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Engineered Unicorns

Engineered Unicorns

By Engineered Unicorns

Ever wondered what an engineer reads after work? SandyJ gives you book recommendations that are fantastic in more than one way. Books to escape from reality (for those not afraid of unicorns) and on how to improve your reality if you should wish to do so. The books will most likely be available in one of Karlsruhes many public libraries. We will explore book stores and talk about reading experiences. All from the perspective of a Bookdragon who is an engineer by day and likes a little bit of magic off the clock. Happy endings guaranteed.
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Books and Habits

Engineered UnicornsAug 02, 2021

Wyrd Physics

Wyrd Physics

Physics turned weird during the last century, first with the relativity and then with quantum mechanics. Supersymmetry and String Theory have been en vogue for the last decades because they are such beautiful theories, but the experiments (LHC at CERN) don’t turn up the predictions (all the while LIGO has found the gravitational waves). Sabine Hossenfelder is a German theoretical physicist and has asked herself, why the physics community likes the beautiful theories so much more then the ugly but well-tested Standard Model, in this months non-fiction book recommendation. 

And Terry Pratchett delivers the highly entertaining fictional wyrdness with the all new audiobook of his „Wyrd Sisters“. Witches and particle physics? A wyrd but entertaining combination.

Hear you soon.

Podcast Timetable: Stream on Sunday, June 12th 7 PM local time. Drops on Monday, June 13th, noon-ish, Oldschool Radio (UKW 104.8) Tuesday 10 AM local time. YouTube: whenever we get around to it (Even the older episodes are now available)

Bookdragon, Producer: SandyJ

Music: Erwin Schmidt

Book Recommendations:

Non-FictionSabine Hossenfelder „Lost in Math – How Beauty leads Physics astray“ (2018)

Fiction:Terry Pratchett „Wyrd Sisters“ (1988)

Books mentioned:

Lee Smolin „The trouble with physics“

Brian Greene „The elegant Universe“

Sabine Hossenfelder „Existential Physics: A Scientist’s Guide to Life’s biggest Questions“ (August 9th 2022)

William Shakespeare „MacBeth“

Other Stuff:

Penguin Randomhouse „Turning Terry Pratchett’s Discworld into Audiobooks“

LIGO – Gravitational Wave

CERN lhc

Jun 13, 202213:09
Fictional and non-fictional politics

Fictional and non-fictional politics

To better understand what is happening in the world our local  Bookdragon naturally turned to books. SandyJ will share her findings  with you in the new episode of Engineered Unicorns.A classic and  considered one oft he best non-fiction books of the 20th century Karl R.  Poppers „The Open Society and its enemies“ compares the ideas of three  known philosophers and their impact on our societies. The fictional  politics you can find in Katherine Addisons „The Goblin Emperor“. How  does one deal with the pressures and limitations of power and social  status?New Fantasy books are available in the Libby App at  Karlsruhe Library System and at the American Library  in Karlsruhe. And  all of this episodes recommendations are available at Karlsruhes  libraries.See you in JunePodcast Timetable: Stream on  Sunday, May 8th 7 PM local time. Drops on Monday, May 9th, noon-ish,  Oldschool Radio (UKW 104.8) Tuesday 10 AM local time. YouTube: whenever  we get around to it (Even the older Episodes are now available)Bookdragon, Producer: SandyJMusic: Erwin Schmidt

May 09, 202219:06
Be careful what you wish for

Be careful what you wish for

Ever wanted to be a character in a fantasy book? Better be careful what you wish for, you might end up not being the main protagonist but the villain and things might get seriously off track.

This happens to the main character of the Danmei novel of the chinese author Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. Our local Bookdragon SandyJ had not only a good laugh while reading the „The Scum Villains Self-Saving System“, but she also pondered the implications of being drawn into a book and having to deal with snarky RPG Systems and filling in plotholes with a shovel.

New Fantasy books are available in the Libby App at Karlsruhe Library System and at the American Library in Karlsruhe

Next Unicorns episode will be out in May.

