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ETX Studio, « informer pour transformer. »

ETX pour Editorial Transformative Xperience, est au cœur de notre métier pour créer des expériences éditoriales : digitales, sonores, immersives, uniques, transformantes.
Newstech basée à Paris, reconnue à l'international,
spécialisée dans l’audio et l’éditorial.

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Quésaco : le "bokashi", le compost japonais qui fait le bonheur des écocitoyens urbains – ETX Studio

AudiostoriesMar 30, 2022

How to limit the constant distraction of smartphone notifications

How to limit the constant distraction of smartphone notifications

If you're tired of being constantly disturbed by the beeping of your smartphone's notifications, then bear in mind that these can be easily configured to make them less distracting. Here are a few tips to help take your mind off your phone.

Nov 14, 202301:44
Pets in Europe could be eating lab-grown meat before their owners

Pets in Europe could be eating lab-grown meat before their owners

The production of cultured meat might still seem like science fiction, particularly in Europe, where it is not yet authorized. However, the continent's pets could be first in line to eat this kind of food. A Czech start-up has now gained EU registration for the use of lab-grown meat in food for cats and dogs.

Nov 13, 202303:01
How to get a face, a vehicle or your home blurred on map apps

How to get a face, a vehicle or your home blurred on map apps

These days, it's hard to escape the gaze of Google, Microsoft or Apple, which provide internet users with a 360-degree view of virtually any street in the world, including your own. But there are ways of alerting these services, and of asking them to blur content you want to keep private.

Nov 09, 202301:38
Watch out for quishing - or phishing with QR codes

Watch out for quishing - or phishing with QR codes

A new scam has emerged involving a QR code sent by email, linking to a malicious site. This new phishing technique is on the rise, so beware!

Nov 03, 202301:52
This pop-up restaurant turns kids' modeling clay creations into real-world dishes

This pop-up restaurant turns kids' modeling clay creations into real-world dishes

Imagine if you could actually try the real-life versions of the foods you made from modeling clay as a child? In London, a pop-up restaurant is letting kids do just that, by putting their imaginary creations on the menu in the form of dishes made with real-world ingredients.

Oct 24, 202302:17
Watch out for fake YouTube mobile apps

Watch out for fake YouTube mobile apps

There are very few people who don't already have the YouTube application on their smartphone or tablet. However, fake applications that imitate the famous video platform still manage to fool internet users, sometimes with serious consequences.

Sep 20, 202301:29
Instagram rolls out its 'gifts' option in more countries

Instagram rolls out its 'gifts' option in more countries

There's some good news for creators on Instagram: Meta's visually-oriented social network has rolled out its "Gifts" option to more countries. Here's what you need to know about this option, which allows creators to receive money in the form of gifts.

Sep 18, 202301:28
The first cultured meat butcher's shop is set to open in Canada

The first cultured meat butcher's shop is set to open in Canada

After top chefs such as Dominique Crenn and José Andrès put cell-cultured chicken on the menu in their US restaurants, a butcher's shop entirely dedicated to lab-grown meat is on the cards in Canada.

Sep 12, 202302:47
TikTok extends its new money-making program for creators

TikTok extends its new money-making program for creators

TikTok has understood that the lure of money appeals to creators. As such, the Chinese platform has extended its new monetization program, promising to be up to 20 times more advantageous for creators. The beta version of this program is now available in several countries.

Sep 12, 202301:44
How to avoid being fooled by fake mobile applications

How to avoid being fooled by fake mobile applications

WhatsApp, Signal and ChatGPT are some of today's most popular mobile applications. They are also the likeliest targets for copycat, rogue applications that use their names and often imitate their logos to deceive users. However, there are steps you can take to avoid downloading these bogus applications.

