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Sex Love Psychedelics

Sex Love Psychedelics

By Dr. Cat Meyer

We’ve done some revamping over here on the podcast transforming Eat Play Sex into Sex Love Psychedelics.
Sex Love Psychedelics with Dr Cat Meyer will stimulate + titilate your brain with all of the psycho-sexual conversations + guest experts to answer your curiosities on sex, love, and the psyche. Whether we are analyzing the complexities of love, giving tips on energetic orgasms, or getting off on the latest research in psychedelics, it’s going to be a very WILD + expansive experience for us all.
Check it out + be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a beat.
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Currently playing episode

43: Coming off the Pill, Myth of the 28 Day Cycle for All, & Menstruation Pride with Nicole Jardim

Sex Love PsychedelicsNov 14, 2018

163: Sex Work, Body Autonomy + the Impact of Censorship with Justice Rivera

163: Sex Work, Body Autonomy + the Impact of Censorship with Justice Rivera

May 30, 202457:34
162: Unlocking Trauma + Couples’ Healing with MDMA as Medicine with Jonathan Robinson

162: Unlocking Trauma + Couples’ Healing with MDMA as Medicine with Jonathan Robinson

Psychotherapist Jonathan Robinson joins me to discuss using MDMA for relationships. We explore how MDMA can enhance intimacy when used safely for therapy. Jonathan shares insights from over 600 sessions helping couples communicate openly. We dive into his groundbreaking work treating relationship issues with psychedelics like MDMA, as well as training therapists in this approach. Explore the ethical considerations and safety protocols surrounding this therapeutic modality, and gain valuable knowledge on how psychedelics like MDMA can foster deeper self-awareness and strengthen the bonds of love.

In this episode:

00:27 Intro

03:21 MDMA-assisted therapy for trauma, anxiety, and depression

08:13 Using Zoom for therapy sessions, including MDMA and ketamine

19:40 MDMA use in therapy for couples, including its potential benefits and limitations.

21:25 Psychedelic use for couples therapy and emotional healing. 

31:15 Navigating Therapy Challenges and Personal Experiences

40:10 Therapy Experiences, Training Insights, and Cautionary Tales

48:50 Self-Awareness and Accountability in Therapy


Jonathan Robinson is a psychotherapist, best-selling author, and professional speaker based in Nevada City, California. With over 35 years of experience, Jonathan explores methods for personal evolution toward a more caring, peaceful, and happy life. His work has been featured in USA TODAY, Newsweek, and the Los Angeles Times. He has appeared on national TV talk shows, including Oprah. Jonathan is the author of nine books, delivering informative presentations on personal development.


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May 10, 202456:18
161: Psychedelics for Hormone Health, Sensuality, + Traumatic Brain Injuries with Stephanie Karzon Abrams

161: Psychedelics for Hormone Health, Sensuality, + Traumatic Brain Injuries with Stephanie Karzon Abrams

Apr 25, 202451:45
160: Digital Distractions Impacting Sex + Love and the Power of Ketamine Therapy with Nate Klemp

160: Digital Distractions Impacting Sex + Love and the Power of Ketamine Therapy with Nate Klemp

Psychedelics + ketamine therapies are powerful ways to support the opening of the mind. But is there a thing such as being TOO OPEN?

Nate Klemp, PhD, is a writer, philosopher, and entrepreneur. He joins me to share how to live with an Expansive Mind in a Distracted World.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The impact of cancel culture on our cultural mindset and resilience
  • The key differences between experiencing life with a closed vs. open mindset
  • How digital distractions affect openness in relationships and intimacy
  • Strategies for cultivating intentional relationships
  • Nate’s personal journey towards embracing openness and writing his book, "Open"
  • Understand the closed state by spending three days binging on screens and political outrage
  • Fostering openness in romantic partnerships and understanding its significance
  • Personality traits of openness and closeness according to the BIG FIVE inventory
  • Scientific research of how personality traits can shift over time
  • Insights from a skeptic's two-year journey in psychedelic-assisted therapy
  • The varying experiences and effects of ketamine therapy
  • Ketamine's antidepressant properties and its impact on neural plasticity
  • Utilizing open awareness meditation for integrating psychedelic experiences
  • Exploring the "80/80 marriage" concept for strengthening relationships
  • Understanding the dynamics of the "sexual great depression" and vulnerability
  • Patterns of trying to regulate our partner through sex
  • Techniques for skillfully closing and upholding healthy boundaries


Nate Klemp, PhD, is a writer, philosopher, and entrepreneur. He is the author of the new book OPEN: Living With an Expansive Mind in a Distracted World. Nate is also the coauthor of the New York Times Editors’ Choice The 80/80 Marriage: A New Model for a Happier, Stronger Marriage and the New York Times Bestseller Start Here: Master the Lifelong Habit of Wellbeing. Nate cofounded the mindfulness training company Life Cross Training and holds a B.A. and M.A. in philosophy from Stanford University and a PhD from Princeton University.


Exhale Femme Retreat:


Apr 11, 202453:50
159: Ethical Porn, Hedonism as Healthy, + AI or Audio Boyfriends with Gina Gutierrez with Dipsea

159: Ethical Porn, Hedonism as Healthy, + AI or Audio Boyfriends with Gina Gutierrez with Dipsea

Craving erotic stories and audio POV boyfriends who will tell you what a good girl you’ve been? Dipsea is a people-powered story studio that produces a wide range of erotic, female-focused audio content.

Co-founder of Dipsea, Gina Gutierrez joins me to share about their work.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The evolution of the erotic audio industry and Gina's journey of co-founding Dipsea

  • Popular themes within erotic fantasies

  • Establishing emotional bonds with characters

  • The creative process behind crafting erotic narratives and insights into production

  • The impact of unrealistic expectations perpetuated by erotic content on real-life relationships

  • Common “ick” factors that hinder reader engagement + building tension in storytelling

  • The real-life effects of erotic fantasy on dating, relationships, and sexuality

  • Embracing consent as a desirable element of sex

  • Assessing the ethicality of porn or audio erotica

  • Distinguishing Dipsea's storytelling approach amongst others in the industry

  • Exploring hedonism as a positive and empowering facet of women's sexual liberation

  • Envisioning the future of women's sexuality and the roles of platforms like Dipsea and AI technology

  • The influence of sexual expression amid the pandemic


Meet Gina Gutierrez, an empathy-driven entrepreneur with her sights set on reimagining and prioritizing female pleasure. As the co-founder and Chief Creative Officer at Dipsea, a people-powered story studio that produces a wide range of erotic, female-focused audio content, she’s passionate about demonstrating why sexual wellness is essential, and how storytelling and imagination are powerful tools that can help women unlock liberating connections with their bodies. Armed with a psychology degree from Duke and a desire to break the stigma that fantasy should be stifled, she’s ready to help women everywhere tap into their sexual powers. 


Exhale Femme Retreat:


Free 30 Day Trial to Dipsea

Mar 28, 202449:12
158: Psychedelic Eros, Archetypes, + the Seduction of Intellectualization over Integration with Dr Ido Cohen

158: Psychedelic Eros, Archetypes, + the Seduction of Intellectualization over Integration with Dr Ido Cohen

Dr Ido Cohen is here with me today to talk about the power of integration, why people struggle with it, and what golden nuggets you can extract. So you can support yourself with actual lasting change. 

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The various expressions of eros energy and the role of sensuality

  • Integration: An ongoing process to create long term sustainable change

  • Psychedelic integration using archetypes and the collective unconscious 

  • Why we project archetypal and shadow traits in relationships

  • The personal vs collective archetypal energies + indigenous learnings

  • Holding the tension of opposites within the psychedelic experience

  • The power of self regulation and holding your own container 

  • Bypassing with psychedelics - Ensuring you’re available for real transformation

  • The grief that comes from positive change + transformation 

  • Tantric perspective of processing grief on a somatic level

  • How archetypes evolve in unexpected ways 

  • Neurotic suffering versus authentic suffering

  • Village model of learning, psychedelic journeys and storytelling

  • Facilitator abuse and misuse 


Dr. Ido Cohen, Psy.D – serves individuals, couples and groups in San Francisco. He received his Psy.D from the California Institute of integral studies and trained at the Jung Institute In San Francisco. He works with a diverse range of challenges childhood trauma, inner critic, relational issues, lack of fulfillment, psychospiritual growth as well as psychedelic integration and preparation sessions with individuals and groups. His doctoral study researched the integration process of Ayahuasca ceremonies, while applying Jungian psychology to better understand how to support individuals in their process of change and transformation.

He is the founder of “The Integration Circle” and facilitates workshops on the different dimensions of integration and the intersection of mental health, spiritual health and the entheogenic experience. Ido believes that the intersection of our psychological, emotional, somatic and spiritual dimensions can develop our relationships with our inner and outer worlds and create the changes we want to see in our life. Ido is passionate in supporting individuals to create long term, sustainable change leading to vibrant, authentic, expressive and love filled lives.


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Exhale Femme Retreat:

Mar 14, 202456:46
157: Self as Divinity, Ancient Fertility Rituals, + Manifesting through Pleasure with Emily Fletcher

157: Self as Divinity, Ancient Fertility Rituals, + Manifesting through Pleasure with Emily Fletcher

World renowned meditation teacher, Emily Fletcher joins me to explore how to create a life from the seat of pleasure + desire.

Emily is the podcast host of the Why Isn't Everyone Doing This?, the founder of Ziva,  bestselling author, + alchemical teacher teaching her practice the Sacred Secret.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Manifestation Rituals and the Complexities of Emotional Experience

  • Creating Safe Spaces for Authentic Expression and Emotional Alchemy

  • Balancing Masculine Energy and Nurturing Inner Growth

  • The Growth Edges that come with Publicly Owning your Pleasure

  • Integrating Sexuality into Branding: Understanding Audience Dynamics

  • Making Esoteric Concepts Accessible: Bridging the Gap to Mainstream Understanding

  • Effective Manifestation Practices and Overcoming Common Obstacles

  • Understanding the Influence of Consciousness on Manifestation

  • Exploring Pleasure Science: Nervous System Health and Well-being

  • Manifesting Through Orgasmic States of Consciousness

  • Navigating Skepticism and Misconceptions Surrounding Manifestation

    Ancient Fertility Rituals

  • Confronting Judgment and Stigma: The Intersection of Spirituality and Experience

  • Exploring AI Influence and its Connection to Natural Networks


Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva and host of the “Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?” podcast. She’s an international speaker whose superpower is making esoteric tools accessible to a mainstream audience, teaching over 50k people meditation and manifesting.

Emily has spent the past three years creating Sacred Secret, a new movement informed by ancient wisdom and modern science to help you get exactly what you want in life, all by harnessing Embodied Manifesting tools and Emotional Alchemy.

Free masterclass on the science of Ziva Meditation: ⁠⁠

Follow Ziva on Instagram: ⁠⁠

Follow Emily Fletcher on Instagram: ⁠⁠


Emily Fletcher's Podcast:

Femme Ketamine Retreat:


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Feb 29, 202455:52
156: Relationship Power Trips + Grieving Old Love While in New Love with Starielle Hope

156: Relationship Power Trips + Grieving Old Love While in New Love with Starielle Hope

Relationship & Intimacy Coach Starielle Hope joins me to explore relationships as their own arena for growth. We share practices that you as an individual or you and your beloved can do to recognize + take accountability for your patterns around love.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Common mistakes people make in relationships + how to solve them

  • Reprogramming “the happy ever after” fantasy

  • Cultivating high-level relational skills to create soul-fulfilling connections

  • Taking self-responsibility for our own patterning and programming

  • Strategies to access your unconscious mind and create new belief systems

  • Using breath, sound, movement to regulate your nervous system and create healthy attachment patterns

  • Unconscious Power dynamics in a relationship -- How to identify them, how to resolve them

  • Reciprocity and dynamic polarity in committed relationship

  • Sex as a ceremony for transformation, healing + elevation of consciousness

  • Starielle’s personal journey of listening to her body to discern aligned relationships

  • Somatics/language of the physical body plus parts work to access the unconscious and bring into conscious awareness for behavioral shifts

  • Moving sexual energy through the body without penetration or sensation

  • How psychedelics can be helpful for couples -- especially for men not conditioned in this society to have a relationship with their emotions. 

  • Navigating grief while in a relationship -- new or long term.


Femme Ketamine Retreat:

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Starielle is a Relationship & Intimacy Coach who specializes in working with people who have been successful in their careers but have struggled to find that same level of success in their romantic and personal relationships. She guides them in clearing blocks to intimacy, revealing subconscious patterns that are keeping them from the sex & connections they want to experience, and develop the skills that will enable them to attract world-class partners. She also teaches Emotional Intelligence based Leadership to executive teams to help them work more efficiently and unlock maximum creative and productivity potential. She has a decade of experience studying somatic modalities, Internal Family Systems, sexuality, evolutionary psychology, communication techniques, masculine/feminine energy dynamics and tantra. She holistically teaches skills for deeper intimacy by addressing the emotional, physical, sexual, and spiritual planes to empower her clients to experience new depths of connection in their romantic relationships and broader communities.

