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The Coach's Corner with David Bradley

The Coach's Corner with David Bradley

By David Bradley

David Bradley, Senior Training Facilitator, Coach, Sales and Marketing Manager with Cardone Training Technologies helping you get the most from Grant's teachings and trainings while delivering a little motivation, inspiration and wisdom of my own.

From Listener Tim: "I am a subscriber to your podcast and love what you are putting out there... Keep up the good work, I live off your podcast and it is making me money and making me a better person."
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#SalesTips Clues From The Last Purchase

The Coach's Corner with David BradleyOct 13, 2020

AGREEMENT: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom
May 26, 202111:53
Bad Sales Questions

Bad Sales Questions

Bad Sales Questions  Here are three questions to never ask at the greeting/fact finding  1.)What pricing do you already have?   2.)What's your budget? 3.)Would you buy today if...   There are much better ways to find out if you have a decision maker and if they’re fully capable of making a financial commitment today then asking these old school questions that are guaranteed to put your buyer on full alert.  For full list of better questions and…   FREE ACCESS TO CARDONE U:  LEARN MORE ABOUT COACHING:

May 25, 202102:00
11 Limiting Beliefs And What To Do About Them

11 Limiting Beliefs And What To Do About Them

11 Limiting Beliefs And What To Do About Them  What we say to ourselves sometimes is how we make sense of not living to our fullest potential.  And understand what these 11 phrases I pulled from an older blog post of Grant's actually mean will revolutionize the way you interpret some everyday comments you hear day in and day out.  Take note of these limiting beliefs and ask yourself, do you say these often?  What level of agreement do you have with them?  Are you allowing this line of thinking to keep you from creating the life you want and deserve?  




May 24, 202125:59
The shocking truth behind why you're not getting paid

The shocking truth behind why you're not getting paid

The shocking truth behind why you're not getting paid  "Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough to not quit."   -George Carlin  There is a very simple pragmatic truth to the reason why you're not getting paid enough.  This truth can be better explained with a short story.  Have you ever heard the one about a plumber who went to a homeowner, whacked a pipe with a wrench and ended a leak?  “That will be $200,” he says.  The homeowner replied, “You were only here for a few minutes and I only saw you hit the pipe with your wrench. I demand an itemized bill.”  The plumber wrote the following...  




May 21, 202116:40
PROSPECT: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

PROSPECT: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

PROSPECT:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom  INTRO:  Today’s word, short of closing the sale, is the most valuable skill any one could ever develop.  WORD: Prospect  (noun and verb)  DEFINITION of Prospect: (noun) the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring. "there was no prospect of a reconciliation" a person regarded as likely to succeed or as a potential customer, client, etc. "clients deemed likely prospects for active party membership" an extensive view of landscape. "a viewpoint commanding a magnificent prospect of the estuary"  Synonyms (noun): command, lookout, outlook, panorama, perspective, view, vista  

FULL TEXT:…-wednesdaywisdom/  



May 19, 202112:09
#SalesTips Handling the competition

#SalesTips Handling the competition

Handling the competition: 

“Get your prospects feeling good about you rather than bad about the competition.” 

-Emily Sabet @ Solar Technologies

May 18, 202102:02
Never apologize for what you really want

Never apologize for what you really want

Never apologize for what you really want  

SUCCESS TIP FROM YOUR UNCLE G: Never apologize for what you really want!  

Visualize your ideal, dream life and never apologize for it.   [STOP READING NOW: Take a real moment and really do this.  Look at your present situation and compare it with your ideal, dream life.  No limits.  No restrictions.  Money's not an issue.]  What do you see?  Where are you at?  Who are you with?  How are you living?  What's going on in your future?  Whatever came to mind...  If you want a nice sports car, multiple luxurious penthouses and properties or a six-figure residual income you have nothing to apologize for.  If you want to be able to travel every 3 months, give back to charity, have an amazing spouse, build lasting and meaningful relationships, and leave a huge legacy…  Let Grant and I tell you right now—don’t let anyone tell you that...  




May 17, 202116:60
How do you dominate?

How do you dominate?

