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Flip the Beauty Script

Flip the Beauty Script

By Stephanie Snow

Flip the Beauty Script —Redefining beauty with a side of humor, and a sprinkle of sass. Join Stephanie Snow, founder of Beauty Revolution, mind body eating coach, and storyteller, as she turns society’s narrow definition of beauty on its head, and helps write a new “script”. Get ready for energetic, entertaining, and enlightening conversations that will open your eyes to your own beauty and help you reclaim time, energy and confidence for things that really matter.

Ready to flip the script? Join the party and come as you are- beautiful!
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Flip the Beauty ScriptMay 15, 2021

Episode 45: "Beauty Bites"-A Great use of Immediate Gratification

Episode 45: "Beauty Bites"-A Great use of Immediate Gratification

We live in a time where you can literally get anything you want delivered to your door within hours or days. We have conditioned ourselves to be in a constant state of “Cha-Ching!”--jackpot land--and after a while, it just becomes the norm. When this happens, research shows that we don't appreciate or enjoy it as much.

But, don’t feel too bad–there is one place where we should definitely go “full boar”, “whole hog”, “the whole nine yards” in the area of getting what we want. Tune in to find out what it is!

May 28, 202412:26
Episode 44: Build your house, don't "pluck" it down

Episode 44: Build your house, don't "pluck" it down

In Proverbs, it says “Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.” Listen to this conversation with Stephanie for a new twist on this scripture, and learn ways to become a better builder of your personal house-your body- instead of seeing it as an ongoing remodeling project.

May 14, 202421:44
Episode 43: Let the beauty of the day overtake you

Episode 43: Let the beauty of the day overtake you

We, as humans, have a tendency to demand peace or happiness on our own, very specific terms. Unfortunately, this isn't how it works.

Despite all the problems, challenges and heartache, uncertainty and pain that may surround us, there is still so much beauty in every experience, every person, and every day, that is there for the taking if we can just see it and appreciate it.

Being able to bend our will and our wishes to accept what IS, is a beautiful act of bravery, and many times is what turns mayhem, mess ups and simply messes in general, into magic. Join Stephanie today for some ideas about how to do just that.

Apr 30, 202422:05
Episode 42: Ditch the diet talk and Create real connections

Episode 42: Ditch the diet talk and Create real connections

Our bodies are the least interesting thing about us, but are a subject that comes up a lot. We all have so much more going on inside of us than what meets the eye. Join Stephanie as she talks about how we can focus on connecting with each other through those things that make us shine, sparkle, light up with energy, and a love for life.

Apr 24, 202425:19
Episode 41: I'm back! Climbing out of the Comparison Cave

Episode 41: I'm back! Climbing out of the Comparison Cave

After a bit of a hiatus, Stephanie is back! Join her to find out where she's been, why she's been gone so long, and what made her decide to come back to the podcast game. Chances are, you'll find yourself relating and learn a thing or two about how to help yourself be brave enough to see and share your own beauty with the world.

Apr 02, 202425:44
Episode 40: Gratitude IN all things

Episode 40: Gratitude IN all things

We talk about being grateful FOR things, but what does it mean to be grateful IN all things? And how can we do that? Listen in as we talk about learning the art of developing compassionate curiosity, and the ability to soften into the softening of life. 

Nov 22, 202211:25
Episode 39: Tools for Promoting Positive Self Talk, Part 3

Episode 39: Tools for Promoting Positive Self Talk, Part 3

Happy Fall! This is the third (and final) in a series of three episodes addressing how we can up-level our thinking in the ways we perceive and talk to ourselves. In the spirit of "back to school", we'll be going back to the basics with tools that help us do the ABC's--accept, befriend and care for ourselves. Today we'll go over three specific tools that work on the "C"- caring.

Oct 25, 202214:44
Episode 38: Tools for Promoting Positive Self Talk, Part 2

Episode 38: Tools for Promoting Positive Self Talk, Part 2

Happy Fall! This is the second in a series of three episodes addressing how we can up-level our thinking in the ways we perceive and talk to ourselves. In the spirit of "back to school", we'll be going back to the basics with tools that help us do the ABC's--accept, befriend and care for ourselves. Today we'll go over three specific tools that work on the "B"- befriending.

Oct 11, 202219:51
Episode 37: Tools for Promoting Positive Self Talk, Part 1

Episode 37: Tools for Promoting Positive Self Talk, Part 1

Happy Fall! This is the first in a series of three episodes addressing how we can up-level our thinking in the ways we perceive and talk to ourselves. In the spirit of "back to school", we'll be going back to the basics with tools that help us do the ABC's--accept, befriend and care for ourselves. Today we'll go over three specific tools that work on the "A"- accepting. 

