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Mindset Shifts with Debbie

Mindset Shifts with Debbie

By Debbie McKiver

As a Certified Holistic Wellness & Mindset Coach, I help Individuals transform their lives from the inside out by shifting their mindsets.
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Belief is NOT Awareness

Mindset Shifts with DebbieMay 19, 2022

Belief is NOT Awareness

Belief is NOT Awareness

Unless you embody the Presence & the Divine Nature of the Most High, belief in the existence of a Higher Power is fruitless. It is when you tap into the Infinite Power that operates with you that you can be, do, & have ANYTHING you desire.
May 19, 202209:17
Christ As Our Example (The Christ Mind)

Christ As Our Example (The Christ Mind)

As we see in the Gospels, when Christ performed miracles the manifestations were always instant. Whether it was healing, raising the dead, feeding the hungry, creating wine from water, or manifesting money to pay taxes it always happened immediately. Christ told his disciples that they would do greater works than Him. Miracles & manifesations should be our norm and there should be no waiting period. We have the Mind of Christ and we have the Infinite Power of the Universe living within us. May we tap into that.
Apr 28, 202209:06
Why Your Affirmations Are NOT Working!

Why Your Affirmations Are NOT Working!

In this episode I discuss 6 reasons why your affirmations may not be working, and why one popular word in manifestation circles may be bringing you more of what you don't want.
Apr 21, 202214:53
Divine Movement (Placing Your Order)

Divine Movement (Placing Your Order)

When we desire to manifest something or have something happen in our lives, it's equivalent to placing an order with The Most High or with the Universe. Once we place our order we have to trust that there is movement, the same way we trust an online retailer, a restaurant, or a fast food chain. We also have to be clear and specific so that we receive exactly what we want.
Apr 17, 202212:18
It's OKAY to Question God!

It's OKAY to Question God!

Asking God questions to gain clarity around a situation is not the same as questioning God's promises to you. It's okay to seek wisdom from the Creator & Source of All. God longs to commune with Creation.
Mar 14, 202207:13
Embracing Your True Identity (Being YOU!)

Embracing Your True Identity (Being YOU!)

"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde It's important that we embrace our true and authentic selves - our personality, our belief systems, our race, spiritual views, etc. Instead of trying to fit in, stand out and stand up for what you believe in. Be you and fully accept yourself. Also, accept others as they are.
Feb 19, 202212:55
Being Intuitive/Using Your Intuition As a Blueprint

Being Intuitive/Using Your Intuition As a Blueprint

Your intuition is the blueprint for your most fulfilled and successful life. It's my personal belief that your intuition is the part of the God-consciousness that is the still, small voice. This is why it's never wrong. Instead of listening to so-called "experts" and "gurus" follow your own intuitive instincts.
Feb 07, 202216:26


Whatever we focus on the most, whatever our most dominant thoughts are, is what manifest in our lives. That's why we must be cognizant and intentional about what we watch and listen to, and how we spend our time. It's crucial particularly in the mornings because it sets the tone for our day. Also at night because our subconscious mind is in complete control during sleep, carrying out all the things we've intentionally or unintentionally fed it. Shift your focus so that your desired reality is what comes to fruition.
Jan 28, 202216:10
Praying Without Ceasing

Praying Without Ceasing

The purpose of praying without ceasing is to shift the atmosphere. We shouldn't wait until tragedy strikes before we pray. Prayer should serve as a preventive measure not a life raft. Even when things are going well we should always be in an attitude of prayer and thanksgiving. We don't need to seek opportunities to pray because the opportunities never cease to exist.
Jan 25, 202211:17
The Difficulty of Faith

The Difficulty of Faith

"Faith is not abstract or a concept, it's a substance. And it's a confident knowing that substance already exists." -Debbie McKiver. I personally believe that our faith is always in the process of being developed and strengthened. Even when we are spiritually mature our faith is tested. Though we may not react in a manner that we would have in the past (which is a sign of spiritual growth), doubt may still attempt to creep in. Like the father of the possessed child in Christ's day, we may need to ask God to help us with any mental blocks otherwise known as subconscious unbelief.
Jan 14, 202216:43
What If...

What If...

What if instead of always anticipating doom & gloom or waiting for the next tragedy, we anticipated the miraculous. What if we always sat & waited for great things to occur. What if it works out exactly the way we desire? What if you get that promotion? What if the money comes? What if you get discovered? We have an Infinite Power within us. Let us use that power to create our best lives and a better world.
Jan 10, 202208:06
Moving in Silence🤫

Moving in Silence🤫

"Let your workings remain a mystery. Just show people the results." -Lao-tzu Just like in the game of chess we must learn that it's not necessary to announce our next move. Simply yell "checkmate." As it states in Scripture when we operate in private, the Most High rewards us openly. It's not necessary that everyone know everything and it's better if they didn't. Just show your work!
Jan 06, 202212:53
Developing A Personal Relationship with the Creator

Developing A Personal Relationship with the Creator

It's important that each individual develop their own relationship with God/Source and learn how to hear from this Source for one's self. While receiving a good word from someone that we consider to be anointed, an expert, or reading a touching or truthful meme may be great, we need to know what God's personal message is for us as an individual. We do this by spending time in God's presence, getting still, believing, & knowing that we can hear the still, small voice.
Jan 03, 202213:01
11th Hour Miracles

11th Hour Miracles

Most of the time when we're in expectation of something great or a need to be met, it seems to come at the very last minute. The goal is to get to the point where what we consider to be "miracles" become a normal occurrence in our lives. Literally walking in the miraculous.
Dec 29, 202119:17
Slow Down & Stay Present