Feb 16, 202458:04
155: Sensuality of 5 MEO DMT, the Tradition of Priestesses, + Being Your own Shaman with Flor Bollini

155: Sensuality of 5 MEO DMT, the Tradition of Priestesses, + Being Your own Shaman with Flor Bollini

Named The Corporate Shaman by Forbes Magazine, Flor Bollini is regarded as one of the trailblazers in the plant medicine world.

Flor joins me to share her Shamanic perspective in the work of psychedelics + sexuality and how we can discern for our own selves what feels right for us.

In this episode, you’ll hear: 

  • The convergence of ancient cultures in relation to psychedelics and sexuality

  • Flor's personal journey highlighting the symbiotic relationship between sexuality and psychedelics

  • The significance of understanding your sexual energy as a vital life force for overall well-being

  • Exploring the shadow aspects of sex and psychedelics, and the consequences of suppressing sexual energy

  • Contrasting underground movements with the current Psychedelic Renaissance, empowering individuals to connect with the divine

  • The synergy between chemical compounds and the soul of entheogens

  • Clinical ketamine therapy infused with ritualistic elements

  • Advocating for safety and approaching complex compounds with reverence

  • Embracing the role of being your own shaman and embarking on your hero's journey

  • Integrating psychedelic experiences and recognizing the potency of microdosing

  • Empowering women in the realm of medicine and honoring the Tradition of Priestesses

  • Serving others while on the healing path

  • Developing the ability to discern between intuition and fear through accessible techniques to enhance intuition


Flor Bollini. Pioneer, entrepreneur and medicine woman. Named The Corporate Shaman by Forbes Magazine, Flor is regarded as one of the trailblazers in the plant medicine world. With over a decade of experience pioneering her empathetic, feminine approach to serving and integrating psychoactive medicines, her methods have been adopted by the leaders in the space and have made Flor one of the most respected psycho-spiritual entrepreneurs in the world. Flor is the founder and CEO of NANA Health, first foundational platform for Psychedelic-Initiated Transformative Medicine. She’s also the co-founder of ReWire Therapeutics LTD, a UK biotechnology company that provides the first time released combination drug products in the psychedelic industry.


Vetting your practitioners for psychedelics:

Feb 01, 202455:39
154: Pleasure, Psychedelics for Queer BIPOC + Connecting to Ancestral Guides with Courtney Watson

154: Pleasure, Psychedelics for Queer BIPOC + Connecting to Ancestral Guides with Courtney Watson

In this episode with Courtney Watson, we talk about how psychedelics can be a powerful tool for personal exploration in identity, pleasure, + resilience.

She shares about her work with Queer BiPOC , as well as, practices + rituals to access inspiration from ancestral wisdom.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Building resilience strategies amidst complex trauma

  • Navigating the repercussions of the pandemic and reclaiming a connection to pleasure

  • Courtney's impactful work with Queer BiPOC 

  • How to create a sex-positive environment and educate children about pleasure

  • The significance of intersectionality in therapy, addressing unique challenges in sexual expression and healing

  • Empowering individuals to explore their sexual identities for greater self-acceptance

  • Broadening understanding about bisexuality and queerness beyond societal norms

  • The role of psychedelic therapy, particularly ketamine-assisted therapy, in sex therapy, with a focus on Queer + BIPOC

  • Unpacking the concept of energetic sex and embracing our fullest sexual selves through pleasure

  • Practices for connecting with ancestral guides and the wisdom they offer

  • Tapping into ancestral guidance to navigate sexuality and learn from familial patterns for healing and releasing shame.


The dynamic founder of Doorway Therapeutic Services, Courtney, is not just a highly qualified therapist but a passionate advocate for those she serves. Her love for her work is deeply intertwined with her dedication to serving marginalized communities, particularly Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Queer Folx, trans/gnc/non-binary/2 spirit Folx, those exploring non-traditional relationships, and sex workers.

Courtney’s passion lies in her service to her community and has led her to transform her solo practice into a group practice of predominantly Queer, BIPOC and TGNC providers offering their therapeutic expertise as a beacon of understanding and guidance to the community. Her goal is not just to help but to champion the healing journey of her clients and the professional development of her employees.

As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, she utilizes her rich educational background to work in tandem with breadth of knowledge that her lived experience provides. Academically speaking, she has a B.S. in Psychology from Xavier University of Louisiana (an HBCU), an M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy from UNLV, and an M.Ed. in Human Sexuality from Widener University and might finally be finishing her PhD studies in Human Sexuality this fall! Additionally she has trained with MAPS to provide MDMA Assisted Psychotherapy, CIIS to provide Psychedelic Assisted Therapy and Polaris Insight Center to provide Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy. As these medicines are rescheduled by the FDA and available to the public, Doorways will offer psychedelic therapy in addition to the current Ketamine offering now.

Jan 18, 202445:58
153: Shameless Sex + Psychedelics with April + Amy

153: Shameless Sex + Psychedelics with April + Amy

We are exploring my favorite topic + the focus on this show: Sex and Psychedelics.

Amy + April from Shameless Sex and I all play moderators as we muse on our personal explorations + discoveries in plant medicine + psychedelics. 

Some of these stories are beautiful + sweet, and some of them represent the darker, harder lessons we had to identify. Each of them is profound and valuable. Hopefully this talk inspires you, and if you need more support, I’ve created a guide for you.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The movement towards decriminalizing psilocybin and a focus on harm reduction

  • Safety considerations when combining psychedelics with sexual healing

  • A redefinition of the complexities surrounding "sex" and exploring how psychedelics can aid in this discovery

  • The supportive role of psychedelics in experiencing self-love and surrender on a profound, embodied level

  • Dr. Cat's personal journey as a sex therapist, integrating psychedelics into her professional practice

  • Exploring the erotic nature of psychedelics + Dr. Cat’s model: Erosynthesis

  • Personal Ayahuasca experiences shared by Cat, April, and Amy, along with the valuable lessons learned

  • The destigmatization of the natural ebbs and flows of eroticism, particularly during times of grief

  • Holistic integration of psychedelic experiences + talk therapy

  • Guidance and suggestions for individuals curious about working with psychedelics

  • A comprehensive look at safety considerations and tips for selecting the right facilitator for your psychedelic journey

  • The importance of preparation, integration, and building trust with your chosen journey companions

  • Mental health considerations that should be addressed before delving into the world of psychedelics

  • Exploring the potential for transformative and deeply connected self-exploration during solo psychedelic experiences

  • The differences between feminine and masculine facilitators in the psychedelic realm

  • The crucial role of establishing and maintaining boundaries to facilitate a deeper surrender into emotional depths for profound healing.


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Amy Baldwin is a sex educator and sex and relationship coach trained in both the Somatica and Hakomi Methods. Amy is also the lead educator for überlube, co-owner of a mother-daughter owned online pleasure boutique called Pure Pleasure Shop, and was voted Sexpert of the Year within the pleasure products industry.

April Lampert is co-owner and chief sales and partnerships officer of Hot Octopuss, an innovative and award-winning sex toy company. She was voted Woman of the Year in the pleasure products industry and has been educating people about sexual pleasure and sex toys at a global scale since 2008.

Together, Amy and April created the Shameless Sex podcast, inspiring radical self-love, sexual empowerment, and shame-free intimacy. Shameless Sex is known for its unabashed real talk about sexuality with a playful twist, and has been featured in mainstream media outlets such as Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Huffington Post, GQ, and Maxim, among other platforms.

Jan 04, 202401:01:44
152: Plant Medicines: Preconception + Pregnancy to Postpartum with Mikaela de la Myco

152: Plant Medicines: Preconception + Pregnancy to Postpartum with Mikaela de la Myco

Mikaela de la Myco has been a leading voice in this space connecting plant medicine for fertility, motherhood, + womb health.

For new moms + moms-to-be who are curious about entheogens… This episode will be for you. We dive into how plant medicine can support women during their pregnancy journey, and the key considerations to be mindful of along the journey. 

As a reminder, this is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare provider before pursuing any of the products discussed. I do not believe psychedelics are for everyone, please do the preparation + work necessary to care for yourself.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Microdosing Moms - How Entheogens Support Women Throughout Pregnancy

  • Consequences of the Birth Extraction Process in Western Practices

  • Entheogens Role within Postpartum and Mothers

  • Systemic Trauma and the Business of Birth: A Closer Look at Perpetuating Factors

  • Plant Medicine's Supportive Role in Pregnancy + Considerations for the Journey

  • The Mother's Role and Family Dynamics in the Psychedelic Space

  • Breastfeeding and Entheogens: Safety Considerations and Detection in Breast Milk

  • Clarifying Psilocybin Toxicity + Reproductive Risks

  • Ancestral Wisdom in MesoAmerican Traditions: Indigenous Rituals and Their Modern Relevance

  • Mushrooms for Hormone Balancing: Entheogens in Pregnancy Considerations

  • Mikaela's Personal Journey of a Mushroom Experience During the Third Trimester

  • Guidance on Responsible Psychedelic Exploration: Finding Trustworthy Guides and Leaders in the Field

  • And MORE!


Mikaela de la Myco comes from a blended ancestry.  Her peoples come from the hills of southern italy, the caribbean and the deserts and mountains of mexico. 

In her everyday life, she is a mother, an entheogen educator, a womb care practitioner and acts as a community ceremony facilitator in occupied Kumeyaay & Luiseno territory, also known as San Diego, CA.

She passionately serves all people in ancestral healing ways with special focus in serving creatives, families, bleeding people, folks within the birthing continuum and people navigating conscious contraception.

Mikaela organizes quarterly ceremonies so people can journey through the dark amenta to uncover ancestral messages, rewrite trauma wounds and make meaning with mushroom and other earth medicines.

Her platform, Mama de la Myco is a creative space at the intersection of medicine woman, psychedelic mother and sacred hoe.  Mikaela de la Myco has made the commitment to rematriate entheogens, do ma'at always and prove to the world that psychedelics are for families.

Her Survey for Mamas:


Sensual Awakening:

Dec 14, 202301:18:41
151: Psychedelic Supplementation with Shawn Wells

151: Psychedelic Supplementation with Shawn Wells

Today I’ve got Shawn Wells who is brilliant at mapping out how we can support our nervous systems, energy, brain, + cellular health from a supplement + biohackers perspective especially if we are journeying with psychedelics.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Key principles or practices that are essential for a balanced and sustainable approach to biohacking

  • Common pitfalls encountered by individuals in their pursuit of biohacking for optimal health and energy, along with strategies to avoid them

  • How psychedelic journeys can confront individuals with their deepest fears and traumas, and the ways in which biohacking, mindset, and nutrition can aid in this exploration

  • Guidance for individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts, including how to seek support and explore alternative healing methods like psychedelics in a safe manner

  • Distinguishing between evidence-based supplements and potentially risky or unproven products in the quest for optimal health and energy

  • Research on how the combination of psychedelics and therapy is contributing to mental health support

  • The significance of conducting ceremonies in conjunction with therapy.

  • Understanding the neurological toxicity of MDMA and identifying supplements to support the nervous system

  • The importance of cultivating a healthy nervous system before embarking on a psychedelic journey

  • Recommended supplements for optimal health before, during, and after a psychedelic journey

  • Shawn's top-recommended supplement for enhancing neural plasticity

  • Exploring psychedelic supplement stacks

  • Echo dosing techniques to prolong neural plasticity and enhance integration

  • Addressing mitochondrial health as a means of healing trauma in the body

  • Supplements that support the use of stimulants and hallucinogens.

  • Holistic approaches to healing trauma

  • Understanding the interaction between 5HTP and MDMA and the risks of serotonin toxicity


Shawn Wells, MPH, LDN, RD, CISSN, FISSN, stands at the forefront of nutritional biochemistry and supplement formulation, celebrated globally as "The World's Greatest Formulator." His expertise extends beyond crafting over 1000+ health products and holding more than 20+ groundbreaking patents; he is a pivotal thought leader in the realm of mental health and psychedelics, educating on the potential of psychopharmaceuticals worldwide.

Wells boasts a profound educational foundation with a Master's in Nutritional Biochemistry from UNC-Chapel Hill, complemented by a rich background in Business Administration and Exercise Science. As Biotrust Nutrition's former Chief Science Officer, he propelled the company to achieve a formidable $125MM in annual revenue, managing everything from R&D to regulatory affairs.

A seasoned entrepreneur, Wells has a hand in eight businesses and played a significant role in transactions exceeding $425 million, including the notable acquisition of Dymatize by Post Holdings. His business savvy, however, is matched by his commitment to mental wellness and the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, a topic on which he has become an authoritative voice. Recently, he's taken his message to the international stage, keynoting in Poland and Estonia for MindValley, emphasizing the importance of mental health and education in psychedelics.

With resources available through his Zone Halo Research and his personal website, Wells is an inexhaustible source of knowledge for those seeking to improve their well-being. His ongoing contributions to the discourse on mental health and the safe use of psychedelics for therapeutic purposes are recognized and respected worldwide.

