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Egberto Off The Record

Egberto Off The Record

By Egberto Willies

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The economy does much better under Democrats than Republicans. Why the professors' hesitation?

Egberto Off The RecordJul 27, 2022

[PDR] Working class got stiffed again. Cruz & Graham vaccine idiocy. GenZ, a new force in politics.

[PDR] Working class got stiffed again. Cruz & Graham vaccine idiocy. GenZ, a new force in politics.

Will Biden make the rail Workers whole after stiffing them? Ted Cruz & Lindsey Graham make a mockery of military vaccine policy. GenZ will be the force in politics for the foreseeable future.

  • Irresponsible Senators Ted Cruz & Lindsey Graham put our military at risk with their vaccine stance: Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham show that they would stop at nothing to appease the bottom feeding in their base using the vaccine issue.
  • Gen Z Voters Are a Force for Progressive Politics. Can Politicians Keep Up?: Young voters are repelled by the far right, but that doesn’t mean they’ll always show up for squishy centrists. The midterm elections took some time to sort out. But one thing was made clear quickly: Gen Z voters are a force to be reckoned with—for both parties. That’s a lesson elected officials need to start taking now—from this year’s lame-duck session to next year’s divided government.
Dec 02, 202257:32
[PDR] NZ PM destroys sexist reporter. Vaccines in the military. Senate deceiving the working class.

[PDR] NZ PM destroys sexist reporter. Vaccines in the military. Senate deceiving the working class.

New Zealand Prime Minister destroys a sexist reporter. Graham & Cruz object to vaccines in the military. The Senate is deceiving the Working class. The Colorado basin faces catastrophe.

  • Sexist reporter mic-dropped by New Zealand PM at presser between two young female Prime Ministers: Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand Prime Minister, embarrassed a reporter for his sexist remark at a presser between her and the young female Finland Prime Minister Sanna Marin, a mic-drop moment.
  • Experts Warn ‘Doomsday Scenario’ for Colorado River Basin Possible in 2023: “The problem with massive projects like Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon Dam,” said one climate journalist, “is they were engineered for a climate that no longer exists.” The catastrophic chain of events that water and power authorities are working to prepare for amid the desertification of the Colorado River basin would amount to a “complete doomsday scenario,” harming water and electricity supplies for millions, according to new reporting from The Washington Post.
  • With Senate Vote, Congress Moves to Avert Rail Strike: Bipartisan coalitions in the House and Senate pushed through a bill that would impose an agreement between rail companies and their workers. WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday voted overwhelmingly to impose a labor agreement between rail companies and their workers who have been locked in a stubborn stalemate, moving with uncommon speed to avert a potential holiday season rail strike that would jeopardize shipping across the country.
Dec 01, 202259:07
[PDR] Bernie Sanders in support of rail workers. The debt ceiling debate must be removed from GOP.

[PDR] Bernie Sanders in support of rail workers. The debt ceiling debate must be removed from GOP.

Democrats cannot allow Republicans to hold the country hostage with the debt ceiling. Bernie Sanders comes out swinging for rail workers.

  • Lame-Duck Dems Must Lift Debt Limit, Advocates Say as GOP Doubles Down on Social Security Threats: “Democrats must do whatever it takes to defeat Republican attacks on our earned Social Security benefits,” said one advocate. “That means raising the debt ceiling this year, before Republicans take control of the House.” Progressives on Wednesday warned that time is running out for Democratic leaders to take Republicans at their word regarding slashes to social safety net programs, as U.S. Sen. John Thune indicated the GOP will use a potential fight over the debt ceiling next year as leverage to push cuts—unless the Democrats act now to raise the debt limit while they still control the Senate and House.
  • SHAME! Executive & Congress may sacrifice rail workers to further enrich corporate America: All our rail workers want is humane working conditions along with pay commensurate with the value of their work. Yet our President & Congress is willing to force them to submit to the corporations.
Nov 30, 202256:31
[PDR] Rail workers and the working class were deceived. Chuck Todd dings GOP Congressman on his lie.

[PDR] Rail workers and the working class were deceived. Chuck Todd dings GOP Congressman on his lie.

The working class rail workers are forced to suffer again to enrich the few. Chuck Todd dings GOP Rep. James Comer for his lying misinformation.