Slow Down & Stay Present

The only time that exist is NOW! When we're attempting to fast forward to the future or dwelling on the regrets of the past, we miss the present moment. Being at the end of the current calendar year does not indicate that we need to jump into planning for the next year and forget that there's still more time accomplish goals in the current year. The focus should be on finishing 2021 (or whatever the current year is) strong and crossing the bridge of 2022 (or whatever the next year is) when we get there. At the time of this recording there are 11 full days left in 2021 and that's more than enough time for life-changing events to happen that can change our lives for the better. Our lives can change for the better literally in an instant, but we have to slow down and stay present.
Dec 21, 202109:28
Nature As a Teacher

Nature As a Teacher

The New Testament of the Bible discusses that we shouldn't worry about provision because in the same way the Most High provides for the birds of the air and lollies of the field, we'll be provided for also. There's no greater way to experience this lesson than to take time to sit, observe, and connect with Nature as often as possible. All of Creation (with the exception of human beings) are in complete submission to the Divine Design. The trees, Sun, Moon, stars, animals, ocean, clouds, all of it. They all live and act in complete flow, worry free. There's a lot to be learned from allowing ourselves to follow this natural way of being.
Dec 19, 202112:45
Arising from LoDebar

Arising from LoDebar

"LoDebar" is an allegory for an individual who has a poor self image or low self worth. In order to arise from LoDebar you have to decide that you want to see yourself differently, then decide who it is you wish to be. Once you make the decision, become that person first in imagination. Then bring it to life in your physical reality.
Dec 15, 202109:41
Making Emotional Decisions

Making Emotional Decisions

A vital step in hearing intuitively is getting still, quiet, and being in peace. When we make decisions from an emotional standpoint we often end up regretting it. Take a listen to my latest episode and don't forget to SHARE!🤗
Dec 12, 202105:11
Keeping An Open Mind During the Holiday Season

Keeping An Open Mind During the Holiday Season

Although for a lot of people it's their favorite time of the year, for some it's the most dreaded season. Some are depressed or stressed and others are coping with the loss of loved ones. Also, people have different beliefs. Let's remember to be kind, compassionate, loving, and non-judgmental. Most of all, remember to have an open mind. Part of having an open mind is being receptive of others thinking and behaving differently than us. There's always the chance that what you believe could be wrong.
Dec 11, 202113:03
The Deception of Social Media

The Deception of Social Media

It's dangerous to believe everything you see on a social media platform. Things are not always as they appear, so be careful not to compare or become disjointed over what you perceive to be true. You could be jealous or angry over what's really a myth.
Dec 08, 202107:46
Jealousy & Envy

Jealousy & Envy

Jealousy and envy are comparable to a slow, venemous poison. It stifles our minds, clouds our judgment, and causes us to become bitter. It stems from self-hatred and has to be dealt with from a mental perspective. We must shift our mindsets so that we change the way that we think about ourselves first, then we can be happy for others and celebrate their successes and good fortune.
Dec 07, 202108:15
Clearing Your Mind by Letting Go!

Clearing Your Mind by Letting Go!

One of the hardest things in life to do is let go of people, places, or things that no longer serve us. But by not letting go we place ourselves in a position of misery. We feel stuck. We also find that we can no longer think clearly, our creativity is blocked, and we delay our blessings. Fear, lack of courage, and obligation are three of the biggest culprits of our inability to let go and allow new things to flow into our lives.
Dec 06, 202113:12
Self-love As a Mindset

Self-love As a Mindset

Self-love is a state of mind; a mindset. You must condition your mind to believe that you deserve unconditional love not only from others, but from yourself. It's not selfish to prioritize yourself in your quest serve and love others. This requires a healthy balance. You must also train your mind to think of yourself differently. Know that you are worthy, amazing, and limitless. Never shrink back or dim your own light to make others feel more comfortable.
Dec 04, 202112:35
Effortless Manifesting

Effortless Manifesting

In order to successfully manifest our desires, we must let go of attaching ourselves to a specific outcome. When we try to make it happen in our own way or in our own timing, we create resistance and instead of attracting what we want, we resist it. There are 3 steps to effortless manifesting: Decide, Believe, and Surrender. When we naturally allow this process to occur we’re able to manifest our desires with ease and flow.
Dec 04, 202109:47
Having a Healthy Mind🧠

Having a Healthy Mind🧠

When your mind is healthy it fosters an abundant and healthy life. While it's great to be physically healthy and have a beautiful external appearance, poor mental health will attract the wrong things to us and potentially destroy us.
Dec 03, 202112:06
How One Word Can Change Your Reality!

How One Word Can Change Your Reality!

In order to successfully shift your mindset and change your physical circumstances, you must first bring something new into your awareness. In this episode I discuss how you can do this by using just one word.
Dec 02, 202116:44
Having It All Together

Having It All Together

Shifting our mindsets is not about "having it all together" or experiencing a picture-perfect life. It's about perfectly progressing or being better than we were previously. It's okay to experience different emotions as long as we don't dwell there. The battle of the mind is real, therefore it's important to intentionally renew our minds on a daily basis.
Dec 01, 202112:06
What It Means to Shift Your Mindset

What It Means to Shift Your Mindset

Mindsets are developed. As new born babies our minds are innocent, open, and limitless. As we get older and become influenced by our environments, the people in our environment and other external circumstances. As this happens our mindsets begins to change. We become imitators of what we see and are exposed to. Closed minds and negative mindsets are learned behaviors, not something that one is born with.
We become conditioned by what we hear and see and develop these things as a belief system.
Nov 30, 202105:34