SMALL GOALS WILL ALWAYS LEAVE YOU COMPETING WITH OTHERS  A STERN WARNING FROM GRANT CARDONE:  How do you dominate?  It starts with your thinking.  How many times do we see people set goals and then either never get started or bail on them?  Frequently and regularly, most of us have been warned against setting goals “too high.”  The reality is that if you start small, you are probably going to go small.  People’s failure (myself and Grant included) to think big enough usually means they will never act big enough, often enough, or persistently enough!  After all, who gets excited about so-called realistic goals?  FULL TEXT:  FREE ACCESS TO CARDONE U:  LEARN MORE ABOUT COACHING:

May 14, 202114:56
INTROVERT vs EXTROVERT: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

INTROVERT vs EXTROVERT: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

INTROVERT vs EXTROVERT:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom  

INTRO:  Today's subtext will be about the toxic limits we put on our selves because we believed someone else when they slapped a label on us that pigeon holed us and left us trapped by the idea of, "well that's just not me,"  

WORD: Introvert / Extrovert  (noun)  DEFINITION of the words...  





May 12, 202111:57
Seizing Control Today

Seizing Control Today

Seizing Control Today. Today, put 100% of your attention ONLY on the things YOU can control.   Focus on what you have immediate control over and on what you can do, not what you can't.  This would include, but not limited to your personal development, healthy diet & exercise, managing your mindset & attitude, responding NOT reacting.  Bottom line here is you are either getting better at being your divine self today or you are getting worse.  Sorry, there is no middle of the road here...  And if you're not in control of these things then WHO is?

May 11, 202101:34
How to be an effective salesperson

How to be an effective salesperson

What makes a good salesperson?  If you're new to sales or if you have been in it just long enough to start wondering if you've made a wrong turn on the career path, then stay tuned because we're about to give you a mindset that you can adapt to get back on track.  And if you're a seasoned salesperson who's become a bit salty or jaded, first off, you're not alone and secondly, if you're not at the level you know you should be at, stick around a while as the spark to being an even more successful salesperson is just ahead.  Now, you may have heard Grant Cardone talk about this before but it’s important to understand that in order to be an effective salesperson you have to believe in other people.  That’s because closing a deal is rarely about...  




May 10, 202115:36
How To Grow Your Income (3 ways for sure)

How To Grow Your Income (3 ways for sure)

How To Grow Your Income (3 ways for sure)  Money?  Where does it come from and who makes it?  And while we can debate the accuracy of whether money grows on trees or not we can all agree that money can grow.  There are many ways for you to create massive success for yourself and we're going to look at Grant's recent blogpost with 3 sure fire ways to grow your income.  It's important that before we get started that you come to terms with the following concept.  FULL TEXT:

May 07, 202115:29
IGNORANCE: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

IGNORANCE: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

IGNORANCE:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom  INTRO:  Today’s word has a cameo appearance in Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol.  Today’s word also could be the main reason you don’t have what you want in your life.  Today’s word is additionally used as a weapon by the manipulative and has been confused by generations as bliss.  If you don’t have control of this word, it is costing you your life…  FULL TEXT:

May 05, 202108:36
#SalesTips What Money CAN'T Buy

#SalesTips What Money CAN'T Buy

#SalesTips What Money CAN'T Buy  Hey this is David Bradley, training facilitator and coach with Grant Cardone here with your Tuesday Sales Tip in under 2 minutes  Today’s tip is gonna be short, simple, sweet and to the point and for some of  you, hopefully will trigger a shift in think and cause you to take a new level of action towards getting right with your money and getting your money right.  “Money can't buy happiness, poverty can't buy anything.

May 04, 202101:16
How to close with confidence

How to close with confidence

How to close with confidence  In a recent post on our Cardone University blog we talked about presenting with confidence and how to set that up from the very beginning.  If you been in sales for any real period of time or have seen the movie Glengarry Glen Ross, you know that ABC stands for Always Be Closing.  But how do we do that in this day and age?  Is the a modern, less old school sales approach to position yourself to ABC.  Always Be Closing.  FULL TEXT:

May 03, 202113:08
The only person who can create your future is you (but we can help)
Apr 30, 202118:12
CONSEQUENCE: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

CONSEQUENCE: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

CONSEQUENCE:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom  INTRO:  This word has fallen into a more negative category but the reality is that it is really a rather neutral word.  WORD: Consequence  (noun)  DEFINITION of Consequence: a result or effect of an action or condition. "many have been laid off from work as a consequence of the administration's policies" importance or relevance. "the past is of no consequence"  ETYMOLOGY of Consequence...

Apr 28, 202109:05
Keep the main thing THE MAIN THING

Keep the main thing THE MAIN THING

Hey this is David Bradley, training facilitator and coach with Grant Cardone here with your Tuesday Sales Tip in under 2 minutes  Keep the main thing THE MAIN THING: 

1) Disregard the bad news  

2) Disregard the past  

3) Focus on producing for tomorrow.