Bookdragon, Producer: SandyJ

Music: Erwin Schmidt

Book Recommendation:

Mo Xiang Tong Xiu „The Scum Villains Self-Saving System“ (2021)

Books mentioned:

Katherine Addison „The Goblin Emperor“

T.J. Klune „The Lightning-Struck Heart“

Benedikt Wells „Hard Land“

Mo Xiang Tong Xiu „Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation“

Mo Xiang Tong Xiu „Heaven Official’s Blessing“

Other Stuff:

The Untamed

SWR Lesenswert

Feb 14, 202224:28
Audiobooks and Statistics

Audiobooks and Statistics

New Year, new paths based on what we learned from the past. In the January 2022 episode of our Engineered Unicorns Podcast our local Bookdragon SandyJ looks back on her reading year and what she learned regarding the different book formats, producing this podcast and in other parts of her life. So there will be some light changes to the podcast this year and in her reading journey. So you can look forward to quite a few audiobook recommendations and some experiences regarding reading during the last two years.

Podcast Timetable: Stream on Sunday, January 16th 7 PM local time. Oldschool Radio (UKW 104.8) Tuesday January 18th 10 AM local time. YouTube: whenever we get around to it ;-) (Even the older Episodes are now available) 

Bookdragon, Producer: SandyJ 

Music: Erwin Schmidt 


Douglas Adams „A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy“, read by Stephen Fry 

Arthur Conan Doyle „Sherlock Holmes: The definitive Audio Collection“, read by Stephen Fry 

P. G. Wodehouse „The Jeeves Collection 1“ read by Stephen Fry 

Brandon Sanderson „Warbreaker“ Full Cast 

Katie Mack „The End of Everthing“, read by Gabra Zackmann 

B.J. Fogg „Tiny Habits“, read by the author 

Nedra Glower Tawwab „Set Boundaries, Find Peace“ read by the Author 

Lori Gottlieb „Maybe you should talk to someone“ read by Brittany Pressley 

Dan Charnas „Work Clean“ Read by the Author 

Susanna Clarke „Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell“ read by Simon Prebble 

Garth Nix „The left-handed booksellers of London“ read by Marisa Calin 

Marie Brennan „The Memoirs of Lady Trent Series“ read by Kate Reading 

Kate Racculia „Tuesday Mooney talks to ghosts“ read by Lauren Fortgang 

Mikhail Bulgakov „The Master and Margarita“ Read by Julian Rhind-Tutt 

Youtube Channels: 


Other Stuff: 

Fantasy Book Releases 2022

Jan 16, 202227:05
Cozy Bookdragon Edition

Cozy Bookdragon Edition

The winter weather and the whole situation in the news cycle is making you feel miserable? Our local Bookdragon is feeling it too. So, SandyJ has some lifestyle recommendations for you to build your cozy book cave to escape temporarily from it all. Starting out with booknook prep she then introduces books and shows that will provide us all with a cozy retreat this December.

Bookdragon, Producer: SandyJ

Music: Erwin Schmidt


Colin Cowie Chic

Kay O’Neill „The Tea Dragon Society“

Alexander Wolkow „Der Zauberer der Smaragdenstadt“ (Retelling of the „The Wizard of Oz“) r-smaragdenstadt

P.L. Travers „Mary Poppins“


Fujita „Wotakoi – Love is hard for Otaku“

Kintatsu Yamada „Sweat and Soap“


The Gilmore Girls

Coffee Prince

Her Private life

Secret Garden

Youtube Channels:

Morgan Long

Bernadette Banner

How to train your Gavin

Hardback Hoarder

Savidge Reads

Other Stuff:

Nintendo „Animal Crossing: New Horizons“

My Neighbor Totoro

Dec 06, 202119:41
The End and the Beginning, who turned off the light?

The End and the Beginning, who turned off the light?

November on the northern hemisphere is often dreary, cold and dark. But when the skies are clear can watch the stars quite early. Books allow us to travel not just to nice places on earth but to the dawn of time and the end of the universe. Our Bookdragon SandyJ found on her travels several interesting books. 

For the beginning of the universe she recommends Emma Chapman‘s „First Light – Switching on the Stars at the Dawn of Time“. While Katie Mack takes us to „The End of Everything – Astrophysically Speaking“. Two accomplished female scientists who write with a sense of humour. Even November has its perks.

Join our bookish travels.

Bookdragon, Producer: SandyJ
Music: Erwin Schmidt

Book Recommendations

Katie Mack „The end of everything – Astrophysically speaking“ (2020)

Emma Chapman „First Light – Switching on the Stars at the Dawn of time“ (2020)

Book Release by a Black Author 

Natasha Bowen „Skin oft he Sea“ (November 9th 2021)

Other Stuff Mentioned

Alain de Botton „The Art of Travel“ (2002) Hoffmann „Brad Pitt Ad“

Koramora Nintendo Direct Live React

Our Opinions are Correct Podcast

Our Opinions are Correct: Episode 75

Dr. Becky Smethurst, „A day in the Life of an Astrophysicist“

Margot Lee Shetterly „Hidden Figures“ (2016)

Nov 15, 202113:43
Summer Shorts
Oct 04, 202126:45
Academic Dragons

Academic Dragons

Bookdragons agree: Fantasy is literature, enjoyable to read and you can explore human issues with it.