Sep 27, 202215:10
Episode 36: The not-so-magical magical number

Episode 36: The not-so-magical magical number

Do you have a magic number that hangs over your head? The one that tells you when you can be happy, successful, and really able to "live"? Many of us do, and I'm here to tell you, we give that number way more power than it deserves. Listen in today to hear about what will REALLY bring more magic into your life than finding that elusive number on the scale.

Sep 13, 202215:38
Episode 35: Be-YOU-tiful! with Karen Lasher

Episode 35: Be-YOU-tiful! with Karen Lasher

Tune in to my conversation with Karen--the dancing lady--Lasher. She will dance her way into your heart, and you will fall in love with her laugh. Don't miss this episode! It will give you some quick, easy, timeless ways to bring beauty and joy into EVERY day of your life. Not only that, you will be inspired to bring those things into others' lives, as well!

Aug 30, 202235:03
Episode 34: Sacred Beauty with Lisa Eddy

Episode 34: Sacred Beauty with Lisa Eddy

Lisa and I had so much fun chatting it up. Tune in to hear our conversation about bodies, their sacred nature, how to love and care for them every day. You will also learn ways to love them through all the challenges of life. Check it out!

Aug 16, 202229:06
Episode 33: Getting RAW with Denise

Episode 33: Getting RAW with Denise

Join me today for a fun, energetic conversation with Denise Marsh, host of "Getting RAW with Denise" podcast. We get real and raw about lots of topics, including the importance of remodeling your thinking, not your body; the reality of having body image issues at ANY weight; and the magic of practicing self-love every day! 

Aug 02, 202231:04
Episode 32: Meeting Midlife with Courage, with Kim Benoy

Episode 32: Meeting Midlife with Courage, with Kim Benoy

Hey beautiful! Join in the conversation this week as I chat it up with Kim Benoy, host of the Midlife With Courage podcast. We talk about how to successfully navigate this interesting time of life, and all the challenges it brings for us as women. A retired nurse, Kim has some wise advice for all of us. 

Jul 19, 202235:45
Episode 31: Your Personal Independence Day

Episode 31: Your Personal Independence Day

Today we celebrate America's independence and freedom as a nation. Make it personal by declaring your own independence from anything that make you feel less than the amazing, beautiful, worthy woman you are. Listen in for some insight and inspiration about how to do just that! 

Jul 04, 202213:00
Episode 30: Beauty From the Ashes

Episode 30: Beauty From the Ashes

No one deserves to be abused. Unfortunately, too many women find themselves in an abusive relationship at some point in their lives. Listen in today to hear my interview with Deborah Brunner of "Heroic Women Warriors" who helps women see that you can come back from an abusive relationship; It's not your fault; and you are worthy and lovable just the way you are. Don't miss this conversation!

You can check out more of Deborah's work here.

Jun 21, 202233:59
Episode 29: They say when you marry in June...

Episode 29: They say when you marry in June...

...You're a bride all your life. Please no! The pressures put on a bride are more than enough for ONE day let alone a lifetime! Today we talk about how focusing so much on your big day, and how you look, may actually take away from your enjoyment of it. Don't let that happen to you, or someone you love. Tune in to hear some options for other things to think about that will really enhance your wedding (or someone else's you may be attending) and your life!

Jun 07, 202222:21
Episode 28: God Dreams are Amazing- If We are Willing to Listen!

Episode 28: God Dreams are Amazing- If We are Willing to Listen!

Join Stephanie today as she chats it up with the beautiful Rachelle Morlok, co-founder of Bloom International, an organization that hosts women’s conferences, community outreach programs and female-centered service projects internationally. 

Rachelle's personal desire is to see a world where every girl and woman knows she has self-worth and dignity. Listen in on the amazingly beautiful ways she was "called to" and continues in this work. She will inspire you to join in the fun-and you don't have to travel the world to do it. 

As Rachelle says, "We’re here to help each other bloom, so bloom where God has you planted."

May 24, 202244:17
Episode 27: "Bread dough bellies, Living alarm clocks, and other realities of Motherhood..."

Episode 27: "Bread dough bellies, Living alarm clocks, and other realities of Motherhood..."

Sit yourself down and get cozy! We're going to get real and honest today (so, pretty much the same as usual...) with Stephanie, and two of her favorite people in the world--her mom and her daughter. Listen in on this energetic conversation about all things motherhood--the good, the bad and the beautiful. And, you'll learn why we think moms are THE heroes of the world!

May 10, 202244:32
Episode 26: Enjoy the Silence...

Episode 26: Enjoy the Silence...

One of my favorite songs by Depeche Mode, and an idea that I subscribe to wholeheartedly! Listen in to find out about the beauty that stillness and silence can bring into your life. Not only that, get insider tips on how to create the time and space to cultivate a bit of daily beautiful silence.