  • Watch Chuck Todd ding GOP Rep. James Comer with inconvenient facts as he bloviated about crime: Another Republican gets dinged by Chuck Todd as he caught Rep. James Comer misinforming about crime. The GOP usually gets away with these willful lies.
  • The working class is again deceived by a corporate-driven government Progressive be ready for 2024!: The Rail-workers’ unions and the rail barons could not agree on terms. Neoliberal Republicans and Democrats alike want to force them not to strike.
Nov 29, 202257:30
[PDR] GOP Gov. dumps Trump. Todd dings GOP Rep. AMLO shows Progressives can win. Antiseptic Slavery

[PDR] GOP Gov. dumps Trump. Todd dings GOP Rep. AMLO shows Progressives can win. Antiseptic Slavery

GOP Gov. Asa Hutchinson throws Trump under the bus. Chuck Todd dings GOP Rep. James Comer. Mexican Progressive President shows people power. We should fight antiseptic slavery.

  • Watch Chuck Todd ding GOP Rep. James Comer with inconvenient facts as he bloviated about crime: Another Republican gets dinged by Chuck Todd as he caught Rep. James Comer misinforming about crime. The GOP usually gets away with these willful lies.
  • A fed-up Arkansas Governor, Asa Hutchinson, throws Donald Trump under the bus: Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson was clear that he is fed up with Donald Trump as he condemned his dinner with Kanye West & Nick Fuentes.
  • Massive Demonstration of Support for Lopez Obrador in Mexico City: AMLO was elected in 2018 and heralded as the Bernie Sanders of Mexico. Hundreds of thousands marched with Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Sunday in a massive demonstration through Mexico City to show their support for Lopez Obrador.
  • We willfully submit ourselves to the new bondage, antiseptic slavery: It is easy to be pessimistic in these times where most have acquiesced to an insidious form of bondage I refer to as antiseptic slavery. I am optimistic that grassroots action is the answer.
Nov 28, 202258:02
[PDR] Vicki Cody on being a military wife. Daniel Cohen deconstructs midterms. Isaac Saul on real news.

[PDR] Vicki Cody on being a military wife. Daniel Cohen deconstructs midterms. Isaac Saul on real news.

Vicki Cody on the tribulations of being an army wife. Daniel Cohen deconstructs the 2022 Midterms. Isaac Saul discusses the media and the imbalance.

  • Vicki Cody, author of ‘Army Wife’ & ‘Fly Safe’ discusses the travails of military life: Vicki Cody appeared on Politics Done Right to discuss the difficulties of being an army wife. Her statements were compelling as she described her new book.
  • Isaac Saul, founder of Tangle, the newsletter that summarizes best LEFT RIGHT arguments: Isaac Saul is the founder and editor of Tangle, an independent, ad-free, nonpartisan newsletter that has been recognized by The New York Times, Forbes, and Substack as one of the most successful political newsletters on the internet.
  • Indivisible Houston’s President, Daniel Cohen, deconstructs the Midterm 2022 election: Indivisible Houston’s President, Daniel Cohen, deconstructs the Midterm 2022 election in Harris County, Texas, the states, & nationally.
Nov 25, 202201:00:00
[PDR] Interviews about the media and our economic systems. Are billionaires parasites? Words from Dowd.

[PDR] Interviews about the media and our economic systems. Are billionaires parasites? Words from Dowd.

Jon Marshall discusses the media in the context of his book “CLASH: Presidents and the Press in Times of Crisis. Economist & Best-selling author Keisha Blair is on a mission to empower women. And much more.

  • Jon Marshall on the Clash of Presidents and the Press in Times of Crisis and mistakes by the media: Jon Marshall, an associate professor of Journalism, discusses the media in the context of his book “CLASH: Presidents and the Press in Times of Crisis.
  • Keisha Blair on creating a new economy that supports us all: Economist & Best-selling author Keisha Blair is on a mission to empower women to live life on their own terms by helping them gain more freedom over their time and money. She discusses the draconian nature of our economy.
  • Billionaires are PARASITES – My caller disagreed with my characterization & then agreed at the end: A caller to my Politics Done Right on KPFT 90.1 FM Houston was upset that I called out billionaires. At the end of the conversation, he mostly agreed. These are necessary conversations.
Nov 24, 202201:00:00
[PDR] Kevin McCarthy won’t last as Speaker. Billionaires are ridiculed appropriately.

[PDR] Kevin McCarthy won’t last as Speaker. Billionaires are ridiculed appropriately.

