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By Daniel Kilburn

Are you ready to take control of your future? The Act ASAP Podcast is here to guide you through the maze of leadership, communications, and disaster management planning. In 2024, we're diving into the world of finance and how understanding your money can protect you from disaster.

Join us on this captivating journey as we unlock the secrets of effective communication and share invaluable financial management strategies. Together, we'll empower you and your organization to not just survive but thrive in the face of adversity.

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Inbound One-Way Emergency Communication

Act ASAPJul 08, 2020

National Safety Monthh
Jun 02, 202410:14
HOPE is Not an Option
May 24, 202401:29
Are you still on track with your New Year's Resolutions?

Are you still on track with your New Year's Resolutions?

From January 17th through 24th, 80% of New Year Resolutions are over the cliff.

Only 5% are kept by the end of January.

Here, we will discuss some things holding you back from accomplishing your New Year’s Resolutions and some things that can be done to see them succeed.

Grab your complimentary copy of the Seven Steps to Mastering the Art of Following Through.


Coupon Code: (MIDJAN) good until 1st of February 2024

Jan 23, 202413:30
 National Nothing Day
Jan 16, 202408:17
The Unseen Risks: Protecting Your Family from Life's Unexpected Turns

The Unseen Risks: Protecting Your Family from Life's Unexpected Turns

Hello there! Let's dive into a topic that’s both intriguing and a tad grim – the causes of death, specifically natural versus accidental, and how these impact the need for insurance. I am not a professional life insurance statistician who closely studies death rates and causes, so I did some homework. I’ve got some eye-opening insights to share. We’ll explore age-related natural death causes compared to deaths caused by unintentional injuries, and why having adequate insurance or financial coverage is crucial for both scenarios. Ready to unravel some surprising stats?

Nov 21, 202313:42
Honoring Heroes: Veterans Day Meaning

Honoring Heroes: Veterans Day Meaning

"Navigating the Battlefield of the Civilian Job Market: Understanding the Roadblocks Veterans Face"

 In the grand tapestry of our nation's history, few threads are as vibrant and solemn as the recognition of our military service members.

"Honoring the Sacrifices: The Deep Significance of Veterans Day" is more than a mere commemoration; it's a journey through the heart of what it means to stand in the ranks of those who've served. As we delve into the essence of military service recognition, we not only honor military veterans but also shed light on the profound impact of their sacrifices on our daily lives.

 For many, Veterans Day might appear as a fleeting moment on the calendar, marked by parades and speeches. However, its significance runs deeper, resonating through every fabric of our society. This blog post aims to unravel the layers of this importance, addressing the primary question: why do we dedicate a day to our veterans, and how does this recognition shape our collective consciousness? By exploring this topic, we aim to heighten Veteran Affairs awareness, offering insights into the unique experiences of our heroes in uniform and the enduring legacy they leave behind.

The Unique Skill Set of Veterans

The military instills unmatched leadership qualities and discipline. These skills are incredibly beneficial in any job setting, though often undervalued in the civilian workforce. Veterans are trained to adapt quickly to changing situations—a skill highly relevant in today's fast-paced business world. Their experience in teamwork and collaborative problem-solving is also a significant asset.

 Roadblocks in Civilian Job Market Entry

 One of the biggest challenges veterans face is translating their military skills to civilian job requirements. The unique military jargon and roles can create barriers in effectively communicating their competencies.

The shift from military to civilian life encompasses more than just a job change. It involves adapting to a new culture and social environment, which can be daunting for many veterans.

 Bridging the Military-Civilian Divide

 There's a significant gap in understanding between military life and civilian sectors. Employers often struggle to comprehend the full scope of a veteran's experience and skills. Various programs and initiatives are in place to help bridge this gap. They aim to educate employers about the value of hiring veterans and assist veterans in articulating their skills.

Financial Literacy and Career Planning

Financial literacy and career planning are essential tools for veterans. Understanding the financial aspects of career transition and planning strategically can ease the process significantly. Financial Literacy has only recently (since 2019), become an educational touch point for all branches of service. Since financial literacy is not taught in our public school system, this is a step in the right direction for the military community. But there are still millions of veterans lacking in this much needed tool. I am proud to be aligned with Money Mentor Vets and their continued educational processes to support the Veteran community with Financial Literacy:

The Power of Networking and Mentorship

Mentorship, especially from fellow veterans who have successfully transitioned, can provide invaluable insights and guidance. Organizations such as AMVETS, The American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Disabled American Veterans are valuable resources for networking with people who speak the same language and finding mentors who want to see our veterans succeed.

Till Next Time

Stay Informed and Stay Safe

Daniel Kilburn

Americas 5-Star Leadersihp Coach

Nov 11, 202315:48
Sgt. Roy Interview
Sep 26, 202333:15
Linda Gross' Conversation with Daniel Kilburn

Linda Gross' Conversation with Daniel Kilburn

Interview Introduction for Linda Gross' Conversation with Daniel Kilburn

In a world overwhelmed by uncertainty, the pursuit of security—both physical and financial—becomes the cornerstone of a resilient life. Today, we have a special guest who’s on a mission to equip families and businesses with the tools they need to brave life's unpredictabilities. We're talking about the very essence of survival, so grab your notepads; this is a conversation you can’t afford to miss!

Daniel Kilburn is not just any life coach or author; he's a retired U.S. Army Senior Infantry Drill Sergeant who's transformed years of frontline experience into a toolbox for everyday resilience. With expertise spanning disaster management, leadership, financial planning, and communications, Daniel is redefining what it means to be prepared.

His philosophy is both pragmatic and relatable: Whether you’re facing a hurricane or financial turbulence, the basic requirements for survival remain consistent—a roof over your head, food to eat, clean water, and yes, even proper sanitation. But here's where Daniel takes it a step further; he introduces the idea of "cost-effective preparedness." It's not about stacking 25-year shelf-life meals in your garage; it's about smart choices—choices that integrate seamlessly into your daily life and budget.

And don't underestimate the financial aspects of preparedness; Daniel revealed startling data indicating that 70% of Americans are financially unstable. It's not just about having an emergency stash of goods; it's about having an emergency stash of "cash," a financial cushion that could save you when the chips are down.

As we delve into today’s conversation, remember that Daniel Kilburn isn't merely offering advice; he's providing a blueprint for resilience. Prepare to explore innovative, budget-friendly strategies for disaster management, learn about maintaining a financial emergency fund, and above all, get ready to change the way you approach the very concept of preparedness.

This isn't just an interview; it's a survival guide for the modern world.

So, without further ado, let’s welcome Daniel Kilburn. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey that blends the wisdom of experience with the practicality of everyday living. Trust us, by the end of this conversation, you’ll not only feel more secure but also empowered to face life's inevitable challenges.

Stay tuned, and let's build resilience, one conversation at a time.

Book a call with Daniel here:

Sep 14, 202316:39
DT Linda Gross Interview
Sep 06, 202320:53
The Maui Wildfire Tragedy: A Wake-Up Call for Families Everywhere

The Maui Wildfire Tragedy: A Wake-Up Call for Families Everywhere

MAUI, HAWAII - A devastating wildfire tore through Maui's picturesque beaches and lush greenery, tragically taking six lives. This heart-wrenching event serves as a clear reminder: nature's unpredictability can strike anywhere, anytime. Even in places we consider 'safe', we must remain prepared.

#MauiWildfire #NaturalDisasterPreparedness #SafetyFirst #FamilyPreparedness #DanielKilburn

Aug 10, 202304:43
Empower Your Kids through Disaster Planning

Empower Your Kids through Disaster Planning

Today, we delve into the world of disaster management planning with a twist of child psychology, based on the works of Melanie Klein, the trailblazing innovator in child psychoanalysis, infant development theories, and co-founder of object relations theory.

As parents, we all know how unpredictable life can be, and it's crucial to have a solid disaster management plan in place to protect our families when the unexpected strikes.


In this episode, you'll learn why it's essential to have an open dialogue with your little ones about disaster preparedness, how it can shape their long-term psychological well-being, and what might happen if you choose not to include them in the planning process. So, grab your cup of tea, sit back, and let's dive right in!


Full Blog Post and additional information can be found here:

#DisasterManagement #ChildSafety #KidsSafety #FamilyPreparedness #DisasterPreparedness #ParentingTips #FamilySafety #EmergencyActionPlanning #DanielKilburn

Aug 04, 202313:60
How to Navigate Fearmongering in Disaster Management

How to Navigate Fearmongering in Disaster Management

In a world where disaster preparedness has become a priority due to increasing natural disasters and climate-induced challenges, civil unrest, and national security issues, I must address a pressing concern. The reason behind this blog post stems from the relentless onslaught of horrendous fearmongering emails I receive daily from individuals and companies trying to sell their disaster management information, products, and services. It is my duty to empower your disaster preparedness without fearmongering.


Stay Informed and Stay Safe

 Daniel Kilburn

America's 5-Star Leadership Coach

See the entire Blog Post here:

Jul 31, 202309:49
National Be Someone Day

National Be Someone Day

I Challenge You:

In a fast-paced world, where time seems to slip through our fingers like sand, there is one day that challenges us to pause for just ten seconds and make a difference in a child's life. National Be Someone Day, observed annually on July 21st, urges each of us to take a moment, a mere ten seconds, to be the person who can change a child's life for the better. On this day, we are presented with a unique opportunity to create a positive impact and foster a brighter future for our youth.