Shawn's Free Before During and After Psychopharmacology Guide

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Sex Love Yoga Retreat Waitlist

Nov 30, 202301:09:23
150: Legal Psychedelic Retreats + the Uniqueness of Facilitating in Partnership with Austin Mao + Chuchu Wang

150: Legal Psychedelic Retreats + the Uniqueness of Facilitating in Partnership with Austin Mao + Chuchu Wang

Co-founders of Ceremonia, a non profit psychedelic church, Austin Mao + Chuchu join me in this epic conversation. We explore the need for structure and discernment in finding the right guides for your journey.

We emphasize the importance of preparation and integration in these deep journeys, offering valuable insights into the path of healing and growth.

I really enjoyed dropping in with these two and I’m stoked to share our conversation with you.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The origins of Ceremonia, a non-profit psychedelic church

  • The legal formalities in hosting + participating in a psychedelic retreat 

  • Behind the scenes of running a non-profit

  • The importance of preparation and integration in the context of psychedelic retreats

  • Balancing spiritual growth and bypassing during a psychedelic journey

  • The complexities of integrating psychedelic experiences and the likelihood to uncover unresolved emotional issues

  • Navigating the potential pitfalls of spiritual bypassing

  • How Chuchu and Austin’s partnership enhances the facilitation process and the overall experience

  • What signs to look for when vetting a facilitator or ceremony space

  • Advice for individuals who are considering participating in a psychedelic retreat for the first time, and what should they look for in a reputable and safe retreat center

    And more!


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Austin Mao is an entrepreneur, author, poet, and keynote speaker on the intersection of science and spirituality, psychology and shamanism.

He is a co-founder of Ceremonia, a non-profit psychedelic church facilitating change makers and creators through what 96% of alumni share as the most profound experience of their lives. He has guided more than 400 founders including Fortune 500 executives, Silicon Valley Unicorn founders, and major blockchain leaders through their transformation towards living a life of inspired creativity, purpose, and peace.

Austin Mao shares a process of “Modern Enlightenment”–a path to Awaken, Heal, and Manifest–that is informed by the most advanced technologies of psychotherapy and neuroscience combined with ancient shamanistic wisdom and spiritual traditions. He shares a range of direct experience with some of the most prominent business leaders of the modern world, helping them harness their inner power to create greater impact through love and inspired creation.

Chuchu is a transformative guide in the realms of psychedelic integration and relationship coaching, has brought love, inner connection, and improved relationships to visionary leaders from TED, ETH,, Alibaba, and more. With expertise in Plant Medicine/Psychedelics, IFS, Gestalt therapy, Tantra, Shamanism, and ancient spiritual wisdom, Chuchu co-founded Ceremonia—a non-profit psychedelic church in Colorado. Through Ceremonia's endurable transformational programs, they seamlessly integrate the most proven technologies of psychotherapy, neuroscience, and plant medicine, combined with ancient shamanistic wisdom. Chuchu is also a lover, artist, designer, and dancer who passionately creates beauty in spaces, experiences, and fashion. Having overcome numerous adversities, starting businesses from a young age, and embodying values of love, freedom, and service, Chuchu's mission is to empower individuals, helping them discover their inner power and ability to create. Chuchu's core values encompass love, freedom, and service, with a mission to embody these principles and scale their impactful work, with Ceremonia as a platform, Chuchu continues to scale their impactful work, transforming lives with the power of love, service, and remembrance.

IG: Website: 

City: Denver, CO / Los Angeles, CA

Oct 19, 202349:07
149: BIPOC Sexuality, Tenderness, + the Impact of being Chronically Under Touched with Aaron Johnson

149: BIPOC Sexuality, Tenderness, + the Impact of being Chronically Under Touched with Aaron Johnson

Today we dive into topics that are sensitive + complex in nature- discussing the black male brute archetype, how it came about + perpetuates across history and how it impacts sexual expression, tenderness, + platonic touch for men.

THIS episode depicts the impact  to us + the culture at large when we don’t take the time to understand nuance. 

Let’s change the cultural narrative by inspiring conversation. If you resonate with this episode be sure to share the podcast or leave me a review. 

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The contextual factors that influence the processing of trauma, including aspects like race, gender, location, and ability

  • The pervasive influence of systemic racism, gender expectations, and societal biases that hinder safe expression and emotional completeness

  • Aaron's personal journey, navigating the layers of his sexual story as a Black male in the United States

  • The exploration of our familial legacies, uncovering the unconscious narratives we inherit and continue to carry

  • The damaging impact of the "black brute" narrative on our sexuality and our experience of touch

  • How systemic oppression has limited access to touch for BIPOC individuals

  • The value of community as a resource to reconnect with our authentic selves

  • The absence of tenderness and platonic touch within the Black community

  • Common narratives that emerge in Aaron's work and the influence of homophobia

  • Tracing trauma through various mediums, including pornography and music, and the importance of vulnerability and embracing our full humanity in our erotic experiences

  • The construction of traditional masculinity and the factors that threaten this identity

  • Embodied consent practices in the context of tender touch, exploring what is often missed and nuanced

  • The supportive role of the kink community for those who have been chronically untouched


AARON JOHNSON is a facilitator, public speaker, and touch specialist who practices closeness as a way to break down barriers between people. As co-founder of both Holistic Resistance and Grief to Action, Aaron takes the time to hold the stories of black people around homophobia, transphobia, internalized racism, and those that are Chronically UnderTouched. Because the purchasing, selling, lynching, and commoditization of the sexual energy of black bodies is a part of historical and present American culture, the long term impact of those trauma stories should be acknowledged and held as a map for our collective healing.

Stay Connected with Aaron:


My 4-week course, ALCHEMY, is now open for enrollment. Sex Love Psychedelics: Alchemy is a four-week LIVE course, taking you through the experience of sex as psychedelic with teachings in tantra, embodiment, + BDSM.  Join here. ⁠

Sep 28, 202353:15
148: Quickie: Negotiating for Threesomes + Sex Fantasies

148: Quickie: Negotiating for Threesomes + Sex Fantasies

Have different desires than your lover? Does this mean that you're not compatible? Does this mean you can’t have the sex life that we desire? 

Worry not, my lovers. I really believe in the power of all of us having the sex life of our dreams. ....And I also understand how threatening it can feel when our partner doesn't have the same desires that we do… Tune into this ep to hear the strategies for negotiating for threesomes and sex fantasies.


  • The dynamics that emerge when your partner's desires differ from yours
  • The delicate art of negotiation to co-create meaningful experiences
  • Navigating the nuances of negotiation in scenarios involving threesomes or moresomes
  • The various internal aspects of ourselves, each with its own beliefs and feelings
  • Collaborating on plans independently of your partner's expectations
  • The vulnerability required to express your desires, boundaries, needs, and fantasies
  • Strategies for fostering a satisfying sex life that resonates with both partners
  • A deep dive into the Wheel of Consent, distinguishing between allowing and receiving
  • The fear that can arise in relationships when conflicting desires or unconventional preferences emerge
  • Dr. Cat's guide on the Yes, No, Maybe framework
  • A tantalizing look into the upcoming course exploring Tantra and BDSM: Alchemy
  • A discussion on the collective trauma surrounding women's sexuality being reduced to entertainment
  • Introducing a "play lab" with your partner, setting aside 20-30 minutes to explore new experiences
  • And much more!


Sep 22, 202334:16
147: Tantric BDSM + Play Parties as Catalysts for Evolution with Yossef Sagi

147: Tantric BDSM + Play Parties as Catalysts for Evolution with Yossef Sagi

The maestro of play party ceremonies, Yossef Sagi joins me to share about the healing + evolution that occurs in the nuance of love, of sex. Tantra and BDSM help us discover our personal patterns, desires, + fantasies.

Starting the first week of October, Yossef will be one of my guest teachers for my course: Sex Love Psychedelics: Alchemy. In this episode you’ll see these ways that we apply spiritual theory into practical applications.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Maintaining integrity in the fields of sex work and sexual education: Strategies for safeguarding work and energy
  • Trust in relationships: Identifying the physical cues
  • How sex and psychedelics serve as tools for self-discovery and shifting perspectives
  • The intersection of BD.SM and consciousness: How play scenes impact your daily life
  • Yossef's journey of s.xual awakening and non-genital orgasmic experiences
  • Navigating “non-alignment: versus Alignment and Utilizing Depression as a Catalyst for Life Direction
  • Inside play parties and group s.x: A glimpse into The Mystery Temple
  • Conversations on consent, boundaries, violations, and addressing misconceptions
  • Partners in exploration: Tackling common challenges in play parties
  • Curious about conscious group play? Here's some advice to get started
  • + MORE


Yossef Sagi

A curious mystic at heart, Yossef is on a mission to create a permission field for all beings to feel loved and accepted in their full expression. The focus of Yossef’s work is through the complex lens of human sexuality. This starts with deconstructing the causes of sexual shame and creating space for the exploration of our truest desires while maintaining healthy boundaries. 

Yossef employs a wide variety of modalities (coaching, somatics, Tantra, BDSM, consent frameworks, and sex education) and shape-shifts between them to create unique experiences that pierce straight to the soul. 

Yossef (AKA Daddy Magick) hosts Mystery Temple - a personal development workshop disguised as Los Angeles’ fastest growing conscious sex party; facilitates sacred sexuality and consent workshops at festivals and conventions; and works with individuals and couples on healing their relationship to their eros.

IG: @yossefsagi


Check out my experience from 2023 Burningman with reference to the Eleusinian Mysteries here: 

My 4-week course, ALCHEMY, is now open for enrollment. Sex Love Psychedelics: Alchemy is a four-week LIVE course, taking you through the experience of sex as psychedelic with teachings in tantra, embodiment, + BDSM.  Join here.

Sep 15, 202301:06:06
146: Couples and Ketamine: The Healing Link?

146: Couples and Ketamine: The Healing Link?

I'm here to debunk myths about ketamine and reveal its healing potential within couples' therapy. This episode offers a peek into what it's really like to work with me in a couples’ session, guiding you through the full journey's arc – from preparation to integration. It's more than just the dose; it's a holistic experience.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Dr. Cat's personal experience with ketamine

  • The role of ketamine in nurturing closeness among couples and its capacity to heighten empathy

  • A look into a psychedelic assisted therapy ketamine session designed for couples

  • The significance of preparation, integration, and rituals that lend coherence to the transformative voyage

  • The arc of the session - offering a comprehensive transformation

  • Defining your “why” and setting intentions as a compass to guide your journey

  • The importance of vetting facilitators to ensure their energy aligns with your intentions

  • Testing for fentanyl contamination in powdered substances

  • Choosing the right setting:  private ketamine assisted therapy, group therapy, and ketamine clinics for a tailored experience

  • The lasting changes ketamine can bring when guided by a therapist.

  • Dr. Cat's upcoming couples and femme-focused ketamine retreats in 2024

  • How generational trauma shapes our capacity to embrace love and profound intimacy

  • discernment skills to distinguish between healthy and toxic relationships, fostering emotional well-being

  • Stigmas surrounding ketamine, recognizing its potential to foster intimacy and redefine the scope of therapy – embracing ceremony, celebration, and sensuality.


Dr. Cat Meyer, PsyD, LMFT is a licensed psychotherapist specializing in sex, trauma, and ketamine-assisted therapy, author, yoga teacher, and international speaker dedicated to evolving the relationship we have surrounding sexuality and our bodies.  She is the host of podcast Sex Love Psychedelics and the founder of an online platform for education and programs on relationships, sexuality, and embodiment.



Upcoming 2024 couples and femme-only ketamine retreats hosted by yours truly. If you're ready to embrace profound transformation alongside your partner, join the waitlist!

FREE guide for vetting your psychedelic practitioner: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Let’s not speed up the process + skip over the very real + important fact around who is facilitating for you. Vetting who you are working with supports your safety + deepest surrender for healing. I’ve created a guide for you with questions to ask yourself + your facilitator, whether that be in the sex or psychedelics space.

Aug 17, 202333:15
145: Energetic Love Making + Sex while Grieving with Bibi Brzozka

145: Energetic Love Making + Sex while Grieving with Bibi Brzozka

Energetic lovemaking guide + Sex and Relationship coach Bibi Brzoka joins me explore the concept of energy + how it affects our body, our love, + even the vibrance on our life. My life changed when I realized that sex was energy. No longer was it just this experience of friction between body parts, but that we could penetrate with the invisible, yet palpable extension of energy.

There’s some juicy energetic practices + practical tips within this conversation. All of which highlight truly how sex IS psychedelic.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Bibi's inspiring journey of leaving the corporate world and embracing her sensuality, ultimately transforming her sex life.
  • Expressing your eroticism and breaking free from the need for external approval.
  • Full body orgasms and Bibi’s sexual awakening.
  • How to prioritize pleasure practices even amidst a busy schedule.
  • The essential "must-haves" for cultivating skills in energetic love making.
  • How to circulate your turn-on throughout your entire body, unlocking the potential for an extraordinary sexual experience.
  • The psychedelic dimensions of sex and the journey towards becoming orgasmic.
  • How to inspire your partner towards slowing down, altering the flow, or changing the style of sex through effective communication
  • Dr. Cat's personal experience with energetic love making, offering unique insights.
  • Power struggle between two people in sex - How can we avoid it?
  • The common ways that sexual energy or vibrancy can leak and learn how to reclaim and maintain your vitality.
  • The intersection of grief, sexuality, and the journey towards finding softness and healing amidst the process.

