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Yahshua The Messiah Ministry

Yahshua The Messiah Ministry

By Elder Dan

Yahshua the Messiah Ministry is a podcast that's faith and Bible-based. All the podcast episodes are relevant and powerful messages you won't hear spoken from mainstream Christianity and most religions. All these podcasts are free to listen and share. I'm here to share the Good News of the Bible to as many people and nations as possible. Follow me. I believe that real truth and true love conquers all. Blessings, love and shalom to all of you!
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Heeding the Warning: The Importance of Obedience to Yahweh

Yahshua The Messiah MinistryApr 20, 2024

The Fifth Commandment of Yahweh in the Bible

The Fifth Commandment of Yahweh in the Bible

The Fifth Commandment of Yahweh in the Bible is a spiritual podcast that discusses the importance and significance of the Holy Scripture's fifth commandment which states, "to honor your father and your mother so that you may live a long time and ensure that it goes well with you." (Deuteronomy 5:16 and Exodus 20:12)

Jun 01, 202405:14
The Fourth Commandment of Yahweh in the Bible

The Fourth Commandment of Yahweh in the Bible

The Fourth Commandment of Yahweh in the Bible teaches and explains in the correct contexts what the Bible says in Exodus 20:8 and Deuteronomy 5:12 to "Remember the Sabbath Day and to keep it holy."

This commandment is one of the most misunderstood in the Bible, and the interpretation of its correct context is very crucial for humanity to understand and remember.

May 18, 202405:24
The Meaning and Significance of One True Master in the Bible

The Meaning and Significance of One True Master in the Bible

The Meaning and Significance of One True Master in the Bible is a spiritual podcast that explains Yahshua as the only genuine Master the apostle Paul refers to in Ephesians 4:5-6 of the Holy Scripture. Yes, there is no other Master and Messiah but Yahshua, according to the Bible!

May 11, 202406:07
The Third Commandment of the Bible

The Third Commandment of the Bible

The Third Commandment of the Bible is a podcast that teaches us not to misuse or disrespect the name of the Almighty Yahweh, our Father in heaven, in all things and in whatever we say, because He will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His Holy Name.

May 04, 202404:06
Heeding the Warning: The Importance of Obedience to Yahweh

Heeding the Warning: The Importance of Obedience to Yahweh

Heeding the Warning: The Importance of Obedience to Yahweh is a spiritual podcast episode about heeding the warning of Leviticus 26 in the Bible and the importance of repentance and obedience to Almighty Yahweh, the Creator and Father in heaven.

Apr 20, 202403:41
The Total Solar Eclipse of 2024: Its Message to Humanity and Nations

The Total Solar Eclipse of 2024: Its Message to Humanity and Nations

The total solar eclipse of 2024 that will happen on April 8, 2024, teaches and explains the hidden message of this cosmic wonder from the Almighty Creator (Yahweh) to all of humanity and the nations.

Apr 06, 202406:36
Feast of Unleavened Bread: Its Meaning and Significance for the Jews and non-Jews

Feast of Unleavened Bread: Its Meaning and Significance for the Jews and non-Jews

The Feast of Unleavened Bread: Greeting and Message explains the meaning and importance of this Holy Feast of Almighty Yahweh, our Father in heaven, for the Jewish people and for the world at large.

Apr 01, 202403:28
Passover Holy Day: Its Meaning and Significance for Jewish and Non-Jews

Passover Holy Day: Its Meaning and Significance for Jewish and Non-Jews

The Passover Holy Day: Its Meaning and Significance for Jewish and Non-Jews is a podcast episode that explains the real truth behind this ancient, sacred tradition based on the Bible. Passover is a true holy day of the Bible to commemorate once a year by the Jewish people and even for Gentiles with ancestors of Israelite descent.

Mar 30, 202404:30
The Second Commandment of Yahweh in the Bible

The Second Commandment of Yahweh in the Bible

The Second Commandment of the Bible, the Word of Yahweh, warns humanity about idolatry, which is worshiping false gods, idols made by human hands, or putting anything before our relationship with Almighty Yahweh, the Father in heaven. Read and learn more about it in the Holy Scripture in the book of Exodus 20:4-6 and also in Deuteronomy 5:8.

