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Fathers & Founders

Fathers & Founders

By Will Green

Helping you be better: Mothers & Founders; Fathers & Managers; Fathers & Founders. Building children and careers with strong actionable advice for an abundance future filled with new technologies and opportunities. Real Advice from Real Entreprenuers.
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#64. Make Time.

Fathers & FoundersMay 21, 2024

#64. Make Time.

#64. Make Time.

As life gets busier we complain about not having enough time. We need to protect our time and allocate it regularly to the people and projects that we value the most. From completing that book with your elderly father to a regular walk with friends in nature. If you don’t make time, you will lose it on things that won’t matter when you don’t have any left.
May 21, 202403:02
#63. Walk & Talk. Summit Pod (Episode 1)

#63. Walk & Talk. Summit Pod (Episode 1)

Every Friday I summit Lions Head with a group of Founders, Fathers, Friends and Funders. Experimenting with this ‘Walk & Talk’ format recorded in my mobile studio ‘aka car’ post summit. I will invite a few guests to join me.
Apr 12, 202405:42
#62. What advice would you give your 19 year old self?

#62. What advice would you give your 19 year old self?

A 19 year old wantapreneur asked me this question and I wrote a blog post about it. I read the 12 answers to this question. This is a valuable exercise for anyone with 20+ years experience and would like to be a mentor.
Apr 10, 202409:46
#61. Business Efficiency (Capital & Sales Efficiencies)

#61. Business Efficiency (Capital & Sales Efficiencies)

Any business owner / shareholder and fund manager should know what the Capital and Sales efficiencies of their company and portfolio is. I. This short episode I share a definition and good benchmark with some examples.
Oct 23, 202304:49
#60. Brave or Perfect? A question to ask your children.

#60. Brave or Perfect? A question to ask your children.

In a recent TED talk the presenter shared some research on female teenagers and how the majority favoured the quality of ‘perfect’ over ‘brave’. This narrative needs to change as we all know, personal growth comes from bravery.
Jun 13, 202302:54
#59. Building community aligned with your values (A case study: Will’s Green Walks).

#59. Building community aligned with your values (A case study: Will’s Green Walks).

How do you build a community? Scratch your own ‘itch’ and see who joins you. Consistency, experiences and authenticity are key.
Jun 12, 202304:57
#58. Fear & Growth

#58. Fear & Growth

Humans are only born with two fears but have three more that are learnt. The emotion of fear is similar to excitement and biochemically the body releases Adrenaline to fight or flight. It is also a signal of change for Entrepreneurs. Being aware of the trigger that causes this is emotion is a valuable exercise. With change comes growth.
Mar 08, 202305:23
#57. Energy

#57. Energy

At the end of the year professional business people around the world are generally feeling tired with low energy. Sleep, exercise, purpose are my Top 3 things I do/have to top my energy up. I would add Nature and Love to my top 5. Enjoy this short pod episode. Hope it gives you energy 😜
Nov 12, 202205:50
#56. The Sales Mindset

#56. The Sales Mindset

If you are a Founder you are a Sales person. Solid businesses are built on solid sales. How do you think about Sales? Let’s break down 3 important sales basics.
Nov 04, 202205:12
#55. A short legacy Quote. Enjoy!

#55. A short legacy Quote. Enjoy!

Something to share to add value to your day.
Jun 14, 202202:38
#54. Maximise your outputs with minimal input: Sales Prospecting

#54. Maximise your outputs with minimal input: Sales Prospecting

A short practical pod to help you keep being top of mind with your sales pipeline (apologies, audio poor due to studio)
Mar 11, 202204:10
#53. “Defragging” your Mind.

#53. “Defragging” your Mind.

If you feel overwhelmed with all the ‘To Do’ lists in your head, this is a valuable exercise to free your mind and memory.
Feb 07, 202207:44
#52. A valuable ‘value’ formula to apply to your business.

#52. A valuable ‘value’ formula to apply to your business.

Value is such a subjective thing. I’m this podcast I quickly breakdown a simple framework that I discovered which you can apply to your own company and to your specific audience be it customers or investors.
Feb 03, 202203:37
#51. My 4 Rules for breeding a Kidpreneur.

#51. My 4 Rules for breeding a Kidpreneur.