Make a Difference:

 You might wonder, what can be done in just ten seconds? The truth is, much more than you might expect. Within that brief moment, we can shift gears, water a plant, hear or tell a joke, and even change our minds. Ten seconds is all it takes for us to notice the pain in someone's eyes and begin to offer them comfort and support. In those fleeting seconds, we can praise and honor those who deserve recognition, or make a life-altering decision.

 Protect and Support:

 The essence of National Be Someone Day lies in its mission to protect and support children by combating child abuse. Taking the pledge to report child abuse on this day is the key to safeguarding children's well-being. Project Be Someone, founded by Project Harmony, provides five essential steps to prepare us for this vital responsibility:

a) Learn the facts: Educate ourselves about child abuse and its signs.

b) Minimize opportunity: Work towards creating safer environments for children.

c) Talk about it: Encourage open conversations about child abuse and its prevention.

d) Know the signs: Recognize the red flags and warning signs of abuse.

e) React responsibly: Be ready to take appropriate action when a child reaches out for help.


By following these steps and taking the pledge to report child abuse, we become part of a powerful movement to end child abuse and create a better, safer world for our children.

 Be an Angel:

 National Be Someone Day is not just about reporting child abuse; it's about becoming the guardian angel every child needs. By taking the initiative to protect the innocent and vulnerable, we are embracing our responsibility as caring individuals. Imagine the impact of a collective effort, with each person committed to safeguarding children's well-being. The advantage is not just in making a difference in one child's life, but in shaping a society where children are cherished, protected, and nurtured to reach their fullest potential.


 Now, on this National Be Someone Day, let us all come together and take the pledge to be someone who stands up for children. Share this message far and wide, so that more people join this meaningful cause. Take a few seconds to make a big difference in a child's life by being prepared to report child abuse if the need arises. Use the hashtag #BeSomeoneDay to join the conversation on social media and inspire others to do the same.

 In Just 10 Seconds:

 National Be Someone Day, observed annually on July 21st, offers us a precious opportunity to make a significant impact in a child's life by taking the pledge to report child abuse. In just ten seconds, we can become the voice of those who need it most. By learning the facts, minimizing opportunities for abuse, talking about it, knowing the signs, and reacting responsibly, we can collectively contribute to ending child abuse and building a brighter future for generations to come. Let us embrace the advantage this day provides and be someone who truly makes a difference in a child's life. Together, we can create a world where every child feels safe, loved, and cherished.


Stay Informed and Stay Safe

 Daniel Kilburn

America’s 5-Star Leadership Coach

 P.S. Take advantage of the FREE "Beat The Heat - Summer Safety Tips" to protect your children from the summer heat.

#BeSomeoneDay #SpreadKindness #MakeADifference #UnityInCommunity #ActsOfKindness #PositiveImpact #BeSomeonesHero #ShareLove #UnitedForGood #ProjectHarmony #MichelleJewsbury #DanielKilburn

Jul 21, 202304:55
Ghamdan Al-Areeky Interview

Ghamdan Al-Areeky Interview

In this interview, we will explore the multifaceted aspects of Type-2 Diabetes and how to ensure optimal care during emergencies. By setting clear goals for our discussion, we aim to excite readers and give them compelling reasons to delve deeper into this crucial matter. Ghamdan will shed light on innovative perspectives and practical solutions to address the specific challenges that arise during disasters, equipping us with knowledge to navigate these situations with confidence.

Ghamdan helps people with Type 2 Diabetes achieve diabetes remission and avoid complications so they can live healthier, happier and longer life.

Contact Information:




Free Gift: FREE One-hour Coaching Session

Link to Free Gift:

Hit the “Book A Call” button on the top left of the screen.

Be sure to let him know you found him here at Emergency Action Planning.


Stay Informed and Stay Safe


Daniel Kilburn

America’s 5-Star Leadership Coach


P.S. Don't let the scorching summer sun put a damper on your family's fun-filled adventures! Ensure your little ones stay cool, safe, and healthy with our exclusive "Beat the Heat - Summer Safety Tips" report. Inside, you'll find expert advice on hydration, sun-protective clothing, sunscreen application, and much more!


Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to elevate your summer safety game and gain peace of mind knowing you're well-prepared for any summer adventure. Click the link below to get started:

#Type2Diabetes #EmergencyPreparedness #DisasterReadiness #HealthcareInsights #ExpertInterview #GhamdanAlAreeky #ChronicIllness #HealthBlog #StayPrepared #HealthandDisasters #HealthEducation #HealthAwareness #DiabetesCare #DisasterPrevention #EmergencyManagement #HealthTips #EmergencyResponse #HealthandSafetyTips #HealthEmpowerment #DanielKilburn

Jul 21, 202337:46
Unrelenting Heat Wave

Unrelenting Heat Wave

Unrelenting Heat Wave Sweeps Across the Northern Hemisphere: Tackling Extreme Temperatures and Safeguarding Health




As the Northern Hemisphere grapples with an unprecedented heat wave, communities are experiencing soaring temperatures, devastating wildfires, and record-breaking heatwaves. From Greece's catastrophic wildfires to Europe's hottest temperatures in history, the impact of this scorching weather is being felt globally. Furthermore, China's record power consumption has led to increased coal burning, while Phoenix, Arizona, has shattered temperature records. In the face of these extreme conditions, it is crucial to recognize the signs of heat-related illnesses and adopt methods to stay hydrated and cool.


Recognizing Heat-Related Illnesses:

a. Heat Cramps: Characterized by painful muscle cramps and spasms during or after intense exercise and sweating in high heat.

b. Heat Exhaustion: Symptoms include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and headache.

c. Heatstroke: A severe condition that requires immediate medical attention.

Staying Hydrated and Keeping Cool:

a. Drink plenty of fluids, even if you do not feel thirsty, and avoid alcoholic or caffeinated beverages.

b. Seek shade and stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day.

c. Wear lightweight, light-colored, and loose-fitting clothing.

d. Use fans, air conditioning, or cool showers to lower body temperature.

e. Check on vulnerable individuals, elderly, children, and those with pre-existing medical conditions.



  The ongoing heat wave across the Northern Hemisphere brings unprecedented challenges, including devastating wildfires, record-breaking temperatures, and increased energy consumption. It underscores the urgent need to combat climate change and implement sustainable practices.


Full Content can be found here:

Summer Safety Tips:

Jul 19, 202308:14
Dive into Summer Fun

Dive into Summer Fun

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself, I am Wave Warrior, the charismatic and courageous Lifeguard Extraordinaire and proud member of the esteemed Safety Squad!


With my exceptional skills and captivating charisma, You can count on me to ensure that every beach day is filled with joy and peace of mind.

Because Wave Warrior is here, ready to make your beach experience unforgettable and, most importantly, safe!

 Today is National Bikini Day! It's a day to celebrate the beach and all of the fun that comes with it, just like me. Bikinis are usually for grown-ups, but kids need cute and safe swimsuits too.

 Swimming is fun and healthy for people of all ages, especially kids. But swimming can be dangerous. That's why lifeguards like me are here to make sure kids are safe. The color of swimsuits matters! Bright colored swimsuits are better for children than darker ones because they help the lifeguard see them better.

 Visibility Matters

 It is important to wear brightly colored swimsuits. This helps lifeguards and parents find children quickly in the water. Even a few seconds can make a big difference if someone is in danger.

Here are my recommendations for swimsuit colors to buy, and those to avoid:

Lets start with, Neon Green: This color is not only trendy, but it also stands out brightly against the blue of the water.

Vibrant Pink: A favorite among many kids and is easily visible both in and out of the water.

Bright Yellow: Mimicking the sun, bright yellow is a go-to for visibility..

 Electric Orange: This color doesn’t fade into the background – it’s easily spotted and fun too.

 Colors to Avoid:

Navy Blue: Although popular, this color can easily blend into the water, reducing visibility.

Black: While stylish, black is one of the most challenging colors to spot in the water.

Dark Green: This color tends to disappear against seaweed or under the shadows of trees near lakes or rivers.

 I need to get back to my perch and watch out for your safety.

 So remember, it is important for us to stay safe when swimming. Wear bright colored swimsuits like yellow, pink, and neon green so that lifeguards and grown-ups can easily spot you. Also, don’t drink the water, take bathroom breaks and please, don't poop or pee in the water, and always put on sunscreen to protect your skin.

 Let's celebrate National Bikini Day by looking at brightly colored swimsuits for kids, making it fun and safe! Remember, safety is the most important thing!

 More information can be found below.

 Till next time.

Stay informed and stay safe.

I am Wave Warrior, the charismatic and courageous Lifeguard Extraordinaire.


#FashionableFun #SummerSplash #NationalBikiniDay #SunshineVibes #BeachBound #Swimsuits #WaveWarrior #DanielKilburn


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Jul 06, 202303:07
Fire Safety with Blaze

Fire Safety with Blaze

"Fire Safety with Blaze: Preventing Fires and Saving the Day!"

"Hey there, heroes! It's Blaze, the fearless Firefighter Extraordinaire, ready to tackle any blaze and keep everyone safe. I'm part of the Safety Squad, always on the lookout for fire hazards and using my expertise to prevent fires from starting. With my firefighting techniques and fire prevention skills, I provide fire safety and prevention.


