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Conversations with an International Teacher of Colour

Conversations with an International Teacher of Colour

By Dominique Dalais

Honest conversations with an international teacher of colour. These conversations are with international organisations that are currently doing the work of diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism. I will also be speaking with international educators who will outline their stories in the international world and how they have been affected by discrimination.
Currently playing episode

Conversations with an International Teacher of Colour - Stories from around the world - Episode 3

Conversations with an International Teacher of ColourJul 14, 2022

Self Care for BIPOC educators (AIELOC) - November 2022
Dec 26, 202208:44
Conversations with an International Teacher of Colour - Stories from around the world - Episode 3

Conversations with an International Teacher of Colour - Stories from around the world - Episode 3

This is the second in a series of podcasts where I have reached out to educators in international schools who want to share their stories of discrimination and racism during their international school journeys.

In this story the educator has recently qualified as a teacher in an international school, after working as a teacher assistant. As soon as they were elevated to a role equal to their white peers, they felt shunned and not helped in the same way as before. The treatment they received after a particular incident, by a white educator, seemed unjust and unfair leading to them feeling the need to resign. How do we support international teachers of colour in a system that is often dominated by privilege?

Jul 14, 202231:50
Conversations with an International Teacher of Colour - Stories from around the world - Episode 2

Conversations with an International Teacher of Colour - Stories from around the world - Episode 2

This is the second in a series of podcasts where I have reached out to educators in international schools who want to share their stories of discrimination and racism during their international school journeys. In this story, we listen to an educator who reveals the difficulties in recruitment of a person of colour and how there are so very few people of colour in leadership positions. The recent research it can be seen how people of colour are often pigeonholed in particular positions to suit the perspectives of white leaders or parents of students in these schools.

Apr 24, 202232:47
Conversations with an International Teacher of Colour - Stories from around the world.

Conversations with an International Teacher of Colour - Stories from around the world.

This series of podcasts will focus on international teachers of colour from around the world who share their stories of how they have been discriminated against in their schools across the world.

Mar 06, 202231:57