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It’s Not Normal It’s Toxic: Rid Your Life of Toxic People

It’s Not Normal It’s Toxic: Rid Your Life of Toxic People

By Dr. Heidi

As a toxic relationship specialist my mission is to bring hope, healing, and FREEDOM to those whose lives have been affected by toxic relationships, emotional abuse, and narcissistic behaviors. Living and being in relationships that are not healthy for us can cause this type of abuse to be accepted as “normal”. TRUTH IS...ITS NOT NORMAL... ITS TOXIC! Having been in toxic relationships myself, I am now able to use my experience to guide those walking a similar path to my own. This podcast is dedicated to YOU so that you too can find peace & be free of relationships that are not healthy for you.
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#146: Ways to Keep Calm & Carry On!

It’s Not Normal It’s Toxic: Rid Your Life of Toxic PeopleNov 03, 2021

#228 Have you Unplugged your Defense System?

#228 Have you Unplugged your Defense System?

Always follow your intuition they say. Ok, what if we don't know how to recognize our intuition amongst the convoluted words of others. Your body has a built in defense system but overtime it seems to stop working for our good.

What are some signs that you could be receiving from you defense system headquarters? Well, you may feel tense, have circular thoughts, a pit in your stomach, or the sense you should avoid something, some place, or some person

All of these signs (different for different people) may indeed be your bodies natural defense system attempting to keep you safe.

It would be easier to see if it came with a flashing light or an electric shock and then an arrow pointing to the right choice, but it doesn't. Your intuition always comes in neutral, and does not tell you what to do.


Trusting your intuition is something that is learned. There may be mistakes, wrong decision, and opposite directions before you learn how to follow the safe route it is showing you.

Looking for guided support in your healing from unhealthy relationship? The services offered by Dr Heidi can be found in the link below. She has walked through the fire and now helps others do the same.

Jun 05, 202426:23
#227 What is my secret to everything?...Having a Plan!

#227 What is my secret to everything?...Having a Plan!

The Priority…Me!!! Retreat Is back, but this time available to any and all without travel or time off work. It Is scheduled Monday, May 13 through Friday, May 17, 2024. 

By using your PODCAST PATRON DISCOUNT CODE: ILISTEN15 you will receive 15% off when register. (Code excludes the hardship payment option)

For more information and registration

Guest speakers include 3 of my latest podcast guest.. can you guess who?

After years of doing the up and down, back and forth, taking care of myself, giving it up for others, then back to taking care of myself, I have learned and am thankful to tell you that what I discovered was this…. I ACTUALLY HAVE WAY MORE CONTROL THAN I THOUGHT IT DID. 

When things were not going well, I would look to others to support me through it, to fix it for me, and possibly take the blame for it. However, in the end it has always been a result of me slacking in the area of self care and prioritizing myself.  The other thing that I learned the hard way was that is was MY responsibility no one else’s. (That part hurt for a while, I was tired, I didn’t want to carry it anymore…..but when you have no other option than to rely on yourself …. You will figure out a way to do it.)


Apr 16, 202430:55
#226 When it is Time to Declutter
Apr 13, 202454:20
#225 Spiritual Abuse and the Crooked Little Girl
Apr 02, 202441:42
#224 Freedom from Coping, When Coping with Toxic

#224 Freedom from Coping, When Coping with Toxic

Sabrina Magnan is a Food Freedom & intuitive Eating Coach who helps chronic dieters heal their relationship with food & their bodies and develop lasting health-promoting habits so that they can find true authentic health, free from the obsession and guilt. Sabrina has a website as well as a podcast if you are looking for more information.

