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MomQ: Biblical Wisdom and Support for Christian Moms

MomQ: Biblical Wisdom and Support for Christian Moms

By MomQ Media

Grab your journal and join host Candace Nassar and her guests for insights on integrating faith and motherhood. Find encouragement and advice on topics where you need it the most: marriage, parenting and self-care. Every mom can learn to navigate tough issues like conflict in relationships, finding your identity in Christ, overcoming toxic thought patterns and understanding your purpose in parenting. We believe that Jesus' way of doing family is best for everyone.
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Ep 54: Building a strong family session 3: business vs. worship - are you a Martha or a Mary?

MomQ: Biblical Wisdom and Support for Christian MomsFeb 15, 2024

Ep 69: Lindsey Werner on enabling resiliency with our kids and compassion for ourselves

Ep 69: Lindsey Werner on enabling resiliency with our kids and compassion for ourselves

“When we fix things for our kids so they don’t have to feel the intensity of their emotions, we take away the opportunity for them to learn resiliency.” We continue our mental health month series with a conversation with Lindsey Werner, LPC and one of our favorite MomQ speakers. She talks about one of the most challenging yet essential jobs as parents- helping them to establish resiliency and confidence in order to become strong and healthy adults. Lindsey shares strategies on how we can stay grounded as moms by establishing our identity in Christ and NOT in our kids and their well being. She also encourages us to have compassion on ourselves as moms as we help our kids face the daily challenges of life.
May 27, 202441:16
Ep 68: MomQ Mingle: an honest conversation about mental health

Ep 68: MomQ Mingle: an honest conversation about mental health

It’s Mental Health month and we’re kicking off with an honest conversation about how we should navigate issues like depression, loneliness and anxiety from a biblical perspective. Candace and Annie share their own personal struggles with mental health and testimony of how God delivered them while using their experience to help others. This is a must-listen episode if you or someone you love has or is currently struggling with mental health and needs encouragement.
May 13, 202437:42
Ep 67: Jayme Gradwell: a testimony of God’s faithfulness
Apr 29, 202445:44
Ep 66: Building a strong family session 10: testimony and life lessons from MomQ alumni

Ep 66: Building a strong family session 10: testimony and life lessons from MomQ alumni

It's been a wonderful semester of learning how to build our homes, and our families on the rock of Christ (Matthew 7:24-27). This is a special episode as Candace summarizes our lessons with actionable points for how we can build our families on solid ground.
We also get to hear from three moms from our community about how God has led them to build a strong family. I think you will be encouraged and inspired by their stories!
Apr 19, 202451:37
Ep 65: Dawn Jackson and walking through anger with God

Ep 65: Dawn Jackson and walking through anger with God

The Bible says we are to mature in our faith but how does that work? Is it all up to us or does God play a role? Maybe you have tried to nurture your faith but you just don’t feel like God hears your prayers. Maybe you are in a period of waiting for Him to move but he has been silent. Or maybe you are angry with Him because your life hasn’t turned out the way you wanted it to? Why would God allow hard things in our lives if he is a loving God?    In this conversation we have one of our MomQ leaders Dawn Jackson to discuss how God used an autism diagnosis for one of her sons to teach her to truly trust Him.  Dawn is a Pastor’s wife and while you may think that means she has arrived spiritually speaking, she explains that through this trial, God revealed himself to her in unexpected ways.

Apr 15, 202432:47
Ep 64: Building a strong family session 9: how can I control the vibe in my home?

Ep 64: Building a strong family session 9: how can I control the vibe in my home?

At the end of the day, we all want our home to be full of peace, love, forgiveness and joy. But what control do we have with the vibe of our household?

Annie teaches on how we can turn to scripture for instructions on using our words and actions to reflect Jesus: beneficial, honorable and encouraging. The words we chose to speak to our children, our kids, and others around us can greatly impact the culture and tone of our home.

Apr 05, 202434:29
Ep 63: The MomQ Mingle: Cultivating our relationship with God.

Ep 63: The MomQ Mingle: Cultivating our relationship with God.

