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Chassidus, through the eyes of a psychotherapist

Chassidus, through the eyes of a psychotherapist

By Devori Nussbaum

“To open hearts, to see and know what one sees, this is the point of Chassidus…”

Devori Nussbaum is a psychotherapist and lover of the teachings of Chassidus.

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Tanya class 2 - Self awareness = G-d awareness, every detail has a purpose and is aligned with love

Chassidus, through the eyes of a psychotherapist Dec 23, 2021

New Tanya class episode 12

New Tanya class episode 12

Processing grief and the Imago Dialogue

Apr 07, 202441:12
Q&A: Attachment styles, Redirecting energy back to self and becoming a Conscious human being

Q&A: Attachment styles, Redirecting energy back to self and becoming a Conscious human being

Attachment styles, Redirecting energy back to self and becoming a Conscious human being
Apr 05, 202459:07
New Tanya class episode 11

New Tanya class episode 11

What is in my circle of choice and what is not?

Mar 22, 202445:42
Q&A: Working with our parts, Directing our own energy and Letting go of control.

Q&A: Working with our parts, Directing our own energy and Letting go of control.

Working with our parts, Directing our own energy and Letting go of control.

Mar 20, 202401:16:56
New Tanya class episode 10

New Tanya class episode 10

Growing up in our consciousness and parts work.

Mar 13, 202438:29
New Tanya class episode 8

New Tanya class episode 8

A recap of what we have done so far and 3 powerful Self awareness exercises.

Mar 13, 202454:29
A conversation about boundaries and leaky energy

A conversation about boundaries and leaky energy

Without boundaries, there is only oneness, there is no me, no you and no love in-between. How do we know where the physical, energetical and mental boundaries lie?

Mar 08, 202445:26
Q&A: The subconscious, Refining our point of trust and Grieving what we wish we had.

Q&A: The subconscious, Refining our point of trust and Grieving what we wish we had.

The subconscious, Refining our point of trust and Grieving what we wish we had.

Mar 04, 202401:06:22
Q&A: The superiority complex, Toxic positivity and The boundaries that keep society from self destructing.

Q&A: The superiority complex, Toxic positivity and The boundaries that keep society from self destructing.

The superiority complex, Toxic positivity and The boundaries that keep society from self destructing.

Feb 26, 202401:05:10
Q&A: How do we integrate? What do I do if I regulate and my pain doesn't go? Is the Divine soul the Parasympathetic nervous system?

Q&A: How do we integrate? What do I do if I regulate and my pain doesn't go? Is the Divine soul the Parasympathetic nervous system?

How do we integrate? What do I do if I regulate and my pain doesn't go? Is the Divine soul the Parasympathetic nervous system?

Feb 12, 202401:08:48
New Tanya class episode 7

New Tanya class episode 7

Bringing ourselves back into regulation through breathing, body awareness and getting curious about our subconscious belief systems.

Jan 26, 202445:18
New Tanya class episode 6

New Tanya class episode 6

The hijacking of the animal soul, expanding consciousness and choice.

Jan 18, 202441:04
New Tanya class episode 5

New Tanya class episode 5

Developing body awareness, coming out of a dorsal state and expanding our capacity to feel our feelings without fear.

Jan 14, 202444:47
New Tanya class episode 4

New Tanya class episode 4

The importance of learning how to process pain and working with the nervous system. What's the energy that's driving my behaviour?

Dec 04, 202343:13
New Tanya class episode 3

New Tanya class episode 3

What is a soul? what is it made of? and why developing self awareness is so important.

Dec 04, 202337:41
New Tanya class episode 2

New Tanya class episode 2

The importance of developing self awareness, and the obstacles that can get in the way.

Nov 09, 202343:05
New Tanya class episode 1

New Tanya class episode 1

In this class we begin by explaining the different nervous system states. When learning anything new it is important to have awareness of which nervous system we are listening from. are we open and curious or defensive?

