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Coach Tyler Fullerton

Coach Tyler Fullerton

By Coach Tyler Fullerton

Owner of Fullerton Nutrition. Personal trainer helping people lose the unwanted fat off the body! Workouts fitness talk everything about losing weight and getting healthy.
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How to read nutrition labels

Coach Tyler FullertonApr 18, 2018

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Aug 15, 202309:60
Sustain fat loss goals

Sustain fat loss goals

Embarking on a journey to achieve fat loss goals is a commendable endeavor that requires dedication, patience, and a well-structured plan. However, the real challenge lies not just in achieving those initial results, but in maintaining them over the long haul. Sustaining fat loss goals demands a holistic approach that encompasses lifestyle changes, mindset shifts, and consistent effort. In this blog post, we will delve into key strategies that can help you sustain your hard-earned fat loss achievements.

1. Set Realistic and Sustainable Goals

The foundation of sustaining fat loss goals starts with setting realistic and sustainable objectives. Aim for a steady weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week, as rapid weight loss often leads to rebound weight gain. Unrealistic expectations can demotivate you, so focus on making gradual progress that you can maintain over time.

2. Embrace a Balanced and Nutrient-Dense Diet

Transition from fad diets to a balanced and nutrient-dense eating plan. Incorporate a variety of whole foods such as lean proteins, colorful vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. Avoid extreme restrictions, as they can lead to cravings and binge-eating episodes. Strive for moderation and practice mindful eating to foster a healthy relationship with food.

3. Practice Portion Control

Portion control plays a pivotal role in sustaining fat loss. Use smaller plates and bowls, and pay attention to portion sizes. Mindlessly overeating, even on healthy foods, can hinder your progress. Learning to recognize true hunger cues and practicing mindful eating can help you stay on track.

4. Regular Physical Activity

Engage in regular physical activity that you enjoy. Find a mix of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility routines. Consistency is key, so aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, along with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days per week.

5. Prioritize Sleep

Adequate sleep is often underestimated but is crucial for sustaining fat loss. Poor sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism, leading to weight gain. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to support your fat loss goals.

6. Build a Supportive Environment

Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or even online communities that share your health and fitness goals. Having a support system can provide motivation, accountability, and a sense of camaraderie. Share your achievements, setbacks, and challenges with them to stay focused on your journey.

7. Monitor Progress Wisely

Regularly track your progress, but avoid becoming obsessed with the scale. Other measures such as body measurements, progress photos, and how your clothes fit can provide a more comprehensive picture of your achievements. Celebrate non-scale victories to stay motivated and positive.

8. Manage Stress Effectively

Chronic stress can hinder fat loss efforts by elevating cortisol levels, which may lead to overeating and weight gain. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or engaging hobbies into your routine to maintain a healthy balance.

9. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is often overlooked but is essential for maintaining optimal metabolism and controlling hunger. Aim to drink enough water throughout the day, and consider replacing sugary beverages with water or herbal tea to reduce calorie intake.

Sustaining fat loss goals is an ongoing commitment that requires a holistic approach encompassing nutrition, exercise, mindset, and lifestyle changes. By setting realistic goals, adopting a balanced diet, staying active, managing stress, and building a supportive environment, you can overcome challenges and maintain your hard-earned achievements for a healthier, happier you. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination, so embrace each step with determination and positivity.

Aug 10, 202310:01
Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency

Do you often find yourself feeling fatigued, weak, and unable to perform your daily activities with the same vigor as before? If so, you might be among the millions of people worldwide suffering from iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is a common nutritional concern that can significantly impact your overall well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into what iron deficiency is, its causes, symptoms, and most importantly, how to improve it through dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments.

Understanding Iron Deficiency

Iron is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in transporting oxygen throughout the body and facilitating the production of red blood cells. When your body doesn't have enough iron, it can lead to a condition called iron deficiency anemia, which can manifest as a range of symptoms, including:

  1. Fatigue and weakness
  2. Pale skin and nails
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Headaches and dizziness
  5. Cold hands and feet
  6. Rapid or irregular heartbeat

Causes of Iron Deficiency

Several factors can contribute to iron deficiency, including:

  1. Inadequate Dietary Intake: Not consuming enough iron-rich foods, especially in diets that lack variety or are predominantly plant-based.
  2. Increased Iron Requirements: Adolescents, pregnant women, and individuals with high levels of physical activity may require more iron.
  3. Blood Loss: Menstruating individuals, especially those with heavy periods, are at a higher risk due to blood loss.
  4. Medical Conditions: Certain gastrointestinal disorders can affect iron absorption, leading to deficiency.
  5. Vegetarian or Vegan Diets: Plant-based diets may provide non-heme iron, which is less easily absorbed by the body than heme iron found in animal products.