If you want to dip your toe or reading glasses in the genre of Fantasy, then our local Bookdragon SandyJ has just the recommendation for you this month. “The Memoirs of Lady Trent” series by Marie Brennan explores not only far off lands with dragons but also the role of women in science and society. So this book is interesting in more then one aspect, plus it also is good for this whole academia aesthetic. And did we mention there are Dragons in it?!?

Other books and Bookdragons are mentioned too. 

Bookdragon: SandyJ
Music: Erwin Schmidt

Book Recommendations

Marie Brennan „The Memoirs of Lady Trent Series“

(Book 1 is available at the American Library Karlsruhe)

Book Releases

T. J. Klune „Under the whispering door“ (September 21st)

Ayana Gray „Beasts of Prey“ (September 28th)

Other Stuff Mentioned

A Critical Dragon „Is Fantasy Literature? Of course it is“

A Critical Dragon „We were meant to be talking… „

Philip Chase „Why read Fantasy? A reaction to Salman Rushdie’s Essay“

Bernadette Banner „Starting 7 projects at once is probably not a wise decision but here we are“

Bernadette Banner „Hunting for Antique Household items“

Cathy Hay „How to make time for yourself and for your hobbies“

Cathy Hay „Peacock Dress 4: How to pick something and focus on it“

Robert Jordan „The Eye of the World“ (1990)

J.R.R. Tolkien „The Lord of the Rings“ (1955)

Sep 06, 202128:27
Books and Habits

Books and Habits

It’s August, time for a vacation and maybe reading a few books at the beach or in a mountain cabin. If so, our Bookdragon SandyJ has a few recommendations for you. From absolute classics, which are now available as an audiobook, to a new and exciting fantasy book that brings you back to an alternative London during the wild 1980’s. She also tested a new bookish app that shows the reading habits (Manga Weekends made for a nice statistical outlier this year). Books and Habits, what a combination.

So, here are this months recommendations: B.J. Fogg „Tiny Habits: The small changes that change everything“ (2019) and Garth Nix „The left-handed Booksellers of London“ (2020).

Enjoy your August and vacations.

Stream on Sunday, August 1st, 7 PM local time. Drops on Monday, August 2nd, noon-ish, Broadcast August 10th AM 104.8

Bookdragon, Producer: SandyJ

Music: Erwin Schmidt

American Library Karlsruhe Summer Holidays are from August 9th till September 6th !!! So get your book fix before!

Book Recommendations

B.J. Fogg „Tiny Habits: The small changes that change everything“ (2019)

Garth Nix „The left-handed Booksellers of London“ (2020)

Book Releases

Jordan Ifueko „Redemptor“ (August 17th)

Nic Stone „Fast Pitch“ (August 31st)

Sasha Peyton Smith „The Witch Haven“ (August 31st)

Helen Hoang „The heart principle“ (August 31st)

Other Stuff Mentioned

The Storygraph App

Public Book Cabinets in Karlsruhe:

Morgan Long’s Video „A City of Books“

A critical Dragon’s Video „Why is Grimdark?“

Charles Dickens „Our Mutual Friend“ (1864-1865)

Joseph Campbell „The Hero with a thousand Faces“ (1948)

Aug 02, 202119:39
Spacy Routines

Spacy Routines

How is it July already? In this episode our local Bookdragon SandyJ has not only some routine suggestions for you, but also two very different book recommendations. While the non-fiction recommendation „Lost Connections“ by Johann Hari explores the difficult topic of depression and the human society‘s condition. The Science Fiction recommendation is, while it explores equally complicated topics, a very cozy and enjoyable read: „The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet“ by Becky Chambers. A Heroine’s Journey through space? Yes, please.