Anand Giridharadas does a great expose on billionaires. Adam Kinzinger strikes a note on Kevin McCarthy and much more.

  • Billionaires Like Elon Musk Are the Most Dangerous People on Planet Earth: The best hope of averting climate disaster may well be wealth taxes that significantly reduce the wealth and power of the super-rich. Watching Elon Musk reveal himself in recent weeks to be the world’s richest buffoon has certainly been entertaining. However, it could lead to the conclusion that billionaires are silly but harmless—which is far from the truth. Yes, they are often silly. But they are rarely harmless. Indeed, they’re among the most dangerous people to walk the earth.
  • Adam Kinzinger does not think Kevin McCarthy will last as Speaker of the House: Adam Kinzinger was not kind to Rep. Kevin McCarthy. He believes he is weak and will not last very long if elected Speaker of the House.
  • Anand Giridharadas appropriately belittles billionaires, including Elon Musk, the 50+ adolescent: Author Anand Giridharadas did not mince his words as he called out billionaires, specifically Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos — the former a 50+ adolescent.
Nov 23, 202254:37
[PDR] All around, Republican policies and politicians fail Americans with their cowardice.

[PDR] All around, Republican policies and politicians fail Americans with their cowardice.

Bill Barr, Paul Ryan, and many others illustrate Republicans’ cowardice that is costing us lives as their masters continue to rule them like puppets.

  • Adam Kinzinger: Liz and I are not courageous Conforming Republicans are cowards: Adam Kinzinger appropriately deflected kudos for doing the right thing. He pointed out that Trump MAGA Republican sycophants are cowards.
  • Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr slashes his former boss but would vote for him again: Former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr shows the spineless hypocritical power-hungry cowards unable to detach from a treasonous ex-president. His Firing Line interview on PBS with Margaret Hoover was telling.
  • Shame on the GOP: It wasn’t the good guy with the gun who saved lives it was the good one without: Former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance & Former FBI Special agent Clint Watts point out that the GOP is all wrong on their solution to our gun policies.
  • These ‘STRONG MEN’ are at the heights of Republican hypocrisy amid their ongoing support for Trump: Ayman Mohyeldin & Mehdi Hasan discuss the hypocrisy and cowardice of Republican me scared to buck Donald Trump.
Nov 22, 202259:07
[PDR] The Right is extremist. PA DA on who’s better on crime. Todd grills Pence. Justice Thomas?

[PDR] The Right is extremist. PA DA on who’s better on crime. Todd grills Pence. Justice Thomas?

Philadelphia DA has a message for GOP. Chuck Todd tags Pence, and it will hurt later. Justice Thomas aiming for a SCOTUS-sanctioned divorce :)? It is the Right who are extremists.

  • Chuck Todd’s interview will haunt Mike Pence- Constitutional Rights for the unborn & forced births: If Democrats and Progressives do it right, they will tag Mike Pence’s interview to every Republican Presidential candidate.
  • Host to Justice Thomas on marriage laws from the bench: There’re better ways to divorce your wife (FUNNY): Justice Clarence Thomas, as we all know, had to go a step further after conservatives overturned Roe. He had a concurring opinion that many scholars believe put same-sex marriage and interracial marriage in jeopardy.
  • Billionaires are PARASITES- My caller disagreed with my characterization & then agreed at the end: A caller to my Politics Done Right on KPFT 90.1 FM Houston was upset that I called out billionaires. At the end of the conversation, he mostly agreed. These are necessary conversations.
  • Philadelphia DA, Larry Krasner Democrats, have the answer to crime Republican policy fails: It is a fact that the crime rate in the Red States is much higher than in the Blue States. Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner is unapologetic in pointing that out to his detractors.
Nov 21, 202258:17
[PDR] Billionaires are parasites that hurt us. Progressives are not extremists. Guess who are.

[PDR] Billionaires are parasites that hurt us. Progressives are not extremists. Guess who are.

Billionaires are not the genius as many think. They are a menace to society. Progressives are not the ones that are extremists. It is those not listening to the American people.

  • Billionaires are PARASITES – My caller disagreed with my characterization & then agreed at the end: The caller, Ted, was initially upset that I implied most billionaires were parasites. By definition, I must stand by that characterization. The nature of our indoctrination from birth has us making distinctions between wealthy and poor parasites.
Nov 18, 202255:54
[PDR] Nancy Pelosi passes the torch. Grassroots beats monied interests. It can be done.

