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Dr. Pot Liquor

Dr. Pot Liquor

By Dr. LaJoi Lewis

When you need a quick dose of therapeutic healing, this is your solution! Key ingredients include PSYCHOLOGY, CULTURES and Christian FAITH to encourage and empower you to be your best self. Guests share their “recipes” for triumphs, “missteps” and what they have learned along the way. Subscribe to these short (under 30 min) weekly episodes to be automatically downloaded in your library.
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Part 2: How to overcome fear of failure with a growth mindset

Dr. Pot Liquor Jul 26, 2020

Tough times don’t last- God’s timing isn’t like ours

Tough times don’t last- God’s timing isn’t like ours

The tough seasons in our lives can be blessings in disguise, sometimes the blessings are so hidden we don’t see them until years later. This is my ten year test on seeing God’s hand during tough times.
Dec 31, 202232:24
Wrap up of seasoning six!

Wrap up of seasoning six!

The podcast be on break for a few months but will return Sept of 2022! In the meantime, feel free to enjoy and share episodes from the library of the podcast from the past two years :)
May 18, 202218:02
Feeling powerless and stuck in childhood

Feeling powerless and stuck in childhood

Check out this episode to take a journey through self reflection of when you felt powerless and stuck as a child and how you transcend those feelings and can apply the strategies of being creative and innovative in the here and now
May 14, 202219:13
When Mother’s Day is tough

When Mother’s Day is tough

Perhaps Mom is no longer or, perhaps the relationship is not an easy one, check out this episode to give yourself a little peace and happiness when Mother’s Day is tough
May 08, 202226:51
Motivation to get Unstuck

Motivation to get Unstuck

If you are having challenges staying motivated, reaching your goals, making changes in you life, check out this episode for a dose of verbal healing to help you get motivated and get unstuck so you can win now!
May 01, 202225:09
Easter is about God’s power through Jesus to get us all unstuck

Easter is about God’s power through Jesus to get us all unstuck

Share this helping of Pot Liquor with someone who needs a dose of healing in 30 min or less. Tune in to learn how you can spiritually get unstuck and go from powerless to seeing God’s power
Apr 17, 202212:28
Stuck on what's supposed to be

Stuck on what's supposed to be

When we have unmet expectations we have choices: we can get stuck and frustrated that it didn't turn out as we expected or we can be flexible and creative and pivot to making lemonade out of the lemons we've been dealt. Give the challenge of the unexpected over to God so He can inspire you to be the best you can be right were you are and help you to Win Now!
Apr 14, 202221:46
Helping others, helps us to get unstuck

Helping others, helps us to get unstuck

When we let go of what we are carrying, and instead, help someone else, we shift our focus from ourselves and in that moment we get unstuck. Keep the momentum of being unstuck and on the move toward your purpose and the in the direction of your healing by helping others.
Apr 08, 202218:46
Slapped and Stuck

Slapped and Stuck

Revisiting the unfortunate incident at the Oscar's movie award show in 2022 involving Will Smith and Chris Rock. Disclaimer: The Dr. Pot Liquor Podcast does not condone any form of violence as means of expressive communication or retaliation for any reason. Listen in to practice reparenting oneself in real time by taking a pause, looking at the situation and listening to our inner voice that guides us so we can get emotionally unstuck and go from powerless and stuck to powerful and unstoppable.
Mar 31, 202229:33
Recognize, tap into and harness your personal power

Recognize, tap into and harness your personal power

Don't let your personal power keep you stuck but rather use it as a vehicle to help you get unstuck. You are more powerful than you know. This episode features gaining self awareness, reparenting through gaining discipline and knowing your limits so you can remain in control of your life rather than just reacting to life.
Mar 26, 202230:58
Hope and Faith

Hope and Faith

Tools to help you get unstuck when life knocks you down are hope and faith. Check out this episode to learn more about your own reactions to adversity as well as how you can increase your hope. Shot out to the newest potlickers (listeners soppin' up verbal healing) in United Arab Emirates!! Thank you for your support!
Mar 19, 202227:40
Resistance can help you get unstuck