Stream on Sunday, July 4th, 7 PM local time. Drops on Monday, July 5th, noon-ish, Oldschool Radio Broadcast Tuesday July 13th, 10 AM, 104.8 UKW

Bookdragon, Producer: SandyJ

Music: Erwin Schmidt

Book Recommendations

Johann Hari „Lost Connections – Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the unexpected Solutions“ (2018)

Becky Chambers „The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet“ (2014)

Book Releases

Elizabeth Lim „Six Crimson Cranes“ (July 6th)

T.J. Klune „Flash Fire“ (July 13th)

Lish McBride „Curses“ (July 20th)

Other Stuff Mentioned

Legs up the wall pose – Yoga with Adriene Video

How to be „That Girl“ – Rowena Tsai Video

Fairyloot May Box Unboxing – Brandie Shanae

Jul 05, 202121:45
Rainbows and Murderbot

Rainbows and Murderbot

It’s Pridemonth and the start of the summer on the northern hemisphere, so our local bookdragon SandyJ has not only a rainbow-coloured book recommendation for you but also chosen music to enjoy after the premiere stream. Yes, AC/DC and Barbra Streisand belong together.
The other book recommendation is a highly awarded science-fiction novella with a protagonist that has it‘s very own point of view. SandyJ also has picked up a new hobby and there are new Fantasy books on Karlsruhe‘s Overdrive Library account. Summer is looking good.

Jun 06, 202119:53
Creative Boundaries
May 03, 202120:46
The Numbers Life – let’s get nerdy!

The Numbers Life – let’s get nerdy!

13 – a Prime number and the current episode’s reference number. You think this is nerdy? Well, this episode dives head first into nerdyness, so it is only fitting.

In February our bookdragon SandyJ enjoyed two Manga Weekends and read 31 books, most of them by Japanese authors. So this episode’s recommendations are the Manga series „Wotakoi – Love is hard for otaku“ by Fujita and the literary fiction novel „The Housekeeper and the Professor“ by Yoko Ogawa.

A special goodie is the book recommendation by the Show’s musician Erwin Schmidt.

Stream on Sunday, 7th March, 7 PM local time. Drops on Monday, 8th March, noonish.

Bookdragon und Producer: SandyJ

Music: Erwin Schmidt

Book Recommendations

Fujita „Wotakoi – Love is hard for Otaku“ (2014)

Yoko Ogawa „The Housekeeper and the Professor“ (2003)

Erwin Schmidt’s Book Rec „Die Vermessung der Welt“ Daniel Kehlmann

Book Release by a Black Author

Talia Hibbert „Act your Age, Eve Brown“ (9th March 2021)

Other Stuff Mentioned

Baden-Württemberg Parliamentary Election

Yoko Nogiri „Love in Focus“


Princess Mononoke

Ghost in the Shell

Dragon Ball Z

Wotakoi – Love is hard for Otaku

Mar 08, 202121:58
Extraordinarily Moody
Feb 15, 202118:25
Reorganised Fairytales

Reorganised Fairytales

In the January 2021 episode of Engineered Unicorns Karlsruhe's Bookdragon SandyJ looks back on her reading year and forward to the new one.

Fairytales often shape our perception of the world and therefore are important as some of the foundations of our society.  Hence it is necessary to take a look at the stories that we tell ourselves and what they teach us and the young generations.

This months fantasy book recommendation „The School for Good & Evil“ by Soman Chainani does just that. In a hilarious story it turns our perception of what good and evil look and act like on it’s head. The narration by Polly Lee gives the story extra oomph.

Looking for a new way to organise your life but none of the „off-the-rack“-systems work for your special case? Then „The Bullet Journal Method“ by Ryder Carroll might be the adaptable system you search for. SandyJ uses the Bullet Journal since 2018 and loves it.

Add in the interesting book releases of this month plus an ALL NEW THEME SONG by our favorite bass guitar player Erwin Schmidt (Thank you, Erwin) and you get an inkling what we will stream on Sunday, January 10, at 7 p.m. on Campusradio Karlsruhe. Dropping on the podcast platforms next week.

(Recorded on January 5th!)
Bookdragon: SandyJ
Musician Extraordinaire (Composer of the Themesong): Erwin Schmidt

Book Recommendations


Soman Chainani „The School for Good & Evil“ (2013)


Ryder Carroll „The Bullet Journal Method“ (2018)


How to Bullet Journal (Basic Video by Ryder Carroll)-

How to ADHD – Interview with Ryder Carroll

TEDx – Talk by Ryder Carroll

Ezeekat’s Youtube Channel

Other Stuff Mentioned:

Ezeekat’s Book Club:

Amie Kaufmann, Meagan Spooner „The other side of the sky“ (2020)

Amy Noelle Parks „The Quantum weirdness of the almost kiss“ (January 5th 2021)

J. Elle „Wings of ebony“ (January 26th 2021) (Black author)

Sarah Lariviere „Time travel for love and profit“ (January 26th 2021)

Jack Harbon „Meet cute club“ (2020)

Jan 11, 202135:29
Books, Music, Fairylights and Susuharai

Books, Music, Fairylights and Susuharai

Remember the Heroine’s Journey? Well this month our local Bookdragon  SandyJ has a mysterious, fun and fast paced book recommendation for you:  „Tuesday Mooney talks to ghosts“  by Kate Racculia checks all the  boxes. It’s a fabulous, addictive, deep story full of well written  characters and the Narration by Lauren Fortgang is on point.