Imagine sliding down the slide at the Axle City Garage with me, Dr. Lifesaver, Rescue Ranger, my pal Embers and the gang. We're all having a blast and doing cool tricks. We're not just adventurers, we're safety enthusiasts too!


As the Firefighter Extraordinaire, it is my job to make sure everyone is safe on 4th of July. Fireworks are fun but can be dangerous. In 2022, 11,500 people got hurt and nine people died from fireworks in the US [1]. Most injuries were to hands, fingers, head, face, ears, legs, eyes and arms [3]. We can stay safe if we follow the safety rules.


Firework Safety:

 1. The best way to enjoy fireworks is to go to a show put on by experts. They know what they are doing so it will be safe.

2. Make sure that fireworks are legal where you are before using them. Check the laws in your area first so you don't get in trouble.

3. Don't let kids use or light fireworks, including sparklers - even sparklers can get too hot and hurt someone! An adult should always be watching when kids use sparklers.


Light fireworks one at a time and stay back. After you light them, move away quickly. Don't try to relight any fireworks that don't work - put them in water and throw them away. Soak used fireworks in water before throwing them away so they won't start fires. Have water nearby in case of accidents or fires. Do not use fireworks when drunk or on drugs because it is unsafe.


Instead of using fireworks, try other things to celebrate. Some ideas are glow sticks, confetti poppers, or colored streamers. These are safer and can be used even if fireworks aren't allowed in your area.


Keeping Pets Safe:


Fireworks can make pets feel scared. To keep them safe, keep them inside during firework shows. Close the windows and curtains and turn on the TV or radio to help cover up the noise. Give your pet toys and treats to help them stay calm.


My time is up and I do need to go:

 The 4th of July is a time for being together and having fun. Fireworks are part of this celebration. But we need to be safe. We must follow the safety rules so that no one gets hurt. Let's have a great time, celebrate the holiday responsibly, and look out for each other too!


I look forward to introducing you to Stormy and the Safety Squad.


Till next time. Stay Informed and Stay Safe.


Firefighter Extraordinaire






#4thofJuly #BlazeTheFirefighter #FireSafetyHeroes FearlessFirefighting #AdventuresWithBlaze #PreventAndProtect #SafetySquadGoals #FireSafety #DanielKilburn






Jul 02, 202303:06
Interview with Rachel Rose
Jun 22, 202325:55
Surviving the Summer

Surviving the Summer

June 21, 2023 is the first day of summer. And with those campouts beach parties pool parties playing in the sun water-skiing, and any number of outdoor events that can imagine. And with the blazing sun, is in our best interest to put our health first to take appropriate actions and guard against possible dangers of extreme heat and dehydration with the tools and tactics outlined below you will be protect yourself from the sun’s scorching raise stay hydrated and do battle with the heat so let’s set off in this voyage into the summer days and nights and have fun and memories that we can remember forever.

The weather forecasters predicts a warmer than usual summer and the return of El Niño which will mean waters near the equatorial Pacific Ocean will be much warmer than normal. This summer is anticipated to bring record high temperatures along with longer days according to weather predictions be advised that the sun’s rays will be at their strongest 10 AM to 4 PM it is important to understand potential threats the sunshine hoses and take actions to keep yourself safe

Jun 21, 202308:38
National Fudge Day

National Fudge Day

"Indulge in Pure Bliss: The Allure and Temptation of Chocolate Fudge"

 Hey there, fellow fudge lovers! As a confectionery chef extraordinaire, I can tell you firsthand that fudge is one of the most amazing indulgencesout there. This creamy, decadent treat brings joy to people of all ages with its rich texture and mouthwatering combination of flavors. So, what makes fudge so special? Let's break it down.

 First of all, fudge is a truly sensory experience. The way it melts in your mouth and the flavors burst with every bite is pure magic. You'll fall in love with fudge's creamy texture, made with butter, sugar, and milk. From classic chocolate to creative blends of ingredients like vanilla and caramel, there's a fudge flavor for everyone.

 But wait, there's more! Did you know that fudge comes with health benefits, too? While it's definitely not a health food, dark chocolate (which is often used in fudge recipes) contains antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems. In fact, dark chocolate has been linked to benefits like lowering cholesterol levels and preventing cognitive decline, so it's really a win-win [1].

 Now, let's talk nutrition. Fudge is high in carbs and calories, but it does have a relatively low glycemic index, which means it won't cause a blood sugar spike. Plus, it contains minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, and copper [2]. However, don't go thinking it's a health food - fudge should definitely be enjoyed in moderation as a treat, not a meal replacement.

 When it comes to enjoying fudge, the key is portion control. It's calorie-dense, so be mindful of how much you eat. But don't feel guilty about treating yourself to a small piece every so often - life is short, and fudge is delicious!

 In conclusion, fudge is an amazing indulgence with a sensory experience that's hard to beat. You can feel good about enjoying it in moderation, knowing it contains some potential health benefits and a few essential minerals. So go ahead, take a bite of that luscious fudge and enjoy the moment of pure bliss it brings!

 Here is a simple Fudge Recipe.


 "Chocolate: Health benefits, facts, and research." Medical News Today. [1]

"Fudge nutrition, glycemic index, calories, net carbs & more." Food Struct. [2]

 Additional Info:

 Stay Informed. Stay Safe.

 Daniel Kilburn

America’s 5-Star Leadership Coach

 P.S. Get your free copy of the Eight Ways to Increase Work Productivity eBook, and take advantage of the upcoming free Momentum Maximizer; Supercharging Your Work Output training. Details can be found here:

 AI Assisted Content Disclaimer 

#chocolatefudge #fudge #chocolatelover #dessert #homemade #yummy #danielkilburn

Jun 16, 202302:40
A Tapestry of Patriotism

A Tapestry of Patriotism

“Commemorating the US Army Birthday and National Flag Day"



 June 14th holds special significance for Americans as it marks the dual celebration of the US Army Birthday and National Flag Day. These two occasions intertwine the threads of history, valor, and patriotism that are deeply woven into the fabric of the United States. As we commemorate these milestones, it is important to reflect on the enduring legacy of the US Army and the symbolism behind our nation's flag.


The Birth of the US Army:

 The Second Continental Congress established the Continental Army on June 14, 1775, giving rise to what would later become the United States Army. A journey that would determine the course of a country began with the appointment of General George Washington as the commander in chief. The Continental Army faced many difficulties during the Revolutionary War, but it was crucial to securing America's independence [1].


The US Army's Role in History:

 Throughout history, the US Army has consistently stood up for freedom and upheld American values both domestically and abroad. The brave men and women of the Army have shown unwavering dedication, courage, and sacrifice in service to their country throughout the Civil War, World War II, Cold War and War on Terror [1].


National Flag Day and the Stars and Stripes:

 The US Army Birthday falls on June 14th, which is National Flag Day. The Stars and Stripes were adopted as the country's official flag in 1777, and this day honors that day. The pattern of the flag, depicts the original thirteen colonies with 13 alternating red and white stripes and a blue field with white stars representing the states, has come to represent American unity, tenacity, and freedom for all time [2].


The Significance of the National Flag:

 For Americans, the national flag is extremely important because it inspires pride and patriotism. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by countless people throughout history to uphold and defend the values and ideals on which the country was founded. [3].


The US Army and the National Flag:

 The principles of liberty and justice are deeply embraced by both the US Army and the national flag. In every significant conflict, soldiers have fought for the flag, upholding its values and defending the interests of the country [3]. The flag has always been a constant companion for Army soldiers, providing them with motivation, cohesion, and resolve, whether they are firmly planted on foreign soil or draped over the caskets of fallen heroes.



 Finally, the US Army Birthday and National Flag Day offer a chance to reflect on the country's rich history and unwavering patriotism. It's critical to keep in mind the countless men and women who proudly served in the US Army and gave their all for their country as we remember these occasions. [1][2].


What's more, the national flag is a potent representation of freedom, resilience, and unity. It stands for America's steadfast spirit and the historical sacrifices made to uphold the values that gave rise to the country [3]. Soldiers fight under the flag in every significant conflict and uphold the values it stands for, demonstrating their deep commitment to the principles of liberty and justice.





  Stay Informed. Stay Safe.

Daniel Kilburn

Amreica's 5-Star Leadership Coach

#USArmyBirthday #NationalFlagDay #ProudToServe #AmericanValor #RedWhiteAndBlue #ArmyStrong #DanielKilburn


P.S. Get your free copy of the Eight Ways to Increase Work Productivity eBook, and take advantage of the upcoming free Momentum Maximizer; Supercharging Your Work Output training. Details can be found here:

Jun 14, 202304:46
Harnessing the Power of Light

Harnessing the Power of Light

Red-InfraRed Cold Laser for Self-Healing First Aid:  

In our pursuit of personal responsibility, freedom, and sovereignty, we are constantly seeking effective methods to enhance our well-being and promote self-healing. One technology that has garnered attention in recent years is the use of red-infrared cold lasers.


Today’s interview is with Joe Blanton, an entrepreneur and advocate for personal communications, leadership, and emotional clearing, has been passionate about this technology and its potential applications. In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of red-infrared cold lasers and explore how they can be utilized for self-healing first aid.