Mar 16, 202405:02
Beware of Deceptions and Pagan Traditions!

Beware of Deceptions and Pagan Traditions!

The apostle Paul warns believers against being taken captive by deceptive philosophies and human traditions with pagan origins like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and even Sunday worship that are not based on Yahshua the Messiah's true biblical teachings. (Colossians 2:8)

Mar 09, 202408:14
Bible's First Commandment: The Greatest Commandment of All

Bible's First Commandment: The Greatest Commandment of All

Bible's First Commandment: The Greatest Commandment of All is a podcast episode that explains the utmost importance of the first commandment of the Bible, telling all people to love, honor, and respect the true Almighty Elohim in heaven alone, who is Yahweh, and not any man-made gods or idols, both mentioned in Exodus 20:2-3 and Deuteronomy 5:6-7.

Feb 24, 202405:39
The State of Humanity and the World in End-Time

The State of Humanity and the World in End-Time

The state of humanity and the world in end-time is a podcast episode on what the world and people in the last days will be like, as foretold in the Bible. Hear and learn the real truth about humanity's fate and the world's destiny in the end time prior to Yahshua the Messiah's return from heaven.

Feb 16, 202404:46
The Seventh-Day Sabbath as True Sign of Yahweh's People

The Seventh-Day Sabbath as True Sign of Yahweh's People

The Seventh-day Sabbath is a true sign between Almighty Yahweh in heaven and the ancient Israelites. It is a covenant mark given by Yahweh to His chosen people then and now that separates them as being holy for looking at Him as their Elohim and Sovereign Master and believing and obeying His Commandments written in the Bible.

Feb 03, 202404:19
The Mosaic Law (Ten Commandments) Are Still In Effect Today

The Mosaic Law (Ten Commandments) Are Still In Effect Today

The Mosaic Law (the Ten Commandments) of Yahweh Elohim given through Moses at Mount Sinai are still in effect today, debunking what many preachers say--that it's done away with--and proving that Yahshua the Messiah himself said it in the book of Matthew 5:17-18 in the Bible when He said, "For verily I say unto you, Until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of Elohim's Law will disappear until its purpose is achieved."

Jan 28, 202405:35
Wars and Rumors of Wars as Signs of the End Times

Wars and Rumors of Wars as Signs of the End Times

Wars and Rumors of Wars as Signs of the End Times is a prophetic podcast discussing the significance of the intensifying physical and virtual conflicts of nations against each other on the "Last Days," or the End of the Age, as the Bible refers to before the second coming of Yahshua, the Savior of humanity.

Jan 20, 202406:22
Two-State Solution in Israel: A Biblical Perspective

Two-State Solution in Israel: A Biblical Perspective

Two-State Solution in Israel: A Biblical Perspective is a spiritual podcast about the unfavorable consequences of dividing the land of Israel. Listen and learn what the Bible really says about this highly controversial and hotly contested topic.

Dec 02, 202304:19
Pray for Peace in Israel, the Holy Land

Pray for Peace in Israel, the Holy Land

Pray for peace in Israel, the Holy Land, is a podcast episode about supporting Israel by praying for peace in the Jewish state, which is the only Christian and democratic country in the Middle East. In Psalm 122:6 in the Bible, we are told to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you."

Oct 09, 202302:23
Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles

Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles

Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles is about the sacred and appointed Feast of Yahweh, the Almighty Father in heaven. This feast is one of the seven annual festivals and holy days of the living Elohim of the Bible that you really need to know. This is an authentic or genuine holy day in the Bible. This sacred feast links directly to the reign of Yahshua, the Savior of humanity, on earth at His second coming.

Oct 07, 202311:42
As Yahshua Was Persecuted, So Will His Followers Be

As Yahshua Was Persecuted, So Will His Followers Be

This podcast episode is titled, As Yahshua was persecuted, so will His followers be, as depicted in the Bible in the book of John 15:20, which says, "Remember what I told you: 'A servant is not greater than his Master.' If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you also."