To celebrate the cozy time of the year (on the northern hemisphere)  and the 10th episode, there is a Spotify playlist for your Magical  Unicorn Morning.

To prep for yourself for 2021 there’s not only the non-fiction  recommendation of Monocle: The Forecast, but also the Unicorn Cleaning  Playlist for the start of Susuharai (Japanese version of cleaning before  the new year) on December 13th. As always some new book releases are  mentioned, too.

The episode will be streamed on Sunday, December 6, 7 p.m. with some  songs of the Magical Unicorn Morning Playlist afterwards. On the podcast  platforms it will drop on Monday around noon.

Bookdragon: SandyJ
Music: Erwin SchmidtMagical

Dec 07, 202017:13
The Heroine‘s Journey to a Happy Ending

The Heroine‘s Journey to a Happy Ending

In these trying times our local Bookdragon SandyJ and countless  readers around the globe take refuge in magical stories with happy  endings. These stories are often based on a distinct and largely unknown  narrative structure: the Heroine‘s Journey.

The new non-fiction book by Fantasy author (and Archeologist) Gail  Carriger is written for authors and readers to get to know and use this  narrative structure appropriately.
So join us on Sunday, November 8, at 7 p.m. on our stream to find the  structure of positive stories and where to look for those stories.

On the podcast platforms you’ll find this episode on Monday, noon-ish.

Bookdragon: SandyJ
Music: Erwin Schmidt

Nov 08, 202023:20
Do you speak SMALL CAPS?!

Do you speak SMALL CAPS?!

In the October episode of Engineered Unicorns our local Bookdragon  SandyJ  introduces you to her favorite cosy autumnal reads. Instead of  spooky she prefers fun and therefore reads  Terry Pratchett‘s Discworld  Novels. Her favorite character speaks in SMALL CAPS and is more weird  than spooky even though Halloween brings out a lot of depictions of him.

Looking for cosy fantasy? Then listen to the new episode of our  Engineered Unicorns Podcast, Sunday, October 4th, 7 p.m. at Campusradio  Karlsruhe.

On the podcast platforms it will be available on Monday, October 5th.

Bookdragon: SandyJ
Music: Erwin Schmidt



Terry Pratchett „The Truth“ (2002)

Terry Pratchett „Mort“ (1987)

Terry Pratchett „Going Postal“ (2004)

Terry Pratchett „Monstrous Regiment“ (2003)


Semaphores = optical telegraph

Book Releases  October (Probably ;-):

Gail Carriger „The Heroine’s Journey“ (01.10.2020)

V.E. Schwab „The invisible life of Addie LaRue“ (06.10.2020)

Stefan Bachmann „Cinders and Sparrows“ (13.10.2020)

C.L. Polk „The Midnight Bargain“ (13.10.2020) (Black Author)

Katie O’Neill „The Tea Dragon Tapestry“ (27. October 2020)

P. Djèlí Clark  „Ring Shout“ (13. October 2020)

Other Books mentioned:

Colin Cowie Chic (2007)

V. S. Santoni „I’m a gay Wizard“ (2017)

Terry Pratchett (1998)

Oct 05, 202025:45
Magical Lifestyle

Magical Lifestyle

In Episode No. 7 our Bookdragon SandyJ recommends books that will  help you to bring some magic to your life, should you wish to do so.  Fantasy books for the young at heart and grown women with shapeshifters  galore and an all encompassing lifestyle book by a South African wedding  planner.

Katie O‘Neills „Tea Dragon Society“ invites you to enjoy a warm cup  of tea and a cozy hour of reading on a chilly Autumn afternoon.  „Betwixt“ by Darynda Jones is for all the grown women who wish for  witches that are as cool as themselves and older then 25. Colin Cowie  gives you the necessary tips to style your life as chic as it could be.

In other news: Libby by Overdrive is now available for users of the  Stadtbibliothek Karlsruhe and SandyJ is loving it. September 2020 brings  new books in troves, so our Bookdragon gives you a few hints what books  to look out for. Luckily with Fall around the corner the weather and  reading chairs are calling for travelling in fictional worlds instead of  the real world.