Improving Iron Levels: Dietary Strategies

Fortunately, iron deficiency is treatable and preventable through dietary adjustments. Incorporating iron-rich foods into your meals can make a significant difference in your overall health and well-being. Here are some dietary strategies to consider:

  1. Lean Meats and Poultry: Incorporate lean cuts of beef, chicken, and turkey into your diet for a good source of heme iron.
  2. Fish and Seafood: Fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines offer both iron and omega-3 fatty acids.
  3. Plant-Based Sources: Include legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas), tofu, spinach, fortified cereals, and pumpkin seeds to boost non-heme iron intake.
  4. Vitamin C-Rich Foods: Pair iron-rich foods with vitamin C sources like citrus fruits, bell peppers, and broccoli to enhance iron absorption.
  5. Cooking Techniques: Cast iron pans and acidic ingredients (tomatoes, vinegar) can help increase the iron content of meals.

Lifestyle Adjustments

In addition to dietary changes, certain lifestyle adjustments can aid in improving iron levels:

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking adequate water helps optimize blood volume and iron transport.
  2. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can impact nutrient absorption. Incorporate relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga into your routine.
  3. Exercise Regularly: Moderate exercise enhances blood circulation and promotes overall health, aiding in the absorption of nutrients.
  4. Avoid Excessive Tea and Coffee: These beverages contain compounds that can hinder iron absorption. Consume them separately from iron-rich meals.
  5. Consult a Healthcare Professional: If you suspect iron deficiency, seek medical advice for proper diagnosis and guidance.


Iron deficiency is a common yet treatable condition that can have a significant impact on your quality of life. By making conscious dietary choices and incorporating lifestyle adjustments, you can effectively improve your iron levels and alleviate symptoms like fatigue and weakness. Remember, small changes today can lead to a healthier and more vibrant tomorrow. If you suspect iron deficiency, consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and support on your journey to better health.

Aug 09, 202308:60
Stress stopping fat loss

Stress stopping fat loss

In the journey toward achieving our health and wellness goals, we often focus on elements like diet and exercise. However, there's an often-overlooked factor that can significantly impact our progress: stress. The intricate relationship between stress, cortisol levels, and weight loss is a subject that deserves attention. In this blog post, we'll delve into the fascinating connection between stress, cortisol, and its effects on fat loss.

The Stress-Weight Loss Connection

Stress is a natural response to challenges, both physical and emotional. However, when stress becomes chronic and prolonged, it can wreak havoc on various aspects of our health, including our weight loss efforts. The connection between stress and weight gain is multifaceted, involving both psychological and physiological factors.

  1. Emotional Eating: Stress can trigger emotional eating, where individuals turn to comfort foods as a way to cope with their feelings. These foods are often high in calories, sugars, and unhealthy fats, sabotaging weight loss efforts.

  2. Hormonal Imbalance: Chronic stress leads to hormonal imbalances, particularly with cortisol – often referred to as the "stress hormone." Elevated cortisol levels can impact appetite regulation and metabolism, influencing weight gain, especially around the abdominal area.

  3. Disrupted Sleep Patterns: Stress can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to inadequate sleep. Sleep deprivation, in turn, affects hunger hormones, leading to increased cravings for unhealthy foods and hindering weight loss progress.

The Cortisol-Fat Loss Connection

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress. While it serves an essential role in the body's fight-or-flight response, chronic stress can lead to consistently elevated cortisol levels, contributing to weight gain and inhibiting fat loss.

  1. Abdominal Fat Storage: High cortisol levels have been linked to the accumulation of visceral fat, which surrounds organs in the abdominal area. This type of fat is associated with an increased risk of metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and insulin resistance.

  2. Muscle Breakdown: Elevated cortisol levels can lead to muscle breakdown, which is counterproductive for weight loss. Muscle tissue is metabolically active and burns more calories at rest than fat tissue, making it vital for maintaining a healthy metabolism.

  3. Insulin Resistance: Prolonged stress can contribute to insulin resistance, where cells become less responsive to insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance can lead to increased fat storage and hinder weight loss efforts.