[PDR] Nancy Pelosi passes the torch. Grassroots beats monied interests. It can be done.

Nancy Pelosi will no longer be the leader of the House. Los Angeles and Harris County prove moneyed interest is not always the answer. Good candidates are.

  • Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will not seek leadership in the next Congress: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has decided not to seek leadership in the next Congress with a powerful speech on the House Floor. She is confident her young followers are ready.
  • ‘The Left Beat the Money’ as Karen Bass Defeats Billionaire to Become LA Mayor: Bass, a six-term Democratic U.S. congresswoman, won despite being outspent 11-to-1 by real estate tycoon and erstwhile Republican Rick Caruso. Karen Bass on Wednesday was projected the winner of Los Angeles’ mayoral race, defeating billionaire developer Rick Caruso, a former Republican who outspent the Democratic U.S. congresswoman by 11-to-1 while enlisting the aid of Hollywood A-listers including Snoop Dogg, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Kim Kardashian.
Nov 17, 202257:21
[PDR] Trump flops at Presidential announcement. Herschel Walker warns GOP Groups. Biden’s courts.

[PDR] Trump flops at Presidential announcement. Herschel Walker warns GOP Groups. Biden’s courts.

Trump flops as he announces he is running for President again. Biden is remaking the courts. Herschel Walker warns the Republicans.

  • Herschel Walker calls out Republicans ripping donors off by misleading where donations are going: You know how crooked the Republican Party and their organizations are when Herschel Walker, not the bastion of honesty, tells them to stop ripping off donors.
  • Joe Biden is ensuring that the courts in the United States are reflective of America in every aspect.
Nov 16, 202256:24
[PDR-KPFT] Philanthropy by the mega-rich is anti-democratic. $100 million donation from Jeff Bezos explains it

[PDR-KPFT] Philanthropy by the mega-rich is anti-democratic. $100 million donation from Jeff Bezos explains it

LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: A segment on CBS This Morning about Jeff Bezos donating yet another $100 million gave me pause. But the correct response by Tony Dokoupil, likely the youngest panelist, gave me hope.

Philanthropy by the mega-rich is anti-democratic. $100 million donation from Jeff Bezos explains it: A segment on CBS This Morning about Jeff Bezos donating yet another $100 million gave me pause. But the correct response by Tony Dokoupil, likely the youngest panelist, gave me hope.

Nov 16, 202257:52
[PDR] Two journalists destroy Kari Lake. CBS Mornings on rich philanthropy. First World & climate change

[PDR] Two journalists destroy Kari Lake. CBS Mornings on rich philanthropy. First World & climate change

Journalists Vaughn Hillyard and Tim Miller were not kind to Kari Lake. Rich nations must step up to mitigate the climate change they caused. CBS’s great piece on the rich and philanthropy.

  • Kudos to CBS Mornings for this candid discussion on philanthropy by the rich It isn’t Democratic: This was an important discussion about the rich and philanthropy. Gayle King & Nate Burleson got it wrong. Tony Dokoupil & Vladimir Duthiers got it right.
  • First, World Countries should pay for the climate change they are mostly responsible for causing: It is sad that Third World countries with little to do with climate change must suffer. First World countries must pay it all.
  • EPIC! Pundit turns loser AZ Governor candidate Kari Lake’s ‘BS’ tweet against her: AZ GOP Gubernatorial Candidate #KariLake lost the election she said she was sure to win. Her tweet disputing the result was probative. The Bulwark Contributing Editor Tim Miller reinterpreted her tweet correctly.
  • WOW! Reporter takes down losing MAGA AZ Gov. Candidate Kari Lake with a striking barrage: MSNBC Correspondent Vaughn Hillyard did not mince his word as he took down the Arizona loser MAGA Republican Candidate for governor, Kari Lake.
Nov 15, 202257:04
Kudos to CBS Mornings for this candid discussion on philanthropy by the rich It isn't Democratic

Kudos to CBS Mornings for this candid discussion on philanthropy by the rich It isn't Democratic

This was an important discussion about the rich and philanthropy. Gayle King & Nate Burleson got it wrong. Tony Dokoupil & Vladimir Duthiers got it right.

Nov 15, 202206:28
Herschel Walker calls out Republicans ripping donors off by misleading where donations are going.

Herschel Walker calls out Republicans ripping donors off by misleading where donations are going.