Joe can be reached at:

 Cell: 1.469.766.5511




His gift for you: 17 Vital Functions of sea salt in our body. This is a direct download, no optin required.



For additional information from the PubMed website mentioned in Joe’s interview on low-level level laser therapy and the use of red and near-infrared light to stimulate healing.

Go to:


Additional Information:

Is Cold Laser Therapy Right for You?

 Cold Laser Therapy for Knee Pain.



The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only and should not substitute professional medical advice. If you have a wound or medical condition, please consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment.


Stay Informed. Stay Safe.

Daniel Kilburn

America’s 5-Star Leadership Coach


P.S. Get your free copy of the Eight Ways to Increase Work Productivity eBook, and take advantage of the upcoming free Momentum Maximizer; Supercharging Your Work Output training. Details can be found here:


#RedInfraredColdLaser #SelfHealingFirstAid #WoundHealing #PromoteRegeneration #InflammationReduction #AccelerateHealing #JoeBlanton #DanielKilburn


Jun 14, 202331:05
Wildfire Respiratory Protection

Wildfire Respiratory Protection

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Daniel Kilburn, your trusted EAP Broadcast System news anchor. As wildfires continue to rage across Canada, it's crucial to prioritize the health and safety of ourselves and our loved ones. Today, we'll discuss some important measures to protect our eyes and respiratory systems from wildfire smoke. Remember, what happens there can affect us here.


Here's a comprehensive list of recommendations:


1. Stay informed: Keep track of local news and official updates on the wildfire situation. Stay tuned to weather forecasts and air quality reports to plan your activities accordingly. I recommend the My Radar App for your phone to get real-time wildfire and air quality information.


2. Limit exposure: Whenever possible, reduce your exposure to wildfire smoke by staying indoors. Close windows and doors to prevent smoke from entering your home or workplace. If possible, set your home heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) system to recirculate, preventing outside air from being drawn into the house. If you are driving your car, set your air system to recirculate also.


3. Use air purifiers: Consider using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters or air purifiers at home. These devices help remove fine particles from the air, including smoke particles.


4. Create a clean room: If the air quality deteriorates significantly, designate a specific room in your house as a clean room. Seal the room as best as you can to minimize smoke infiltration and use a portable air purifier in that area.


5. Avoid outdoor activities: When smoke levels are high, it's advisable to limit or avoid outdoor activities, especially strenuous exercise. If you must go outside, try to do so when air quality is relatively better, such as early morning or late evening.


6. Wear a mask: When venturing outdoors in smoky conditions, wear a properly fitted N95, N99, or P100 respirator mask. These masks are designed to filter out fine particles, including those present in wildfire smoke. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper use.


7. Keep eye protection: Protect your eyes from smoke irritation by wearing wraparound sunglasses or goggles. This can help shield your eyes from smoke particles and reduce eye irritation.


8. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your respiratory system hydrated. Hydration helps soothe the airways and minimize the effects of smoke irritation.


9. Maintain indoor air quality: Avoid activities that introduce pollutants into your indoor air, such as smoking, burning candles, or using gas appliances without proper ventilation. These can exacerbate the impact of wildfire smoke.


10. Consult a healthcare professional: If you experience severe symptoms like difficulty breathing, chest pain, or persistent coughing, seek medical attention promptly. Individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions or other health issues should be particularly cautious and follow their healthcare provider's guidance.


Remember, everyone's health situation is unique, and these recommendations may not be suitable for everyone. It's important to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice, especially for vulnerable individuals such as children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions.


Links to the items mentioned in this report can be found in the transcript. “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.”

Remember the Three Ps of Disaster Management: Have a Plan, Be Playful, Persevere.

 Stay Informed, Stay Safe

 Daniel Kilburn

America’s 5-Star Leadership Coach

 P.S. Get your free copy of the Eight Ways to Increase Work Productivity eBook.

 #WildfireSafetyTips #ProtectYourHealth #SmokeSafety

#StayIndoorsStaySafe #RespiratoryHealthMatters #WildfirePreparedness #EAPBroadcastSystem #DanielKilburn

Jun 13, 202305:34
Life Is Not About Sitting On The Sidelines

Life Is Not About Sitting On The Sidelines

Jun 11, 202339:35
Safety and Beyond: Raising a Resilient Child

Safety and Beyond: Raising a Resilient Child

Deborah Morehead has been a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist for over 25 years. She has worked with 1000s of clients, including some of the most vulnerable children and their families in the Los Angeles County Foster Care System.

She has spoken and trained over 10,000 people at local and national conferences.

Debbie is the author of You Can't Get It Done By Doing What You Shouldn't Do, Happy For Life, and co-author of Conscious Love: Enlightened Relationship and Soulful Sex.

And she has been interviewed numerous times on local NBC, CBS, and Fox TV stations.

Interview topic; Safety and Beyond Raising a Resilient Child

 The 4 S's to developing a resilient child

1) Safe

2) Seen

3) Soothed

4) Secure

Gift from Deborah; How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy

Link to your free gift;

You can reach Deborah at

Or email her at;

Needed information; Stress, Children, and Disasters.

Stay Informed. Stay Safe.

Daniel Kilburn

America's 5-Star Leadership Coach

P.S. Be sure to grab your copy of this month's freebie: The Eight Ways to Increase Work Productivity eBook

And register for the free class Momentum  Maximization: Supercharging Your Work Output. This is going to be fun.

#MarriageFamilyTherapist #TherapyExpert #ChildCounseling #FosterCareSupport #ResilientChildren

#FamilyTherapy #RelationshipAdvice #MentalHealthSupport #ParentingTips #ConferenceSpeaker

#Author #LicensedTherapist #LosAngelesCounty #VulnerableChildren #SoulfulSex #EnlightenedRelationships

#HappinessCoach #PersonalGrowth #EmotionalWellbeing #PositiveParenting

Jun 10, 202333:02
Chris Fenning Leaders Communicate Clearly Interview
Jun 06, 202329:47
Carie Kenzie Leaders Communicate Clearly Interview
Jun 05, 202332:42
Brian Gilbkowski Leaders Communicate Clearly Interview.
Jun 05, 202329:25
Atlantic Hurricane Season 2023

Atlantic Hurricane Season 2023

20030602 Atlantic Hurricane Season


The Atlantic 2023 hurricane season started yesterday, June 1, 2023. Experts predict a near-normal hurricane season. Depending on who you’re talking to we are looking at somewhere between 12 and 17 named storms 5 to 9 hurricanes 1 to 4 of them being above category three. Apparently, this is the new normal.


Already we have a tropical storm Arlene in the Gulf of Mexico moving her way toward Western Cuba.


A new survey says that one of four Floridians will ignore hurricane evacuation warnings.


The FEMA 2022 Household Survey states that approximately 45% of the people surveyed consider themselves prepared for a disaster. And I truly hope they are.


According to Scientific American more than 3 million Americans adults were displaced in 2022 because of natural disasters.


This is around 1.4 percent of the US Adult population; this number does not include the number of children displaced at the same time. Now for those of us who were not displaced this might seem like a marginal statistic. Only 1.4% of the population. But for those who were displaced and their children it was significant.


It is better to be prepared and not need to use the plan, than it is to need a plan and not have one.

 What can you do now?


·        Prepare to Evacuate.

·        Safeguard your Home.

·        Sign Up for Local Alerts and Warnings.

·        Protect Important Documents.

·        Have Emergency Contacts.


·        Conduct an Insurance Audit.


Stay Informed. Stay Safe


Daniel Kilburn

America’s 5-Star Leadership Coach


P.S. You might not know it. But the number one preventable manmade disaster facing us, is a house fire. Go to this link and make sure that does not happen to you.

Jun 03, 202303:40
Larisa Harrington Interview

Larisa Harrington Interview

Today's interview is with Larisa Harrington

Larisa Harrington is an Executive Well-being Coach, Consultant, and Trainer specializing in mindfulness, burnout recovery and prevention, emotional intelligence, communication, and conscious leadership.

Her mission is to make the best better. She helps successful, purpose-driven professionals continue doing meaningful work in the world without sacrificing their health.

 She trains the best to be better, do better, and feel better so they can expand their impact and feel great while doing it.

 Larisa is a 20-year Air Force retiree and has been working in the well-being space for over 2 decades. She offers coaching, consulting, and training to individuals and organizations committed to impact and excellence.

 Larisa's gift. Guided Meditation on Decreasing Anxiety and Increasing Peace, can be found here:

 Larisa can be reached at

Stay Informed. Stay Safe.

Daniel Kilburn

America's 5-Star Leadership Coach

Go to: for the latest personal development offering.

Jun 01, 202327:14
Interview with Michelle Jewsbury

Interview with Michelle Jewsbury

Welcome to the "Act ASAP" podcast, and the EAP Broadcast System, where we explore how to turn your struggles into strength and your pain into purpose.

Today's episode features a truly inspiring guest, Michelle Jewsbury, the founder of Unsilenced Voices and author of the book. "But I Love Him."

 Unsilenced Voices:

 Michelle Jewsbury:

 But I Love Him: "#ad"

Domestic violence affects millions of people around the world, and Michelle's story is a powerful reminder that anyone can become a victim, but with the right mindset and support, anyone can become a survivor. In this episode, we'll hear Michelle's personal journey of surviving domestic violence, how she found the courage to speak out, and how she's using her story to empower others.


