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From Stuck to Unstoppable

From Stuck to Unstoppable

By Wambui Githire-Mburu

From Stuck to Unstoppable podcast is an inspirational style business and personal development podcast with actionable steps and strategies for ambitious entrepreneurs and professionals with a 9 to 5, looking to get out of their comfort zone, stop playing small, use their God given talents, and be the best versions of themselves , while making an impact.
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#24 Master money mindset. How to make it, manage it, and multiply it, with Catherine Gathuka Franklin

From Stuck to UnstoppableMay 17, 2024

#24 Master money mindset. How to make it, manage it, and multiply it, with Catherine Gathuka Franklin

#24 Master money mindset. How to make it, manage it, and multiply it, with Catherine Gathuka Franklin

In this episode, my guest is Catherine Gathuka Franklin. Catherine is a money coach, but before she became a money coach, she worked for a private wealth management firm where she helped the ultra-rich manage their money.

Catherine felt called to start her own business, providing concierge CFO services to high-income business owners, and she became a money coach where she helps women master money so that they can have peace of mind, become financially stable, and create a life that they love.

In this conversation today, we talk about her coaching program and about how she helps women master that mindset because it all starts with the mindset.

She offers invaluable insights into wealth creation, entrepreneurship, and financial empowerment.   

Here is a glance at the episode: 

💫How she helps women make more money and multiply their money.

💫Catherine’s entrepreneurial journey: how she transitioned from working in wealth management to building multiple income streams.

💫She challenges the idea that money is scarce, encouraging an abundance mindset by highlighting the limitless opportunities for wealth creation.

And so much more..

Links mentioned in the podcast:



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May 17, 202401:04:01
#23 Entrepreneurship,perseverance, and the power of self-belief, a conversation with Jambo List co-founder Serah Munyiri

#23 Entrepreneurship,perseverance, and the power of self-belief, a conversation with Jambo List co-founder Serah Munyiri

In this episode, I chat with my new friend Serah Munyiri, President of Jambo List, an international company that works to bridge the investment and business gap between Kenya and the Kenyan diaspora.

Serah shares all the juicy details about how she came up with this genius idea and the steps she took to make it happen.

But that’s not all! Serah also highlights the secrets of staying motivated and resilient towards your goals. Serah is a true inspiration and a refreshing rule-breaker, so trust me, you won’t want to miss our unbelievably valuable conversation!

Here is a glance at the episode:

💫Serah emphasizes the importance of building strong foundations for businesses

💫She discusses the role of platforms like Jambolist in connecting businesses within the Kenyan diaspora community and facilitating collaboration.

💫Serah offers practical strategies for overcoming self-doubt, including writing down thoughts, reflecting on past successes, and envisioning future possibilities.

💫She stresses the importance of believing in one's ideas, seeking mentorship, and embracing the journey, despite the challenges along the way.

Serah highlights the significance of having a clear vision and being persistent in pursuing one's goals.

And so much more….

Links mentioned in the podcast:

Jambolist Expo. held on May 24th and 25th at Embassy Suites Hotel, Piscataway, New Jersey.

Phone Number: +1 908 812 7965.





Rate, review, and follow on Apple Podcasts. “I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show. This helps me support more people like you to get out of their comfort zone and become the best versions of themselves. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast. Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now

Apr 19, 202451:18
#22 How Kenyan-born fashion designer Victoria Kageni, used courage and persistence to make her mark on the Oscars' Red Carpet.

#22 How Kenyan-born fashion designer Victoria Kageni, used courage and persistence to make her mark on the Oscars' Red Carpet.

In this episode, my guest today is the incredible Victoria Wambui Kageni, a fashion designer from Kenya.

Her journey began over 30 years ago when her parents sent her to pursue a fashion design degree in the U.S. 

Despite a detour into the construction industry for 13 years, Victoria's passion for fashion never waned. Driven by determination and clarity, she left her construction job to pursue her true calling.

Recently, her determination clarity, and persistence led to her work being featured at the Oscars’ runway. 

Victoria's story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of following one's passion and staying committed to the journey. 

Here’s a glance at the episode:

💫Her incredible journey which started with a deep passion for fashion.

💫How she remained resilient and focused on her goals despite numerous challenges in her career.

💫How Victoria’s determination, clarity, and persistence led to her work leaving a mark at the Oscars’ runway 

And so much more...