Mar 17, 202441:48
#223 Grateful for the Past
Mar 06, 202445:06
#222 Making the Impossible Your New Normal - with Fiji McAlpine

#222 Making the Impossible Your New Normal - with Fiji McAlpine

 I know that you are going through times of adversity in your life, the high demands of your relationship and just plain keeping life in balance often seems like more than you can handle. Today you will be listening to me speak with a guest who has also had her share of adversities. Fiji McAlpine, today's guest is a yoga virtuoso who turned personal adversity into a global movement. After a debilitating back injury at 21, Fiji discovered the transformative power of yoga. Not just a remedy for her physical pain, yoga became her lifeline out of anorexia as well as an unhealthy marriage. This was an eye opening episode for me to record as she calls out many things that I KNOW I need to be implementing into my journey of healing and self discovery. She even calls me out and gives me a challenge, join me in the 14 day Yoga challenge that can be found on her website here:

Without changing something our adversities grow, the more they pile up the more impossible making a change feels. Where body and mind connect is where Fiji has found her "Possible"

Looking for a community to support you through learning, healing, and growing after a toxic relationship?

Check out the We're INNIT Together Growth & Support Community here:

Feb 29, 202455:08
#221 The "Just Enough" Relationship & the Confusion they Cause

#221 The "Just Enough" Relationship & the Confusion they Cause

The “Just Enough” Relationship is a devistation that almost no one ever sees coming. The just enough relationship is one that gives you “just enough” to keep you invested in the relationship, but not enough for you to feel safe, accepted, or appreciated.We tend to lower our standards as we accept less and less from those who are giving “just enough”. Real effort is not given unless the relationship is threatened.One is giving the least amount they can get away with giving and the other gives until they are desperately drained. You can become used to the way the “just enough” relationship is and accept not being valued or settle much less than you deserve.Relationships do not have to have huge flaws in order for you to justify leaving or changing one that is not right for you. How long have you stayed in the "just enough" relationship, at the "just enough" job, in the "just enough" friendship because you grew used to the poor treatment.

Feb 13, 202422:17
#220 It's All About the Kids! - with guest Elle Barr

#220 It's All About the Kids! - with guest Elle Barr

We all know that divorce is hard. It is something that affects everyone who is in the lives of those who are separating. With so much going on many do not realize the impact these changes have on the children that are caught in the middle. Those going through an amicable divorce can usually navigate things well so the children adapt with everyone else, but for those who are going through a high conflict divorce the storyline is much different. As a family law attorney and GAL for the state of Pennsylvania Elle Barr, has dedicated her life to making sure when there are kids involved she keeps her focus on them. Listen how she got into this work and how it has become her passion to protect those who are not able to protect themselves as "mom & dad" try to settle their differences. Learn more about Elle Barr here: Be sure to follow her on social media: insta: @elle.barr.galGroups & programs currently available to you through Coaching with Dr Heidi are listed here:
Feb 03, 202440:49
#219 Are you "On the Fence?"

#219 Are you "On the Fence?"

How many time have you gone back and forth between, "I should leave this relationship" and "maybe it's not that bad"? More than you care to remember I am sure. Making this decision is not easy, I know this because if it was easy, you would have already made it. If you are anything like me when I was in your position, then you are trying to make this difficult decision with only half of the information. You are the only one who can make this decision, but we don't realize it. Instead what we do, is allow their mood to make that decision. If they are in a good mood, we choose to stay, and when they are in a bad mood or treating us badly we will choose to leave. The problem with that is, it is never consistent, it is always unpredictable. So we swing back and for from staying and leaving almost on a daily basis. If you are one that can relate then this podcast is for you and my newest program is for you too. "On the Fence!" is a 3 month program that will give you the information you need to make the decision that is very best for you, and, you will make that decision with confidence. You can not decide anything with only half of the information. THE "ON THE FENCE!" 3 MONTH PROGRAM IS STARTING: Feb 5, 2024 This is an intense program lead and taught by Dr Heidi. IF YOU COULD FIND THE ANSWER TO THIS CONTINUALLY WEIGHING QUESTION, HOW WOULD IT CHANGE YOUR LIFE. All the information you will need to start moving forward. Its time, and it's your turn!



Jan 23, 202418:00
#218 A Deeper Look into Betrayal with guest Dr. Debi Silber

#218 A Deeper Look into Betrayal with guest Dr. Debi Silber

Dr. Debi Silber is the founder of the PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute and is a holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal development expert. Over the last 30+ years, she has supported thousands of people to heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
She is fully dedicated to this mission because she believes that betrayal is one of the most painful experiences one could ever have. She knows because she has been there.