Resistance can help you get unstuck

Before we get upset we have challenges and resistance on our journey, let’s change our perspective to use resistance as a tool to propel us forward and get us unstuck
Mar 12, 202224:58
Letting go what no longer serves us

Letting go what no longer serves us

Reparenting is also being empowered to determine what elements in our lives, our businesses are no longer helpful but are hinderances and being willing to let them go so we can grow to be our best selves
Mar 05, 202218:28
The tools we have to get unstuck

The tools we have to get unstuck

Take a mindfulness perspective on what tools we have and letting go the scarcity mindset that the tools we don’t have are keeping us from having and feeling what we want in life.
Feb 26, 202222:01
Part 2 of growth mindset vs fixed mindset

Part 2 of growth mindset vs fixed mindset

This episode looks at how these mindsets are manifested in our language, beliefs about ourselves and other areas of our lives and how they keep us stuck or helping us grow.
Feb 19, 202225:46
Fixed mindset vs Growth mindset

Fixed mindset vs Growth mindset

If you want to go from powerless and stuck to powerful and on the move, check out this episode to see how your thinking plays a role in your progress.
Feb 12, 202224:13
Reparenting so you don’t get burnt

Reparenting so you don’t get burnt

Learning how to evaluate your internal contents so you can dish up good stuff in your personal and professional life
Feb 05, 202225:19
What do I do when I feel powerless and stuck?

What do I do when I feel powerless and stuck?

I call on the powerful name of Jesus.
Jan 28, 202228:16
Reparenting ourselves-No more baby elephant

Reparenting ourselves-No more baby elephant

Talking to our inner child to get the healing we need so we can get unstuck and Win Now
Jan 21, 202220:60
Learned helplessness

Learned helplessness

Three aspects of feeling powerless and stuck that you can change so you and God can turn the situation, relationship, mood, around and be more powerful in your life
Jan 15, 202228:03
Seasoning 6 Powerless and stuck

Seasoning 6 Powerless and stuck

Change your mind, know nothing lasts forever and embrace the new things God has for you
Jan 08, 202224:32
Forgiveness is for us (part 2)

Forgiveness is for us (part 2)

The spiritual aspects of forgiveness as well as steps on “how to forgive.”
Dec 23, 202130:48
Forgiving self and others- the Christmas gift

Forgiving self and others- the Christmas gift

It’s a hard task but forgiveness is key to not letting the past last forever
Dec 16, 202127:01
Feeding ourselves the right stuff

Feeding ourselves the right stuff

Getting rid of our emotional and spiritual hunger pains by feeding ourselves what we need to go and grow and win now
Dec 09, 202124:53
Nurture the right things

Nurture the right things

We make the pain last forever by watering the palm trees of in our garden and expecting them to yield oranges.
Dec 02, 202121:42
Barriers to the attitude of gratitude

Barriers to the attitude of gratitude

What stops us from being grateful?
Nov 25, 202116:24
Attitude of gratitude

Attitude of gratitude

Change your perspective and your mindset to have a happier outlook on your past, present and future
Nov 18, 202129:52
Nothing changes if nothing changes

Nothing changes if nothing changes

Taking accountability for the problems we think aren’t ours is a tough job, but it’s part of the process of taking control of your life and of outcomes. Check out this episode to level up and learn how
Nov 12, 202119:18
Reparenting by managing expectations

Reparenting by managing expectations

We can give ourselves what we need and skip the anxiety and disappointment caused by other folks not meeting our expectations
Nov 06, 202126:02
Give yourself what you didn’t get, and if you don’t know how get God

Give yourself what you didn’t get, and if you don’t know how get God

Even if you do know what you need and how to give it get God too!
Oct 29, 202118:39
Levels of boundaries- anaphylactic shock or mild allergen

Levels of boundaries- anaphylactic shock or mild allergen

Reparenting yourself is protecting yourself. Learn how to determine how much contact is too much. Hit subscribe to never miss episodes like this which can help you not let the pain of the past last forever
Oct 22, 202127:23
What is differentiation?