Nov 07, 202342:58
The War in Israel and Chapter 32 Tanya

The War in Israel and Chapter 32 Tanya

Be the love, Be the light

Oct 21, 202336:09
Becoming comfortable in the uncomfortable

Becoming comfortable in the uncomfortable

The process of Teshuva is one of pealing away the layers of defence so that we can engage in an emotionally intimate relationship with G-d. Emotional intimacy requires putting our defences down and embracing vulnerability and trust. We expand our capacity for feeling uncomfortable by stretching our tolenance for it slowly and mindfully.
Sep 18, 202355:20
Developing our capacity for choice

Developing our capacity for choice

Developing our capacity for choice, through understanding the nervous system

Aug 20, 202353:33
Tznius, The feminine role and who we are really

Tznius, The feminine role and who we are really

Q & A session for teen girls 

Jan 29, 202348:46
How can we believe in G-d if we don't see Him?

How can we believe in G-d if we don't see Him?

Questions for today: How can we believe in g-d if we don't see him and how is it that we can just believe that he created us and everything in the world? I mean we don't see huge miracles that can give "proof" (obviously He's allowing us to wake up in the morning, breathe, etc...)

A lot of teachers will say we're the only people that have the same Torah and "stories" passed down through the generations and it didn't change from Moshe at Har Sinai so that's supposed to be proof to how we're such a great nation and we're the only ones like that and that's why should believe that there is obviously a g-d. But how is that supposed to be proof? It also feels like a question you "shouldn't have" because you're supposed to just have belief in Him...

Jan 08, 202329:22
Farbrengen for women at the soul house, crown heights

Farbrengen for women at the soul house, crown heights

Emotional health and emotional safety in relationship
Jan 05, 202303:24:25
Where does divine providence end and free will begin?

Where does divine providence end and free will begin?

Todays Question:  How do we reconcile the concept of free choice with Divine Providence? We have free will, yet Hashem decides all outcomes and designs what is best for each of us. If there is such a fine line between the two, how do we find it and live in that space of a peaceful co-existence? How do we know when we have done enough and when to turn things over to Hashem? To co-create, to build a partnership & a trusting relationship, both sides have to do their part and trust in the process. I have to do my Hishtadlus before I surrender to Hashem for Him to do his part. How can I "feel" into and create a balance between the two?
Dec 16, 202234:17
Spiritual questions that people ask in therapy: If I don't get along with my father, how am I to relate to 'my father in heaven'?

Spiritual questions that people ask in therapy: If I don't get along with my father, how am I to relate to 'my father in heaven'?

Today's question: We speak in the Torah and in the prayers about G-d being our father in heaven. I don’t have a very good relationship with my father he was aloof and uncaring sometimes and at other times he was highly aggressive towards me. I find myself in moments of panic and fear thinking that G-d is just a bigger stronger version of that, and he doesn’t care about me. When I think about this deeply, I become very confused because on the one hand I know that in theory G-d is good, and G-d loves me and at the same time I feel something completely different. How do I make sense of this?
Dec 06, 202230:19
NEW SERIES: Spiritual questions that people ask in therapy: Am I selfish if I say no?

NEW SERIES: Spiritual questions that people ask in therapy: Am I selfish if I say no?

Today's questions: My mother has a very giving nature, she never kept anything for herself, if she just brought herself a new outfit and someone said to her that they liked it she would say, "here have it!"

The flip side of that is that she expects everyone else to be the same way, if I was playing with a toy and another child came over and wanted to play with it then she expected me to give it up… if I didn’t I was called selfish, and told I had bad middos… now as an adult I am trying to learn about how to have healthy boundaries, and I find that I have a lot of confusion and internal chaos, around this area, when I say no I have a voice in my head that is saying you are selfish and you have bad middos and when I say yes I feel resentful and then I have another voice in my head that says see how crazy you are you can never be happy for anyone… and then I feel guilt and like a horrible person… so my question is, could it be true that I just have bad middos? Am I selfish if I say no?

Dec 05, 202227:56
Grief, forgiveness and opening the heart

Grief, forgiveness and opening the heart

A pre Yom Kippur class

Oct 04, 202252:23
How do I know if my heart is thinking or my mind is thinking?

How do I know if my heart is thinking or my mind is thinking?

How do we know where a thought is coming from? How do we know if it should be taken seriously, believed and acted on? How do I know if its a logical thought or a fear based response of my heart disguised as a logical thought?  