The world needs more entrepreneurs but where do kids learn how to become one. In this short mini-episode I unpack my 4 rules for breeding futurepreneurs or like I like to call them kidpreneurs. Enjoy!
Sep 21, 202106:46
#50. Fear unpacked

#50. Fear unpacked

The human brain is wired to notice danger 6x more than good news. This primitive wiring is not well suited to the digital world we all live in. Let’s unpack fear…
Sep 09, 202104:30
#49. The Art & Science of Sales

#49. The Art & Science of Sales

Sales gets a bad rap but it is one of the most valuable business skill,
Sep 08, 202103:33
#48: Rest in the ‘eye of the storm’.

#48: Rest in the ‘eye of the storm’.

Life is one big storm. With fronts of challenges and periods of calm in the eye of the storm. Rest in the eye of the storm and frame the storm front of challenges with one of opportunities.
Sep 07, 202102:30
#47. Intuition, The What & How with Guest Sunil Godse (🇨🇦)

#47. Intuition, The What & How with Guest Sunil Godse (🇨🇦)

Guest Sunil Godse Founder & CEO of  After making a series of bad decisions, with one leading to a friend being shot and killed, Sunil Godse spent thousands of hours on research and interviews to find out that the reason we waste time making bad decisions is because we ignore our intuition, a subconscious phenomenon that we are all born with that helps us make the right decision at the right time in any situation we find ourselves in. Sunil developed a seven step process that shows you how to sharpen your intuition so that the only decisions you make are the right ones in any situation that move your life forward. We explore Intuition and how to apply it in your own life.  The Seven-day Intuition challenge here: Website: Podcast: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter:
Feb 13, 202147:46
#46. The Value of your Intangibles

#46. The Value of your Intangibles

In business a lot of thought and structure has been attributed to Tangible Assets that can be measured and accounted for in an asset registry or Balance Sheet. However the real value in a business and life lies in the value of your Intangible assets such as Brand, Culture, Trust in business and Freedom of Time in life. 

Nov 08, 202003:57
#45. The importance of positive places.

#45. The importance of positive places.

Places like people have an amazing quality to remind you of memories and positive emotions those places have had in your life and the life of your family. Be intentional with building up places that you enjoy with the people you love to share them with. Hack: Look at where your Panoramic photos were taken.
Aug 12, 202005:32
#44. Patience. The importance of Timing in life for your Dreams, Goals or Projects.

#44. Patience. The importance of Timing in life for your Dreams, Goals or Projects.

As a 14 year entrepreneur and start-up and scale-up tech advisor to high growth founders. I have noticed that Timing is one of the most important skills to learn, especially in high innovation technology spaces. Patience and persistence is a key skill to hone in your own life as the universe metaphysically or serendipitously keeps on recycling and presenting opportunities.
Life is not 1 chapter, it's a book and we never really know the sequence of the chapters until they get written for us.
Be open to these opportunities and never give up on dreams, goals, projects that is highly aligned with your personal purpose or persistent problem that still frustrates you.
Jul 30, 202005:07
#43. SFH - School From Home. A new look at education in the future

#43. SFH - School From Home. A new look at education in the future

If you are a parent and had a period of lock-down in your country. You would have felt the angst of schooling your kids at home. This period has made me appreciate teachers and coaches more and got me thinking about a supplementary model for education where the parents have access to the world's best educators. 

On a personal/parent basis, I've also noticed the medium of education needs to fit the audience i.e. audio after a day of video and that you need to be mindful about the type of content you consumer and what could be the outcome of that consumption long-term.

Jul 30, 202005:04
#42. Big Challenges, Small Steps

#42. Big Challenges, Small Steps

1000 pull-ups in a week. The idea seems impossible till you break it down into small parts.

ie. 10 pull-ups every 30 minutes for 10 hours for 5 days. 

Or slightly easier, 2 sets of 12 squats, 3 times a day for 7 days, is over 500 reps. 

You just needs discipline, a plan and to start the first exercise. After 2-weeks it will be a new healthy habit. 

Much is the case of learning a new language, you can listen to 30 minute episodes during your dead time like a commute. After a few months you should be conversationally ready. 

The key is to keep challenging yourself, ensure you have accountability and a carrot or stick at the end. 

Try it!

