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Mercy Unbound

Mercy Unbound

By Dr. Bryan Thatcher

Mercy Unbound with Dr. Bryan Thatcher is a show that aims to provide hope, an avenue for healing, and to better understand the great Mercy of God and how we are called to live that Mercy.
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The Blueprint for Keeping Your Faith as a Medical Professional with Dr. Brian Burkey

Mercy UnboundMar 30, 2021

To Jesus through Mary: Stories of Conversion with Christine Watkins

To Jesus through Mary: Stories of Conversion with Christine Watkins

Episode 149, To Jesus through Mary: Stories of Conversion with Christine Watkins

Today, we're diving into the story of Christine Watkins, a remarkable Catholic speaker and author who's been through quite a journey. Once a ballet dancer with the San Francisco Ballet Company and a staunch atheist, Christine's life took a dramatic turn after a miraculous healing from cancer, thanks to Jesus through Mary. She's worked as a grief counselor in hospitals and Director of post-abortion healing.

Early Years

Christine's upbringing was marked by atheist parents who scoffed at Christianity. They taught her that religion was just an illusion. She didn’t know that Easter was a religious holiday until she was sixteen years old. But as she grew older, she discovered Catholicism through a series of life-changing events.

Our Lady's Work 

Her website is a testament to her journey and her message. Today, we're focusing on her book, “Of Men and Mary – How Six Men Won the Greatest Battle of Their Lives,” available here.

In her book, Christine shares the stories of six men who found their calling and healing through Jesus and Mary. One of these men is Father Michael Lightner, who grew up immersed in sports in a devout Catholic family. Despite his athletic pursuits, he felt a calling to the priesthood and had several mystical encounters.

During a trip to Medjugorje with his mother, Father Michael experienced a profound moment at a healing Mass led by Father Jozo. God's call to join the seminary became clear, but Father Michael hesitated. He made a deal with God, saying he'd join if after she was prayed over, a paralyzed woman stood up and walked, stopping on a specific tile near him. Miraculously, the woman did just that, leading Father Michael to follow God's call.

Through Christine's stories and reflections, we're reminded that God works wonders through our simple acts of obedience. Her book holds five other inspiring stories, each serving as a testament to the living presence of God and the guiding hand of Our Lady in our lives.

May 21, 202455:26
The Mother of All Devotions: The Holy Face of Jesus

The Mother of All Devotions: The Holy Face of Jesus

Episode 148, The Mother of All Devotions: The Holy Face of Jesus

Today we speak with Mary Jane Zuzolo about her book found at Sophia Institute Press: “Unveiling the Sixth Station of the Cross- Reparation to the Holy Face, Mother of All Devotions.” She is a descendant of Sister Marie de St. Pierre, the French Carmelite nun blessed with revelations from Christ regarding the Holy Face devotion. 

Additionally, she holds a distinguished academic record, graduating summa cum laude with highest distinction in philosophy from the University of Illinois. Her profound dedication to the Holy Face is evident through her foreword in Father Lawrence Carney’s book on the subject and her keynote address at the inaugural Holy Face conference.

Nurtured by Devotion

Growing up amidst familial discussions of Sister Marie de St. Pierre, Mary Jane's interest in the Holy Face devotion was further nurtured by her grandfather's cherished Holy Face Chaplet rosary from the mid-1800s.

Divine Manifestation, the Miracle of the Holy Veil

During Sister Marie's time, amidst societal tumult, Christ's Church-approved revelations to her emphasized the importance of reparation for blasphemies against the Commandments. The iconic image of Veronica, who compassionately wiped Christ's face, embodies this devotion. 

Over the years the image has faded, but on the last day of the exposition of Veronica’s veil, Jan 6, 1849, a miracle occurred. The veil started to glow. For a period of three hours from 12 to 3pm, Our Lord's Face was life-like and could clearly be seen. This miraculous manifestation of His face on her veil further emphasizes the significance of this devotion.

Insights into the Devotion

In revelations to Sr. Marie, Christ described the Holy Face devotion as “the most beautiful work that has yet appeared on the face of the earth,” akin to the “the miraculous wine served at the end of the wedding feast at Cana.” This is in contrast to the “common wine” of other devotions and offering solace for the blasphemies endured out of love. 

Venerable Leo DuPont, instrumental in validating the devotion, witnessed numerous miracles attributed to prayers and oil from a lamp before a Holy Face image touched to Veronica’s veil.

The Holy Face in Spiritual Battles

Mary Jane's book delves into various facets of the devotion, including the patronage of St. Michael, parallels with the story of Job, and the spiritual battles fought by figures like Joan of Arc and Sister Marie de St. Pierre. Notably, St. Therese of the Child Jesus held a profound devotion to the Holy Face, considering it the foundation of her piety.

Embracing the Devotion through the Archconfraternity

The Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Mother play integral roles in this devotion, underscoring its deep spiritual significance. An Archconfraternity of the Holy Face, established in 1885, offers believers a path to deeper spiritual connection, with Christ promising to imprint His likeness upon their souls.

For those seeking to join the Archconfraternity or learn more about the Holy Face devotion, Mary Jane's website and Father Lawrence Carney’s website offer valuable resources and guidance.You can also view episode 138 of Mercy Unbound, an interview with Fr. Lawrence Carney, chaplain for the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, Sr. Wilhelmina’s order. 

May 06, 202459:56
Transforming Healthcare through Divine Mercy

Transforming Healthcare through Divine Mercy

Episode 147, Transforming Healthcare through Divine Mercy

In today's podcast, we connect with Marie Romagnano, MSN, RN, CCM-R, a retired trauma nurse who founded Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy over 20 years ago. This ministry, an official apostolate of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, offers nurses, physicians, and other allied health professionals a unique program of professional formation that integrates the spirituality and devotional elements of the Divine Mercy message into patient care. 

Our conversation today spans the topics of the ministry as mentioned above, as well as the conference, and also how to pray for the dying, wherever we are. Marie discusses the development of this ministry over the years, and how to spread the message of Divine Mercy and live your faith as a healthcare professionals.

The program of spiritual and professional formation for the Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy includes:

  • The annual Divine Mercy Medicine, Bioethics, & Spirituality Conference for medical professionals that offers academic credit and is available on DVD; (when you complete the form, we will send you information to register for the upcoming conference)
  • A concise handbook: "Nursing with the Hands of Jesus: A Guide for Nurses to Divine Mercy." It offers 8 CEUs for nurses and includes the Nursing Spiritual Assessment and Care Plan following Joint Commission guidelines (many people do not know that spiritually assessing patients goes beyond just asking them what religion they are, and doing it is part of the guidelines for a healthcare institution's accreditation);
  • Annual Healthcare Professionals Retreat; and
  • Other events created specifically for Healthcare Professionals.

The Divine Mercy Medicine, Bioethics, & Spirituality Conference

I’m so impressed by the conference that Marie runs, and would recommend it to all healthcare professionals. In our conversation, Marie shares about what to expect at this year’s upcoming conference, taking place at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy on June 5-7, 2024. 

Goals of the Conference

This year marks the 19th annual conference. Our goals include educating healthcare professionals on Church teachings, guiding decision-making in patient care, providing spiritual nourishment, and offering direction in facing bio-ethical dilemmas. This year we will include a half day retreat as part of the 3-day conference. 

Esteemed Speakers

Renowned speakers include The Most Rev. Robert J McManus, DD, STD, Bishop of Worcester, MA, and Past Chairperson of the Committee on Education for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Other speakers include Superior General Father Joseph Roesch, Father Chris Alar, Doctor Robin Goldsmith, and Dr. Ronald Sobecks, among others.

Healthcare professionals interested in attending can register at Join us in embracing the Divine Mercy devotion and delivering care with love and compassion.

Apr 16, 202426:38
Healing Hearts with Dr. Gerry Crete

Healing Hearts with Dr. Gerry Crete

Episode 146, Healing Hearts with Dr. Gerry Crete

Happy Easter! Today’s conversation is with Dr. Gerry Crete, a seasoned Catholic professional counselor and marriage and family therapist, who brings a wealth of experience to his practice. He incorporates Internal Family Systems (IFS) informed EMDR, Ego State Therapy, clinical hypnosis, and emotionally focused therapy into his therapeutic approach, particularly beneficial for those grappling with addictions and PTSD. 

“Litanies of the Heart”

Dr. Crete is also the author of the new book, "Litanies of the Heart," a profound work available through Sophia Institute, where he shares his journey as a "wounded healer." The book was strongly recommended by Dr. Bob Schuchts, founder of the John Paul II Healing Center in Tallahassee, who has also been a guest on our show. 

Personal Journey and Insights

Drawing from his own struggles, including the painful experience of paternal abuse, Dr. Crete delves into the depths of human suffering with empathy and insight. His book explores the concept of the wounded healer and how personal healing can transform one into a compassionate counselor. "Litanies of the Heart" delves into attachment theory, detailing the original litanies of the heart—those of independence, anxious/preoccupied style, and fearful hearts.

Integration of Faith and Psychology

Central to Dr. Crete's therapeutic philosophy is the Internal Family Systems model, which likens the human psyche to a family with various parts. He emphasizes the compatibility of this approach with Catholic teachings, aiming to integrate wounded parts into a cohesive whole, fostering inner peace and healing. Through his book, he explores the concept of the inmost self as inherently good, presenting the 8 C's and 5 P's as characteristics of this "best self."

Healing and Wholeness

Dr. Crete illuminates the journey of healing, addressing exiled parts—wounded aspects of the self that therapy seeks to bring into consciousness and heal. He discusses the roles of manager and firefighter parts in maintaining internal unity, inspired by his mentorship under a guiding priest who helped him recognize his inherent worth as a child of God.

Don’t miss this incredible conversation with Dr. Crete as he shares the importance of this counseling approach and its potential impact among those looking for the healing touch of God’s mercy.  

Apr 02, 202440:44
Raised from Rock Bottom: Joe and Nicole McGivney’s Story of Divine Healing from Addiction

Raised from Rock Bottom: Joe and Nicole McGivney’s Story of Divine Healing from Addiction

Episode 145, Raised from Rock Bottom: Joe and Nicole McGivney’s Story of Divine Healing from Addiction 

Today, we delve into the remarkable journey of Joe and Nicole McGivney, who share their inspiring story of Joe's miraculous recovery from end-stage alcoholic liver disease and associated psychosis. Their story is deeply intertwined with their Catholic faith and the legacy of Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney, a distant relative of Joe’s and the founder of the Knights of Columbus.

Joe's Struggle with Alcoholism

Joe's upbringing in Chicago and his early introduction to alcohol marked the beginning of a difficult journey. Despite the guidance of devout Catholic parents, Joe found solace in alcohol from a young age. He developed a dangerous routine of consuming vodka, carefully balancing his intake to avoid legal repercussions.

Awakening to Faith

Despite his Catholic upbringing and distant relation to Bl. Michael McGivney, Joe remained distant from his faith, plagued by shame and lacking a relationship with God. His descent into alcoholism did not prevent him from professional success, but it brought him to the brink of destruction. It was only after a near-fatal collapse and diagnosis of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, a severe mental disorder resulting from chronic alcoholism, that Joe's perspective shifted.

Miraculous Healing

Facing a grim prognosis from doctors, Nicole was told that he would likely need to be institutionalized for the remainder of his life. Yet, incredibly, he awoke one morning to find his mental faculties restored, though he had no memory of recent events. This inexplicable recovery defied medical explanation, leading Joe and Nicole to attribute it to the boundless power of God's grace.

Transformative Faith Journey

Nicole reflects on the profound impact of Joe's healing on their lives. Nicole became Catholic, and since then they have embraced their faith, attending Mass together, and finding solace and strength in prayer. Nicole radiates joy and inner peace, contrasting the struggles of their past with the newfound hope and resilience that faith has given them.

Giving Back through Witness

Today, Joe is an active member of the Knights of Columbus and Alcoholics Anonymous, eager to share his story of redemption and renewal with others. His journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith and the unfathomable depths of God's love and mercy.

Their journey serves as a beacon of hope for those grappling with similar struggles. Joe is willing to share his story, and can be reached at You can also find details in Joe’s book, “You’re a Miracle! My Story of Alcoholism, Miraculous Healing, and God’s Infinite Power and Love,” available at Amazon

Mar 19, 202440:36
Love and Suffering with Dr. Paul Chaloux

Love and Suffering with Dr. Paul Chaloux

Episode 144, Love and Suffering with Dr. Paul Chaloux

Dr. Paul Chaloux, a Catholic theologian, delves into the profound themes of love and suffering in his latest book, “Heaven’s Currency: A Study of Love,” accessible through Sophia Institute Press. In episode 133 of our podcast, we had the privilege of discussing his previous work, "Dying Without Fear." 

Interestingly, his initial book, “Why All People Suffer,” intertwines with today’s discourse on love, illuminating the interconnectedness of these concepts. Reflecting on Jesus' commandment to “love one another as I have loved you,” Dr. Chaloux emphasizes the sacrificial nature of love exemplified by Christ’s suffering and death.

Embracing Suffering and Trusting in God

Drawing from the wisdom of St. Faustina, Dr. Chaloux highlights the transformative power of suffering, echoing her sentiment that “through suffering, love becomes crystallized.” While suffering is inevitable, it offers an opportunity for spiritual growth and purification. 