Jul 12, 202245:24
Tanya class 22 - The flow state - aligning with infinite energy

Tanya class 22 - The flow state - aligning with infinite energy

Aligning with infinite energy only happens in a place where we completely let go of judgement and we stay with the question. An open state of curiosity and wonder beyond stories and judgements. If you find the judgements pulling you down, just become curious about them.

Artists are especially aware of creative block and it’s opposite: the ‘flow state.’ The flow state is when we experiences a huge amount of pleasure and energy from creativity or creative genius flowing through us. We lose track of space and time and often marvel at what is created in the end, having a sense that it came through us and not from us. As Julia Cameron, author of The Artists Way wrote, all creativity is ‘eavesdropping on G-d.’ When we think that we are the one creating, we often get stuck. Because, is it good enough? Will people like it? Is it prefect to my standards of perfection? We get stuck on ‘whatever I am creating is an expression of me,’ and then, ‘what will people think of me?  this thought process blocks the flow of infinity coming through us.

One of the keys that help us to stay in the flow state is remembering: ‘All success is G-ds, all failure is G-d gently reminding me that I thought it was me’

Jul 11, 202247:51
Tanya class 21 - When we feel dead inside, opening our heart is the first stage in building our relationship with G-d

Tanya class 21 - When we feel dead inside, opening our heart is the first stage in building our relationship with G-d

A true relationship involves feeling the other, love and respect of an active kind. If we feel indifferent towards G-d we must know that connection is not possible when the heart is closed and defended. If we feel closed and defended the first place to begin in our divine service is facing our grief, opening our hearts and returning to the expanded light that we always were.                                        

Jun 24, 202243:37
Tanya class 20 - Making space for other

Tanya class 20 - Making space for other - this is a link the the article I talk about in this class
Jun 03, 202258:27
Tanya class 19 - We all serve something

Tanya class 19 - We all serve something

To go out of our comfort zone for someone or something we love, we first must feel comfort in our zone, and then choose to come out for the other. To sacrifice our will for someone of something that we love, is the greatest act of love if we choose it, from a regulated place, knowing we have choice and desiring to do so.
If we don't know we have a choice, if we feel dysregulated and fearful, and we act impulsively out of fear of rejection, this is an act of self preservation and has nothing to do with relationship.
May 29, 202249:42
Tanya class 18 - The Benoni defined part 2

Tanya class 18 - The Benoni defined part 2

What are the spiritual possibilities available to us?

May 19, 202241:37
Tanya class 17 - The Benoni defined part 1

Tanya class 17 - The Benoni defined part 1

What are the spiritual possibilities available to us?

May 19, 202201:00:08
Tanya class 16 - Rising above judgment, into open curiosity

Tanya class 16 - Rising above judgment, into open curiosity

The role of the Benoni, what they are capable of, and how they are able to consistently choose, right action.
May 08, 202256:12
Tanya class 15 - The inner redemption process and 5 ways we can show up in the world

Tanya class 15 - The inner redemption process and 5 ways we can show up in the world

What is our inner Chometz? Inner Moshe? Inner Egypt? What is the definition of the 5 categories of people that we began discussing in chapter 1 of Tanya? How does each category show up within each of us?
Apr 08, 202251:13
Part 3- Healing my relationship with food

Part 3- Healing my relationship with food

Taking a look at food, health, and body-related fear.
Apr 04, 202201:03:02
Part 2- Healing my relationship with food

Part 2- Healing my relationship with food

Understanding the energetics of food and how it helped me to heal.
Mar 28, 202250:59
Tanya class 14 - The way that our souls show up in our bodies and psyche

Tanya class 14 - The way that our souls show up in our bodies and psyche

Where are my souls within my body? How do they express themselves?
Mar 28, 202252:48
Tanya class 13 - Redefining Teshuva and the process of letting go of false identities

Tanya class 13 - Redefining Teshuva and the process of letting go of false identities

Redefining Teshuva:

What is a Baal Teshuva?

A master of returning

Returning what?