Sep 04, 202301:31
Acne: Three natural, affordable solutions for back-to-school skincare

Acne: Three natural, affordable solutions for back-to-school skincare

Acne outbreaks are common after the summer and are often attributed to the stress of returning to work or school, even if they are more often linked to UV exposure. Whatever the reason, these sudden breakouts can be a drain on confidence at this key time of year. Fortunately, there are natural, inexpensive solutions to help get rid of blackheads, pimples and excess sebum, which affect far more people than you might think.

Sep 04, 202303:11
A new variety of avocado could help us reduce food waste

A new variety of avocado could help us reduce food waste

Many an avocado has been thrown in the garbage can when the skin goes totally black and hard! Of course, overripe avocados can still be used in purees or guacamole provided the flesh doesn't show signs of rotting. But in the aim to reduce avocado waste and also minimize the impact of their cultivation, the University of California has spent half a century working on a new variety.

Aug 10, 202303:04
Can AI create a better energy drink?

Can AI create a better energy drink?

Is there anything AI can't do? From finding answers to the most unusual questions to helping students with their essays and now creating energy drinks! A Hungarian brand claims that its latest product is the very first energy drink created using artificial intelligence.

Aug 04, 202302:26
Your next order of guac may have been prepped by a robot

Your next order of guac may have been prepped by a robot

It can peel, chop and even remove the cores from over ten kilograms of avocados in a single operation! And all without the help of any human employees. Its name is Autocado and it's a robot being used by Chipotle restaurants in the USA to speed up the preparation of guacamole. One more example of how the fast-food industry is looking to technology to deliver meals even faster.

Aug 01, 202302:60
Why it's wise to use Bluetooth with moderation - ETX Studio

Why it's wise to use Bluetooth with moderation - ETX Studio

Bluetooth is an essential technology for linking different connected devices. However, it remains a relatively risky connection mode, and it uses a lot of power. It can therefore be wise to exercise caution with its use.

Jul 23, 202301:33
A natural sweetener made from truffles promises a new sugar alternative - ETX Studio

A natural sweetener made from truffles promises a new sugar alternative - ETX Studio

After the World Health Organization decided to maintain aspartame in the category of artificial sweeteners that are potentially carcinogenic when consumed in high quantities, a brand-new sugar alternative has been developed. As well as being natural in origin, it's above all the taste of this truffle-based product that could seal its success!

Jul 18, 202301:58
Be careful what you share with ChatGPT! - ETX Studio

Be careful what you share with ChatGPT! - ETX Studio

More than 100 million people worldwide use ChatGPT, but not without risk to their personal data. Indeed, this AI chatbot is a real sponge, and users should be careful not to provide it with too much private information.

Jul 18, 202301:46
Japan's lemon melon brings a citrus twist to the juicy summer fruit

Japan's lemon melon brings a citrus twist to the juicy summer fruit

Is it a melon? Is it a lemon? Borrowing from both, the lemon melon is a brand-new hybrid fruit that has been developed by Japanese researchers. But while this cross-breed may sound like a surprising concept, it's the price tag that's particularly striking, because this fruit is not within everyone's reach.

Jul 12, 202302:13
McDonald's is proposing a wedding catering service

McDonald's is proposing a wedding catering service

Long associated with children's birthday parties, McDonald's is now trying its hand at catering another kind of milestone event. The fast-food giant is now offering thrifty couples the chance to treat their wedding gusts to a feast of chicken nuggets and burgers.

Jul 11, 202301:50
Tracing what we eat with a barcode made from yeast

Tracing what we eat with a barcode made from yeast

Baker's yeast has many uses -- making homemade loves of bread, puffing up pizza dough or getting cinnamon rolls to rise -- as well as a more unexpected one that involves tracking a product throughout the entire food chain. A startup in Canada has found a way to use this common, natural ingredient to create barcodes, with the goal of ensuring traceability and preventing food scandals.