Discussing the inevitability of death and the subsequent realities of judgment, heaven, hell, and purgatory, Dr. Chaloux underscores the significance of purgatory as a place of soul purification before beholding the divine. Despite the fear of death prevalent among many devout Christians, Dr. Chaloux asserts that trust in God and the anticipation of experiencing His love should dispel such fears, fostering inner peace.

The Essence of Love and Acts of Mercy

Exploring the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity (agape love), Dr. Chaloux emphasizes charity as the highest form of love, resonating with St. Thomas Aquinas’ teachings. Recognizing various manifestations of love, including eros, filial, and agape love, Dr. Chaloux emphasizes the intrinsic connection between love and mercy. As St. Faustina aptly put it, “love is the flower, mercy the fruit,” underscoring the inseparable relationship between love and acts of mercy. Delving into the Beatitudes and the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, Dr. Chaloux’s book offers profound insights into living a life rooted in love and compassion.

You can access Dr. Chaloux's book at Sophia Institute Press for further exploration of these enriching themes.

Mar 05, 202436:42
Divine Inspiration: A Filmmaker's Journey to Faith and Service

Divine Inspiration: A Filmmaker's Journey to Faith and Service

Episode 143, Divine Inspiration: A Filmmaker's Journey to Faith and Service

Michael McGlinn, an accomplished film producer, musician, and founder of Sistine Films, pursued his passion for creativity and music after attending Notre Dame University, where he also played football under the legendary coach Lou Holtz. 

Spiritual Awakening and Deepening

In 2012, during a documentary project in the Holy Land, he had a profound spiritual experience at Calvary and the tomb of the Holy Sepulchre on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, marking a pivotal "Divine Mercy" moment in his life. As his faith deepened, he regularly attended Eucharistic Adoration at a local chapel, fostering a profound love for the Eucharistic Lord. 

Support for Mercy Collaborations and Initiatives

Through his work, he crossed paths with Sister Andrea, a Franciscan nun who managed a vast warehouse collecting supplies for impoverished people worldwide. Upon her retirement, she entrusted the facility to Project Cure. Collaborating with the Congregation of Marians, Michael is currently finalizing a documentary on their joint efforts in Ukraine, where funds raised are aiding those affected by the ongoing conflict.

Nurse Marie Romagnano, founder of Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy and a trauma nurse, has played a crucial role in supporting mercy initiatives to aid innocent victims of war. 

Michael considers himself blessed to utilize his talents and passion for the Church in contributing to the advancement of God's Kingdom. He and his wife Beth live with their children in Kansas City, Missouri. 

Feb 20, 202435:15
Unveiling the Prophetic Mysteries of Garabandal with Ted Flynn

Unveiling the Prophetic Mysteries of Garabandal with Ted Flynn

Episode 142, Unveiling the Prophetic Mysteries of Garabandal with Ted Flynn

Ted Flynn, an accomplished author and executive producer of several films, brings his extensive knowledge and historical perspective to his latest book, "Garabandal, The Warning and the Great Miracle," available at, Amazon, and Kindle. 

Learning from the Past

With a background in history and over 40 years of studying Garabandal, Flynn emphasizes the importance of learning from past mistakes to avoid future pitfalls. Drawing on his experiences in Poland and Belarus, he sheds light on the dangers of godless societies, particularly in the context of the Spanish Civil War and its relevance to the Garabandal apparitions, which occurred just 22 years later.

Four Key Components of the Apparitions

Focused on the visions of three young girls from a Spanish village, the apparitions highlight four key components. The first is the warning, also known as the "examination of conscience," revealing the impact of our sins on our lives and others. The warning, to be felt and seen by all, will occur after a Church schism. Following this, a great miracle will unfold, featuring the conversion of Russia and having a profound Eucharistic and Marian nature. Remarkably, this miracle will coincide with a moment when the Church appears at its end, surpassing even the miracle at Fatima.

Extraordinary Details

Flynn's book delves into the details of these extraordinary events, including a permanent sign that will be visible but untouchable—the likes of which have never been seen in history. Concluding the narrative, Flynn tells us about the apparition’s prediction of a period of chastisement contingent upon humanity's response to turning back to God. 

Don't miss this fascinating conversation with him or his excellent book, available at www.sign.orgAmazon, and Kindle.

Feb 06, 202457:12
Bishop Athanasius Schneider's Way of Embracing the Depths of Faith

Bishop Athanasius Schneider's Way of Embracing the Depths of Faith

Episode 141, Bishop Athanasius Schneider's Way of Embracing the Depths of Faith

Today I have the privilege of speaking with Bishop Athanasius Schneider, ORC. A Catholic prelate, Bishop Schneider serves as the Auxiliary Bishop of Astana in Kazakhstan. He is a member of the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross of Coimbra, founded in 1131 in Portugal.

Clandestine Faith in Difficult Times

Born in 1961 in the Soviet Union as Anton Schneider, he hails from a faithful family deeply involved with the underground church at that time. His mother, Maria, courageously sheltered the Blessed Oleksa Zaryckyj, a Ukrainian priest later martyred by the Soviet regime. 

As a boy, Schneider and his siblings attended clandestine masses, traveling long distances in secrecy. In 1973, after making his first Holy Communion in secret, Schneider and his family emigrated to West Germany.

The Profound Grace of Faithful Upbringing

Bishop Schneider attributes his deep love for the Faith to the profound example set by his parents, which he says was the greatest grace of his life, perhaps even surpassing in some ways the grace of his priesthood.

A Champion of Tradition and Reverence

Fluent in multiple languages, including German, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, and Italian, Bishop Schneider, known for his traditionalism, advocates for receiving Holy Communion on the tongue while kneeling as a sign of love for Christ. 

His latest release, "Credo – Compendium of the Catholic Faith," accompanied by a study guide, is available from Sophia Institute Press here. Scott Hahn endorsed his writing as “pure doctrine” presented in clear prose. It is certainly worth a read! 

A Conversation on Faith

In our interview today, Bishop Schneider discusses with gratitude his call to the priesthood. He emphasizes the profound gift of the Eucharist and advocates for a deeper reverence, including Eucharistic Adoration. He also shares insights on the love for Our Blessed Mother as the mother of Jesus and our spiritual mother. 

Addressing the importance of humility in drawing closer to God, Bishop Schneider's teachings resonate with a call to embrace and deepen our Catholic faith.

Jan 16, 202441:17
A New Year’s Message on the Divine Mercy as a Way of Life from Dr. Bryan Thatcher

A New Year’s Message on the Divine Mercy as a Way of Life from Dr. Bryan Thatcher

Episode 140, A New Year’s Message on the Divine Mercy as a Way of Life from Dr. Bryan Thatcher

As a new year begins, allow me to share my reflections on the profound nature of God's mercy. His mercy extends beyond His love for us to encompass our love for one another, as depicted in the symbolism of the Cross – one beam representing God's love (vertical) and the other our love for each other (horizontal).

Embracing God’s Love Actively

While many are familiar with the devotional aspects of Divine Mercy, such as prayer, Feast Day celebrations, and home images, the message challenges us to embrace and share God's love actively. Central to living this message is forgiveness, a challenging yet critical element. God's readiness to forgive, despite hating sin, inspires us to resemble Him by forgiving others. Forgiveness, though difficult and not erasing memories, is essential for spiritual progress.

Pivotal Trust in God during Trials

Trust in God, especially during trials, is pivotal. Acknowledging His presence in challenging moments and doing our best to accept and align with His Will leads to increased graces. Even amid difficulties, trust in His constant presence, illustrated by Saint Faustina's teachings, is crucial.

Suffering, a part of the human experience, can draw us closer to God's heart. Saint Faustina emphasized that through suffering, love crystallizes, becoming a source of great grace.

He Must Increase, We Must Decrease

In our journey, we're called to be kinder, gentler, and more loving, echoing the sentiment of "He must increase, and we must decrease." Saint Faustina's life exemplifies that deeds of mercy are not optional; they are demanded of us. Stepping out of our own concerns to meet the needs of others fosters spiritual growth and reflects the image of God's mercy.

As we embark on this new year, let us commit to living the Divine Mercy not merely as a concept but as a transformative way of life. 

Jan 02, 202431:07
Tales of Catholic Resilience in the Face of Communist Oppression with Kristen Thierault

Tales of Catholic Resilience in the Face of Communist Oppression with Kristen Thierault

Episode 139, Tales of Catholic Resilience in the Face of Communist Oppression with Kristen Thierault

Today, Kristen delves into her book, “When the Sickle Swings: Stories of Catholics Who Survived Communist Oppression,” accessible at She points out that throughout over half of the twentieth century, across nearly half the globe, the Catholic faith encountered repression, restrictions, or outright illegality amid the atheistic, false messianic doctrine of communism. This ideology, pledging "equality for all," often led to totalitarianism, slavery, and slaughter, with the Catholic Church as a primary target.

Confronting Fidel’s Regime

In the interview, she explores Fidel Castro's regime, highlighting his ruthless approach despite a Catholic Jesuit education. Properties and belongings were confiscated, and numerous priests were deported or killed. Catholic holidays gave way to secular ones. Kristen shares stories of individuals who maintained their faith under great duress, emphasizing the enduring faith demonstrated when Saint Pope John Paul II visited Cuba in 1998.

Challenges in Eastern Europe

Kristen also delves into events in Czechoslovakia under Russian authoritarianism, where active movements aimed to eradicate priests and Catholic laity. The government established the Czech Nationalist Church with priests loyal to the state, not Rome. Father Toufar, who resisted, witnessed miracles in his church, but when he denied contriving them, he succumbed to beatings from government officials.

A Witness to Faith Amidst Persecution

The book serves as a testimony to those who stayed true to the faith, with many becoming martyrs. Peaceful Catholic protests played a vital role in overthrowing these regimes, as communism's worldly utopia contradicts the Catholic faith. These accounts stand as powerful witnesses for our time. May we stand firm in the Lord and the truth of our faith.

Viva Cristo Rey! Long Live Christ the King!

Dec 19, 202347:53
Fr. Lawrence Carney: Spreading Devotion and Drawing Souls to Christ as Chaplain of Sr. Wilhelmina’s Benedictines

Fr. Lawrence Carney: Spreading Devotion and Drawing Souls to Christ as Chaplain of Sr. Wilhelmina’s Benedictines

Episode 138, Fr. Lawrence Carney: Spreading Devotion and Drawing Souls to Christ as Chaplain of Sr. Wilhelmina’s Benedictines

Father Lawrence Carney was ordained a priest in the Diocese of Wichita in 2007. In 2014, he was appointed Chaplain for the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. Their foundress, Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster, passed away in 2019, and in the Spring of 2023 her body was exhumed, revealing it to be incorrupt. 

In today’s podcast, we delve into Sister Wilhelmina's life and Father's efforts to promote devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus.

Sr. Wilhelmina’s Remarkable Legacy

Sister Wilhelmina grew up in a devoutly Catholic home, realizing from a young age her calling to become a religious sister. She joined the Order of Oblate Sisters of Providence, a congregation of Black Catholic sisters in Baltimore, Maryland. After teaching in a school for 50 years as a member of the order, she felt a lessening of adherence to the order's rules, prompting her to establish a new order called the Benedictines of Mary Queen of Apostles. 

Sister Wilhelmina, with a goal of unity, was humble and prayed to follow God's will, embodying childlike spirituality and unwavering belief in God's Providence. Her being found incorrupt has brought a great deal of attention to her order and cause, drawing many visitors to her burial site. 

Chaplaincy and Spiritual Leadership

Father Carney, having previously studied orders of Black Americans in the Church, was later approached by Sister Wilhelmina to become the chaplain for the order. With his bishop's approval, he accepted the role. Father continues as chaplain today, celebrating daily Mass for the sisters, administering confessions, and providing spiritual direction. 

The League of St. Martin

Since assuming his role as chaplain, Father established the League of St. Martin, a pious association of the faithful dedicated to praying for reverence, reparation, and reversion, primarily through joining the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face and Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. The Confraternity of the Holy Face, established by Pope Pius XIII, includes a Holy Face medal featuring Jesus on the front and the Eucharist on the back. Fr. Carney continues to direct the League today. Additional information on the League of St. Martin can be found at

Dec 05, 202340:48
The Making of Ms.Led: Building the Culture of Life with Trish Short

The Making of Ms.Led: Building the Culture of Life with Trish Short

Episode 137, The Making of Ms.Led: Building the Culture of Life with Trish Short

Today's interview features Trish Short, the director of the compelling new documentary "Ms.Led" (watch it here). Trish has a diverse background ranging from modeling and acting to owning a fitness business and now a production company. In our interview, Trish passionately discusses her commitment to women in crisis and their unborn children.

Journey to Truth: Unveiling Deception in Ms.Led

The interview delves into Trish's journey in bringing this documentary to life, inspired by her Catholic faith and deep conviction to expose issues within the abortion industry and showcase the genuine support available to women facing crisis pregnancies. Emphasizing the diverse group of people creatively addressing these challenges, Trish aims to unveil the truth amid a history of deception. 