Bibi also answers our audience's questions:

  • What can I do if my guy can’t kiss?

  • I’m trying to do a regular masturbation practice, but I get bored after a few minutes. help!


Bibi is VITA certified Love, Sex and Relationship coach, holistic sexuality international speaker and energetic lovemaking guide. She has presented her trailblazing, disruptive approach to sexuality throughout the world; including events like Mindvalley Summit and A-Fest, Summit LA, YPO and EO forums, and publications like Vogue, Elle Magazine and Marie Claire. Her heart-opening and taboo-crushing courses create spaces for conversation and plant seeds for exploration of conscious sexuality. Through her offerings of online courses, group workshops, speaking engagements, lectures and one on one work, in both English and Spanish, she serves clients from around the world in their transformation to both thriving single individuals and loving couples. In her free time she kites surfs, reads books and explores the world.



FREE guide for vetting your psychedelic practitioner: ⁠⁠⁠

Let’s not speed up the process + skip over the very real + important fact around who is facilitating for you. Vetting who you are working with supports your safety + deepest surrender for healing. I’ve created a guide for you with questions to ask yourself + your facilitator, whether that be in the sex or psychedelics space.

Jul 20, 202354:09
144: Psychedelics as a Healing Tool for Sexual Assault Survivors with Melissa Barker

144: Psychedelics as a Healing Tool for Sexual Assault Survivors with Melissa Barker

Dr. Melissa Barker is an advocate for psychedelics + the improvement of protocols for complex PTSD. In this episode, you’ll hear our personal experiences with trauma, therapy + how psychedelics helped. 

If you have a loved one experiencing the pain of trauma + sexual assault, perhaps this will provide the words they need to hear.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The embodied practices that can support a trauma survivor
  • How the word “trauma” can become an excuse to remain disempowered
  • Pop psychology + the cultural blocks that get in the way of people being able to receive the help they need
  • The Phoenix Project - A free community with resources for integration tips, self-healing topics + psychedelic integration
  • The difference between PTSD + Complex-PTSD
  • How psychedelics have the potential to transform our understanding of trauma processing
  • Melissa’s personal experience with MDMA + ketamine for processing trauma
  • Healing from narcissistic exes + cultivating internal safety
  • Psilocybin is a tool to create a deeper relationship with the self
  • Hypervigilance + processing the trauma after a breakup
  • Taking responsibility for our healing and not outsourcing it to others
  • Trauma survivors processing enmeshment and losing the sense of self
  • Pearls of wisdom for trauma survivors to help understand themselves


“Trauma is not the monster in the room. Trauma is the catalyst to growth and inner transformation.” – Dr. Melissa Barker

Dr. Melissa Barker, EdD is an entrepreneur, activist, and emerging voice in the growing psychedelics movement. Dr. Barker is the founder of The Phoenix Project, a community-led mental health tech platform created by survivors for survivors.

Dr. Barker holds a doctorate in Transformative Leadership. Her doctoral dissertation (Leading Through the Dark: Hope and Healing after Personal and Collective Trauma) focuses on how trauma survivors are finding sustainable healing, especially in the shadow of the pandemic. 

From 2018 to 2019, she served on the Board of Directors for STAND! For Families Free of Violence, a Bay-area nonprofit supporting survivors of domestic abuse.

In 2014, Dr. Barker filed a Title IX Civil Rights case against UC Berkeley for mishandling sexual violence cases on the college campus. In total, 31 brave survivors came forward, and four years later, the Office of Civil Rights found UC Berkeley had violated Title IX.

Dr. Barker’s personal experience of sexual violence and her resulting PTSD diagnosis led her to explore such modalities as somatic therapy, IFS, and mindfulness-based psychotherapy. She eventually discovered the incredible therapeutic power of psychedelics and began implementing them to integrate her trauma.

Her experiences with ketamine, MDMA/MDA, psilocybin, and LSD (alongside her work helping other survivors) spurred her into a deeper understanding of what healing from sexual trauma, abuse and violence means for women, particularly in today’s current climate.

She is now in the process of developing a new iteration of The Phoenix Project that utilizes revolutionary tech to support psychedelic integration for trauma survivors and to connect them with the community and resources they need.

Dr. Barker has been featured in HuffPost, Forbes, Nasdaq, and as one of Thrive Global’s “Social Impact and Nonprofit Leaders to Watch”. She’s been interviewed on Third Wave and Only One in the Room podcasts. She was a featured Mentor on the psychedelics track at SXSW in 2023.



Guide for vetting your psychedelic practitioner: ⁠

Join me for an erotic couples retreat where you and your beloved explore the sacred arts of tantra and BDSM and unlock its synergistic power in the bedroom and beyond... Love + Leather: ⁠

Jul 06, 202358:18
143: Creating Security in Non-monogamous Relationships + Being Friends with Your Partner’s Lover with Irene Morning

143: Creating Security in Non-monogamous Relationships + Being Friends with Your Partner’s Lover with Irene Morning

Whether you're in a non-monogamous relationship, or if you’re just curious, this episode is for you. Irene Morning, MS (she/her) is a somatic pleasure coach, intimacy educator, and bestselling author of The Polyamory Paradox: Finding Your Confidence in Consensual Non-Monogamy. 

We get into the nuances of non-monogamous relating and how you can support yourself + your loves with compassion + care.


In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Creating security in non-monogamous relationships
  • Irene’s inspiration and process for writing her book, The Polyamory Paradox
  • Vetting non-monogamous therapists and support 
  • Developmental trauma and non-traditional relationships
  • Fawning; how to tell the difference between self-betrayal and leaning into an edge
  • The Window of Tolerance, dysregulation + Examples of self resourcing
  • Navigating New Relationship Energy - How to support the relationship at the beginning of another one
  • Taking the right amount of responsibility - Not over and not under
  • Regulating your nervous system to cultivate higher discernment 
  • Leaning into vulnerability by expressing your requests + desires
  • Relationships with your Partner’s metamour -- their partner -- kitchen table relationship
  • Regular relationship check-ins to deepen the connection

Irene even answers some questions directly from our audience:

  • I feel pressured to be friends with my partner's partner, advice?
  • Do “don’t ask, don’t tell” relationships work?


Irene Morning, MS (she/her) is a somatic pleasure coach, intimacy educator, and bestselling author of The Polyamory Paradox: Finding Your Confidence in Consensual Non-Monogamy. She weaves together extensive training in somatic healing and sexual health counseling with her lived experience of being queer, kinky, and polyamorous to help others create relationships that fulfill their unique desires and needs. In addition to her private coaching practice and writing, Irene is the founder and creator of Pleasure Coven (an ongoing group program for femmes reclaiming pleasure) as well as Vice President / Managing Director of Curiosity Bears (a sex-positive events community-based in Southern California). Both her work and personal life revolve around the belief that centering our own pleasure is not only healing on an individual level but also in service of interdependence and collective well-being.

Book (The Polyamory Paradox: Finding Your Confidence in Consensual Non-Monogamy):





Join me for an erotic couples retreat where you and your beloved explore the sacred arts of tantra and BDSM and unlock its synergistic power in the bedroom and beyond... Love + Leather:

Jun 08, 202351:31
142: Consciousness in Capitalism, Sexual Shadows, + the Business of Beckley Psychedelic Retreats with Sylvia Benito

142: Consciousness in Capitalism, Sexual Shadows, + the Business of Beckley Psychedelic Retreats with Sylvia Benito

Indigenously trained shaman, CFA charterholder, + chief investment officer for a billion-dollar portfolio, Sylvia Benito joins me to connect the consciousness to capital.

We dive into psychedelic tourism and some of the questions + considerations we need to have as we both build out psychedelic companies, but also change the relationships we have with money (and sex) for ourselves. ...It's juicy. You'll love it.

In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • The difference between an independent psychedelic experience and an experience within the retreat setting
  • Beckley Retreats' comprehensive program for psychedelic-based wellbeing Benefits of psychedelic retreats & ceremonies versus taking yourself on your own journey
  • Psychedelic tourism -growing trend as psychedelics hit the mainstream
  • Retreats that are rooted in integrity - How to spot them?
  • Prepping the psychedelic experience with proper consent
  • Importance of the number of facilitators that can attend to you
  • Support the individuals while balancing the cultural pressure to make more money
  • Conscious capital + bringing in the shamanic path as inspiration for capital decisions
  • Sylvia’s alternative investment paradigm + the role of psychedelics
  • The future of wellness travel and conscious business
  • Connection of financial and sexual empowerment + personal power
  • The process of discernment + guidelines to attract safe sexual partners
  • Ceremonial intimacy + deepened sexuality


Sylvia Benito connects consciousness to capital.  An indigenously trained shaman, a CFA charterholder, and Chief Investment Officer for a billion-dollar portfolio, Sylvia is known as a master of the energetic realm.  Her passion is to connect spiritual awakening to the most mundane aspects of life, to take these insights into the high-stakes boardroom and into everyday life.  Today she manages investments for family offices and continues to practice as a shaman, building bridges between the material and the mystical. 


Vetting Your Sex or Psychedelics Facilitator:


If you’ve been desiring to experience orgasm for yourself, embody the archetype of the seductress, reach transcendent states in sex, + develop a deep devotion to your own body + inner landscape-- My 6 week Erotically Undone course is for you. Good sex + cultivating those skills takes time + devotion. Take this course at your own pace.

May 25, 202359:44
141: Microdosing Guides, Amplifying Herbs, + Psychedelic Coaching with Paul Austin

141: Microdosing Guides, Amplifying Herbs, + Psychedelic Coaching with Paul Austin

Microdosing. It’s hot. It’s trendy. You might hear that you neighbor or daughter started doing it. But what is it good for + how do we do it in the most effective way? 

Paul Austin, one of the most prominent voices in the world of psychedelics joins me on the show to cover our microdosing foundations. Paul is the founder of Third Wave + author of Mastering Microdosing: How to Use Sub Perceptual Psychedelics to Heal Trauma, Improve Performance, and Transform Your Life.

If you’re passionate about psychedelics, you’ll want to save this one, pause, play back, take notes, + leave me a sexy review. I just know it.

In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • Paul’s life work: Safe and effective psychedelic experiences

  • Microdosing Collective - What exactly constitutes a microdose?

  • Different protocols for microdosing  + microdosing beyond LSD + Psilocybin

  • The benefits for following a microdosing protocol

  • How to cultivate the skill of working with psychedelics 

  • Common mistakes people make in doing this practice

  • Non psychedelic contemplative modalities for ongoing spiritual hygiene

  • Learning the language of psychedelics: Mythos, poetry, archetypes and symbols

  • The importance of a trusted therapist, coach or community to help you integrate

  • A look inside the Third Wave Coaching Training Program

  • Psychedelic facilitators, coaches, therapists - Vetting process 

Paul also answers questions for our Sex Love Yoga audience:

  • Are there any herbs that amplify the psilocybin experience?

  • I get a terrible stomach ache when I do mushrooms or acid, any tips?

  • I love MDMA, but I feel depressed the two days after. Is there something that can support this?

Links from the show:

Sex Love Psychedelics Course:

Sex + Psychedelics survey link

Guide for vetting your psychedelic practitioner:

Paul’s new book:


Paul F. Austin is one of the most prominent voices in the world of psychedelics. 

As the founder of Third Wave, he has educated millions on the importance of safe and effective psychedelic experiences. A pioneer at the intersection of microdosing, personal transformation, and professional success, he has been featured in Forbes, Rolling Stone, and the BBC's Worklife. 

Paul helps others use microdosing as a tool for professional development and increased self-awareness by treating the use of psychedelics as a skill refined through mentorship and courageous exploration.

He is also the author of Mastering Microdosing: How to Use Sub Perceptual Psychedelics to Heal Trauma, Improve Performance, and Transform Your Life

Apr 27, 202358:27
140: Natural Boner Growth, Low Testosterone Levels + Improving the Taste of Semen with Jackson Hightower

140: Natural Boner Growth, Low Testosterone Levels + Improving the Taste of Semen with Jackson Hightower

Can you make your cock bigger naturally?

That’s one of the questions Jackson Hightower and I get to answer in this new episode. Jackson Hightower is a biohacker and men’s sexual health expert + founder of Natural Jackson--providing natural solutions for men’s sexual vitality.

But even more than that, we talk about the cultural pressure around what it means to be masculine, who gets to be it, + what changing levels of testosterone are affecting the health + functioning of men, and what we can do about it.


In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Male vitality depletion + low testosterone through environmental factors
  • What constitutes and symptoms of low testosterone levels
  • The role of Testosterone in mental + sexual Health
  • The evolutionary standpoint of the gender spectrum
  • Pharma versus DIY + natural solutions for men’s sexual health
  • The somatic responses as a result of our unprocessed emotions
  • Depressurizing the sexual experience + skill of pleasuring women
  • Research of regional solutions for sexual function using plants + herbs
  • Pressures in our culture around the genitalia, especially for men around the bigness of their cock
  • “Growers” versus “showers”
  • Can you make your cock bigger naturally?
  • Non-ejaculatory practices to connect to your genitalia
  • Porn and its negative side effects, both physiologically and as a poor teacher of skills

Jackson even answers questions from our Sex Love Yoga audience

  • I hate swallowing because it just tastes weird, anything my dude can eat or do to make that better?