It was her own betrayals, first from her family and then from her husband, that shattered her heart, trust, and life as she knew it.

Betrayal can be something you carry around for a very long time without even realizing it. There is more than just one stage of betrayal, which one are you? Post betrayal syndrome will carry over into all aspects of your health and your life. Dr Debi walks with others through each stage giving the support that she knows her clients will need in order to stay focused and value the changes that the act of betrayal brought into their lives.

Learn more about Dr. Debi and her work by visiting her website:

Follow Dr Debi on facebook:

or instagram

Looking for a support group? Looking for answers? Are you confused about your relationship? Don't know where to begin? I am here to help. Visit my website for some tips on how and where to begin your journey to freedom from the toxic relationships is your life.

Jan 16, 202442:32
#217 Dr Heidi's Instructions for Life

#217 Dr Heidi's Instructions for Life

2023 is coming to an end. I can not believe another year has come and gone. This year was a years of... UGG.. learning, digging, admitting, understanding, & growth for me. I had an indescribable year. If there is an emotion out there... I had it! If there was a feeling...I felt it! If there was a doubt...I questioned it! If there was trust... I tested it! And if there was change...I resisted it! 2023 wore me slick out, but in the end, it was incredible. I NEEDED IT! Dr Heidi Instructions for life that you will hear in this episode were born out of this year of transformation. They will not all resonate with you, but that is to be expected.... They are "MY" instructions for life. I hope you enjoy and I hope you take the time to reflect and write your own. Here is to another beautiful year.! Thank you for your continued support and trust in me! - Dr Heidi

Dec 29, 202317:54
#216 The Holiday Betrayal Roller Coaster

#216 The Holiday Betrayal Roller Coaster

Are you going through yet another holiday season, that does not all resemble the one you once had pictured in your mind. When you have relationships in your life that are not healthy for you, where controlling behaviors are present, or where that has been betrayal the supposed "Peace on Earth" doesn't seem so peaceful. Rather than spreading your "Joy to the World" you would rather "Deck someone's Halls". How do we navigate this time of year while attempting to balance all our normal responsibilities plus the added holiday demands while the toxic people in our lives go off the rails to ruin it all for us. We know they do this because your focus is not all on them like it normally is. This caused discomfort to their security and thus causes new, changed, or amplified behavior. Needing some tips to get you through the next couple weeks? Listen as our "betrayal expert" Dr Debi Silber shares with us how to juggle the painful devastation of betrayal while still longing to enjoy your holidays.

Dr. Debi Silber is the founder the PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) institute. Learn more about Dr. Debi and her work by visiting her website:

Looking for a support group? Looking for answers? Are you confused about your relationship? Don't know where to begin? I am here to help. Visit my website for some tips on how and where to begin your journey to freedom from the toxic relationships is your life.

Dec 19, 202323:03
#215 Been There, Done it, Now Helping Others-(with Guests Kerry McAvoy Ph.D. & Tara Blair Ball)
Nov 21, 202342:00
#214 The Masks We Wear
Nov 17, 202329:35
#213 Making Things Little is a Bigger Deal Than You Think

#213 Making Things Little is a Bigger Deal Than You Think

Why is it that with the toxic relationship comes the art of minimization? To minimize is to take significant things, either good or bad, and lessen the importance or degree of them. In a nutshell minimizing makes the good things seem not so good and the bad seem not so bad. When we learn to minimize in a unhealthy relationship it allows us to avoid dealing with our emotions and our feelings. Do you minimize the things you should be celebrating? Are you minimizing abusive behavior? Learning how the emotionally abusive relationship can change so much in us just out of our need to survive. If you want more information about my services go to: If you are looking for a group for guidance & support check out the We're INNIT Together Community here:
Oct 31, 202314:39
#212 The Transformation Truth
Oct 24, 202321:59
#211 Let me Read You Your Rights!
Oct 13, 202327:29
#210 The Struggle After Leaving!
Oct 03, 202301:31:48
#209 Seeking Validation?
Sep 26, 202301:47:26
#208 A Sneak Peek
Aug 01, 202320:16
#207 The Rejection Deception