“Ms.Led”: A Fresh Perspective and Catalyst for Change

Viewers describe the film as unprecedented, offering a fresh perspective on a polarizing topic and serving as a potential catalyst for change, especially for those on the fence. Trish's closing thoughts in the interview encourage viewers to watch and share the film, fostering understanding and empathy without judgment for those grappling with difficult questions and unique hardships. Don't miss the chance to spread the word about the film's powerful message of God's mercy.

About “Ms.Led”

 "As a former pro-choice feminist, I wanted to produce a film that uncovers the deceptive narratives surrounding abortion. It is a catastrophic truth that women of every background make the tragic decision to walk into an abortion clinic. The battle that lies within the culture today is families that look just as diverse as mine. We are progressives, conservatives, religious, agnostic, multicultural and interracial. That is a reflection of the stories featured in Ms.Led and this was my goal – that it would reach the hearts and minds of millions from all walks of life who remain uninformed. My hope is this film will speak to women in crisis, demonstrate the help available, and awaken them to the unrepeatable humanity of their baby growing inside of them." - Trish Short, Director of “Ms.Led”. 

Through real-life stories, "Ms.Led" touches on what feminism and pro-life activism have looked like since the overturn of Roe vs. Wade. The documentary takes a behind-the-scenes view that dispels the myths surrounding the life-saving work of pregnancy resource centers and front-line counselors, presents an honest look at adoption, the beauty of marriage, family, children, and fatherhood, along with explosive testimonies of actual medical cases from physicians about the brutal business practices of abortion. Together, their voices rise and reveal a greater call to strengthen the fundamental support systems needed for vulnerable women to choose life. "Ms.Led" is a testament to the belief that it takes all of us, and our collective efforts to reshape the culture.

Watch “Ms.Led” here

For more information go to:

Nov 21, 202336:34
Eucharistic Miracles: Signs of God’s Profound Love

Eucharistic Miracles: Signs of God’s Profound Love

Episode 136, Eucharistic Miracles: Signs of God’s Profound Love Kristen Van Uden from Sophia Press joins me today as we delve into an intriguing discussion on a book by Italian cardiologist Dr. Franco Serafini, exploring the Scriptural references in John Chapter Six. This topic gains timeliness within our current era of Eucharistic revival in the Church. The message of Divine Mercy centers on God's boundless love, and when we think of love, we think of the heart. Miracles offer yet another testament to God's love for His people. Lanciano (8th century): A Timeless Eucharistic Marvel

The miracle in Lanciano, which endures through the ages, occurred during Mass one morning when a priest grappled with doubt regarding the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. As he raised the Host at the consecration, the host remarkably transformed into human flesh, while the wine evolved into blood clots. Detailed studies in 1574 revealed blood clots of various sizes, each weighing the same and collectively weighing the sum of all individual clots. Subsequent microscopic examinations in the 1970s unveiled human heart tissue characteristics with no evidence of preservatives or rigor mortis, even after centuries had passed. The blood type was determined to be AB. Buenos Aires, Argentina: A Modern Eucharistic Wonder

From 1992 to 1996, Buenos Aires witnessed five Eucharistic miracles, with the most well-known involving a host discovered on the floor after Mass. Placed in a chalice with water, the host displayed a growing red spot over time. Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, sought extensive scientific testing. The skeptical Dr. Castanon Gomez, a Bolivian scientist and atheist, performed studies but concealed the source. A respected U.S. cardiologist, Dr. Zugibe, who was studying the specimen without knowing from whence it came, called Dr. Gomez to ask about the patient’s history. Dr. Zugibe had identified the sample as human heart tissue from an individual who had suffered severe trauma. After this experience, Dr. Gomez converted to Catholicism and dedicated his life to the spread of the Gospel. Tixtla, Mexico 2006: A Bleeding Host

Dr. Gomez also played a role in investigating the miracle in Tixtla, Mexico. A bleeding Host revealed human blood, type AB (again), cellular fibers from the heart lining, and a clot atop fresh blood. DNA analysis, like the other miracles, unveiled an incomplete set of genetic information. Sokolka, Poland 2008: Challenging Skeptics

We also explore the Eucharistic miracle in Sokolka, Poland, where the Polish Rationalist Association claimed that the scientists examining the miracle were frauds. The microscope findings confirmed human heart tissue, but the Polish Rationalist Association tried to accuse the scientists of murdering someone or defiling a corpse in order to obtain the specimen. Eucharistic miracles, a testament to God's enduring presence, reinforce the profound connection between Jesus in the Divine Mercy Image and Jesus in the Eucharist: they are one and the same.

Nov 07, 202347:52
Exorcism: An Expert’s View from the Inside

Exorcism: An Expert’s View from the Inside

Episode 135, Exorcism: An Expert's View from the Inside

Mr. Adam Blai holds a unique position as an expert in religious demonology and exorcism officially recognized by the Diocese of Pittsburgh. With over fifteen years of experience, he has been instrumental in training exorcists and has actively participated in numerous solemn exorcisms. His remarkable journey began in the realm of brain-wave research and psychology but has since become focused on exploring the profound realities of miracles, angels, demons, and possession. 

Historical Roots of Exorcism and Key Signs of Possession

Exorcisms have a long history, with mentions even in the Old Testament, and the New Testament records Jesus performing exorcisms. It's important to note that while many who seek exorcisms may actually be struggling with mental illness, Mr. Blai has encountered genuine cases of demonic possession. He identifies four key signs of such possession, which include an individual's knowledge of multiple languages, awareness of secret information, the ability to detect holy objects even when concealed, and possessing immeasurable strength that can endure for hours.

The Art and Authority of Exorcism

The process of exorcism involves issuing commands with implied consequences for disobedience, and these commands carry the authority of God. Since 1614, the practice of minor or major (solemn) exorcisms has been entrusted exclusively to priests.

Controversy and Confusion: The Devil’s Denial

In the 1960s, Jesuit priest Herbert Haag controversially asserted that the devil didn't exist and that Satan was an antiquated belief. Regrettably, this perspective seeped into seminaries during the 1970s, leading to considerable confusion.

The Ritual and Tools of Exorcism

Mr. Blai explains two important terms in demonology: infestation, which relates to demonic influence over inanimate objects such as homes or land, and oppression, signifying possession and influence over an individual. During an exorcism, it is standard practice for a priest to be accompanied by others. Sacramentals, such as a Crucifix and holy water, are essential components, and additional items like relics and religious medals may also be employed. Requiring the demon to reveal its name is significant, as it grants power over the demon.

The Strength of Virtue in Overcoming Evil

In the spiritual realm, humility and obedience stand as two indispensable virtues for the priest, as Satan often attacks through accusations. These virtues are despised by demons, who are the embodiment of disobedience and pride. The devil fears Mary, who is the epitome of humility and obedience. 

Throughout our conversation today, we discussed Mr. Adam Blai's latest book, "The History of Exorcism," which is an outstanding resource and can be obtained at

Oct 17, 202352:10
The Shroud of Turin: A Doctor’s Lifelong Exploration

The Shroud of Turin: A Doctor’s Lifelong Exploration

Episode 134, The Shroud of Turin: A Doctor’s Lifelong Exploration Dr. Gilbert Lavoie, M.D., is a dedicated medical practitioner whose fascination with the Shroud of Turin has spanned over four decades. In the late 1970s, he stumbled upon a remarkable book by French surgeon Dr. Pierre Barbet titled, "A Doctor at Calvary." I vividly recall reading this book myself many years ago. Today, we will delve into Dr. Lavoie's own work, "The Shroud of Jesus, and the Sign John Ingeniously Concealed." It is a captivating read, full of photographs and concise explanations regarding the Shroud. This enlightening book is published by Sophia Institute Press. During our discussion, we will provide an overview of the key highlights and arguments presented within. Doubts and Authenticity: Four Key Concerns Surrounding the Shroud

In the time of Jesus, many were crucified on crosses, yet the Shroud of Turin stands apart as the sole burial cloth bearing an image. There exist four significant reasons fueling doubts about the Shroud's authenticity as the burial cloth of Jesus. Firstly, some contend that the Shroud is a mere painting, but it has been convincingly demonstrated that it is not. Secondly, doubts arise due to the lack of a well-delineated chain of custody for the first few centuries. Thirdly, the primary reason for skepticism stems from carbon dating conducted 40 years ago, which placed its origin in the Middle Ages. However, recent technological advances have revealed its true antiquity, dating back to the time of Jesus. Lastly, some question why the Gospel of John does not mention the Shroud. The Shroud’s Mysteries Unveiled

As many of you may be aware, in 1898, Secondo Pia captured a photograph of the Shroud and, to his astonishment, discovered that it is, in fact, a negative image. This revelation sparked considerable interest, as no immediate explanation for this could be found. Dr. Lavoie references the discovery of pollen grains on the Shroud, which are native to Middle Eastern regions, including Palestine. Additionally, a distinguished expert in textiles and stitching identified a unique stitching pattern on the cloth that was prevalent before 73 AD. Exploring Jewish Burial Customs

Why, then, does John's Gospel omit any mention of the Shroud? The Jews held a strong belief against creating images of God, as it conflicted with the Second Commandment. Scholars, such as John Jackson from the Shroud Center in Colorado, have extensively examined the Shroud, but Dr. Lavoie contends that there is currently no conclusive evidence explaining the formation of the image transfer on the Shroud. Dr. Lavoie also delves into Jewish burial customs, refuting the theory that Jesus' body would have been washed, resulting in less blood on the Shroud. The Upright Death Theory

Furthermore, he explains his belief that the man in the Shroud died in an upright position, citing John 12:32, "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." Within the same scriptural passage, it is noted, "he saw and believed," though no specific object is mentioned, a matter which Dr. Lavoie expounds upon in the book and in today’s episode. Teaching the Next Generation

Dr. Lavoie asserts the importance of imparting knowledge about the Shroud to our younger generation, as their understanding of it is often limited. He highlights the alignment between John's Gospel and the findings surrounding the Shroud. To obtain a copy of Dr. Lavoie's book, please visit or

Oct 03, 202344:36
Finding Grace and Faith in the Face of Death: Insights from Dr. Paul Chaloux

Finding Grace and Faith in the Face of Death: Insights from Dr. Paul Chaloux

Episode 133, Finding Grace and Faith in the Face of Death: Insights from Dr. Paul Chaloux

In this interview, Dr. Paul Chaloux, a Catholic theologian, delves into the natural and spiritual aspects of facing death and dying in his latest book, "Dying Without Fear: Your Guide to Finding Mercy, Peace, and Joy in Dark Times." This insightful book is readily available through Sophia Press at

Foundations of Understanding: The Theology of Suffering and Death

The book is divided into three sections. The first section sets the foundation by exploring the theology of suffering and death. The second section, titled "Dying with Grace," approaches death and dying from an individual perspective. Lastly, the third section delves into the experience of witnessing the dying and death of a loved one.

A Personal Perspective

Paul Chaloux's faith journey has been marked by unique experiences, including the passing of his mother and his own battle with Parkinson's disease. Over the years, his interest in theology has provided him with valuable insights into embracing his personal sufferings and trials.

The Challenges of Suffering

Many individuals grapple with the challenge of reconciling suffering with the concept of a merciful God. Questions like, "How could a loving God allow the tragic death of my spouse?" or "Why would a merciful God permit an infant to succumb to a brain tumor?" are deeply heartfelt and frequently asked. It is essential to remember that our earthly existence is transient, and we dwell in a valley of tears. Nevertheless, our souls endure eternally. Jesus calls upon us to bear our crosses and follow in His footsteps.

Offering Trials to Strengthen the Church

Through the practice of redemptive suffering, we have the opportunity to offer our afflictions and unite them with the Cross. Our trials can be channeled to strengthen the Church, as St. Paul articulated when he wrote, "Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh, I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church."

Trusting in Divine Mercy

Saint Faustina, the apostle of Divine Mercy, wrote that “suffering is a great grace, through suffering the soul becomes like the Savior; in suffering love becomes crystallized.”

Beneath the Image of Divine Mercy, we find the words, "Jesus I Trust in You." However, many find themselves crumbling in the face of adversity. It is crucial to understand that fear is counterproductive, and genuine trust cannot coexist with overwhelming fear. This is a spiritual battle, and we must consistently remind ourselves that fear is futile.

Sep 18, 202332:34
Lourdes Miracles: Stories of Faith, Healing, and Forgiveness

Lourdes Miracles: Stories of Faith, Healing, and Forgiveness

Episode 132, Lourdes Miracles: Stories of Faith, Healing, and Forgiveness

Marlene Watkins, a dedicated Catholic woman, stands as the visionary behind the Our Lady of Lourdes North American Volunteers Program. Her book titled "20 Everyday Miracles of Lourdes" holds deep resonance within the hearts of the faithful. This inspiring work can be found on Amazon and, with all proceeds flowing towards the cause of the aforesaid Our Lady of Lourdes North American Volunteers Program. 

A Journey through Trials: Marlene’s story

Marlene's path was fraught with trials, as she grappled with PTSD for years due to a traumatic assault during her youth. This burden greatly restricted her actions and ability to travel. It was during a pilgrimage to Lourdes, accompanied by a dear friend, that a transformation took place. At the sacred baths of Lourdes, she opened her eyes after prayer at the baths and saw a man who appeared to be her assailant. Yet, in this profound moment, her perspective shifted, and instead of hatred and anger towards him, all she yearned for was for him to go to Heaven. As she walked toward him, he vanished from sight. Upon her return from Lourdes, Marlene emerged as a wholly renewed individual, astounding friends and family who witnessed the miraculous healing that had transpired, and which had liberated her from the chains that held her captive for so many years.