Managing Stress for Effective Weight Loss

Understanding the impact of stress and cortisol on weight loss is crucial for developing a holistic approach to achieving your health goals. Here are some strategies to help manage stress and support fat loss:

  1. Stress Management Techniques: Incorporate stress-reduction practices into your routine, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or mindfulness. These techniques can help lower cortisol levels and improve overall well-being.

  2. Physical Activity: Engage in regular physical activity, as exercise has been shown to reduce stress and cortisol levels. It also promotes muscle preservation and fat loss.

  3. Balanced Diet: Opt for a balanced diet rich in whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, and fiber. Avoid excessive sugar and processed foods that can contribute to hormonal imbalances.

  4. Adequate Sleep: Prioritize getting enough sleep each night to support hormonal balance and reduce cravings.

  5. Social Support: Maintain strong social connections to help cope with stress and emotional challenges.

The intricate relationship between stress, cortisol levels, and weight loss highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to achieving our health goals. Prioritizing stress reduction, healthy eating, exercise, and sleep can create a solid foundation for overall well-being and successful weight loss.

Aug 08, 202310:00
Calories in vs out for getting healthy fat loss

Calories in vs out for getting healthy fat loss

Calories in vs out for getting healthy fat loss

Aug 07, 202307:35
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Aug 04, 202310:00
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Jul 26, 202306:54
Anti aging Protein Collagen Protein

Anti aging Protein Collagen Protein

In the quest for maintaining youthful skin and fighting the signs of aging, numerous solutions have emerged over the years. One such solution gaining popularity is bovine collagen, which has shown remarkable benefits in the field of anti-aging. Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, plays a vital role in maintaining the elasticity and strength of our skin. In this blog post, we will explore the incredible benefits of bovine collagen and its potential as an effective anti-aging supplement.

  1. Enhanced Skin Elasticity and Hydration: As we age, our natural collagen production declines, leading to a loss of skin elasticity and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Bovine collagen, derived from the connective tissues of cows, can help replenish the collagen levels in our body. By stimulating the body's own collagen production, it promotes skin elasticity, making it firmer and more supple. Additionally, bovine collagen aids in improving skin hydration, which is crucial for maintaining a youthful and radiant complexion.

  2. Reduction of Wrinkles and Fine Lines: One of the most sought-after benefits of bovine collagen is its ability to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Collagen peptides derived from bovine sources have been shown to penetrate the skin effectively, stimulating the production of new collagen fibers and elastin. This process helps to smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones, resulting in a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

  3. Improved Joint Health and Mobility: Collagen is not only beneficial for the skin but also for maintaining healthy joints. Bovine collagen contains specific amino acids that are crucial for supporting joint health, such as glycine and proline. Regular consumption of bovine collagen supplements can help reduce joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness, thereby improving overall mobility and flexibility. By strengthening the connective tissues in the joints, bovine collagen can contribute to a more active and fulfilling lifestyle, even as we age.

  4. Boosted Hair and Nail Strength: In addition to its benefits for the skin and joints, bovine collagen can also promote stronger, healthier hair and nails. Collagen is an essential building block for these structures, providing the necessary proteins and amino acids for their growth and maintenance. By supplementing with bovine collagen, you can enhance hair thickness, reduce hair breakage, and improve nail strength. These benefits not only contribute to a more youthful appearance but also enhance overall confidence and self-esteem.

  5. Gut Health and Digestion: Collagen plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy gut lining and supporting proper digestion. The amino acids present in bovine collagen, such as glutamine, help strengthen the intestinal wall, reducing the risk of leaky gut syndrome. By promoting a healthy gut environment, bovine collagen supports optimal nutrient absorption and aids in the elimination of waste and toxins from the body. A healthy gut contributes to overall well-being and can indirectly impact the aging process by ensuring proper nutrient availability for the body's various functions.

Conclusion: Bovine collagen has emerged as a powerful ally in the fight against aging. Its ability to enhance skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, improve joint health, strengthen hair and nails, and promote gut health make it a versatile and valuable supplement for anti-aging purposes. However, as with any supplement, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating bovine collagen into your routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. Embrace the benefits of bovine collagen and unlock its potential to support your journey towards youthful, radiant skin and overall well-being.

Jul 17, 202309:30
Fat Loss After Holidays!

Fat Loss After Holidays!

Fat Loss After Holidays!

