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The Drew Gerber Show

The Drew Gerber Show

By Drew Gerber

This podcast's goal is to help you discover what you want to do, how you want to do it, monetize it, and be as wildly successful at it as you choose. The success will be determined by you ethically attaining it, being responsible for it, and still being completely unbound by it, meaning you will always maintain sovereignty and freedom of it. Stick around while Drew gives you the one thing he always wanted - Someone to come to him and say "Whatever you want to do, I will help you do it, and do it until you consider it no longer worth doing, only because you have grown bored of it."
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#012 Caleb Jacobson: Custom Harvester goes from $150,000 a month to Bankruptcy, Dave Ramsey, and Starting Over.

The Drew Gerber ShowJul 25, 2022

#014 Who is Jackson Lebsack? How to be an extreme sports Youtuber traveling the world with friends

#014 Who is Jackson Lebsack? How to be an extreme sports Youtuber traveling the world with friends



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This week Quinn and Drew got some talent on that they have been wanting to speak with for quite some time. Jackson Lebsack is living what most would consider the dream as he travels the world doing extreme sports, making videos about it, all the while hanging with his friends. In this episode we discuss how Jackson got his start, the lessons he learned along the way, and what it's like living out his dreams now. We discuss money, relationships, and key lessons that anyone pursuing a similar lifestyle might want to know.   

Go check out, Like and Subscribe to all of Jackson Lebsack's and the Sickos content at the links below: 

and on instagram:  Jackson Lebsack  @JacksonLebsack   Sickos  @Sickos 

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To listen to the podcast, Check us out on Spotify, Anchor, Apple Podcasts and More! Please Rate and Review on these Platforms!


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To talk to Drew directly, DM him on Instagram @thedrewgerber or email him at

To see everything going on with Drew, Check out this Link Tree

Aug 07, 202201:59:41
#013 A Poor Man's $600 VS A Rich Man's $600

#013 A Poor Man's $600 VS A Rich Man's $600

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This week we didn't have an interviewee, so we off-the-cuffed a tweet Drew saw and used it as some source material. If you gave a poor man $600 and You gave a rich man $600, how would each spend it and what are their constraints to being able to use that? Or wait, hold on, we got a keyboard warrior in the comments that really made this tweet pop-off so lets go there! Listen in to hear two sides of every coin, and watch a little brotherly rivalry as we try to talk over each other as if we only have so many seconds left!
Let us know in a DM to Drew on instagram what you would do with $600 and how could you use the lessons learned in this video in your own way?
Don't forget to like and subscribe to youtube here . It really helps us out, and if you actually want to know when a new episode comes out, hit the follow bell and also put in your email @ to be sent an email every time a new episode drops!
To listen to the podcast, Check us out on Spotify, Anchor, Apple Podcasts and More! Please Rate and Review on these Platforms!
Apple Podcasts:
To talk to Drew directly, DM him on Instagram @thedrewgerber or email him at
To see everything going on with Drew, Check out this Link Tree
Aug 02, 202249:04
#012 Caleb Jacobson: Custom Harvester goes from $150,000 a month to Bankruptcy, Dave Ramsey, and Starting Over.

#012 Caleb Jacobson: Custom Harvester goes from $150,000 a month to Bankruptcy, Dave Ramsey, and Starting Over.

A lot of people wonder where Drew learned so much about equipment, farming, and the courage to drive from one end of the country to the other in broke down pickups and semi trucks. Well this is the guy! Caleb has been Drew's big brother (Quinn is big little brother) for the last 10 years and has had led a rollercoaster of a life. While Bankruptcy is serious for all walks of life, in the agricultural community it has some of the highest suicide rates associated with it compared to other industries, but going bankrupt does not mean the end of your story. Caleb tells us about his financial troubles and how he has made decisions in order to never go the same direction again. We cut to a clip of him on the Dave Ramsey show and really dig into the state of mind he was in at that time and what he has done to come back from that. Caleb has played a large role in Drew's life, really giving Drew the opportunity to really get to understand the agricultural community as a whole and provide a platform for him to learn what it means to make things happen against all odds. We are extremely excited to have Caleb on and share some of these stories across the table and bring some real Montana topics to the forefront. We also talk about Drew and a few of his mistakes while operating equipment (a couple real doozies). Sit back and relax and hopefully someone out there is listening to this inside of an airtight cab cutting barley like we have consumed so many podcasts ourselves! Produced by @quinngerber on instagram. Please Rate, Review, and Follow for updates on the Drew Gerber show. You can follow and DM Drew @thedrewgerber on instagram or check out this link: to see where else you can find updates on Drew and what he is upto. You can also watch all of your favorite episodes on Youtube as well. Watch Caleb's Episode on Dave Ramsey Here :
Jul 25, 202202:01:12
#011 Drew's Back and What Happened. Excuses for Not Posting, Roe V. Wade and Bankruptcy?
Jul 17, 202201:18:29
#010 Samantha Walter: bootstrapping an artisan baking company
Jul 10, 202201:27:59
#009 Reese Queen: Starting Online Businesses, Niche-ing Down and Jake Paul

#009 Reese Queen: Starting Online Businesses, Niche-ing Down and Jake Paul

Reese Queen is one of my closest friends and one of my favorite people to brainstorm with when it comes to using the power of the internet, digital marketing, and finding ways to make things happen.

Reese seems to always have exciting and new opportunities on the table and I would argue it's mostly because he is open to them. He is a man of faith and strives for a balanced work life.

He has worked in many startups and owned most of them. He can work up a user interface design on the frontend of a website in literal minutes and have a pitch deck ready in hours. Best of all, whenever I am stumped, he picks up the phone and walks me back off the ledge of creative paralysis.

His current company called Meeting Pair takes something as mundane as cold email marketing and leverages it to connect myself and their clients to just about anyone in any position.

