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The STEAM To Live The Dream

The STEAM To Live The Dream

By Tajma Sherri Cameron

Financial Relationship and how the affect social circle and you
Relationship your health and body if you can't afford to feed yourself healthy things,
Relationship with your emotions because when your under financial constraints you fall into depression anxiety double sabotage
Relationship how you view it love it scared of it do you hold onto it to tight or so loose you have none (you probably test the people around you the same way)
Relationship spirituality with money, because of how you were taught by the people around you to handle money growing up understanding limiting beliefs
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Responsibility: Expanding, Events and Imposter syndrome AGAIN!!!...Oh My

The STEAM To Live The DreamMay 29, 2024

Responsibility: Expanding, Events and Imposter syndrome AGAIN!!!...Oh My

Responsibility: Expanding, Events and Imposter syndrome AGAIN!!!...Oh My

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Events, once quaint, now escalate into complex productions with planners, venues, and costs. From chairs to catering, each detail demands attention. The responsibility burgeons as the scale expands, necessitating meticulous planning and financial investments. However, this expansion can become a burdensome prison, enslaving you to endless tasks and financial pursuits, trapping you in a cycle of sunk costs.

Imposter syndrome amplifies this burden, compelling you to overextend yourself to prove your worth. Doubts about the value of your offerings lead to excessive generosity, flooding your clients with extra courses and services. The pressure to validate your worth through quantity eclipses the confidence in your quality, perpetuating a cycle of overcommitment and self-doubt.

May 29, 202450:25
Responsibility: Expanding, Events and Imposter syndrome AGAIN!!!...Oh My (No Music)

Responsibility: Expanding, Events and Imposter syndrome AGAIN!!!...Oh My (No Music)

Events, once quaint, now escalate into complex productions with planners, venues, and costs. From chairs to catering, each detail demands attention. The responsibility burgeons as the scale expands, necessitating meticulous planning and financial investments. However, this expansion can become a burdensome prison, enslaving you to endless tasks and financial pursuits, trapping you in a cycle of sunk costs.

Imposter syndrome amplifies this burden, compelling you to overextend yourself to prove your worth. Doubts about the value of your offerings lead to excessive generosity, flooding your clients with extra courses and services. The pressure to validate your worth through quantity eclipses the confidence in your quality, perpetuating a cycle of overcommitment and self-doubt.

May 29, 202437:53
The Door Is Open For the Opportunity....Imposture Syndrome is waiting

The Door Is Open For the Opportunity....Imposture Syndrome is waiting

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

As opportunities start pouring in, including invitations to speak at events, be prepared to handle the increased attention and demands on your time. From speaking engagements to guest appearances on podcasts, you'll find yourself on various platforms, engaging with diverse audiences. Ensure you're equipped to manage these opportunities effectively and make the most out of each interaction.

As you navigate these new waters, be mindful of impostor syndrome and the temptation to compare yourself to others. Remember, your journey is unique, and you're not in competition with anyone else. Focus on honing your craft, staying true to your vision, and resisting the urge to conform to trends or mimic others' paths. Embrace authenticity and follow your heart, regardless of what's popular or trending in the industry.

Keep your focus on the purpose behind your creations and the message you aim to share with the world. By remaining committed to your vision and staying true to yourself, you'll cultivate a sense of authenticity that resonates with your audience and sets you apart in the crowded landscape of content creation.

May 27, 202455:12
The Door Is Open For the Opportunity....Imposture Syndrome is waiting (No Music)

The Door Is Open For the Opportunity....Imposture Syndrome is waiting (No Music)

As opportunities start pouring in, including invitations to speak at events, be prepared to handle the increased attention and demands on your time. From speaking engagements to guest appearances on podcasts, you'll find yourself on various platforms, engaging with diverse audiences. Ensure you're equipped to manage these opportunities effectively and make the most out of each interaction.

As you navigate these new waters, be mindful of impostor syndrome and the temptation to compare yourself to others. Remember, your journey is unique, and you're not in competition with anyone else. Focus on honing your craft, staying true to your vision, and resisting the urge to conform to trends or mimic others' paths. Embrace authenticity and follow your heart, regardless of what's popular or trending in the industry.

Keep your focus on the purpose behind your creations and the message you aim to share with the world. By remaining committed to your vision and staying true to yourself, you'll cultivate a sense of authenticity that resonates with your audience and sets you apart in the crowded landscape of content creation.

May 27, 202444:01
Don't Get Caught in the Lifestyle trap, SHINY OBJECT SYNDROME

Don't Get Caught in the Lifestyle trap, SHINY OBJECT SYNDROME

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

In the pursuit of a fabricated lifestyle, individuals often create personas to keep up with societal expectations, sacrificing authenticity. However, chasing after illusions and shiny objects leads to exhaustion and people-pleasing behavior. This cycle traps individuals, pulling them in different directions until they learn to say no and discern true friendships. Moreover, adopting a performative lifestyle devoid of a solid foundation ultimately results in an identity crisis and unsustainable living, highlighting the importance of setting genuine intentions and maintaining authenticity.

May 22, 202401:09:44
Don't Get Caught Up in the LifeStyle Trap. SHINY OBJECT SYNDROME

Don't Get Caught Up in the LifeStyle Trap. SHINY OBJECT SYNDROME

In the pursuit of a fabricated lifestyle, individuals often create personas to keep up with societal expectations, sacrificing authenticity. However, chasing after illusions and shiny objects leads to exhaustion and people-pleasing behavior. This cycle traps individuals, pulling them in different directions until they learn to say no and discern true friendships. Moreover, adopting a performative lifestyle devoid of a solid foundation ultimately results in an identity crisis and unsustainable living, highlighting the importance of setting genuine intentions and maintaining authenticity.

