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FBC Kosciusko

FBC Kosciusko

By First Baptist Church - Kosciusko, MS

Bible teaching by Pastor Luke Gardner from the pulpit of First Baptist Church, Kosciusko, Mississippi.
Currently playing episode

3-Jesus: The Fulfillment of the Old Testament - Matthew 5:17-20

FBC KosciuskoOct 23, 2022

3 Key Truths in Our New Identity in Christ - Galatians 3:27-29

3 Key Truths in Our New Identity in Christ - Galatians 3:27-29

In this message titled "3 Key Truths in Our New Identity in Christ", Pastor Luke Gardner shares another message in his series titled "Galatians: The Sufficiency of the Gospel".

-We are clothed in Christ

-We are one in Christ

-We are heirs with Christ

Apr 29, 202442:24
The Insufficiency of the Law (Part 3) - Galatians 3:19-26

The Insufficiency of the Law (Part 3) - Galatians 3:19-26

Pastor Luke Gardner continues his series, "Galatians: The Sufficiency of the Gospel" with a third message titled "The insufficiency of the Law (Part 3)".

In this message, Pastor Luke teaches 3 Points from Galatians 3:19-26

-The Purpose of the Law - The law reveals our sinfulness and our need for a Savior.

-The Pointing of the Law - God gave us the law, not to point us to perfection, but to point us to faith in Jesus. Only Jesus is able to fulfill the law.

-The Passing of the Law - We are no longer under a guardian bound for slavery. We are sons and daughters destined to be heirs of God's kingdom.

Apr 21, 202449:48
The Insufficiency of the Law (Part 2) - Galatians 3:10-18

The Insufficiency of the Law (Part 2) - Galatians 3:10-18

Pastor Luke Gardner offers 3 more reasons that the Law is Insufficient to make us right with God. Everyone who does not do everything the law requires is cursed. Trust in God through the Gospel is the only way to be saved.

The Law is Insufficient Because:

-The Law Condemns - the Gospel Redeems

-The Law Oppresses - the Gospel Frees

-The Law Steals - the Gospel Enriches

Apr 15, 202441:44
Samuel's Call - 1 Samuel 3

Samuel's Call - 1 Samuel 3

In this message, Associate Pastor Mark Parnell relates the call of the Profit Samuel to the call every believer experiences and calls on us to be faithful to our calling.

Apr 11, 202436:54
The Insufficiency of the Law - Galatians 3:1-9

The Insufficiency of the Law - Galatians 3:1-9

This message in the series titled "Galatians: The Sufficiency of the Gospel" presents

4 Insufficiencies of the Law:

-The law given to Moses cannot regenerate

-The law cannot sanctify

-The law cannot empower

-The law cannot justify

The law was never meant to make anyone right with God. Only through the Gospel can you be made right with God. Jesus who knew no sin became sin for us. Justification is only possible by the beauty of the Gospel.

Apr 09, 202446:48
Knowing vs Walking - Exodus 15-16

Knowing vs Walking - Exodus 15-16

In this message, Pastor Luke Gardner presents a huge challenge to our church from the life of Samson.

We can't just claim to know Jesus. We must walk with Jesus. If we walk with Jesus, we must follow His example.

Jesus found Himself in all kinds of messy, uncomfortable situations. To be a Gospel Church we must love people like Jesus loved people and serve people like Jesus served people.

We know Jesus but are we walking as Jesus would have us walk?

Apr 04, 202437:26
3 Questions at Easter

3 Questions at Easter

In this brief message, Pastor Luke Gardner follows up on the drama and cantata presentation of Risen Savior, Conquering King with a few questions.

-Have you ever felt the weight of your sin?

-Have you ever felt the joy of the empty tomb?

-Have you ever desired a friendship with Jesus?

Jesus was a real man living a real life. He died a real death and experienced a real resurrection.

No matter how distant I may feel from a holy God, the truth is that Jesus came to save sinners.

