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Soul Man with Dr. Corey

Soul Man with Dr. Corey

By Dr. Corey Carlisle

Thoughts and reflections to help ordinary guys better understand, engage, and celebrate the essence of their masculinity in body and soul.
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There's no place like home

Soul Man with Dr. CoreyOct 30, 2021

Bad coffee, good company

Bad coffee, good company

Enjoy good coffee whenever you can. And remember even bad coffee is not so bad when you enjoy it with those you love.   

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Mar 26, 202201:33
Open and closed doors

Open and closed doors

Remember God knows how to open and close the doors you need at just the right time. Continue to live by faith even when you don't always understand his ways.   

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Mar 25, 202201:41
Self-responsibility is not blame

Self-responsibility is not blame

There’s no need to accept blame for things that are not your fault. But being responsible for your choices today is not blaming you for what happened before. It’s not your fault, and you’re still responsible.  

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Mar 24, 202201:41
Developing thick skin

Developing thick skin

The world will not always be kind to you or give you a fair chance. Learn to develop a thick skin and carry on.   

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Mar 23, 202201:50
A God-centered life

A God-centered life

Seek first the kingdom of God by living with God at the center of everything you do.   

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Mar 22, 202202:03
Left undone

Left undone

Work hard during all the days God has given you. And rest in peace knowing you’ve faithfully played your part in his story, and the best is still yet to come, even as it seems left undone in parting from life in this world.   

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Mar 21, 202201:55
Take time to notice

Take time to notice

Within your very home and without, there are many souls struggling and in desperate need for more life. Take the time to notice and respond with love.  

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Mar 20, 202201:43
In the path of beauty

In the path of beauty

Put yourself in the path of beauty and let it minister to your soul. This is not something you have to make happen, only open and receive.  

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Mar 19, 202201:38
Pain to change

Pain to change

It’s clear pain is a great motivator. And God often uses it to spur us into new levels of growth and maturity. Continue to walk by faith whenever these growing pains arrive.   

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Mar 18, 202201:52
It shouldn’t be this way

It shouldn’t be this way

It’s true many things shouldn’t be this way. But are your disappointments simply your own naïve expectations or a desire to still discover more of what God has for you?   

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Mar 17, 202201:56
Hit dogs holler

Hit dogs holler

It’s okay to cry out in pain when words unintentionally cause you harm. But learn to care for the true needs of your heart without blindly attacking the other.  

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Mar 16, 202202:00
Acknowledging our blind spots

Acknowledging our blind spots

Find your trusted others and allow them to show you your blind spots. This provides invaluable insights as we grow and mature.   

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Mar 15, 202201:51
Surface pressure

Surface pressure

Faithfully move the mountains God has given you to move. But don’t let the surface pressure of unrealistic expectations take you out. Allow yourself to be human even as you work diligently to do all that is yours to do.  

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Mar 14, 202201:47
Chariots of fire

Chariots of fire

During these dark days and always, pray to the living God for the spiritual eyes to see more of his presence throughout your life and relationships.   

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Mar 13, 202201:41
Straw men

Straw men

Be accountable for your own story – the good, the bad, and the ugly. There’s no need to hide behind straw men. Let your story speak for itself.  

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Mar 12, 202201:50
Habits and freedom

Habits and freedom

We must learn to make our habits work for us and not the other way around. While habits have their place, this should not be at the cost of our freedom to love well in each moment.  

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Mar 11, 202201:36
Control the controllables

Control the controllables

Find your freedom and power to make a difference by controlling the controllables and not worrying about those things you can’t.  

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Mar 10, 202201:54
Assaults on our sexual selves

Assaults on our sexual selves

Our sins don’t happen in a vacuum. They are shaped by the story we’ve fallen into, which includes the various ways our sexuality has been assaulted. But this is never an excuse for sin.  

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Mar 09, 202201:55
Inputs matter

Inputs matter

Consider the many inputs you’re allowing into your heart and your mind and filter accordingly. These inputs matter in the shaping of your soul and your ability to bring more life and goodness into the world.   

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Mar 08, 202201:41
Focused vision

Focused vision

Our work becomes unproductive when we try to do it all. Developing a focused vision helps us to stay grounded in those areas in which we can make a difference.  

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Mar 07, 202201:60
A world at war

A world at war

The world is not tame and denying the realities of war doesn’t make them go away. The peace, life, and goodness we desire must be fought for – in our personal life, communities and nations, and on many spiritual fronts as well.  

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Mar 06, 202201:49
Raising our Ebenezer

Raising our Ebenezer

Don’t forget the good God has done on your behalf. Raise your Ebenezer and remember the many victories he has given you throughout your life and relationships.  

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Mar 05, 202201:52
Whitewashed tombs

Whitewashed tombs

It’s not enough to simply appear good. We must also be good. Our heart and inner life must match how we present ourselves to the outside world; we’re just whitewashed tombs otherwise.  

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Mar 04, 202201:40
On honey and vinegar

On honey and vinegar

Use vinegar sparingly. And inspire the change you desire by offering regular doses of honey.   