May 22, 202441:19
You Have to Live int he NOW, Not get Caught up In the FUTURE....

You Have to Live int he NOW, Not get Caught up In the FUTURE....

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Segment 1: The allure of social media often tempts individuals to focus solely on the desired future outcome rather than embracing the present reality. Personas of success portrayed online may create unrealistic expectations, leading people to overlook the importance of engaging with their current circumstances. However, true progress often requires acknowledging and embracing the challenges and opportunities of the present moment.

Segment 2: Many individuals become reactive creators due to growth anxiety and a desperate urge to catch up. Without a clear axis point in their creative world, they risk spinning out of control, leading to a loss of direction and purpose. In these moments, it's crucial to pause, center oneself, and refocus on the original purpose and plan.

Segment 3: Pressure often leaves individuals stuck in the future, fixating on the end goal without acknowledging the importance of operating from the present moment. While it's essential to begin with the end in mind, it's equally vital to recognize the steps needed to progress from the current situation towards that goal. Reverse engineering the path to the end requires acknowledging one's present position and moving forward accordingly.

May 20, 202457:31
Operate int the NOW, Don't get Caught up in the Future.... (No Music)

Operate int the NOW, Don't get Caught up in the Future.... (No Music)

Segment 1

The allure of social media often tempts individuals to focus solely on the desired future outcome rather than embracing the present reality. Personas of success portrayed online may create unrealistic expectations, leading people to overlook the importance of engaging with their current circumstances. However, true progress often requires acknowledging and embracing the challenges and opportunities of the present moment. Segment 2

Many individuals become reactive creators due to growth anxiety and a desperate urge to catch up. Without a clear axis point in their creative world, they risk spinning out of control, leading to a loss of direction and purpose. In these moments, it's crucial to pause, center oneself, and refocus on the original purpose and plan. Segment 3: Pressure often leaves individuals stuck in the future, fixating on the end goal without acknowledging the importance of operating from the present moment. While it's essential to begin with the end in mind, it's equally vital to recognize the steps needed to progress from the current situation towards that goal. Reverse engineering the path to the end requires acknowledging one's present position and moving forward accordingly.

May 20, 202453:36
Deadlines, Pressures and Promises.... Oh My!!!

Deadlines, Pressures and Promises.... Oh My!!!

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

  1. Deadlines Pressures and Promises When you're a creative, working at your own pace and on your own time feels natural. Artists are often seen as fickle because deadlines force them to rush their work. Authenticity fuels creativity, but deadlines can lead to blocks and walls, hindering the creative flow.

  2. Performing under Pressure Deadlines and parameters often trigger creativity blocks, pushing creatives into performance mode. While AI might seem like an easy solution, relying on it sacrifices authenticity. Many creators react to growth with anxiety, losing focus and veering off course without a solid plan.


  3. Avoiding Reactive Creation To avoid becoming a reactive creator, it's crucial to pause, center yourself, and refocus on your original goals. Without a plan, pressure can lead to failure. Stick to your plan, even when external pressures mount, to maintain authenticity and creativity.

May 15, 202453:13
Deadlines, Pressures, and Promises... Oh MY!!! (No Music)

Deadlines, Pressures, and Promises... Oh MY!!! (No Music)

  1. Deadlines Pressures and Promises When you're a creative, working at your own pace and on your own time feels natural. Artists are often seen as fickle because deadlines force them to rush their work. Authenticity fuels creativity, but deadlines can lead to blocks and walls, hindering the creative flow.

  2. Performing under Pressure Deadlines and parameters often trigger creativity blocks, pushing creatives into performance mode. While AI might seem like an easy solution, relying on it sacrifices authenticity. Many creators react to growth with anxiety, losing focus and veering off course without a solid plan.


  3. Avoiding Reactive Creation To avoid becoming a reactive creator, it's crucial to pause, center yourself, and refocus on your original goals. Without a plan, pressure can lead to failure. Stick to your plan, even when external pressures mount, to maintain authenticity and creativity.

May 15, 202449:42
Do You Really Want to Mange A Team

Do You Really Want to Mange A Team

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Managing a team is a significant responsibility that not everyone is prepared for. Patricia Bright's experience underscores the importance of nurturing team relationships once you have them. For introverts, who may prefer solitude over socializing, the prospect of managing people can be overwhelming. Shameless Maya's journey highlights the weight of managing a team and catering to their diverse needs. It's essential to understand that managing a team requires constant adjustments, as needs and circumstances change over time. Therefore, being flexible and adaptable is key to successful team management.

May 13, 202444:46
Do You Want To Manage A Team - (No Music)

Do You Want To Manage A Team - (No Music)

Managing a team is a significant responsibility that not everyone is prepared for. Patricia Bright's experience underscores the importance of nurturing team relationships once you have them. For introverts, who may prefer solitude over socializing, the prospect of managing people can be overwhelming. Shameless Maya's journey highlights the weight of managing a team and catering to their diverse needs. It's essential to understand that managing a team requires constant adjustments, as needs and circumstances change over time. Therefore, being flexible and adaptable is key to successful team management.

May 13, 202441:16


Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

The Importance of Team Vetting It cannot be overstated: vetting your team is crucial. Ignoring this step can lead to disastrous consequences.

Segment 2: Personal Experience I once found myself in a leadership role, only to have my entire presentation stolen by a member of my own team. Additionally, I lacked the authority to remove an unproductive team member, causing further frustration and hindrance.

Segment 3: Your Team is Not Your Friends Remember, your employees are not your friends. This reality hit home for me through the story of Ms. Stancel, who exemplified the need to maintain professional boundaries even amidst camaraderie.

