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By James Arthur Ferguson

Exploring "Christian Liberty" as a modern person. This is a FergusonPoetryProject Production.

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The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Six (Back At It)

FergusonPoetryProjectDec 14, 2021

Powerful Sermons- Judas

Powerful Sermons- Judas

This is a FergusonPoetryProject Production. Judas was one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, but it does not seem modern preachers talk about him… it is not politically correct I guess. With AI we have set the tone of CS Lewis to capture an artistic approach to Biblical History. As Always, God Bless,
Feb 24, 202419:32
Coding Continued: Machine Languages Beyond Python:
Apr 21, 202307:34
Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Ten: Silver’s Secret:

Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Ten: Silver’s Secret:

This is a FergusonPoetryProject Production. This episode is also available as a blog post:

Apr 21, 202315:20
Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Nine: The Nations of the Earth:
Apr 18, 202310:36
Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Eight: Black and Yellow:
Apr 16, 202310:43
Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Seven: The Guardian Triangle:

Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Seven: The Guardian Triangle:

This is chapter seven of the first book in the Dreamland Adventures series titled, "The Healers and the Heart". This is a FergusonPoetryProject Production. This episode is also available as a blog post:

Apr 10, 202313:42
Cognitive Science: Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence: Computer Coding: Python:

Cognitive Science: Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence: Computer Coding: Python:

In learning more about Artificial Intelligence, I wanted to take a step back into the early nineties and understand the premise of Python and it current use in the modern world as the public becomes more aware of A.I. and its functions.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Apr 10, 202314:39
Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Six: The Healers and the Heart:

Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Six: The Healers and the Heart:

This is the sixth chapter in first book, "The Healers and the Heart". This is a FergusonPoetryProject Production. This episode is also available as a blog post:

Apr 09, 202309:08
Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Five: The Healers and the Heart:

Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Five: The Healers and the Heart:

This is chapter five in, "The Healers and the Heart". This is a FergusonPoetryProject Production. If you want to read along while listening the dictated version is available through the website link here. This episode is also available as a blog post:

Apr 09, 202308:35
Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Four: Milo, the Great Programmer:

Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Four: Milo, the Great Programmer:

This is a FergusonPoetryProject Production. This episode is also available as a blog post:

Apr 09, 202305:19
Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Three: The Chosen Twelve:

Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Three: The Chosen Twelve:

If you want to read along while listening the dictation is available on the website link below. This is the third chapter of "The Healers and the Heart".

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Apr 09, 202317:45
Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Two: Earth’s Chance:

Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter Two: Earth’s Chance:

If you want to read along to the audio, the dictation is available on the website linked here. This is chapter two, "Earth's Chance" This episode is also available as a blog post:

Apr 09, 202323:21
Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Table of Contents: Chapter One:

Dreamland Adventures: Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Table of Contents: Chapter One:

This is the first book of the first series inside of Dreamland Adventures. Will humanity be accepted into the Intergalactic Federation? Follow Milo, the creator of the ARC Simulation inside of Dreamland where ten thousand years occurs over twenty-four hours for twelve representatives of earth. If you want to read along, the dictated version is available on my website linked below.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Apr 09, 202313:35
The Symphony of Science: A Journey Through Nine Fields of Understanding

The Symphony of Science: A Journey Through Nine Fields of Understanding

From the Heart of David, a Libertarian Christian Philosophy based off of Eastern and Western rooted thoughts and beliefs that form the faith held by Jesus Christ of Nazareth beyond being the right person, at the right place, and at the right time through his divinity and righteousness within the Holy Trinity.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Apr 07, 202331:53
365 Health Tips
Apr 06, 202329:09
Cognitive Science and Faith
Apr 06, 202327:05
The Good News
Apr 06, 202310:48
Acts Chapter Fifteen (part one)

Acts Chapter Fifteen (part one)

I am reading through the New Testament for the first time and am diving deep into the aftermath of the Gospels to learn more about Jesus. Check out for other content and blogs.

Mar 13, 202336:54
Storm Warning: 2022 (An Ode to Billy Graham)
Nov 14, 202211:42
Final: The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross
Nov 13, 202211:23
Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter One: The A.R.C. Simulation.

Book One: The Healers and the Heart: Chapter One: The A.R.C. Simulation.

FergusonPoetryProject Presents... Dreamland Adventures. The is the beginning of the series Dreamland Adventures. Series One: The Dawn of Dreamland. This is the first chapter of the first book available only here of Spotify!

Earth is being sought out from the Intergalactic Federation to see if humanity is ready for the greatest gift... immortality. Will humanity pass the test of the A.R.C. Simulation? Find out... 