#207 The Rejection Deception

Rejection is a part of life, we all have times when rejection of a job, a date, or a social circle for example that may set us back a bit but with time there is often growth from the experience. Living in an environment where rejection  happens frequently the feeling of unacceptance can overtake ones confidence and self worth.
Being rejected cause a reaction to hang on tighter to whatever is rejecting us. The worry of losing someone or something is more powerful than accepting the fact that you are being rejected.
The toxic personality will use rejection as a manipulation to get those in their lives to hang on tighter. This draws attention back onto them and they feel more in control and secure in the relationship.

Check out the Support community here:

Jul 25, 202322:56
#206 Replay: Help your support system understand better how to support.

#206 Replay: Help your support system understand better how to support.

We all need the support of others whether we are in a toxic relationship, removing ourselves from a toxic relationship, or healing from a toxic relationship.
This episode is for you to forward to those who are wanting to support you but do not understand the dynamics of a toxic relationship. Educating those who love and support you will equip them to stand stronger beside you.

Jul 17, 202333:11
#205 ⭐️Most Popular Episode⭐️to Date for 2023. Love bombing & Hoovering Explained and Compared

#205 ⭐️Most Popular Episode⭐️to Date for 2023. Love bombing & Hoovering Explained and Compared

We soon figure out that the person from the beginning is not the person we now see in the relationship, that was because of love bombing. However, many are surprised at the behavior of thank you toxic personality when you are trying to exit. It seems strange, confusing, and sometimes hard to believe. I am here to tell you it is believable because it is normal for this to happen during the detachment from a toxic relationship. Listen again to what hoovering is, how it is used, and how to keep your focus while it is happening.
Jun 28, 202338:27
#204💘 Part 4 - My Journey - Through the Eyes of the Man who Loves Me💘

#204💘 Part 4 - My Journey - Through the Eyes of the Man who Loves Me💘

I would like every one to meet Jeremy aka: My Hot Husband    I am not sure that our story is any bigger or better than anyone else's but it is bigger and better to us.     He found me at a time in my life when I was but a shell of who I am now. He gave me the feeling that even if it wasn't with him, there was something better out there for me. I am grateful everyday for this man and thankful that God sent him to me when there was no happiness, no laughter, and no direction in my life. I had given up on the hope that my future would be any different than my past and present, and then there he was my glimmer of hope. He loves me inspite of my past situation, my perceptions, and my insecurities. He has supported me in becoming the person I am today and helped me see that I am perfect in the eyes of the heart that was meant to love me. In this 4 part series my husband and I share our perspectives on the experiences, struggles, disappointments, joys, and realities that came with our relationship. With commitment to our love, dedication to each other, and a rule that we must laugh every single day, we have become not only partners in life but also best friends. As always, he stands unwavering by my side on my continued journey to finding my peace.

Have you been looking for a support group? Looking for help making the choices that are best for you? looking for guidance from someone who has been in this exact situation? Needing to make a plan so that the next steps do not feel so frightening? Looking to rediscover yourself after the trauma of a toxic relationship?

The We're INNIT Together Membership Support Community is soooo much more than a support group, so if you are ready to make some changes with the guidance needed to do so, check out the details for the community here:

Jun 01, 202328:27
#203💘 Part 3 - My Journey - Through the Eyes of the Man who Loves Me💘

#203💘 Part 3 - My Journey - Through the Eyes of the Man who Loves Me💘

I would like every one to meet Jeremy aka: My Hot Husband    I am not sure that our story is any bigger or better than anyone else's but it is bigger and better to us.     He found me at a time in my life when I was but a shell of who I am now. He gave me the feeling that even if it wasn't with him, there was something better out there for me. I am grateful everyday for this man and thankful that God sent him to me when there was no happiness, no laughter, and no direction in my life. I had given up on the hope that my future would be any different than my past and present, and then there he was my glimmer of hope. He loves me inspite of my past situation, my perceptions, and my insecurities. He has supported me in becoming the person I am today and helped me see that I am perfect in the eyes of the heart that was meant to love me. In this 4 part series my husband and I share our perspectives on the experiences, struggles, disappointments, joys, and realities that came with our relationship. With commitment to our love, dedication to each other, and a rule that we must laugh every single day, we have become not only partners in life but also best friends. As always, he stands unwavering by my side on my continued journey to finding my peace.