May 08, 202401:13:33
VET YOUR TEAM!!!!! - (No Music)

VET YOUR TEAM!!!!! - (No Music)

The Importance of Team Vetting It cannot be overstated: vetting your team is crucial. Ignoring this step can lead to disastrous consequences.

Segment 2: Personal Experience I once found myself in a leadership role, only to have my entire presentation stolen by a member of my own team. Additionally, I lacked the authority to remove an unproductive team member, causing further frustration and hindrance.

Segment 3: Your Team is Not Your Friends Remember, your employees are not your friends. This reality hit home for me through the story of Ms. Stancel, who exemplified the need to maintain professional boundaries even amidst camaraderie.

May 08, 202401:02:12
Reaching Your Ceiling

Reaching Your Ceiling

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

At times, growth can become unstable, surpassing your ability to manage it effectively. This scenario represents a pivotal moment where you must adapt quickly to prevent potential collapse. Sustainable growth necessitates adjustments and the strategic integration of a capable team to support and manage the expanding demands.

May 06, 202436:08
Reaching Your Ceiling - (No Music)

Reaching Your Ceiling - (No Music)

At times, growth can become unstable, surpassing your ability to manage it effectively. This scenario represents a pivotal moment where you must adapt quickly to prevent potential collapse. Sustainable growth necessitates adjustments and the strategic integration of a capable team to support and manage the expanding demands.

May 06, 202432:46
Time to Scale Up

Time to Scale Up

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Scaling Strategy: Course Development

  • Package Your Expertise: Transform your knowledge into a structured course format.
  • Development Phases: Design stages, phases, and essential elements of the course.
  • Targeted Reach:

Identify your audience, meet them where they are, and guide them towards their goals.

May 01, 202438:57
Time to Scale Up - (No Music)

Time to Scale Up - (No Music)

Scaling Strategy: Course Development

  • Package Your Expertise:

Transform your knowledge into a structured course format.

  • Development Phases: Design stages, phases, and essential elements of the course.
  • Targeted Reach:

Identify your audience, meet them where they are, and guide them towards their goals.

May 01, 202435:23
There is A Cap to This

There is A Cap to This

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Desire to Coach

  • Many aspire to be coaches for high engagement.
  • Initial desire for high touch point with audience.

Limitations of Personal Engagement

  • As popularity grows, demand for personal interaction increases.
  • Realization: You're only one person; can't meet everyone's needs.

Unsustainability of High Touch

  • Holding onto high touch becomes unsustainable.
  • Unsustainable to maintain control without a team.

Necessity of Building a Team

  • Vital to build a team to avoid burnout.
  • Sustainable success requires delegation and support
Apr 29, 202401:01:05
There Is A Cap to this - (No Music)

There Is A Cap to this - (No Music)

Desire to Coach

  • Many aspire to be coaches for high engagement.
  • Initial desire for high touch point with audience.

Limitations of Personal Engagement

  • As popularity grows, demand for personal interaction increases.
  • Realization: You're only one person; can't meet everyone's needs.

Unsustainability of High Touch

  • Holding onto high touch becomes unsustainable.
  • Unsustainable to maintain control without a team.

Necessity of Building a Team

  • Vital to build a team to avoid burnout.
  • Sustainable success requires delegation and support.
Apr 29, 202443:14
Content Creation - Blessing or Curse

Content Creation - Blessing or Curse

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Becoming a Content Creator: A Strategic Approach

  • Long-Term Perspective:

    • Understand content creation is a marathon, not a sprint.
    • Commit for the long haul to avoid quitting prematurely due to growth pressures.
  • Pacing Yourself:

    • Set limits on content creation to maintain comfort and avoid burnout.
    • Determine a minimum and maximum amount of content production based on personal capacity.
  • Self-Assessment:

    • Reflect on consistency and dedication before diving in.
    • Assess commitment levels and readiness to dedicate time and effort.
  • Strategic Planning:

    • Identify your niche and industry to tailor your content.
    • Develop a comprehensive plan with specific timelines for content creation and breaks.
  • Continuous Improvement:

    • Analyze viral content to understand its success factors.
    • Leverage insights to enhance future content and maximize impact.
Apr 24, 202401:13:49
Content Creation - Blessing Or Curse (No Music)

Content Creation - Blessing Or Curse (No Music)

Becoming a Content Creator: A Strategic Approach

  • Long-Term Perspective:

    • Understand content creation is a marathon, not a sprint.
    • Commit for the long haul to avoid quitting prematurely due to growth pressures.
  • Pacing Yourself:

    • Set limits on content creation to maintain comfort and avoid burnout.
    • Determine a minimum and maximum amount of content production based on personal capacity.
  • Self-Assessment:

    • Reflect on consistency and dedication before diving in.
    • Assess commitment levels and readiness to dedicate time and effort.
  • Strategic Planning:

    • Identify your niche and industry to tailor your content.
    • Develop a comprehensive plan with specific timelines for content creation and breaks.
  • Continuous Improvement:

    • Analyze viral content to understand its success factors.
    • Leverage insights to enhance future content and maximize impact.
Apr 24, 202401:10:21
Coaching - You Need to Know that You Want it

Coaching - You Need to Know that You Want it

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Coaching: Coaching can be an appealing career path for individuals with a unique skill set and a deep understanding of their field. It's a natural progression for many to transition into coaching roles, inspired by successful figures like