Sep 24, 202306:03
The Increase of Knowledge in the Last Days

The Increase of Knowledge in the Last Days

Increase of Knowledge in the Last Days is a podcast episode about the prophecy in the book of Daniel 12:4 in the Bible, which says, “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

Sep 16, 202305:49
Not Religious Revival, But Spiritual Awakening

Not Religious Revival, But Spiritual Awakening

Not religious revival, but spiritual awakening. This podcast episode highlights the importance of our personal relationship with Yahweh more than the revival in religion wished for and promoted by different religious denominations, including many Christian groups. Yes, this fading world and its rebellious societies need not religious revival but spiritual awakening!

Sep 10, 202304:37
Yahweh: The Elohim of the Bible Who's Unknown to Many

Yahweh: The Elohim of the Bible Who's Unknown to Many

This is a podcast about Yahweh, the Elohim of the Bible, who is unknown to so many people around the world. It's time to unveil this truth. In the Bible, the Father in heaven clearly states, "I am Yahweh; that is my name. I will not give my glory to anyone else or the praise I deserve to idols." (Isaiah 42:8)

Aug 29, 202305:25
What is the Biblical Day to go to Church and Worship Yahweh?

What is the Biblical Day to go to Church and Worship Yahweh?

What is the biblical day to go to church and worship Yahweh? This is a podcast that talks about the correct day to worship the Almighty Yahweh in heaven, which is Saturday, from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, to be exact. This episode is also directly related to the emphasis on obeying the Fourth Commandment of the Bible in Exodus 20:8 and Deuteronomy 5:12. In addition, this podcast episode warns about the deception of Satan, the devil, and his deceitful ministers spreading lies (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).

Aug 13, 202307:54
The Dangers of Blindly Following Man's Traditions

The Dangers of Blindly Following Man's Traditions

The Dangers of Blindly Following Man's Traditions is a podcast episode that emphasizes the correct interpretation of the Bible for real faith and true worship. The Bible teaches not to obey man's traditions (Mark 7:8) and not to follow deceptive religious leaders and to leave them alone, as they're blind leaders of the blind and both shall fall into the ditch. (Matthew 15:14)

Aug 06, 202307:15
Obtain Eternal Life by Ongoing Repentance and Obedience to Yahweh

Obtain Eternal Life by Ongoing Repentance and Obedience to Yahweh

This is a podcast episode that emphasizes the importance of ongoing repentance and obedience to Almighty Yahweh and His Word (the Bible) for obtaining eternal life in the future.

Jul 25, 202305:39
The Societal Decline and Ruin of the US Have Begun

The Societal Decline and Ruin of the US Have Begun

The Societal Decline and Ruin of the US Have Begun is a podcast about the decline of the US and its society, and judgment from biblical perspectives.

Jul 15, 202310:51
A World Turning Back to Sodom and Gomorrah

A World Turning Back to Sodom and Gomorrah

A World Turning Back to Sodom and Gomorrah is a podcast about the state of our modern world and society, which are turning their way back to the ancient Sodom and Gomorrah that Yahweh punished because of their wickedness and sin.

Jul 09, 202306:20
Pride Comes Before a Fall

Pride Comes Before a Fall

Pride Comes Before a Fall is a sacred teaching from the book of Proverbs 16:18 in the Bible, which reads: "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." It depicts and warns about the real dangers of pride and arrogance, which will ultimately lead to the destruction of those who practice and/or manifest them.

Jun 20, 202306:27
Putting Others' Needs Before Our Own

Putting Others' Needs Before Our Own

Putting others' needs before our own is a podcast that will talk about biblical teachings on love, selflessness, and kindness. These are scriptural teachings of exhortation to put others' needs before our selfish desires. They are biblical principles that highlight much of the Bible's teachings on sacrificial love and service.

Jun 11, 202306:23
Pentecost: Its Meaning and Significance to Humanity

Pentecost: Its Meaning and Significance to Humanity

The meaning of Pentecost and its significance to humanity are about the true meaning of the holy day of Pentecost and how it applies to society and human life in general. Pentecost is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that has profound and transformative effects for the original apostles and future disciples of Yahshua the Messiah to be bold and fearless in spreading and proclaiming the Word of Yahweh (The Bible).