Have you been looking for a support group? Looking for help making the choices that are best for you? looking for guidance from someone who has been in this exact situation? Needing to make a plan so that the next steps do not feel so frightening? Looking to rediscover yourself after the trauma of a toxic relationship?

The We're INNIT Together Membership Support Community is soooo much more than a support group, so if you are ready to make some changes with the guidance needed to do so, check out the details for the community here:

Jun 01, 202330:08
#202 💘 Part 2- My Journey - Through the Eyes of the Man who Loves Me💘

#202 💘 Part 2- My Journey - Through the Eyes of the Man who Loves Me💘

I would like every one to meet Jeremy aka: My Hot Husband    I am not sure that our story is any bigger or better than anyone else's but it is bigger and better to us.     He found me at a time in my life when I was but a shell of who I am now. He gave me the feeling that even if it wasn't with him, there was something better out there for me. I am grateful everyday for this man and thankful that God sent him to me when there was no happiness, no laughter, and no direction in my life. I had given up on the hope that my future would be any different than my past and present, and then there he was my glimmer of hope. He loves me inspite of my past situation, my perceptions, and my insecurities. He has supported me in becoming the person I am today and helped me see that I am perfect in the eyes of the heart that was meant to love me. In this 4 part series my husband and I share our perspectives on the experiences, struggles, disappointments, joys, and realities that came with our relationship. With commitment to our love, dedication to each other, and a rule that we must laugh every single day, we have become not only partners in life but also best friends. As always, he stands unwavering by my side on my continued journey to finding my peace.

Have you been looking for a support group? Looking for help making the choices that are best for you? looking for guidance from someone who has been in this exact situation? Needing to make a plan so that the next steps do not feel so frightening? Looking to rediscover yourself after the trauma of a toxic relationship?

The We're INNIT Together Membership Support Community is soooo much more than a support group, so if you are ready to make some changes with the guidance needed to do so, check out the details for the community here:

Jun 01, 202330:39
#201 💘 Part 1 - My Journey - Through the Eyes of the Man who Loves Me💘

#201 💘 Part 1 - My Journey - Through the Eyes of the Man who Loves Me💘

I would like every one to meet Jeremy aka: My Hot Husband    I am not sure that our story is any bigger or better than anyone else's but it is bigger and better to us.     He found me at a time in my life when I was but a shell of who I am now. He gave me the feeling that even if it wasn't with him, there was something better out there for me. I am grateful everyday for this man and thankful that God sent him to me when there was no happiness, no laughter, and no direction in my life. I had given up on the hope that my future would be any different than my past and present, and then there he was my glimmer of hope. He loves me inspite of my past situation, my perceptions, and my insecurities. He has supported me in becoming the person I am today and helped me see that I am perfect in the eyes of the heart that was meant to love me. In this 4 part series my husband and I share our perspectives on the experiences, struggles, disappointments, joys, and realities that came with our relationship. With commitment to our love, dedication to each other, and a rule that we must laugh every single day, we have become not only partners in life but also best friends. As always, he stands unwavering by my side on my continued journey to finding my peace.

Have you been looking for a support group? Looking for help making the choices that are best for you? looking for guidance from someone who has been in this exact situation? Needing to make a plan so that the next steps do not feel so frightening? Looking to rediscover yourself after the trauma of a toxic relationship?