  • People possess skills and understanding, leading them to become coaches.
  • Examples: Russel Brunson, Toni Roberts, Dean Graziosi.
  • However, consider if that's the path you truly desire. who have achieved multi-billionaire status in the coaching industry. However, before diving headfirst into coaching, it's crucial to pause and reflect on whether this path aligns with your long-term goals and aspirations. While the allure of financial success may be tempting, it's essential to consider whether coaching fulfills your deeper purpose and passion in life.
Apr 22, 202431:50
Coaching - Your Have to Know you Want it - (No Music )

Coaching - Your Have to Know you Want it - (No Music )

Coaching: Coaching can be an appealing career path for individuals with a unique skill set and a deep understanding of their field. It's a natural progression for many to transition into coaching roles, inspired by successful figures like

  • People possess skills and understanding, leading them to become coaches.
  • Examples: Russel Brunson, Toni Roberts, Dean Graziosi.
  • However, consider if that's the path you truly desire.

who have achieved multi-billionaire status in the coaching industry. However, before diving headfirst into coaching, it's crucial to pause and reflect on whether this path aligns with your long-term goals and aspirations. While the allure of financial success may be tempting, it's essential to consider whether coaching fulfills your deeper purpose and passion in life.

Apr 22, 202424:15
Prusue the Dream

Prusue the Dream

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Follow the journey, but beware of quick fixes. Crafting a personal brand or coaching requires patience and consistency. Virality demands preparation for rapid growth. #PursueDreams

Join the movement on Discord @Barefruit. Follow my journey on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit.

Are you ready to adapt when the path shifts unexpectedly? Stick to your decisions, focus on progress, and course correct as needed to reach your goals. #Adaptability


Apr 18, 202445:31
Pursue The Dream - (No Music)

Pursue The Dream - (No Music)

Follow the journey, but beware of quick fixes. Crafting a personal brand or coaching requires patience and consistency. Virality demands preparation for rapid growth. #PursueDreams

Join the movement on Discord @Barefruit. Follow my journey on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit.

Are you ready to adapt when the path shifts unexpectedly? Stick to your decisions, focus on progress, and course correct as needed to reach your goals. #Adaptability

Apr 18, 202438:23
Introductions - Welcome to the New Season

Introductions - Welcome to the New Season

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Follow the Journey: Understanding Why Influencers Jump Ship

As I reminisce about my entry into the content creation market, I recall a pivotal moment: stumbling upon a video featuring a young woman who pursued modeling, only to lose herself along the way. Her success was overshadowed by a loss of control and identity, leading to tears of despair.

Fast forward to the present, and we're witnessing a trend of creators abandoning their platforms, overwhelmed by the demands of their craft. Let's delve into the evolution of this phenomenon.

Many creators initially establish their influencer brands with the intent of cultivating a recognizable persona on platforms like YouTube. However, three significant issues often arise:

  1. Directionless Creation: Some creators lack a clear purpose, merely seeking a presence without a defined goal.

  2. Limited Vision as Influencers: Others aspire to expand their sphere of influence but confine their aspirations within a controlled bubble, hindering potential growth.

  3. Self-Destructive Patterns: When creators exceed their capacity without a corresponding intention to reach such heights, they often succumb to self-sabotage.

As responsibilities mount, creators may find themselves veering away from their original vision. With the introduction of teams, sales commissions, and employees, content creation becomes overshadowed by obligations to maintain salaries and appease stakeholders.

The once-authentic content creation process transforms into a performance-driven endeavor, driven by metrics, algorithms, and financial pressures. Burdened by administrative tasks, creators lose touch with their creative essence, experiencing blocks and a disconnect from their initial passion.


The transition from authenticity to performance occurs gradually, often unnoticed, as creators prioritize brand survival over personal fulfillment. Struggling to cope, some resort to destructive coping mechanisms, seeking refuge from mounting pressures.

Inexperienced and overwhelmed, many creators fail to recognize the power of saying "no," succumbing to obligations and commitments that exacerbate their stress. Faced with unfulfillment, they grasp at distractions in a subconscious attempt to fill the void, inadvertently setting themselves up for potential collapse.

In conclusion, navigating the influencer landscape requires a delicate balance between ambition and self-care. With reflection and resilience, creators can navigate the challenges they encounter, ensuring their journey remains true to their authentic selves. Join the conversation on Discord @Barefruit and connect with me on Instagram using #seedbaringfruit #barefruit. Are you ready to embrace change and make the necessary adjustments to reach your goals amidst scrutiny and judgment?

Apr 15, 202401:05:30
Introduction - Welcome TO the New Season - (No Music)

Introduction - Welcome TO the New Season - (No Music)

Follow the Journey: Understanding Why Influencers Jump Ship

As I reminisce about my entry into the content creation market, I recall a pivotal moment: stumbling upon a video featuring a young woman who pursued modeling, only to lose herself along the way. Her success was overshadowed by a loss of control and identity, leading to tears of despair.

Fast forward to the present, and we're witnessing a trend of creators abandoning their platforms, overwhelmed by the demands of their craft. Let's delve into the evolution of this phenomenon.

Many creators initially establish their influencer brands with the intent of cultivating a recognizable persona on platforms like YouTube. However, three significant issues often arise:

  1. Directionless Creation: Some creators lack a clear purpose, merely seeking a presence without a defined goal.

  2. Limited Vision as Influencers: Others aspire to expand their sphere of influence but confine their aspirations within a controlled bubble, hindering potential growth.

  3. Self-Destructive Patterns: When creators exceed their capacity without a corresponding intention to reach such heights, they often succumb to self-sabotage.

As responsibilities mount, creators may find themselves veering away from their original vision. With the introduction of teams, sales commissions, and employees, content creation becomes overshadowed by obligations to maintain salaries and appease stakeholders.