God invites us into a deep and abiding relationship with Him. But, we often settle for mediocre, unfruitful lives because we let the cares/weeds of the world distract us.
Are there areas of your spiritual life that might need attention? Maybe some dead branches need to be cleared away? Maybe the soil needs to be activated with some new spiritual disciplines or maybe mentorship?
Spiritual growth requires intentionality but also surrender to God's work in our lives. Whatever is taking energy from us that does not honor God he will prune away. He wants our whole heart. Our full devotion.
Candace and Annie share practical advise on how to avoid stagnancy and continue to grow in our relationship with God as busy moms.

Book Mentioned in this podcast
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney
Apr 01, 202438:18
Ep 62: Building a strong family session 8: How do I become a peacemaker?

Ep 62: Building a strong family session 8: How do I become a peacemaker?

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." - Romans 12:18

Peace is something all of us desire. But relationships are hard. Being a mom, a wife, a spouse and friend can often lead to conflict.

How do we become peacemakers in the most challenging situations? Julie teaches on how we can build strong families by pursuing peace by turning our eyes and hearts toward God vs. our own desires.

Mar 29, 202441:40
Ep 61: Building a strong family session 7: where does your treasure lie?

Ep 61: Building a strong family session 7: where does your treasure lie?

"Where you treasure is, there your heart will be" - Matthew 6:21

God tells us that what we treasure most is directly tied to the condition of our heart. But the reality is the gods of money, achievement, possessions and success are always trying to capture our attention. How do we reframe our mindset, and the culture of our family to value what God values most?

Candace teaches on practical strategies for how we can implement rythyms in our family that point towards the treasure that lasts forever.

Mar 22, 202442:15
Ep 60: Matt Peacock on finding joy in service and humility with others

Ep 60: Matt Peacock on finding joy in service and humility with others

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar: You catch yourself scrolling through Instagram looking at other moms' seemingly perfect family vacations, immaculate playrooms or home-cooked meals and feel an overwhelming sense of inadequacy? Or do you spend hours meticulously planning every detail of your child's activities but end up being frustrated by unexpected challenges like a learning disability or just plain lack of interest? Do you have more "Why, God?" days than "Thank you God!" days? Maybe you haven’t thought about it, but all of that focus on yourself actually stems from pride? And we know that pride is the root of all sin.
As we approach Easter, we are continuing our theme of humility and sacrifice. Today, my guest, Matt Peacock, is a man of true humility. You are going to be so blessed by his story and his heart for serving others. Matt is the founder of Partners in Hope, an Austin based collaborative ministry focused on eliminating social isolation in Texas. We are going to have a conversation about how serving others can change our perspective and actually bring us joy and contentment in a way that focusing on ourselves never will.
Mar 18, 202434:30
Ep 59: Building a strong family session 6: How do I get out of my head?

Ep 59: Building a strong family session 6: How do I get out of my head?

“The biggest battle you fight is between your two ears.” -Jennie Allen
So many of us fight a battle every day with the negative, anxious and sometimes crippling thoughts that circle in our mind. But how do we break the cycle of thoughts that hold us back from our relationships with others, our kids and with God?
Julie helps us answer how we get out of our own heads by fixating on Jesus and the truth of his Word verses the lies that Satan wants us to believe.
Mar 08, 202439:11
Ep 58: MomQ Mingle: A conversation about humility

Ep 58: MomQ Mingle: A conversation about humility

Believe it or not, it’s already Easter season! It’s March 31st! When we think of Easter and the sacrifice Jesus made for us, we are struck by the incredible humility of it; that the creator of the universe would submit to the Father’s will and die a criminal’s death to pay a debt he didn’t owe because of His amazing love for us. So with that in mind, we’re going to be talking about humility this month. Why is humility important? Why is it so hard and how can we live it out?
In this episode we are kicking off a new, monthly series called “The MomQ Mingle." In these episodes, Candace and Annie will chat about relevant topic for today's moms and comparing truth from the Word with trends from culture.
Mar 04, 202442:11
Ep 57: Building a strong family session 5: Mom panel on how to handle pressures in the home

Ep 57: Building a strong family session 5: Mom panel on how to handle pressures in the home

One of the biggest challenges of being a mom is the countless, and seemingly never ending demands on us. In this session of How to Build a Strong Family, we gather an amazing panel of mentor Moms who provide practical advice on how to keep your cool while balancing our roles as a wife, mom, friend, and follower of God.
Mar 01, 202401:17:16
Ep 56: Building a strong family session 4: How do I handle anxiety in my home?