You know how crooked the Republican Party and their organizations are when Herschel Walker, not the bastion of honesty, tells them to stop ripping off donors.

Nov 15, 202205:19
First World Countries should pay for the climate change they are mostly responsible for causing

First World Countries should pay for the climate change they are mostly responsible for causing

It is sad that Third World countries with little to do with climate change must suffer. First World countries must pay it all.

Nov 15, 202205:32
WOW! Reporter takes down loser MAGA AZ Gov. Candidate Kari Lake with a striking barrage.

WOW! Reporter takes down loser MAGA AZ Gov. Candidate Kari Lake with a striking barrage.

MSNBC Correspondent Vaughn Hillyard did not mince his word as he took down the Arizona loser MAGA Republican Candidate for governor, Kari Lake.

Nov 15, 202205:31
[PDR] Western countries must pay for climate change. Smug pundit. Mondaire Jones slams NY Dem Party

[PDR] Western countries must pay for climate change. Smug pundit. Mondaire Jones slams NY Dem Party

The rich countries must pay for the climate change they cause. Rep Mondaire Jones is mad at NY Democratic Party. Watch this smug pundit.

  • EGGS ON HIS FACE! Democratic pundit Karen Finney’s analysis was genius as the smug one looks silly: Former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush Scott Jennings was smug as he told Democratic Pundit Karen Finney that Democrats would lose everything.
  • Rep Modaire Jones does not have kind words for the New York Democratic Party and the outcome: Rep. Mondaire Jones is upset that the New York Democratic Party under Mario Cuomo and surrogates ultimately cost the Democrats four sets in the House.
  • State Representative Senfronia Thompson receives Houston Peace & Justice Center Peacemaker Award: State Representative Senfronia Thompson was honored by the Houston Peace and Justice Center with their local Peacemaker Award.
Nov 14, 202256:25
[PDR-KPFT] Democracy won- Interpreting the 2022 midterms locally, nationally, and internationally.

[PDR-KPFT] Democracy won- Interpreting the 2022 midterms locally, nationally, and internationally.

LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Many pundits, including yours truly new Americans, would come to their senses. They chose freedom and Democracy over inflation and false attacks on crime.

  • Democrats Beat Election-Denying Secretary of State Candidates in Arizona and Nevada: “There’s an emerging blue wave in secretary of state races,” said one observer after Adrian Fontes and Cisco Aguilar defeated Republican election deniers Mark Finchem and Jim Marchant.
  • ‘Democracy Won’: Cortez Masto Victory Means Democrats Keep Control of Senate: “Voters sided with democracy and delivered a resounding defeat to Republican extremism this week,” said one left-leaning political action group. “There’s more to do, but this is critical progress.”
Nov 14, 202259:59
EPIC! Pundit turns loser AZ Governor candidate Kari Lake's 'BS' tweet against her

EPIC! Pundit turns loser AZ Governor candidate Kari Lake's 'BS' tweet against her

AZ GOP Gubernatorial Candidate #KariLake lost the election she said she was sure to win. Her tweet disputing the result was probative. The Bulwark Contributing Editor Tim Miller reinterpreted her tweet correctly.

Nov 14, 202202:56
Rep Modaire Jones does not have kind words for the New York Democratic Party and the outcome.

Rep Modaire Jones does not have kind words for the New York Democratic Party and the outcome.

Rep. Mondaire Jones is upset that the New York Democratic Party under Mario Cuomo and surrogates ultimately cost the Democrats four sets in the House.

Nov 14, 202203:35
State Representative Senfronia Thompson receives Houston Peace & Justice Center Peacemaker Award.

State Representative Senfronia Thompson receives Houston Peace & Justice Center Peacemaker Award.

State Representative Senfronia Thompson was honored by the Houston Peace and Justice Center with their local Peacemaker Award.

Nov 14, 202207:48
EGGS ON HIS FACE! Democratic pundit Karen Finney's analysis was genius as the smug one looks silly.

EGGS ON HIS FACE! Democratic pundit Karen Finney's analysis was genius as the smug one looks silly.

Former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush Scott Jennings was smug as he told Democratic Pundit Karen Finney that Democrats would lose everything.

Nov 13, 202204:39
Democratic & GOP pundits & Congressman school Republicans on the reason the Democratic won big.