The once-authentic content creation process transforms into a performance-driven endeavor, driven by metrics, algorithms, and financial pressures. Burdened by administrative tasks, creators lose touch with their creative essence, experiencing blocks and a disconnect from their initial passion.


The transition from authenticity to performance occurs gradually, often unnoticed, as creators prioritize brand survival over personal fulfillment. Struggling to cope, some resort to destructive coping mechanisms, seeking refuge from mounting pressures.

Inexperienced and overwhelmed, many creators fail to recognize the power of saying "no," succumbing to obligations and commitments that exacerbate their stress. Faced with unfulfillment, they grasp at distractions in a subconscious attempt to fill the void, inadvertently setting themselves up for potential collapse.

In conclusion, navigating the influencer landscape requires a delicate balance between ambition and self-care. With reflection and resilience, creators can navigate the challenges they encounter, ensuring their journey remains true to their authentic selves. Join the conversation on Discord @Barefruit and connect with me on Instagram using #seedbaringfruit #barefruit. Are you ready to embrace change and make the necessary adjustments to reach your goals amidst scrutiny and judgment?

Apr 15, 202450:20
Take the curve: Slow and steady wins the race

Take the curve: Slow and steady wins the race

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

there is a process to everything but when you remember slow and steady wins the race with consistency in DUE time you will receive a result for your efforts

follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

Are you willing to take a cure in stride even if it's not the direction you originally planned to Go in

  • That means when people begin to come at you because you told them you were going one way and they want to remind you you didn't Go that why
  • Situation offered you a way out that curved in a direction that you were not expecting to go
  • things came up in the way that caused you to detour this may mean you have to come back and approach it from a different direction
  • Know that you made the best decision you could make for you in that situation and circumstance
  • don't back down or out because it makes others feel uncomfortable
  • instead focus on finishing what you need to complete determine how far off the curve you were and course correct so you can hit the target the next time

When under that level of scrutiny and judgement What changes are you willing to make to hit your target the next time you have to make important decision

Sep 07, 202343:52
Take the Curve: Slow and Steady wins the race (No Music)

Take the Curve: Slow and Steady wins the race (No Music)

there is a process to everything but when you remember slow and steady wins the race with consistency in DUE time you will recieve a result for your efforts

follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

Are you willing to take a cure in stride even if it's not the direction you originally planned to Go in

  • That means when people begin to come at you because you told them you were going one way and they want to remind you you didn't Go that why
  • Situation offered you a way out that curved in a direction that you were not expecting to go
  • things came up in the way that caused you to detour this may mean you have to come back and approach it from a different direction
  • Know that you made the best decision you could make for you in that situation and circumstance
  • don't back down or out because it makes others feel uncomfortable
  • instead focus on finishing what you need to complete determine how far off the curve you were and course correct so you can hit the target the next time

When under that level of scrutiny and judgement What changes are you willing to make to hit your target the next time you have to make important decision

Sep 07, 202335:07
Building Streams of Income - Chess Moves

Building Streams of Income - Chess Moves

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

When you are Building streams of income in these creative arts and entertainment street you have to realize your playing chess not checkers and act accordingly

follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

how are you Building streams of income for yourself in order to make sure that you are building generational wealthhere is what i suggest in order to build in these area

  • determine what area's you have skills in and what it is that your good at these are your gifts and talents and how are you going to use them
  • how do these gifts and talents have a industry that they best fit in and how are you going to use them to do so
  • line them up you most loved to your least loved and determine what our of this set your going to be known for
  • Know that it's going to take a 9 month period to launch the thing you developing
  • Don't give up remain dedicated and commited and that's when and were people will know and create
  • Instead determine what and where your building a look a developing organic reach

when other see you what is that your going to want others to know you for

What are seven to 9 streams of income you would be interested in starting if you could

Sep 05, 202352:34
Biulding Streams of Income - Chess Moves (No Music)

Biulding Streams of Income - Chess Moves (No Music)

When you are Building streams of income in these creative arts and entertainment street you have to realize your playing chess not checkers and act accorddingly

follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

how are you Building streams of income for yourself in order to make sure that you are building generational wealth here is what i suggest in order to build in these area

  • determine what area's you have skills in and what it is that your good at these are your gifts and talents and how are you going to use them
  • how do these gifts and talents have a industry that they best fit in and how are you going to use them to do so
  • line them up you most loved to your least loved and determine what our of this set your going to be known for
  • Know that it's going to take a 9 month period to launch the thing you developing
  • Don't give up remain dedicated and commiteed and that's when and were people will know and create
  • Instead determine what and where your building a look a developing organic reach

when other see you what is that your going to want others to know you for What are seven to 9 streams of income you would be interested in starting if you could

Sep 05, 202347:54
ReGrouping: Resetting the System

ReGrouping: Resetting the System

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

A Quick over view of what we have been though follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

How do you go about the procession regrouping after you have done all that you need to do Suggestion of where to start

  • comb through your process and see how you can tighten up in certain area's and how has it made a impact on you
  • what places have you seen throughout this process that you now understand you need to take the time and back away from
  • what things and activities did you do that were helps or were hindrances in the long run
  • know that no matter what you do is going to take a process it's just determing what that is in the season at hand
  • Don't over think and worry about it relax reset and release it
  • Instead take in your accomplishment celebrate those and then look back at it with a clear head evaluate for growth for later

Are you more worried of external judgement and why is that that you feel that way

How do you go about the procession regrouping after you have done all that you need to do

Aug 31, 202336:58
ReGrouping: Resetting the system

ReGrouping: Resetting the system

Quick over view of what we have been though follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

