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By DB Hurley

This is Forethought, a 4 minute daily lightning podcast. Tune in to hear a thought for the day related to business, technology, marketing, open source...or anything else that I find pertinent and interesting.
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Episode 3: Discerning

ForethoughtOct 31, 2018

Episode 3: Discerning

Episode 3: Discerning

In this Forethought lightning podcast episode we take 4 minutes and discuss 1 thought. Today we talk about discerning what matters to you. And building trust in others.
Oct 31, 201803:56
Episode 4: Fear

Episode 4: Fear

Latest episode of Forethought
Oct 31, 201803:58
Episode 29: Busy

Episode 29: Busy

I’ve written about it before and I’ve talked about it before, but I don’t think I’ve ever done so in relationship to being a good leader. So that’s our lightning fast podcast topic for today! Are you busy, busy, busy…doing nothing?

Great leaders make the most of their time. Of course just like anyone else they lose time on things and they don’t always make the right judgement call on a particular task or project. But as the great quotable Deadpool says 4 or 5 moments are all that define a hero. In this case though great leaders make the most of their time, most of the time.

Great leaders realize that just being busy is not the same as being productive. There’s an old quote by Mary O’Connor I’ve shared before on my blog which says,

“It’s not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised. The mosquito is swatted.”

This the fundamental truth we heard in the song at the beginning and in this quote. Why you are busy is what matters.
Aug 06, 201804:04
Episode 28: Bravery

Episode 28: Bravery

Bravery is an interesting trait in a leader. Many times in the past people would associate bravery with fearlessness. Thankfully we’re seeing a shift in thinking in recent years in this regard.

There is a growing recognition that bravery is the acknowledgement and appropriate response to fear. But what does bravery look like? I’m glad you asked.

Bravery in leadership can be exhibited in a number of different ways. Here are a few of the most common ways a great leader exhibits bravery.

Great leaders exhibit bravery by standing up for what they believe regardless of the consequences.
Great leaders recognize bravery means accepting damaging things and dealing with them instead of running from them.
Great leaders demonstrate bravery through consistency. That’s an odd one right? But it ties in with the first, bravery means continually standing up for what they believe in. Day in, day out.
Great leaders show bravery in the face of fear. They take their fears and put them in their proper
Aug 06, 201804:14
Episode 27: Foundation

Episode 27: Foundation

Great leaders recognize the importance of a strong foundation. They understand this foundation is a basis by which they think, live, and work. Without a strong foundation when the stress of the job comes they will stumble, fall, or give up. What does a strong foundation mean?

What does it look like? Here are 3 principles I believe you can find in the foundation of every great leader:

Great leaders have built a strong network of trusted friends, and allies.
Great leaders have identified ways to handle stress before they are experiencing it.
Great leaders have created a realistic plan for what they expect to achieve.
Aug 06, 201804:21
Episode 26: Perfection

Episode 26: Perfection

The idea of perfection is a tricky one for leaders especially. Leaders want to strive for perfection but not at all costs. There comes a point where goal of perfection can stand in the way of progress. Rather than perfection, I'd suggest great leaders recognize the pursuit of excellence.

And that's worth noting, the pursuit of excellence and perfection are different things. The difference lies in the focus. Perfection focuses on how things look and what others see. Excellence focuses on why things look a certain way or why a task is done. You've heard me talk many times before about starting with why. Even in this we should recognize striving for excellence comes before striving for perfection.

Waiting for perfection before releasing (in the case of software), or not accepting anything other than perfection (in general) is a dangerous mindset. Great leaders recognize the constant pull of perfection but rather focus on the pursuit of excellence instead.
Jul 25, 201804:03
Episode 25: Celebrating

Episode 25: Celebrating

There's a very fine line between celebrating and boasting. I can't remember where I first saw the discussion, but the topic centered around one of the loudest mouths in history, the unmatched, unforgettable Mohammad Ali. I've written about him on my blog and there are many, many positive lessons we can draw from his example (confidence, strength, courage, self-worth just to name a few). But one aspect of Mohammad Ali which I would doubt anyone could contradict was his celebrating. In fact, I would venture so far as to suggest his celebrating was actually something a bit more than simple excitement over success. He was boastful. He bragged on himself. This brings me to my 4 minute thought for today. Great leaders celebrate. Great leaders don't boast. What's the difference? I'm glad you asked (or at least thought the question...)
Jul 23, 201804:10
Episode 24: Advocate