Ep 56: Building a strong family session 4: How do I handle anxiety in my home?

We desire for our home to be a sanctuary. But the reality is life is hard, and every day we face stress and anxious thoughts that fill our minds and our four walls. In this next session of Building a Strong Family, Annie reminds us of the promises God gives in his Word to trade our anxiety for His peace.
Feb 23, 202438:51
Ep 55: Love in action: a conversation about marriage with Joe and Barbara Bland

Ep 55: Love in action: a conversation about marriage with Joe and Barbara Bland

This month we are talking about how God wants us to put His love into action in our relationships. Many people feel like this is the hardest with our spouses. Marriage is hard and there are some scary statistics out there that might feel daunting. But, listening to podcasts like today, show commitment to growth and a deeper relationship with your spouse, so thank you so much for being here! 

Do you ever feel like your marriage hit a rough patch you can’t seem to get out of and it's just downhill from here?  Or that you’re settling for “everything is just fine” because it’s the easier path? Or how about those couples you know that have been married for decades and decades-how in the world do they seem so truly happy? In this episode we hear from Barbara and Joe Bland, long time Austin residents who have been married 42 years! Yes, you heard right! They share their story of how God transformed their hearts and showed them how to truly love each other over the years.

Feb 19, 202446:39
Ep 52:MomQ Mingle: Love like Jesus

Ep 52:MomQ Mingle: Love like Jesus

It's February - the month of Love! We are kicking off a new theme on the podcast to focus on love and relationships. What we know in our culture is love is something everyone wants but has a hard time truly giving. At the same time, God is clear that we are loved to love him and love others.

In this episode Candace chats with Annie Mendrala to tease out the topic of love and relationships as we discuss what the bible has to say about it. It's a fun episode full of wisdom on this topic and encourage you to listen as we kick off the Valentines day season!
Feb 17, 202435:47
Ep 54: Building a strong family session 3: business vs. worship - are you a Martha or a Mary?

Ep 54: Building a strong family session 3: business vs. worship - are you a Martha or a Mary?

Culture says busy is good and slow is bad. A frantic pace is applauded and rewarded, and some people wear it as a badge of honor.
I don't know what you've done today, but chances are, whether it was real estate or finding lost blankies, you were already busy this morning. Yet if we get down to the nitty gritty, I think we'd say at least a lot of the time that we are hurried, and frustrated, and exhausted. And what tends to be the first thing to go when that happens?
Julie teaches on importance of filling our cup with the source of life - Jesus, and choosing the one who is better just as Mary did.
Feb 15, 202439:22
Ep 53: Building a strong family session 2: How should I prioritize my people?

Ep 53: Building a strong family session 2: How should I prioritize my people?

In our second session in our series of Building a Strong Family, we talk about how we can set priorities in our family according to the Bible. Once we establish that Jesus is at the center, how do we balance the craziness of life with our responsibilities as mothers and wives? Annie teaches how when we set our lives on biblical principles and unconditional love, we can put our focus where it matters most.
Feb 09, 202443:17
Ep 51: Building a strong family session 1: What makes a strong family

Ep 51: Building a strong family session 1: What makes a strong family

This week we kick off the first session of our new semester of teaching series at MomQ with the theme of Building a Strong Family. In this first teaching, Candace talks about the elements that make a strong family - most importantly an individual, authentic relationship with God.
Feb 02, 202435:24
Ep 50: Sarah Cowan Johnson on a practical guide to family discipleship
Jan 22, 202439:29
Ep 49: Becky Terry and discovering our calling and purpose in our work

Ep 49: Becky Terry and discovering our calling and purpose in our work

In our second episode of our Renew series as we enter the new year discovering and reflecting on new rhythms in our life, we chat with Becky Terry from Purpose Works, formerly known as Job Seekers Network. Becky has provided guidance in career direction, job search strategies and career management for the last 25 years.