If my response is to admit my sin, repent, and believe that Jesus can save even me, I can experience that friendship with Jesus that my heart desires.

Apr 01, 202411:07
Gospel Centered Living

Gospel Centered Living

Pastor Luke Gardner continues his series titled "Galatians: The Sufficiency of the Gospel" with a message titled "Gospel-Centered Living" based on Galatians 2:15-21.

He reveals 4 marks of Gospel-Centered Living.





Mar 24, 202438:32
The Gospel Threat of Hypocrisy - Galatians 2:11-14

The Gospel Threat of Hypocrisy - Galatians 2:11-14

In this message, Pastor Luke confronts the threat hypocrisy poses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He emphasizes the fact that hypocrisy in our lives can threaten the Gospel and the effectiveness of our churches even today.

By confronting Peter and the hypocrisy he displayed in these scriptures, Paul laid out a pattern for us to measure our lives against. Peter was not bad on the inside. He was redeemed and a pillar of the early church. Yet, in this passage, Jewish men from Jerusalem caused Peter to act badly on the outside.

None of us are immune from hypocrisy. The threat is real in every Christian and every Christian needs to confront hypocrisy in our lives. The advancement of the Gospel is threatened when we do not.

Mar 18, 202442:23
The Famous Last Words of Moses - Deuteronomy 6

The Famous Last Words of Moses - Deuteronomy 6

In this mid-week message, Caleb Witt, Student Pastor at FBC Kosciusko, shares truths from Deuteronomy 6, one of the key passages in the Old Testament.

The right affirmation of God's holy nature and our right and proper response of absolute love is the only place that true obedience can begin because it informs and directs everything we are and everything we should do.

Moses' final words to the children of Israel called them to focus on that fact, order their lives in this truth, and teach their children to live in it.

Mar 14, 202427:16
The Greatest Apologetic - Galatians 1:11-2:10

The Greatest Apologetic - Galatians 1:11-2:10

In this message, Pastor Luke Gardner follows as the Apostle Paul uses his own story to defend the Faith. The greatest proof of authentic faith in Jesus Christ and the Gospel He came to deliver is a changed life transformed by the Good News Jesus. The most telling example of the Gospel is a transformed life that overflows with the grace and forgiveness that a believer has found in Jesus.

Mar 10, 202443:40
People-Pleasing - Galatians 1:10

People-Pleasing - Galatians 1:10

In this message in his series on Galatians, Pastor Luke Gardner states that we are designed to seek the approval of only One. Our problem is the temptation to seek the approval of others instead of God.

The problem with people-pleasing is that it leads to idolatry by worshipping others and ultimately to self-worship.

The solution for people-pleasing is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We can't serve Jesus and, at the same time, live our lives worshipping any other.

The question, then, becomes this: Am I trying to seek the approval of God or people? I can't do both.

Mar 03, 202434:10
Learning to Live in Relationship with God - Exodus 34 - Exodus 40

Learning to Live in Relationship with God - Exodus 34 - Exodus 40

God has decided to go with us. There is no dwelling with God based on our merit. God's dwelling with us is based on His initiative and is sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

God knows us and our weaknesses. He is faithful to go with us through all the events of life and will teach us how to live in relationship with Him.

Feb 29, 202432:13
No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:6-9

No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:6-9

In this message, Pastor Luke continues his series titled "Galatians: The Sufficiency of Jesus" with a message titled "No Other Gospel.

Paul expresses his amazement that the Galatians had so quickly turned away from God by turning away from Jesus and His Gospel. To reject Jesus is to reject God.

Paul issues 3 urgent pleas to the Galatians (and to us):

-We must Continue in the Gospel

-We must Cling to the Gospel

-We must Count on the Gospel

Feb 25, 202441:48
Introduction to Galatians - Galatians 1:1-5

Introduction to Galatians - Galatians 1:1-5

With this "Introduction to Galatians", Pastor Luke Gardner starts a sermon series titled "Galatians: The Sufficiency of the Gospel".