Whether you've experienced domestic violence, know someone who has, or just want to learn more about this important issue, you won't want to miss this conversation.

And as a special gift for our listeners, Michelle is offering a free download of her "5 Steps to Overcome Obstacles" guide.


Plus, Michelle is also involved in two important campaigns that you won't want to miss: a Mother's Day fundraiser with Park Lane Jewelry, and a Tampa Bay, Florida, fundraiser on May 20th.


Here is the link for our Mother’s Day campaign with Parklane:


Link for the fundraiser in Tampa May 20


But I Love Him: "#ad"


So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and join us for this inspiring conversation with Michelle Jewsbury. Remember, your story can create change and build a legacy, and this podcast will show you how. Listen now!



Michelle Jewsbury is a powerhouse advocate for those who have experienced pain and trauma. As the CEO and founder of Unsilenced Voices, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering survivors of domestic violence and abuse, Michelle has become a leading voice in the fight against these insidious crimes.


Michelle's journey has been shaped by her own experiences of trauma and abuse. However, rather than let these experiences hold her back, Michelle has used them as a catalyst for positive change, dedicating her life to helping others who have faced similar challenges.


As an internationally recognized speaker, coach, and advocate, Michelle has reached countless individuals with her powerful message of hope and healing. She has been featured in numerous publications and media outlets, including Yahoo Finance, KTLA, and NBC News.


Through her work with Unsilenced Voices, Michelle has empowered survivors of abuse and domestic violence to break the cycle of violence and reclaim their power. By providing resources, education, and support, Michelle and her team have helped survivors to heal and find their voice in a world that often silences them.


With her unwavering commitment to social justice and her passion for empowering others, Michelle Jewsbury is a true force for change in the world today. Her work has touched countless lives and inspires all those who seek to make a difference in the lives of others.


Till next time.

Stay Informed. Stay Safe

Daniel Kilburn

"As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases."

  1. #BreakTheSilence
  2. #SurvivorsSpeak
  3. #EndDomesticViolence
  4. #HealingJourney
  5. #SupportForSurvivors
  6. #ChangeStartsWithUs
Apr 16, 202335:05
National Love Your Children Day

National Love Your Children Day

National Love Your Children Day is a special day to remind us of the love and care we owe to our little ones. As parents or caregivers, our primary responsibility is to keep them safe and secure, especially in emergencies and disasters. The thought of our children being in danger can be overwhelming and frightening, but we can take steps to ensure their safety. We must ensure that our homes have emergency supplies, such as first aid kits, flashlights, and emergency food and water.

We should also teach our children about emergency preparedness so they know what to do in an emergency. In case of a disaster, it is important to have a plan and practice it with our children so they know what to do in case we are not there to direct them. Let us take a moment to appreciate our children and do everything we can to keep them safe and healthy.

National Love Our Children Day, on the first Saturday in April, focuses on raising awareness of child abuse during National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

 Many may think about physical violence or neglect when it comes to child abuse. Still, it can also come from parental apathy, complacency, ignorance, and failure to act. Essentially, not doing anything can actually harm a child. This can mean not giving enough attention or care to a child's needs, not knowing the right way to raise a child, or even being unprepared for emergencies or seeking medical help for a sick child. These actions, or lack thereof, can have serious long-term consequences on a child's development and well-being. So, for parents, it's important to be aware of your actions and take responsibility for ensuring your child's safety, health, and welfare- even if that means stepping out of your comfort zone sometimes.

Today, let’s celebrate the love and affection we have for our children and to reaffirm our commitment to their well-being. While we should love and cherish our children daily, this day reminds us of the importance of prioritizing our children's safety and happiness.

As parents or caregivers, we are responsible for protecting our children from emergencies and disasters. We can't always control what happens in the world, but we can take steps to ensure that our children are safe and secure and they are prepared to act when we are not there to act for them. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for emergencies and disasters and keep your children safe:

It's important to have a plan in place for emergencies. This includes having an emergency kit with essential items like food, water, medication, and first aid supplies. It's also important to have a plan for evacuating your home or seeking shelter in case of a natural disaster.

Keeping current on news and weather alerts can help you stay ahead of potential emergencies. Make sure you have access to reliable sources of information, and don't be afraid to ask for help or advice when you need it.

It's a good idea to practice safety drills with your children so they know what to do in case of an emergency. This includes fire drills, earthquake drills, and tornado drills.

Educating your children about safety is an ongoing process. Teach them to stay safe in different situations, such as crossing the street or riding a bike. Encourage them to speak up if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Being a parent or caregiver can be stressful, and it's important to take care of your own mental health. This includes getting enough sleep, eating well, and coping with stress.

In conclusion, as we celebrate National Love Your Children Day, remember the importance of keeping our children safe and secure. Let us take responsibility for their well-being and prepare for emergencies and disasters. By doing so, we can ensure that our children grow up healthy, happy, and confident in knowing they are loved and protected.

Till next time

Stay Informed, Stay Safe

Daniel Kilburn

America’s Save Your Life Coach

P.S. My Radar phone app can be found here:

Apr 01, 202306:14
Aden Tate of The Last American Interview

Aden Tate of The Last American Interview

Aden Tate is a full-time writer and former locksmith. When he's not hammering away at a keyboard, he can generally be found in the woods.

In this interview, we will discuss Prepping, Politics, and Propaganda.

Aden can be heard on his podcast, The Last American, found on the Prepper Broadcasting Network @

You can also find articles by Aden Tate on:

The Organic Prepper:


Pew Pew Tactical:

Till next time

Stay Informed Stay Safe

P.S. I help moms and dads support their troubled teens from bad decisions to become strong leaders in 90 days.

Join me in the Help Your Teen Become Productive workshop.

I have 10 Scholarships available for the first ten moms & dads who want to secure their parent-teen relationship.

Mar 15, 202335:24
James Walton Interview

James Walton Interview

James Walton is the Intrepid Commander of the Prepper Broadcasting network.

The Prepper Broadcasting Network (PBN) is proud to introduce 20 expert hosts who will provide practical and actionable advice to help people not feel as scared or worried about the challenges facing our planet. From natural disasters to political unrest, PBN's hosts are knowledgeable and experienced in preparing for and navigating tough times.

Join James from the Prepper Broadcasting Network and myself as we discuss concepts of disaster planning and how they affect your family.

Approximate length: 25 minutes

Website URL:

Free Gift: Nuclear War Prepared Not Scared

In an era defined by nuclear insecurity, Dave Jones, The NBC Guy has provided us with a lifeline of knowledge to get through these tough times. He presents clear and concise answers on the effects that atomic weapons could have in this war-ridden world, from what radiation can do to our loved ones' safety. It's all here for everyone who needs reassurance. Come experience his expertise firsthand as you discover more about how a bomb might affect you and your community. Then spread awareness by sharing this book or blog post far and wide! Now is when we need the information most: step inside the new Nuclear Age today.

Free Gift: Nuclear War Prepared Not Scared

Time Distance and Shielding

Till next time

Stay Informed Stay Safe

Daniel Kilburn

Americas Save Your Life Coach

Mar 01, 202325:47
National Leadership Day

National Leadership Day

On National Leadership Day, we take the time to honor and recognize those who have used their influence to shape us into our best selves. February 20th is an opportunity for people from all walks of life— whether a parent or child, teacher or student—to reflect on how leadership has impacted them throughout history and even their lives today.

“Leadership is influence; nothing more, nothing less.” – John C. Maxwell



Take a moment to honor the leaders in your life. Celebrate their positive contributions and make sure they know how much you value them – share an  inspiring story on social media with #NationalLeadershipDay!

While you’re at it, why not commit to deepening your own leadership skills?  Share an enlightening quote or book you like – tag it with  #NationalLeadershipDay. Finally, connect one-on-one: let those who look up to you benefit from hearing something special that resonates as a  part of their growth journey this year.

Parental leadership can be the difference between a peaceful home life and a  chaotic one. It plays an important role in cultivating relationships,  developing positive moral values, forming responsible citizens of tomorrow, encouraging cooperation and unity among family members,  and much more.

From everyone here at Emergency Action  Planning, we hope this article inspired you with tips on becoming a  successful parent-leader today. There are countless methods out there  but don’t forget that what works best is listening carefully and responding proactively rather than reactively in difficult situations.  So now, the ball is in your court – What leadership skills are you embracing today? Post it below

Till next time

Stay Informed Stay Safe

Feb 26, 202306:12
Distracted Depressed Disconnected

Distracted Depressed Disconnected

Do you find yourself feeling distracted, depressed, or disconnected? If so, you're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget to take care of ourselves. We are constantly bombarded with external stimuli, and our brains work overtime to process it. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and depression. But there is hope! By understanding the science behind our emotions and learning some simple self-care techniques, we can start to feel more balanced and empowered. So let's get started!

More steps you can take to reconnect.

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to help overcome these struggles and reconnect with yourself and your surroundings:

1. Unplug & Reconnect With Nature - Taking time away from technology is one way to help break free from the distractions that come with it. Going outside for a walk or just sitting in nature can give you much-needed perspective on life and help you find a sense of calm.