The We're INNIT Together Membership Support Community is soooo much more than a support group, so if you are ready to make some changes with the guidance needed to do so, check out the details for the community here:

Jun 01, 202333:45
# 208 When the Unexpected Happens - Maranda

# 208 When the Unexpected Happens - Maranda

Life is about change, we all know that, but we want change that is happy, that moves us forward, that makes us grow. What happens when that change is unexpected and takes us in the opposite direction? How do we deal with that? We spend our time and energy trying to put things in place to welcome the change that is coming, yet sometimes the bottoms falls out from under us leaving us destitute and hopeless. Maranda is a woman of incredible strength. She had overcome, she had worked hard and she had survived, but when her daughter stepped out of her life all her efforts seemed in vain. What was her direction now? For so long loving and caring for her daughter is what she held on to as her life's purpose. With that swept away she had to refocus on herself and her own life. She had to value herself enough to carry on. Heartbreak and sadness covered her yet she has found her way to inner peace. She has become a guardian of her own soul having to accept the things that she can not control.

Have you been looking for a support group? Looking for help making the choices that are best for you? looking for guidance from someone who has been in this exact situation? Needing to make a plan so that the next steps do not feel so frightening? Looking to rediscover yourself after the trauma of a toxic relationship?

The We're INNIT Together Membership Support Community is soooo much more than a support group, so if you are ready to make some changes with the guidance needed to do so, check out the details for the community here:

May 23, 202345:17
# 207 What is it like when you are TRIGGERED?

# 207 What is it like when you are TRIGGERED?

People talk about triggers, we are aware of triggers, we can understand some of them, but the triggers I am speaking of in this episode are the triggers that we can't seem to get away from. The ones that lay silent for a time and then suddenly turn our lives upside down. I have spent almost 15 years thinking I could "fix" all the negative effects toxic relationships had on me, but through frustration and shame I have had to come to terms with the fact that perhaps not all is "fixable". The acceptance of this was difficult. I felt flawed, broken, and beyond repair for so long that acceptance at first felt like I was giving up, in the end though I did not give up....I LET GO! Letting go is such a relief for me, I don't have to live under the pressure of hoping it doesn't happen or predicting when it may happen again because I know it will and I won't know when. I accept that they are part of me, and rather than denying it, I can move through them rather than fight them.

Have you been looking for a support group? Looking for help making the choices that are best for you? looking for guidance from someone who has been in this exact situation? Needing to make a plan so that the next steps do not feel so frightening? Looking to rediscover yourself after the trauma of a toxic relationship?

The We're INNIT Together Membership Support Community is soooo much more than a support group, so if you are ready to make some changes with the guidance needed to do so, check out the details for the community here:

May 16, 202348:03
#206 No more 'Wine-ing'🍷 - with Megan Wilcox

#206 No more 'Wine-ing'🍷 - with Megan Wilcox

Once she removed from a toxic relationship, a single mother of two young boys found herself coping with the fear, stress, and loneliness with an occasional glass of wine. As the fear and stress continued so did the 'wine-ing' and it was no longer occasional. She found herself into a bottle of wine every night without the ability to control it. At an all time low, hopeless and depressed she begged for help. When no one came to help she helped herself. Helped herself into an online sobriety support group, helped herself into a sobriety class and helped herself into a new career of supporting others who are using alcohol as a way to cope with life. Today, she is working full time as an Alcohol Free Life Coach and Certified Professional Recovery Coach. She is the founder and CEO of SobahSistahs Sobriety, where she supports and empowers women to follow her lead, help themselves, and live a life free from the chains of alcohol. Learn More about SobahSistahs Sobriety here: Email:megan@sobahsistahs.comWebsite:Sobahsistahs - Health Coach, Nutrition, Sober

Have you been looking for a support group? Looking for help making the choices that are best for you? looking for guidance from someone who has been in this exact situation? Needing to make a plan so that the next steps do not feel so frightening? Looking to rediscover yourself after the trauma of a toxic relationship?