In this most intense letter of all his writings, the Apostle Paul shares that our salvation and sanctification are not accomplished through a list of works we do. They are due to what God through Jesus has already done.

In this introduction, Pastor Luke reveals the author, the audience, and the aim of this powerful book. He also suggests that the gospel was birthed in the heart of a loving, grace-filled, merciful God and that the gospel was birthed to rescue us from the present, evil age and to take us to Himself.

Feb 19, 202445:20
Snippets from Exodus

Snippets from Exodus

Messages at Mid-Week Services are taken from scriptures being read in the Bible Reading Plan used by our D-Groups. In this message, instead of doing a deep dive on one scripture, Pastor Luke Gardner shares thoughts on several scriptures from the Book of Exodus.

Feb 18, 202434:55
Building Our Church on God's Word

Building Our Church on God's Word

In this final message in the series titled "Blueprint: Building Our Lives on God's Word", Pastor Luke Gardner shares a message titled "Building Our Church on God's Word".

God's Word governs us as His Church. He has instructions on our Community, our Worship, our Polity, and our Activity.

In conclusion, Pastor Luke shares this quote: "I long for us to continue to be a church family that returns to the Word of God and asks for His direction in every area of our lives".

Feb 11, 202437:37
Confidence in Suffering - Exodus 2

Confidence in Suffering - Exodus 2

Pastor Luke Gardner shares that our confidence in suffering comes from knowing the heart of God. We see the heart of God in Jesus on the cross.

God treated His only Son like we should be treated so that He can treat us like only His Son deserves to be treated.

We know that God will act, maybe not in our lifetime but in His perfect time.

Feb 08, 202435:02
Building Our Families on God's Word

Building Our Families on God's Word

Pastor Luke Gardner's series titled "Blueprint: Building Our Lives on God's Word" continues with a timely message "Building Our Families on God's Word".

Obedience is the only right response to God's revealed plan for our lives. From the first chapter in Genesis, God makes clear his plan for our families.

-God created the family

-God created the family as the foundation for society

-God created the family for discipleship

-God created the family with clear roles

Feb 04, 202448:13
4 Joseph Principles

4 Joseph Principles

In this mid-week message, Pastor Luke Gardner shares 4 Principles we can learn from the life of Joseph in Genesis 39, Genesis 41, and Genesis 50

-A big-picture perspective on life guarantees good short-range decisions

-God never forgets us

-Kindness and compassion are Christian defaults

-Passing hardships do not shake our solid confidence in God's good plans for our lives

Feb 01, 202438:10
Blueprint: Pure Religion

Blueprint: Pure Religion

In this message, Pastor Luke Gardner calls us to evaluate our religion with tests outlined in James 1:26-27.

True religion is based not on meaningless words of lip service but on actions.

Jan 28, 202439:21
Radical Transformation - Genesis 30

Radical Transformation - Genesis 30

In this Mid-Week message, Pastor Luke Gardner shares his heart and instructions from the Word of God about God's design for the local church and it's relationship to the staff called to serve that church.

God wants to do a work in each of us. We are not to ask from our staff what only God can provide.

Our God is able to produce long term fruitfulness in each of us. Pastor Luke details a formula for producing that fruitfulness in each individual believer's life.

Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = Radical Transformation

Jan 25, 202428:23
Blueprint: God Demands Obedience

Blueprint: God Demands Obedience

This message is a continuation of Pastor Luke Gardener's series titled "Blueprint: Building Our Lives On God's Word".

We are to be hearers of the Word of God, of course. However, we are not to be hearers only. We must be obedient to God by keeping His commandments. True believers who are intent on applying the truths of God's Word will see the transforming work of God in their lives as they become "doers" of the Word of God.

Jan 21, 202437:18
Devotions from Genesis 21 & 22

Devotions from Genesis 21 & 22

In this message, Pastor Luke Gardner shares 2 points from Genesis 21 and Genesis 22 to encourage us in our good times and in times of trial.