May 27, 202305:34
Your Soul is More Precious Than Money and Riches

Your Soul is More Precious Than Money and Riches

Your soul is more precious than money and riches is a podcast about not making wealth and material possessions the centerpiece of one's life but faithfulness and obedience to the Word of Yahweh (the Bible) instead. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Mark 8:36-37). Yes, obtaining eternal life is far more valuable than all the material riches of this world.

May 21, 202306:33
A Message of Encouragement for Hope and Faith

A Message of Encouragement for Hope and Faith

A message of encouragement for hope and faith is a podcast episode that will talk about hope and faith and how these two virtues can help us navigate the challenges of living a Christian life.

May 13, 202307:14
The True Meaning and Real Definition of Love

The True Meaning and Real Definition of Love

This podcast episode is about the true meaning and real definition of love, which is that love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never ends. (1 Corinthians 13:7-8). Love is also patient and kind; it does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6).

May 06, 202305:59
The Importance of Sabbath and Saturday Worship

The Importance of Sabbath and Saturday Worship

The importance of Sabbath and Saturday worship is a podcast episode that reveals the real truth about Saturday being the correct day of Sabbath worship clearly mentioned in the Bible for worshiping Yahweh, the Almighty Father in heaven. This is also in reference to the fourth law of the Ten Commandments that says, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of Yahweh, your Elohim." (Exodus 20:8; Deuteronomy 5:12)

Apr 29, 202306:28
How to Train Children the Way They Should Go

How to Train Children the Way They Should Go

How to Train Children the Way They Should Go is a podcast about teaching our children good values and morals early in their lives from the Bible to guide them.

Apr 22, 202305:45
The Rising Crime and Attack on the Family

The Rising Crime and Attack on the Family

The rising crime and attack on the family is a short but powerful message about the crimes committed against the family, specifically abortion, and the assault on humanity regarding gender confusion in our society.

Apr 14, 202303:05
Bible Truth: What Is The Reward Of The Saved?

Bible Truth: What Is The Reward Of The Saved?

In today's Bible study, I'll talk about what is the reward of the saved? Many don't know and even confuse in what truly is the reward of the saved or those what the Bible refers to as the saints. In this episode, I'll clear up the misconceptions about this subject and will let the Bible interpret itself.

Jun 19, 202126:18
Bible Truth: Ungratefulness Of Yahweh's Blessings Is Sin

Bible Truth: Ungratefulness Of Yahweh's Blessings Is Sin

Ungratefulness of Yahweh's blessings is sin. Many don't appreciate the blessings they get from the Almighty Father Yahweh in heaven. Many desire more things they already have in their lives. Many lust and desiring to covet things they cannot have in their lives because they are not appreciative of what's given to them and they have the spirit of ingratitude.

May 09, 202101:01:23
Bible Truth: Are your prayers going into Yahweh's junk worship?

Bible Truth: Are your prayers going into Yahweh's junk worship?

Are your prayers going into Yahweh's junk worship? Will Creator Yahweh hear your pleas when you pray to Him? It is essential for you to know that Almighty Father in heaven Yahweh does not hear all the people's prayer but the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16). 

Apr 11, 202101:07:05
Bible Truth: How Can Your Core Values Shape Your Life?

Bible Truth: How Can Your Core Values Shape Your Life?

Do you know your core values can shape your life? On this episode, I'll talk about how our values can shape our life using perspectives from the Bible. It's not too late to change your values using biblical principles. Our moral values today can affect our spiritual growth tomorrow and in the future.

Mar 30, 202101:12:01
Bible Truth: What Makes A Church And A Person A Laodicean?

Bible Truth: What Makes A Church And A Person A Laodicean?

What makes a church and a person a Laodicean? Laodiceans are peoples in churches mentioned in Revelation who are lukewarm, wretched, miserable, blind, naked, and poor in faith. They should be zealous and they must repent of their sins, as instructed in the Bible. They are in danger of being spewed out from the coming holy Kingdom (Revelation 3:15-19). Laodiceans are not truly convicted of truth, faith, and love in accordance with the actual principles and standards as taught in the Bible.  

