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Finding Our Freedom

Finding Our Freedom

By Finding Our Freedom

On finding our freedom, every Tuesday and Thursday we discuss financial techniques, leadership skills, dealing with stress, life skills, and other ways to bring more freedom and less stress into life. Spend a few minutes with us and improve your life skills.
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Russia, Immigration, and thriving through the recession

Finding Our FreedomSep 29, 2022

Russia, Immigration, and thriving through the recession

Russia, Immigration, and thriving through the recession

Hello, and thank you for joining us. This is Finding our Freedom, a show dedicated to empowering yourself, finding your freedom, and achieving the life you deserve.  This is episode 6 of Season 3, and today is Thursday, September 29, 2022.

For all of us, the Fed interest rate hike will have a range of impacts. If you are planning to finance a major purchase (a house or car for example), your payments will end up being higher. Also if you have credit card balances, your interest rates will start to climb. So how dow we survive this, how do we do more than survive, how do we thrive during this time period?

Sep 29, 202221:42
Build Your Community

Build Your Community

Hello, and thank you for joining us. This is Finding our Freedom, a show dedicated to empowering yourself, finding your freedom, and achieving the life you deserve.  This is episode 5 of Season 3, and today is Thursday, September 22nd, 2022.

Today we are going to discuss a subject that is important to me and should be important to all of us.  That is building your Family, Community, Support Group, and community.  Building that group of individuals that make life worth living, make things possible, and that you will work with to change the world.

Sep 22, 202217:43
3 simple steps to Build Wealth

3 simple steps to Build Wealth

Hello, and thank you for joining us. This is Finding our Freedom, a show dedicated to empowering yourself, finding your freedom, and achieving the life you deserve. This is episode 4 of Season 3, and today is Wednesday, September 14, 2022, and today we are discussing redefining success.
Do you want to be a millionaire? Most people probably do — but it is, famously, not an easy pursuit. The truth is everyone has a different idea of what wealth is. For some, it means owning property; for others, it means having lucrative investments. From a financial standpoint, the term wealth is the number of assets you own minus the number of debts you have. Today we are going to talk about the 3 simple ways to build wealth, to build your own wealth and not just your own wealth but to build generational wealth.
Sep 14, 202222:43
Redefining Success

Redefining Success

Hello, and thank you for joining us. This is Finding your Freedom, a show dedicated to empowering yourself, finding your freedom, and achieving the life you deserve. This is episode 3 of Season 3, and today is Thursday, September 08, 2022, and today we are discussing redefining success.

In the age of 24-hour delivery of anything, everything on demand, and everything is done remotely, it is easy to imagine that we should be able to ‘Have It All’. Indeed, we have all the technology, knowledge, money, and other resources to make most human desires possible. We spend a small fraction of time on mundane administrative tasks and housework compared to generations before. We can access education and entertainment on any topic immediately and essentially free. We can communicate face-to-face in real-time with friends or strangers regardless of where in the world they are.
And yet, we suffer more loneliness, anxiety, and depression than people at any other time in history. These startling indicators suggest that today’s affluence and abundance are not increasing our life satisfaction.
But why, why in a world where we can order anything we want can we not find the one thing that eludes many of us? True Happiness.
Sep 08, 202214:19
The 15 Commandments of Success

The 15 Commandments of Success

Season 3
Episode 2

What is Success?
To many, success is obvious. It’s a life that includes a nice car, fine home, impressive job, and attractive spouse. Yet, people with all of these things aren’t any happier than those with less impressive lives. It’s because all of those achievements only serve to impress others. They do little to enhance the quality of your life.
Success in the western world is too focused on showing off to your friends, family, and neighbors. It doesn’t focus on what will make you happy. You can’t find happiness by trying to impress others. You only show yourself that your own interests aren’t important.
With the right set of habits, you can accomplish nearly anything.
They will help you live better and accomplish more. Learn how to take more satisfaction in everything you do rather than depending solely on external motivators.
These 15 commandments will help you to set your own course and live a fuller life.
Sep 01, 202219:06
Creating a Well Balanced Life