Links mentioned in the podcast:







Rate, review, and follow on Apple Podcasts. “I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show. This helps me support more people like you to get out of their comfort zone and become the best versions of themselves. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast. Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now.

Apr 05, 202439:54
#21 Impact, navigating self-doubt, and understanding herself as a Kenyan in corporate America, with Nduku Malombe

#21 Impact, navigating self-doubt, and understanding herself as a Kenyan in corporate America, with Nduku Malombe

In this episode, my guest is the remarkable Nduku Malombe.

Early in her career, Nduku felt insecure about her education and experience (or lack thereof.) Now a Strategic Human Resources Leader and coach, Nduku shares how to grow into the confident, courageous leader you want to be.

In this podcast episode Nduku shares :-

Her path from employment in Kenya to establishing her career in Corporate America. 

How her unwavering determination transformed her from a door-to-door stationery saleswoman into the HR leader she is today.

Why perfection is the enemy of progress

The physical impact of the pandemic on her and the strategies she employs to prevent burnout.

Why making a difference and giving back to others is important to  her.

And so much more

Enjoyed this episode? I'd love to hear your thoughts in a review

Mentioned in this podcast:

Nduku’s LinkedIn profile:

Nduku’s HR consulting agency: Syn3rgyHR

Rate, review, and follow on Apple Podcasts. “I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show. This helps me support more people like you to get out of their comfort zone and become the best versions of themselves. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast. Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now.

Mar 22, 202443:43
#20 Spirituality, a new season, and motivation, with Jimmy Gait

#20 Spirituality, a new season, and motivation, with Jimmy Gait

Today, I’m on the edge of my seat, wanting to give you a new strategy that will help you get out of your comfort zone and be the best version of yourself, and so much more.

Everything you want for your life and career starts with an intention, right?

Then, you add enthusiasm and dedication.

But, then what?

Unfortunately, sometimes life’s challenges get in the way—whether it’s in the form of self-doubt, or perhaps just a seemingly unrealistic goal.

So how do you overcome obstacles.?

Jimmy Gait, celebrated Kenyan Gospel artist and now transformational speaker, trainer, and entrepreneur, is here to show you how you can burst through life’s challenges and actually use any situation as a stepping stone for the next level.

His techniques of choice have included Faith in God and believing in yourself – two things he says are key to succeeding in life.

Jimmy used these techniques to achieve a goal he had last year during his birthday.

In this episode, we talk about:

💫When going through life’s challenges, see things as life happening for you and opposed to life happening to you.

💫Like a great chef who mixes ingredients perfectly to achieve the perfect cake, God is a great potter and has perfectly created us taking us from one glory to another.

💫How to petition God in prayer through our helper, the Holy Spirit.

💫How Jimmy is impacting the world as a transformational speaker, and trainer.

💫The importance of perseverance, seeking advice, and finding the right systems to succeed as an entrepreneur.

And so much more….

Links Mentioned in this podcast:

Instagram: JimmyGait|Mr.Favour (@jimmygaitofficial) • Instagram photos and videos

Rate, review, and follow on Apple Podcasts. “I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show. This helps me support more people like you to get out of their comfort zone and become the best versions of themselves. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast. Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now.

Mar 14, 202455:34
#19 How Google Developer Expert Android, Madona Wambua deals with self-doubt and how to stay true to yourself.

#19 How Google Developer Expert Android, Madona Wambua deals with self-doubt and how to stay true to yourself.

You've heard me talk about the power of our thoughts time and again. My guest today drops some wisdom in this episode, on how we have the power to change our narrative with self-doubt. In this episode, Madona Wambua, Chief Technology Officer for Google reveals:- Why setting goals as if you are the only one in the race helps you escape comparison, because comparison is the thief of joy. Strategies to overcome imposter syndrome. Why she values community and how community kept her from quitting her job as a woman in tech. Why she likes to mentor women and girls aspiring to be in the tech field. Her recent award from Success Magazine among one of numeral awards she received in 2023. Madona's simple yet oh-so-transformative steps are ready for you, so click your fave podcast player below to dive in. Links mentioned in this podcast: Madonna’s Book: Modern Android 13 Development Cookbook Linkedin: Instagram: Rate, review, and follow on Apple Podcasts. “I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show. This helps me support more people like you get out of their comfort zone and become the best versions of themselves. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast. Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now.