Jun 19, 202004:16
#41. Writing a Book

#41. Writing a Book

The best way to start any new project is to talk about it in public. 

Well I followed my own advice and today announce that I've started on this book project with a very special co-author. 

Jun 09, 202001:56
#40. Learn by Stealing.

#40. Learn by Stealing.

Picasso famously was quotes (or misquotes) as saying "Great artists borrow, great artists steal."
Innovation doesn't need to be 100% original, if you combined 3 features and combined them into 1 product you would surprisingly have an original piece of work.
Similarly if you have 3 people that you admire, read, follow, watch, subscribe.
What would you do if you distilled their similarities into 1 label?
My virtual 'Mentors' or 'Who's all have the label of 'teacher' which I subscribed to and emulate.
Copy their models or systems and you will be surprised to how simple copying your 'Who's' playbook in your own industry, region and expertise.
Jun 04, 202004:47
#39. The 5 C's of Parenting

#39. The 5 C's of Parenting

If there ever was a 'playbook on parenting' to raise little humans, I would buy it if it had these 5 chapters. 

I've given this topic a lot of though (based on the title of my podcast) and I hope you find value in it for you and your families. 

The 5 C's are:

1. Caring 

2. Curious 

3. Courageous 

4. Creative 

5. Communicative 

May 25, 202004:57
#38. The 6 levels of People Networks.

#38. The 6 levels of People Networks.

This week I discovered the 6 levels of networks.
Inspired by Robin Dunbar, a British anthropologist and evolutionary psychologist at the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford. His research found that the maximum number of a humans personal network was on average 150 people. Subsequently with technology that amplifies human's reach such as the internet with social networks, podcasts, blogs and video.
It is possible to have a much larger network with the maximum being 1500 people for which you can recognise and put a name to a face.For the time being, until augmented reality and brain-computer interface (BCI) become a reality.
Enjoy and fell free to follow me @willjngreen on twitter and @willgreen on Linkedin.
May 09, 202003:48
#37. Gratitude, Generosity & Mindset - Trinity of Happiness

#37. Gratitude, Generosity & Mindset - Trinity of Happiness

If there were only 3 things that you could work on for your present self (more on past & future selves in our next episode) it are these.  1. Gratitude for what you have (gives perspective on present state and others less fortunate). 2. Generosity for giving more value than what you take. 3. Mindset - self awareness with a positive-, growth-, optimistic- mindsets.  Work on these 3 collectively to foster a more happiness and positivity outlook. 
May 09, 202005:04
#36. Give to Get. Positive Impact post-Covid?

#36. Give to Get. Positive Impact post-Covid?

Generosity is one of the most positive feel-good amplifier.
Studies have shown that when you give money to a sample of people and ask them to give it to other people. There is a much larger and longer-lasting feeling of good-will compared to a sample where the instruction was to spend the money on themselves.
Ask not what your community can do for you, ask what you can do for the community.
This podcast was inspired by a friends story this week on how I supported him pivot his coffeeshop retail business to a home-delivery coffee bean business. These are the types of stories that inspired me to continue to be generous even more so in these times of uncertainty and scarcity.
May 01, 202004:34
#35. The Positive & Negative 'Stories' parents & children play on repeat

#35. The Positive & Negative 'Stories' parents & children play on repeat

We all gather 'Stories' that we tell ourselves on repeat.
What stories we tell ourselves we believe. Whether it's "I'm Fat, I'm Ugly" to "I can do anything I set my mind to" to "Where there is a Will, there is a way."
The power of the personal stories we carry with us through life has a very large influence on our mind-set.
More importantly is auditing the stories our children observe us telling ourselves and us telling them.
Apart from 'David vs Goliath', This is the earliest story that I have carried with me when I was a young boy:
"The Little Engine that Could."
A little railroad engine was employed about a station yard for such work as it was built for, pulling a few cars on and off the switches. One morning it was waiting for the next call when a long train of freight-cars asked a large engine in the roundhouse to take it over the hill.
"I can't; that is too much a pull for me", said the great engine built for hard work. Then the train asked another engine, and another, only to hear excuses and be refused. In desperation, the train asked the little switch engine to draw it up the grade and down on the other side. "I think I can", puffed the little locomotive, and put itself in front of the great heavy train. As it went on the little engine kept bravely puffing faster and faster, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."