Democratic & GOP pundits & Congressman school Republicans on the reason the Democratic won big.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY), Republican Pundit S.E. Cupp, and Democratic Pundit Karen Finney came to a conclusion that most pundits or pollsters failed to see.

Nov 13, 202204:06
[PDR] Author on Black Panthers. Fox News’ sexist remark. GOP admits to lies. Progressive candidate

[PDR] Author on Black Panthers. Fox News’ sexist remark. GOP admits to lies. Progressive candidate

Dr. Pam discusses the Black Panther movement. Fox News’ most sexist remark is astounding. GOP admits to lies. Progressive candidate Linda Nuno discusses running and more.

  • REALLY? Fox News has a novel and condescendingly sexist message to get women to vote for Republicans: Fox News knows that it has a solution to force women to vote Republican, and they seem serious about its conclusion. You have to see it to believe it.
  • Linda Nuno, Democratic Candidate for US Congress Texas Dist. 10 speaks about political engagement: Democratic Candidate for US Congress Texas District 10, Linda Nuno, spoke about more than her race but about political activism and engagement.
  • The GenZ and Millennial generations saved Democracy in America & here’s the proof: While too many Baby Boomers, older GenXers, and seniors bought into Reagan’s voodoo economics, it took our Millennials and GenZs as a group to act on it as the scourge that it is.
  • Stephanie Ruhle blast Republicans after they admit lying about the steal, CRT, and litter boxes: Stephanie Ruhle exposes Rep. Dan Crenshaw and others who knew better as they lied and promoted conspiracy stories to their audience.
  • Dr. Alvin Pam, author of ‘When Black Panthers Prowled Amerika,’ on the outcome of the movement: Dr. Pam has been a psychotherapist for over half a century. He participated in the civil rights movement in the South. He is the author of three books, including the historical novel, When Black Panthers Prowled Amerika.
Nov 11, 202259:59
[PDR-KPFT] We must give a big thank you to our GenZ and Millennials. A Venezuelan discusses Chavez and more.

[PDR-KPFT] We must give a big thank you to our GenZ and Millennials. A Venezuelan discusses Chavez and more.

LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: GenZ and Millennials helped us out when we most needed it. John Garcia discusses democracy, Venezuela, Capitalism, Socialism. and more.

  • GenZ and Millennials are the heroes of our midterm election, as they have saved Democracy for all of us.
  • Venezuelan John Garcia visited to discuss Chavez, Maduro, capitalism, and socialism.
Nov 11, 202253:13
The GenZ and Millennial generations saved Democracy in America & here's the proof.

The GenZ and Millennial generations saved Democracy in America & here's the proof.

While too many Baby Boomers, older GenXers, and seniors bought into Reagan's voodoo economics, it took our Millennials and GenZs as a group to act on it as the scourge that it is.

Nov 11, 202204:26
Stephanie Ruhle blast Republicans after they admit lying about the steal, CRT, and litter boxes

Stephanie Ruhle blast Republicans after they admit lying about the steal, CRT, and litter boxes

Stephanie Ruhle exposes Rep. Dan Crenshaw and others who knew better as they lied and promoted conspiracy stories to their audience.

Nov 11, 202205:14
[PDR] We continue to deconstruct the 2022 Midterms. Daniel Cohen joins us as well.

[PDR] We continue to deconstruct the 2022 Midterms. Daniel Cohen joins us as well.

We continue to deconstruct the 2022 Midterms with Daniel Cohen. The win was not in the House or Senate but in the states. Let's cover it.

It was not a Red Wave, Red Ripple, or Red Tsunami. It was a Blue Wave. While many concentrated on control of the House and Senate, the story is really in the states. As an example, Democrats won both Houses in Michigan as well as all of the statewide offices. Minnesota is totally controlled by Democrats at the state level. And there are many more.

Nov 10, 202257:48
[PDR] Young people saved Democracy. Dowd nailed it. Fox News called out a failed Republican Party

[PDR] Young people saved Democracy. Dowd nailed it. Fox News called out a failed Republican Party

Thank you, GenZ, for saving the country. Fox News told one truth and called out the Republican Party. Matthew Dowd nailed it again.