“Southern Cynthia’s” Redemption: Overcoming Wounds through Healing Waters

Within the pages of her book, Marlene unwraps 19 other tales of miraculous intervention through an encounter with Jesus and Mary at Lourdes. Among these is the account of “Southern Cynthia”, who suffered a grievous gunshot wound inflicted by her former spouse. Despite numerous surgeries and constant care, the wound persisted, remaining infected and refusing to mend. The weight of her suffering fanned thoughts of vengeance against the man who had caused her such anguish. However, after being immersed in the healing embrace of Lourdes' restorative waters, she too was transformed. The wound mended, and alongside it, Cynthia's heart also healed. The consuming desire for retribution faded away, replaced by a wellspring of forgiveness for her former husband.

"Scottish Sheena’s" Quest for Peace

The essence of spiritual healing, rooted in the act of forgiving oneself and others, stands as a cornerstone of these remarkable stories. Take, for instance, the journey of “Scottish Sheena”. Confronting a past marked by a coerced abortion at the tender age of 15, enforced by her mother's insistence, Sheena found solace and redemption at Lourdes. In this holy place, she uncovered the strength to pardon her mother, bridging the chasm that had long kept them apart.

“Joyful Jamie’s" Spiritual Triumph

While not every seeker is granted the physical healing they yearn for, the true treasure of Lourdes lies in the profound inner peace and spiritual healing found there. The story of “Joyful Jamie” illustrates this truth poignantly. Though he wasn’t healed of his quadriplegia in Lourdes, he returned to the sacraments of the Church through his visit there. Afterwards, he shared with others that if he could use his arm for just one moment, he would make the Sign of the Cross with it, a simple gesture that he cherished as an expression of his devotion to the Holy Trinity. 

Guided by Our Lady’s Words

In Marlene’s book we hear of 17 other tales, each unique yet similar because each is the tale of the brokenness of humanity and yearning for restoration. It is in these narratives that the healing power of God finds its most profound expression. As we reflect on the words spoken by Our Lady to the stewards at Cana, "Do whatever he tells you," may our lives resonate with obedience to God's will, guiding us towards healing, regardless of the nature of our wounds.

To learn more about the Our Lady of Lourdes North American Volunteer Program, go to or call (315) 476-0026. 

Sep 04, 202352:06
Rising from the Shadows: The Remarkable Journey of Cardinal Anthony Poola

Rising from the Shadows: The Remarkable Journey of Cardinal Anthony Poola

Episode 131, Rising from the Shadows: The Remarkable Journey of Cardinal Anthony Poola

Cardinal Anthony Poola emerged as a beacon of hope within the Catholic faith when he became one of the two Indians chosen by Pope Francis for installation in 2022. Prior to this appointment, he had dutifully served as the Archbishop of Hyderabad. In an effort to alleviate the plight of the underprivileged, he established a website at This website serves as a conduit to various societies, including HAES (Hyderabad Archdiocese Educational Society), and offers a contact link for further interaction.


A Historic Achievement: First Dalit Cardinal

Cardinal Poola holds the distinction of being the first Dalit to be elevated to the position of cardinal. The term 'Dalit' refers to the 'untouchable class’, also called the lowest caste. Furthermore, he stands as the first cardinal to speak Telugu, a language spoken by over 75 million souls in India. His representation extends to one of the poorest regions within India.

Born in 1961, Cardinal Poola's origins trace back to a family of the Dalit class, to which two-thirds of India's Catholics belong. Despite the Constitution abolishing discrimination based on the caste system over 70 years ago, the Dalits continue to grapple with some oppression, persecution, and a constrained existence marked by menial labor.

Education and Aspirations

His Eminence was given an elementary education but because his family was so poor, his father could not afford funds past eighth grade. One year he had to stay home. At a summer camp, Dutch missionaries saw something special and told his father they would pay the funds for his school. He walked several miles to high school and had no shoes. He was able to go to high school, and told the priests that he wanted a higher education. He attended college and studied finance. At that time, he told his mentor he wanted to enter seminary. 

Dedication to Social Service and Empowerment

Before ascending to the position of cardinal, His Eminence dedicated himself to various social service organizations, notably the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging. Through this platform, he brought joy and solace to children and the elderly, especially finding joy in assisting the less fortunate. His compassion for impoverished children fuels his determination to facilitate their education, striving to find sponsors to help fund them. Presently, while autonomous Catholic colleges are not available, junior colleges stand as a stepping stone for their aspiring minds.

Cardinal Poola's inspiring journey rekindles hope, shedding light on the Church's commitment to embrace and uplift marginalized and ostracized members of society. His fresh approach is an example of the Church's resounding compassion for those in need.

Aug 15, 202338:02
Building Faithful Families: The Legacy of Venerable Father Patrick Peyton

Building Faithful Families: The Legacy of Venerable Father Patrick Peyton

Episode 130, Building Faithful Families: The Legacy of Venerable Father Patrick Peyton

Father Fred Jenga, a member of the Holy Cross Order and President of Holy Cross Family Ministries, grew up in Uganda and has ambitious plans for the ministries he leads. In our conversation, we will delve into those plans and explore the profound impact of prayer. Many of you may recognize two notable figures from the Holy Cross Congregation: Saint Brother Andre Besette and Father Patrick Peyton. In a previous interview with Father Michael Delaney, rector of the St. Joseph Oratory in Montreal (Episode 105), we delved into the life of Brother Andre. Today, we will also touch upon Father Peyton's cause for canonization, which is currently underway. You can find more information about Holy Cross Family Ministries at


Supporting Family Prayer Life

Father Jenga was raised in a devout Catholic family and village in Uganda. He was actively engaged in the church, and his interactions with numerous religious eventually led to an invitation from one of the Brothers to join the Holy Cross Order. Father Jenga was recently named president of Holy Cross Family Ministries, an umbrella organization for various ministries which perpetuate the message of Venerable Father Peyton to prioritize prayer, especially the Rosary, and nurture faith within the family unit. Family Theater Productions creates faith formation programs and movies to nourish the family spirit, while the Family Rosary USA develops devotional materials. Rosary International provides materials for global use, and the Peyton Institute for the Domestic Church focuses on producing resources for families. Additionally, Catholic Moms actively supports mothers in fulfilling their sacred calling. Details about each of the Holy Cross Family Ministries can be found at


Father Patrick Peyton: An Inspiration for Families

Father Patrick Peyton has achieved the status of venerable and is on the path to canonization. He is buried within the grounds of Stonehill College, operated by the Order of Holy Cross and located just 30 minutes outside Boston, Massachusetts. The Peyton Center, also located at the Holy Cross headquarters, is an important part of Holy Cross Family Ministries.


Father Jenga stresses the crucial need for a saint dedicated to the family during these turbulent times. As children, many of us would hear our parents say, "The family that prays together stays together." Father Jenga initiated the "Peyton Prayer Groups for Children," a movement that has been rapidly expanding across the globe. Prayer invites God into the family and makes it possible to live God's love through acts of kindness, forgiveness, and mercy. 


Father Jenga's Vision for the Future 

In his previous role as regional director, Father Jenga gained valuable insights during his seven-year tenure. Recognizing the power of social media, he has leveraged effective ways to communicate and evangelize with the laity. Father Jenga highlights the importance of collaboration with the laity, as priests cannot bear the entire burden alone. He acknowledges the need for increased involvement and active participation of the laity in ministry. However, he also emphasizes the significance of spiritual formation, as without it, burnout becomes inevitable. 


To access comprehensive spiritual formation resources for your family, please visit

Jul 31, 202332:43
Dr. Tom McGovern's Path to True Healing

Dr. Tom McGovern's Path to True Healing

Episode 129, Dr. Tom McGovern's Path to True Healing


Dr. Tom McGovern, MD, a native of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, runs a dermatology practice in Fort Wayne, Indiana. With over two decades of experience, he is an esteemed author ("What Christ Suffered") and radio co-host ("Doctor, Doctor"). Additionally, he served as the inaugural chairman of the Novis Medicus committee of the Catholic Medical Association, dedicated to reaching out to pre-medical students, medical students, and young physicians. He and his wife Sally have been married for 33 years and have been blessed with seven children. Dr. Tom has endured prolonged bouts of severe anxiety, which had a profound impact on every aspect of his life, including his medical practice.


Battling Anxiety in the Medical Field

The practice of medicine presents immense challenges, with rigorous training and demanding experiences. Early on, Dr. Tom developed a mindset driven by the need to succeed and please his parents, striving for success at all costs. A medical career can become all-consuming, and the relentless pursuit of perfection only fueled his anxiety. How much achievement is truly enough? In those days, he would answer, "just a little more." He had sought counseling and relied on medication, even spending a year in seminary before leaving due to his emotional instability. He felt trapped in a never-ending cycle until he embarked on a transformative healing journey. 


The Search for True Healing: Moving Beyond Medication and Therapy

For a significant portion of his life, Dr. Tom relied on antidepressants to alleviate his symptoms. He attempted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, but in retrospect, he realized it never addressed the underlying root causes of his problems. It was through his encounter with Dr. Bob Schuchts, founder of the John Paul II Healing Center in Jacksonville, FL, that he finally began addressing the deeper sources of his wounds, essential for true healing. One must heal the wounds before experiencing genuine restoration. Dr. Tom gradually recognized the importance of balance and the need to step off the treadmill he had constructed.


Moments of Grace and Redemption

During a moment of prayer while an exorcist interceded for him, Dr. Tom sensed the presence of Our Lady. He was told, "When Our Lady appears, demons flee, and it is all over."


There was a time when he believed that everyone could be healed except for himself. He recalled an incident from his early years as a first-grader, when his mother asked him to grade papers written by sixth-graders. Unable to read cursive, he felt inadequate and burdened by shame. However, recalling that vulnerable moment later in a time of prayer, Jesus enveloped him with His love, comforting him from behind. Dr. Tom wept profusely, discovering immense healing through this experience. His staff also noticed a change—his anxiety had previously made him a physician whom the staff preferred to avoid. As he began his own healing journey, the atmosphere in his office transformed, and the staff's attitudes and behaviors noticeably improved.


The Journey Continues: Embracing God's Unconditional Love and Ongoing Healing

He recounts an episode where he had a vision of Jesus offering him His heart. Once again, he wept uncontrollably, finding further solace and restoration. Love flooded his heart. Dr. Tom understands that this healing process is ongoing and his journey continues. Yet, his anxiety has diminished significantly, as he now understands that Jesus Christ loves him unconditionally, right where he stands. He no longer needs to earn God's love, for he has come to realize that God's love is boundless and unearned.

Jul 18, 202347:03
Lay Mother and Mystic: Blessed Conchita’s Journey to the Heart of Jesus

Lay Mother and Mystic: Blessed Conchita’s Journey to the Heart of Jesus

Episode 128

Kathleen Beckman is a wife, mother, author, and speaker. Today, we explore her book "Blessed Holiness - A Spiritual Journey with Blessed Conchita to the Heart of Jesus." 

In her book, Kathleen delves into the life of Maria Concepcion de Armida, also known as Blessed Conchita. Despite having limited education, Blessed Conchita had mystical experiences from a young age. Amidst raising nine children and founding five apostolates, she produced numerous volumes of profound spiritual writings. Her extraordinary mystical journey and her writings for priests emphasized the intertwined nature of love and sacrifice. She sought to convey that holiness is not exclusive to religious individuals but is a calling for all the laity. The Church has reviewed her impressive collection of sixty-six volumes.


Mystical Encounters and Spiritual Wisdom in the Midst of Daily Life

Conchita, born and raised in Mexico, came from a devout Catholic family and had a deep devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe. As she came to realize the profound connection between love and suffering, it became an integral part of her life and spirituality. One of her sons became a Jesuit priest, and a daughter entered religious life. Conchita's mission was to guide priests on their path to holiness, sanctity, sacrifice, and union with the Good Shepherd. Three of her spiritual advisors are currently on the path to canonization. She authored numerous volumes on the priesthood and their pursuit of holiness.


Like the saints who came before her, Conchita faced trials and suffering. She experienced the loss of four children. As a mother and grandmother, she wrote letters urging her family to strive for the highest level of holiness. She prepared her husband for a holy death. Conchita had a vision of the cross and lived during the time of the Cristeros War, witnessing the martyrdom of priests and nuns. She understood that when we carry our own crosses, the Holy Spirit bestows upon us the grace to endure. The ultimate goal is to live according to God's Will.


Love, Sacrifice, and the Holiness of the Laity

We must all strive for holiness. The saints radiated the love of God and understood that true peace is found in aligning ourselves with God's Will. Conchita's spiritual journey was guided by the Virgin of Solitude, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Our Lady of the Cross. She felt a profound connection to Our Lady of the Cross, understanding that suffering is an integral part of the cross and that the Holy Spirit provides us with the grace to walk alongside Jesus. Conchita walked a path similar to that of Our Lady, whose love supported her. In Kathleen's book on the Mystical Incarnation, she highlights a special grace bestowed upon Conchita, which is available to all the baptized—a grace rooted in baptism. Just as God resided within Our Lady, we too must be united with the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. There are three stages: the priestly stage which offers Jesus to the Father in union with us, the Eucharistic stage in which we unite our bodies and souls to Christ during Mass, and the Marian stage in which we unite with Our Lady as she magnifies the Lord.