Mar 02, 202443:43
#18 How To Pursue Purpose Beyond Achievements and Align With The Most Authentic Parts Of Yourself, with Mary Hyatt

#18 How To Pursue Purpose Beyond Achievements and Align With The Most Authentic Parts Of Yourself, with Mary Hyatt

In this episode, Mary Hyatt, Life, and Business strategist sheds light on the world of high-achieving women who are passionate about creating extraordinary lives but often struggle with the challenges of work-life balance. With her holistic approach, Mary talks about how we can reconnect with the essence of what makes us come alive, addressing not only the mindset, but also the relationships with the body, energy, and emotions. Discover the transformative power of finding margin, white space, and reconnecting with passions, pleasure, and joy. I attended one of Mary’s workshops and it was a unique blend of mindfulness and practical teachings on how to lean into conscious growth and evolvement for a more fulfilling and expansive life. In this episode, we talk about Understanding the challenges high-achieving women face in maintaining work-life balance. Exploring a holistic approach that includes mindset, body, energy, and emotions. The power of rest and white space. Why we have permission to really show up in the truth of where we are That procrastination is with a form of wisdom or a form of protection (must hear this one) How to have awareness, question and compassion with yourself when self-doubt comes knocking. Reconnecting with passions, pleasure, and joy for a more life-giving experience. And so much more …. This is one of my favorite conversations – so if you’re interested in learning a holistic, action-oriented approach to overcoming burnout and inauthenticity then pop in your earbuds and take a listen. Links mentioned in this podcast: Website: Instagram: Rate, Review, and follow on Apple Podcasts. “I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable” – if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show. This helps me support more people like you get out of their comfort zone, and become the best versions of themselves. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review”. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast. Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now.

Mar 01, 202440:48
#17 From Social Media Strategies to Conquering self-doubt in Entrepreneurship with Bridget Brady

#17 From Social Media Strategies to Conquering self-doubt in Entrepreneurship with Bridget Brady

If you're a full-time entrepreneur or business owner, or even if you're doing a side hustle along with your JOB, social media posting dread is going to become a thing of the past! 

Because in this episode, Bridget Brady, founder and CEO of Amp Up My Biz, a full-service online marketing agency, lays out tangible, actionable, strategies that you can start using today to get more eyeballs to your awesome products or services, with the power of social media. Bridget's expertise in social media strategies and content creation has helped thousands of entrepreneurs and businesses achieve remarkable success in the online world.

We talk about social media strategies that can help you as an entrepreneur succeed and how you can avoid missing out on opportunities online, literally leaving money on the table.  And of course, we talk about mindset. I especially love when she says that no one is as you as you, meaning that no one on this planet will ever bring your genius the way you would, encouraging us to get out of our own way and bring our genius to the world.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • Why having a social media presence is essential for entrepreneurs and business owners (hint: it's not just about selfies!).

  • Powerful strategies to attract your ideal audience and convert them into loyal customers.

  • Step-by-step guidance on getting people off social media and onto your website or landing pages (where the real magic happens!).

  • Conquering imposter syndrome and self-doubt so you can confidently share your gifts and talents with the world.

  • Bridget's inspiring journey from starting a business from scratch to becoming a social media phenomenon.

And so much more…

Jan 26, 202439:12
#16 How to lead with courage, and authenticity, conquering imposter syndrome, and self-doubt with Dr, Faith Mwangi

#16 How to lead with courage, and authenticity, conquering imposter syndrome, and self-doubt with Dr, Faith Mwangi

My guest today is Dr. Mwangi-Powell. She's the CEO of Girls Not Brides, a global initiative dedicated to ending child marriage worldwide.

In this conversation, Dr. Mwangi-Powell says that we're at our best when we're ourselves, unscripted and genuine. Embracing authenticity isn't always easy, especially for professional women navigating their careers.

The fear of stepping into our true selves can hold us back, fostering moments of self-doubt and persistent imposter syndrome. But here's the truth: self-doubt is universal.

Even when she found herself in spaces she felt beyond her reach, questioning if she belonged, she learned that authenticity and self-awareness are our greatest allies.

Understanding our intrinsic values and realizing that those moments are fleeting is key. Because believe it or not, everyone in that room might be battling those same feelings, no matter how imposing.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

💫Dr. Mwangi Powell's inspiring journey: From being nurtured by powerful women to leading a global movement, discover the experiences that shaped her into the leader she is today.