Apr 26, 202226:51
Episode 25: The Beauty of Kindness

Episode 25: The Beauty of Kindness

Listen in as I interview Kindness Catalyst Linda Cohen, author of "1,000 Mitzvahs". Come learn the power of kindness and how to beautify your life with a dose of it every day.

Apr 12, 202232:37
Episode 24: My Grandma, My Kinky Curls, and Me

Episode 24: My Grandma, My Kinky Curls, and Me

Today we're talking all about who and where we came from, what characteristics we share with our ancestors, and how we can appreciate them. None of us is just one person. We are each a blend of many amazing people, experiences and convictions. How can that be anything but beautiful? 

Mar 29, 202215:29
Episode 23: You Can Dance if You Want to...

Episode 23: You Can Dance if You Want to...

Why do you move your body? To burn calories? To change its shape or size? Or, to simply enjoy the experience and see what your body can do?

This episode is my first interview! Memory and I had a great chat about moving our bodies, and the amazing things that can happen when you step outside the “exercise” box and into the “joyful movement” universe!

Mar 01, 202233:03
Episode 22: The Most Important Love Letter You'll Ever Write

Episode 22: The Most Important Love Letter You'll Ever Write

Have you ever received one of those poetic love letters- the kind that makes your heart flutter, your eyes water and your cheeks flush? Me neither…Maybe it’s time to write one to yourself. If you are anything like me, your relationship with your body has probably had its share of ups and downs, and maybe you’ve even sent it some virtual “hate mail” over the years. 

What if, instead, we focused on all those great things our bodies do for us and the many ways they bless our daily lives. This is anything but easy in the culture we live in, focused on plastic perfection and its pursuit, but it is something we can master as we decide and define what is worth spending our time, energy and resources on, and what is NOT. Listen in to get some tips on how to do just that!

Feb 15, 202223:47
Episode 21: Setting goals? Scratch the one about looking like Barbie.

Episode 21: Setting goals? Scratch the one about looking like Barbie.

This time of year is all about looking toward the future and making new goals. Media tells us they should be focused on things like whitening our teeth, losing weight or tightening our skin. Tune in to find out why those may not be the most important ways to "improve" yourself in the new year. And, get some ideas for other options instead. 

Feb 01, 202224:28
Episode 20-Six-Pack Granny

Episode 20-Six-Pack Granny

This episode we are celebrating 20 episodes, the end of Season 1, and a woman who knows how to rock her age! You won't want to miss out on hearing her story and getting inspired to find your own greatness.

Nov 09, 202119:34
Episode 19-Beauty 100 Years in the Making

Episode 19-Beauty 100 Years in the Making

Listen in to this episode, where we dive into the life of American folk artist, Grandma Moses. She was a great example of how to LIVE every day of your life to your satisfaction! Get inspired, and remember: It is NEVER too late to learn, to grow, or to try something new! 

Oct 26, 202116:21
Episode 18-Let Your Fall Colors Show!

Episode 18-Let Your Fall Colors Show!

Fall is my favorite season in nature. There is so much beauty to be seen and felt, so many celebrations and reasons to be joyful. Find out why and how it could become your favorite "season" of life, too! 

Oct 12, 202125:35
Episode 17-Must I really resist my wrinkles?

Episode 17-Must I really resist my wrinkles?

We've tackled the question of why smaller is better, and today we'll be diving into the idea that younger is better than older. Is it really? Listen in to hear who's really benefiting from that line of thinking. Hint: it's not you and me!

Sep 28, 202123:29
Episode 16- Ditch Perfection Town and move on over to Authenti-City!

Episode 16- Ditch Perfection Town and move on over to Authenti-City!

Join Stephanie today as she talks about the perfection that lies within our human imperfections, and how being able to not only accept them, but celebrate them can move us into a totally different, more beautiful place in life.

Sep 14, 202122:22
Episode 15- Smaller packages, Part II

Episode 15- Smaller packages, Part II

Join Stephanie as she delves a little deeper into the topic of why we feel the need to keep shrinking our bodies, the many ways we're told and sold to do so, and a much better idea. 

Aug 31, 202118:09
Episode 14- Do good things always come in smaller packages?

Episode 14- Do good things always come in smaller packages?

Society often tells us that we, especially as women, have to take up less space to have more worth. Did you know it hasn't always been this way? Join Stephanie today as she tackles this issue, where it came from, why it continues to be emphasized, as well as a few ways we can challenge this misguided ideal. 

Aug 18, 202124:11
Episode 13- Snows VS Squirrels- A Summer Story

Episode 13- Snows VS Squirrels- A Summer Story

Can you laugh at yourself--especially when "it's NOT funny!"? Listen to Stephanie recount the story of an epic battle her family had a couple of summers ago that helped her learn this important skill. (As an added bonus, you'll get quite a few tips on how NOT to get rid of rodents...)