-God is ever attentive to us.

-We can't overestimate the power of obedience

How we live matters. The decisions we make matter. For us and for the generations to come, God honors our right decisions, our acts of righteousness, and our obedience.

Jan 18, 202420:48
Scripture as the Blueprint - James 1:19-21

Scripture as the Blueprint - James 1:19-21

As he continues this series titled "Blueprint: Building Our Lives on God's Word", Pastor Luke Gardner presents a message from James 1:19-21 titled "Scripture as the Blueprint".

Verse 19 in this passage tells us that we should:

-Be quick to listen

-Slow to speak

-Slow to anger

-Humbly receive God's Living Word

Jan 14, 202441:07
SIN - Genesis Chapters 3, 4, & 6

SIN - Genesis Chapters 3, 4, & 6

The Bible asks the big question: "How can we who died to sin still live in it?" Romans 6:2

Pastor Luke Gardner addresses 3 points from Genesis about the reality of sin in our lives even though God has called us to holiness.

-Sin is distrusting God-believing that we know better than God. Genesis 3

-Sin is ever present in our lives. Even though it prohibits us from approaching God, it does not prohibit God from approaching us. Genesis 4

-We must understand that sin does not lay dormant but multiplies. Sin destroys. Genesis 6

What will you do to model an obedient response to God?

Jan 11, 202440:47
Blueprint: Building Our Lives On God's Word

Blueprint: Building Our Lives On God's Word

In his first message of 2024, Pastor Luke Gardner challenges us to reevaluate how we look at the Word of God. He encourages us to view the Word of God as our blueprint to guide and direct every step of our lives.

This message focuses on:

-The Blueprint to Eternal Life

-The Blueprint of the Purposeful Life

If we miss God's Word, we will miss God's will for us. If we miss God's will for us, we will waste our life.

Jan 08, 202444:31
Jesus Offers a New Beginning – Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus Offers a New Beginning – Matthew 11:28-30

In this last message of the year, Pastor Luke Gardner asks a question: Looking back at the past year, what would you like to lay down?

In this message, Pastor Luke challenges us to allow Jesus to give us a new beginning.

Dec 31, 202340:22
Lessons from the Shepherds - Luke 2:8-20

Lessons from the Shepherds - Luke 2:8-20

In this special Christmas Eve message, Pastor Luke Gardner shares 3 Natural Responses from the shepherds after their Unnatural Encounter with the angelic hosts announcing the birth of our Saviour.

-Go and See

-Go and Tell

-Go and Marvel

Dec 24, 202315:31
Simeon's Praise - Luke 2:25-35

Simeon's Praise - Luke 2:25-35

In this message, Pastor Luke focuses on the praise of Simeon as he realizes the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit's promise concerning the coming Messiah.

Dec 18, 202340:34
That's Not a Good Idea - 1 Timothy 1:15-16

That's Not a Good Idea - 1 Timothy 1:15-16

In this message, Pastor Luke Gardner shares a couple of things that are not good ideas to cultivate in a Christian's life from 1 Timothy 1:15-16.

-It's not a good idea to forget that Jesus Christ came to save sinners.

-It's not a good idea to forget that I am a sinner saved by God's grace.

Dec 14, 202330:37
A Bigger Picture from Hebrews

A Bigger Picture from Hebrews

Pastor Luke Gardner ties the redemptive story told in Hebrews to the creation and fall of man in the Garden of Eden. We were created to know God and to walk with Him.

You exist to know God and to make Him known by telling others what He has done for you.

Dec 07, 202336:14
The Song of Mary - Luke 1:46-55

The Song of Mary - Luke 1:46-55

In this message, Pastor Luke Gardner delivers the first of 3 Songs of Christmas Praise from Luke 1 & 2. This message challenges us with 4 reasons why Jesus deserves our praise based on Mary's praise, also know as the "Magnificat" from Luke 1:46-55.