 💫The power of self-awareness.  Dr. Mwangi talks about how to overcome self-doubt and embrace your authentic self as a leader.

💫 Dr. Mwangi-Powell’s practical strategies for cultivating resilience.

💫How her faith journey has fueled her passion for making a difference.

 And so much more….

Links mentioned in this podcast: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram:

 Rate, Review, and follow on Apple Podcasts. “I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable” – if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show. This helps me support more people like you get out of their comfort zone, and become the best versions of themselves. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review”. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast. Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now.

Dec 16, 202330:12
#15 How to get clear on what you want, avoid burnout(& how to create a steady revenue in the B2B space with Amy Pearl

#15 How to get clear on what you want, avoid burnout(& how to create a steady revenue in the B2B space with Amy Pearl

In today’s episode I want to talk about what to do when your business model doesn't seem to be working for you. Maybe you’re in a 9-5 and you have a side business that you are really passionate about and you're just not getting any traction because you only have a limited number of hours to do one-on-one work. Or maybe you’re a full-time entrepreneur. You have a one-on-one coaching or consulting business but you're not making the kind of money you need to make. My guest shares insights on how to get your foot in the door in the B2B space so you can start planting the seed to decision makers to work with you. We also talk about mindset shifts, goal planning. (I especially like her 12-week sprint goal-setting idea), and how to stay focused on your purpose. We dive into: The benefits of the B2B model for coaches and service based business owners who want to avoid social media marketing and how to focus on building long-term relationships with businesses. Tips for staying productive and avoiding burnout, including focusing on your purpose, and setting clear goals. The transformative impact of asking oneself, "What do I truly want?" and "How do I want to feel?" in both professional and personal spheres. The importance of knowing that you have so many talents that you bring to the table, so do not compare yourself with others. Be ok with where you are. Why it’s important to specialize in what you're good at and passionate about, so you can build a sustainable and enjoyable business. And so much more ⁠ Rate, Review, and follow on Apple Podcasts⁠. “I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable” – if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show⁠. This helps me support more people like you get out of their comfort zone, and become the best versions of themselves. Click here,⁠ ⁠⁠⁠scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review”. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast. Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.⁠ ⁠Follow now⁠ Links mentioned in this podcast: Freebie: Instagram: AmyAPearl Facebook: Amy A Pearl and Amy Almeter Pearl Linked In: Amy Pearl Work Ignited Facebook Work Ignited Group

Dec 08, 202335:45
#12 Think you don't have enough time, the expertise or a large audience to create an online business? Let's bust that myth. With Masha Goins

#12 Think you don't have enough time, the expertise or a large audience to create an online business? Let's bust that myth. With Masha Goins

Have you ever found yourself thinking you don't have enough time, the expertise or a large audience to create an online business?Well, that is a myth .My guest on the podcast today will bust that myth. Masha Goins is an Online Business Coach, who helps heart-centered and soulful entrepreneurs build dreamy and abundant six figure online businesses, while only working part time hours. In this episode she talks about how she helps entrepreneurs smash the 100k ceiling in their business with her secret sauce of Soulful Marketing, Business Strategy, and Mindset Magic! Over the pandemic she built her online business from a dream, to a side hustle, to a multi six figure success that allows her to spend most of her time offline, with her family and two little girls, enjoying a 'slower' lifestyle. One of the things that inspired me in this episode is how Masha entrepreneurs or those with a 9-5 but have a side hustle package what they love to do into an offer that can give them a quick cash injection even with a small email list and very limited time. We dive into :- What it means to have a heart centered business The boundaries you need to avoid burnout when you’re creating an online business Masha’s program - Hey to a 100k a step by step program to a soulful 6 figure success How creating a digital revenue stream can help you recession proof your income especially if you have a 9-5 that you enjoy but want an extra income stream And my favorite: how you can whip together a quick cash injection offer in no time, to give you momentum And so much more..