How do you go about the procession regrouping after you have done all that you need to do Suggestion of where to start

  • comb through your process and see how you can tighten up in certain area's and how has it made a impact on you
  • what places have you seen throughout this process that you now understand you need to take the time and back away from
  • what things and activities did you do that were helps or were hindrances in the long run
  • know that no matter what you do is going to take a process it's just determing what that is in the season at hand
  • Don't over think and worry about it relax reset and release it
  • Instead take in your accomplishment celebrate those and then look back at it with a clear head evaluate for growth for later

Are you more worried of external judgement and why is that that you feel that way

How do you go about the procession regrouping after you have done all that you need to do

Aug 31, 202332:49
Reset: Climb the Mountain

Reset: Climb the Mountain

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

When you have made it through the valley and you still have to climb up the mountain what that looks like and how to get though it

follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

it's time to reset in order to be able to make this time and take this climb up climb because this is different then just climbing from a low revene your climbing out to ground level your climbing up higher elevations

so what do I believe would be best

  • take the time to determine what it is that your focal point that your climbing up to
  • do you have a accountability partner in or to keep you climbing when the road get rough
  • what things are you carrying on the journey that you don't need that are weighing you down making it harder for you to travel

people may observe you on the journey certain people are going to be helping or hindering you

As your climbing you find that your family may be the ones that are pulling you back calling you taking you on your travels not allowing you to get though it you are running a marathon and at points in time your going to using cleats to climb

using tools to grip the mountain on hire places in the mountain

some may come along and help lifter to hire parts of the mountain as you get tired give you new energy you closer to the destination but it won't be all the way but it will be far enough you can get to where your suppose to be.

What are some activities that you do to prepare to go into heavy project how does it help you focus and main it thought the journey to your goals?

Aug 29, 202301:05:27
Reset: Climb The Mountain - (NO Music)

Reset: Climb The Mountain - (NO Music)

When you have made it through the valley and you still have to climb up the mountain what that looks like and how to get though it follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

it's time to reset in order to be able to make this time and take this climb up climb because this is different then just climbing from a low revene your climbing out to ground level your climbing up higher elevations

so what do I believe would be best

  • take the time to determine what it is that your focal point that your climbing up to
  • do you have a accountability partner in or to keep you climbing when the road get rough
  • what things are you carrying on the journey that you don't need that are weighing you down making it harder for you to travel

people may observe you on the journey certain people are going to be helping or hindering you As your climbing you find that your family may be the ones that are pulling you back calling you taking you on your travels not allowing you to get though it you are running a marathon and at points in time your going to using cleats to climb

using tools to grip the mountain on hire places in the mountain

some may come along and help lifter to hire parts of the mountain as you get tired give you new energy you closer to the destination but it won't be all the way but it will be far enough you can get to where your suppose to be.

What are some activities that you do to prepare to go into heavy project how does it help you focus and main it thought the journey to your goals?

Aug 29, 202301:00:35
Walk Through The Valley

Walk Through The Valley

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

The Journey though the Valley and what it may look like as you try to get to the other side

follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

What is it like for when you have to walk through a valley and what it takes to get from one end of the valley to the other so what do I believe would be best

  • take the time to determine what it is that your focal point getting to the other side of that valley to that base of the mountain
  • do you have a accountability partner in or to keep you weather their riding with you in a car or driving you through portion of the way
  • what things are you carrying on the journey that you don't need that are weighing you down making it harder for you to travel

people may observe you on the journey certain people are going to be helping or hindering you As your walking you find that your family may be the ones that are pulling you back calling you taking you on your travels not allowing you to get though it you are running a marathon and at points in time your going to



some may come along and drive you closer to the destination but it won't be all the way but it will be far enough you can get to where your suppose to be.

What are some activities that you do to prepare to go into heavy project how does it help you focus and main it thought the journey to your goals?

Aug 24, 202301:09:34
Walking through the Valley - No Music

Walking through the Valley - No Music

What it looks like to walk through the Valley

follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruitWhat is it like for when you have to walk through a valley and what it takes to get from one end of the valley to the other so what do I believe would be best

  • take the time to determine what it is that your focal point getting to the other side of that valley to that base of the mountain
  • do you have a accountability partner in or to keep you weather their riding with you in a car or driving you through portion of the way
  • what things are you carrying on the journey that you don't need that are weighing you down making it harder for you to travel

people may observe you on the journey certain people are going to be helping or hindering you As your walking you find that your family may be the ones that are pulling you back calling you taking you on your travels not allowing you to get though it you are running a marathon and at points in time your going to Run


some may come along and drive you closer to the destination but it won't be all the way but it will be far enough you can get to where your suppose to be.

What are some activities that you do to prepare to go into heavy project how does it help you focus and main it thought the journey to your goals?

Aug 24, 202301:03:33
Recognize your Deficiency and Acting Accordingly

Recognize your Deficiency and Acting Accordingly

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

You need to Recognize your deficiency and then you have to make the corrections and develop and change it

follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

Do you know what area's you are deficient in and are you willing to let those things go and release them so that you can begin to build and grow in the right direction

Are you

  • A people person or a people pleaser and how is that impact you on your day to day life
  • in the situation that you are currently in where are you lacing and how can you improve to make it better and easier on you
  • what are the simplest day to day action you can take to move the needle forward and turn your weakness into strengths
  • know that people never see you for what you are but they see you for the deficiency in them and they either love you for it or hate you because you show them were they lack in themselves
  • Don't let it get under your skin because you were willing to do something they weren't to get a different result they were not willing to get
  • instead take it in stride and know that it helping push you further faster and keep moving forward