As we are thinking about goals for the new year, many people find themselves asking questions like: “Am I on the right path in life?” “Is there something God has for me to do that I am missing?” And “How can I discover my gifts and talents?” I think you’ll find the answers to these questions and more with in our conversation.

To learn more about Purpose Works visit: JSNatx@org

Jan 09, 202433:54
Ep 48: MomQ Mingle-Rhythms of renewal for moms in 2024

Ep 48: MomQ Mingle-Rhythms of renewal for moms in 2024

Daily rhythms are a simple way to refresh and renew our mind. As we kick off a brand new series to kick off 2024 called “Renew” we chat with Annie Mendrala about how we can renew our rhythms this new year. When we reflect on the rhythms God has created in nature and also the ones he has established in scripture, we can set boundaries to create rhythms that renew us spiritually, physically and mentally.
Jan 02, 202436:47
Ep 47: Our children's happiness, navigating anxiety, and Q&A with Sue McAlinden and Lynnette Seitzler

Ep 47: Our children's happiness, navigating anxiety, and Q&A with Sue McAlinden and Lynnette Seitzler

In this episode we have our last conversation with our MomQ leaders for our Becoming a Confident Mom series wrap up, where we are answering pre-submitted questions from our community members. So far in this series we have answered questions about marriage, spiritual growth, and holiday traditions. In today’s episode we will talk about issues pertaining to our children. like ways to disciple them at home and help them deal with anxiety.

I have Sue McAlinden and Lynette Seitzler with me, both MomQ mentor moms, who will be sharing their collective wisdom and encouragement. I’m excited for you to get to know them as well. 

Sue has been a MomQ mentor mom since our beginning. She spent twenty-one years raising her family, participating in Bible studies, leading small groups and mentoring moms of younger children.  She says being a mom was her favorite job, and she loves to encourage other moms as they juggle their own family, their extended family, their marriage, and time for themselves. Currently, Susan is a contributing writer on the website, She was recently published in the Proverbs 31 book, “hope when your heart is heavy.” 

As a mentor mom, Lynette enjoys helping young moms grow deeper in their Christian walk. Originally raised on farms and ranches in both Minnesota and Texas, Lynette has lived in Austin since 2006. As a journalist, she started reporting for Four Points News in 2008 and God gave her the opportunity to own the newspaper in 2011. You can find Lynetter at most local events taking photos and notes. She is also a faithful assistant to her husband who teaches Bible fellowship class at their church.

We hope this episode blesses and encourages you as you enter into the holiday season. Much love from the MomQ family!

Dec 18, 202333:15
Ep 46: Deep dive on marriage with Barbara Bland and Annie Mendrala

Ep 46: Deep dive on marriage with Barbara Bland and Annie Mendrala

In this episode we have a conversation with Barbara Bland and Annie Mendrala to do a deep dive into some pretty tough questions about marriage. Our answers will challenge you. I encourage you to keep an open mind as you listen. We also want to be clear that we are addressing the typical marital issues that we see and experience in our ministry. But, we are not professional counselors and there are certainly situations where their advice would be more appropriate. And of course, if you or your children are in danger, then get to a safe place as soon as possible.

Marriage always one of the most popular topics of our podcast because we all have marriage issues. And it’s no wonder. I mean merging our life with another human being is a tall order. It causes us to confront our own character issues and that’s not fun. 

But, the Bible is clear that marriage is a covenant relationship that God ordained at creation. God tells us that our relationship with our husbands should be our priority behind only our relationship with Him. And if our selfish, prideful nature wasn’t enough to undermine marriage, the devil is always attacking it as well. Why? Because he wants to destroy families. It is through strong Christian families that the character of God is reflected.

I think each of you will be blessed, challenged, and encouraged by this episode. If you are, please feel free to share with a fellow mama as well!

Dec 11, 202335:37
Ep 46: Holiday Traditions, Spiritual Growth and Q&A with Amy Tipps and Kendra Echols

Ep 46: Holiday Traditions, Spiritual Growth and Q&A with Amy Tipps and Kendra Echols

Today on our show, we have e two of our MomQ mentor Moms, Amy Tipps and Kendra Echols.