Jackson Hightower is a biohacker and expert in men's sexual health who has dedicated his life to helping men become more physically vital and skilled lovers. With a focus on physical wellness coupled with a deep study of the erotic arts, Hightower aims to redefine traditional models of masculinity and promote a more holistic and fulfilling approach to male sexuality. Through his work, he helps men develop the physical and mental tools necessary to enhance their health and sexual experiences, build deeper connections with their partners, and achieve greater levels of personal fulfillment. With his cutting-edge techniques and holistic approach to sexual wellness, Jackson has helped countless men achieve greater physical and emotional satisfaction in their intimate lives.

@getnaturaljackson on Tiktok + Instagram



Natural Jackson is a unique line of completely natural herbal supplements that are specially designed for modern men. The line is based on ancient formulas and provides a safe and effective way for men to enhance their sexual function or alleviate all types of sexual dysfunction. These supplements use the power of natural herbs to improve blood flow, increase libido, and enhance overall sexual performance. With Natural Jackson, men can experience the benefits of an all-natural supplement that is safe, effective, and free from harmful side effects. Whether you are looking to boost your sexual performance or overcome sexual dysfunction, Natural Jackson is the perfect solution to help you achieve your goals.



My 4-week course for Sex Love Psychedelics: Ritual is NOW OPEN for enrollment. 

Each class is LIVE as I guide you into a potent space for exploration + discovery. I will show you how you can transform sex from being something on your to-do list to being an experience for expansion both in your sex + self.

We get into the pleasure mechanics around sex, how you can incorporate more playfulness in the bedroom, harm reduction practices for psychedelics, sexual rituals, + sensual journeys in sex. 

So if you’ve been feeling that your sex life could be so much more, I agree. and I want to share this with you. ⁠⁠

Apr 13, 202353:02
139: Sex Priestess + the Modern Tantric Path with Nadine Lee

139: Sex Priestess + the Modern Tantric Path with Nadine Lee

Nadine Lee, founder of Tantric Alchemy + the newly released book Sex Priestess is a badass + embodies the modern experience of the tantric life. 

Where some of the ancient practices can feel far beyond us, or like we really need to be in an ashram or monk life to live out, Nadine shares about the integration of her inner experiences + the external happenings in a way that is beautiful + accessible.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The vulnerable journey of launching Nadine’s new book: Sex Priestess

  • Tantric path of being a sex priestess + integrating all aspects of ourselves

  • The hero’s journey + the responsibility to share our story

  • Identifying where we have resistance as a key for unlocking dormant parts of our own selves

  • Archetypes and the use of elements as a tool for personal exploration 

  • Spiritual lingo + finding our own truth rather than regurgitation

  • Concept of conscious relationships - and the illusion that someone is conscious 

  • Healing the father wound to find inner union

  • How relationships can catalyze our personal work

  • Getting caught up in “doing the work” and forgetting to live

  • Sex with partners who are not on the tantric path - what is this like for you? Do you?

  • The attraction towards particular humans for the alchemy of what they inspire + draw out of us -- for our personal growth


Nadine Lee is a teacher of the feminine tantric arts, feminine embodiment coach, devoted lover and sexual liberator. She is the founder of Tantric Alchemy, a platform and community devoted to supporting your rebirth into the woman you came here to be. She has helped thousands of women over the past 15 years to heal sexual trauma and ignite the erotic fire within, and to channel that creative force into their highest creative, feminine and sexual expression. She offers private mentorships, online programs and in-person workshops and retreats across the world.


My 4 week course for Sex Love Psychedelics: Ritual is NOW OPEN for enrollment.

Each class is LIVE as I guide you into a potent space for exploration + discovery. I will show you how you can transform sex from being something on your to-do list, to being an experience for expansion both in your sex + self.

We get into the pleasure mechanics around sex, how you can incorporate more playfulness in the bedroom, harm reduction practices for psychedelics, sexual rituals, + sensual journeys in sex. 

So if you’ve been feeling that your sex life could be so much more, I agree. and I want to share this with you.

Mar 30, 202351:01
138: Psychedelics,  Resurfacing Trauma, + Healing through Community with Lauren Taus

138: Psychedelics, Resurfacing Trauma, + Healing through Community with Lauren Taus

What happens when someone takes psychedelics + they experience painful memories or an overload of emotion + thoughts that they aren’t equipped to handle by themselves?

Lauren Taus, psychedelics assisted therapist, educator, advocate + founder of In-bodied life, joins me to dive into the relationship of psychedelics + trauma. 

We get deep into some conversations about how psychedelics effect on our brain + body, which substances do we see as having a greater effect in working with trauma, what resources help support someone going through the healing work + much more. 

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The clinical perspective on “trauma” - (What happens to a person after the happening)

  • Layers + variations of forms of trauma that exist (Individual, generational + systemic)

  • How psychedelics heal trauma stored in the body

  • The impact of psychedelics on our nervous system

  • Navigating “bad trips” + reframing to ultimately be generative for our growth

  • The potency of preparation, supportive relationships + love

  • How can someone support themselves when trauma spontaneously resurfaces?

  • What does integration look like for individuals who experience new memories or traumas unlocked by the psychedelics? 

  • Spiritually bypassing versus doing “the work” from a spiritual lens

  • Honoring our traditions, ritual + ceremony from a place of authenticity 

  • Navigating the cultural appropriation of indigenous practices + healing our ancestral shame

  • Systemic trauma for the communities of color + how to become stronger allies


Lauren Taus is a psychedelic assisted therapist, educator and activist. Lauren is the Founder of INbodied Life, the co-Founder of the Psychedelic Coalition for Health, and a clinical advisor to Journey Clinical. Lauren runs a small group, psychotherapy practice in Los Angeles and leads immersive, experiential trainings for providers to learn psychedelic assisted therapy and integration. Lauren’s deepest wish is to see wake people up to the wonders of life, and in doing so, create more systems change agents. Personal liberation supports the needed collective shift.




In just a couple of weeks I will be opening enrollment for my 4 week course for sex love psychedelics: ritual.

Each class is LIVE as I guide you into a potent space for exploration + discovery. I will show you how you can transform sex from being something on your to-do list, to being an experience for expansion both in your sex + self.

We get into the pleasure mechanics around sex, how you can incorporate more playfulness in the bedroom, harm reduction practices for psychedelics, sexual rituals, + sensual journeys in sex. 

So if you’ve been feeling that your sex life could be so much more, I agree. and I want to share this with you.

Mar 23, 202344:17
137: Autoimmune, Trauma’s Effect On Hormones + How To Fix Your Cycle with Dr Jolene Brighten

137: Autoimmune, Trauma’s Effect On Hormones + How To Fix Your Cycle with Dr Jolene Brighten

Board certified naturopathic endocrinologist, trained clinical sexologist and author of the new book “Is This Normal?” Dr. Jolene Brighten joins me to breakdown all the complex questions that come with sex, hormones and PMS.

You’ll hear Dr. Jolene addresses some of what our culture has adopted as normal + the underlying hormone imbalances that may be causing it. We even get into the issue of vaginal dryness, what causes it + how we can support our bodies' natural production again.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Laughter’s role in activating the vagus nerve
  • The connection between the nervous system, sexual desire + hormone health
  • Generational trauma's influence on our cortisol levels and PMS symptoms
  • “Normal” symptoms of PMS + symptoms that would suggest there’s an imbalance
  • Signs that our hormones are “not normal”
  • Cycle tracking and optimizing your menstrual period
  • The lifestyle factors to promote optimal hormone health - Eat, Play, Sex
  • The impact of endocrine disruptors on our hormones
  • A look inside of Jolene’s book, “Is This Normal”
  • How sex changes for women throughout their cycle
  • How do you know if we have an autoimmune disease? How does autoimmune disease relate to sexual desire?
  • Can orgasms strengthen our immune system?
  • Vaginal dryness and the science of lubrication


Dr. Jolene Brighten NMD, is a hormone expert, nutrition scientist, and thought leader in

women’s medicine. She is board certified in naturopathic endocrinology and trained in

clinical sexology. Dr. Brighten is the author of Is This Normal, a non-judgemental guide

to creating hormone balance, eliminating unwanted symptoms, and building the sexual

desire you crave. A fierce patient advocate and completely dedicated to uncovering the

root cause of hormonal imbalances, Dr. Brighten empowers women worldwide to take

control of their health and their hormones through her website and social medical

channels. Dr. Brighten is an international speaker, clinical educator, and medical advisor

within the tech community.

Book Bonuses Gifts:

Dr. Brighten’s website:

Dr. Brighten’s social handles on Instagram, Tiktok, and Youtube are @drjolenebrighten


Sex Love Psychedelics Course:

Couples Retreat:

Mar 16, 202358:06
136: BDSM for Spiritual Transcendence, Embodying Power, + Managing Public Projections with Colette Pervette

136: BDSM for Spiritual Transcendence, Embodying Power, + Managing Public Projections with Colette Pervette

Professional dominatrix Colette Pervette joins me to look at BDSM as a microcosm of the macro culture + our lives, and how you can find transformation with the intentional embracing of power roles, toys, tools, scenes--whether that’s with a partner or with a professional dom.

I’ve brought many experts on to talk about BDSM, but this episode is hands down my favorite. Probably because Colette has such a brilliant + academically inclined mind, as well as, someone who is deeply devoted to spirituality + alchemy.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Colette’s journey of accessing her power through softness + quietness
  • Self-conscious submissives and sub-conscious dominants
  • Ways to integrate powerplay beyond the confines of the bedroom
  • How you can start becoming the top or dominant in your life
  • Weaving spirituality, symbolism + alchemy in a BDSM practice
  • How a professional dominatrix designings scenes for clients
  • Can BDSM re-traumatize wounds? Can BDSM heal deep wounds?
  • Dispelling the misconceptions of submissives being "weak" or "powerless"
  • Steps for couples to explore BDSM and play
  • When do you hire a pro-domme to facilitate the scene?
  • Qualities to look for or be cautious of when vetting a professional dom or dominatrix
  • Challenges that come from being a public-facing figure teaching taboo topics
  • Recommended books for learning more about powerplay and transcendence
  • Learn from Dr. Cat and Colette in their upcoming couples retreat, Love + Leather

She even answers some questions from our audience:

  • How has your play evolved over the years? Have your desires changed?
  • I feel I have a part of me that is dom, but I lack confidence. How do I explore more?


Colette is an educatrix. She is a professional dominatrix, where she has been practicing the art of intimacy and power exchange for over 18 years. She holds a PhD in Education from UC Berkeley, where her research focuses on misconceptions and conceptual change. Through her teaching and writing, Colette dispels misconceptions about kink, sexwork, and alternative sexuality. She leads an online course, MistressClass, where she teaches aspiring Dommes a he(art)tistic approach to Female Domination.


Sex Love Psychedelics Course:

Couples Retreat:


  • Radical Ecstasy
  • Existential Kink
  • The Loving Dominant
  • The Topping Book, The Bottoming Book
  • Playing Well With Others
  • The Dominance Playbook
Mar 02, 202357:34
135: Erotic Endurance, Extended Climax, + Unconscious Power Dynamics with Court Vox

135: Erotic Endurance, Extended Climax, + Unconscious Power Dynamics with Court Vox

 Sex isn’t as straightforward as we might put pressure on ourselves to believe. Great sex takes time in demystifying + reconstructing concepts, narratives, + skills.

Court Vox is a Certified Sex & Intimacy Coach Surrogate Partner Intern and Sacred Intimate based coach. He’s the Founder of The Body Vox and Co-Founder of SQUIRM. Court works with individuals from all genders with somatics, teaching them to come back to the relationship with the body to understand the internal cues that make or break our experience.

Like Damn, this conversation hit some nuances that might be what's affecting your sex life and you didn’t even know it.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • How to incorporate playfulness into your erotic states
  • Approaching sex for many different reasons... “What do you want to feel in this experience?”
  • Attuning yourself to the body’s knowing - Discerning fear vs excitement
  • Implied consent and direct consent, the discrepancy between mind and body
  • Erotic endurance + multiple-hour erotic experiences
  • Redefining orgasm, peak arousal, and ejaculation
  • Edging, peaking, and pleasure potentials
  • Does sex have to require a lot of energy? Redefining sex
  • Unconscious power dynamics in sex
  • Erotic games to play in the bedroom
  • Court’s journey of consciously exploring his shadow
  • Vulnerable experiences from Dr. Cat’s personal love life--lucky you

Questions from our audience:

  • My partner had an episiotomy… At times we struggle to feel each other during sex, advice?
  • Healthiest condoms for women who experience UTIs?