Jul 05, 202311:26
Not calories in VS Out to get healthy

Not calories in VS Out to get healthy

n the world of health and fitness, many conventional approaches focus solely on the calories in versus calories out equation. However, esteemed coach Tyler Fullerton challenges this simplistic perspective and emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to health. In this blog post, we will explore Coach Tyler Fullerton's insights into the impact of insulin resistance and hormone function on overall well-being, debunking the notion that health is solely determined by calorie balance.

  1. Going Beyond Caloric Balance: While caloric balance remains a consideration for weight management, Coach Tyler Fullerton believes that a more comprehensive approach is necessary to achieve true health. He emphasizes that focusing solely on calories ignores the complex interplay of hormones, particularly insulin, which has a profound influence on overall well-being.

  2. Understanding Insulin Resistance: Insulin resistance is a condition where cells become less responsive to the hormone insulin, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. Coach Tyler Fullerton recognizes that insulin resistance can significantly impact an individual's health, leading to weight gain, metabolic dysfunction, and an increased risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular issues. By addressing insulin resistance, he aims to restore balance and optimize overall health.

  3. The Role of Hormone Function: Coach Tyler Fullerton places great importance on hormone function as a key aspect of health and well-being. Hormones play a vital role in regulating metabolism, appetite, energy levels, and overall body composition. Disruptions in hormone balance, such as imbalances in cortisol, leptin, ghrelin, and thyroid hormones, can hinder weight loss efforts and impact overall health. Understanding and addressing these imbalances is a critical component of Coach Tyler Fullerton's holistic approach.

  4. Customized Nutrition and Lifestyle Plans: Recognizing that every individual is unique, Coach Tyler Fullerton emphasizes the importance of personalized nutrition and lifestyle plans. Rather than relying solely on calorie counting, he works closely with clients to identify and address specific factors that may be contributing to insulin resistance and hormone imbalances. Through customized plans that incorporate nutrient-dense foods, stress management techniques, appropriate exercise, and lifestyle modifications, individuals can improve their overall health and well-being.

  5. Long-Term Health and Wellness: Coach Tyler Fullerton's approach extends beyond short-term fixes and quick weight loss solutions. He emphasizes the significance of long-term health and wellness. By focusing on optimizing hormone function, managing insulin resistance, and adopting sustainable lifestyle changes, individuals can achieve not only their weight goals but also long-term vitality, reduced disease risk, and improved overall quality of life.

Conclusion: In the pursuit of true health and wellness, Coach Tyler Fullerton provides a refreshing perspective that goes beyond the traditional focus on calories in versus calories out. By addressing insulin resistance and hormone function through personalized nutrition and lifestyle plans, he guides individuals towards sustainable long-term health and vitality. Remember, achieving optimal well-being requires a holistic approach that considers the complex interplay of factors, and Coach Tyler Fullerton is dedicated to helping individuals unlock their full potential for a healthier and happier life.

Jun 29, 202309:60
Working out dose not make you lose body fat

Working out dose not make you lose body fat

In the pursuit of fitness goals, it's common to associate working out with fat loss. However, renowned health and fitness coach, Tyler Fullerton, challenges this notion and emphasizes the critical role of nutrition in achieving sustainable fat loss. In this blog post, we will delve into Coach Tyler Fullerton's perspective on how eating real, nutrient-dense food and managing caloric intake can be the key to shedding body fat effectively.

  1. Beyond the Gym: The Importance of Nutrition: While exercise undoubtedly plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being, Coach Tyler Fullerton emphasizes that working out alone does not guarantee fat loss. He stresses that nutrition is the foundation upon which successful body fat reduction is built. Exercise can enhance muscle tone, strength, and overall fitness, but without proper nutrition, the desired fat loss may remain elusive.

  2. Real Food for Real Results: Coach Tyler Fullerton advocates for a diet centered around real, whole foods. He emphasizes the importance of consuming nutrient-dense meals that provide essential vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients. By prioritizing whole foods such as lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, individuals can optimize their body's metabolic function and support sustainable fat loss.

  3. Caloric Intake and Balance: In addition to emphasizing the quality of food, Coach Tyler Fullerton emphasizes the importance of managing caloric intake. To effectively lose body fat, it is crucial to maintain a caloric deficit, consuming fewer calories than the body requires for daily energy expenditure. However, he advises against extreme or crash diets, as they can be unsustainable and detrimental to overall health. Instead, Coach Tyler Fullerton promotes a balanced approach to caloric intake, ensuring that individuals provide their bodies with adequate energy while still maintaining a slight deficit to facilitate fat loss.