Creating a Well Balanced Life

Thank you for once again joining us for Finding Our Freedom. If you enjoy this episode, please subscribe to our Podcast and tell your friends and family about our show and remember to follow us on Facebook @findingourfreedompodcast.
What is a well-balanced life?
Somewhere along the way, the idea of balance has become synonymous with being able to do it all, have it all, and handle it all with a smile on our faces.
I've found that the best leaders in business and life strive to find balance in their lives. That's what makes them great leaders and good people.
People in your life will tell you that there's no such thing as a balanced life. But that's not true. Some people might prefer an unbalanced life, but that option doesn't appeal to everyone. A well-balanced life is a worthwhile objective for most people.
But what is a well-balanced life?
Aug 24, 202220:47
Who is going to stand in your way

Who is going to stand in your way

Ayn Rand said “The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.”  Ayn Rand, a Russian who immigrated to America, whose controversial philosophy Objectivism sparked much anger in society, and still does from its speakers today.

One major tenet of her philosophy was to be selfish/egoistic, with the definitions redefined, which meant NOT caring what others thought of her and only doing what was in her self-interest by means of her principles. With this behind her, who was going to stop her?

It means not asking for permission to undertake an action and that no one is in a position to stop you. It a more aggressive way of saying “It's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.”  While at the same time point out that you are in control of your own actions and the only person that can be in your way is you.

That is why today we are discussing getting out of your own way.

Aug 31, 202120:31
Finding hope

Finding hope

Problems, large and small, will always present themselves throughout our whole
existence. Regardless of how sharp, clever, or happy-go-lucky we are, we will
encounter struggle, challenges, difficulties and at times, heart wrenching
moments. When you respond positively and constructively to your biggest challenges the
qualities of strength, courage, character and perseverance emerge from deep
inside of you. That is why today we are discussing finding hope.
Aug 24, 202121:35
Finding happiness through challenge

Finding happiness through challenge

Life can be hard sometimes, we all have ups and downs but for many
life can be very hard. This is because life is not something that comes
with an instruction manual. Instead it is a puzzle to solve. It is
something to work through, something that will give you challenge
after challenge to solve. But when you finish if you do it right you end
with a beautiful picture of a life well lived. The question is, are you up
for it?
Aug 17, 202118:46
Finding your inner discipline

Finding your inner discipline

When it comes to leadership, discipline does not mean punishing people. Rather, discipline refers to being in complete control of oneself. A highly effective leader must be self-disciplined in all areas.

Self discipline is one of the most important and useful skills everyone should possess. This skill is essential in every area of life. Though most people acknowledge its importance, few do anything to strengthen it.

Aug 03, 202120:22
Avoiding micromanagement and building great leaders

Avoiding micromanagement and building great leaders

The greatest leaders, the ones who achieve the most, the ones who inspire the
most people are those who allow their people to do their job and trust but verify
That they know what they are doing. They train and coach their people, and they
Worry about the bigger picture over the smaller everyday tasks. Unfortunately it
is far too often that new and even some senior managers micro-manage their
People stifling their abilities.
Jul 27, 202116:58
Building your Tribe

Building your Tribe

That’s right, friends, we are back, after an extended break due to some
Personal issues, we are back. Today we are going to start with a
a subject that is important to me and should be important to all of you.
That is building your Family, Tribe, Support Group. Building that group
of individuals that make life worth living, make things possible, and that
you will work with to change the world.
Today we are discussing building your tribe
Jul 20, 202117:39
Never give up chasing your dreams

Never give up chasing your dreams

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of land. The trick is to
Not to get bogged down by it. We can get out of the deepest wells by not
Stopping. And by never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up! If there was ever a quote we all need to keep around us, it’s: Don’t let what you
You can’t do stop you from doing what you can do. It’s a reminder that we can do
Something, even if we can’t do what we want to do yet.
However, every year, too many people give up on their goals. Join us as we discuss achieving your goals.
Apr 19, 202116:52
Creating a wealth mindset

Creating a wealth mindset

Why are some people rich and others poor? This is not an easy answer.
There are numerous reasons why people are rich or poor. Some are born rich
While others are born poor and never rise above it. Some make great choices
and become wealthy while others make bad choices and never rise above their
Current wealth level. Today we are discussing building that wealth mindset. The way you think about money can have a significant influence on your ability
To create wealth.
Apr 13, 202117:29
Reducing stress and achieving your goals by building a better system

Reducing stress and achieving your goals by building a better system

Hello, and thank you for joining us. This is Finding our Freedom, a show dedicated to empowering yourself, finding your freedom, and achieving the life you deserve. This is episode 26 of Season 2, and today is Tuesday, April 1st, 2021. That's right; it's April 1st, April fools day. If that's something you do, it also means that the first quarter of the year is over. Have you used this first quarter to improve your finances, your home, your life? If not, why not? What are you going to do to better your life in the second quarter? It also means that it's time to get those plants in the ground to help reduce that produce bill while increasing the quality of nutrition available to you, continuously improving your health.