Court Vox is a Certified Sex & Intimacy Coach Surrogate Partner Intern, and Sacred Intimate based in Los Angeles CA. He is a member of the World Association of Sex Coaches, Founder of The Body Vox, and Co-Founder of SQUIRM. He is a guide for a vast spectrum of individuals and those in relationship/s seeking more in their erotic and intimate lives.  When it comes to human connection and sexuality, some are beginning their journey while others have been pursuing erotic education and experiences for years.  Court works gently with first-timers, as well as offers uncommon experiences to some of the world's most well-known sex educators and change-makers across multiple fields and disciplines. Court has become known for offering private, highly customized, exclusive experiences and travels extensively hosting and teaching workshops for all bodies, genders, and orientations. Court is also part of an elite team of sex educators that create the celebrated program for women,  Back to the Body, which runs retreats all across the globe.


Sacred Mens Retreat:


Sex Love Psychedelics Course:

Sex + Psychedelics survey link

Guide for vetting your psychedelic practitioner:

Feb 16, 202359:51
134: The Eroticism of Ayahuasca + Shadow Side of Psychedelic Culture with Rev Briana Lynn

134: The Eroticism of Ayahuasca + Shadow Side of Psychedelic Culture with Rev Briana Lynn

Rev Briana Lynn is a spiritual mentor and facilitator on the intersection of the silly, sacred and sexy. She is here to wade through the plant medicine waters to help us understand the relationship of eroticism to plant medicine. The two of us unpack the unfortunate abuse of power + sex that can occur in the psychedelic and shamanic plant medicine world and how you can move forward more informed and safe.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The erotic nature of plant medicine - flora, fauna, and fungi
  • Erotic signatures or textures across the different plant medicines
  • How to turn yourself on for your enjoyment
  • How psychedelics can help dissolve the cultural myths around sexuality- Religion, and repression
  • How plant medicines nurture the quality of our sex lives - “Orgasm as God”
  • Can psychedelics be helpful in the healing of sexual trauma?
  • Practices that amplify our connection to the erotic in the space of psychedelics or ceremonial plant medicines - Breath, Sound, Movement, Touch
  • Components for safe psychedelic use: Trauma-informed therapy, Community, Movement, Nourishment
  • The history feminine expression of sexuality + spirituality
  • Shadow side of sexuality + the misuse of sexuality in medicine spaces
  • Best practices for facilitators + practitioners to hold proper space
  • Questions to consider when vetting your facilitator


Sex Love Psychedelics Course:

Sex + Psychedelics survey link

Guide for vetting your psychedelic practitioner:

Chacruna’s Ayahuasca Community Guide for the Awareness of Sexual Abuse:


Rev. Briana Lynn’s sacred studies began in 2003 when she began to travel Latin America by herself & completed her bachelor’s degree in Socio-Economics in Latin America, with a minor emphasis in the Spanish Language as Art. She later earned her NLP Masters Practitioner at NLP Marin ( & began her first holistic coaching venture, focusing on trauma-informed practices in 2010.

She deeply integrates this work with her Masters (MA) in Peace Education from The United Nations University for Peace.

Rev. Briana Lynn founded The Earth Temple in 2018 with the desire to have an equality-centered council for those deeply devoted to The Mystery, & committed to staying out of the hype of dogma, authoritarianism, religiosity, domination, rapture doctrine & the intrinsic waves of manipulation in social media.

She & the other Earth Temple Council Members practice in community, holding each other close & in integrity in these wild & beautiful times.

Feb 02, 202351:47
133: Sluts, BDSM as Ritual, + Merging the Sacred + Profanity with Gabriela Herstik

133: Sluts, BDSM as Ritual, + Merging the Sacred + Profanity with Gabriela Herstik

Do you identify as a slut? Or do you feel repulsed or turned off by the word? 

If you're ready to  embody the sacred slut and harness your sexuality as a form of healing, I’ve got an edgy + intelligent conversation for you. Gabriela Herstik is the author of Sacred Sex, Inner Witch, Bewitching the Elements, and Embody Your Magick, as well as the essay series "Diary of A Sacred Slut." 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Gabriela’s journey of embracing the world of Sex Magick, BDSM + Kink
  • Merging the sacred and the profane
  • Using BDSM in ritual space -- Solo practices + Exploration
  • Spiritual practices of the occult + Witchcraft
  • What role do archetypes play in sex? Or healing? Why studying images of mythical characters or goddesses can be helpful for us
  • The history of the Witches + the Sluts
  • Somatic psychology, EMDR + “Resourcing”
  • “Slut” - A controversy in our society + the arguments behind it
  • Gabriela’s process of stepping into her sacred slut era
  • “Perverting” + “kinking” different areas of our life
  • What is shadow work + how can one begin that daily process?
  • Sex + kink as an outlet for the healing journey
  • Rape culture + advice for those wanting to express their sexual autonomy


Gabriela Herstik is the author of Sacred Sex, Inner Witch, Bewitching the Elements, and Embody Your Magick, as well as the essay series "Diary of A Sacred Slut". She is the Priestess of Kink Coven, a monthly full moon ritual play party for the protection and prosperity of sex workers. Gabriela is an angelic succubus and resides in the city of Angels.


Sex Love Psychedelics Course:

Vetting your psychedelic guide:

Sex + Psychedelic Survey

Jan 19, 202358:41
132: Squirting, Sex Hacks, + Navigating Consent Grey Zones with Kenneth Play

132: Squirting, Sex Hacks, + Navigating Consent Grey Zones with Kenneth Play

International sex expert and sex educator and author of the new book Beyond Satisfied, Kenneth Play joins me to give us some techniques for face sitting, oral sex, flow states, and navigating the grey zone in consent. …This whole episode is full of skills to start incorporating in your sex play NOW.

There’s so much we can discover about our bodies + about sex. When we approach it not from an achievement standpoint, but from a playful exploration… “let’s see what we can learn”, it can keep sex novel, fun, + something to look forward to.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Sex hacking + how to become beyond satisfied in bed
  • What is a “play lab”? How can “embracing the awkward” improve your sex life?
  • How important are techniques in satisfying sex? And what are some favorites?
  • Kenneth’s components that make up the art of great sex - Feeling, Calibration, Erotic Flow State, Self-Expression
  • Techniques for female ejaculation + squirting
  • How feeling your emotions supports your sexual pleasure
  • Where the vagus nerve sits in the male body vs the female body
  • Sex hacks for stimulating the prostate + back to back orgasms
  • Discovering the “pleasure wiring” for yourself + your partner
  • The psychedelic experience of rhythm + orgasm
  • The vulnerability of receiving + learning how to be in a receptive role
  • Simplifying instruction in arousal - Location, Pressure, Speed
  • Face sitting and either taking or receiving
  • Suggestions for those who have an emotional response in sex
  • Negotiation + finding an agreement where both people get what they need
  • Grey zone as it relates to consent -- ambiguous unclear, hard to read, not always a fuck yes
  • + MORE!


Kenneth Play is an international sex expert and sex educator. Named the world’s greatest sex hacker by GQ, he has been featured by more than one hundred media outlets, including The New York Times, Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan, Huffington Post, and Nightline. Kenneth has been a guest lecturer on female sexual pleasure at New York University and San Jose State University. His work has helped millions of men gain lasting confidence and competence. AskMen described Kenneth’s most recent course as having “at least one nugget of sexual learning you’ve almost certainly never encountered before, if not several.

Check out Kenneth’s book:


If you’ve been desiring to experience orgasm for yourself, embody the archetype of the seductress, reach transcendent states in sex, + develop a deep devotion to your own body + inner landscape-- My 6 week Erotically Undone course is for you. Good sex + cultivating those skills takes time + devotion. Take this course at your own pace.

Jan 05, 202356:41
131: Erotica, Instagram Censorship, + Art as Sexual Medicine with Tales of Lara

131: Erotica, Instagram Censorship, + Art as Sexual Medicine with Tales of Lara

The author of the erotic poetry book Tales of Lara + host of the podcast ‘Pussy Church” joins me to share her intimate process in writing erotica, where she’s gotten her inspiration, how she sees her work as a fight against the patriarchal social expectations around sex + dating, as well as, how this practice of erotic writing changed her love life.

If you want to not only be turned on, but given drip worthy reference points of an empowered erotic life, this episode is for you, your best friend + your neighbor...


  • How art, music, poetry + erotica can validate our complex human experience
  • The common segmentation between the “professional woman” + the “erotic woman”
  • How erotic artists can protect themselves from unsolicited DMs and d*ck pics
  • Lara’s  journey of being an anonymous artist + how that has impacted her love life
  • The cultural “rules” around dating + leaning into your inner erotic
  • Lara’s inspiration behind beginning to write her erotic stories
  • The patriarchal social expectations around sex + dating
  • Lara’s BEST advice for others who are writing erotica
  • Favorite erotica authors + erotic artists that have inspired Lara + Cat
  • Censorship on Instagram + “the rite of initiation”

Lara also answers questions asked by our Instagram audience:

  • Favorite/sexiest city to write about, to write in, to put down the pen and just fuck in?
  • What’s your favorite movie sex scene?


Lara is the creator of the online platform 'Tales Of Lara.' She is an erotica writer and host of the podcast 'Pussy Church,' where she interviews guests from sex therapist, erotic artists all the way to professional dominatrixes. Her debut book of erotic poetry and photography was published in 2021 and is available on

Links to social: IG: @talesoflara  ; Book: 'Tales Of Lara' - a collection of erotic poetry and photography, available at ;  'Pussy Church' podcast, available on Spotify and Apple Podcast


If you’ve been desiring to experience orgasm for yourself, embody the archetype of the seductress, reach transcendent states in sex, + develop a deep devotion to your own body + inner landscape-- My 6 week Erotically Undone course is for you. Good sex + cultivating those skills takes time + devotion. Take this course at your own pace.

Dec 22, 202247:17
130: Sexual Controversies, Men’s Pleasure, + the Issue with Polarity Culture with Cam Fraser

130: Sexual Controversies, Men’s Pleasure, + the Issue with Polarity Culture with Cam Fraser

Certified Professional Sex Coach and Sexologist, and host of men, sex, pleasure podcast, Cam Fraser joins me to talk all things sex, masculinity + pleasure.

Cam + I highlight the cultural assumptions that form our internal models of how masculinity + pleasure ”should” be… We also speak on how authentic masculinity can also include a touch of sensuality, play + pleasure. 

It’s so good. I am buzzing for you to hear it.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The cultural narrative + normativity we place on gender + sex in our society
  • Sex toys and demonizing solo play, stigma and taboo around men + sex toys
  • The vulnerabilities + benefits of playfulness within a task-oriented world
  • The challenges that are presented from the Masculine/ Feminine polarity coaching communities
  • The ramifications of powerful leaders narrowing the definition of what masculinity means
  • The gendered expectations within relationships
  • Sensually expressed men... Will women be attracted to them?
  • Advice on how to explore a multilayered masculinity that is authentic for you.
  • Men’s shame around sex or their bodies, penises, + pleasure
  • Heteroflexibility -- men exploring with other men if interested?
  • And more!


Cam is a Certified Professional Sex Coach and Certified Sexologist. His work integrates scientifically validated, medically accurate information about sexual health, with sacred sexuality teachings from the mystery traditions. As a coach, he helps men go beyond surface-level sex and into full-bodied, self-expressed, pleasure-oriented sexual experiences free of anxiety or shame.


If you’ve been desiring to experience orgasm for yourself, embody the archetype of the seductress, reach transcendent states in sex, + develop a deep devotion to your own body + inner landscape-- My 6 week Erotically Undone course is for you. Good sex + cultivating those skills takes time + devotion. Take this course at your own pace.

Dec 08, 202251:09
129: Medication Tapering for Psychedelics with Dr Ben Malcom

129: Medication Tapering for Psychedelics with Dr Ben Malcom

Clinical psychiatric pharmacist Dr Ben Malcom with Spirit Pharmacist, joins me to share which medications don’t mix with which psychedelics, the process of combining the worlds of psychopharmacology + psychedelics AND his consultation practice that advocates for safe psychedelics exploration.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The cultural narrative about depression, SSRIs + the combination of psychotropic meds and psychedelics.
  • How the DSM5 diagnoses depression
  • How psychedelics can help treat depression or other mental health challenges + diagnosis
  • The pressures in our culture about not being on psychotropic medications or antidepressants + the challenging withdrawals from anti-depressants + other psychotropics
  • Tapering off of psychotropic medications
  • Indications that it is not a good time for someone to start tapering from SSRIs
  • The neurochemical benefits to psychedelics
  • Reducing toxicity or mitigation strategies for harm reduction
  • The development of the field of psychology + the tool of psychedelic assisted therapy
  • How ketamine, MDMA, psilocybin, LSD, ayahuasca interact with psychotropic medications
  • The affects on long term antidepressant on our society


Dr. Ben Malcolm earned his bachelor’s degree (BS) in pharmacology at the University of California at Santa Barbara, prior to his Masters in Public Health (MPH) and Doctorate of Pharmacy (PharmD) at Touro University California. He then completed post-graduate residencies in Acute Care at Scripps Mercy Hospital and Psychiatric Pharmacy at the University of California at San Diego Health. After residency he passed his exam to become Board Certified in Psychiatric Pharmacy (BCPP). He began his career as an Assistant Clinical Professor at Western University of Health Sciences (WUHS), College of Pharmacy.