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Mar 03, 202201:39
Inspiration and discipline

Inspiration and discipline

Enjoy moments of inspiration whenever they come. These are clues to the work God has for you. And be willing to also discipline yourself to keep showing up even when you don’t feel like it.  

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Mar 02, 202201:39
Unlikely messengers

Unlikely messengers

Stay open to the infinite ways God might be trying to get your attention, even through unlikely messengers.   

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Mar 01, 202201:38
The show must go on

The show must go on

Life will not always present you with ideal conditions. Take a deep breath, reground yourself in God, and carry on. Your strength is needed and the show must go on.  

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Feb 28, 202201:41
Learning to listen to God

Learning to listen to God

Let your prayers be a true dialogue – talking with and learning to listen to the living God throughout your life and relationships.   

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Feb 27, 202201:40
While it is called today

While it is called today

Tomorrow will not always be there. Make the most of the time God has given you while it is still called today.   

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Feb 26, 202201:37
The river of relationships

The river of relationships

Embrace the ever-changing river of your relationships while staying anchored to its bedrock truths as well.   

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Feb 25, 202201:55
The sun rises slowly

The sun rises slowly

Don’t rush the journey. The sun rises slowly to allow you time to fully receive all the good God has for you.   

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Feb 24, 202201:45
Orbital paths of growth

Orbital paths of growth

You will orbit around some issues multiple times. But this is not a point of despair. Rather it’s a path that allows for many layers of healing and growth.  

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Feb 23, 202201:38
Our free gifts

Our free gifts

Free yourself of bitterness and resentment by learning to offer your gifts to others freely with no strings attached.  

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Feb 22, 202201:60
Oath of office

Oath of office

A job needs to be done and we’re bringing our very selves into it. But this is not about us. We’re committing to an office beyond our own personal self-interest.  

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Feb 21, 202201:51
Needy souls

Needy souls

Don’t let the pretenses of maturity cause you to neglect the needs of your soul. It’s still needy and this is by design. Learn to receive all the strength, love, and support you need to thrive.   

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Feb 20, 202201:54
Upgrading our compliments

Upgrading our compliments

Don’t let the goodness of your heart be diminished. Allow your deep love to be experienced by upgrading your compliments.  

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Feb 19, 202201:60
Rediscovering our lost hearts

Rediscovering our lost hearts

Work hard. And take the time to get reacquainted with your heart as well. This is your wellspring of life.   

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Feb 18, 202201:57
Gifts and identity

Gifts and identity

Rest in your gift and the identity that comes from this, while also staying open to the fullness of who God has created you to be beyond your particular gifting.    

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Feb 17, 202201:50
Not one sparrow

Not one sparrow

Remember God’s love for you is personal. Not one sparrow falls to the ground without his knowledge and he cares for the unique movements of your heart as well.  

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Feb 16, 202202:02
Correcting others as friends

Correcting others as friends

Be willing to speak up and correct others as needed. But learn to correct as friends without automatically rooting for their downfall.  

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Feb 15, 202201:38
Opening our hearts as a path toward romance

Opening our hearts as a path toward romance

Continue making every effort to bring joy and happiness to your Eve. And remember there’s a deeper romance discovered by learning to share your heart and inner world as well.  

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Feb 14, 202201:37
Bringing a personal touch to romance

Bringing a personal touch to romance

The more time we spend considering the unique heart of the other the more confidence we can have that our gifts and expressions of love will hit the mark. Fan the flames of passion by bringing a personal touch to romance.   

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Feb 13, 202201:42
The ministry of laughter

The ministry of laughter

Let laughter cheer your soul – healing and empowering you to offer your strength freely to all those around.   

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Feb 12, 202201:50
Revisiting sexual faithfulness

Revisiting sexual faithfulness

Diligently put to death your past sexual sins. But remember faithfulness is a two-sided coin, which also includes discovering and fully engaging who God has created you to be as a sexual man.   

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Feb 11, 202201:49
Dual roles and responsibilities

Dual roles and responsibilities

Faithfully take care of yourself and the personal issues you face. And don't neglect your duty to love others in the meantime. We must often hold these dual roles and responsibilities at the same time.  

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Feb 10, 202201:54
Wounded healers

Wounded healers

Allow your wounds to serve a greater good – becoming a wounded healer and ministering to others where you were once wounded yourself.     

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Feb 09, 202201:42
Acceptance without resignation

Acceptance without resignation

Learn to accept things as they are while still living in hope for what they can be.  

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Feb 08, 202201:33
Forest and trees

Forest and trees

Fully engage in the details of your life without losing the larger story. Learn to honor both the forest and the trees.  

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Feb 07, 202201:47
Death and laughter

Death and laughter

Feel the full weight of your grief. But grieve as one with hope – laughing with an eager anticipation of the new life still to come.  

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Feb 06, 202201:51
Comfort food

Comfort food

Life is hard and there’s no end to the work we’re called to do. Learn to embrace your need for comfort food – regularly feeding your soul with the joy, pleasure, and beauty it needs to thrive.  

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Feb 05, 202201:42