I’m excited about this because it will be a slightly different format for us. As you know we just wrapped up our series “Becoming a Confident Mom” and the synopsis of that is Episode 45 you guys want to check that out. That theme of that whole series is that as believers, because our identity is in Jesus, we can have peace and hope in the struggles and relationships of life.

As part of our wrap-up at our gathering in Austin, we have a tradition that a live panel of our mentor moms answers pre submitted questions from our community members. This year we decided to go a step further and go on a deep dive with pairs of our mentor moms to get to know them, and learn from them.

Amy is a former high school teacher and coach with lots of ministry adventures over the years, including Bible Study Fellowship and Celebrate Recovery. She is also a certified Life Coach through the Forward Foundation. Amy is passionate about emotional health and spiritual growth through discipleship, recovery, and  walking closely with God on a daily basis. She is a wise, gracious and peace filled woman of God. 

Kendra is native to central Texas. She has served in women's and children's Ministry for 20 plus years and has also been a worship leader in different capacities since she was a teenager. Her smile is infectious and her joyous spirit radiates Jesus to those around her. She appreciates authenticity and seeks to build relationships on the truth of God's Word. 

Dec 04, 202336:39
Episode 45: Becoming a confident mom series synopsis

Episode 45: Becoming a confident mom series synopsis

Candace shares closing things on this wonderful semester studying how to be a confident mom, from God’s perspective. She shares the key points for us to take action and meditate on as we continue to hold to Christ for our confidence, our peace, and our joy.
Nov 16, 202315:58
Episode 44: Sam Konda: Church planting and God's faithfulness

Episode 44: Sam Konda: Church planting and God's faithfulness

On this episode we have Sam Konda on the show. Sam is a former leader with MomQ and an absolutely beautiful woman of God. She always has a smile on her face and an encouraging word to share with people. She is just one of those people that when she speaks, you pay attention because you know it’s going to be words of gold.
Sam grew up in India where her father was a Christian Pastor. You can imagine how rare that was and the challenges involved with being a Christian pastor’s kid in a predominantly Hindu country. But, God was always with Sam as He is with us. She allowed Him to mature her faith through those circumstances and prepare her for a new call He has on her life. Sam shares some of her journey and how he used her early life circumstances to lead her and her husband to start a church - and how God demonstrated his faithfulness through it all.
Nov 13, 202336:44
Episode 43: How can I be happy?

Episode 43: How can I be happy?

Happiness is something we all desire, but is it really something we can attain? Annie Mendrala teaches what the answer is from the Bible, and how when we pursue true, lasting happiness, we can have joy despite the circumstances around us.
Nov 09, 202339:60
Episode 42: Unstuck - tools to move through unforgiveness and shame
Nov 02, 202355:16
Episode 41: Jennifer Appleton and Moms in Prayer
Oct 30, 202333:10
Episode 40: What do I do when others hurt me?

Episode 40: What do I do when others hurt me?

When was the last time you were offended? Chances are we all get hurt by others daily. We often hear from the culture that we need to eliminate “toxic” people or relationships, but what does God say? Candace teaches about how when we receive God’s forgiveness, it helps change our heart to forgive others, and receive blessing in the process.
Oct 26, 202342:21
Episode 39: What do I do when I mess up?

Episode 39: What do I do when I mess up?

In our Christian walk, there are going to be times when we mess up. Whether it’s with our kids, our spouse, at work, the moment comes when we know we were in the wrong. But then what do we do? Julie Whitehurst teaches a Godly response to our sin, which involves confessing and turning away from it without guilt or shame.
Oct 19, 202346:11
Episode 38: Melissa Workman: How and why to study the bible with your kids

Episode 38: Melissa Workman: How and why to study the bible with your kids

In this episode we get to chat with Melissa Workman. She is a mom of 3 and the teaching director of After School Kids in the Four Points area of Austin, Texas. In this episode, she shares the story of how God led her to launch this ministry in her community and the importance of teaching young kids to learn and LOVE studying God's Word.
Oct 16, 202329:47
Episode 37: Why do bad things happen?