What is differentiation?

If you want to get peace from your past and family pain, start reparenting yourself through differentiation.
Oct 15, 202118:49
Repairing ourselves and our past through reparenting: Separation

Repairing ourselves and our past through reparenting: Separation

Get unstuck from feeling helpless and hopeless by changing your future through reparenting yourself.
Oct 08, 202125:50
Part 2 of what we do to make it last forever

Part 2 of what we do to make it last forever

What we actively do to bring our past into our future sense of self
Oct 01, 202121:58
How we make it last forever: the starter

How we make it last forever: the starter

Sometimes we perpetuate our own pain by bringing it into our current context. Learn how to break the cycle and get a shot of healing in under thirty min.
Sep 24, 202122:36
Are we done yet?

Are we done yet?

What are you waiting for to end? This episode helps to uncover what moments in our lives we are escaping rather than being fully present for.
Sep 17, 202127:57
Part 2: what if the pain lasts forever?

Part 2: what if the pain lasts forever?

Changing your mind can change how you experience a seemingly hopeless situation. In changing your mind you go from helpless to capable of creating heaven on earth
Sep 10, 202127:52
What if it’s supposed to last forever?

What if it’s supposed to last forever?

Check out this short series on how to have hope and create change even when the situation, people or environment won’t change.
Sep 03, 202125:44
Delayed but not denied

Delayed but not denied

There can be a blessing in the waiting, the dealing of constant obstacles can be a setup not a setback
Aug 27, 202118:45
Service serves more than others!

Service serves more than others!

This episode is about how to keep moving forward- even when you can’t or when you THINK you can’t. Being stuck is a state of mind.
Aug 20, 202122:52
It’s worth the wait if you work it !

It’s worth the wait if you work it !

Learn how to work at being at R.E.S.T while you wait for things to change or that dream to come true. Don’t wait in vain!
Aug 13, 202124:04
Seasoning 5 God is at work in our waiting

Seasoning 5 God is at work in our waiting

Don’t despise the waiting period. There is preparation happening while you wait for the dream to come true, for your life to change.
Aug 06, 202119:17
The show is half done! History and Future of the Dr. Pot Liquor Podcast!

The show is half done! History and Future of the Dr. Pot Liquor Podcast!

Why the name? What are the future topics? How long will the show go? All of your questions about the show can be answered here! “Bye seasoning 4” “Hello seasoning 5!”
Jul 28, 202117:24
Eavesdropping on my self encouragement

Eavesdropping on my self encouragement

Sometimes you have to reparent yourself when you are wounded, unmotivated, discouraged. After a disappointing result, I had to encourage myself to keep going.
Jul 18, 202114:48
Relationships reflect your self esteem

Relationships reflect your self esteem

Your needs, wants, thoughts all matter. If you tolerate maltreatment and choose not to demand better, then your self esteem needs some nurturance. Check out this episode for tips and ideas on how to make changes which will help you navigate the world in a healthier way
Jul 10, 202121:34
Finish what you start to boost self esteem

Finish what you start to boost self esteem

Let go of the psychological tension of unfinished business so you can go and grow and become the best version of yourself!
Jul 03, 202118:49
Power of the spoken word

Power of the spoken word

Want to rebuild your self esteem? Use God’s words about who you are as your main ingredients.
Jun 26, 202126:52
Are you looking for validation?

Are you looking for validation?

Sometimes the validation we seek might help our self esteem but not help our sense of self
Jun 21, 202120:32


Shame and shade not only cause self esteem to get low but you feel shame and shade when your self esteem is already low! Break the cycle of reliving the past, let go so you can go and grow.
Jun 12, 202129:24
Are you too busy loving the side piece or the main?

Are you too busy loving the side piece or the main?

People pleasing can be a pitfall in our happiness pursuit and on our self esteem journey. Check out this episode to disentangle yourself from that trap so you can be free, self confident and in control of your destiny
Jun 04, 202120:37