Dr. Malcolm envisions a society in which access to psychedelic drugs in a variety of safe and supported settings is available for purposes of psychospiritual well-being, personal development, ceremonial sacraments, and treatment of mental illness. His vision guides his scholarship, education, and service-related professional activity.

Dr. Malcolm's interests focus on the intersection between psychiatric medications and psychedelic therapies. He has given several Continuing Education presentations to pharmacists and other healthcare professionals as well as published over a dozen articles in peer-reviewed literature relating to psychedelics or psychiatric medications.

Today he provides psychopharmacology consulting, education on psychedelics, and a resource and support membership relating to the use psychedelic and psychotropic medications via his site

  • Free Resources Antidepressant and Psychedelic Drug Interaction and Tapering Guide 
  • Bridging the Gap: Navigating Psychedelics and Psychotropics  
  • 5-MeO-DMT Pharmacology and Drug Interaction Guide  
  • Breakthrough Psychedelics at a Glance: MDMA, Psilocybin, Ketamine

Want more?

If you’ve been desiring to experience orgasm for yourself, embody the archetype of the seductress, reach transcendent states in sex, + develop a deep devotion to your own body + inner landscape-- My 6 week Erotically Undone course is for you. Good sex + cultivating those skills takes time + devotion. Take this course at your own pace.

Nov 24, 202258:14
128: Kambo Sessions, Spiritual Bypass, + No-Bullshit Facilitation with Ginny Rutherford + Steve Dumain

128: Kambo Sessions, Spiritual Bypass, + No-Bullshit Facilitation with Ginny Rutherford + Steve Dumain

You may have heard about the frog serum kambo as a trending deep cleanse, and honestly it’s so much more than that. I had the honor to interview the founders of Kambo International and my two master teachers, Ginny Rutherford + Steve Dumain. The two of them provide a no-bullshit approach to the benefits, experience and the facilitation of this medicine.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • What Kambo is + where it comes from
  • What an experience of sitting for a ceremony with Kambo looks like
  • Dispelling the typical myths of Kambo
  • If harvesting of the secretion harms the frog or not.
  • Spiritual tourism and if these South American frogs will become endangered species
  • How to find a qualified Kambo facilitator near you
  • And more!


Ginny Rutherford is a master practitioner and principle teacher at Kambo International. She is a practitioner of  Ren Xue International.  She is also an advanced certified transformational life coach and an advanced student of Gnosis Tarot.

She found herself in the jungle joining indigenous shamans in ceremonies using ayahuasca, a healing plant of the Amazon. Her research into ayahuasca led her discovery of kambo, and after experiencing it she felt powerfully called to this amazing secretion from the Giant Monkey Tree Frog of the Amazonian jungle. Ginny completed the International Association of Kambo Practitioners (IAKP) training in early 2015.  By 2016, Ginny was assisting in trainings, and in 2017 became one of the principle teachers for the IAKP.

In 2020, Ginny left the IAKP in order to create a deeper level of teaching for her students through the organization Kambo International. Its mission is to train great kambo practitioners and also to give them tools to help them uplift their own life and then help others do the same.

Steve Dumain is the co founder of Kambo International. Steve would like to make Kambo something that is comfortable to approach for everyone. The jungle can be a special place to receive traditional medicines, but you will see that there is a special place for Kambo to be given as a treatment everywhere and for (almost) everybody. We all deserve deep healing. When we first heal & love ourselves, we can then heal and love each other & the entire planet on a true and profound level.

Want more?

My erotically undone 6 week course is opening up for you to start expanding on your skills + embodiment as your best lover. Its my favorite course I’ve created to date + it will be now available for you to take it at your own pace. Good sex + cultivating those skills takes time + devotion. We don’t rush our orgasms + neither should we our pleasure + sex.

If you’ve been desiring to experience orgasm for yourself, embody the archetype of the seductress, reach transcendent states in sex, + develop a deep devotion to your own body + inner landscape--then Erotically Undone  is for you.

Nov 10, 202201:04:41
127: Bi+, Queer, Pan-curious + Sexual Fluidity

127: Bi+, Queer, Pan-curious + Sexual Fluidity

Ready to learn about bicuriosity, queerness, + pansexuality? In this sexy episode I break down what each identity means, how identity influences the culture and why men have a harder time being able to explore their identity. 

This episode may inspire you to play into your gay.

...If you want to. (Consensually, of course.)

In this episode you’ll hear:

-What bicuriosity, bisexuality, queerness, + pansexuality really means

-Dr Cat’s personal journey in exploring sexual fluidity and attraction

-The Kinsey Scale and The Klein Sexual Orientation Grid

-The unique challenges in gender + exploration when not cisgendered

-Why men have a harder time being able to explore their sexuality (if they choose to)

-Can I be bisexual if I haven't kissed the same gender? (What qualifies someone to identify as “bisexual”)

-Bi-sexual + bi-curious events that you can attend

-Dr. Cat's favorite thing about sex with women

-How you can learn the best tips for increasing that passion in sex and how to harness your seductress energy with me in my 6 week course, Erotically Undone.

Notes from the show:

Skirt Club:


Want more?

Start your journey to coming back home to your body + developing a sensual relationship. Grab my FREE Sensual Sundays Guide full of all my favorite products + Sunday ritual to reconnect with your pleasure once again.

If you’re desiring a deeper dive into the lifestyle of sensual pleasure, come join me for a 14 day initiation into Sensual Awakening. Learn the foundations of activating your pleasure senses, creating luxury without expense, + cultivating a lovership with your body, again.

Oct 27, 202245:29
126: Falling in Love Outside Your Relationship + CNM with Jessica Esfandiary

126: Falling in Love Outside Your Relationship + CNM with Jessica Esfandiary

Facilitator and coach of non-traditional relationships, and the host of Open Late Podcast, Jessica Esfandiary joins me to share her insight on non-traditional relationships.

The two of us talk about how to navigate the bias of people who want to tell you these types of dynamics “don’t work”, the essential qualities to making these relationships healthy and tips to thrive when falling in love with people who are not our significant other. It’s a *juicy* episode that truthfully can be applied to whatever style of love is authentically chosen by you.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The most important qualities for the success of non-traditional relationships.
  • An example of a loving modern-day relationship that goes against society's expectations for intimacy
  • Maintaining privacy between you, your partner + other lovers
  • How to stay connected to your initial partner while investing in other lovers
  • The natural ebb and flow of having different interests than your initial partner
  • What to do when you fall in love with someone outside your primary relationship
  • Tips for welcoming new authentic connections into your life


Jessica Esfandiary is a facilitator and coach of non-traditional relationships, and the host of Open Late Podcast. Her mission is to support you in awakening to your own inner healer and medicine.  She believes everything in this life can be a teacher if we remain curious.

In her work, Jessica combines self-awareness and emotional intelligence with deep transformative healing modalities.  Her courses, retreats, and sound meditations are designed to bring alignment, freedom, expansion to your life's journey.

Jessica believes her greatest work is guiding women to align with their highest selves and purpose through integrative coaching and deep healing practices. Jess knows your sacred feminine energy is pure magic when flowing freely. Your power is in BEING and you are your own healer. Let's awaken the woman inside of you who is ready for freedom!

What's your relationship style quiz? Learn with Jessica here:

On the web:

Follow her on Instagram:

Listen to Jessica’s Open Late podcast.

Want more?

Start your journey to coming back home to your body + developing a sensual relationship. Grab my FREE Sensual Sundays Guide full of all my favorite products + Sunday ritual to reconnect with your pleasure once again.

If you’re desiring a deeper dive into the lifestyle of sensual pleasure, come join me for a 14 day initiation into Sensual Awakening. Learn the foundations of activating your pleasure senses, creating luxury without expense, + cultivating a lovership with your body, again.

Oct 13, 202256:57
125: Quickie Lost My Eroticism
Aug 25, 202230:41
124: Plan C, Abortion Stigma, + Clarifying Your Options with Amy Merrill

124: Plan C, Abortion Stigma, + Clarifying Your Options with Amy Merrill

To help us make sense of the SCOTUS ruling on abortion rights, I have with me today Amy Merrill, the founder of Plan C, an organization here to give you the information + support necessary for you to take back the agency of your own body.

This is an incredible conversation we get into, one that not only touches on what’s happening in our political system around abortion, but also what’s brought us to this point.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The real process of getting an abortion.
  • What is the plan C pill, and how does it work?
  • What does the SCOTUS ruling actually mean for us?
  • How American media and politics have shaped our perceptions around abortion.
  • Creative solutions for states who have limited access.
  • Self managed abortions and the health/safety concerns for using the pill.
  • Cycle tracking apps and data privacy.
  • How we can begin to rebalance this power over the agency of our bodies + our reproductive rights.

Whether you’re in this position or not, it’s an episode that reaches beyond the surface argument + invites you to identify, be with + question the underlying structures of our culture.


Amy Merrill is artist & activist, cofounder & digital director of abortion pill info campaign Plan C ( She also co-leads web & communications studio Eyes Open ( Amy’s background in nonprofit management and social impact startups led her to tackle complex issues like impact travel, human trafficking and gender inequality - ultimately landing on reproductive health & access as a core focus and to co-creating Plan C. Amy also performs in post-apocalyptic concept band Formerly Alien ( and currently lives in Los Angeles.



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Start your journey to coming back home to your body + developing a sensual relationship. Grab my FREE Sensual Sundays Guide full of all my favorite products + Sunday ritual to reconnect with your pleasure once again.

If you’re desiring a deeper dive into the lifestyle of sensual pleasure, come join me for a 14 day initiation into Sensual Awakening. Learn the foundations of activating your pleasure senses, creating luxury without expense, + cultivating a lovership with your body, again.

Aug 04, 202253:42
123: My Experience with Ketamine Therapy

123: My Experience with Ketamine Therapy

In this quickie episode, you'll hear my experience working with ketamine assisted therapy as a client and a clinician. As I've studied ketamine more in a clinical setting, my reverence for this medicine has grown to be so strong. I lead this discussion with the importance of doing this work with a therapist + in the safe confines of a clinically regulated medicine.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What is ketamine?
  • The unique properties
  • What is ketamine assisted therapy
  • How I used it after covid
  • How I used it in the process to facilitate grieving
  • How I’ve used it for sex therapy + couples intimacy
  • How to find a ketamine assisted therapist or program

I can’t emphasize enough the importance of testing your substances if you are using them. Safe harm reduction practices are important. In my show notes, you’ll find resources where you can learn more and order your own testing strips.

Links from the show:

Want more?

Start your journey to coming back home to your body + developing a sensual relationship. Grab my FREE Sensual Sundays Guide full of all my favorite products + Sunday ritual to reconnect with your pleasure once again.

If you’re desiring a deeper dive into the lifestyle of sensual pleasure, come join me for a 14 day initiation into Sensual Awakening. Learn the foundations of activating your pleasure senses, creating luxury without expense, + cultivating a lovership with your body, again.

Jul 21, 202235:26
122: Identity Alchemy with Nick Onken

122: Identity Alchemy with Nick Onken

How do you self-identify? Do you feel in alignment with your identity? Or are you sensing the subtle dissonance?

Nick Onken, identity wizard, world-renowned photographer, and creative alchemist joins me on this episode of Sex Love Psychedelics to talk about re-inventing ourselves and alchemizing old wounds can allow us to live our most authentic expression. 

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Nick’s journey with self-identity and re-inventing the self
  • The complexity of tying your self-worth to your identity
  • Identity alchemy - Deconstruction, Creation, and Becoming
  • How important is it for us to have a personal “brand”
  • Cultural identity "trends" of pronouns, polyamory, etc
  • How plant medicine can support the identity alchemy process
  • Shining a light on shadow work
  • Self-actualization and owning your power
  • Nick’s recommended reading for beginning your Identity Alchemy process


Nick Onken is a world renowned photographer, host of Onken Radio podcast and creative alchemist devoted to inspiring the world to create their moments.

Nick has photographed personalities such as Justin Bieber, Tom Hanks, and Jessica Alba. He’s been featured in Fast Company, Huffington Post, and MTV. Nick has traveled to over 60 countries and 7 continents and is the author of the travel photography book, PhotoTrekking. He has photographed global campaigns for international brands such as Nike, Coca Cola and Adidas and his work has been published in magazines such as Conde Nast Traveler, Cosmopolitan, and Marie Claire.

On his podcast, he’s interviewed celebrities such as Usher, Scooter Braun, Donna Karan and many others. He is the founder of the lifestyle brand, NIONlife and has been a featured speaker for Adobe on activating creativity. He also photographs for the charity, Pencils of Promise as he believes that education is the root problem solver of our world.

As a creative alchemist, Nick has brought the various creative passions together from making inspiring hats, leading plant medicine + identity alchemy retreats, to photography, (and more) as catalysts for people to come into their fullest authentic self.

You can find out more about Nick and all the myriad of ways he works at

Want more?

Start your journey to coming back home to your body + developing a sensual relationship. Grab my FREE Sensual Sundays Guide full of all my favorite products + Sunday ritual to reconnect with your pleasure once again.