One way to improve your life is by reducing the time we waste doing things by building systems into our lives. If you look around you, everything that works well does so because of the system that it is part of or that comprises it. These systems in our lives create a recurring task or process. Classes, routines, and protocols are all life structures that help us get things done.

Systems and routines should be placed into every aspect of your life. From the moment your wake up to the moment you go to sleep. When you wake up, you get up, take a shower, eat breakfast, check the news or your email, and have a cup of coffee. By adding some simple things to your nightly routine, you can make this much simpler. Set up your coffee pot, so it starts brewing while you're in the shower, set your clothes out, and place those things that you look for every day, wallet, keys, sunglasses in your go-bag, and your all set. This may allow you to get a little more sleep or, even better, add an exercise routine to your morning.

When you get home, set up your bag for the next day, clip your keys to it, place your wallet in it and anything else you may need, and start unwinding. I also have a horrible memory, so I sit down each night and write down all the things I need to do the next day and cross them off as I go through my list. I find that writing things down is better for me than doing them electronically. I still have my calendar on my phone, but I look at that phone each night and place the list on paper.

Life systems can help you maintain a balanced life because, once you've put the work into creating a system around an activity, it becomes much easier to support this activity in the future. This balanced life is also one of less stress.
Apr 01, 202122:15
Become an Entrepreneur by starting a side gig

Become an Entrepreneur by starting a side gig

Admit it. You’ve fantasized about it; we all have. According to one survey, most Americans dream about becoming their boss —62% of Americans. Most often envision the classic image of entrepreneurship: triumphantly giving one’s notice and then pounding the pavement to hunt for clients. We want a different path — a path many people just like you have taken—a way to personal freedom to work for yourself as a solopreneur.

While it may sound attractive to quit your job and start your own business, it might be challenging to consider jumping from the comfort of a steady paycheck into the unknown. Perhaps you have contemplated self-employment, but you’re thinking, "I'm too old," "It's not the right time," "I don't have the money," or "What if I fail?". Well, you are never too old, if it’s not the right time now, when will it be? What if you fail? You may, or you may be very successful. Not having money is not an answer; can you find the money? Can you start with less money?

It's true—not everyone can start their own business, but most can. Fear is normal. If you’re experiencing some anxiety, that’s a good thing because that means you are probably ambitious and dreaming big. To determine whether it’s time to start your own business, you need to take a step back and ask yourself why you are thinking of taking this leap.
Mar 30, 202128:05
Building a better life by taking responsibility

Building a better life by taking responsibility

Today’s politics seem to be all about creating victims of one side or the other to
continue to drive a wedge between the parties. We are no closer to working together as
a nation then we were a year ago or three years ago. Politicians continue to try to
separate us to ensure their control over us. While the right wing complains about the
victimhood mentality and victimhood politics, and tend to agree more with individual
explanations to social problems and an individual’s fault if things turn out wrong.
Marginalizing real issues that people face and placing the blame solely on them without
helping find a solution. Progressive liberals continue to use victimhood politics. Allowing
progressives to claim they are, in the business of helping marginalised or oppressed
groups without actually doing anything to help anyone. All talk and no action. In doing
so progressives attribute a kind of superior virtue or presumed authority to those who
are victimised, and a reluctance to disagree with anyone who claims to feel like a victim.
Unfortunately both of these methods incentivises everyone and anyone to declare
themselves as society’s victims too, divorced from any significant personal experience
of suffering or oppression. And, when government makes available funding to resolve
said grievance, a cottage industry emerges with the incentive is to keep the whole thing
going. What this does is nothing more than crate a type of identity politics of
aggressively competing victimhoods, in which groups of people, based on religious,
national, ethnic, sexual, or whatever else identity they chose, demand to have their
victimhood status recognised and something done about it. This quashes all debate and
moral reasoning, and in the end does little to resolve genuine oppression and suffering.
As always the challenge is left to us to help. Help solve this problem created by
politicians fighting to stay in power, help ourselves, help our family, and help our
community. We can only solve problems through working together and we can only
begin to work together if we stop competing to be the victim. Remember our issues
may not be entirely our fault but they are entirely our responsiblity and we need to take action. That is why today we are talking about overcoming the victim mindset to
improve our own lives and our community
Mar 25, 202124:20
Find your path to freedom