2. Take Time for Self-Care - Taking care of yourself is an important step in staying connected with your own needs and feelings. Make sure to take time each day to do something that makes you feel good, whether it’s taking a hot bath, reading a book, or simply going for a walk

3. Find Your Passion - Finding something you are passionate about can be the key to feeling connected with your life. Pursuing activities or hobbies that bring joy will motivate you to stay focused on your goals and dreams rather than succumbing to distractions.

4. Reach Out For Help - If you struggle with feelings of depression and disconnection, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Whether it’s talking to a family member or friend, seeing a therapist, or joining a support group, plenty of resources can help you through this difficult time.

No matter how disconnected you may feel right now, know that it is possible to overcome these struggles and reconnect with yourself and your surroundings. Taking the steps listed above can help give you the strength and motivation needed to find your way back. Good luck!

In conclusion, the dangers of social media addiction are real. While there are many underlying components that contribute to mental health disorders, addiction to social media can be an active contributing factor. The best way to break the cycle is by setting limits on screen time and learning how to interact with content in a healthier and more meaningful way.

Moreover, face-to-face interaction and human connection cannot be replaced. True fulfillment comes from providing ourselves with real moments where we are present in the moment and not just observing it through our digital lenses. So set realistic goals for yourself, practice mindfulness, find healthy outlets for stress relief, such as yoga or reading a book instead of mindlessly scrolling on your phone, and surround yourself with people who bring out the best version of you. As long as you focus on being mindful and empowering yourself with self-worth, true happiness will follow soon after.

So if you’re looking for ways to unplug, stay present in the moment, and enjoy life offline, register for our Digital Distraction Workshop now! With me here by your side, you can take back control of your life!

Feb 10, 202313:31
Lessons from Today's Earthquake in Turkey

Lessons from Today's Earthquake in Turkey

Today, Turkey experienced two devastating earthquakes, with reports of widespread damage and multiple casualties. This tragedy serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared for earthquakes.

Earthquakes are one of the most unpredictable and destructive natural disasters, striking without warning and causing massive destruction in their wake. To minimize the impact of an earthquake, individuals, families, and communities must take steps to prepare for this type of disaster.

Preparation is key when it comes to earthquakes. It is important to have a plan in place in case of an earthquake, including knowing what to do during and after an earthquake. This can include developing an emergency plan, preparing an emergency kit, and knowing how to evacuate buildings and seek shelter safely.

One of the most important steps in preparing for an earthquake is to secure heavy furniture and appliances, such as bookcases and televisions, to prevent them from falling during an earthquake. This can also include securing your home by installing seismic straps and earthquake valves on gas lines.

Additionally, individuals should also educate themselves about the types of earthquakes that are most likely to occur in their area and understand the potential dangers of aftershocks. This knowledge can help individuals make informed decisions about the best ways to protect themselves and their families during and after an earthquake.

Did you know there are four distinct categories of earthquakes? Tectonic quakes shake the earth's crust due to geological forces. Volcanic temblors occur in connection with volcanic activity, while collapse quakes take place underground during mining operations or cave-ins. Finally, explosion earthquakes come from nuclear and/or chemical explosions!

You may not realize it, but living in the Pacific Northwest comes with its own seismic surprises. From shallow fault quakes to deep earthquakes that occur beneath a subducting ocean slab - they can all be Big Ones! The longest of the three types are likely those monstrously powerful Subduction zone earthquakes which have been known to last several minutes at their peak strength. Better keep your earthquake kits stocked and ready for action, just in case!

The terms "types" and "kinds" of earthquakes are sometimes used interchangeably, but they can refer to different aspects of earthquakes.

In conclusion, today's earthquake in Turkey serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of preparing for earthquakes. By taking the necessary steps to prepare, individuals, families, and communities can reduce the impact of an earthquake and ensure their safety and well-being in the event of a disaster. So, let's all commit to earthquake preparedness, and protect our children, ourselves, and our communities from the devastating effects of this natural disaster."

P.S. Take the time to find the time to put your plan in place. Join me in the Digital Distraction Workshop. Register here and get a free copy of The Seven Sins of the Digitally Distracted eBook.

Feb 07, 202306:41
National Parents Leadership Month

National Parents Leadership Month

National Parents Leadership Month

National Parents Leadership Month is a time to recognize and celebrate parents' vital role in shaping their children's and their communities' futures. Observed annually in February, this month is an opportunity for parents to reflect on their leadership skills and engage in activities that help them become better leaders in their families and communities.

Parent Leadership

One of the key ways that parents can become better leaders is by staying informed about the latest developments in education and child development. This includes staying up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in parenting and engaging in ongoing professional development opportunities.


In addition to individual efforts, National Parents Leadership Month also provides an opportunity for communities to come together and support one another in their efforts to become better leaders. This can include hosting parent-teacher association meetings, organizing community service projects, and engaging in other collaborative efforts that promote positive outcomes for families and communities.

Lead By Example

Parents lead by example. There are dozens of parenting handbooks available, but our children are not an IKEA bookcase to be filled with someone else’s ideas. Our children learn by the example set by their peers and approved by their parents. Often, this is a co-dependent relationship that can be positive or negative. Seeking help with parenting is a common and normal step for many parents. It is important to recognize that parenting can be challenging, and seeking support is a sign of strength and a commitment to providing the best possible care for one's children.

Stay Informed and Stay Safe

P.S. Don't let digital distractions take control of you! With my "Seven Sins of the Digitally Distracted" eBook, and the Digital Distraction Workshop, parents can focus on what's important and reach their goals. You'll find answers to why it's hard to stay focused, How daydreaming can hurt productivity—and strategies for overcoming any obstacles. Take back those hours spent scrolling through social media and turn them into productive days with this special offer: Register here; both the eBook and workshop are free!

Feb 02, 202308:15
Daily Distraction In The Digital Age

Daily Distraction In The Digital Age

Are we distracted?

Our daily lives have become dominated by the eight-hour workday, leaving little time for family, hobbies, or self-care. In reality, many of us are only doing five to six hours' worth of actual work - spending precious extra minutes and hours on pointless meetings or succumbing to distractions like our pinging phones. Not only is this wreaking havoc with workers’ well-being, but businesses too could be losing out big time; a recent study conducted by Udemy found that employees feel unfulfilled in their jobs yet don't know what else they can do!

Stretching Our Brain

In the analog days, stretching our brains to their limit was hard enough. But fast forward to today's digital world, and it feels as if you're racing a Formula One car on a dirt road! We must develop strategies that help us focus on one task at a time (instead of frantically multitasking) or resist distraction. As a result, our productivity, accuracy, and quality suffer because switching from job to job can quickly deplete our mental energy reserves.

Are Our Brains Healthy

With all the data we're presented with daily, our brains must work hard to keep up! But putting in that extra effort can be taxing - it's like squeezing an orange until nothing remains. Our neurons send fatigue signals when they've been overworked from having to differentiate between trivia and crucial information, and we ignore them. In addition, we may need to realize how much of what we see online or hear from others is competing for resources; whether mundane life choices or deeper moral issues, things take more energy than we think to process correctly.

Is It That Bad?

With so much work, our attention span is shorter than ever, and it’s no surprise that analysts have reached the same conclusion: distraction, at its worst, can cost us a significant amount of time and productivity. For example, McKinsey & Co. estimated that 28% of high-skilled workers' hours are eaten up by emails alone! And we still need to begin tackling issues like social media distractions...

Trained Responses

We can't deny it; the design of social media has us hooked! From needing to answer a text or email instantly to checking Twitter updates compulsively - we've been conditioned by persuasive design. To break free from its grip and train ourselves to focus intently again requires effortful practice every day.

Is There A Solution

If you frequently find yourself easily distracted, it may be time to consider some mitigation strategies. You control your level of distraction, and there are many things you can do to improve the situation. Please register for our upcoming workshop on digital distractions to learn more about how to manage this issue in your life.

Sign up for the Digital Distraction Workshop and receive a copy of the Seven Sins of the Digitally Distracted eBook.

Stay Informed and Stay Safe

Feb 01, 202308:40
The implications of the WEF's declaration

The implications of the WEF's declaration

Davos Switzerland, 2023 World Economic Forum (WEF) is declaring a worldwide catastrophic event within the next two years.

Worldwide catastrophic event

Hey there! Daniel here with some news on emergency action planning. It looks like this past week had winter storms that were rough in the Northeast but starting to slow down out West - we can expect these kinds of things during winter, right? There's a story coming from Davos about an ominous declaration made at the World Economic Forum. Apparently, they think something catastrophic is going to happen soon... could be within just two years or so! It sounds alarming and I'm sure everyone will keep their eyes peeled for updates.

A Catastrophic Mutating Event.

A looming disaster is poised to hit the world two years from now. It's not just a regular attack, it's something far more sinister than that – a major cyber-attack! We've been hearing whispers about this for some time as bad actors have begun plotting against us in order to take our hard-earned money and cause destruction where ever they can. So let's be prepared for anything because who knows what these fiends are capable of?

Ripple Effect

Russia's cyber-attack in Ukraine had a ripple effect that caused other parts of Europe to lose power, too. In many cases, an initial event can have multiple impacts - think about earthquakes: not only does the ground break beneath your house, but also massive damage is done to infrastructure, like disabling the electricity grids.