Apr 27, 202101:37
How to become a master salesperson
Apr 26, 202117:19
One proven way to increase sales (and most certainly gross profit)

One proven way to increase sales (and most certainly gross profit)

One proven way to increase sales (and most certainly gross profit)  One proven way to increase sales and most certainly gross profit is by presenting options to your prospect in your proposals. Options can be a great way to capture deals that you are missing now. Keep in mind, when a buyer says “No”, often times they are just saying “No” to what you have presented, and in my experience this arises more often than not when only one option is presented by the sales person. Choices support decision making."  -Grant Cardone  Options give your buyer the ability to compare and in most cases lock in on what they really want and need, then select the package that is most appropriate for solving their problem...  FULL TEXT:

Apr 23, 202112:21
CHANGE: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

CHANGE: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

CHANGE:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom  INTRO:  Today's word is mandatory for your survival.  WORD: Change (a verb and a noun)  DEFINITION of Change:  verb  make (someone or something) different...

Apr 21, 202110:44
#SalesTips ANYTHING: You can do anything as long as...

#SalesTips ANYTHING: You can do anything as long as...

Hey this is David Bradley, training facilitator and coach with Grant Cardone here with your Tuesday Sales Tip in under 2 minutes  ANYTHING:  You can do anything as long as...

Apr 20, 202101:08
Grant Cardone's Perfect Sales Process

Grant Cardone's Perfect Sales Process

Grant Cardone's Perfect Sales Process  

For fifty years, there has been very little change in how people sell things. Most of the information is dated, with encouragement to control the customer and spend long periods of time with them, believing the longer you spend with them the more indebted they become. The reality is that people have changed over the last fifty years, so the sales process must change with them.

Apr 19, 202116:06
Cold Calls Equal Cold Hard Cash

Cold Calls Equal Cold Hard Cash

Cold Calls Equal Cold Hard Cash  How many times has some told you or posted on Social that Cold Calling is dead?  What if it turned out that the exact opposite is the reality.  That cold calls equal cold hard cash.  I'll tell you why in a minute.  Imagine making one phone call and making more money than most people make in a month.  If you’re finally ready to make more money pay attention to this.  And keep in mind, this may sound scary but hear me out...  You’ve got to learn how to sell things over the phone

Apr 16, 202111:09
PROGRAM: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

PROGRAM: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

PROGRAM:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom  INTRO:  Today's word is incredibly important as it is and forever will be directly related to what defines you as a human being...    WORD: Program (noun and verb)  DEFINITION of Program:

Apr 14, 202108:25


#SalesTips LIVING DOWN TO EXPECTATIONS  This one’s for managers:  Have you ever heard the phrase “living up to expectations”?  Make sure your people do that.  DO NOT fall into the trap of labeling any of your people as lazy, uncommitted, a waste of time/talent or they will live DOWN to your expectations.  PUSH your people to be GREAT, to be the best version of themselves while they are on your clock and give them the tools and resources necessary to be GREAT.

Apr 13, 202101:25
Using The 80/20 Rule to 10X Your Success

Using The 80/20 Rule to 10X Your Success

Using The 80/20 Rule to 10X Your Success  FROM THE DESK OF GRANT CARDONE:  Once you understand what the 80/20 Rule is, you can use it it 10X your success with this one simple little tweak.  The 80/20 Rule has been talked about about by a number of people and the 80/20 Rule basically says this:  80% of your success comes from just 20% of the things you do.  Taken further, the 80/20 rule can be seen in different areas of society:  Literary:  20% of authors sell 80% of the books Employees:  And 20% of your employees make 80% of your sales Crime:  20% of criminals commit 80% of all crimes The point is...

Apr 12, 202109:18
You're in sales. What do you expect from yourself?

You're in sales. What do you expect from yourself?

You're in sales.  What do you expect from yourself?  What do you need to be successful?  If you're not seeing the results you want but the effort is there, maybe you're not getting your needs met.  Maybe your expectations are out.  If the production isn't there it usually can be traced back to a motivation or skill issue.  So let's look at what a salesperson needs to be successful.  [Attn managers: make sure your people are getting these needs met]  To be successful in sales you need these six things Targets Perception Study Practice Debrief / Correction Consistency

Apr 09, 202114:08
NURTURE: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

NURTURE: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

NURTURE:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom  INTRO:  Have you ever tried to get a tomato plant grow faster?  That'd be kinda crazy wouldn't it.  However when you plant a seed in the right soil, water it, get it sunlight and do all the necessary things, you get a healthy plant that produces a crop.  WORD: Nurture (verb)  DEFINITION of Nurture:

Apr 07, 202107:41
#SalesTips You Do Not Have A Choice

#SalesTips You Do Not Have A Choice

#SalesTips You Do Not Have A Choice  You do not have a choice, this is NOT a free country for you YET.   Freedom requires You to Have have:   1. great attitude  2. laser focus  3. unwavering commitment  4. giant goals.    These are not options, unless you’re good where you’re at then by all means enjoy the uncertainty, fear and doubt.