Mar 16, 202101:02:23
Bible Truth: You Shall Love Other Peoples As Yourself

Bible Truth: You Shall Love Other Peoples As Yourself

Yahshua the Messiah told His apostles to love other peoples as themselves. This reminder from the Savior of humanity was an excerpt from the Ten Commandments. According to Savior Yahshua there are 2 great commandments. The greatest commandment is to love Almighty Yahweh with all your heart, soul, and mind. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-39). Why? Because all the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments!

Mar 08, 202101:09:11
Bible Truth: Choose Life For Almighty Yahweh's Blessings

Bible Truth: Choose Life For Almighty Yahweh's Blessings

Choose life for blessings. Life itself is a blessing from the Almighty Father Yahweh in heaven. The life of every human being is very precious to Him because He created life. The killings of peoples, including the very innocent ones still unborn in the womb (fetus) of a pregnant mother, are an abomination to Him. All those who are killing lives, directly or indirectly, will someday face judgment for their evil works. No one has the authority to take out the life of any person except Yahweh Himself. 

Feb 18, 202101:00:11
Bible Truth: My House Shall Be Called A House Of Prayer

Bible Truth: My House Shall Be Called A House Of Prayer

My House shall be called a house of prayer. The Bible talks about that of Almighty Yahweh's House as a house of sanctification, holiness, and yes, prayer. This House, also known as the Church, is not a building that many are led to believe in and many are also falsely teaching! This House is a congregation or body of believers and doers of Yahweh's Word (Bible) and followers of Savior Yahshua. The Church is not meant for selling or buying Bible messages, merchandise, and it's not to be a den for thieves!

Jan 25, 202101:06:53
Bible Truth: The Signs Of The End-Time

Bible Truth: The Signs Of The End-Time

The signs of the end-time are signs mentioned in the Bible people all over the world will see happening at the end of this present age. There's nothing that man can do about it as they're a part of the appointed times of the Almighty Yahweh Elohim of heaven.

Jan 16, 202101:17:59
Bible Truth: Are You A Blasphemer?

Bible Truth: Are You A Blasphemer?

Are you a blasphemer? Very sadly, this is true for so many and they don't even know it! The name of the Elohim in the heaven is Yahweh, not God, ever! The Almighty Father Elohim in heaven has many titles, but His only name is Yahweh forever! Blaspheming Yahweh's name has eternal consequences!

Dec 26, 202001:23:51
Bible Truth: Why Yahweh Is Not Real To Most People

Bible Truth: Why Yahweh Is Not Real To Most People

Why Yahweh is not real to most people is a podcast episode that explores who is the Almighty Father in heaven Yahweh. Reading the Bible is not knowing Yahweh. Belief in Yahweh is not enough because even the demons believe in Him and tremble! Repentance of sin and obedience to His Word (Bible) are the true ways to know Yahweh. Yahweh's true followers serve and worship Him in spirit and in truth. 

Dec 20, 202001:20:37
Bible Truth: Is There An Eternal Hellfire?

Bible Truth: Is There An Eternal Hellfire?

Is there an eternal hellfire is a podcast episode debunking the popular beliefs that there is an eternal hellfire, and such a place called purgatory where the soul or the spirit of the dead people go before going to hell or heaven. The podcast host referenced the Bible itself to dispel these myths.

Dec 13, 202051:53
Bible Truth: The Message Of Savior Yahshua To The Churches

Bible Truth: The Message Of Savior Yahshua To The Churches

The message of Savior Yahshua to the churches is a message of love, hope, and faith. It is a reminder to His peoples (His Church) to strengthen and stay true to their faith in Him and to the Almighty Father Elohim (Yahweh) in heaven until the end and wait for their rewards. It is also a message of warning to all the corrupt and unfaithful churches mentioned in Revelation.

Dec 06, 202001:08:32
Bible Truth: By Their Fruits You Will Know Them

Bible Truth: By Their Fruits You Will Know Them

By their fruits you will know them are words that come directly from the Savior of humanity, Yahshua Himself. It means we must not to be deceived by the false ministers or preachers who wrongly interprets the Bible using their own human or personal interpretations the Bible refers to as the  doctrines of demons! Beware of those who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves!

Nov 29, 202001:12:24