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Nov 13, 202206:16
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Fourteen- (Iconium)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Fourteen- (Iconium)

Saul, or Paul, is continuing his travels with Barnabas and after making way from Antioch (where the word Christian is first used as a presumed derogatory manner). Paul is stoned and dragged out of the street after first being believed to be the god Hermes who walked with Zeus to bless the people. If there is one thing that can be pulled from the chaos of Ancient Rome is that people truly aren't much different today. The persecution of Christianity still exists strongly, even though it tends to be common social persecution as opposed to common physical persecution... at least in America.
Jul 19, 202217:37
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Thirteen- (Paul and Barnabas)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Thirteen- (Paul and Barnabas)

Paul and Barnabas are blessed as early first-century missionaries and begin their life journey of sharing the good news to both Jew and Gentile. This unveiling of God's love and blessings among the people begins spreading like wildfire as people realize for the first time in their lives that they are suitable for the grace of God that will allow them to be forgiven of their sins. Even the Law of Moses ceases to compare to the blessings available to all man who accept the life, testimony, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
As Always, God Bless,
James Arthur Ferguson
Jul 13, 202222:43
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapters Eleven and Twelve- (Christians)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapters Eleven and Twelve- (Christians)

There is so much to unpack between these two chapters, and reading through it is not enough. Understanding the characters mentioned, the places referenced, and the cultures of the time is immensely helpful when formatting a full picture of what exactly was happening during this time and during these chapters. Within a few paragraphs an entire year passes with critical events being passed by as sentences that are easily looked over. The continuing ripple effects of Stephen's death, the death of James the brother of John, and the death of Herod who almost had Peter killed as well are just a few notes. The beginning of the term Christian, the beginnings of Barnabas and Saul (Paul), and the fight to survive persecution for the sake of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ were just early hardships that the first century church experienced.
Jul 11, 202228:16
The Heart of David- The General Theory of Christian Liberty in a Totalitarian (Global) State
May 25, 202209:19
FPP- John M. Allegro’s, “The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross”: A Cordial Response: Chapters 4,5,6
May 25, 202210:58
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Ten- (Peter and Cornelius)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Ten- (Peter and Cornelius)

In a world two thousand years after the life, death, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus the letters and narratives of the New Testament are as relevant as ever. So much can be learned from the foundations of Christianity and specifically the Way. Jesus led a movement that leveled the playing field for all races, genders, and cultures. Following Jesus is being FOR unity.
Apr 18, 202229:22
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Nine- (Saul's Conversion)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Nine- (Saul's Conversion)

Working through the Acts of the Apostles becomes more and more challenging as the aftermath of Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and ascension catalyst the formation of the first-century church known as, "The Way". Simon, renamed Peter, has become 'the rock' that Jesus predicted during his ministry on earth. Peter is now performing miracles at the caliper of Jesus himself along with other disciples as well. Saul, after allowing the execution of Stephen, is now encountering this Jesus as he was in route to continue persecution in what he believed to be the right thing to do. Saul's conversion is critical to Christianity as he not only planted many of the first churches in history, but he also radically dedicated the rest of his life to Jesus after the miraculous encounter on the road to Damascus.
The world today is full of so many distractions, but there is a clarity in the story of Jesus. Despite the seemingly large disconnect from life two thousands years ago in a completely different part of the world the Holy Spirit is just as active, relevant, and present in our day to day lives. We just have to pray daily for our eyes to remain open and our discernment to be keen on truth and glory.
As Always, God Bless,
James Arthur Ferguson
Feb 02, 202223:15
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Eight- (Philip and the Eunuch)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Eight- (Philip and the Eunuch)

Just as quickly as Stephen enters the pages of history he is removed due to the execution approved by a young man named Saul. In this daunting time of early Christianity there seems to be a perception that these 'domestic terrorists' following The Way are not only a risk to the Hebrew, but also the Roman Empire. At all costs, the Christians must be removed and eradicated. Despite these efforts, Christianity continues to spread like wildfire around the Mediterranean Rim and Philip's encounter with the Ethiopian Eunuch is only one story amongst many that leads as an example of just how powerful the life and testimony of Jesus of Nazareth is to all people.
As Always, God Bless,
James Arthur Ferguson
Jan 31, 202226:46
FPP- John M Allegro’s, “The Scared Mushroom and The Cross”: A Cordial Response for Chapters 2 and 3
Jan 22, 202210:13
FPP- John M. Allegro’s, “The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross”: A Cordial Response through Chapter One
Jan 19, 202217:32
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Seven (The Stoning of Stephen)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Seven (The Stoning of Stephen)

Stephen's entrance and exit out of the New Testament is not only brief, but it is a catalyst into the remainder of the story. As any good narrative, there is always an element of foreshadow. As the witnesses of Stephen's stoning lay their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul we can assume that this man will become the ultimate antagonist against this newfound movement known as the way. What we come to find is that Saul , being both Greek and Hebrew, will not only be changed shortly after the confusion of Stephen's pleading with God to forgive their sin during his final breath, but that Saul will become a far bigger threat than Stephen to the high priests, council, but even-also the Roman Empire.
As always,
God Bless
Jan 03, 202220:10
FPP- The Roman Empire: The Death of Julia
Dec 15, 202111:11
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Six (Back At It)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Six (Back At It)