He truly understands people and their need to simply be seen by someone that wants the best for them.

If you want to follow Reese, You can do so on instagram @reese_queen or

His current company

His amazing wife, Cate's Hair Styling Company on Instagram @billingsblonding or

Feb 06, 202202:22:13
#008 Luke Anderson and Cancer: A Blessing in Disguise

#008 Luke Anderson and Cancer: A Blessing in Disguise

Luke Anderson is a great friend of mine and someone I have always admired. In this episode he discusses his ongoing battle with cancer and how he chooses to deal with his situation. Knowing Luke from before cancer, we also dive into his life as a day trader and how it may not be his dream job, but it's a job he can find comfort in knowing he can do it from just about anywhere and he hopes one day it affords him to be able to help others in a similar position to him. He discusses the toll that fighting cancer takes on your family, and sometimes when you just have to trust in something greater. Luke is a pretty private person, so he didn't have a social media account for us to link to him, but he did ask that his wife, Carly Anderson's Photography company (Carly Nicole Photography) could get a plug. Carly was one of Luke's greatest supporters while we was going through this process. She journaled for all of Luke's fans (whom he didn't even know he had until Carly started writing) and kept us all up to date on what was going on in their lives'. You can see more of her creative work on her Facebook Page Carly Nicole Photography.

Jan 21, 202201:37:30
#007 Don't Overthink it, and NYE Resolution Blues

#007 Don't Overthink it, and NYE Resolution Blues

In this episode (which is actually the third time I have recorded it) I inadvertently tell you to not over think it, and when you do fail, how to deal with the shame of it on the other side. A New Year is upon us, and with it, those pesky resolutions you will inevitably not follow through on, whether it be now or 3 months from now. I bring up the analytics and how the Drew Gerber Podcast is pretty much famous now. With being famous, the struggles of that with friends and family - who will only benefit enormously from this transparency (that was a joke, but seriously what do they have to lose? Nothing. If this works out we can do Christmas in the Bahamas). But ultimately Drew just takes himself and others a little less seriously and only looks forward to good things to come. One day he will get an actual show schedule done, but for now he is loving the sporadic-ness of it all. And no that's not a word.

If you are new here, please reach out via email to why you are still listening. You can also follow him on Instagram @thedrewgerber for updates on when podcasts go out and other behind the scenes.

Don't forget to Rate and Review this Podcast and hit the notification bell on Spotify and Apple Podcasts... but only if its a good review. All other grievances, see email above.

Jan 04, 202242:06
#006 Christmas Special w/Quinn Gerber

#006 Christmas Special w/Quinn Gerber

In episode #004, Jonah Prill exposed Quinn and one of his many "accidents". With Christmas here and him being in town, he decided to come on and redeem himself with his side of catching on fire and spending months in a burn ward. Quinn and Drew talk about their video company and some valuable lessons learned from it, discuss a Mexico style Christmas in Montana, and Quinn critiques previous episodes and what he wished he could have heard more of. Merry Christmas and Flame On! From the Gerber Brothers. If you know Quinn and Drew, this is not an episode to miss due to the constant same voice chuckles. Is Drew just changing his voice slightly and carrying out one of his alter egos!?! Only one way to find out! Please Rate and Review on Apple and Spotify Podcasts App! Go Follow Quinn Gerber at @quinngerber on Instagram to keep up with the Shenanigans.

Dec 28, 202102:30:03
#005 Who is Drew Gerber?

#005 Who is Drew Gerber?

Its been brought to my attention I should probably introduce myself, and I have stopped talking in third person. For those of you who don't know me. This is my story, I have saved some parts to dive in on more for when I can bring my wife on, my good friends, and others. I try to tell it with as much humility and honesty as possible. But that can be difficult now that I have "Fans". Its an Hour and 20 minutes long because then I don't have to do it again. Unless its on someone else's podcast... which could happen because I have "Fans" now...Thank You. I talk about cowboying, tech startup company, web design, my time in the oil fields, combining, competition shooting and a bit about my attachment issues. This podcast is a doozy. Listen up. Please and Rate and Follow and Subscribe. Doing so is free. It's only my dreams counting on it. Let's gooooo... and Merry Christmas :)

Follow Drew for more at @thedrewgerber on Instagram. This podcast is available on both Spotify and Apple Podcasts and if you would like to see it somewhere else, please feel free to DM me on Instagram.

Dec 24, 202101:20:59
#004 Who is Jonah Prill?
Dec 24, 202157:06
#003 Drew Finds Structure and Friends...

#003 Drew Finds Structure and Friends...

In this episode Drew discusses what good it does when you have others that urge you on in what you would like to do. He talks a little business and some faith based ideals. All in all this is his best podcast yet where the quality and content have seemed to come together. He looks forward to some future interviews and reiterates his biggest goal for this podcast is to be of use to others and even make some relationships. From it. Listen to the end for some bloopers. Keep Your Stick on the ice.

Dec 24, 202135:17
#002 Why I want to make this podcast...

#002 Why I want to make this podcast...

The Editing gets slightly better and Drew added some extra tune-age. He discusses why he is making this podcast and some of the struggles he had previously trying to find some type of self improvement. Drew does a quick flashback to another nugget he learned from Naval Ravikant and is just overall excited to be able to speak a little more life into his dream of getting paid to speak and letting you learn and listen along the way. Drew also talks about one of the times he made the mistake of working for something promised while doing something he didn't want to do but felt he had to do.

It will get better folks. Speech pattern was a little jumpy this time because Drew is obviously thinking real hard. And he is still getting use to literally thinking and speaking at the same time.

P.S. Should Drew keep writing these descriptions in third person?

Dec 19, 202117:29
#001 I guess I'll start with this...
Dec 18, 202124:21