Premiere stream: Sunday, September 6, 7 P.M.
Podcast Apps: next week

Host: SandyJ
Music: Erwin Schmidt

Sep 06, 202024:57
When Books make your credit card howl

When Books make your credit card howl

While July was a better month for our local book dragon SandyJ, after  all it‘s gooseberry season, there still was a cyber security incident  which led to her and other Fairyloot customer’s credit cards howling in  pain. SandyJ tells you how she experienced it and what she will do under  current circumstances.

Cyber security is certainly a cumbersome but necessary part of the  real world, so SandyJ turns to the classic „Howl‘s Moving Castle“ by  Diana Wynne Jones for comfort. The real world information with a  decidedly Asian point of view provides „The Future is Asian“ by Parag  Khanna. For those who feel the reading slump „Mystic Pop-Up Bar“  provides fantastic fun on Netflix.

Of course this episode gives you a few upcoming August 2020 Fantasy  releases to look out for. The first book will even be released into this  wild world before this episode airs.

The show notes contain not only all the books mentioned but also the  links to two articles on credit card fraud issues. Read your card  statements, dear readers!

Premier stream on Campusradio Karlsruhe, Sunday August 2nd, 7 p.m. On the podcast portals soonish next week.

Aug 02, 202041:37
Fairy Noodle Summer Books

Fairy Noodle Summer Books

In the new episode SandyJ not only follows several female Agents but  also the international reader community through bookish worlds. Let’s  switch the script.

A Manga as non-fiction recommendation, a book subscription box from  an engineers point of view and book worlds spanning four continents and  several dimensions.

The noodles? For those you need to listen to the episode.

Jul 06, 202036:45
Thin time and gay unicorns

Thin time and gay unicorns

In the 4th episode of the Engineered Unicorns diversity is key. Books  recommended include the genres romance, non-fiction physics, fantasy,  contemporary, shifter romance, gay romance, alternate history and  science fiction, the authors are trans, gay, Italian, PoC or plain old  cis gender, but mostly female. The book list is looooong. The Fantasy  book recommendation of this month is Gail Carrigers „Defy or Defend“,  stylish Vampires and the power of a well chosen wall paper.The  Non-Fiction book recommendation is Carlo Rovellis „The Order of Time“, a  small but mindbending physics and poetic book.

The recommendations come not only from SandyJ but also from LisaL.  This episode celebrates the magic of books and different voices. Black,  female and LGBTQ+ voices matter (!!!!) and they provide fun and  enlightening reading material, too.

Jun 07, 202031:01
How strange!

How strange!

The Engineered Unicorn Podcast is back with some strange  recommendations. SandyJ suddenly likes audiobooks and therefore  recommends two, one of them she hasn’t even finished yet!

Her non-fiction recommendation is Lori Gottlieb‘s „Maybe you should talk to someone“,  Psychotherapists and therapy explained, guess what, they are human and  have feelings, too. Strange, isn’t it?! And while we are on the topic,  her fantasy/fiction recommendation is „Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell“ by Susanna Clarke. 32 hours of magic in an alternate British Empire during Napoleonic times.

Now that the libraries and bookshops are open, you are free to explore.

New May releases mentioned are: „Defy or Defend“ by Gail Carriger (Pubdate May 3rd) and „Im Sturm der Echos“ by Christelle Dabos (Pubdate June 22 2020).

Music: Erwin Schmidt

Streaming on Sunday, May 3rd, 7 p.m. at Campusradio Karlsruhe.

May 03, 202035:47
Sugar and fantastic stories

Sugar and fantastic stories

In the new episode „Windy Sugar & Fantastic Shifter Stories“ of  our new Engineered Unicorns Podcast SandyJ gives book and magazine  recommendations. Maddening and downright rassist real world industry  practices are revealed in „The case against sugar“ by Gary Taubes (available in the American Library Karlsruhe).

A break from the real world provide the books of Forthright „Tsumiko and the enslaved fox“ and even more so „Kimiko and the accidental proposal“. Veritable comfort reads finds SandyJ.

For some insightful and aestetically pleasing reads the Katapult Magazine is recommended (Only in German).

Listen to the new episode on sunday, April 5, at 7 p.m. on Campusradio Karlsruhe.

Musik: Erwin Schmidt

Apr 05, 202036:40
Engineered Unicorns – Fantastic Books from an engineers perspective
Mar 01, 202021:52