Acts Chapter Six is a continuation of how the first century church was being structured during the aftermath of Jesus' ascension and the beginnings of Peter and John overseeing the disciples and followers of the Way. Stephen becomes a critical character with strong faith and morale who not only becomes one of seven chosen to assist in leading the ministry, but he was also blessed with the ability to perform miracles. Stephens ability to be recognized as one of the most faithful Christians in history does not go overlooked by Hebrews, Hellenists, and Elders of the council who begin to falsely accuse Stephen of blasphemy as he lives out God's Will for his life which is to give, love, and serve.
We are back at it, so as always,
God Bless,
James Arthur Ferguson
FergusonPoetryProject Bible Studies are pulled from The Reformation Study Bible in the English Standard Version from Ligonier Ministries.
Dec 14, 202129:40
The Heart of David- Cognitive Science and its Place in Christianity
Dec 10, 202112:04
The Heart of David- The Confusion of Nuance
Sep 02, 202115:22
The Heart of David- Language, Liberty, Psyche and Pneuma
Aug 06, 202109:41
The Heart of David- Trees, People, and Christian Liberty
Jul 30, 202108:24
The Heart of David- Forgiveness
Jul 27, 202104:58
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Five (Ananias Drops Dead; Who is Gamaliel?)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Five (Ananias Drops Dead; Who is Gamaliel?)

Acts Chapter Five is the most challenging chapter of the New Testament that I have read to date. I have learned so much more regarding the Ekklesia and the first century church that spawned the major world religion known as Christianity. Do not be fooled though... following Christ daily is not an easy task and it is definitely not for the faint of heart.
A believer in Christ should acknowledge that lies, manipulations, and moral failures are not so much as being lies to man, but lies to God. This naturally puts fear in the church, but the point is not to spread fear. The point is to spread the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus. The point is to surrender to the unconditional love. The point is to acknowledge natural repercussions of bad decisions and to be grateful that God does not smite us all for the accumulation of sin in each one of our lives.
As long as we breathe and live on earth we have a decision. That decision is to stop living in sin and turn to God. What will you do today?
As always...
God Bless,
James Arthur Ferguson
Jul 22, 202138:50
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Four (Peter and the Counsel)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Four (Peter and the Counsel)

One of the most powerful realities of Peter's transformation through the Holy Spirit is revealed through this chapter and it is regards to his boldness brought on by both his desire and need to share the gospel life and testimony of his beloved friend, Lord, and savior Jesus Christ. His full recognition of himself in christ can be viewed as the elders and high priests see Peter and John as common men, yet they speak in a way that is surefire proof that they themselves bore witness to all of the things Jesus did and said. Their witness stretches beyond was seems possible as their journey after Jesus truly begins in Jerusalem as Christianity's roots begin to take form and shape.

I hope this inspires you on your life's journey and like always God bless,
James Arthur Ferguson
Jul 08, 202123:24
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Three (Peter's Transformation)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Three (Peter's Transformation)

A short and sweet chapter reveals the newfound courage and power of Peter and John as they begin carrying the torch the is Jesus' ministry. This is a powerful awakening of the Holy Spirit and this chapter is marking the beginning of a new chapter in salvation not by works, but by the blood of Christ.
Jul 07, 202123:26
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Two (Peter the Rock)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter Two (Peter the Rock)

Acts Chapter two may be one of the most preached upon chapters in the New Testament. The reason for this is because of the Holy Spirit and its glorious entrance into the apostles on the day of Pentecost. This day is also renowned for being the first church service of the first century church post the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus the son of God.
There is so much to be grateful for as I look back on my own life as I see where and how the Holy Spirit interacted with me and around me through others before becoming a true believer in the life and testimony of Jesus. It is as clear as fog-less day whereas before my acceptance of salvation and removal of sin every day seemed to be filled with more and more fog. This fog became daily reality and, to me, was all life had to offer. Eventually, the idea came about that if all aging had to offer was a deeper fog that I would opt out of that experience and jump straight into the abyss while skipping the line... and boy is this not how the devil works.
The removal of sin, the acceptance of grace, mercy, and salvation, the chance to start anew, the chance to live soberly, the chance to serve and live a life denying the desires of the flesh in return for blessings beyond comprehension... these were the things that I was willing to trade it all for... my personal ventures, my personal dreams, my personal beliefs, my personal ideas, ideals etc... when you can soberly see and comprehend the offer for ultimate reality and truth (which is referred to as the Will of God for your life) it becomes blatantly obvious that we are given an opportunity that none of us are worthy of. It is me knowing how unworthy I am for the grace of God given the things I have done in my life that makes me so much more grateful for the ability to accept such an easy offer from God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. It is an offer of peace, joy, love, in abundance.
God Bless,
James Arthur Ferguson
Jun 28, 202126:14
The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter One (The Acts of the Apostles)