Episode 37: Why do bad things happen?

Even as believers, it’s sometimes a struggle to wrap our minds around how a good and all powerful Gospel can allow bad things to happen. Annie Mendrala reminds us that in a sinful world, we should count on trouble, but expect victory. God is always with us in our suffering, He has conquered brokenness ultimately. Because of that, we have joy today because we have hope for eternity.
Oct 12, 202338:33
Episode 36: How to practice conflict resolution

Episode 36: How to practice conflict resolution

Most of us don’t love conflict. But, we experience different forms of conflict in all our relationships, including with our kids. In this episode we are grateful to have Lindsey Werner, Licensed Professional Counselor and director of relationship equipping at Hill Country Bible Church, speak about the importance of conflict resolution and the dangers of unresolved conflict. Alternatively, when we lean into resolution, it brings peace with each other and with God.
Oct 06, 202346:15
Episode 35: Christine Hoover: From Good to Grace
Oct 03, 202332:45
Episode 34: How should I relate to my children?

Episode 34: How should I relate to my children?

To continue our series in viewing relationships from a biblical perspective, Candace teaches on how we should relate to our children as Christian moms. It’s easy to wrap our identity in our role as mothers and whether or not our kids reflect the values we hold. However, our kids are a precious creation from God and they belong to Him ultimately. When we view them that way we can withhold our reigns and trust that He has their best interest in mind.
Sep 28, 202341:03
Episode 33: How should I relate to my husband?

Episode 33: How should I relate to my husband?

One of our MomQ teachers, Julie Whitehurst, shares wisdom from a biblical perspective about how God designed marriage and what that means for us practically as wives today. When we better understand God’s purpose and role for us as women in the context of marriage, we can build a relationship that is fulfilling, meaningful, and honoring to God. In addition, we leave a legacy to our children for their future marriages.
Sep 21, 202343:10
Episode 32: Kayla Marnach: Body Boundaries and Self Regulation
Sep 18, 202331:33
Episode 31: Why do relationships matter to God?

Episode 31: Why do relationships matter to God?

In week 2 in our series of “Becoming a Confident Mom,” Annie Mendrala teaches on the value of relationships from a biblical perspective. Because we serve a relational God, He uses relationships in all forms to encourage us, inspire us, and sanctify us.

Sep 14, 202333:02
Episode 30: Where does my identity lie?

Episode 30: Where does my identity lie?

We are excited to kick off a new semester of MomQ teaching! We have fresh content and a rotating team of speakers that will share from the truth of God's Word about who we are as Moms and the calling we have as the primary disciplers of our kids.

In week one of the semester Candace teaches on where our identify lies as moms. Ultimately, it is not in the approval of others or even in our role as a mom and wife. It is rooted in who God says we are as believers in Christ.
Sep 07, 202349:07
Episode 29: Candace Nassar, on the founding of MomQ and some exciting updates

Episode 29: Candace Nassar, on the founding of MomQ and some exciting updates

We kick off a new season of the MomQ podcast with a special, in depth interview with MomQ founder and president, Candace Nassar. She shares a bit of her personal testimony and how God used a local mom community to bring her to faith. She also shares how God led her to take a leap in faith to start the ministry and bring it to where it is today.
We also chat about some exciting new updates to MomQ that our podcast guests and in person members will see coming this fall!
Aug 31, 202333:58
Episode 28: Stacy Reichmanis and Amanda Tipps: Experiencing God's presence wherever we are

Episode 28: Stacy Reichmanis and Amanda Tipps: Experiencing God's presence wherever we are

On this episode we had the privelege to interview two special guests with me, Amanda Tipps and Staci Reichmanis. Amanda and Staci are both on the counseling staff at Hill country Bible Church in Austin, TX. Amanda works with adolescents and Staci is the Director of the Counseling Department. They have both been guest speakers at MomQ a few times and they are fantastic! They are consummate professionals who really know their stuff and they are also beautiful Godly women and mothers.