The We're INNIT Together Membership Support Community is soooo much more than a support group, so if you are ready to make some changes with the guidance needed to do so, check out the details for the community here:

May 11, 202327:50
 #205 💪🏼From Rock Bottom to Rock Solid - with guest and friend Donavan

#205 💪🏼From Rock Bottom to Rock Solid - with guest and friend Donavan

Rock bottom is a place that no one wants to find themselves, yet most of us do at some point. It is said that the good thing about hitting rock bottom is that there is only one way to go and that is up. ⭐️ Donavan ⭐️ is an example of just that. Life for him had many ups and downs, many sacrifices, and many struggles. Like all of us, he powered through thinking “I got it”, “It’s fine”, “I can handle anything”…. Until he couldn’t. Listen to this man’s inspirational journey and how hitting rock bottom was the best thing that could have happened to him. Thank you Donavan for taking the time and thank you for always being encouraging to others.
May 02, 202339:13
#200 Juicy AF with Kay Allison- life without alcohol!

#200 Juicy AF with Kay Allison- life without alcohol!

As we know being in relationships that are not healthy for us cause us to find ways to cope, some of the ways we do this may not be the best for us either. My guest today has firsthand experience in just that. Kay Allison helps professional women break their drinking habits and get free… free from booze, free from shame and free from anxiety. Breaking free from the things that tie us down is the only way to be truly free. We can cope with one by using another and possibly cope with that one by yet finding another, but in the end we are still held captive by all.
Apr 25, 202333:18
#199 Divorce & Co-parenting Truths with Kate Anthony!

#199 Divorce & Co-parenting Truths with Kate Anthony!

Kate Anthony, a divorce specialist helps women (especially with children)decide if they should stay in or leave their marriages. Join Kate & I today as we discuss a bit about divorce and the co-parenting that goes with it. Ready to learn more? Join me in the "We're INNIT Together Community"
Apr 18, 202340:59
#198 Free Spirited - A Healing Journey

#198 Free Spirited - A Healing Journey

Welcoming back today Suzanne Falter, a writer and podcaster who tells us of her story of healing. Losing her daughter suddenly, at a very young age was a heartbreaking trial on Suzanne’s strength. Today she is a different person thanks to the guidance by her daughter after her passing. Trauma, no matter the type, requires self reflection, learning, and growth. Listen now to one woman’s story of growth and recommitment to what really matters.
Apr 11, 202342:52
#197 Untangling the Lies we Believed with Chantelle Branch
Apr 05, 202325:59
# 196: 5 Things You can do to Protect Yourself

# 196: 5 Things You can do to Protect Yourself

There are many things that I gave up about myself when I was in an unhealthy relationship. If I would have known then what I know now I would have protected myself with all my strength. Instead, I began changing myself to become what someone else needed me to be in order for them to feel safe. I did not see that I was losing everything that was good about myself to prove myself worthy of another's love. I fell victim to what I call toxic identity theft and soon there was nothing about myself that I could even recognize. With that I also gave up my worth, my self acceptance, and my values. Do not let this happen to you, and if it already has start rebuilding today.

Have you been looking for a support group? Looking for help making the choices that are best for you? looking for guidance from someone who has been in this exact situation? Needing to make a plan so that the next steps do not feel so frightening? Looking to rediscover yourself after the trauma of a toxic relationship?

The We're INNIT Together Membership Support Community is soooo much more than a support group, so if you are ready to make some changes with the guidance needed to do so, check out the details for the community here:

Mar 28, 202327:51
#195: 5 Things We Think Are True...But They Are Not

#195: 5 Things We Think Are True...But They Are Not

Those who have been through a toxic relationship will tell you that there were things that they thought were true about the situation, and now looking back with a clear mind realize they are not true at all. The years we spend thinking these are true become a long continual cycle of us not realizing that we keep doing the same thing over and over, thinking maybe this time it will work and the relationship will feel more comfortable. Here are the 5 things that many believe to be true at some point during the course of their unhealthy relationship. See if you have been thinking the same thing..... I know I did!

Have you been looking for a support group? Looking for help making the choices that are best for you? looking for guidance from someone who has been in this exact situation? Needing to make a plan so that the next steps do not feel so frightening? Looking to rediscover yourself after the trauma of a toxic relationship?