Apr 06, 202101:38
Why Safe Always Loses

Why Safe Always Loses

Why Safe Always Loses  Now, here's the nitty and the gritty about why safe always loses...  TRYING TO AVOID DANGER IN A WORLD THAT IS FILLED WITH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE.  Bad things happen to good people every day.  What examples can you think of where bad things have happened to good people? Here are 3 from Grant's Strategy of The Week:  Sometimes you lose money before you make money. Customers betray you for the competition. Your spouse leaves you.  WOULD YOU CONSIDER...

Apr 05, 202115:54
Grant Cardone's 5 Traits To Manifesting Success

Grant Cardone's 5 Traits To Manifesting Success

Grant Cardone's 5 Traits To Manifesting Success  Success has ingredients.  There are commonalities.  Look at the American Dream.  It is the dream of freedom, of success,  of making your dreams a reality and it is real.  Grant Cardone has been studying success since he was 15 years old and he has found that there are common ingredients that everyone has and can cultivate.  In a YouTube video from Oct of 2020, Grant gives us...  5 Traits To Manifesting Success.

Apr 02, 202112:48
DEPENDABLE: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

DEPENDABLE: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

DEPENDABLE:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom  INTRO:  Today’s word is something that you can be and it is also something you can do in order to remove fear and doubt from your life but it does come with a price tag.  Dependable: (adjective)  DEFINITION of Dependable  FREE ACCESS TO CARDONE U

Mar 31, 202110:39
#SalesTIps Don't Go To Work To Work

#SalesTIps Don't Go To Work To Work

#SalesTIps Don't Go To Work To Work  Hey this is David Bradley, training facilitator and coach with Grant Cardone here with your Tuesday Sales Tip in under 2 minutes  "I am not going to work. I am not going to work a schedule; I am not going to do a job. I am going to prosper. I am going out into the marketplace to 'eat what I kill.' That’s the environment you’re in."  -Grant Cardone

Mar 30, 202101:42
The Grant Cardone Code (of conduct)

The Grant Cardone Code (of conduct)

The Grant Cardone Code (of conduct)  Here's a couple of interesting questions for you to start the week off.  If you could be anything, what would you want to be? And what would have to happen for you to be that?  ACTION IDEA:  Actually answer these questions.  Don't get all hung up on things like age and ability.  Just allow yourself to dream with no limits.  If you could be anything, what would you want to be?  And what would have to happen for you to be that?  What if you legit don't know what would have to happen for you to be that?  Like you have an idea but it just seems too far away and you can't quite grasp it.  When you look at other's living their life on their terms, who've created financial freedom and success, do you ever wonder what they got that you don't?  What do they know that you don't?  How do they operate?  How do they think?  Can you adopt those same thoughts and behaviors or did you get resentful?  FULL TEXT:

Mar 29, 202113:20
Grant Cardone on How To Maintain A Positive Attitude

Grant Cardone on How To Maintain A Positive Attitude

Grant Cardone on How To Maintain A Positive Attitude  If you're looking for how to maintain a positive attitude, you can start by avoiding these 7 things that Grant Cardone Tweeted and posted on the Facebook this week.  Here they are...

Mar 26, 202110:35
PRESENT: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

PRESENT: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

PRESENT:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom  INTRO:  Today’s word uses 6 unique characters, has 7 letters and 3 different meanings that are all interconnected.  Today’s word is going to be about time and giving.  WORD: Present (it’s an adjective, noun, and a verb)  Present can describe a state of being, an activity or action as well as those things you give on special occasions.  DEFINITION(s) of Present...

Mar 24, 202111:17
#SALESTIPS What it takes to be a champion

#SALESTIPS What it takes to be a champion

#SALESTIPS What it takes to be a champion  Winning is about more than awards. It comes from within the mind and the confidence in yourself. 💪  Missing 10X Growth Conference already? Order the recording now

Mar 23, 202101:53
10X Growth Con 2021 QUOTES

10X Growth Con 2021 QUOTES

10X Growth Con 2021 QUOTES  So for the last 5 years in a row now, people from all over the world have gathered together in Q1 to put real attention on creating their best year ever.  The 10X Growth Conference was created for forward thinkers, trailblazers, entrepreneurs, sales professionals, business owners and anyone else who seeks to define the marketplace today and tomorrow. In just a few years, the 10X Growth Conference has become the world’s largest business training event for sales and marketing.  Here's fifteen 10X Growth Con 2021 Quotes to guide the rest of your 2021...  FULL TEXT:

Mar 22, 202119:36
Confront The Truth and Confront Your Truth

Confront The Truth and Confront Your Truth

Confront The Truth and Confront Your Truth Life isn’t a fairytale, It can be brutal.  This is why as Grant says in a recent blog post that it is now more important than ever to...  Stop settling and start succeeding.