Returning the hey to the rest of the name of G-d (first 9 sefiros)

Hey represents malchus (the 10th sefira):

Dignity, open, softness, flexibility and receiving deep nurture and connection, letting go of control… watching in wonder as things unfold with deep inner joy and pleasure that comes from presence… letting go of all stories, expectations and assumptions and laughing with G-ds plan

When we are born

We are completely divine and completely instinctive

Divine soul and animal soul do not communicate with each other, they are in a state of fragmentation

The divine is always there, yet it doesn’t have expression… as the animal soul develops, we spin our stories and create belief systems about how to keep ourselves safe through the journey of life

One of the ways we keep ourselves safe is though attempting to control that which is out of our control this is the fragmented hey… the fallen malchus

As we go through life, we learn that the more we try to control the more pain we experience the tenser and more ridged we become the more we break when we fall… the more we try to control the more we smash into a million pieces when things don’t go as we ‘planned’. The more we resist this the more we blame, others and ourselves, the more we fragment the more shame, guilt and doubt we experience

However it is also our experiences that are the ideal opportunity for integration. We integrate both souls through our experiences… through letting go again and again and choosing love and connection over being ‘the right good one’

A master is one who lives doing this work… the work of letting go, every day choosing deeper connection and integration of parts, everyday facing apathy, shame and guilt and asking what are you afraid of today… every day choosing presence and joy over getting things done and stress

We are masters of retuning to our wholeness… integrating divine and animal consciousness when we hold the tension of opposites, see all our parts and get curious without fear, have unconditional compassion and see the good intentions behind everything

When we return we experience anew that there is no good, bad, worthy, unworthy, we are all everything and everyone… it is all within us… The whole world and G-d Himself

The place where the Baal Teshuva stands the complete Tzadik… (the one who is fully integrated and transparent) cannot stand.

It is only through facing the fragmentation, that we grow and stretch so deep and wide that we can see that everything was perfect all along and we were never In need of fixing because we were never Brocken in the first place.

The ratzina says:

True Teshuva is when we recognise that we didn’t need to do Teshuva in the first place, but we only get to the point of knowing this by doing Teshuva

Mar 27, 202244:12
Part 1- Healing my relationship with food

Part 1- Healing my relationship with food

In this episode, I share my experience of healing from an eating disorder and what I learned along the way.
Mar 21, 202247:12
Tanya class 12 - Rooted in reality with a head and a heart that's free

Tanya class 12 - Rooted in reality with a head and a heart that's free

This gets confusing because on the one hand we live in a world which is clearly defined by right and wrong actions. We are told don’t steal, don’t murder if someone does those things, they are absolutely wrong.

On the other hand, we are told G-d is one unified field, G-d is everything and G-d is good, so how do we live with this paradox?

This equal and opposite rule applies only to physical reality. In the realm of action, there is duality, right and wrong action - which can always be shifted and changed as soon as its recognised. Therefore all 3 forms of expression - conscious thought, speech and action are called clothes. (Chapter 4 tanya) Clothing don’t define who we are.

The world of perception however is empowered to remain in the realm of unity. This means, instead of going down the road of because I did this wrong thing that means I am very bad. Or because you did this wrong thing you are disgusting. Unity consciousness holds the tension of opposites and sees the whole picture.

Curiously wondering, what is the opportunity of this moment? If I do wrong action, it is an opportunity for me to practice being accountable and facing my fears of rejection - showing that authenticity is more important to me then saving face. If someone does wrong action towards me it is an opportunity for me to practice holding boundaries with compassion.

Either one expresses divine light in the world through one action or another, but the connection and expression is always possible. we are Never stuck, never hopeless.

There is a wonderful story of Reb Zusha of Anipoli and Reb Elimelech of Lezenshk. They were arrested one evening for wondering around town and thrown into a prison cell filled with many peasants and one bucket used as a toilet. In the morning Reb Elimelech was very upset, Reb Zusha asked him, why? He said that every day of his life he had begun his day with prayer and today he would not be able to do so, being that there was an uncovered toilet in the room and it was forbid to daven in a place like that. Reb Zusha told him, why are you sad? The same G-d that told us to daven, told us not to daven if there was a toilet. So we have an opportunity to channel divine light today by not Davening. Reb Elimelech became so excited by this idea he began to dance and sing with his brother, soon all the other prisoners joined in. The guard came and asked what the fuss was all about. One of the other prisoners said he didn’t know but he thought it had something to do with the bucket. So the guard removed the bucket and the brothers were able to pray.

Wherever you are you are within G-d, you can’t get out even if you tried.