When you see people looking at you judge you for so what are few of your deficiencies and can you think of ways to turn them into strengths

Aug 22, 202329:19
Recognizing the Deficiency and Adjust Accordingly - (No Music)

Recognizing the Deficiency and Adjust Accordingly - (No Music)

You need to Recognize your deficiency and then you have to make the corrections and develop and change it follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

Do you know what area's you are deficient in and are you willing to let those things go and release them so that you can begin to build and grow in the right direction

Are you

  • A people person or a people pleaser and how is that impact you on your day to day life
  • in the situation that you are currently in where are you lacing and how can you improve to make it better and easier on you
  • what are the simplest day to day action you can take to move the needle forward and turn your weakness into strengths
  • know that people never see you for what you are but they see you for the deficiency in them and they either love you for it or hate you because you show them were they lack in themselves
  • Don't let it get under your skin because you were willing to do something they weren't to get a different result they were not willing to get
  • instead take it in stride and know that it helping push you further faster and keep moving forward

When you see people looking at you judge you for so what are few of your deficiencies and can you think of ways to turn them into strengths

Aug 22, 202320:41
Finding Your Tribe

Finding Your Tribe

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Knowing and Identifying your Tribe

Remember - The 5 Closest people to You

follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

Who is in your tribe and how did you manage to find them


Look at the harmony chart understand who is on each level

Position your tribe members accordingly who keeps and respects you intimate space each person that you have determined and tested does not respect you or your boundaries or get irritated with the level of how out of the know they actually are

  • What is the benefit of having these relationships
  • Are they helping you move forward in your life or are they holding you back
  • Are you holding on to these relationship because of past comforts but it holds no weight in this season
  • When it comes to family events you no longer fit in because you no longer desire to fill yourself with nonsense conversation in a season when your just not in a season that you have time for useless conversation
  • your not interested in small talk about the pointless sporting events or news programs if it's not feeding you in the direction that your going in
  • if the relationship is not streaking to meet you as you grow what is it that you are keeping it around for

people will externally look at your growth and self awareness and let you know consistently how "YOU"VE CHANGED" and you did because no don't get rid of your friends unless they are toxic but it's a point of time you have to determine that you are going to need to rearrange there closeness and importance in certain season

Who is in your tribe and how did you manage to find them?

Aug 17, 202337:48
Finding Your Tribe - (No Music)

Finding Your Tribe - (No Music)

Knowing and Identifying your Tribe

Remember - The 5 Closest people to You

follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

Who is in your tribe and how did you manage to find them


Look at the harmony chart understand who is on each level

Position your tribe members accordingly who keeps and respects you intimate space each person that you have determined and tested does not respect you or your boundaries or get irritated with the level of how out of the know they actually are

  • What is the benefit of having these relationships
  • Are they helping you move forward in your life or are they holding you back
  • Are you holding on to these relationship because of past comforts but it holds no weight in this season
  • When it comes to family events you no longer fit in because you no longer desire to fill yourself with nonsense conversation in a season when your just not in a season that you have time for useless conversation
  • your not interested in small talk about the pointless sporting events or news programs if it's not feeding you in the direction that your going in
  • if the relationship is not streaking to meet you as you grow what is it that you are keeping it around for

people will externally look at your growth and self awareness and let you know consistently how "YOU"VE CHANGED" and you did because no don't get rid of your friends unless they are toxic but it's a point of time you have to determine that you are going to need to rearrange there closeness and importance in certain season

Who is in your tribe and how did you manage to find them?

Aug 17, 202325:53
Pregnant With Purpose 'It's Time to BIRTH'

Pregnant With Purpose 'It's Time to BIRTH'

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
  • it's time to Birth That thing you have been pregnant with

    follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

    link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

    • That vision
    • That Dream
    • That Career

    DO you know what it is to be pregnant with purpose and at the point of being ready to birth something if you look at a actual woman when shes actually in labor she must be in the right position to birth

    • the people around here when it comes time for her to birth that thing that she is desiring to birth must be aligned to back the process easier for her
    • she must be in the right place ( mentally Emotionally and spiritually to make it happen smoothly
    • The little things that would be distractions to her in the process must be identified and removed
    • know who you can trust to be a part of this experience with you ( 5 closet people to you)
    • Don't force yourself to birth that thing to early or delay the process because of the pain
    • instead Prepare Prepare PREPARE!!!

    People will be on looking the situation from the waiting room or waiting to see the babies after

    What is your purpose and what are you carrying waiting to birth (if you care to share)

    Aug 15, 202326:48
    Pregnant With Purpose 'It's Time to BIRTH' - (No Music)

    Pregnant With Purpose 'It's Time to BIRTH' - (No Music)

    it's time to Birth That thing you have been pregnant with

    follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

    link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

    • That vision
    • That Dream
    • That Career

    DO you know what it is to be pregnant with purpose and at the point of being ready to birth something if you look at a actual woman when shes actually in labor she must be in the right position to birth

    • the people around here when it comes time for her to birth that thing that she is desiring to birth must be aligned to back the process easier for her
    • she must be in the right place ( mentally Emotionally and spiritually to make it happen smoothly
    • The little things that would be distractions to her in the process must be identified and removed
    • know who you can trust to be a part of this experience with you ( 5 closet people to you)
    • Don't force yourself to birth that thing to early or delay the process because of the pain
    • instead Prepare Prepare PREPARE!!!