Cyber-Attack Leaders

It looks like China and the United States have been dominating primary events, but with a savvy tech-wiz running interference, an attack can originate from someplace else. Data collected from IP addresses might be showing one thing – however, what's really going on could even come as a surprise!

Cyber Attack Origin – by Country

With the US and China at the top of many headlines, it's easy to overlook Russia. But they're very active in cyber-attacks — enough so that sometimes it seems like they could pull off some false flag operations! Of course, we can't know for sure what's happening behind closed doors—that would require an investigative journey someone else can take.


We've seen it repeatedly - someone predicts the future, but people don't believe them because they can't fully verify what's being said. Take global warming, for instance: many were skeptical about its realness until reality hit us all in the face! Well, it's here, folks. We can't do anything about it. So be aware of changes that could come our way; think twice before dismissing something you haven't personally verified yet.

Security Measures

Cyber security should never be taken for granted. Despite the complacent and apathetic attitudes of some, we all need to stay vigilant when using our computers, phones or any device that can access information online, as it's easy for cyber-attacks to spread quickly if even one wrong button is pressed. Taking simple precautions such as regular updates, strong passwords and being aware of suspicious links could save you from becoming another victim!

Stay informed and stay safe - these are traditional words but never more relevant than today!

Jan 28, 202310:21
Hypocrites, is the world full of them?

Hypocrites, is the world full of them?

ypocrites, is the world full of them?

So  what is a hypocrite? Hypocrites are easy to spot. They’re the ones who  set their eyes on one thing, only looking away when it comes time for  them to judge you – or someone else! These people have got some double  standard going that’s just confusing as all get out because there isn’t  any logic behind what they do.

Now in some ways, this is natural. We all  apply different standards to different people based on our upbringing,  education, financial status, or whatever we want to call it. Sometimes  is right, and sometimes wrong.

I am pondering this concept because of  several conversations I have had recently. As you know, my vision is to  protect our children from the emergencies and disasters that will come  into their lives. My mission is to prepare the family so they can  protect themselves.

For the  longest time, FEMA has been conducting the National Household  Survey on  Disaster Preparedness. And for many years, it has hovered between 30 to  40% of the population who has done anything to prepare themselves and  their family for emergencies.

The  2022 national household survey states that of the respondents, 45% of  the adults are prepared for disaster. This is a self-assessed  questionnaire. Generally speaking, this means that we are better  prepared than we were last year and better prepared than we were the  year before.

One thing I  find very interesting here is that of the people I have personally  surveyed, that number is much lower. And looking at the actual data in  the survey demonstrates that the vast majority of respondents have a  plan (41%) but have done very little to actualize the plan.

Go here to see the data yourself:

The  conversations I had with people earlier this week revolved around  fearmongering. How people, in general, will refuse to do something  unless it scares them so bad and the chance of losing something is so  dire that they feel like they need to take action to prevent it. Many  purveyors and people in the disaster management industry are just like  that. They are fearmongers who will tell you how bad the world will be  and how bad life will be. So buy their knife and defend yourself from  the zombie hoard, or you need to buy their backpacks so you can hike out  of town and go Into the wilderness to protect yourself. Neither option  is valid or usable under most circumstances. Amazon Ring is a very good  example of fearmongering for profit.

In  my conversations, I was offered the opportunity to embrace my  controlling fearmonger for fun and profit. And I cannot do that. There  is a way to prepare without fear, a way to teach our children in a fun,  enlightening, and educational way. By embracing communications and  resiliency, we are developing the leaders of tomorrow.

Til next time, Be Safe

Jan 19, 202310:24
The Truth About What’s Holding You Back

The Truth About What’s Holding You Back

We all face challenges, both external and internal. But the truth is - at our core, most of these obstacles are created by ourselves in one way or another! Could it be that you're scared of risking failure? Or feeling like you aren't worth achieving your goals? It's time to be honest about what might be standing between you and success. Once identified, those barriers can start to crumble away... giving us space for a brighter future ahead!


Multitasking might seem like a great way to get thing’s done quickly, but it's not really feasible. The human brain just isn't made for multitasking and trying to do two or more complex tasks at once is going to result in lost productivity - so stick with one task per go! That said, focusing on completing the single thing you're doing can help you finish faster overall.


From cats begging for cuddles, to notifications blowing up your phone and even just dealing with the perfect temperature of your workspace - distractions can be everywhere! But don't fret; a little planning ahead is all it takes to keep those obstacle from distracting you on the path towards success.

Instant Gratification

Instant gratification may be tempting, but it's rarely the best choice. Taking time to put in consistent effort can lead to drastic improvements down the line - a perfect example of this being something as simple as walking regularly. It won't seem like anything now, but that discipline over 10 or 20 years could have tremendous benefits for your health!

Negative Thoughts and Impulses

It's easy to become overwhelmed with negative thoughts and impulses that can lead us down a path of bad decisions. The best way to combat this situation is by finding out if any unresolved trauma or contradicting beliefs may be lurking in the shadows, stopping you from moving forward positively.

Temptation and Excuses

We all know how it goes - you have the best of intentions and then temptation strikes, irresistible. Before you know it, excuses are around every corner to keep you from achieving your goals! Staying disciplined is a challenge but if we can learn to avoid temptations altogether instead of just relying on willpower alone that will surely help us succeed.

Lack of Control

It's impossible to have absolute control over our lives, but we do have complete power when it comes to how respond. Learning how cope with situations outside of your control is key; take a deep breath and focus on what you can manage - yourself!

To identify and conquer the obstacles that stand in our way, it's important to set realistic goals and craft an action plan accordingly. Believing we can make progress despite what life throws at us is half the battle; then showing up consistently with enthusiasm carries us closer toward success every day!

Feeling overwhelmed and like you can't seem to get ahead?

Check out our workshop on how to take and keep control of your schedule! You'll learn how to create a weekly routine that works for you, so you can finally achieve life balance.

Having a well-managed schedule not only increases productivity but also brings happiness into all areas of your life. So join us and get started on creating the perfect plan for you!

Register today for our workshop on taking and keeping control of your schedule!

Register Here:

Jan 19, 202312:22
Winter Storm Preparations

Winter Storm Preparations

Friday Findings Winter Storm Preparations

Before winter approaches, make sure you have made preparations:

Winter storms can be dangerous; storms in December have already proved this. Winter is just getting started, and January storms are on the way. So it's essential to prepare in advance.

Consider warm clothing and layers to help protect you from cold temperatures and potential frostbite, and have enough clothing, hats, mittens, and blankets or sleeping bags for everyone in the house.

Have alternative heating sources like a fireplace, wood-burning stove, or space heater. Use caution, as these can cause carbon monoxide poisoning if misused; remember to ventilate.

Stock up on drinking water and non-perishable food items that don't need to be cooked and ensure water pipes are insulated in case of a power outage.

Have flashlights and a battery-powered radio ready for any power outages, and make sure your cell phones are charged or invest in battery-operated chargers.

Finally, plan out warm places, such as friends' homes and community shelters, where you can stay warm if needed.

Stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary. Build an emergency supply kit for your car: first aid kit, jumper cables, full tank of gas, cell phone, and cell phone charger, shovel, ice scraper, snow brush, sand/cat litter, warm clothing & blanket, water and snacks, tire chains, tow rope, and flares.

Taking precautions now can save you from severe winter storm dangers.

Additional Information:

Till next time

Be Safe

P.S. Remember to register for the 10 SMART Ways to Take and Keep Control of your Schedule.

Jan 07, 202305:23
Benefits of Having a Balanced Schedule

Benefits of Having a Balanced Schedule

It's clear that having a balanced schedule is the key to achieving greater success without sacrificing your well-being. When you make sure all areas of life are accounted for in your scheduling, it can bring about numerous advantages such as increased efficiency and productivity with time management, lowered stress levels due to not being overwhelmed by an overflowing timetable, more freedom apart from work commitments which allows one to truly enjoy their life, better concentration when regularly taking breaks during tasks at hand and prevention of burnout caused by overworking oneself or taking on too much workload concurrently.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and can't keep up with life's demands, it's time to take a step back. Examining your current schedule is the key to achieving harmony between work, family, friends, and personal well-being - so make sure each area gets adequate attention! When balance is achieved in this way, leaving enough room for all of these vital parts of life, including self-care too! you'll find that happiness & productivity follows more naturally.

To achieve life balance and be your most productive, it’s important to create a weekly schedule. This will help you see where adjustments need to be made in order for all areas of your life – work, family, friends etc - to receive ample attention. When properly managed this can lead towards optimal productivity as well as increased happiness in regards with the different aspects that make up our lives.

Utilizing your 24 hours wisely will provide you with a balanced lifestyle. Give priority to the most critical aspects of life such as work and family, and round out free time with other activities that bring enrichment and joy. Mindful planning keeps burnout at bay, allowing for satisfaction across all areas of your life – creating harmony between yourself, friends & family! Review your schedule regularly in light of these needs; adjust accordingly so that each day is one full motivation-filled success!

Till next time, Be safe.

P.S. Many things are competing for attention these days. Therefore, taking control of your schedule and making time for the things most important to you is essential. Otherwise, you'll end up letting other people and things dictate how you spend your time, and that can be frustrating and even stressful.

This Free 10 SMART Ways workshop and eBook will teach you tactics you can copy and use now. Get More Done, Focus Better, Relieve Stress & Avoid Burnout.