This is being in reality and yet rising above separateness consciousness Holding the tension of opposites between duality and unity, when we do this, we bridging the gap between the spiritual and physical worlds. We transcend reality whilst remaining in reality.

Right action keeps us rooted in reality, allowing us to drop deeper into our bodies and become more present, feet firmly planted on the ground, and unity consciousness stretches our minds and hearts as far as the heavens and bigger then the whole universe, it expands us so we can hold the whole world within.

Mar 07, 202252:12
Tanya class 11 - Unity with G-d can only be achieved through the body

Tanya class 11 - Unity with G-d can only be achieved through the body

The body has a quality that surpasses the soul itself. This quality is that it has the tools to interact with G-d Himself. 

Mar 02, 202248:05
Tanya class 10 - Talking to the animal soul so it will listen and listening so it will talk

Tanya class 10 - Talking to the animal soul so it will listen and listening so it will talk

When the raw energy of the middos in ones body is strong – giants compared to the small voice of reason in the brain, the emotions in a state of chaos (tohu)pay no attention to logic. So how does one harness the energy? How can one lead and create order? Only by introducing Chochma – the power of saying ‘what is this?’ the curious silence of being a channel, being open to receive insight from a place so much greater then oneself – watching and experiencing the emotion as it is, without any pre-determined meaning, judgments or story. Staying with, ‘what is this?’ rather than getting caught in analysis or judgment, feeling ones way through middos whilst standing in Chochma is what allows one to gain access to Hashems Himself and create a home for Him in the world (maamar, Meraglim Shlach 5715)
Open curious questions to sit in silence with and listen for answers for…
What do I feel in my body?
what is it?
what age does it feel?
how does it move?
What does it want?
What does it fear?
what tone does it speak in?
What does it say or what sound does it make if it had a voice?
What posture does it sit in?
how does it relate to others?
What does it look like?
What colour is it?
What texture is it?
Feb 20, 202201:01:59
Tanya class 9 - Defining the seven emotions

Tanya class 9 - Defining the seven emotions

Chesed -desire, love, kindness, expansion, water, coolness, growth, upwards movement, abundance, unlimited, boundless, giving, “yes”, supernatural. (Avraham was the person that personified this sefirah in the world.)

Gevura-boundaries, strength, judgment, constraint, “no”, containing, fire, downward moving, limitations, heat, fear, strictness, assessment, nature. (Yitzchok)

Tiferes-truth, connection, beauty, harmony, healing, tension of opposites, joy, gratitude, presence in the now, integration between right and left sides, healthy balance of boundaries and love, compassion, space for every part of who I am, for belonging as I am, where I am. My authenticity is my beauty. (Yacov)

Netzach - victory, unwavering commitment, determination, confidence, success (Moshe)

Hod-thanksgiving, humility, acknowledging, admitting, sincerity, consistency, simplicity splendour, realistic, endurance (Aaron)

Yesod-is translated literally as foundation. While Tiferes allows and makes space for varying voices to exist in one’s inner world, Yesod is about bonding and harmonizing with the world and others. It guides how one forms relationships with people, with money, and manage all the desires of the world. It’s the point where one connects, inner world with outer world in an authentic way. It is a conquering, giving, masculine energy (Yosef).

Malchus – kingship, dignity, a deep connection to ones essence, the inner power of conviction that one makes a difference in the world. It is the experience of deep inner pleasure. It is the sefirah that is represented by Shabbos as there are 7 sefirah’s and 7 days of the week-- Shabbos being a day when one rests and engages in physical pleasures as part of the mitzva (beautiful clothes, lavish foods). Other qualities of Malchus are: leadership, speech, graciousness, authority, devotion, benevolence, royalty, letting go of attempting to control things that are not within ones circle of choice It is receiving, nurturing, feminine energy. It is the ability to be a vessel/channel/pipeline, to bring forward (energy, consciousness, abundance etc.) from a higher place down to its full expression in reality. King Dovid is the person who represents this sefirah. When he was asked how he merited to be the king he said, ‘because I know who the real King is.’ Malchus is interchangeable with Keter, (the 11th sefirah which is above the 10 sefirot like a crown) Malchus is the lowest sefirah of each world and is interchangeable with the the highest sefirah of the world below it, it’s the link.