They share with us some powerful, yet practical tips for finding rest in God's presence in the chaos of our daily lives.
Aug 17, 202349:12
Episode 27: Teri Craft on marriage restoration and recovery and living life unplugged

Episode 27: Teri Craft on marriage restoration and recovery and living life unplugged

On this episode of our summer series we have an amazing conversation with Teri Craft. Teri is an Associate Professional Clinical Counselor, Certified Marriage & Recovery Coach, and holds a Masters in Professional Counseling from the Townsend Institute. She has been trained in Pastoral Marriage and Family Counseling, and leads women’s groups for personal growth as well as for those who have experienced betrayal and personal loss. Teri has dedicated her life to speaking, leading, writing, and training others regarding relational and organizational health. She and her husband founded Life Unplugged which partners with couples to provide enrichment, recovery, or healing to marriages. You will be encouraged and inspired by hearing her story of recovery and restoration. For more information Life Unplugged visit
Aug 03, 202331:56
Episode 26: Amy Benchener: Experiencing God in the midst of trials and grief

Episode 26: Amy Benchener: Experiencing God in the midst of trials and grief

To continue our summer series we had the opportunity to interview Amy Benchener, an amazing mom of 2, professor and community leader. She shares her journey facing some health issues with her daughter and facing the death of her father - and how she and her family experienced the power and realness of God in the middle of those situations.

Jul 20, 202331:07
Episode 25: Jesica Gierke on witnessing the power of God

Episode 25: Jesica Gierke on witnessing the power of God

We are exited to catch up with Jesica Gierke who is a MomQ mentor, mother and most of all amazing servant of Christ. She shares with us some of her story and an experience she had on a missions trip in Costa Rica where she witnessed the awe-inspiring power of God in action. You don't want to miss it!
Jul 07, 202334:11
Episode 24: Tracy Higley and making a lasting impact as a mom

Episode 24: Tracy Higley and making a lasting impact as a mom

We are thrilled to interview Tracy Higley for our second episode in our summer series on experiencing the presence of God IN the chaos of summer.
Tracy is a bestselling author of twenty books and successful entrepreneur and business owner. After decades of keeping up with publishing contracts, four kids, church ministries and grad school, all the while running a million-dollar retail business, Tracy -crashed and burned.- And learned. The answer didn't come from changing her fundamental personality of achiever, but by taking those strengths and fitting them into a structure that explodes productivity while staying balanced, healthy and joyful. Her desire is to walk alongside Christian women who want to make a lasting impact with their lives, both within and outside the four walls of their homes.
You will enjoy the wisdom Tracy shares from her story and lessons God taught her during summers with her own kids.
To learn more about Tracy and her books, visit her website.
Jun 21, 202339:18
Episode 23: Summer Series 2023: Stephanie James

Episode 23: Summer Series 2023: Stephanie James

We are so excited to launch our first Summer Podcast Series with Stephanie James! We're going to be talking about practicing the presence of God IN the chaos of summer. We hope that you will be encouraged by the testimony of these women was they prioritize their relationship with Jesus in the absence of routine.
We are kicking off our series with Stephanie James. Stephanie is a mom who truly follows after God's heart. She has six kids ranging from teen to toddler and is determined to prioritize faith in their family. I think you will appreciate and value the wisdom she provides in this conversation for intentionally discipling your kids during summer.
Jun 07, 202328:11
Episode 22: Semester 4 wrap up and mentor mom panel

Episode 22: Semester 4 wrap up and mentor mom panel

We wrap up this semester with some key takeaways from the lessons from this semester on Building Families of Character. Our amazing mentor moms also join us for a panel to answer any and all questions from the audience on parenting.

We loved sharing in this journey with you this semester. Please stay tuned for some special episodes this summer before we kick off again in the fall!
Apr 20, 202351:28
Episode 21: What is the secret to a satisfied marriage?

Episode 21: What is the secret to a satisfied marriage?

No other relationship or situation can challenge our faith more than our marriage. So what is the secret to a satisfied marriage?

Surpisingly, it has much less to do with how our husband, or even relationship needs to change. Instead, it's about focusing on how God wants to sanctify us in the process. When we exchange our character for God's character, or focus turns from ourselves, to who God wants us to be.
Apr 08, 202301:03:38