Dec 03, 202334:46
Worry and Anxiety - Philippians 4:6-7

Worry and Anxiety - Philippians 4:6-7

In this message, Pastor Luke gives practical insight into the challenges that worry and anxiety pose to most Christians as well as instruction based on Philippians 4.

Dec 02, 202319:37
8 Marks of a Jesus-Over-Everything Church - Hebrews 13

8 Marks of a Jesus-Over-Everything Church - Hebrews 13

In this message, Pastor Luke Gardner finished the series "Jesus Over Everything" from the book of Hebrews.

Pastor Luke shares "8 Marks of a "Jesus-Over-Everything Church". These characteristics reveal a glimpse of the exhortation and encouragement the writer of Hebrews challenges churches to embrace.

Nov 26, 202349:06
3 Challenges from Hebrews 12

3 Challenges from Hebrews 12

In the absence of Pastor Luke Gardner, Rev. Shane Thrash, Director of Central Hills Baptist Retreat, continued our series form the book of Hebrews with a message from Hebrews 12.

Shane issued 3 Challenges laid out in Chapter 12 for believers as we follow the examples of normal, everyday people who are listed as heroes of the faith in Hebrews Chapter 11.

The 3 Challenges include:

-Lay aside every weight of sin

-Persevere, don't give up, stay the course

-Keep your eyes on Jesus

God wants to wrap Himself around us so that the world sees the power of a Holy God being lived out through us.

Nov 19, 202336:58
Embrace the Simple Gospel - Romans 10:17

Embrace the Simple Gospel - Romans 10:17

In this Mid-Week message, Pastor Luke Gardner shares the simple truth that faith does not come through arguing or coercion. Saving faith comes from simply hearing the Gospel and responding to God in faith.

Nov 16, 202319:19
Do You Trust God? - Hebrews 11

Do You Trust God? - Hebrews 11

In this message form Hebrews 11, Pastor Luke Gardner shares a message about the essential nature of trust, of faith in God.

Trust is fundamental to your relationship with God.

A relationship without trust is no relationship at all. We must understand that we are who God says we are. He is who He says He is. And, He will do what He says He will do.

Past Luke shares 5 Fundamental Changes that faith has on our lives:

-Faith changes our world view

-Faith changes our behavior

-Faith changes our sufferings

-Faith changes our expectations

-Faith changes our self-perception

Pastor Luke ends his message with a question:

Are you willing to trust God and allow Him to use you to display His power?

Nov 12, 202349:00
God Is For Us - Romans 8

God Is For Us - Romans 8

In his midweek message, Pastor Luke Gardner delivers an emotional message from Romans chapter 8. This chapter starts in the first verse stating that "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus".

Jesus has set us free from Sin and Death. God sacrificed His own Son to free us from Sin and Death. He is for us and not against us!

The truth for the Christian is that no matter where we are or what we have done. GOD IS FOR US!

Nov 10, 202338:06
Action Items from Hebrews 10

Action Items from Hebrews 10

In Hebrews 10, the writer of Hebrews shifts from teaching and explaining the old covenant and the new covenant to a point of exhortation.

Pastor Luke Gardner lays out 3 action items to take in response to the truths laid out in earlier chapters.

1-Draw near to God

2-Hold on to your Faith

3-Consider one another

God, in His grace, gave us Christian brothers and sisters to encourage and stimulate us.

Nov 06, 202338:00
A Thorn in the Flesh - 2 Corinthians 12

A Thorn in the Flesh - 2 Corinthians 12

In this Midweek message, Pastor Luke Gardner shares a message from 2 Corinthians 12 about how Paul dealt with his "thorn in the flesh".

Life is hard but God is good!

Nov 02, 202332:00
A Superior Blood - Hebrews 9

A Superior Blood - Hebrews 9

Blood is significant because it represents life. What about the blood of Jesus? Why is the blood of Jesus superior?