    People will be on looking the situation from the waiting room or waiting to see the babies after

    What is your purpose and what are you carrying waiting to birth (if you care to share)

    Aug 15, 202320:52
    It's A Journey

    It's A Journey

    Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

    Life is a journey full of a winding roads but its a choice that you make to keep on moving through it

    follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

    link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

    What does a journey really look like in this time and season for you is it

    • you taking the time to identify that you do desire love marriage and relationship
    • what in your life is it that is not moving and moving for you
    • are you suppose to be building in real estate and creating generational wealth
    • But know that i hope with all that you have heard you have come to wisdom and understanding this is a long running journey
    • Don't be discourage by the length of the journey but you take the time to recognize and enjoy the ride
    • instead take what you have learned and apply it

    others may not understand it but it's not for them to understand until they see it If Life is a journey full of test twists and winding roads you'll come to find

    What keeps you going on this journey for you?

    Aug 10, 202332:17
    it's A journey - (No Music)

    it's A journey - (No Music)

    Life is a journey full of a winding roads but its a choice that you make to keep on moving through it follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

    link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

    What does a journey really look like in this time and season for you is it

    • you taking the time to identify that you do desire love marriage and relationship
    • what in your life is it that is not moving and moving for you
    • are you suppose to be building in real estate and creating generational wealth
    • But know that i hope with all that you have heard you have come to wisdom and understanding this is a long running journey
    • Don't be discourage by the length of the journey but you take the time to recognize and enjoy the ride
    • instead take what you have learned and apply it

    others may not understand it but it's not for them to understand until they see it If Life is a journey full of test twists and winding roads you'll come to find

    What keeps you going on this journey for you?

    Aug 10, 202325:18
    We can do bad All By Ourselves.... But should we Have too?

    We can do bad All By Ourselves.... But should we Have too?

    Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

    We can be the strong powerful independent woman go getter but wouldn't it be okay to have some HELP, a a partner in your personal life and your business life what's wrong with that

    follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

    link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

    Why as woman do we feel like it's a badge of honor to do BAD by ourselves

    • allowing people around you to push and project upon you the stereotype of that hustling independent woman when you know that not what you really want
    • situation may present them selves that will test you in the areas that you know that your in relation and relationship (Business, Romance and Friendship)
    • There are things over time that you have to deal with and ask yourself as to why you feel like you have to do it all by yourself
    • Know that you have to one be able to admit you can't carry it ALL by yourself
    • Don't Force yourself to fit the stereotype that your not really desiring to stand or walk in when it can be easier
    • it's easier to do the things your called to do because when you have some to catch you because how can two walk together unless they agree

    yes there are movements for feminine empowerment and growth  you have to go through the process ans when your going through the process if one falls the other can pick them up and they can keep each other warm which make it EASIER to carry this assignment throughout your life

    Is it such a bad thing to have and share to have a balanced relationship and build together?

    Aug 08, 202301:15:44
    We can do Bad All by ourselves... Why should we have to

    We can do Bad All by ourselves... Why should we have to

    We can be the strong powerful independent woman go getter but wouldn't it be okay to have some HELP, a a partner in your personal life and your business life what's wrong with that follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

    link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

    Why as woman do we feel like it's a badge of honor to do BAD by ourselves

    • allowing people around you to push and project upon you the stereotype of that hustling independent woman when you know that not what you really want
    • situation may present them selves that will test you in the areas that you know that your in relation and relationship (Business, Romance and Friendship)
    • There are things over time that you have to deal with and ask yourself as to why you feel like you have to do it all by yourself
    • Know that you have to one be able to admit you can't carry it ALL by yourself
    • Don't Force yourself to fit the stereotype that your not really desiring to stand or walk in when it can be easier
    • it's easier to do the things your called to do because when you have some to catch you because how can two walk together unless they agree

    yes there are movements for feminine empowerment and growth  you have to go through the process and when your going through the process if one falls the other can pick them up and they can keep each other warm which make it EASIER to carry this assignment throughout your life

    Is it such a bad thing to have and share to have a balanced relationship and build together?

    Aug 08, 202357:49
    Independent organic vs Hiring on help

    Independent organic vs Hiring on help

    Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

    Which way is better Independent organic growth or hiring on Help to grow

    follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

    link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

    What is better for you to be independent growth or is it going to be a level of organic growth what is the best way for you to grow in this season

    • Bring people into the situation and how are you going out there and reach out and reach those people
    • place how are you growing out your communities are you doing it person by person your self
    • Are you doing something that make the things that you need to do that makes it easier
    • your building a online family and are you going to be present and operate in authentic Audacity
    • are you building a community around sport entertain or even creative supportive endeavors and experience
    • are you helping people help each other as they aspire to there life aspiration

    are you listening to all the gurus and seeing Ai happy application Look up somewhere on your screen you'll see SOMETHING AI

    What can you afford to do to build and ethically can you create a proper connection that will last the test of time for your brand?

    Aug 03, 202358:40
    Independent organic vs Hiring on Help (No Music)

    Independent organic vs Hiring on Help (No Music)

    Which way is better Independent organic growth or hiring on Help to grow follow the movement on Discord @Barefruit

    link me on Instagram #seedbaringfruit #barefruit

    What is better for you to be independent growth or is it going to be a level of organic growth what is the best way for you to grow in this season

    • Bring people into the situation and how are you going out there and reach out and reach those people
    • place how are you growing out your communities are you doing it person by person your self
    • Are you doing something that make the things that you need to do that makes it easier
    • your building a online family and are you going to be present and operate in authentic Audacity
    • are you building a community around sport entertain or even creative supportive endeavors and experience
    • are you helping people help each other as they aspire to there life aspiration

    are you listening to all the gurus and seeing Ai happy application Look up somewhere on your screen you'll see SOMETHING AI

    What can you afford to do to build and ethically can you create a proper connection that will last the test of time for your brand?

    Aug 03, 202354:30