Find your path to freedom

True personal freedom is to live as you are, do what you want, and spend time with people you like. Personal freedom means something different to everyone, but one thing that stands in common is that we all can chase our dream and live life the way we want to. This was why people came to America, and while America still has more freedom than a lot of countries, we constantly see our freedoms pulled from us. For many of us, personal freedom has become a distant dream. We get tied down by obligations that we never wanted in the first place. Why do we end up living a life where we give up our freedoms, a life we don’t like?
That is why today, we are defining true freedom and how to gain it.
Mar 23, 202123:44
Finding your true potential

Finding your true potential

We all have goals and dreams.
We want to achieve them, but we are chasing a result, the destination.
The truth is that happiness isn't a destination – it's a mindset.
If you always believe that you'll be happier when you achieve something, you'll find
that the goalposts always move.
The best thing you can do for yourself is achieving self-actualization, and this would
only happen if you reach your highest potential. However, this does not happen
overnight, and there are always roadblocks along the way.
Mar 18, 202115:25
Top side gigs for 2021

Top side gigs for 2021

Last week we spoke about the top passive income opportunities for 2021. While many
will get a bump in the next couple of days through the stimulus bill, that can and should
be used to start your passive income investments. Other passive income sources we
spoke about needed some active opportunity before seeing the passive income. Today
we will talk about ways to start earning additional active income through the top side
gigs and business opportunities for 2021. As always, I will only speak about options
that I have real-world experience with. This way, I will not be giving you advice on
something that I have no right to advise on.
Mar 16, 202115:55
5 Best Passive Income Streams for 2021

5 Best Passive Income Streams for 2021

Most people still believe they have to follow a given path to be happy, secure, and well set for retirement. In a nutshell, people think they need to get into the right college, choose a major with a stable job outlook, then find employment immediately after graduation. Work for a successful company and then finally retire once your IRA is substantial. This is a method it is tried and true, working in some cases failing in others. The fact of the matter is that successful people do not follow this method. More to the point, though, your life doesn't work how you plan for it. You might go into a field and find out that you hate it after putting four or more years of study into an advanced degree. Then you have Automation and technology, making it hard for some people who have been established in their careers for decades to hold onto any sense of job security.

Because of this, some people are freeing themselves from the working world altogether. In most cases, they are freeing themselves to a life that they design and allows them to do the things they want. Plus, they are doing so without risking their financial future. They are doing so by building additional income streams, both active such as starting a business of their own or consulting, and passive such as finding opportunities that will continue to pay even after they stop putting work into it.

Today I'll be listing several methods to create passive income, but how many income sources should you have? This depends on where you are financially and what your financial goals for the future are. Truthfully the more income streams that you have, the better. There is no "one size fits all" advice when it comes to generating income streams. But having at least a few is a good start. The bigger the net you cast into the water, the more fish you will catch. In addition to the earned income generated from your normal generating activities, rental properties, income-producing securities, and business ventures are a great way to diversify your income stream."

Having multiple passive income streams, you can cast a vast net with less additional effort.
Mar 11, 202123:46
Simplicity through elimination 10 best areas to simplify your life

Simplicity through elimination 10 best areas to simplify your life

Do you want to be able to stress less and enjoy life more? Of course, we all do. But how do
we accomplish this? How do we enjoy life more and have less stress? This seems to be
the one question on everyone’s mind, and while I can’t claim I have all the answers, finding
ways to simplify your life is a great starting point.
“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary, so that the necessary can
— Hans Hofmann
Working to simplify your life will make life less stressful and more enjoyable. I promise that
you’ll notice a difference before you know it.
That is why today, we are talking about the ten ways to simplify your life.
Mar 09, 202119:09
Are you enjoying your life, if not why not