Aug 10, 202111:03
Episode 12- Salvador Dali and me

Episode 12- Salvador Dali and me

When we can see ourselves as part of nature, or a work of art, rather than a canvas for marketing experts, it can make a huge difference in our lives, and how we approach our imperfect, aging, and amazing bodies. Stephanie shares some golden nuggets she learned in a training by The Body Positive, a non-profit organization helping people develop balanced, joyful self-care and a relationship with their bodies that is guided by love, forgiveness, and humor.

Aug 04, 202121:39
Episode 11- The Beauty in Your Voice

Episode 11- The Beauty in Your Voice

Whether or not you could win a singing competition like "The Voice", YOU have a unique, beautiful voice that this world needs. And, I'm not necessarily talking about the sounds produced by your vocal cords. Today we're talking about what happens when we're able to look beyond the obvious outward signs of "beauty" and into the more lasting, meaningful indicators. 

"If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how different our ideals of beauty would be."

Jul 27, 202117:28
Episode 10- Interview with Charlynn Chambers from Created in Their Image

Episode 10- Interview with Charlynn Chambers from Created in Their Image

Today's episode is something a little different. A few months ago I was interviewed for another podcast, Created in Their Image. This podcast explores how learning more about your spiritual identity can elevate all areas of your life. In this interview, Charlynn and I chat about our bodies as gifts from a loving creator, the reasons we were given this gift, and how we can best take advantage of this incredible gift every day of our lives. Hope you enjoy it!

Jul 21, 202130:55
Episode 9- How Can I Channel the Energizer Bunny?

Episode 9- How Can I Channel the Energizer Bunny?

One of my listeners said, “I would like to hear about what makes people feel energetic. I don’t know if this ties directly into beauty, but I sure don’t feel beautiful when I don’t have any energy.” Many of us feel this way, and it seems that energy is a precious, limited commodity in modern life.  Today we talk about why that is, and things we can do to not only increase our energy, but also put a stop to any energy "leakages" we may have developed. Listen in to add a burst of power to your day!

Jul 13, 202122:40
Episode 8- Pandemic Body Paranoia!

Episode 8- Pandemic Body Paranoia!

Are you still hiding behind your computer screen or under a big sweater, so no one sees your "new" body? Studies show that many of us are unhappy with how our bodies look coming out of the pandemic. Join Stephanie today, as she talks about how to shift your mind from that place to one of admiration, awe and appreciation for what we (our soul and body) have been through together. Learn techniques to become more of a team, and be able to get through everything you may encounter in your journey of life in a body.  

Jul 06, 202119:16
Episode 7- Get your Body Beach-Ready!

Episode 7- Get your Body Beach-Ready!

Summer's here and it's time to hit the beach. Listen in to get some great tips for making sure you and your body are ready to make the most of the season.

Jun 29, 202119:39
Episode 6- Nourish Yourself- The third step to becoming your own best friend

Episode 6- Nourish Yourself- The third step to becoming your own best friend

This is the third episode in a follow-up series of three, on ways to become your own best friend. This episode focuses on ways to nourish yourself. Join us today to learn how PIES can be more nourishing than you ever knew! 

Jun 22, 202114:24
Episode 5- Get to know yourself- The second step to becoming your own best friend

Episode 5- Get to know yourself- The second step to becoming your own best friend

This is the second in a follow-up series of three on ways to become your own best friend. This episode focuses on ways to get to know yourself through asking questions and developing inner compassion.

Jun 15, 202112:26
Episode 4- Notice Yourself- The first step to becoming your own best friend

Episode 4- Notice Yourself- The first step to becoming your own best friend

This is the first in a follow-up series of three on ways to become your own best friend. This episode focuses on ways to notice yourself by accepting and appreciating your whole self, warts and all. 

Jun 08, 202116:45
Episode 3- Out of the fog, and into the light

Episode 3- Out of the fog, and into the light

Join Stephanie as she explains how becoming your own best friend can help you clear away the "fog" to see and appreciate your true beauty and worth. 

Jun 01, 202122:19
Episode 2- You Say You Want a Revolution...

Episode 2- You Say You Want a Revolution...

Join us today as we talk about the beginnings of the Beauty Revolution, and how we can all benefit from a broader definition of beauty.

Jun 01, 202121:12
Episode 1- Let's Get This Party Started!

Episode 1- Let's Get This Party Started!

Join us for this inaugural episode, to get a little background on your host, Stephanie, and the creation of Flip the Beauty Script podcast.

Jun 01, 202113:52
Flip the Beauty Script Trailer

Flip the Beauty Script Trailer

Find out what we're all about!

May 15, 202101:21