The We're INNIT Together Membership Support Community is soooo much more than a support group, so if you are ready to make some changes with the guidance needed to do so, check out the details for the community here:

Mar 13, 202336:41
#194: 5 Mistakes we Make when Trying to Understand the Confusion

#194: 5 Mistakes we Make when Trying to Understand the Confusion

Toxic Relationships are confusing and when we are trying to understand them and learn how to operate within them we often fall into behaviors that we believe will help make the relationship feel better. Many times these behaviors, not knowing they are "mistakes" cause continued confusion and become more and more difficult to remove yourself from. We would never know that we were making mistakes until we can look back on them.

Ready to learn more? Join me in the "We're INNIT Together Community"

Mar 07, 202325:51
#193: The Pain in Healing

#193: The Pain in Healing

Many are afraid to leave toxic relationships. We have become comfortable because we have learned how to survive within them, but what happens when we leave? When I left, I thought that's all there was to it. When I got into this relationship my life became disastrous and chaotic, so it would make sense that when I leave this relationship things will become less disastrous and less chaotic... Right? I don't think I even realized that there was a healing journey that needed to happen. Boy did I find out quickly that the toxic relationship had changed so much of me that I did not even know where to begin. Yes, there is a healing journey, and yes parts of it are painful, and yes I made it. I'm of course still healing but I am understanding more and more about myself everyday. Don't be afraid of the pain because the person that comes out of it makes it all worth it. We are formed by the things we go through, we are always going through something, and we are always on the journey.

Feb 28, 202330:29
#192: What questions are you asking?

#192: What questions are you asking?

I was never asking about tocix relationships or emotional abuse I was always asking what “I” needed to do to fix it. What are you asking yourself about your relationship?

🙋‍♀️ Want your question answered by Dr. Heidi and added support?

Join the membership Community for added support: We're INNIT Together:

Feb 15, 202317:39
#191: Love Bombing & Hoovering Explained and Compared!

#191: Love Bombing & Hoovering Explained and Compared!

We hear these terms all the time, Love Bombing & Hoovering. Today let’s dive a bit deeper into the similarities and the differences between them as it relates to the toxic relationship and why these behaviors show up when they do. 🙋‍♀️ Want your question answered by Dr. Heidi and added support?

Join the membership Community for added support: We're INNIT Together:

Jan 31, 202335:15
#190: A Transparent Thank you!

#190: A Transparent Thank you!

Those who have been in toxic relationships will find that they are on a continual path of learning, growing, and self acceptance. I am no different. My January was tough, I am tired of fixing myself, trying harder, and being better. I gave that up this month. Thank you for your patience with me. -Dr Heidi

🙋‍♀️ Want your question answered by Dr. Heidi and added support?

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Jan 31, 202313:27
#189: Emotional Abuse Exposed

#189: Emotional Abuse Exposed

Actress Anna Kendrick is quoted in an article by Kaitlin Reilly on 12/29/22 “her partner did not harm her physically, which made her question her perspective on the relationship. In this episode I will expand on emotional abuse, what it actually is, what it looks like, and what it feels like. How do you really know for sure?

🙋‍♀️ Want your question answered by Dr. Heidi and added support?

Join the membership Community for added support: We're INNIT Together:

Jan 03, 202316:02
#188: End of Year Recap #1 Most Popular Episode of 2022- Conversations with a Toxic Person

#188: End of Year Recap #1 Most Popular Episode of 2022- Conversations with a Toxic Person

Understanding the goal that the toxic person has when having a conversation will help you understand and better manage those 3 hour unproductive conversations that you get looped into with the toxic person? Here’s why!
🙋‍♀️ Want your question answered by Dr. Heidi and added support?

Join the membership Community for added support: We're INNIT Together:

Dec 31, 202235:28
#187: End of Year Recap #2 Most Popular Episode of 2022-Why do I feel so Sorry for Them?
Dec 31, 202219:45
#186: End of Year Recap #3 Most Popular Episode of 2022-Forward this to Your Support System
Dec 30, 202241:37
#185: 🎄 What do I do about the Kids Christmas events?
Dec 23, 202204:02
#184: 🎄Can I drink when I don’t have my kids?
Dec 22, 202206:00
#183: 🎄 Do I send a Christmas card?
Dec 21, 202204:01