Dec 01, 202334:04
#14 How to Serve More People (&Make More Money) with a B2B Model

#14 How to Serve More People (&Make More Money) with a B2B Model

If you work with one-on-one clients, especially if you have a nine-to-five, you likely feel limited because you can only fit so many people on your calendar. My guest today is joining me to talk about how she transitioned her business model from a one-on-one aka B2C, to a B2B model where she now works with schools across the US Lisa Marker Robbins is a distinguished coach and an entrepreneur. She has a flagship course called Launch Career Clarity. And it's specifically tailored for families with teenagers. This helps students transition their journey from a state of confusion and overwhelm to one of motivation, clarity, and confidence. In this episode we talk about:. 💫How Lisa transitioned from working with one on one clients and took advantage of the opportunity to work with businesses, and how you can too, so you can maximize your time and make more money. 💫How effective time management strategies, intentional goal-setting and consistent effort can be a game changer in your life and career. 💫How Lisa deals with self doubt, offering valuable insights on overcoming imposter syndrome and embracing growth. 💫Lisa's course, Launch Career Clarity, that is designed to guide teenagers in making informed decisions about their future paths. If you have a teen in high school, this episode is for you too. And so much more Rate, Review & Follow on Apple Podcasts. “I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable” - if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show⁠. This helps me support more people like you get out of their comfort zone, and become the best versions of themselves.

Click here, ⁠⁠⁠scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review''. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast. Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.⁠ Follow now

Links mentioned in this podcast:

Book a 30 minute Discovery call for my 1:1 coaching here Facebook: Flourish Coaching Twitter: Lisa Marker Robbins Linked In: Lisa Marker-Robbins

Dec 01, 202334:20
#13 Live in your POWER. And Why Peace is the New Success

#13 Live in your POWER. And Why Peace is the New Success

Burnout. It’s the dreaded B word that made Dr. Sheri Riley leave what seemed to be a successful career in one of the most successful record labels in Atlanta, LaFace Records. She was the creative marketing powerhouse behind some of the most legendary artists of the 90s , like Usher, TLC, Toni Braxton, and Outkast, just to name a few. She knew that before she could enjoy the money and the other things that her title brought, she needed to have peace first. After going on a journey of self discovery she found the ‘secret sauce’ to living in the POWER of peace, clarity and courage sans the burnout, that she wrote the award winning book Exponential Living. Stop Spending 100% of your time on 10% of who you are. So if you’re on the brink of a career of a business burnout, and want to banish it for good, then grab a beverage of your choice, pop in your earpods, and get ready to take some notes. Here’s a glance at this episode: Dr. Riley's journey from LaFace Records to entrepreneurship Principle #1 in her book. What it means to Live in Your POWER.. The difference between working and maximising Why significance is more impactful than success The impact of laughter on our joy. Strategies for professionals feeling stuck in self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism through Dr. Riley’s Power Broker Academy And so much more. Rate, Review & Follow on Apple Podcasts. “I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable” - if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show⁠.  This helps me support more people like you get out of their comfort zone, and become the best versions of themselves.⁠⁠ ⁠Click here, ⁠⁠⁠scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review''. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast. Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast.  I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.⁠ Follow now⁠

Nov 11, 202333:25
#11 Things get better when you get better. How to demand more of yourself with Sarah Munyi

#11 Things get better when you get better. How to demand more of yourself with Sarah Munyi

You were made for greatness.

When you feel that still small voice inside of you telling you that there is more to life than what you are going for right now, trust it.

That is what my guest on the podcast today did. She says that she knew that voice was God telling her that she was not destined for mediocrity. She was younger then, and had watched people older than her, subscribing to the status quo, mediocrity and living a life that was average.

Sarah knew that she wanted to inspire others to be who they were created to be but did not know how.

With her knees knocking and teeth chattering, Sarah took the leap, contacted the people on her phone list and invited them to a workshop and her coaching and corporate training career was born.

Fast forward to now and you'll see the amazing business that she has transforming not only leaders in the C-Suite but also the youth in Africa and beyond.

In this podcast Sarah and I talk about:_

  • The journey that led her to being one of the sought after coaches and trainers in Kenya.

  • How to recognize greatness within you.

  • Why you need to take action when you hear that still small voice

  • The work she's doing empowering the youth in Africa.

  • Things get better when you get better.