Episode 24: Advocate

Great leaders care about others. They don't focus only on solving their own problems or finding the solutions their business alone needs. Great leaders seek to raise other people up and draw attention to their needs and situations as well. Great leaders find ways to help solve their problems and issues. Sometimes this is through their business, but many times this is as simple as advocating for others and raising awareness to their needs. A great leader is able to recognize the stage and audience they have and then use that audience to serve a greater good. Leaders advocate for others.

Taylor Swift is a great example of this. She's always been a strong a advocate for others in the music business. She uses her noteriety and fame to raise awareness and advocate for artists and musicians everywhere. When Apple made a strong move to offer a service which would harm many new, undiscovered, and struggling musicians she wrote the following...
Jul 20, 201804:13
Episode 23: Influence

Episode 23: Influence

Each week I undertake a bit of a historical deep dive into the life of someone I would consider a Thinker. These thinkers are often leaders as you might imagine. You will of course agree with me that not every great thinker is a leader, there are differences and the relationship is not a bi-directional equivalency. The reverse though I believe is quite often true. Great leaders are often thinkers. I focused this week on an individual who may not be immediately recognized as a leader but I think even in this we do him an injustice. John Mauchly was a leader in a very important way and exhibited a leadership trait which I believe we would do well to learn from and understand better. Great leaders understand the importance of helping others find success. They recognize their position and knowledge can be used to influence others.

- Great leaders show discretion in how they share their opinions and ideas.
- Great leaders use their position and knowledge to benefit others.
- Great leaders
Jul 19, 201804:05
Episode 22: Firefighter

Episode 22: Firefighter

To quote the infamous character created by the U.S. Forestry service, Only YOU can prevent forest fires. This was the marketing message and strongly endorsed outreach effort created In the longest-running public service advertising campaign in the United States history. Smokey Bear, was eventually protected by U.S. federal law, the Smokey Bear Act of 1952 and continues even today to serve as an instantly recognizable marketing campaign. In fact, According to the Ad Council, 80% of outdoor recreationists correctly identified Smokey Bear's image and 8 in 10 recognized the campaign Public Service Announcements.

But this is a 4 minute podcast about leaders. So, a slight modification of the quote might yield a rough paraphrase, "Only great leaders can prevent fires."

Putting out virtual fires in the company (or community) is often an unrecognized quality of a great leader.
Jul 19, 201804:11
Episode 21: Perspective

Episode 21: Perspective

Great leaders are able to extricate themselves from the minutia and see the big picture. This isn’t big-picture only thinking. This is an important point to make note of. This does not mean to suggest a leader is a grand ideas, big thinker only. No, in fact it means quite the opposite. A great leader is able to synthesize their incredible world-changing ideas into meaningful steps and equate them with the minutely small day-to-day functions and tasks. In a sense they are able to hold this dichotomous view in their head where they see not just the daily grind but also the fully completed goal at the same time. There are other types of perspective a great leader maintains as well. Here’s a quick three.

- Great leaders see the large picture and the details simultaneously
- Great leaders are able to relate to the perspective of the customer
- Great leaders are able to communicate in the language of the employee
Jul 17, 201804:19
Episode 20: Questions

Episode 20: Questions

Great leaders ask questions. But not just any old question, great leaders ask thoughtful questions that require thoughtful answers. Usually this means staying away from yes/no answers. A great leader knows how to ask questions which will illicit the most honest response. That’s an interesting idea. Here’s what I mean:

Great leaders know when a question is difficult and phrases it in the way which encourages honesty by giving the person answering the easiest way to say the hard things (the thing they worry most won’t be the “right” answer).

Great leaders are also quick to understand how questions can empower others to take ownership and responsibility.

