowing with Arijeta

Special Guest: Flowing with Arijeta

Special guest Arijeta Ahmeti, social worker and therapist, shares what flowing and letting go can look like. Listen in for examples to improve the flow of your day.
Sep 06, 202122:04
Mental exercising

Mental exercising

Consider how you think about mental activity and doing mental workouts to improve your mental input and output.
Apr 21, 202102:22
Tapping into your daily mind feed

Tapping into your daily mind feed

Sometimes we look everywhere to hear a message we think we need. Take 2 minutes to be reminded of the power of your inner voice & the message you can send yourself by listening more closely to your own intuition.
Mar 09, 202101:47
Special Guest: The Mental Chat

Special Guest: The Mental Chat

Tune in to learn about special guests Diana & Faly who created The Mental Chat. They share their stories behind The Mental Chat with us & take us through their unique mental health platform. Find The Mental Chat on Instagram, Facebook, & YouTube.
Oct 31, 202024:31
Acknowledge the signs

Acknowledge the signs

Overwhelm is a sign. A sign carries a message. Learn how to watch out for the signs already telling you it’s time for change. Take these strategies and approach with you to help you respond to yourself.
Sep 30, 202003:03
Guiding your behaviors

Guiding your behaviors

Open your mind to first think about your behaviors and then to guide them. Guided behaviors have more desirable outcomes.
Sep 25, 202003:40
The Self, first

The Self, first

This is your daily reminder to give first to yourself - before you try to give to others.
Sep 22, 202003:27
Brief check-ins

Brief check-ins

Stop for 3 minutes to check-in with yourself. When we stop to check-in, we can see what we need to modify, fill, etc.
Sep 22, 202003:45
Be your own supporter

Be your own supporter

Take 1 or 2 statements from this 2 minute segment. That’s how fast positivity travels, & our neurons start to make new connections. Add a new vibe to your inner dialogue.
Sep 11, 202002:22


Have you thought about how you make decisions?
Sep 06, 202004:22
Walking through

Walking through

Think your way through a challenge without judging it.
Aug 31, 202003:49
Accepting your day

Accepting your day

We tend to label our days as good or bad. Take a minute to accept the day for what it is. This will create space to move us from dwelling to the power of shaping it.
Aug 18, 202004:47
Flowing forward

Flowing forward

Ask yourself a few questions about how you flow in your day. Define your flow. Visualize yourself flowing effectively through your day.
Aug 18, 202004:10
Your feed has cues*

Your feed has cues*

Listen for daily cues from your behaviors to learn more about how you are changing each day and age. Cues provide us with information about ourselves to maneuver our days best.
Jul 19, 202003:24
Recharging your batteries

Recharging your batteries

Reconfigure the relationship you have to resting, noting your personal battery and when it needs charging.
Jun 04, 202003:54
Feeding yourself space

Feeding yourself space

Let your mind get your attention, space, and rest.
Jun 03, 202002:60


Allow yourself a mini mindset cruise in your day to mentally clear space and move more easily through your day.
Jun 02, 202003:13
Here & now

Here & now

Come to the present moment to make conscious & immediate choices, greatly impacting an area of your life today.
May 31, 202003:00
Practicing pausing

Practicing pausing

Lean into the power of the moment, practicing mindfulness and behaviors that move you forward in your best interest.
May 29, 202003:27


Check the status of your FEWS to improve your day. This simple acronym will remind you to take care of your basics.
May 28, 202003:24
Speaking into your feed

Speaking into your feed

The way you speak to yourself is the relationship you hold with yourself. Language is a powerful strategy to change your internal experience.
May 26, 202003:29
Assuming ownership

Assuming ownership

Reflect on these questions and drive yourself toward your game plan.
May 25, 202003:56
Adopting new beliefs

Adopting new beliefs

Adopting new beliefs leads to trust in your inner capabilities and resources, overcome present challenges.
May 22, 202004:18