Are you enjoying your life, if not why not

There is an optimum point to use the information to yield the right decision. That exact point
isn’t defined. Waiting for things to fall into place before you start living your life will only
ensure one thing. That you never get started. Many people put off enjoying their lives until
everything is perfect just to find out that they waited too long. Unfortunately, while we are waiting for our lives to be perfect, we often miss out on all of the
fantastic things in our everyday life. We should live our life to the fullest every day. That is why today we are talking about enjoying your life
Mar 04, 202114:57
5 questions to help design your best life

5 questions to help design your best life

One of the keys to success is being intentional about what you do. In general, when you set
your intentions, you are more likely to act with purpose and drive. Setting your choices with
the mantra, “I am living my best life,” for example, will help form a more exact path for you to
know what you need to accomplish. It will help you ensure you live your life with purpose
and help you measure your success.
During the last couple of years, we have all heard the phrase “live your best life.
But in today’s world, what does it mean?
That is why we are talking about ensuring you live your best life on today’s episode, right
after this short break.
It seems like everyone on Social Media and traditional Media is talking about living your best
life. But how do you do that? What does that look like? Well, the term “best” is subjective,
so naturally, not everyone’s “best life” looks the same. My best life and your best life could
look completely different depending on our values and wants for every aspect of our life.
For some people, living your best life is flying in a private jet to a remote island and every
hour of their life is a party. And I mean, that’s cool. If that’s what you want, go for it.
Personally, living my best life aligns more with things like incredible experiences, beautiful
relationships, a caring family, seeing beautiful places, and giving my kids the life
experiences, I was not able to have when I was younger. what does it mean to live your best life? It means to live up to your potential.
Living up to your potential means doing “the things that you hope to do someday”
now instead of putting them off for some magical time in the future. Remember life is
temporary, so don’t put off until tomorrow what you should be doing today.
Living your best life means live Your Dream Life or as close to it as possible Now
Now, this isn’t a one-time quick fix. It is a commitment to continually reaching for what
matters to improve your life, always going for your goals continuously. Authentic living
means always asking what is working and what is not and acting accordingly. It requires a
commitment to personal growth.
Truthfully, living your best life is well within your grasp. You can learn to embrace happiness
and achieve inner peace by changing and incorporating some healthy habits into your life.
Sometimes living up to your full potential is about taking the time for self-care. Taking time to
meditate, journal, and set goals can make all the difference.
To help build a roadmap to help you on the road to living your best life, answer these five
Mar 02, 202113:39
Understanding the problems vs. the symptoms

Understanding the problems vs. the symptoms

We are a society of people that treat symptoms. We treat symptoms in our medicine, in our
professions, in our social lives. Unfortunately, just because your treating the symptoms
doesn’t mean you’re fixing the problem. If you think your doctor controls your health
problems because he or she has prescribed medication for them — well, you couldn’t be
more wrong! The same is true for every aspect of your life. If you are treating only the
symptom, you allow the root cause to stay there and worsen over time.
Feb 25, 202112:37
5 Top ways to find Financial Independence and Retie Early and Rich

5 Top ways to find Financial Independence and Retie Early and Rich

Whoever said becoming rich was going to be easy?
Actually, anyone who's written one of those self-help, become-rich-like-me books. It is
claimed that success may not hit all at once not overnight, but it could be pretty close.
Internet entrepreneur Ryan Lee made $23,000 in 3 days. Another guest made $6,000 in
one hour. Dating coach Nicole Moore logged an eye-popping $100,000 in a single
month. There is absolutely no reason your income has to increase gradually. The sky is
the limit. A great idea, well-executed and marketed, can truly be a game-changer in a
very short period of time. It may not be right away for everyone but once you get going
things will fall into place and you will see your wealth increase.
Even buried within those self help books are morsels of good advices and sensible logic
that you can pick out. You just need to look for it. With all the advice out there though it
makes you wonder why, there still aren’t that many millionaires.
Is it that people aren’t good at following the pattern the books place out in front of us or
is it that the advice in the book doesn’t actually work?
The truth is becoming wealthy is a choice tht you make, a journey in life, and a way that
you live your life. The difference between wealthy people and everyone else is one key
fact. The wealthy work and save to create freedom, opportunity, and happiness in their
lives while the rest of society find themselves living to work and pay off the debt that
they have created. For the wealthy, money gives them the power of choice, they do not
have to answer to anyone but themselves.
That is why today we are discussing how to become FIRE.
Feb 23, 202120:53
Top 10 ways to practice self care