Great leaders recognize there’s no weakness in asking questions and understands that asking questions is a way to lead others to finding a similar solution (or exploring alternative thinking to their own).
Jul 17, 201804:21
Episode 19: Focus

Episode 19: Focus

Great leaders understand the importance of focus. The ability to set aside distractions and pursue a single goal. There’s a couple important side topics with this idea of focus. First, it doesn’t mean blindly following a vision with no listening to other’s or outside advice. Nor does it mean an unswerving approach to problem solving. There are always times when a zig here or a zag there becomes critical for success. Focus involves a concentrated effort to exert self-control and will-power over innate desires to wander or be distracted by flashy, momentary interests.

The Story of the Marshmallow Children.
Jul 17, 201804:16
Episode 18: High-Standards

Episode 18: High-Standards

Great leaders hold those around them to higher standards. Not only holding others to high standards but they also lead by example. Great leaders expect themselves to perform at peak performance as well. Sometimes this leads to burnout, sometimes this leads to breakdown. Strong leaders are able to handle

these self-imposed pressures and find ways to balance them in their own lives as well as in those who follow them. A good leader understands the values of holding high standards and implements them in life. A great leader makes them fun and an attainable, achievable goal which can be conquered daily for a greater sense of self fulfillment.

- Great leaders set high standards for themselves first and then for others who follow
- Great leaders recognizes by setting high standards they attract instead of detract the right people
- Great leaders make high standards achievable and repeatable
Jul 17, 201804:08
Episode 17: Decision-Making

Episode 17: Decision-Making

There are 4 important points regarding decision-making related to great leaders. Here’s a short list, before we focus in on the final and what I believe to be the most significant.

- Great leaders understand how to separate emotions from rational choice when making decisions.
- Great leaders know some decisions will be wrong
- Great leaders make challenging decisions
- Great leaders help others make decisions

Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, shares how he believes it signifies he’s doing a good job as a leader when others make the decisions.
Jul 17, 201804:15
Episode 16: Confidence

Episode 16: Confidence

The greatest basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan once said,

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.”

This level of confidence is a requirement of a good leader. Even with a statement like the above we still see confidence exhibited in his attitude and his game play. Good confidence is not arrogance. Here are three defining qualities of confidence:

- Confidence acknowledges failures
- Confidence is persistent
- Confidence requires practice
Jul 17, 201804:17
Episode 15: Accountability

Episode 15: Accountability

“Passing the buck” originated from a ritual practiced during card games. Card players used to place a marker, called a “buck,” in front of the person who was the dealer. That marker was passed to the next player along with the responsibility of dealing. Eventually “passing the buck” became synonymous with passing on responsibility.

President Harry S. Truman had a sign on his desk that read: “The Buck Stops Here.” It meant he accepted accountability for all the decisions of his administration. Truman’s stand exists in organizations today but, unfortunately, as the exception rather than the rule.

Accountability means honesty
Accountability means saying you’re sorry
Accountability means seeking advice
Jul 09, 201803:50
Episode 14: Commitment

Episode 14: Commitment

Latest episode of Forethought
Jul 05, 201803:60
Episode 13: Creativity

Episode 13: Creativity

Latest episode of Forethought
Jul 04, 201804:12
Episode 12: Honesty

Episode 12: Honesty

Latest episode of Forethought
Jul 04, 201804:05
Episode 11: Passion

Episode 11: Passion

Latest episode of Forethought
Jul 04, 201804:13
Episode 10: Learning

Episode 10: Learning

Latest episode of Forethought
Jul 04, 201804:03
Episode 9: Regrets

Episode 9: Regrets

Latest episode of Forethought
Jul 04, 201803:60
Episode 8: Improving

Episode 8: Improving

Latest episode of Forethought
Jul 04, 201803:60
Episode 7: Motivation

Episode 7: Motivation

Latest episode of Forethought
Jul 04, 201804:24
Episode 6: Self-Aware

Episode 6: Self-Aware

Latest episode of Forethought
Jul 04, 201803:60
Episode 5: Listening

Episode 5: Listening

Latest episode of Forethought
Jul 04, 201803:60
Episode 2: Failure

Episode 2: Failure

Second episode of the daily 4 minute lightning podcast, Forethought, four minutes, 1 key thought to start your day.
Jun 13, 201803:57
Episode 1: Netflix

Episode 1: Netflix

The very first episode of Forethought, a daily 4 minute lightning podcast. Today we take a brief look at Netflix, but not the part of Netflix you're thinking about.
Jun 12, 201803:56