Salvation of souls is one of the prominent themes in Conchita's writings. She fervently prayed, "Jesus save them," interceding for the sanctification of her husband and children. This is a practice we should all emulate.


Models of Faith

Conchita's mystical experiences bear similarities to those of Teresa of Avila and Maria Faustina. Their interior lives serve as exemplary models, helping us comprehend the call to holiness and the proper way to live our lives.


Explore more of Conchita’s story in Kathleen’s new book, available for purchase at and Amazon. Kathleen is a popular presenter on topics including the spiritual life, Divine Mercy, Mary, and the spirituality of Blessed Conchita. Contact Kathleen directly through her website,

Jul 04, 202340:43
Restoring Faith and Renewing the Priesthood with Kevin Wells

Restoring Faith and Renewing the Priesthood with Kevin Wells

Episode 127, Restoring Faith and Renewing the Priesthood with Kevin Wells


Kevin Wells, a former sportswriter in Major League Baseball, has authored a remarkable and timely book called "Priests We Need to Save the Church." In his book, Kevin delves into a significant personal struggle he and his wife faced due to infertility, as well as the advice given by his uncle, Msgr. Thomas Wells, during that difficult time. He also addresses the unfortunate circumstances surrounding Msgr. Wells' untimely passing. The book further evolves in response to the Church crisis, as Kevin attempts to address the question, "What kind of priests do we need to save the Church?" Throughout the pages of this book, readers will discover a wealth of information. We highlight some of Kevin’s key points in this interview.


Seeking Solace in Suffering: Monsignor Wells' Wise Guidance


Kevin's upbringing took place in a large, devout Irish Catholic family, where his mother stood out as a saintly figure. Kevin and his wife yearned for children, but sadly learned that they were unable to conceive. While seeking guidance, Kevin's wife was informed by a priest that in vitro fertilization was permissible as long as her conscience was clear. However, this technique conflicts with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Struggling with their predicament, they turned to Kevin's uncle, Monsignor Thomas Wells, for advice. With great sensitivity, he explained to her the role of suffering in our lives, ultimately bringing solace to her soul. As they navigated this challenge, they embraced the path of adoption and are now blessed with three children. The news of Monsignor's tragic murder shocked the community, as he had become a highly respected clergyman.


8 Essential Characteristics Priests Need to Right the Ship


News of the Church scandals pervaded the media throughout this time, deeply troubling Kevin. As he prayed and pondered, he formulated eight essential characteristics that priests require to rectify the current state of the Church, which he refers to as a "ship." The first characteristic entails the priest's profound adoration of the Eucharistic Jesus. A priest's mission hinges upon a deep love for our Eucharistic Lord and a genuine desire to hear confessions and forgive sinners. The second characteristic centers around devotion to Mary, who serves as our guide to Jesus. As the one who carried Jesus in her womb, she plays a crucial role in leading us to Him. The third characteristic emphasizes the priest's devout prayer life, as prayer constitutes our means of communication with God. The fourth characteristic encompasses the priest's willingness to embrace a sense of victimhood, akin to Christ's selflessness and sacrifice, where he dies to self and generously serves others. Being a father represents the fifth characteristic, mirroring the Good Shepherd's care for his flock. The sixth characteristic underscores the importance of a persistently available priest, understanding that the vocation of priesthood involves the salvation of souls, which may necessitate inconvenient timing. The seventh characteristic highlights the priest's commitment to preach divine truth, guided by the Holy Spirit in all his endeavors. Finally, the eighth characteristic entails the priest's immediate and responsive involvement in people's lives, acting as Jesus Christ Himself would act when confronted with a problem.


An Important Read for Laity and Clergy Alike 

Although this book primarily addresses priests, it is also relevant for the laity. While we cannot preside over Mass or administer the Eucharist, nor can we hear confessions, we are all called to pursue holiness and strive to carry out God's will.


Kevin's bestselling book is readily available for purchase online at, and To book Kevin for a speaking engagement, learn more about his work, or connect with him directly, please visit

Jun 20, 202346:27
From Darkness to Redemption: Shawna Arnold's Unforgettable Journey of Abortion, Addiction, and Divine Love

From Darkness to Redemption: Shawna Arnold's Unforgettable Journey of Abortion, Addiction, and Divine Love

Episode 126, From Darkness to Redemption: Shawna Arnold's Unforgettable Journey of Abortion, Addiction, and Divine Love

Shawna Arnold, a resident of Saskatchewan, Canada, endured a challenging upbringing in a dysfunctional household. Her poignant memoir, "A New Heart - My Story of Abortion, Addiction, and Conversion," eloquently narrates her journey from being lost to being found. The book is available for purchase on her blog site, Within its pages, Shawna candidly explores the tumultuous dynamics of her addict mother, her distant workaholic father, and the dearth of affection she received from them. The stabilizing force in her life came from her devoted grandmother, with whom she spent significant amounts of time.

From Dysfunction to Redemption

Regrettably, Shawna found solace in destructive behaviors at a young age, succumbing to the temptations of drugs, alcohol, and promiscuity. As a consequence, she became pregnant and underwent an abortion. However, at a pivotal moment, Shawna realized that she needed assistance and decided to return to her faith by attending church.


Finding Forgiveness through St. Faustina

During her spiritual journey, Shawna encountered a compassionate elderly woman and a retired priest who played instrumental roles in guiding her. She attended a retreat for post-abortive women at Rachel's Vineyard, which served as a catalyst for her gradual healing process. At a subsequent youth retreat, Shawna experienced a profound connection with God, where she felt His immense love for her. Burdened by a sense of pain, shame, and guilt, she questioned whether God could forgive her transgressions. Nonetheless, she found solace in the words spoken to St. Faustina, as the Lord revealed that "the greater the sinner, the greater the right to My mercy."


The Worth of a Soul

In her spiritual growth, Shawna recognized the value of humility as a cornerstone virtue. She drew inspiration from the remarkable Mother Teresa, who perceived the inherent beauty within every individual, regardless of their social standing.


Embracing Self-Acceptance

Realizing that God's love extended to her was a transformative moment in Shawna's life. She also discovered the importance of self-love and recognized that maintaining a spiritual path requires ongoing effort due to the inherent fallibility of being human. Shawna now aspires to share the message of hope with others, particularly teenagers grappling with life's challenges and struggling with low self-esteem.


To connect with Shawna, whether for inquiries, speaking engagements at your church or conferences, or to purchase her book, please visit

Jun 06, 202336:35
What does the Case of Terri Schiavo Reveal About Our Culture?

What does the Case of Terri Schiavo Reveal About Our Culture?

Episode 125, What Does the Case of Terri Schiavo Reveal About Our Culture? Bobby Schindler, the brother of Terri Schiavo, became known to the world during the early 2000s, when his sister's case brought global attention to St. Petersburg, Florida. Terri had suffered a neurological event resulting in brain damage but remained stable with the help of a feeding tube. Her husband wanted to remove all life-sustaining measures, while her parents wished to continue her care and take her home. However, the courts sided with the husband, and Terri died 13 days later after being deprived of food and water. The Catholic Church maintains that basic sustenance, such as food and water, is not a heroic measure, and should always be provided to patients. Bioethics and Aid for the Most Vulnerable Bobby founded a non-profit organization to support families in similar situations and to answer questions about end-of-life issues. He acknowledges that each case is unique and aims to guide families who contact him. He believes that disabled people are particularly vulnerable to situations like Terri's and that society has lost its appreciation for the value of life and the gifts that individuals bring. We live in a world where some doctors declare Down Syndrome cured, when in reality, many Down Syndrome babies are being aborted and are simply not given a chance to live. Bobby believes that one consequence of widespread abortions is the continued disregard for human life and increased violence in society. Comprehensive Resources for a Confused World Bobby's website,, is a comprehensive resource for anyone seeking information on end-of-life issues. He is the president of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, a Senior Fellow at Americans United for Life, and an Associate Scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute. Bobby is available for speaking engagements through or Ambassadors or Catholic Speakers Organization.

May 16, 202333:55
From Healing Bodies to Healing Souls

From Healing Bodies to Healing Souls

Episode 124, From Healing Bodies to Healing Souls

Meet Dr. Tom Nelson - a physician with a unique approach to healing. After graduating from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1987, Dr. Tom completed his residency at LaGrange Memorial Hospital. But it wasn't until a transformative retreat at the John Paul II Healing Center in Tallahassee that he truly discovered his calling. Today, he's trained in prayer ministry and actively involved in the Joliet Diocese’s Unbound ministry.

A Promise of Compassion

Dr. Tom's story is one of compassion and courage. When a longtime patient with no family came to him to discuss her end-of-life issues, he knew he had to help. In spite of his busy schedule as a football coach and physician, he made time to care for her. He turned to prayer, seeking comfort and strength during Eucharistic Adoration.

Breaking Down Walls

As he got to know his patient, Joan, she opened up to him about her anger toward God after the death of her young father. Dr. Tom decided to bring in a priest, despite Joan's initial resistance. Over time, the walls of anger and fear of God came tumbling down, and Joan received the Sacrament of the Sick before passing away peacefully.

The Gift of Grace

Dr. Tom's experience led him to attend a healing seminar at the JPII Center, where he received many graces and became more involved in the church. He became more empathetic and caring towards his patients, and his attitude towards medicine changed. In the end, he received much more than he ever imagined.

A Reflection of Mercy

Dr. Tom's story is a powerful reminder of the healing power of faith and compassion. He became a reflection of the Merciful Jesus, and his patient died a peaceful death. This is the goal of healthcare professionals of Divine Mercy, an apostolate of the Marian Fathers. If you're looking for inspiration and hope, look no further than Dr. Tom Nelson's story.

May 01, 202335:48
Unlocking the Mysteries of Mary

Unlocking the Mysteries of Mary

Episode 122, Unlocking the Mysteries of Mary

Dr. Robert Stackpole is a former Anglican priest who converted to Catholicism, and for years has been assisting the Congregation of Marians as Director of the John Paul II Institute of Divine Mercy. We discuss his book, “Mary, Who She Is and Why She Matters,” available at shop, code MBK. It is an excellent resource for those trying to understand Catholic teaching on Our Blessed Mother.


What Did the Angel Mean When He Said, "Full of Grace"?

Some think the words “Immaculate Conception” refer to Jesus’ miraculous conception in Mary’s womb. This is actually incorrect. The Immaculate Conception refers to Mary being born without the stain of original sin as God knew that one day she would carry the Son of God in her womb. She was called by the angel “full of grace,” and Dr. Stackpole explains that in great detail. Her body was immaculate so she could carry Jesus in her womb, just as the Ark of the Covenant was lined with beautiful gold because it carried the Ten Commandments. Robert discusses the apparition of Catherine Labourre, the timing of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, and the apparition of Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes. In the latter, Our Lady told young Bernadette that she was, “The Immaculate Conception."


Mary's Queenship and the Jewish Tradition

She is the “New Eve,” as in the Garden of Eden Eve was tricked by the serpent; Mary instead crushes the head of the serpent and brought Jesus into the world. He also discusses her Assumption into heaven theologically and the Queenship of Mary in the Jewish tradition. In the Jewish tradition, the Queen Mother bowed to the king. But, when the King died, the son as the new King bowed down to his mother. 


Mary, the Temple of God

Dr. Stackpole discusses how Mary is not a God in the temple, but she is a temple of God. Catholics do not love, respect, and honor her as a God, but as the Mother of God. We see Mary’s head bowed down in the image of our Lady of Guadalupe indicating she is not a God. Her role is to bring us to Jesus, her loving Son. 


“O Mary Conceived Without Sin, Pray for Us Who Have Recourse To Thee."

Apr 17, 202348:25
Worldwide Evangelist on the Power of St. Michael

Worldwide Evangelist on the Power of St. Michael

Episode 121, Worldwide Evangelist on the Power of St. Michael

Meet Father Peter Prusakiewicz: A Michaelite Father with a Divine Mission

Father Peter Prusakiewicz, a Michaelite Father, has dedicated his life to spreading God's love and the message of Divine Mercy to people around the world. Raised in Poland, Father Peter is part of the Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel, a community of brothers and priests who focus on the ethical and educational formation of youth. While on a retreat as a young man, he had a powerful experience with the Holy Spirit and felt even more called to the Order. Today, his passion for his calling is contagious and inspiring.

The Power of St. Michael's Prayer and Divine Mercy

Father Peter shares the origin of the St. Michael the Archangel prayer and how it came about from a vision that Pope Leo X111 had at Mass. He also speaks about how he was introduced to the message of Divine Mercy during his time as a Chaplain for the Sisters of Mercy in Warsaw. The diary of St. Faustina, a woman with limited education, inspired Father Peter to spread the message of God's intense love that knows no bounds. He has since traveled extensively, sharing his love for St. Michael, the holy angels, and the message of Divine Mercy that people so deeply hunger.