Top 10 ways to practice self care

Self-care is vital for health and happiness. It creates powerful, positive energy necessary for
a healthy balance between mind, body, and spirit. That includes loving who you are. The
truth is we cannot recognize love in others unless we know how to find it in ourselves.
Though some may discourage love for self, calling it pride, self-love allows us to share who
we are with the world because when you believe you are worthy, your life and the way you
live it will reflect it.
Feb 18, 202119:29
How to become financially independent and retire early

How to become financially independent and retire early

Find us at facebook at findingourfreedomnow. Why is it that so few people retire
financially dependent on others or unable to retire altogether, and how can you make sure that you can become financially independent?
Join me while I try to answer this question and how you can find financial independence.
Feb 16, 202123:26
How Leaders build and use networks

How Leaders build and use networks

As we climb the ranks of our organization and lives, improving our network may be the last thing on our
minds. We tend to face the main problem: Finding the hours to guide our teams through the significant
strategic issues we face, like expanding the business? Networking, which I have heard defined as the
unpleasant task of trading favors with strangers, seems to be a luxury we can no longer afford.
If this sounds all too familiar, don't worry. It's not unusual. Numerous studies have shown that
networking is simultaneously one of the most self-beneficial yet one of the most dreaded challenges that
aspiring leaders must address.
Their discomfort is understandable. Typically, managers rise through the ranks by building a strong
command of their jobs' technical elements and accomplishing their teams' objectives. When challenged
to move beyond their specialties and address strategic issues facing the overall business, many
managers do not grasp that this will involve building relationships. Nor do they quickly grasp that
interactions with a diverse array of current and potential stakeholders are not distractions but are at the
heart of their new leadership roles.
That is why today, we are discussing building your social network.
Feb 11, 202119:11
15 Skills that hard to learn but will pay dividends FOREVER !!!!!!!!!

15 Skills that hard to learn but will pay dividends FOREVER !!!!!!!!!

The best things in life may be free, but it still takes time, sweat, and perseverance to acquire
them. This is especially true when it comes to learning essential life skills. Today we discuss the top 15 skills
that may be hard to learn but will pay you dividends for the rest of your life.
Feb 09, 202127:56
Prepare for anything in life

Prepare for anything in life

You can prepare for anything in life with just a few steps and enjoy the freedom of a stronger lifestyle.
Feb 04, 202115:56
Finding perseverance

Finding perseverance

We all come to times in our lives when we need to push through. That is why today, we are discussing perseverance.
Feb 02, 202114:32
Finding abundance

Finding abundance

There are numerous ways to find abundance the most important way is truly feeling happy with what you have, but how can you do that. This we'll discuss
Jan 28, 202111:35
Creating Better Habits

Creating Better Habits

We are our habits and by creating better habits we can become more successful people.
Jan 26, 202120:09
Censorship and finding the truth

Censorship and finding the truth

Social media is on a tole censoring people and groups, but do they have the right to do so, and how do we find the truth if half the story is taken away?
Jan 21, 202111:24
Getting over the mountains of inequality

Getting over the mountains of inequality

right now we are dragging ourselves over mountains and at times we will fail. The truth is America has a long and complicated relationship with a mountain called Inequality but together we can get over it
Jan 19, 202123:09
Make your dreams a reality

Make your dreams a reality

You can make any dream a reality with a good plan and follow through.
Jan 14, 202111:12
Write your life story

Write your life story

Your story affects you so today we talk about writing your life story
Jan 12, 202109:50
Go out and make a change

Go out and make a change

The events of Wednesday, the 6th at the US Capitol brings to light that we need to work for the better, not wait on our politicians but work with each other to improve our community.
Jan 07, 202110:58
Building a foundation for your life in 2021

Building a foundation for your life in 2021

We're back and welcoming 2021. It's crucial to start the new year by setting the goals for this year and building the foundation to accomplish them. In this episode, we discuss how to create that foundation.
Jan 05, 202118:48
Making your New Years Resolution a Reality

Making your New Years Resolution a Reality

This is our final episode in 2020. I will be out for the rest of December and the beginning of January to spend time with my family. I wish everyone listening to a Merry Christmas, Happy Haunaka, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and hopefully a great start to a better year.