If you’re desiring a deeper dive into the lifestyle of sensual pleasure, come join me for a 14 day initiation into Sensual Awakening. Learn the foundations of activating your pleasure senses, creating luxury without expense, + cultivating a lovership with your body, again.

Jun 23, 202240:39
Season 4: Sex Love Psychedelics

Season 4: Sex Love Psychedelics

We’ve done some revamping over here on the podcast transforming Eat Play Sex into Sex Love Psychedelics.

Sex Love Psychedelics with Dr. Cat Meyer will stimulate + titillate your brain with all of the psycho-sexual conversations + guest experts to answer your curiosities on sex, love, and the psyche. Whether we are analyzing the complexities of love, giving tips on energetic orgasms, or getting off on the latest research in psychedelics, it’s going to be a very WILD + expansive experience for us all.

Check it out + be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a beat.

Jun 20, 202201:13
121: Polarity, Spirituality, + Sensuality in BDSM with Miss Lila Sage

121: Polarity, Spirituality, + Sensuality in BDSM with Miss Lila Sage

Are you curious about embodying a dominant role in the bedroom? My dear friend Miss Lila Sage joins me on the most recent Eat Play Sex podcast to share about her work. Lila is an international Dominatrix, certified hypnotherapist, and performance artist. Her work is a prime example of how eroticism can be an enriching and activating experience, rather than depleting.

I’m honored Lila will be teaching about power play, polarity, and BDSM in the next round of Erotically Undone!

In this episode you will hear:

  • How a professional dominatrix expresses BDSM and eroticism
  • How chemistry, attraction, and energy dynamics synergize together
  • The art of role-playing with a partner
  • How to weave sensuality + spirituality with BDSM
  • Erotic hypnosis + psychological play
  • How confidence + empowerment can be a result of BDSM
  • Where can people find events or communities or dungeons in their area?
  • How to take Miss Lila Sage’s workshop in Erotically Undone


Miss Lila Sage is an international Dominatrix, certified hypnotherapist, and performance artist.

She interweaves spirituality and energy work with her classical training as a Dominatrix to transform play into sacred expression.

Beyond erotic entertainment and private facilitation, Lila is an educator on consent, inclusivity, and sensuality.

She has been featured in Anthony Padilla’s “I spent a day with Dominatrixes”, modeled for Torture Garden London, and was a guest of honor at the German Fetish Ball in Berlin.

She is also the Creatrix behind Fétische, an immersive theatre experience bringing fetish to the stage.

Playboy calls her work simply “a fetish dream come true”.

Find out more about her at

Links from the show:

Erotically Undone: 6 week course for women/femme on sex + eroticism.

Want more?

Check out and for more juicy articles, guides, erotic audio stories, + more!

Apr 13, 202246:42
120: Quickie - Edging to Amplify Your Orgasms

120: Quickie - Edging to Amplify Your Orgasms

In this week’s Quickie Episode of Eat Play Sex podcast, I introduce to you one of my favorite s/xual techniques: Edging. Edging is the practice of teasing the F*ck out of yourself or your lover so that their desire turns into CRAVING + their orgasmic potential becomes potent + body shattering.

This is a non-gendered experience of frustration + ecstasy that can be enjoyed by all. It teaches you how to transform the frustration of non-fulfillment in order to access the gold of your orgasmic bliss. 

Sounds juicy right?.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • How the practice of edging can bring more expansive orgasms.
  • Examples of how edging can increase your polarity, passion, and pleasure.
  • My personal tips and techniques when it comes to edging. 
  • The different edging variations: The Stop, The Distractor, or The Continuous Edge.
  • How edging can help men with early ejaculation or difficulty maintaining erections
  • Learn which edging variation might be right for you

Tune into this quickie to get inspired for your workday, or even send it to your boo just to get their mind fantasizing + warmed up.

Like foreplay for your day. ;)


Erotically Undone: 6 week course for women -

Start your journey to coming back home to your body + developing a sensual relationship. Grab my FREE Sensual Sundays Guide full of all my favorite products + Sunday ritual to reconnect with your pleasure once again.

If you’re desiring a deeper dive into the lifestyle of sensual pleasure, come join me for a 14 day initiation into Sensual Awakening. Learn the foundations of activating your pleasure senses, creating luxury without expense, + cultivating a lovership with your body, again.

Mar 31, 202222:08
119: Mastery of Primal Sexual Energy for Men with Destin Gerek

119: Mastery of Primal Sexual Energy for Men with Destin Gerek

As more men access their primal s.xual energy, the world will be a more balanced place. In this fiery episode, Certified Sexologist + CEO of The Evolved Masculine, Destin Gerek joins me to talk about accessing the primal sexual energy as a man, what might be getting in the way of your being able to harness it, + techniques for sex that will amplify your orgasmic potential.

We even give the partners of men tips on how to invite the conversation towards more sensual, slow, and present type of sex. This episode is packed with sexy goodness.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Redefining sex to be more than intercourse
  • The cultural struggles + wounds men have to navigate as it relates to sex
  • How to responsibly respond as a partner when shame comes up
  • Strategies for men to release the pressure on performing and having more pleasurable experiences
  • Tips on non-ejaculatory orgasms + moving sexual energy through the body
  • How to communicate your needs efficiently to either slow things down or turn it up a notch


Destin Gerek is a Certified Sexologist through The American College of Sexologists Int’l, he is the founder & CEO of The Evolved Masculine, a pioneering coaching and training company for men & author of the best-selling book “The Evolved Masculine: Be the Man the World Needs, and The One She Craves”. Destin hosts the D3c0d1ng W0m3n podcast, live streamed on Twitch and distributed on most platforms.

Want to join his Men’s Self Mastery program?

I HIGHLY recommend.

Check it out here:


Erotically Undone: 6 week course for women -

Start your journey to coming back home to your body + developing a sensual relationship. Grab my FREE Sensual Sundays Guide full of all my favorite products + Sunday ritual to reconnect with your pleasure once again.

If you’re desiring a deeper dive into the lifestyle of sensual pleasure, come join me for a 14 day initiation into Sensual Awakening. Learn the foundations of activating your pleasure senses, creating luxury without expense, + cultivating a lovership with your body, again.

Mar 24, 202251:46
118: Quickie - Anal Sex Guide

118: Quickie - Anal Sex Guide

I’m giving you another quickie today focused on tips to help your anal sex game. Getting to know your own ass-ets can be an incredibly fun and pleasurable sexual activity. This episode will tell you everything you need to know about booty play.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • My top tips on anal play
  • The anatomy of your butt and how you can educate yourself to strengthen your connection with your body
  • How to receive the most pleasure from your ass
  • Why it’s important to find a sex-positive physician
  • Water based lubes vs silicone based lubes - Which is the best?
  • The best ways to train yourself to connect with your pleasure
  • Why it’s important to not over douche
  • The safe way to use dilating sets
  • How to prepare yourself for partner play
  • Attuning and communicating with your partner
  • If it’s normal for bleeding to occur
  • Which toys I suggest and juicy resources to continue your education

Resources shared in this episode:

The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women by Tristan Taormino

Intimate Invasions: The Erotic Ins and Outs of Enema Play

Anal Pleasure and Health by Jack Morin

The Surrender: An Erotic Memoir by Toni Bentley

The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Men by Bill Brent

The Ultimate Guide to Strap-On Sex by Karlyn Lotney

Nina Hartley’s Guide to Anal Sex -- Video on


Erotically Undone - 6 week sex course for women/femme

Start your journey to coming back home to your body + developing a sensual relationship. Grab my FREE Sensual Sundays Guide full of all my favorite products + Sunday ritual to reconnect with your pleasure once again.

If you’re desiring a deeper dive into the lifestyle of sensual pleasure, come join me for a 14 day initiation into Sensual Awakening. Learn the foundations of activating your pleasure senses, creating luxury without expense, + cultivating a lovership with your body, again.

Mar 17, 202222:51
117: Quickie - Friends With Benefits + Loverships

117: Quickie - Friends With Benefits + Loverships

It's time to get back into your pleasure-filled game. This "quickie" sex share episode is full of important factors you need to consider when you’re stepping into (or contemplating) a Friends with Benefits. Love + non-attachment are two key elements here, and I even share my personal process when creating lovers from friends, and friends from lovers. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

-Questions to guide you if you’re curious about entering into a friends with benefits.

-Perspective of why it’s important to hold true to your individual values

-Reframing hookup culture to be a sex positive culture

-How to create strong boundaries that align with you and your partner’s desires

-The process of gaining clarity on what are you NOT available for or desiring

-The power of consent and how to communicate your needs clearly

-Love + nonattachment and the dynamic nature of being human


Start your journey to coming back home to your body + developing a sensual relationship. Grab my FREE Sensual Sundays Guide full of all my favorite products + Sunday ritual to reconnect with your pleasure once again.

If you’re desiring a deeper dive into the lifestyle of sensual pleasure, come join me for a 14 day initiation into Sensual Awakening. Learn the foundations of activating your pleasure senses, creating luxury without expense, + cultivating a lovership with your body, again.

Mar 02, 202230:56
116: Psychedelics, Non-traditional Marriage, and Vulnerability in Love with Kelli + Conner Moore

116: Psychedelics, Non-traditional Marriage, and Vulnerability in Love with Kelli + Conner Moore

Sex love and psychedelics are probably my three favorite topics to talk about. In my opinion, all three of these are massive catalysts for personal evolution. Kelli + Conner Moore, an epic power couple, join me to jam on relationships, life after marriage, and how to navigate them when you + your boo think and talk and have an interest in different things. Aka most couples.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The personal + relational expansion that comes with managing conflict, exploring with psychedelics + opening your relationship.
  • If love is a feeling or a choice.
  • Reconstructing the collective images of relationship, love, marriage to serve you. 
  • How to navigate individual differences in your relationship.
  • The different sexual progressions: Resting, healing, curiosity, adventure, transcendence.
  • The impact that psychedelic journeys have had on their relationship and as individuals. 
  • The lessons and lovers of non-traditional relating.

Kelli + Conner also answer listener questions:

  • “I know that vulnerability is important but I literally don’t know how to start that with someone. It feels awkward to just start talking about myself.”
  • What do you do if you are spiritual, but your partner isn’t and you want them to be?


Conner and Kelli Moore are the hosts of the top rated podcast Ok, Babe. and co-founders of the premiere media company, Soulfire Productions. With a passion for curiosity, freedom and doing things differently, the newlyweds share their experiences around ethical non-monogamy, communication, spirituality and plant medicine. Conner is also the host of Politically Homeless, a political commentary podcast that calls out hypocrisy and intentional divisiveness to create a little bit of leverage.


Start your journey to coming back home to your body + developing a sensual relationship. Grab my FREE Sensual Sundays Guide full of all my favorite products + Sunday ritual to reconnect with your pleasure once again.

If you’re desiring a deeper dive into the lifestyle of sensual pleasure, come join me for a 14 day initiation into Sensual Awakening. Learn the foundations of activating your pleasure senses, creating luxury without expense, + cultivating a lovership with your body, again.


Send in a voice message:

Feb 23, 202201:14:04
115: Breakups, Boundaries + Overcoming Unhealthy Dating Patterns with Amy Chan

115: Breakups, Boundaries + Overcoming Unhealthy Dating Patterns with Amy Chan

How do you handle breakups? Are your go-to tools a pint of ice cream watching chick-flicks with your best homegirl while throwing used kleenex at the screen? Or do you believe the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else?

Amy Chan, the brilliant founder of Breakup Bootcamp Retreat and author of the Breakup Bootcamp is here to help us through the process of healing our hearts after a breakup. We even get into the ways you can improve your dating life + release the patterns that have bound you.

In this episode you will hear:

  • The different breakup coping mechanisms
  • Strategies for moving forward in the newer stage of a breakup
  • Navigating shame + balancing a shared responsibility
  • “Dating patterns” - Can we break the cycle? 
  • How to identify healthy boundaries in relationships + for yourself
  • Short term relationship vs. Long term relationship heartbreak
  • How men and women fall in love differently
  • How sexuality + sensuality can help heal heartbreak

Amy Chan even answers some of our audience questions:

  • How can you tell if it’s something to keep working on or move on already?
  • How can I support my friend who is literally crying over this dumbass dude for a year now and she needs to move the fuck on?

Notes from the show:

Breakup Bootcamp Retreat:


Amy Chan is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to heal the heart. She is also the Editor-in-Chief of Heart Hackers Club - an online magazine that focuses on the psychology behind love, lust, and desire. The Observer calls her  "A relationship expert whose work is like that of a scientific Carrie Bradshaw" and her company has been featured across national media including Good Morning America, Vogue, Glamour, Nightline, and the front page of The New York Times. Her book, Breakup Bootcamp - The Science of Rewiring Your Heart, published by Harper Collins is available now.


Start your journey to coming back home to your body + developing a sensual relationship. Grab my FREE Sensual Sundays Guide full of all my favorite products + Sunday ritual to reconnect with your pleasure once again.

If you’re desiring a deeper dive into the lifestyle of sensual pleasure, come join me for a 14 day initiation into Sensual Awakening. Learn the foundations of activating your pleasure senses, creating luxury without expense, + cultivating a lovership with your body, again.

Jan 20, 202249:53