The Greatest Happiness: Spreading the Message of God's Love

In these troubled times, Father Peter's mission to spread God's love has become his greatest happiness. He feels like he has a large spiritual family wherever he goes, and his message resonates with people all over the world. If you would like to learn more about Father Peter's mission, visit or email

Apr 04, 202345:27
Discovering Divine Mercy Cenacles: A Way of Life

Discovering Divine Mercy Cenacles: A Way of Life

Episode 120, Discovering Divine Mercy Cenacle: A Way of Life

Are you seeking to deepen your faith and connect with others in your community? Consider joining a Divine Mercy Cenacle, an apostolate of the Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception. The program is based on the Diary of St. Faustina and integrates Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

What is a Divine Mercy Cenacle?

A Divine Mercy Cenacle is a small group that meets regularly to share and discuss their faith, using the Diary of St. Faustina as a guide. The program emphasizes the importance of faith-sharing, but also includes prayer and a focus on living a sacramental life. After about six months of formation, members are encouraged to ask their priest if there is a small work of mercy they can do to help build up the local church.

How does it work?

The format of the meetings involves reading five pages of the Diary of St. Faustina and then discussing how it impacted each member. The facilitator of the group leads the discussion, but their job is not to teach or lecture. Instead, they facilitate group discussion on what was read. Through this process, members will realize that we all have struggles, and encounter Divine Mercy as a healing ministry.

Ready to Begin?

To start your journey, visit the Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy website at and click on "Eucharistic Apostles." There, you'll find many helpful articles on understanding the message of Divine Mercy and how it is a "Way of Life." Saint Faustina had a love for the dying, and cenacle members are encouraged to pray the chaplet during Eucharistic adoration for those who are sick and dying.

Embrace Divine Mercy Cenacles

All manuals and literature are theologically approved and carry the imprimatur and Nihil Obstat. With several thousand Divine Mercy cenacles of prayer in the USA and active participation in over 45 countries worldwide, you'll be joining a vibrant community of believers seeking to grow in faith and love of God. The schedule and goals for the meeting are outlined in the cenacle formation manuals (code CFM1, CFM2, and CFM3) available at the Marian helpers center (1.800.462.7426) or at 

Mar 21, 202323:57
How a Priest and Beggar Changed Lives Forever

How a Priest and Beggar Changed Lives Forever

Episode 119, How a Priest and Beggar Changed Lives Forever

The Catholic Church is full of inspiring stories of people who lived heroic lives and served God in extraordinary ways. Among them is Venerable Aloysius Schwartz, a priest and beggar who dedicated his life to serving the poor in Korea in the late 1950s and 60s. In this episode, Kevin Wells, a former major-league baseball and best-selling author of "The Priests we Need to Save the Church", explores Father Schwartz's inspiring life and how his legacy continues to impact the world today.

The Inspiring Life of Venerable Aloysius Schwartz: From Poverty to Priesthood

Father Schwartz grew up during the Great Depression and the poverty he saw and experienced first-hand had to have had an effect on him. He felt called to and discerned the priesthood at an early age. He tried the Maryknolls first, and then an obscure Order called the Samists, but faced many challenges along the way. Eventually, he was ordained as a diocesan priest in the diocese of Liege, France, where the bishop recognized his deep spirituality and holiness.

Marian Apparitions and Father Schwartz's Spiritual Journey

While in Europe, Father Schwartz visited a Marian apparition site in Banneux, France, where he had a profound experience. Mary called him to emulate her love for Jesus and to suffer as Christ did for mankind. He placed himself under the mantle of Mary's protection and embraced a life of suffering and love.

Mission in Korea

Father Schwartz worked primarily in the diocese of Busan, South Korea, where he encountered extreme poverty. He devoted his life to serving the poor and not just working among them. He also recognized the importance of raising funds to help the people. He came across a gentleman who helped him realize the necessity of raising funds, and he started the Korean Fund, which was a tremendous success. He built many orphanages, hospitals, and schools, and formed the Mariahwe, "Sisters of Mary," who helped him live his mission of serving the poor.

Struggles and Triumphs

Father Schwartz faced many difficulties during his mission, including struggles with a criminal element in Korea. Lee Soon Young mistreated the people and made money off the poor. He tried to have Father Schwartz killed, but was unsuccessful. Father's last struggle was with ALS, or "Lou Gehrig's Disease." Despite his struggles, Father Schwartz remained faithful to his mission and continued to serve the poor until his death.

Father Schwartz's Legacy Today

Father Schwartz's canonization process has been opened, and he is currently "Venerable." His legacy continues to impact the world today through the work of the World Villages for Children, an organization he founded to continue his mission of serving the poor. The organization operates in several countries, including Mexico, the Philippines, and South Korea, and continues to provide education, healthcare, and basic needs to vulnerable children and families.

Venerable Aloysius Schwartz is an inspiring example of a person who lived a heroic life in service to others. He dedicated his life to serving the poor and embraced a life of suffering and love. His legacy continues to impact the world today through the work of the World Villages for Children. Let us all be inspired by his life and strive to serve others with love and compassion. Father’s canonization process has been opened and he is currently “Venerable.” You can get more information about him and his case for canonization at

Mar 07, 202341:40
The Miraculous Life of Mystic Eileen George

The Miraculous Life of Mystic Eileen George

Episode 118, The Miraculous Life of Mystic Eileen George

Father Jay Finelli is a pastor at the Church of the Holy Ghost in Tiverton, Rhode Island, and a priest in the diocese of Providence, R.I. He is the host of the acclaimed ipadre Catholic Podcast and served for years as a board member of Meet the Father ministry, the ministry that Eileen George began.

From Orphan to Potential Saint

Eileen George was an incredible woman whose life was truly inspirational. She was an orphan and grew up in Massachusetts in the diocese of Worchester, and passed away at the age of 90. In her book, “Conversations in Heaven”, George has many photos and notations of support from many Bishops and priests. Father Finelli has been working hard to document her life in preparation for her cause for canonization, aiming to celebrate her life and share her message with the world.

Ministry and Spiritual Gifts

As part of her ministry, George was passionate about helping people understand the unconditional love that Jesus and God the Father have for each of us. She was believed to have many spiritual gifts, such as the gift of bilocation and the ability to read souls, and it was even said that she had the invisible stigmata. Father Finelli has a beautiful story to share, in which he and Archbishop George Pearce witnessed Eileen's bilocation first-hand.

She Loved through Suffering

George was an incredibly humble woman who was devoted to the Church, and she spoke often of Jesus and the love she felt when she received Communion. She suffered from a number of medical conditions, including severe arthritis and advanced melanoma, yet she remained strong in her faith that God's perfect love would carry her through. Her words and actions remind us of the importance of love, and how we will be judged on how we choose to love those around us.

Learn More about this Up-and-Coming Saint

If you would like more information on Eileen George or obtain a prayer card, visit the website at or write to: Meet-the-Father Ministry, P.O. Box 348, Uxbridge, MA 01569. Join us in celebrating one of God's greatest blessings, Eileen George

Feb 28, 202341:58
Debunking the Myths: Understanding Catholic Devotion to Mary and the Saints

Debunking the Myths: Understanding Catholic Devotion to Mary and the Saints

Episode 117, Discover the Truth Behind Catholic Devotion to Mary and the Saints

In this episode, we will be diving into a topic that has been a source of much confusion and misunderstanding - the role of Mary and the saints in Catholicism. Marcus Peter, a Catholic theologian, evangelist, and founder of the St. Peter Institute for Scripture and Evangelization, shares his insights on the subject.

Understanding the Communion of Saints

One of the most common misconceptions about Catholicism is that by praying to Mary and to saints for their intercession, we are breaking the First Commandment and worshiping someone other than God. However, as Catholics, we worship only God, and Mary’s role is to bring people to Jesus. Marcus explains the Catholic belief in the communion of saints through which we understand that those in heaven who have gone before us can pray for us and ask God to hear our cries.

Mary as the New Eve

In the Old Testament, there is a concept of the Queen Mother. Marcus explains how Mary can be seen as the new Eve, who has been redeemed by the saving death of Christ and is a cause of life instead of death.

Mary, Full of Grace

When the angel came to Mary, she was called "full of grace." Marcus delves into the Greek words used, which meant that Mary has been, is, and will always be full of grace. Her fullness of grace is a result of the saving death of Christ.

In conclusion, Marcus hopes to shed some light on the Catholic teachings regarding Mary and the saints, and how they play a significant role in our faith. He is available to speak at conferences or parishes, and you can reach him through the St. Peter Institute for Scripture and Evangelization's website.

Feb 21, 202344:54
Heal Your Heart, Transform Your Relationships: Rose Sweet's Guide to Inner Peace and Lasting Love

Heal Your Heart, Transform Your Relationships: Rose Sweet's Guide to Inner Peace and Lasting Love

Episode 116, Transform Relationships through Inner Healing with Rose Sweet A Pioneer in the Field of Divorce Healing Ministry

Rose Sweet is a highly experienced and certified life and relationship coach, and a pioneer in the field of divorce healing ministry. With over thirty years of experience, she has spoken at the 2015 World Meeting of Families, created the parish video program "Surviving Divorce," and authored a book on annulments. Her goal is to help people "put religion back into relationships."

From Straying to Finding Love and Healing

Rose's personal journey has taken her from being raised Catholic to straying from her roots and experiencing several failed marriages. It was only after she realized that God was missing from her life that she began to experience the healing power of God's mercy and love, and drew closer to Christ. This experience inspired her to share her newfound love and wisdom with others.

Personal Retreats for Mind, Body, and Soul

Rose offers personal retreats to people from all over the world, many of which are conducted over Zoom. Her approach emphasizes accepting God's love and forgiveness, but also the need to forgive those who have hurt us, as well as ourselves. In situations of sexual, emotional, or physical abuse, Rose advises that one must first seek safety and then trust in God's plan for their life.

Trusting in God and Becoming the Person You Were Called to Be

Shame is a common obstacle, but Rose helps individuals understand the difference between shame and guilt, and how to move beyond shame toward repentance. Through her work, Rose emphasizes that God wants us to be healed and grow closer to Him, and become the person we were called to be. Trusting in God, even in difficult times, is key to this growth. Trust doesn't mean everything will turn out as we expect, but it does mean carrying our cross and being a beacon of hope to others.

Start Your Journey to Inner Healing Today

Rose offers individual coaching and can be reached through her website at If you're seeking inner healing and a closer connection with Catholicism, Rose Sweet is here to guide you on your journey.

Feb 14, 202332:34
A Psychologist's Lessons from Raising 10 Kids

A Psychologist's Lessons from Raising 10 Kids

Episode 115, A Psychologist's Lessons from Raising 10 Kids

Raising ten kids has revealed to Dr. Ray Guarendi and his wife, Randi, a lifetime of insightful lessons. Dr. Ray shares his wisdom with clarity and abundant humor because as any mother or father knows, parenting is too important to be taken too seriously. Today we discuss his book, “Taught by Ten -  A Psychologist Father learns from His ten Kids.” It is available at on his website you can see his many other books that are wonderful guides to becoming a better spouse and parent.

Learn from the Best

With his rich, tenfold experience as a father, Dr. Ray gives guidance that will help you gain confidence toward molding and instructing your own children. Through his many and absorbing anecdotes, you’ll learn how to act with calm authority whether with a disrespectful teen or a tantrum-throwing toddler.

Want Respect? Give Respect

Through parenting, Dr. Ray learned to avoid labels and to respect each child’s temperament. He reinforces how with each child you can become a better parent. Dr. Ray discusses and explains why stronger parents who act more and lecture less have smoother family lives. He discusses how “the look” is a form of Pavlovian self-conditioning that helps convey authority.

Consistency is Key

We must remember the power of affection and parents should always take time to tell their children how much they are loved. In homes where both parents are present, it is important to show a unified front, and not be manipulated by your children. In all settings, remember that perseverance and consistency in setting and enforcing expectations pay off.

God’s Providence

Dr. Ray discusses how to help resolve and avoid conflicts, teach respect and manners, and more. Most strikingly, you will see God’s providence at work in forming your own family. You will grow in the resolve and wisdom to guide your children when young and give them wings to fly when older.

Feb 07, 202344:35
Fr. Pisegna's Tips to Unlock Your Best Lent Ever

Fr. Pisegna's Tips to Unlock Your Best Lent Ever

Episode 114, Fr. Pisegna's Tips for Your Best Lent Ever

Father Cedric Pisegna is a Passionist priest based in Houston, Texas. The Passionists have a special devotion to the Passion of Christ, and their main charism is evangelization. Fr. Pisegna has shows that air on three Christian television networks, one being EWTN, and has written many books. Today we discuss his latest book,  "Your Best Lent Ever,” available at

The Connection Between Purification and Trust

Lent is a time of purification and has to do with growth, change, and ongoing conversion; suffering and trials are a part of that process. We are being purified like gold; you don’t know how much you trust until you are being purified. Trust is a big part of the Divine Mercy message and Jesus wanted the words, “Jesus I trust in You,” below the image of Divine Mercy. These words allow us to handle any situation even if we don’t understand it.

The Lenten Basics

Lent is a season of preparation where we focus on Christ’s Passion and look ahead to His Resurrection; it begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts 40 days (excluding Sunday) and is a season of enlightenment. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are three pillars.

Memento Mori

In the Last Judgment we will be separated like the sheep and goats; how we reach out and are kind to people is critical. During Lent, we should read Scripture and other books, and pray and reflect on what we read.