Register here:

Jan 02, 202305:37


Ah, grateful, that wonderful feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for everything we have in our lives. Having gratitude is a crucial part of everyday life—especially when it comes to family. This post is dedicated to reflecting on the magic of being grateful for not only what we have but also who we have in our lives – those special people with whom relationships are forged out of love and understanding shared moments, compassion, tears, fears, and laughter!

As a stoic realist, I know I have more days behind me than I have in front of me. And every morning, I wake up with a deep sense of gratitude. It's not just for the simple things, like my health and well-being, but for every single experience that has brought me to where I am today. From the people I've met along the way to the opportunities and risks I have taken - all these dots have connected in ways that make me who I am today; a 67-year-old man full of joy and optimism.

I remember back when everything was uncertain, and it felt like life had thrown me turdballs at every turn. But looking back now, those challenging times were actually blessings in disguise as they taught me so much about myself, how resilient I can be and how strong my will is if push comes to shove. When faced with failure or mistakes, I kept pushing forward because giving up wasn't an option for me; something inside of me knew that better days were coming no matter what happened next.

And sure enough, here we are! Every day is precious nowadays since it allows us to appreciate all of our successes (big or small), reflect on our journey thus far and celebrate even more milestones ahead in life!

I remember the day I decided to start this journey like it was yesterday. I had spent days contemplating what I wanted to do with my life and how I could make a difference in the world. After some serious soul-searching, I finally knew what path to take – creating content that would inspire others and bring joy into their lives.

So today, if you are reading this – then thank you! Thank you for being part of this journey with me, for taking the time out of your day to read/watch/listen to what I have shared over these past few months - it means so much more than words can express! Whether you've been here since the beginning or just recently joined – your presence has made all the difference in keeping me motivated every single day

And now, as we embark on yet another magical year ahead together - know that nothing ever stops us when we put our minds (and hearts) towards achieving greatness.

We are just getting started!

P.S. Start the new year with a plan of action. Stay tuned for the upcoming Scheduling and Planning workshop.

Till Next time

Be Safe

Dec 31, 202206:02
Authentic Communications

Authentic Communications

This is a reading of a chapter I wrote for  The Book of Influence to be published early in 2023.

Feedback is appreciated.

Dec 25, 202212:22
Friday Findings Died Suddenly

Friday Findings Died Suddenly

To bring valuable information to you. I have come across a documentary, "Died Suddenly," which is a deeply disturbing film about the intentional depopulation of the world using COVID-19 vaccines. I highly suggest that you take the time to watch it.

*** Warning***

This documentary is not suitable for children.

Emergency Action Planning is presenting this documentary for your entertainment and information.

A shocking new documentary, "Died Suddenly," paints a chilling picture of our global future. It seems the Globalists are orchestrating what could be the greatest die-off in all recorded history! This disturbing information implies that politicians, media corporations, and fear-mongers have been complicit in depopulating humanity for their own gain. Even more disheartening to consider? Evidence suggests authorities knew about climate change fifty years ago but did nothing then - or now – to stop its potentially catastrophic effects on us all. I suggest you take some time out of your day and watch this alarming film ASAP.

Here's the link

If this is not true: The documentary is disturbing because it does prove that there are those who do lie to us for their own gain. But we already knew that.

Trust and verify. Do not believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.

It is more important than ever to make our voices heard and take action. Our world has changed drastically in the past 50 years - not just due to global warming but also because of population growth. The documentary proves that those in power have known about this impending crisis for decades, yet did nothing preventative until now.

We stand at a tipping point with water shortages threatening massive crop failures and even starvation! These events could severely impact California's food supply and hydroelectric production if they are left unchecked.

If there was any time to stand up and prepare for these events, it is now. Take action and plan for the emergencies and disasters that will come into the lives of your children. Let us join together before it’s too late, so future generations don't suffer from such devastating consequences!

Till next time

Be Safe

P.S. Like, Share and Reply with your thoughts on this material. If you tell me what you think, I can provide what you want. The top right is “What’s On Your Mind?”

P.S. Next year, the EAP Workshop will be committing to a series of monthly training events; January will focus on Scheduling and Planning.

Dec 23, 202206:23
Friday Findings – Leadership Requires Vulnerability

Friday Findings – Leadership Requires Vulnerability

Leadership is a contact sport. Being vulnerable is one of the ways to win.

If you've ever been at the front of a team effort or leadership position, you know it takes strength and courage to step up and take responsibility. At the same time, though, having a successful leader also means being comfortable with vulnerability. All leaders need to open themselves up and be vulnerable if they want their teams to trust them – something which may not always come naturally. In this blog post, we'll discuss why effective leaders must embrace vulnerability as part of their leadership mindset. Understanding how important it is for both yourself and your team that you expose some vulnerabilities while still staying confident enough in yourself to lead can make all the difference between success and failure!

As a leader, we often carry the burden of perfection. For decades, in my distinguished service as a Combat Infantryman, US Army Senior Drill Sergeant, and Instructor at the Non-Commissioned Officers Academy, this meant shouldering insurmountable responsibility and admitting to needing support was not an option. But in our current climate of economic hardship brought on by COVID-19, true leadership must include understanding that even leaders need help from peers and professionals if needed - be sure it's coming from trustworthy sources! We cannot afford for any further costs to pay for being too proud or trying to go at it alone.

The last two years of COVID have taken a toll on the world economically, socially, and emotionally. Moving forward into 2023, as true leaders in family, business, or the public sector, we must recognize our need for support. Reach out to your peers, family, and friends. If needed, find professional support. Sadly, we must also be cautious with whom we are vulnerable because it may harm us.

This video from Simon Sinek came across my Linkedin feed, which prompted me to create this post. There is value in it. I highly recommend that you watch it. If you don’t believe what I say, you might believe Simon Sinek.

Do not overthink it. Remember to put your masks on first.

Simon Sinek Linkedin Post

Additional support:

Till next time

“Be Safe”

Drill Santa Dan here inviting you to join me and my trusty assistants, Remington Reindeer and Evangeline Elf, for the upcoming holiday house fire safety boot camp. Click this link, and you will receive the first of many gifts, the holiday house fire safety boot camp e-book filled with valuable information.

Dec 10, 202203:44
World Tsunami Awareness Day

World Tsunami Awareness Day

0221104 Tip of the Day Candle Fire Safety

The holidays are on us like a 10-year-old riding a sled on a snowy day.

Winter is a time for fireside gatherings, warm drinks, and cozy candles.

Todays Candles

Candles have come a long way since their initial use as a source of light. While they are no longer used as a major light source, they continue to grow in popularity and use. Today, candles serve many purposes beyond just lighting up a room. They can be used to symbolize a celebration, ignite romance, soothe the senses, honor a ceremony, and accent home decor.  Their warm and lovely glow is something that all can enjoy.

While they create a festive atmosphere, candles can also be dangerous if not used correctly. Did you know that nearly twice as many home candle fires occur during the winter months as in the summer? According to the National Fire Protection Association, candle fires cause more than $200 million in property damage yearly in the United States.

It’s important to be aware of fire safety when using candles, especially around the holidays.

Here are a few tips to help keep your family safe.

-Keep candles away from children and pets.

-Never leave a candle burning unattended,

-The temperature of the hottest part of the flame is about 1,400 °C (2,550 °F)

-Place candles on stable surfaces where they can’t be knocked over.

-Trim the wick to 1/4 inch before burning. Long wicks can cause fires.

-Burn candles in well-ventilated areas.

-Keep candles at least 12 inches away from anything that can burn.

Till next time“Be Safe”

P.S. Remember not to forget to get your gift, the Holiday House Fire-Safety eBook, and register for the upcoming Holiday Fire Safety Bootcamp here.

Nov 05, 202204:25
Tip of the Day Candle Fire Safety

Tip of the Day Candle Fire Safety

The holidays are on us like a 10-year-old riding a sled on a snowy day.

Winter is a time for fireside gatherings, warm drinks, and cozy candles.

Candles have come a long way since their initial use as a source of light.

While they are no longer used as a major source of light, they continue to grow in popularity and use. Today, candles serve many purposes beyond just lighting up a room. They can be used to symbolize a celebration, ignite romance, soothe the senses, honor a ceremony, and accent home decor. Their warm and lovely glow is something that all can enjoy.

While they create a festive atmosphere, candles can also be dangerous if not used correctly. Did you know that nearly twice as many home candle fires occur during the winter months as in the summer? According to the National Fire Protection Association, candle fires cause more than $200 million in property damage each year in the United States.

It's important to be aware of fire safety when using candles, especially around the holidays. Here are a few tips to help keep your family safe.

-Keep candles away from children and pets.

-Never leave a candle burning unattended,

-The temperature of the hottest part of the flame is about 1,400 °C (2,550 °F)

-Place candles on stable surfaces where they can't be knocked over.

-Trim the wick to 1/4 inch before burning. Long wicks can cause fires.

-Burn candles in well-ventilated areas.

-Keep candles at least 12 inches away from anything that can burn.

Till next time

“Be Safe”

P.S. Remember not to forget to get your gift, the Holiday House Fire-Safety eBook, and register for the upcoming Holiday Fire Safety Bootcamp here.

Nov 04, 202201:18