The Acts of the Apostles- Chapter One (The Acts of the Apostles)

Written by the same author as the Book of Luke. The sequel to the Gospel starts off with the apostles replacing Judas Iscariot with Matthias. There is a lot to unpack regarding differences between historians and theologians, but despite the inability to time travel back to these eras we can at least use the written works, and centuries of compiled data, to determine an accurate pinpoint as to where and when these writings took place.
Jun 06, 202126:14
The Book of Luke- Chapter Twenty-Four (Jesus Ascension)

The Book of Luke- Chapter Twenty-Four (Jesus Ascension)

Thank you all for supporting this endeavor. I hope that this Bible Study can help bring clarity to who Jesus is along with how powerful claiming Christianity can be in, on, and around your life. Sharing the life and testimony of Jesus empowers others to recognize where they stand in God's eyes and how a second chance is available for all who seek God in truth, love, and ultimate reality (sobriety).
Jun 05, 202127:28
The Book of Luke- Chapter Twenty-Three (The Crucifixion)

The Book of Luke- Chapter Twenty-Three (The Crucifixion)

Easily the darkest chapter in the book of Luke is the sentencing and execution/crucifixion of Jesus. To see how both Herod and Pilate saw no punishment worthy of death, and yet the crowds of Jerusalem in a democratic mob-rule sought for a life-giver to be murdered while a life-taker would be freed. The verse that stuck out to me was Jesus words to the man on the cross who asked to be remembered. Jesus says, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise."
May 27, 202130:37
The Book of Luke- Chapter Twenty-Two (We Walk With Jesus)

The Book of Luke- Chapter Twenty-Two (We Walk With Jesus)

Luke Chapters twenty-two and twenty-three are the darkest chapters in the book of Luke in my opinion. The reason I feel this way is not uncommon and can be agreed upon by most that its darkness is due tot he fact that we know the story is coming to an end in a way that is horrifying and unjust to say the least. In today's world we see people so radical in politics while despising all tings sacred, and in Jesus' time is truly was not all that different. We as a society would like to believe that we are so much more advanced and evolved due to technologies and widespread information, but without God our wisdom is no better and arguably worse in some way compared to two thousand years ago.
As we will see in the coming bible studies, man-kind is still struggling morally, spiritually, and in faith. Every generation that passes and has past has dealt with the turmoils, temptations, and sin of man, but we are blessed to live in the aftermath of Jesus and His story which is salvation for ALL mankind. Let this bring peace, discernment, wisdom, and allow this faith in Jesus to give us strength, courage, and power to walk in His love.
May 25, 202130:12
The Book of Luke- Chapter Twenty-One (Radical)

The Book of Luke- Chapter Twenty-One (Radical)

Jesus is seeming to become more of a threat day by day in the eyes of the Religious Leaders of Jerusalem. His teachings and foretelling of the destruction of the temple, and Jerusalem are not taken lightly as plots to end his life grow towards fruition. Jesus continues telling his listeners to "be ready" and to not give into the cares of this world. This is one of the most powerful things to apply in our lives as Christians. The common person has no problem divulging in the comforts of earth, but we as Christians are meant to oppose these things. As more and more Christians fall astray in today's climate we are called now more than ever to realize that every day is one day closer to the end. Be ready, keep your head on a swivel, and trust in God to keep your name strong and steady so that when the time comes you are known by the son and in turn the father.
May 24, 202129:30
The Book of Luke- Chapter Twenty (Jesus is Challenged)

The Book of Luke- Chapter Twenty (Jesus is Challenged)

Chapter Twenty is awesome as Jesus continues to dominate the platform of public speaking in the streets and Temple of Jerusalem. As the Sadducees continue their plots against him, Jesus continues to make strides towards evangelizing to the people and preparing them to become witnesses of man conquering death.
God Bless,
James Arthur Ferguson
May 23, 202123:48
The Book of Luke- Chapter Nineteen (Jesus in Jerusalem)

The Book of Luke- Chapter Nineteen (Jesus in Jerusalem)

Jesus is becoming, to outsiders, more radical day by day as his prophecy and parables begin increasing the fire inside of the Pharisees and teachers of the law. As he rides into Jerusalem after passing through Jericho he sits atop a colt and is worshipped as the king he is. This triumphal entry is met with resilience as the plots against his life grow from ideas into plans. This chapter is packed full of insight, and so I highly recommend pairing some of these passages with commentary from several different resources to help gather its meaning to its fullness.
May 20, 202124:58