Faith in Action

We must remember that God’s love is greater than our greatest sin. Like an athlete prepares for an event, we must prepare and do our exercises to grow spiritually and be a reflection of God’s love. We strive to become Christ-like, and be the light of the world to a hurting society. We must forgive others and ourselves, trust in the Lord in difficult situations, be a vessel of mercy, and try to carry our cross as Jesus carried His own.

Jan 31, 202333:18
Science & The Miracles of Padre Pio

Science & The Miracles of Padre Pio

Episode 113, Science & The Miracles of Padre Pio

Roy Varghese, author of fifteen books on the overlapping of science, religion, and philosophy discusses today his book on Padre Pio,  “The Man Who Could be Two Places at Once”, available at

Defying the Science, or Compatible With it?

Padre Pio is known to millions throughout the world for his holiness, having the stigmata, the gift of bilocation, the ability to read souls, and much more. Roy mentioned how Padre Pio had all the gifts that many saints may be known for one of. He also clarifies how science and faith are not incompatible, yet many scientists do not accept faith and these supernatural gifts. Science is on one side saying religion is a bunch of fanciful tales and with all his spiritual abilities, Padre Pio is the answer to the shroud of skepticism known as the Modern Age.

His Gifts did not Make Him a Saint

Like the saints before him, he had his worldly and clerical adversaries. But Padre Pio was always obedient to his superiors. He embraced his suffering and looked at life’s crosses as an opportunity to strive for holiness; this is an attitude we should all embrace.

A Flood of Miraculous Stories

Roy shared with us some of the stories regarding Padre Pio's instances of bilocation including his WWII visit to Hungarian prisoner Cardinal Mindszenty. There were also stories from World War II of pilots being brought to safety and seeing Padre Pio and many other fascinating things discussed in the video including a story of soldiers who had died and came back to thank Padre Pio, his ability to read souls, and how the devil himself tormented him.

Jan 24, 202343:05
My Miracle at Medjugorje

My Miracle at Medjugorje

Episode 112, My Miracle at Medjugorge

Michael and Maureen Fitzgerald share with us the story of Maureen’s miraculous healing of metastatic liver cancer that occured after a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. But this story doesn’t end there. Three years ago, Michael had his own battle with a rare form of colon cancer and at this point is cancer free,

The Onset of Disease

The news of Maureen’s illness came to the couple when an upset stomach and a workup revealed advanced incurable liver cancer. As it doesn’t respond to conventional treatment, she decided to try her chances with immunosuppressive therapy. However, there is not a plethora of data on its effectiveness. Prior to treatment, she had a markedly elevated alpha feto-protein level (a marker used for liver cancer). She had her first treatment and the levels dropped but were still massively elevated. After her second treatment, however,  she experienced a severe reaction requiring hospitalization. Her condition continued to deteriorate and alpha feto-protein levels remained elevated. At this point, no treatment plan was even available to her, and the couple felt deeply discouraged.

A Last Hope

Although resigned to God’s will, Maureen decided to go on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, still remaining hopeful. Once arriving, she was prayed over by a priest and felt a warm feeling throughout her body, and noticed later that her significant leg swelling began to lessen. She returned home and continued to improve, and saw her doctor who ordered repeat scans. At this point her scans showed no evidence of cancer, and her alpha feto-protein levels were completely normal.

Returning in Thanksgiving

Muareen and Michael emphasize the attitude of gratitude. When they went to Mass after being home, the gospel reading was on the healing of the ten lepers, yet only one returned to give thanks. They feel they have a mission to spread the mercy of God and let all know how much Jesus and Mary love them.

Jan 17, 202347:35
Man Your Post - Learn to Lead like St. Joseph

Man Your Post - Learn to Lead like St. Joseph

Episode 111, Man Your Post- Learn to Lead like St. Joseph 

Duane and Carrie Daunt share with us today thoughts on their book, “Man Your Post - Learning to Lead Like St. Joseph.” It is available at their ministry website The book outlines virtues needed with personal witness from a variety of contributors including a former major league All-Star player, a priest, a family physician, a counselor, and more.  

Men’s Need in this Generation 

We live in a time plagued by faithlessness, fear, indecision, anger and the like. This generation is in need of a Christ-like role model. That role model, for men, is St. Joseph. That’s why each chapter in the Daunt's book highlights one of the virtues espoused in the Litany of St. Joseph.  Testimony from an All-Star Mike Sweeney, a former baseball player, had a trying time while in the big leagues when attempting to live an authentically Catholic life. The virtues of justice, chastity, prudence, courage, obedience, and faithfulness, were all required of him, and for these he turned to St. Joseph. He details this experience and how it can be replicated for the good of society.  

Reflections from A Family Physician 

Dr. Tom Nelson, as someone seeking to heal the sick, also speaks of the help St. Joseph provides for him as an example of obedience. When he became involved in helping a dying woman transition to the next life, he likewise turned to St. Joseph, one accepting of God’s will in all things, even when he did not understand them.  

The Pillar of Marriage 

Dr. Bob Schuchts spoke of the difficulties in marriage and the words, “for better or worse.” One can reflect upon what Joseph went through with Mary’s pregnancy and the trials they faced raising Jesus and find courage to persevere in family difficulties. Chris Benzinger likewise spoke of Joseph and the Holy Family, and how we must aim to realize the beauty of family life and be a pillar of support to our wife and children.


 St. Joseph has many titles and one is “Terror of Demons.” May he guide all men to holiness and to be a pillar of love and support in the family.

Jan 10, 202344:31
The Eucharistic Revival Explained

The Eucharistic Revival Explained

Episode 110, The Eucharistic Revival Explained

His Excellency Bishop David Toups of the diocese of Beaumont, Texas speaks to us today on the gift of the Eucharist, the biblical teachings on the Eucharist, and how it must be at the center of our Catholic Faith. He was ordained in the diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida, and in June 2020, was appointed Bishop by Pope Francis. His episcopal motto is, “For those who love God, all things work together for good.”

An Early Call towards Spiritual Fatherhood

Bishop realized that he had a calling to the priesthood at an early age. He was ordained by retired Bishop Robert Lynch and served in several parishes and at the regional seminary as a priest before being appointed bishop.

The Eucharistic Revival Explained

The Church has set aside these three years to help the laity understand the Real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. While some polls report only half of Catholics currently hold a belief in His presence, statistics here may be skewed because participants who self-report as Catholic are often not practicing. We have great reason to be hopeful because as Bishop Toupes noted, the Eucharist is the sum and summit of our Faith. He quoted from John Chapter six and pointed out that even the apostles were perplexed and confused during Christ’s discourse on the Eucharist. Many left never to return. Peter himself didn’t understand, yet still turned to the Lord and told Him that there was nowhere else to go as he had the words of eternal life. This same faith was held by the early Church fathers who understood the Real presence as documented by their writings.

The Hope of all Sinners

Catholics make up the largest group of Christians and fallen away Catholics make up the second largest group. It's important to imagine how full the churches today would be if all those who are fallen away truly understood Christ’s presence. For those who do, absence is not an option. That is why education about and devotion to the Eucharist can conquer so many souls!

The Revelation of Divine Mercy

Bishop Toupes has begun strategies and efforts in his diocese to help Catholics understand the great gift of the Eucharist, especially surrounding the image of Jesus we see in the divine mercy Image, the very same Jesus that we receive in the Eucharist each mass.

In the words of st. Louis Eymard, “May Thy Eucharistic Kingdom Come!”

Jan 03, 202337:39
A Miraculous Healing of Sight from St. Lucy

A Miraculous Healing of Sight from St. Lucy

Episode 109, A Miraculous Healing of Sight from St. Lucy

Jill Metz is a Catholic convert and an artist. She was on an earlier show on Our Lady and gave info on her ministry that you can still check out at

An Answered Prayer

As an artist, Jill was asked to paint the cover of a book on Saint Monica. It was at this time that she began experiencing eye difficulty. She started learning and then praying to Saint Lucy, the patron saint of the blind. Before she even completed a novena to Saint Lucy, her eye problem was resolved.

The Communion of Saints

Jill loves to read about the saints and their heroic examples. Many people have no difficulty in asking others to pray for them, but don't understand that while the mortal body decays and turns to dust, the spirit lives on. The ultimate healer is Jesus Christ, and we cannot worship those who have gone before us But, as Catholics, we believe that we have a large communion of saints in heaven that we can pray to, a huge heavenly family to draw close to.

The Patroness of the Blind

Saint Lucy was an early Church martyr. Legend has it that her eyes were gouged out; this is why artwork often depicts her with her eyes on a plate. Her Feast Day is December 13th. Devotion to her is so widespread that she is recognized also in the Episcopal and Anglican Church, and (fun fact), an island in the Caribbean was named after her in her honor.

Dec 27, 202246:35
Experiencing Christ's Lasting Healing

Experiencing Christ's Lasting Healing

Dr. Matthew Beuninger, Psy D, is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Steubenville University, and today he shares thoughts from his book, "Finding Freedom in Christ - Healing Life's Hurts," available at and at

The Root of Psychological Wounds

Although some of our difficulties in life relate to events out of our control, many of our psychological and emotional pains can be traced back to sources of which we did have control. Oftentimes throughout life, we develop ineffective coping strategies such as overachieving, slothful behavior, anger, exaggerated anxiety and fear, and more. We will all have suffering and the way we react to the pain is critical as we strive for mental well-being.

Where to Look for Healing

The Church is a hospital for the spiritually sick. Scripture gives us insights as we learn in the school of life, and the sacraments feed us and give us strength to continue learning. But one must truly want to be healed - Jesus wants us to jump in and be vulnerable and honest; He is the Great Physician, but he can only heal us once we allow Him to.

The 6 Basic Needs

Dr. Breuninger gave six subsets of goods that we need, and when those needs are not met we respond in various ways detailed in this podcast. While the Sacrament of Reconciliation removes our sinfulness, for deep healing one must be honest and open and explore the basis of these sins as wounds.

Dec 20, 202249:54
The Secrets to a Happy Marriage

The Secrets to a Happy Marriage

Episode 107, The Secrets to a Happy Marriage

Chris Padget is a Catholic speaker, musician, and artist. He and his wife Linda are both active in ministry, and their website details all they do at Today I asked him to discuss their work and share some insights from his book, “Holy Marriage, Happy marriage - Faith-Filled Ways to a Better Relationship”  available at and at Chris was not raised Catholic and loves to speak about his faith and his journey.

Marriage is Freedom

In part one of the book titled "A New Way of Thinking,” Chris discusses nine topics. Freedom is the first, where he states that the basic quality of a good marriage is freedom. Many men and women might immediately scoff at that and say there is less freedom within a relationship than in the single life. But freedom, here, is more of a free will to make decisions that guide us on our path to sanctity. Your spouse is your partner and so the goal should be to help each other attain eternal life; respecting and showing dignity to each other can help you get there.

The Third Leg

Men should love their bride as Christ loved His church, and He loved it so much that He died for us. Chris discusses commitment as in the marriage vows we say “for better or worse,” but for many, those words remain hollow. This kind of Christian love is only made possible by God’s presence. A footstool is stable with three legs, not two. Couples need to realize that the third leg is God and he needs to be in the picture

Communication and Self-Discipline

Self-control is also foundational, and not just from a sexual standpoint. One should strive for self-control in dealing with finances, discipline in children, etc. - Chris discusses how important it is to keep your “eye on the prize” of sanctity. When we communicate, we can remind each other of this. Communication is more than talking; it consists of listening and speaking authentically about what matters.

Forgetfulness Bears Fruit

In part two, Chris discusses “A New Strategy for Living.” The first strategy is to “Remember to Forget.” While it can be tempting to point out the flaws in one’s spouse and Chris does believe that It is important to always speak the truth, we must do so out of love. We all have suffering and trials in our lives, and we must work at “seeing God’s grace in the turmoil.” We can take a trial and allow good to come out of it. We must try to become better and not bitter, and recognize that marriage is a task of difficulty which can bear many fruits.

Dec 13, 202243:17
Undone: Healing the Feminine Heart

Undone: Healing the Feminine Heart

Episode 106, Healing the Feminine Heart from Fear and Shame

Carrie Daunt is associated as a prayer warrior with the John Paul II healing Center based in Tallahassee, Florida. Her father, Dr. Bob Schuchts, founded the ministry and reach people across the country, often at the invitation of parish bishops and priests. Today we discuss her book on healing for women titled, “Undone - Freeing Your Feminine Heart from the Knots of Fear and Shame.”

The Genesis of this Work

Throughout years of praying with women, Carrie heard one echoing lie repeatedly: women felt that they were the “only ones” that experienced shame and guilt. As she witnessed this common thread it became apparent that much of the healing work with women begins with authenticity and recognizing that before one can heal from the shame one has experienced, one must first know that we are not alone.

Our Identity is Rooted in Relation

The book is formatted with 4 feminine identities (daughter, sister, bride, and mother), and there are women who tell their stories and witness from these perspectives.  We are all broken; Carrie uses the analogy of the home as heart. When visitors come, we clean up the rooms where they will see, but we all have rooms where there is clutter and a mess of guilt and shame. Contributing women looked at their experiences in the context of the relationship of daughter, sister, bride, and mother and how those areas needed healing for the beauty of authenticity to shine out.