As it neared the top of the grade, which had so discouraged the larger engines, it went more slowly. However, it still kept saying, "I—think—I—can, I—think—I—can." It reached the top by drawing on bravery and then went on down the grade, congratulating itself by saying, "I thought I could, I thought I could."
Apr 26, 202005:02
#34. Who you are & Why you are

#34. Who you are & Why you are

Who you are is equal to your 'Why' and your 'What'.  It feels like we constantly wear many hats to play the many roles in life. Instead we should only where the 1 'hat' and have only 1 'Why'.  Mine 'Why' is to 'Give to Get', Simon's is 'To Inspire People'. Give this some thought last to Who you are and Why do you do What yo do? Why I created 'Founders & Fathers' was to share my experiences with discovering my Why. 
Apr 26, 202003:25
#33. Playing Defensive vs. Offensive during Covid19.

#33. Playing Defensive vs. Offensive during Covid19.

There are obviously industries that have been affected more than others, such as Hospitality, Gig-working, Travel and Luxury industries.
However much like in any downturns there are opportunities. This is where an offensive strategy and mindset needs to be considered.
View your life and business through this lens. Use first principles and data to help shape your thinking and execution.
Apr 11, 202005:07
#32. Your 3 types of Tribe. Connecting with each during Covid19.

#32. Your 3 types of Tribe. Connecting with each during Covid19.

Author and Marketing Guru Seth Godin wrote a great book called 'Tribes'. Which outlined the need to connect with the Tribe you seek to serve in order to be successful in your business.  Similarly Author Yuval Noah Harari of the book 'Sapiens' shares why Homo Sapiens survived. While we are in our own default ' survival' mode it is important to recognise the 3 types of tribes you have. 1. Blood, Physical & Virtual.  
Apr 11, 202005:07
#31. Alive Time vs Dead Time & Preparing for a Post-Covid19 world.

#31. Alive Time vs Dead Time & Preparing for a Post-Covid19 world.

A lot has changed since our last episode, In week 3 of Covid-19 isolation, we look at a concept called 'Dead Time or Alive Time.'
How you are best making use of your time?
How are you using the time to prepare for a world post-Covid19?
Apr 11, 202002:30
#30. Your Scars are your best Features not your worst Flaws.

#30. Your Scars are your best Features not your worst Flaws.

So often we don't get the most value from the negative experiences in our lives. It takes a different mindset to re-frame negatives into positives. Have you ever slept in a homeless shelter or accidentally spilled red wine on a brides wedding dress? Don't worry, I have....
#Founderadvice #Parentadvice #Warstories #LifesScars #Reframing #Startups #Familyadvice
Feb 06, 202003:60
#29. Become an Entrepreneur over Night

#29. Become an Entrepreneur over Night

What you do on the weekend and weekday evenings you become.
if you want to become an entrepreneur, do the 1 thing that your family and friends value from you and would be willing to support you doing for them.
The definition of an entrepreneur is from the french work for 'Undertake'. It's about the 'doing'.
1. Pick that thing that you are well know for and are passionate about doing when you come home from work or on the weekend (i.e. Baking your famous cake or tart).
2. Work out your costs and a profit margin on that 'thing'.
3. Send a message to all your friends and friends of friends offering that 'thing' at your price and ask them to message you.
4. Get orders in via WhatsApp and then start making appointments or that thing that you are well known for.
5. Overdeliver what you said you would do and ask if you could make or bake that thing for them once a week or once a month.
6. Incentivise your customers to refer you to their network. i.e. For every 10 or 20 referrals they get a free 1.
Congratulations you have become an recurring Entrepreneur and not just a Netflix watching Wantapreneur.
Jan 31, 202005:01
#28. Change your Identity, Change your Bad Habits

#28. Change your Identity, Change your Bad Habits

A short podcast inspired by the book 'Atomic Habits'. Digs into some practical ways to increase good/new habits and decrease old/bad habits. Enjoy!