Mar 19, 202112:11
MOMENTUM: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

MOMENTUM: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

MOMENTUM:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom  INTRO:  Now that you have the inspiration, how do you keep the fire going?  How do you get today’s word, add to today’s word and keep it?  WORD: Momentum  (noun)  DEFINITION of Momentum...

Mar 17, 202109:26
#SalesTips How to 10X Your Sales Job

#SalesTips How to 10X Your Sales Job

#SalesTips How to 10X Your Sales Job

Mar 16, 202101:49
3 Reality Checks From Grant Cardone

3 Reality Checks From Grant Cardone

3 Reality Checks From Grant Cardone    Here's what the GREATS do that you're not....  Might be time to call yourself out here.  It might be time to put yourself on a button as they say.  Are you tired of just getting by, just enough, barely making it?  Has the last 12 months shown you that you've been operating at the wrong level and you're already running late for the next level?  Let's look at these 3 reality checks from Grant Cardone...

Mar 15, 202112:39
Grant Cardone's CORE VALUES

Grant Cardone's CORE VALUES

Grant Cardone's CORE VALUES  Core:  the central or most important part of something Value:  a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.  What are your core values?  I'm going to list off Grant Cardone's Core Values that I saw posted on Instagram recently but before I do I want to make sure you have yours already.

Mar 12, 202112:01
INSPIRE: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

INSPIRE: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

INSPIRE:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom  INTRO:  Today’s word can be nothing short of elusive and yet typically when it comes it comes hard and fast with no real promise of guarantee as to how long it will stay.  You can do this to others, others can do this for you and you also need to be able to do it to yourself.  WORD: Inspire (verb)  DEFINITIONS of Inspire...

Mar 10, 202111:14
#SalesTips Did you cheap out?

#SalesTips Did you cheap out?

Before accusing YOUR customer of being cheep, did you cheap out? Did you cheap out on your energy, attention and level of service?

Mar 09, 202101:45
Grant Cardone's 10 Commandments of Sales

Grant Cardone's 10 Commandments of Sales

Grant Cardone's 10 Commandments of Sales  There's an infographic I saw on LinkediN recently that reminded me of an ancient blog post of Grant's that was probably from somewhere between 2010 & 2011 called The 10 Commandments of Sales Success.  So I dug up the blog post and...  Remember that scene in Mel Brook's History of The World where he's playing Moses and comes down off the mountain with 15 Commandments, drops a tablet and immediately reduces the number to 10?  Hysterical, right?  So, as I was looking at the two lists I noticed a slight difference between them.   Somewhere between 2010 and 2021, the 10 Commandments of Sales changed or morphed or perhaps fell victim to another set of commandments (like marketing) and got repurposed.  All I can tell you at this point is that there's probably 12 commandments of sales here, not 10 and here they are...

Mar 08, 202114:53
3 Things About Closing Deals You Never Thought Of

3 Things About Closing Deals You Never Thought Of

3 Things About Closing Deals You Never Thought Of  When you hear phrases like, “close the deal” or "closing deals", what kind of images pop into your head?  What about when you think of “the hard sell”, has Mahatma Gandhi ever come to mind? When was the last time you heard “timeshare presentation” and felt good about that?  FULL TEXT:

Mar 05, 202113:47
GUARDRAILS: The Wednesday Word #Wednesday Wisdom

GUARDRAILS: The Wednesday Word #Wednesday Wisdom

GUARDRAILS:  The Wednesday Word #Wednesday Wisdom  WORD: Guardrails  (noun)  DEFINITION of Guardrails: a rail that prevents people from falling off or being hit by something. "the top bunk has a solid guardrail" a strong fence at the side of a road or in the middle of an expressway, intended to reduce the risk of serious accidents. a railing guarding usually against danger especially : a barrier placed along the edge of a highway at dangerous points “There were guardrails along the winding mountain road”  FULL TEXT:

Mar 03, 202107:15
#SalesTips Are You Obsessed With Closing

#SalesTips Are You Obsessed With Closing

#SalesTips Are You Obsessed With Closing  Today's tip is a quote from Grant Cardone's book, Be Obsessed Or Be Average.

Mar 02, 202101:44