Women's Core Woundedness

Healing is different for women and men in that a woman’s core area of woundedness is her fear of being undesirable. After a wound, she may respond in a variety of ways, including the extremes of letting her health deteriorate and not taking care of herself, or the other extreme of being obsessed with beauty and perfection. Men’s core area of concern is that of inadequacy; am I taking care of my spouse and children, am I being a good enough father? Like a failure to forgive, the wounds of guilt and shame make it difficult for God to enter a soul; that's why breaking down how women can heal from them is so important.

The book, “Undone-Freeing Your Feminine Heart from the Knots of Fear and Shame,” is available at and their website has many resources for those seeking healing in their lives.

Dec 06, 202235:32
Cattellyst: A New Kind of Non-Profit

Cattellyst: A New Kind of Non-Profit

Episode 105, Cattellyst: A New Kind of Non-Profit

Todd Huber is husband to his wife Marcy, and father to four children ranging in age from ten to two. Todd graduated from the Naval Academy and Stanford as an aerospace engineer, and received an MBA from MIT. He was an F/A-18 strike-fighter pilot and test pilot in the Navy for over 20 years and retired in 2018. He now leads the non-profit he founded, Cattellyst. It seeks to accelerate the eradication of extreme poverty in communities that have experienced it for generations.

The Fruit of a Single Encounter

Todd met St. Mother Teresa very briefly in Calcutta back in 1996 and the experience has echoed throughout his life. Today, Todd works through six major areas as Cattellyst tries to improve the lives of the impoverished in India. Cattellyst focuses on communities that face complex and powerful system forces that undermine the broader impact in any single channel.

Solutions for a Complex Problem

The dynamics of these systems cause hardships to endure year after year, despite noble work and extensive resources of global organizations and local leaders. Combinations of actions powerful enough to create sustainable change at the system level exist, but are prevented by a broad set of barriers. Cattellyst believes in the greatness of people, however, and that the local people generally know the needs better than outsiders. Cattellyst works in remote mangrove islands and also outside the city of Hyderabad in India. One village they assist, for instance, has 20,000 residents without a single physician and exists with extremely limited medical care. Cattellyst aims to provide such communities with lasting solutions

To find out more about the work or help financially go to

Nov 29, 202250:10
Brother Andre, St. Joseph, and Humility

Brother Andre, St. Joseph, and Humility

Episode 104, "Brother Andre, St. Joseph, and Humility"

Father Michael Delaney, CHC, is the rector of St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Today he shares his insights on the life of Saint Andre Bessette, “Brother Andre,” the first canonized saint in his Order, as well as St. Joseph’s Oratory. The Order was founded in France and is active in 16 countries. Their motto is, “The Cross is our only hope.”

A Simple Life of Humility

Andre’s parents died when he was young and he suffered from poor health. He was raised in a farming area about 45 minutes from Montreal and had a limited education. Andre was the perfect model of holiness and obedience and wanted only to do God’s Will. In addition, he had a deep devotion to Saint Joseph. In the worldly view, he had little to offer. Brother Andre was a lay Brother in the Congregation of Holy Cross. When he joined the Order they made his the porter, or doorman, at the school and he did that for many years. His bishop had written the order to ask them to consider allowing Andre to join and wrote, “I am sending you a saint, and it would be good for you to consider him.”

A Flood of Prayer Requests

While working as the doorman, he met and greeted many people daily. He would often tell them to pray for St. Joseph and people began to report healing after praying with him. At one point, he was receiving 80,000 letters a month asking for prayer.

The Birth of a National Shrine

He wanted to build a chapel to honor St. Joseph. The Archbishop gave him approval but said he could not go into debt. Eventually, that goal was achieved and thousands visited the oratory yearly. It is now a minor basilica and a Canadian National Shrine. The Order gives pilgrimages and retreats and the website is

Nov 22, 202238:35
A Eucharistic Ministry in the Footsteps of Blessed Carlo Acutis

A Eucharistic Ministry in the Footsteps of Blessed Carlo Acutis

Episode 103, "In the Footsteps of Blessed Carlo Acutis" Embodying the New Eucharistic Revival

Mark and Sarah Zydeck and Margy Nagel founded the Real Presence Apostolate of Michigan years ago. They have tremendous displays of Eucharistic miracles from throughout the ages and encourage parishes to use them as a powerful tool of evangelization and formation. We are in a period of Eucharistic Revival and this ministry allows people worldwide to use these tools to learn more about Christ’s Real Presence, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist. The website can be found at

Awareness Breeds Faithfulness

Mark has been active in faith formation for many years. He became aware of the work of a Titian young man, Blessed Carlo Acutis, who cataloged many Eucharistic miracles and their story. He felt a kinship with Carlo who also understood Christ’s Real Presence and the lack of understanding of most Catholics on the subject. The largest group of Christians in the world is Catholic, and the second is fallen away Catholic. Yet, how could anyone leave the church, with all its human imperfections, if one really understood the real Presence?

Spreading Miracles

The group has helped many parishes in Michigan display miracles, and their goal is that every church participate. They are also assisting parishes in other states. They have photographs online that can be downloaded and they encourage people to go to their website and get involved.

Bring a Miracle to Your Parish

Mark and Margy discuss several Eucharistic miracles in the interview, and their passion for the work is palpable. The best way to learn about the Eucharist is to search for truth; they want to assist you and your parish. Again, go to for more information, and reach out to them, especially in this time of Eucharistic renewal.

Nov 15, 202241:33
A New Charism: Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

A New Charism: Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Jill Metz and Lori Brown are both involved in the Flame of Love Ministry, which developed from the writings of a Hungarian woman, Elizabeth Kindelmann, from 1961 to 1982. Jill is the US Communications Director of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ministry, and Lori is the US Regional Director of the Midwest and North. The U.S website is at

A New Charism for the Church Approved

After a special commission investigated the purported messages from Jesus and Mary to Ms. Kindelmann, a pronouncement was made on June 5, 2009: “Our church recognizes as authentic, in accord with the Catholic faith, all the material contained in the spiritual diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann. at this point, the entire church receives this charism as a gift from God.”

A Modern Mystic

Elizabeth Kindelmann was a Hungarian woman who lived from 1913-1985. She was an orphan and a humble mother of six children. Her mission was to communicate the flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a unique grace from the Eternal Father. The spiritual diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann received an Imprimatur from Cardinal Peter Redo.

The Blessed Mother's Greatest Miracle

We know that we are living in troubled times, and it seems like the world is upside down. Elizabeth wrote in her diary in 1962 that, ”Satan takes up his battle with the human race as never before.” The Blessed Mother told Elizabeth, “I place a beam in your hands; it is the Flame of Love of my heart. Add your love to this flame and pass it on to others, my little one." (April 13, 1962) The flame of love signals graces that blind Satan and sets people free! Jesus said, “The flame of love in the heart of My Mother is Noah’s ark.” (Diary page 294, spring 1981). The Blessed Mother also told Elizabeth that she is in the process of accomplishing her greatest miracle.

Mary's Petition for Souls

The Diary ends with the petition, “My children, pray for one another without ceasing. Let the outpouring of my graces produce its effect in soul.” (Diary, pages 294, 295). If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts!

Nov 08, 202253:55
Walking the Way of the Cross for Caregivers

Walking the Way of the Cross for Caregivers

Episode 101, "Walking the Way of the Cross for Caregivers"

Michelle Johnson is the Director of communications for EWTN and has more than 30 years of experience in journalism and communications. She has received several awards for her work in the media. Today we discuss her book, “Walking the Way the Cross for Caregivers - how to Cope practically, Emotionally, and Spiritually When a Loved one has a Serious Illness.” In it, she details her and her husband’s walk as he battled cancer and eventually succumbed to the illness. The book is available at (religious catalog) and at I encourage those caring for a loved one to get a copy as it has many practical points and answers that caregivers are looking for. It is a story of two struggles - the medical illness and eventual death of her husband, Stu, and Michelle's battles as a caregiver during some challenging times.

From Honeymoon-Bliss to Cancer-Discovery
Michelle and Stu met and had a military wedding in Spain. The two were incredibly happy together, but one day Stu noticed a lump on his heel. He went to several doctors and it was only a year later that a biopsy was done and revealed melanoma, catapulting them both on a long journey with the disease. Stu later developed severe lymphedema and later on the cancer spread, and he required a hip amputation.

What's Normal?
Throughout their journey, Michelle acted as Stu's caregiver until he eventually developed cardiac issues and paralysis, requiring hospice care until his death. Michelle suggests preparations when your loved one’s condition continues to deteriorate. She shares that Stu was such a loving person and yet a couple of times got angry with her; this is totally normal under the circumstances.  And it is normal to question “where are you God?” and even get angry with God.

Caregiving as a Vocation
In one section, she asked, “How will I choose to think about the cross?” Some become bitter, others better, and a positive attitude with a healthy dose of realism is essential. Michelle lays out many practical suggestions for caregivers on advocating for their loved ones and shares her experiences of what she learned so as to help others. She discusses how she viewed her role as a vocation at that stage in her life, and stressed the importance of prayer and staying close to the Sacraments. She encourages healthcare workers to also look at their profession as a vocation. Viewing our suffering as a vocation is likely to bear fruit in this life and the next; one fruit of their suffering was reconciliation between Stu and his father- a tremendous example of how God can use our sufferings for his good.

Nov 01, 202239:59
“What Would Monica Do?" for Parents whose Children have Left the Faith

“What Would Monica Do?" for Parents whose Children have Left the Faith

Episode 100, "What Would Monica Do?"

Patti Maguire Armstrong and Roxanne Beauclair Salonen are known in Catholic circles for their numerous accomplishments and award-winning writings. Today, we discuss their latest book that impacts virtually every Catholic family, “What Would Monica Do? Consolation, hope, and inspiration in the spirit of St. Monica for those bearing the cross of a loved one who is away from the Faith.” The book is available at

The Monica Impact

This book impacts so many because, in today’s secular world, many have left the church even though raised Catholic, attended catholic schools, etc. It is the most common reason people ask for prayers when I am at a conference. St. Monica is the most well-known mother of a child who rebelled against his faith. She prayed for many years for his conversion and was met with great difficulties. He returned to the faith, becoming a saint, and contributed much to the Church. We know him as St. Augustine.

The Struggle and Hope of Parenting Today

There are so many adverse cultural influences, including the church scandals, and yet many parents often shake their heads and ask, “where did I go wrong?” That is normal, but at the same time, unfair. Children who leave the Church often have faithful parents, and there are examples of priests and faithful who were raised in a pagan background. God works in mysterious ways, and we must never lose hope. Possessing their own free will, children need to find and accept their own faith, not just their parent’s.

What to Do with Natural Emotions

Parents experience and have so many emotions in this difficult time. The authors talk about the need to keep praying, never lose hope, and stay close to the Sacraments. Anger, feeling like a failure, anxiety as to what will happen to their soul, and deepest fear can assault parents, and we must be spiritually on guard. It is a form of suffering, and we must keep the words, "Jesus I trust in You” in our hearts, although it is easy to say and hard to live. Anger and lack of forgiveness must be rejected if parents are to live like Saint Monica a remain in Christ.

Jesus, I Trust in You...

At the end of the day, we must be the most loving parents we can and live the message of mercy. We must forgive and be examples of Jesus Christ, practicing humility continued prayer with ongoing hope is vital, and we must turn everything over to God as we are not in control.

Oct 25, 202245:12
Preaching New Eucharistic Revival with Fr. Andre Davy, MIC

Preaching New Eucharistic Revival with Fr. Andre Davy, MIC

Episode 99, Preaching New Eucharistic Revival

Father Andy Davy is a priest in the order of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, better known as the Marians. He is currently pastor at Our Lady Queen of peace in Darian, IL. He shared some thoughts on the great gift of the Eucharist, and his effort as a “Eucharistic Preacher” during this time of renewal.

The Call

Father responded to the Holy Father’s call and is one of several hundred priests in the United States called Eucharistic preachers. This entails making a concerted effort to help the faithful understand the gift of the Eucharistic and the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. In the next three years, there will be national, diocesan, and parish-wide events to bring about this labor. Their purpose will be to better educate the faithful on Church teaching and that Jesus is present in the Eucharist Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, recalling that even in John Chapter 6, misunderstandings and disbelief in the Eucharist caused many disciples to leave and never return to Christ.

The Image

In the Divine Mercy Image, Jesus appears as the High Priest. We know he came into Jerusalem riding on a donkey, and in the image, he is wearing the robe of a Jewish High Priest. Yet, at the consecration, the high priest also becomes the sacrifice. If we look at the Image and reflect on the Sacraments of mercy -  the Eucharist and Reconciliation are central to the priesthood and the message of mercy. The red rays symbolize the blood which is the life of souls, and the pale rays the waters of baptism and the Sacrament of reconciliation.

The Message

The message of Divine Mercy is a Eucharistic message - St. Faustina understood and added to her name “of the Most Blessed Sacrament.” In one of her visions, she even saw rays of Blood and Water emanating from the Monstrance. It is Divine Mercy that allows us the grace of confession, ensuring that we do not receive Christ unworthily and bring condemnation upon our own heads. May the faithful come to understand the great gift of the Eucharist better, and in the words of Louis Eymard, “May thy Eucharistic Kingdom Come!"

Oct 18, 202252:27