...and so much more 

Jul 21, 202337:37
#10 How to find your purpose and live your potential despite all odds with Itumeleng Sekhu

#10 How to find your purpose and live your potential despite all odds with Itumeleng Sekhu

You are here for a purpose. You have a mission in life. And when that inner voice speaks to you, that nudge, it needs to be shared with the world. If we're honest, when we are in integrity, and we don't hold back, our message can move somebody else forward, and help them get to that place that they desperately desire and want. And that’s exactly what my guest today is doing. Voted one of the Top 50 Most Influential Youth to Watch in 2022, Itumeleng Sekhu's purpose is to help others find hope and healing. This incredible woman is a Burn Conqueror who is here to prove to you that despite adversities, everyone can live their full potential and that your dreams need to be put into action, not stifled by fear. Here's a glance at this episode:

  • The life-altering experience that Itumeleng faced at 11 months of age and how she turned it for her good.
  • How you can identify your true beauty and reach your full potential despite societal pressures.
  • How spirituality brought Itumeleng happiness and a sense of peace after three suicide attempts.
  • How through spirituality, we can tap into a peace that surpasses all understanding, even during the lowest moments of our lives.
  • Why seeking guidance from our Creator is the ultimate way to discover our purpose.
  • The simple way to look up in the Bible is how to deal with anything you are going through. And so much more.
Jun 09, 202352:28
#9 Master Your Mindset, Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Cultivate Self-Worth with Dr Adia Gooden

#9 Master Your Mindset, Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Cultivate Self-Worth with Dr Adia Gooden

Imposter syndrome is closely linked to low self-worth, leading to individuals feeling undeserving of their achievements. Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Dr Adia Gooden, articulates why cultivating self-compassion is a powerful tool for enhancing self-worth. Dr Adia emphasizes that while external factors may provide temporary satisfaction, they do not lead to lasting self-worth and how to shift the focus to internal validation. Here's a glance at this episode:·

  • How and why your thoughts influence your success.
  • Simple steps you can take to rewire your negative thoughts so you can fully show up as your authentic self.
  • What to do to embrace unconditional worthiness and navigate the challenges that hinder our success.
May 25, 202320:58
#8 Impact, Purpose, Significance & Embracing Authenticity with Evon Rantiade

#8 Impact, Purpose, Significance & Embracing Authenticity with Evon Rantiade

If you don’t think it’s possible to be crystal clear on how to take your passions and leverage them into massive purpose, then you’ve never met my guest Evon Rantiade.

Ade, as she is fondly called, is on a mission to end sex trafficking in Nigeria and liberate women and girls from this horrible trade that has devastating physical and mental well being of millions of women girls around the world.

She knows what it is to be purpose driven and shares her insights with women on how to shed self-doubt, cultivate self worth, find inspiration, and change their life, their career …and the world, while they’re at it. 

She doesn’t just talk the talk — she walks the walk. Together we talk about:, How to create more impact and leave a legacy you’re truly proud of. The importance of living a life of significance and how to embrace authenticity and shed self-doubt. Her charity, Pathfinders Justice Initiative and how it became her life’s work. Knowing when you’re called to do something bigger (because timing is everything) and so much more.

May 13, 202337:09
#7 You Have All The Resources You Need To Succeed Within Yourself with Yanet Borrego

#7 You Have All The Resources You Need To Succeed Within Yourself with Yanet Borrego

Did you know that you have all the resources you need to succeed within yourself?  Just let that simmer for a minute. Why is it that many people are not fulfilled? I'm glad you asked.  My very first guest on the podcast, Yanet Borrego, former engineer and consultant, turned into a career mindset and clarity coach, says that it’s a matter of managing our mindsets. It’s a matter of thinking creatively and accessing those resources.  She says that we do not need to rely on anything external to make us feel fulfilled and successful; everything is internal.  She’s able to break down actionable strategies that anyone can use to find clarity and align their careers to their purpose so they can make money, be successful, and also be fulfilled. Yanet is the host of the With Clarity and Purpose podcast, and has been featured in Business Insider and NextAdvisor with TIME. I’m super excited to share this episode with you. Not only will you hear Yanet’s journey into what now makes her fulfilled, but you’ll also hear: Why having clarity can help you align your purpose and your career. That we have all the resources we need to succeed within ourselves. And a tool that she uses to find clarity and how you can use this tool even if you only have just one minute in your day. She shares an action plan on what to do when you don’t hit your goals. Rate, Review & Follow on Apple Podcasts. “I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable” - if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show⁠.  This helps me support more people like you get out of their comfort zone, and become the best versions of themselves.⁠ ⁠Click here, ⁠⁠scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review''. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast. Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast.  I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.⁠ Follow now⁠