Keter/crown is made up of a will (the outside) and pleasure (the inside) - ratzon and tanug).

Feb 14, 202201:06:01
Tanya class 8 - The structure of a soul and our inner parents

Tanya class 8 - The structure of a soul and our inner parents

ChochmaCuriosity - a state of mind where one is open and empty, ready to receive without preconceived notions, just curious, wondering. The Hebrew word “Chochma”is made up of two smaller words, “co’ach”--“ma” which literally means, “the power of what”. It’s the ability to hear something completely new.

It is the capacity for one to stand back and watch something in wonder, to witness with an open heart.

it is the part of a person that has the capacity to become one with the All, and lose a sense of self-consciousness

It is the part of one’s soul that is able to feel and experience complete oneness with G-d and creation. Because it is a window into infinity and therefore not bound by time and space. When in this state of mind one can feel like they lose track of time. Time and space perception alters.

In this curious and creative space, one receives moments of inspiration, otherwise known as a “eureka moment” or a  stroke of genius and insight, you can say it’s when one ‘gets’ a concept; they know that they have it all in their head, but they can't explain it to someone else yet. i.e., When one goes to a class and feels totally inspired by what they learned, but when someone asks them what it was, they just have no idea how to say it.

It is creative inspiration before it is fully expressed into words; it is great ideas

Bina-This is the ability to take the insight of Chochma and expand it. Bing allows one to teach the insight, to understand it fully in all its details--its breadth and depth. It is the ability to derive one thing from another, to comprehend it in its entirety, and then express it.

Its logical thought processes.

Daas- This is the ability to fully integrate the idea until it becomes a felt sense in the body. Becoming a part of the person – who they are vs what they know. When one deeply knows something, it impacts their immune system and body; it becomes part of the, Nefesh or DNA (cellular memory). This felt recognition is achieved by ‘chewing over’ or contemplating ideas from many angles until all parts of one’s psyche get it.

Daas bridges the intellect and the emotions it sees the whole picture and hears all the parts. It is the source of compassion or empathy and one’s ability to see other perspectives

It is one’s self-awareness and the source of one's capacity for free choice.

It is the inner capacity for connection and integration with a person, an idea, or an object.

Feb 09, 202251:50
Tanya class 7 - You contain the DNA of the world - the two souls explained

Tanya class 7 - You contain the DNA of the world - the two souls explained

What is a soul? What does it mean to live with two souls? What is the difference between both of my souls and how do they each express themselves in the world? How do I begin to integrate them? 

Feb 01, 202255:39
Tanya class 6 - Confronting the trauma of existence, integrating fears

Tanya class 6 - Confronting the trauma of existence, integrating fears

Taking a look at Tzimtzum, what it's like for a soul to become embodied. Confronting fear without fear, staying curious, open, and compassionate. Exploring all thought processes that keep one in a dysregulated state. Replacing these fragmented fear-based thought processes with knowledge of the greatness of G-d and His blessed unity. 

Jan 23, 202253:33
Tanya class 5 - How to regulate the nervous system

Tanya class 5 - How to regulate the nervous system

In this class, we talk in more detail about how to regulate the nervous system. 

Jan 17, 202252:55
A conversation with Chris Maskens on creating inner harmony - embodiment as a springboard for spiritual development

A conversation with Chris Maskens on creating inner harmony - embodiment as a springboard for spiritual development

Chris Maskens, an expert in the field of trauma, talks about integrating the fragmented parts of our being and creating inner leadership. What the process looks like and how the more embodied one becomes the more choice one has.

In his book, Healing Developmental Trauma, Laurence Heller talks about the far-reaching effects of being able to regulate the nervous system from a psychological perspective. Heller tells us:

‘Spiritual connection and meaning in life can only be found when our biology is regulated and our capacity for connection is developed. It is through connection that coherency of mind body and spirit, expansion, engaged relationship and aliveness are possible’

‘For hundreds of years, the body, particularly in western traditions, was seen as an impediment to spirituality. We have found that a coherent biological/psychological self is a springboard to the higher self. It is only when individuals have a solid sense of who they are that they can open to the fluid nature of self.’

Jan 14, 202255:43