Jul 03, 202302:44
Antoine de Caunes et José Garcia : "le podcast est un des supports le plus intéressant pour vous emmener vraiment dans un univers à part" - ETX Studio

Antoine de Caunes et José Garcia : "le podcast est un des supports le plus intéressant pour vous emmener vraiment dans un univers à part" - ETX Studio

Ils sont de retour et plus en forme que jamais. Le duo inoubliable Antoine de Caunes et José Garcia reprend du service avec "Marvel's Wastelanders : Star-Lord", une série audio pour Audible Originals. A l'occasion de la sortie de cette série de podcasts, les deux acteurs français se sont confiés au micro d'ETX Studio sur cette aventure séduisante mais néanmoins pleine de défis pour un acteur. Rencontre !

Jun 28, 202312:50
How can you tell if an email attachment is safe to open

How can you tell if an email attachment is safe to open

One basic rule of the internet is that you should never open an email attachment unless you're sure it's not a corrupt or infected file. And there are a few basic steps you can follow to avoid falling into this kind of trap.

Jun 28, 202301:34
Twitch's new tool lets streamers make money through the chat feature

Twitch's new tool lets streamers make money through the chat feature

Attention streamers! You can now make money thanks to a new feature on Twitch. The video game streaming platform is launching Hype Chat, a new tool allowing viewers to pay to pin their comments to the top of a chat. And the good news is that streamers will get a share of the revenue.

Jun 23, 202302:03
Singapore is now serving a vegan ice cream made from air

Singapore is now serving a vegan ice cream made from air

Billed as the world's most sustainable ice cream, this frozen treat is made with no dairy products -- and not even plant-based alternatives -- just air, water and chocolate. This is the very first food product developed by the Finnish start-up behind this innovative protein powder that replaces cream and milk.

Jun 16, 202302:25
Organ-shaped ice cubes send a powerful message to drinkers

Organ-shaped ice cubes send a powerful message to drinkers

From teeth or lungs ravaged by tobacco, to a body in a morgue, in many countries, cigarette packets feature gory images in an attempt to discourage people from smoking. In China, a campaign to raise awareness about excessive alcohol consumption is using similar shock tactics, with ice cubes in the shape of bodily organs.

Jun 14, 202301:49
How to keep your data safe despite web browser security flaws

How to keep your data safe despite web browser security flaws

Once again, Google is warning of a major security flaw in its Chrome browser and recommends that users update it as soon as possible. Whatever web browser you use, there are a few steps you can take to protect your personal data in the event of a vulnerability or security risk.

Jun 09, 202301:48
How to find out if your data is circulating on the Dark Web

How to find out if your data is circulating on the Dark Web

Any internet user might fear that their personal data might be stolen and end up not only on the web, but also on the Dark Web. The latter is home to all kinds of content from alternative networks, accessible via specific set-ups or protocols. Fortunately, there are online tools that can help you find out if your accounts are at risk.

Jun 05, 202301:33
How to make sure you don't lose data from old, inactive Google accounts

How to make sure you don't lose data from old, inactive Google accounts

From December 2023, Google will be able to suspend, and empty of their data, any accounts that have not seen any activity for two years. This concerns emails, of course, but also documents and photos. Here's how to protect yourself from nasty surprises concerning accounts and data that you haven't accessed for a long time.

May 23, 202301:35
On TikTok, effects creators can now make money from their work - ETX Studio

On TikTok, effects creators can now make money from their work - ETX Studio

TikTok is adding another string to its bow. The Chinese social network has unveiled a new way to earn money on the application by creating effects. Here's how it works.

May 19, 202301:44
Sur TikTok, les créateurs d'effets pourront enfin gagner de l'argent - ETX Studio

Sur TikTok, les créateurs d'effets pourront enfin gagner de l'argent - ETX Studio

TikTok ajoute une corde de plus à son arc. Le géant chinois a dévoilé une nouvelle manière de gagner de l'argent sur son application. Et cette fois-ci, c'est en créant des effets que vous pourrez amasser un petit pactole. On vous explique tout !

