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Martyrs Of Christ

Martyrs Of Christ

By E K

Many paid the ultimate price to bring us to this point in History. They suffered for Love. They suffered because they would give up the Love of Christ for anything. In this podcast, I would be sharing about the Martyrs of the Christian faith and what they had to go through for the Gospel handed over to us today. Are we living up to expectation having being handed such great gift of the knowing Christ? They died to pass on this Gospel to us.
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John the Apostle's Vision on Martyrs

Martyrs Of ChristFeb 06, 2022

John the Apostle's Vision on Martyrs

John the Apostle's Vision on Martyrs

John the Beloved was the youngest  of the Apostles of Jesus. He was the Author of the Book of John and the Book of Revelation. He was born in AD 6 and was the last Disciple to die. 
During the reign of Emperor Domitian in AD 81-96, the Church faced great persecution and many Christians were captured, tortured and even killed. 
Apostle John was captured and banished to the Island of Patmos  during the latter part of his life. 
Patmos was a small, rocky and barren area where many criminals of Rome were sent to serve out their prison terms in harsh conditions, there were mines on the Island that the criminals were forced to work in. John was sent to Patmos for his Faith in Jesus Christ and was given same treatment as a Criminal of Rome.
It was in Patmos that he began to have visions and these were written in the Book of Revelation. 
One of the visions was on Martyrs.

Feb 06, 202224:40
Martyr Ignatius Part 2

Martyr Ignatius Part 2

Martyr Ignatius  was the Bishop of Antioch. He was born to Pagan Parents and was converted to Christianity at an early age. Ignatius was ordained Bishop of Antioch by Apostle Peter. Martyr Ignatius made enormous contributions to Christian theology. His contributions and works impacted the Church greatly. 
He was executed in Flavian Amphitheatre known today as the Colosseum. He travelled from Antioch to Rome bound in chains. During the trip he had the possibility to write some letters which gives us insight to his personality and the situation of the Church at the time. The Church of Jesus Christ has come a long. It has suffered great pain to get to where we are today. Many paid the ultimate price to bring us to this point in History. They suffered for Love. They suffered because they wouldn't give up the Love of Christ for anything.  

Jan 22, 202222:26
Martyr Lucia

Martyr Lucia

Every year on December 13 ,  Lucia, a Devout Christian Martyr is celebrated and remembered.
Lucia of Syracuse as she is called represents  Light to a dark world. 
She helped Christians in hiding during the Diocletianic persecution under the Tetrachy; Emperor Diocletian, Emperor Maximiam, Emperor Galerius and Emperor Constantius.
This persecution was the largest and bloodiest official persecution of Christianity. 

History has it that Martyr Lucia would bring food to the Christians hiding in the Catacombs under the city, wearing candles on her Head to enable her use both hands to carry supplies for the Christians.
Her name Lucia comes from a Latin word "Lux" which means Light.
Her Martyrdom brought many to Christ and today She is still Lighting up the world.

Jan 02, 202237:54
Martyr Ponticus

Martyr Ponticus

In the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 161-180), Christians suffered great persecution. The persecution reached Southern Gaul, which is Lyon, in AD 177 and many Christians were falsely accused, arrested and tortured. Martyr Ponticus, a young Lad was amongst them.
Dec 05, 202107:28
Martyr Blandina

Martyr Blandina

Blandina was just 15 years old when she was killed in Southern Gaul. She stood her ground under great torture and would not give up her faith in Christ. Emperor Marcus Aurelius was the Roman Emperor at the time. Christians face great persecution under him. Blandina was one of the bravest Martyrs.
Nov 27, 202113:24
Martyr Peter (Part 2)

Martyr Peter (Part 2)

Peter an Apostle of Jesus Christ with great love for his Master. He was a major person in the early Church encouraging and keeping the Church together. The Roman Emperor, Nero, was said to be the Emperor when Peter arrived Rome. Peter was one of the Martyrs in Rome. Christianity has come a long way and many have paid the price of bringing Christianity this far.
Nov 20, 202132:50
Martyr Peter

Martyr Peter

Peter was chosen by Christ to be the Rock on which He built His Chirch. Jesus chose correctly because the Church is still standing after 2020 years past and still strong. Peter grew stronger and raised a set of People still standing and loving Christ. His epistles has changed lives and still changing lives.
Nov 18, 202104:57
Martyrs of Christ

Martyrs of Christ

The Church of Jesus Christ has come a long. It has suffered great pain to get to where we are today. Many paid the ultimate price to bring us to this point in History. They suffered for Love. They suffered because they would give up the Love of Christ for anything. In this podcast, I would be sharing about the Martyrs of the Christian faith and what they had to go through for the Gospel handed over to us today. Are we living up to expectation having being handed such great gift of the knowing Christ? They died to pass on this Gospel to us.
Nov 16, 202101:01