Jan 31, 202004:54
#25. Top 10 Photos of the Year

#25. Top 10 Photos of the Year

Where and when do you spend the most valuable 'thinking' and 'creating' time. Mine is in the shower... Carve out time daily, weekly, monthly & annually to protect this valuable exercise.  Looking over the past 12 months of photos on your phone, which are your Top 10 and Why? Favourite them and print them out and put in a photo album. Repeat annually. Visualise and immerse all your senses into the next 12-months, get emotionally charged and tell those close to you what you wish to achieve. by telling people its a verbal 'contract' to them, yourself and the universe that you will get it done.  Enjoy! 
Jan 15, 202006:38
#27. Goal Setting on 1 page in 3 easy steps.

#27. Goal Setting on 1 page in 3 easy steps.

I like you have been inundated with goal setting and new years resolutions articles, some are valuable most are not. 

I wanted to share a very simple way I look at this.

1. Who: Accountability Partner & 2 Bets (Monthly & Annually)

2. What: Specific Goals  (1. Impact, 2. Wealth 3. Health) - using S.M.A.R.T methodology  

3. How: Strategies for achieving them. 

Yes, it spells ASS, but you will now never forget it. 

S.M.A.R.T A.S.S :)

Jan 15, 202008:13
#26. Merry Xmas

#26. Merry Xmas

Appreciate the moments together during special occasions or holidays together. Be grateful for health and happiness, cos we never know how long we all have it for. Carpe Christmas. Seize Christmas. 

Dec 25, 201902:39
#24. I Challenge You (Relationships)

#24. I Challenge You (Relationships)

The quickest and easiest way to network and keep your relationships active sincerely. Tell me how you found the challenge by emailing or DM’ing me in LinkedIn (Search Will Green).
Dec 13, 201902:21
#23. Wisdom of the Crowd
Dec 11, 201905:08
#22. The Power of Perspective

#22. The Power of Perspective

Who do you ask for a fresh perspective in your business? Whether it is someone to look at your operations, financial reporting, business model, sales and marketing. A fresh pair of 'trusted' eyes and ears can be worth a lot. Plus it can only take a week at the minimum or a month at the maximum. As always, I'm available if you so wish to engage, just search 'Will Green, Cape Town' in LinkedIn & direct message me with this podcast as a reference.  
Dec 10, 201904:44
#21. Dr Greg Gatchell (Hawaii, 🇺🇸)

#21. Dr Greg Gatchell (Hawaii, 🇺🇸)

Greg is a Lifestyle Physician, Entrepreneur & Surfer. A Founder and not yet a Father. A great episode with some valuable take outs relating to the importance of healthy habits that translate into actively managing your health outcomes.
Dec 06, 201931:12
#20. Interview with Silvia Centeno (Spain) 🇪🇸

#20. Interview with Silvia Centeno (Spain) 🇪🇸

What a privilege to welcome our first international guest. Businesswomen, Economics lecturer & Mother of 2 girls. Silvia. In this episode, Silvia shared here universal lessons on parenting and business. A fellow Abundance Digital member.
Dec 03, 201916:51
#19. Add Value Daily

#19. Add Value Daily

Be accountable to yourself, family, friends, founders, shareholders and society by applying this ‘mindset’ and habit as you go about your day/week/month/life.
Dec 03, 201903:03
#18. 80/20 Rule, apply it to your business and life.

#18. 80/20 Rule, apply it to your business and life.

The Pareto Principle is a very quick and useful Tool in discovering which customers are generating the most of your sales and profits. It can also be applied to your health.
Dec 03, 201904:29
#17. What are you prepared to ‘die’ for?

#17. What are you prepared to ‘die’ for?

The importance of soul and purpose in maintaining a ‘balance’ across Body, Mind and Soul.
Nov 27, 201905:31
#16. The Importance of Definitions & Disclosures.

#16. The Importance of Definitions & Disclosures.

It’s important to define a topic clearly before discussing or debating it. As humans all have their own assumptions and experiences and it is always a good starting point. Like Elon Musk’s use of First Principles he applies in his definitions in his businesses. Similarly it’s important to disclose an individuals interest in a particular project / topic so to ensure trust is established and maintained.
Nov 25, 201907:41
#15. What is your 4-word story?

#15. What is your 4-word story?

4 helpful tips to look at for your business. Including ‘4-Word Story’, ‘Category of 1’, ‘100 true fans’, Your Assets (Data) & MOAT
Nov 21, 201914:12