May 17, 202301:52
From exfoliation to hydration, honey is a nectar with numerous skin benefits

From exfoliation to hydration, honey is a nectar with numerous skin benefits

Nature is a rich source of ingredients capable of bestowing beauty benefits -- and many of these ingredients are being newly discovered or rediscovered by consumers in search of cleaner, healthier products. One example is honey, whose beneficial properties for the skin have been known for thousands of years. On the occasion of World Bee Day, taking place May 20 and designed to raise awareness of the crucial role these insects play and the importance of protecting them, here are some of the main properties for which honey is valued in the beauty sector.

May 17, 202303:31
Now fitness fans can raise a glass to sports beer! - ETX Studio

Now fitness fans can raise a glass to sports beer! - ETX Studio

After vitamin water and protein shots, fitness fans can now replenish with alcohol-free beer enriched with nutrients and minerals. Surprising as it might sound, this new kind of beer is an improbable addition to the sports drinks sector.

Apr 28, 202302:14
Hybrid meat makers have flexitarians in their sights

Hybrid meat makers have flexitarians in their sights

Take the composition of a soy or lentil burger patty. Add a little collagen and animal fat -- that's essentially the basis for one of the latest food trends that could be a solution to not only the taste issue of plant-based alternatives, but also the cost issue.

Apr 24, 202302:24
Whether tackling acne, dark circles or stretch marks, CBD is a beauty all-rounder

Whether tackling acne, dark circles or stretch marks, CBD is a beauty all-rounder

Known for its stress-busting and anti-inflammatory properties, CBD has also become a must-have beauty ingredient in recent years. In fact, almost all brands now offer cosmetics based on this substance naturally present in cannabis. And for good reason, since it promises to deeply nourish skin, to reduce puffiness, dark circles and acne, and even to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Apr 13, 202302:24
Beware of 'juice jacking' when charging devices with public USB ports - ETX Studio

Beware of 'juice jacking' when charging devices with public USB ports - ETX Studio

The FBI is alerting people to the risks involved in using USB charging ports available in public spaces. Some of these can be corrupted, and pose a danger if you happen to plug your smartphone or tablet into them. This phenomenon, called 'juice jacking,' can lead to the theft of personal data.

Apr 11, 202301:23
L’intelligence artificielle sur tous les fronts

L’intelligence artificielle sur tous les fronts

Rien ne semble pouvoir arrêter ChapGPT et consorts. Ses nouvelles applications sont en passe de bouleverser nos vies. D’abord en nous rendant bien des services  –  pour organiser un voyage ou choisir un restaurant à notre place. Ensuite en décuplant  nos performances – exemple avec cette appli qui transforme nos pauvres croquis en créations “arty”. Enfin… en nous remplaçant – le Vogue Singapour ne vient-il pas de mettre en une de fausses mannequins générées par IA ?

Apr 06, 202302:13
Wheat, flax, rye: Three grains to fight the signs of aging

Wheat, flax, rye: Three grains to fight the signs of aging

Fruit, vegetables and other plants have made their way into natural cosmetics because of their many skin benefits. But what about grains? Known for their nutritional qualities, wheat, flax and rye can also be major beauty allies. From wrinkles and fine lines to firmness, these three grains are gradually making their way into the bathroom to fight the signs of aging.

Apr 06, 202302:40
Artificial intelligence is showing up on all fronts
Apr 06, 202302:24
ChatGPT, notre nouveau personal shopper ?

ChatGPT, notre nouveau personal shopper ?

Tremble Cristina Cordula… ChatGPT est là ! Parmi les milliers de cordes à son arc, l’agent conversationnel possède celle de nous conseiller en matière de look. Un véritable assistant personnel en puissance !

Apr 06, 202302:21
L’AI-nxiety, la peur de perdre son travail à cause de ChatGPT

L’AI-nxiety, la peur de perdre son travail à cause de ChatGPT

ChatGPT et l’IA menaceraient 300 millions d’emplois dans le monde, selon Goldman Sachs. De quoi donner des sueurs froides aux travailleurs qui se voient déjà remplacés par les machines. Cette peur porte même un nom : l’AI-nxiety.