Today we are going to discuss New Years Resolutions.

As always, if you enjoy our show, please let us know by subscribing and telling your friends. We can only grow through you guys spreading the word about us. We release new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday, so make sure you subscribe. That way, you will not miss new episodes as their released.

Dec 10, 202005:26
Starting the New Year as a Visionary Person

Starting the New Year as a Visionary Person

For many, the holidays are seen as a season of hope when we give thanks for what we were given this year and a time when we start looking towards the opportunities that next year will bring. Today we continue our Thriving through the Holidays series, discussing How to start 2021 as a visionary person.

Dec 08, 202011:19
Turning your dreams into reality

Turning your dreams into reality

For many, the holiday season is seen as a time for hope. A time when we give thanks for the past year and look forward to the things we will achieve in the next. Today we discuss turning your dreams into reality with the right attitude.
Dec 03, 202010:51
Setting a budget for the holidays

Setting a budget for the holidays

Today we continue our thriving through the holidays series, discussing building and maintaining your financial freedom throughout the holidays.

The holidays often bring a sense of joy and excitement as we think of our favorite traditions and family get-togethers.  At the same time, the holidays often bring fear to the hearts of men and women alike.  If there's a time to blow your budget, it's the holidays.  That's why today we discuss getting through the holidays without blowing your budget.

Dec 01, 202008:40


Happy Thanksgiving: History, and ways to simplify this year
Nov 24, 202020:43
Planning a Budget that Sets you Free

Planning a Budget that Sets you Free

Today we continue our Thriving through the Holidays series.

Today we will cover financially surviving the holidays by Planning a Budget that Sets you Free.
Nov 19, 202009:13
Prepping for Winter Weather and planning your Thanksgiving Dinner

Prepping for Winter Weather and planning your Thanksgiving Dinner

Today we are starting our Thriving through the Holidays series. During the next few weeks, we will discuss not only surviving the holidays but also enjoying them. We will discuss how to deal with weather changes to planning meals and surviving financially during this time. Today we will cover the season's shift, and since we are a little more than a week out planning your Thanksgiving Meal.

Some tips to help you get ready for a happy, healthy Holiday season your whole family can enjoy: include preparing your home for the change in the weather, use holiday activities to strengthen your family bonds, engage your family in Holiday meal planning, and evaluating your mood as winter begins.

Nov 17, 202013:16
Being a courageous leader overcoming lives obstacles

Being a courageous leader overcoming lives obstacles

How to Lead With Courage

  1. Decisiveness
  2. Responsibility
  3. Stoicism
  4. How to Be the Hero They Need

Obstacles come in all shapes and sizes. Here are some typical blocks to goal achievement:

  1. Lack of creativity.
  2. Negative thinking.
  3. Lagging confidence.
  4. Focus follies.
  5. Refusing to put in the effort.
  6. Time traps.
  7. Vague aspirations.

Now that you have a good idea of blocks you might encounter on your way to goal achievement, use these tips to overcome them:

  1. Take responsibility to keep the creativity going.
  2. Arrest negative thoughts.
  3. Review past achievements.
  4. Commit to goals.
  5. Work.
  6. Use your schedule. No matter what your goal, consistently schedule the time to work toward it.
  7. Clarify your goals.
What to do today:
  1. Choose three of the common obstacles we spoke about.
  2. Make a list of examples from your own life where you faced those same obstacles.
  3. How could you use the tools we spoke about to have overcome or avoided those obstacles?

Thanks again, now go out and design your perfect life.

Please subscribe to our Podcast and tell your friends and family about our show and remember to follow us on Facebook at Finding Our Freedom.

Nov 12, 202010:44
There's Hope Even in a Hopeless Situation
Nov 10, 202010:35
Get involved in your community

Get involved in your community

Getting involved in our communities can be scary, but it doesn't have to be.  By following a little advice and setting aside your expectations, you can help build the community you truly want to be part of.

Nov 05, 202014:07