  • Fox News slams GOP: Voters said no thanks to the Republican alternative. They’ve indicted the Party: Marc Thiessen did not mince his words on Fox News as he pointed out that Americans have rejected the Republican Party despite the headwinds Democrats had.
  • Matthew Dowd nails the election as if he was reading a crystal ball: Thank you, GenZ, for saving the country. Fox News told one truth and called out the Republican Party. Matthew Dowd nailed it again.
  • ‘Young People Saved This Election’ for Democrats, Say Progressives: “Don’t underestimate the power of a pissed-off generation,” said NextGen America. While control of Congress remained unclear as of Wednesday afternoon, young voters who turned out for Democrats on Tuesday played a key role in blocking a “red wave” that had been anticipated based on previous midterm elections and widely predicted by political pollsters and pundits.
Nov 09, 202252:48
[PDR-KPFT] Republicans were gloating before the votes came in. Now they are shellshocked.

[PDR-KPFT] Republicans were gloating before the votes came in. Now they are shellshocked.

LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Republicans started counting the chickens before the eggs hatched. And they lost the bet, BIG!!

  • Linda Hidalgo outspent but still won.
Nov 09, 202257:53
Matthew Dowd nail the election as if he was reading a crystal ball

Matthew Dowd nail the election as if he was reading a crystal ball

Thank you, GenZ, for saving the country. Fox News told one truth and called out the Republican Party. Matthew Dowd nailed it again.

Nov 09, 202203:58
Fox News slams GOP: Voters said no thanks to the Republican alternative. They’ve indicted the Party.

Fox News slams GOP: Voters said no thanks to the Republican alternative. They’ve indicted the Party.

Marc Thiessen did not mince his words on Fox News as he pointed out that Americans have rejected the Republican Party despite the headwinds Democrats had.

Nov 09, 202205:46
REALLY! Fox News novel and condescendingly sexist solution to get women to vote for Republicans

REALLY! Fox News novel and condescendingly sexist solution to get women to vote for Republicans

Fox News knows that it has a solution to force women to vote Republican, and they seem serious about its conclusion. You have to see it to believe it.

Nov 09, 202205:34
Matthew Dowd nail the election as if he was reading a crystal ball

Matthew Dowd nail the election as if he was reading a crystal ball

Matthew Dowd was speaking contrary to a media that was obsessed with telling their audience that Democrats would receive a shellacking.

Nov 09, 202203:58
Fox News: Voters said no thanks to the Republican alternative. They've indicted the Party.

Fox News: Voters said no thanks to the Republican alternative. They've indicted the Party.

Mark Thiessen did not mince his words as he pointed out that Americans have rejected the Republican Party despite the headwinds Democrats had.

Nov 09, 202205:46
[PDR] Fmr. rep calls out GOP crime lies. Dems fighting for rural vote. House proves corporate pilfer

[PDR] Fmr. rep calls out GOP crime lies. Dems fighting for rural vote. House proves corporate pilfer

Democrats are fighting for the rural vote in Texas. Gina Calanni exposes GOP crime lies. It's true. Corporations are thugs stealing from you -- Legally.

  • House Analysis Confirms Corporations Use 'Cover of Inflation to Raise Prices Excessively': "It is unacceptable that certain companies and industries are engaged in extreme price hikes under the cover of inflation," said Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi. A report released Friday by a panel of the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform highlighted how "certain corporations are using the cover of inflation to raise prices excessively, resulting in record profits and profit margins" at the expense of consumers.
  • These Democrats are not ceding rural Texas to the Republicans — grassroots in action: Building a governing Democratic and Progressive base must include Rural America. These Democrats get it, and they are engaging their own community. This is their story.
  • Former State Rep Gina Calanni calls out Republicans and Media on lies against Democratic judges: Former State Representative Gina Calanni is on a mission to educate Texans about the lies told about Democratic judges and more. She wants everyone to make an educated vote.
Nov 08, 202251:25
These Democrats are not ceding rural Texas to the Republicans. This is the grassroots in action.

These Democrats are not ceding rural Texas to the Republicans. This is the grassroots in action.

These Democrats. the Cleveland, Texas crew, rekindles the fire of Democrats in Liberty County. Listen to how they did it.

Nov 08, 202228:03
Former State Rep Gina Calanni calls out Republicans and Media on lies against Democratic judges

Former State Rep Gina Calanni calls out Republicans and Media on lies against Democratic judges

Former State Representative Gina Calanni is on a mission to educate Texans about the lies told about Democratic judges and more. She wants everyone to make an educated vote.

Nov 08, 202225:52
[PDR] It’s the day before the big vote. Let’s talk about what is at stake. Disregard the pundits.