Apr 06, 202301:47
ChatGPT, une nouvelle arme de séduction sur Tinder

ChatGPT, une nouvelle arme de séduction sur Tinder

On s’en sert pour rédiger une lettre de motivation, un post sur les réseaux sociaux ou préparer un voyage. ChatGPT peut également être utile pour draguer. L’agent conversationnel est capable d’apporter son aide pour aborder un potentiel match sur les sites de rencontres.

Apr 06, 202302:32
Now Tinder users are turning to ChatGPT to help them land dates

Now Tinder users are turning to ChatGPT to help them land dates

Looking for a way to create the ideal profile and pen perfect pick-up lines to land a date with a prospective partner? Some members of dating sites are now turning to ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence text generator, to flirt even more easily from behind their screens. But while AI is an unexpected, and undoubtedly effective ally, it also takes some of the authenticity, spontaneity and honesty out of dating.

Apr 06, 202302:28
Scared of losing your job to ChatGPT? Maybe you're suffering from 'AI-nxiety'

Scared of losing your job to ChatGPT? Maybe you're suffering from 'AI-nxiety'

Faced with the rise of ChatGPT, many people are experiencing a feeling of hopelessness. All kinds of jobs could be threatened by the technology, provoking, in some people, a new form of anxiety that's directly related to this artificial intelligence.

Apr 06, 202301:53
Could ChatGPT be your new personal shopper?

Could ChatGPT be your new personal shopper?

Do image consultants have anything to fear from the rise of generative AI? While ChatGPT has countless functions, many could still remain unexplored. In fact, it turns out that the conversational AI does a pretty good job as a personal shopper, able to generate outfits based on a simple request, an image, a trend, or even a specific body type. Could it be a revolution in the making?

Apr 06, 202302:19
How to turn your smartphone into a TV remote control

How to turn your smartphone into a TV remote control

Apple and Google make it easy for users to access their various TV operating systems from a smartphone, so that their handset can be used as a remote control. Still, this very easy-to-use feature is often overlooked.

Apr 05, 202301:48
Mammoth on the menu: Scientists use DNA to make lab-grown meatball

Mammoth on the menu: Scientists use DNA to make lab-grown meatball

Growing meat in laboratories opens up such a broad field of possibilities that we could one day be eating woolly mammoth. In fact, thanks to the DNA of the prehistoric animal, an Australian company recently managed to make a mammoth meatball.

Mar 30, 202302:48
Three natural ingredients for a spring skin detox

Three natural ingredients for a spring skin detox

Carrot, coffee grounds and a touch of calendula can help detox skin that has suffered the effects of a cold, gray winter. The idea is to deep cleanse skin, to reduce redness caused by changes in temperature, and to restore a natural healthy glow -- three essential steps to freshen up skin for spring.

Mar 27, 202302:12
How powdered beer could make raising a glass greener

How powdered beer could make raising a glass greener

We already have instant coffee and hot chocolate, and even powdered milk that mixes with water to feed babies. So why can't the same be done with beer? A German monastic brewery is working on just that, with a powdered beer formula that could cut the carbon footprint of the drink.

Mar 24, 202301:59
How to protect your Mac, with or without antivirus software

How to protect your Mac, with or without antivirus software

While macOS may be much less prone to viruses than Windows, Mac users would be foolish not to take some precautions to protect their hardware and personal data.

Mar 22, 202301:51
From acne to wrinkles and dark circles, turmeric is a spice with multiple skin benefits

From acne to wrinkles and dark circles, turmeric is a spice with multiple skin benefits

Native to Southeast Asia, turmeric has been the subject of numerous scientific studies that have focused on exploring its nutritional and medical benefits. But what about its role in the beauty industry? This spice, known to be an excellent natural hair dye, could be beneficial not only in the fight against acne, but also in reducing wrinkles and dark circles, not to mention banishing dull complexions.

Mar 20, 202302:42