-The blood of Jesus establishes Jesus as our Sufficient Mediator

-The blood of Jesus establishes Jesus as our Sufficient Savior and Sanctifier

-The blood of Jesus ensures our Sufficient Hope

How can the eternal Son of God come into your life and you not be totally changed?

Oct 29, 202337:43
A Superior Covenant - Hebrews 8

A Superior Covenant - Hebrews 8

Pastor Luke Gardner continues his series in the book of Hebrews with a message titled "A Superior Covenant" for Hebrews 8. In this message, he discusses 3 truths that make the New Covenant superior to the Old Covenant.

1-We have a Superior Mediator in Jesus

2-We have a Superior Sanctuary waiting for us in Heaven.

3-We have Superior Promises


-The Holy Spirit


Oct 23, 202341:39
Live to Please God - 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 ; 5:14-18

Live to Please God - 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 ; 5:14-18

Pastor Luke Gardner shares a practical message from 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 challenging believers to abstain from things in our lives that do not lead to godliness.

Then he turns to 1 Thessalonians 5:14-18 to challenge us toward 4 activities that will work together to accomplish the will of God for us.

Oct 12, 202342:06
The Church 's Worst Enemy - Hebrews 5:11-14

The Church 's Worst Enemy - Hebrews 5:11-14

In this message, Pastor Luke Garnder, identifies the villain revealed by the writer of Hebrews in Hebrews 5:11-14. That villain is the presence of spiritual laziness in the Church and in us as individual Christians.

Pastor Luke lays out 6 devastating effects of spiritual laziness:

1-Laziness produces spiritual immaturity

2-Laziness halts discipleship

3-Laziness handicaps the mission of the Church

4-Laziness blinds us to the beauty of the Gospel

5-Laziness dulls our moral senses and hinders our discernment

6-Laziness ultimately leads to a life of sin and immorality

This is an eternal battle. If we stop growing, we are digressing.

Oct 01, 202345:57
The Church Collective

The Church Collective

In this message, Pastor Luke Gardner gives his honest view of the status of the Church today, what got us here, and observations from Acts 12 which we must lay hold of and get back to if we are going to be healthy churches again.

He states that 80-90% of churches today are plateaued or declining. Something must change.

Sep 28, 202335:29
Jesus Was Human

Jesus Was Human

In this midweek message, Pastor Luke Gardner teaches that because Jesus was fully human, he is able to relate to us on every level of our daily lives.

Sep 15, 202325:02
Jesus Is Savior - Hebrews 2

Jesus Is Savior - Hebrews 2

Pastor Luke Gardner continues his series in the Book of Hebrews titled "Jesus Over Everything". The focus of this message is "Jesus Is Savior".

3 Realities About Jesus As Savior:

-the only Savior

-the suffering Savior

-the human Savior

The wrath of God is satisfied in Jesus.

Sep 10, 202345:07
Jesus Had Me On His Mind - Matthew 24:44 - John 17:24

Jesus Had Me On His Mind - Matthew 24:44 - John 17:24

Pastor Luke Gardner shared his thoughts from Matthew 24 and John 17. Since Jesus is coming again, I should live prepared. Jesus has a purpose for my life. That purpose is to become more like Christ by being sanctified through the Truth. God's Word is Truth.

Sometimes I get tired, stressed, and frustrated, not sure I can make it much longer. I need to remember that Jesus is praying for me. He is anxiously waiting for me to be where he is.

My mission is to be faithful. If that becomes like a burden and I need wind under my wings, I need to remember that Jesus is thinking about me, praying for me, right now. He is constantly interceding for me.

Sep 07, 202330:27
Jesus Is Over Everything - Hebrews 1:1-4

Jesus Is Over Everything - Hebrews 1:1-4

This is the first of 13 messages from the book of Hebrews. In this message, Pastor Luke gives 9 truths about Jesus to help us open our eyes and understand that "Jesus is Over Everything".

Sep 03, 202345:32