[PDR] It’s the day before the big vote. Let’s talk about what is at stake. Disregard the pundits.

Today’s show is completely unscripted. It will be why the vote tomorrow is existential. Let’s make sure to get the vote out tomorrow.

  • Clubs In Action Humble Area Democrats President John Cotter encourages canvassers for their work: Humble Area Democrats President John Cotter gave his canvassers some positive numbers on the current midterms.
  • Clubs In Action & Humble Area Democrats Ana Luke is canvassing to save our Democracy: Ana Hike says the reason she is canvassing with the Humble Area Democrats with Clubs in Action is to save our democracy.
  • Clubs In Action Humble Area Democrat Melissa & her daughter explains why Democrats must win: Humble Area Democrats, as a part of Humble Are Democrats, canvass NE Harris County, TX. Melissa and her daughter explain why they are taking part.
  • Clubs In Action Humble Area Democrat Rhonda explains the importance of her canvassing: Humble Area Democrats as part of Clubs in Action, are canvassing throughout NE Harris County. Rhonda explains in detail why she is doing it.
Nov 07, 202256:03
[PDR-KPFT] Republicans use the media’s dereliction to skew elections with poorly challenged lies.

[PDR-KPFT] Republicans use the media’s dereliction to skew elections with poorly challenged lies.

LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Crime is real, but the media has allowed Republicans to lie about it to attain power. That harms more so than the crimes themselves.

  • Former Texas State Representative Gina Calanni discusses the fraudulent GOP advertising on crime.
  • We discuss derelict media. They allow Republicans to use our airwaves to misinform.
Nov 07, 202258:34
Clubs In Action & Humble Area Democrats Ana Luke is canvassing to save our Democracy

Clubs In Action & Humble Area Democrats Ana Luke is canvassing to save our Democracy

Ana Hike says the reason she is canvassing with the Humble Area Democrats with Clubs in Action is to save our democracy.

Nov 07, 202203:46
Two judges who joined Clubs In Action & Humble Area Democrats canvass NE Harris County

Two judges who joined Clubs In Action & Humble Area Democrats canvass NE Harris County

Democratic candidates for judge Gemayel Haynes (183rd District Court) and Veronica Nelson (482nd Criminal District Court) came out to NE Harris County to canvass their voters.

Nov 06, 202203:27
Clubs In Action Humble Area Democrats President John Cotter encourages canvassers for their work

Clubs In Action Humble Area Democrats President John Cotter encourages canvassers for their work

Humble Area Democrats President John Cotter gave his canvassers some positive numbers on the current midterms.

Nov 06, 202203:17
Clubs In Action Humble Area Democrat Melissa & her daughter explains why Democrats must win

Clubs In Action Humble Area Democrat Melissa & her daughter explains why Democrats must win

Humble Area Democrats as a part of Humble Are Democrats, are canvassing NE Harris County TX. Melissa and her daughter explain why they are taking part.

Nov 06, 202203:31
Clubs In Action Humble Area Democrat Richard canvassing infrequent Democratic Voters

Clubs In Action Humble Area Democrat Richard canvassing infrequent Democratic Voters

Humble Area Democrats as a part of Clubs In Action, have been canvassing voters throughout Northeast Harris County. Richard tells us what he is doing.

Nov 06, 202201:50
Clubs In Action Humble Area Democrat Rhonda explains the importance of her canvassing

Clubs In Action Humble Area Democrat Rhonda explains the importance of her canvassing

Humble Area Democrats as part of Clubs in Action, are canvassing throughout NE Harris County. Rhonda explains in detail why she is doing it.

Nov 06, 202202:54
Harris County Judge GOP Candidate Alexandra Mealer bought & paid for by rich developers & extremists

Harris County Judge GOP Candidate Alexandra Mealer bought & paid for by rich developers & extremists

The Houston Chronicle is now having buyer's remorse after endorsing Alexandra Mealer over Lina Hidalgo after realizing she is bought and paid for by Extremists, Christian Nationalists, Developers, and Rich folks. She raised over $8 million, including $3.7 million in one month. Her Republican predecessor only raised $400 thousand or so. Lina Hidalgo only accepts small donor contributions and does not take corporate dollars. If Mealer, a long shot, were to win because of the misinformation that unlimited money can buy, she would only answer to those contributors.

Nov 05, 202210:48