Apr 16, 202336:52
#6 Four Lessons I learned from Sheri Riley - From Stuck to Unstoppable Podcast

#6 Four Lessons I learned from Sheri Riley - From Stuck to Unstoppable Podcast

In today’s episode, I am going to share some of my big takeaway lessons from a book I reread recently that has impacted my personal and professional life.  I like sharing things that have helped me personally and professionally and hopefully, you’ve been finding my podcasts helpful. The Book is called Exponential Living, Stop spending 100% of your time on 10% of who you are and it’s by Sheri Riley.  Now Sheri Riley is the creative marketing powerhouse behind some of the world’s biggest celebrities like Usher, TLC, Toni Braxton, and Coca-Cola to name a few. The lessons I share today have really resonated with me both in my personal and professional life.

Grab your notebook and pen, sit back and enjoy this episode.

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“I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable” - if that sounds like you, p⁠lease consider rating and reviewing my show⁠.  This helps me support more people like you get out of their comfort zone and do what lights them up. ⁠Click here, ⁠scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review”. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast.

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast.  I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.⁠ Follow now⁠

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Mar 28, 202311:17
#5 How to silence your inner negative conversations and embrace success

#5 How to silence your inner negative conversations and embrace success

This inspiration packed podcast episode will help you conquer your inner negative conversations of imposter syndrome, and give you the freedom to be your unapologetically authentic self, with ease, and embrace success in all areas of your life.

This being women’s history month, I wanted to talk about a phenomenon that many high achieving women struggle with. It's the Imposter phenomenon.

As high achievers, we want to contribute and succeed in what we do.  However, the need to fit in sometimes prevents us from recognizing and celebrating our own strengths and accomplishments for fear of being seen as a fraud. We think we must tirelessly work to maintain our success otherwise it will all come crashing down. Too many of us spend too much time and energy on hiding who we really are, as we are afraid we will not be accepted or acceptable. But it doesn’t have to be this way and you don’t have to live with imposter syndrome. 

Imposter syndrome is the feeling of self doubt that causes you to question your ability even when you have success at work, in business, in an academic setting, or in life in general. You feel like you're not good enough, you have these negative conversations where you ask yourself who are you to do this? Who do you think you are? It’s a feeling of being a fraud and that you will soon be found out. 

Imposter syndrome can affect both women and men, in any line of work or social status or age they are. Imposter syndrome isolates people and causes them to keep their innermost feelings secret. The fear of not fitting in or not being up to the task.

If you have experienced these feelings you’re not alone. Even famous people like Michele Obama, Jodie Foster and Sherly Sandberg have all experienced these feelings at some point in their lives. However, this does not need to be a weight you carry forever.

Today in the podcast I want us to quiet that voice that you are not good enough and you don’t belong here.

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • How I first experienced imposter syndrome.

  • The 5 types of imposter syndrome from a book called The Imposter Syndrome, by Phil Roberts and how you can identify which type of imposter syndrome you identify with so you can:

  • Recognize your specific thought patterns surrounding perfectionism and know your triggers.  

  • Create healthy boundaries. 

  • Let go of control.

  • See yourself as a work in progress.

  • Stop being afraid of asking for help.

I found the imposter type that I identified with, and am now aware of how to move past those feelings. Now it's your turn.  I hope you find this information helpful as much as I did so you can embrace your credibility and embrace success.

Rate, Review & Follow on Apple Podcasts.

“I love Wambui and From Stuck to Unstoppable” - if that sounds like you, p⁠lease consider rating and reviewing my show⁠.  This helps me support more people like you get out of their comfort zone and do what lights them up. ⁠Click here, ⁠scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review”. Then be sure to let me know what you liked most about the podcast.

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast.  I add a new episode weekly, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.⁠ Follow now⁠

Mar 18, 202313:09
#4 Why having a clear sense of purpose will make you unstoppable - From Stuck to Unstoppable Podcast
Mar 05, 202307:33
#3 Five habits that you should commit to in order to achieve long-term success - From Stuck to Unstoppable Podcast
Feb 17, 202308:49
#2 You've been overlooking this when goal setting. Here's how to do it - From Stuck to Unstoppable Podcast
Jan 29, 202311:45
#1 Do what you love scared and the confidence will come - From Stuck to Unstoppable Podcast
Jan 13, 202306:09
From Stuck to Unstoppable Podcast Intro
Dec 22, 202200:47