  4. Personalized Approach: One key aspect of Coach Tyler Fullerton's methodology is his commitment to personalized nutrition plans. Recognizing that each individual's body is unique, he tailors nutrition recommendations to suit individual needs and goals. By considering factors such as body composition, activity level, and metabolic rate, Coach Tyler Fullerton helps his clients develop customized nutrition plans that optimize fat loss while ensuring adequate nourishment and overall well-being.

  5. The Power of Mindset: Lastly, Coach Tyler Fullerton acknowledges the importance of mindset in achieving long-term fat loss success. He encourages his clients to remember their "why" and stay motivated throughout their journey. While there may be challenges along the way, developing a positive mindset and embracing a sustainable approach to nutrition and fitness are essential for achieving lasting results.

Conclusion: When it comes to fat loss, Coach Tyler Fullerton's approach challenges the commonly held belief that exercise alone is enough. By emphasizing the critical role of nutrition and proper caloric intake, he empowers individuals to adopt a sustainable and effective approach to shedding body fat. By prioritizing real, nutrient-dense food and maintaining a mindful mindset, individuals can achieve their fat loss goals while prioritizing overall health and well-being. Remember, the journey to fat loss is a marathon, not a sprint, and Coach Tyler Fullerton is there to guide you every step of the way.

Jun 28, 202309:13
Under eating stopping fat loss

Under eating stopping fat loss

Metabolic Adaptation: When you consistently under-eat, your body adapts by slowing down your metabolism. It's a survival mechanism that evolved to protect us during times of food scarcity. Your body becomes efficient at conserving energy, making it harder to burn calories and lose fat. This metabolic adaptation can hinder your fat loss progress and make it difficult to achieve sustainable results. Hormonal Imbalances: Under-eating can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to a cascade of negative effects on your overall well-being and fat loss efforts. Insufficient calorie intake can impact the production of hormones such as leptin, which regulates appetite, and cortisol, the stress hormone. Disrupted hormonal balance can increase cravings, promote muscle loss, and hinder your body's ability to burn fat efficiently. Loss of Muscle Mass: When you consistently under-eat, your body may turn to muscle tissue as an energy source, leading to muscle loss. This is undesirable for several reasons. Firstly, maintaining muscle mass is crucial for a healthy metabolism and optimal fat burning. Secondly, losing muscle can result in a less toned physique and a slower metabolism overall. Decreased Energy Levels and Performance: Under-eating can leave you feeling fatigued, mentally foggy, and lacking the energy needed to perform well during workouts or daily activities. Insufficient calorie intake deprives your body of the fuel it needs to function optimally, affecting not only your physical performance but also your mental focus and productivity. Finding the Right Caloric Balance: Coach Tyler emphasizes the importance of finding the right caloric balance for fat loss success. Rather than drastically cutting calories, he recommends the following strategies: Calculate Your Caloric Needs: Determine your daily caloric needs based on factors such as age, gender, weight, activity level, and goals. This will give you a baseline to work with. Gradual Caloric Deficit: Create a moderate caloric deficit of 10-20% below your maintenance level. This approach allows for steady, sustainable fat loss without triggering the metabolic adaptations associated with severe calorie restriction. Focus on Nutrient-Dense Foods: Prioritize nutrient-dense, whole foods to ensure you're meeting your body's nutritional requirements while maintaining a calorie deficit. Include lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats in your diet. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues. If you're consistently feeling hungry or fatigued, it may be a sign that you need to adjust your calorie intake to support your energy levels and overall well-being. Conclusion: Coach Tyler Fullerton emphasizes that under-eating is not a sustainable or effective approach to fat loss. Instead, finding the right caloric balance that supports your metabolism, hormonal balance, muscle retention, and energy levels is key to achieving long-term success. Remember, fat loss is a complex process influenced by various factors, including caloric intake, nutrient quality, exercise, and overall lifestyle. It's important to approach your journey with a balanced perspective and seek guidance from qualified professionals to develop a personalized plan that promotes sustainable fat loss and supports your overall well-being.

Jun 27, 202309:60
Will Apple Cider make you lose body fat?

Will Apple Cider make you lose body fat?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has gained significant popularity as a natural health remedy, and Coach Tyler Fullerton is here to shed light on its potential benefits. In this blog post, we'll explore Coach Tyler's perspective on apple cider vinegar and its potential advantages for overall health and well-being.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is a fermented liquid made from crushed apples. During the fermentation process, the natural sugars in the apples are converted into acetic acid, giving ACV its distinct sour taste and potential health benefits.

Coach Tyler Fullerton's Insights:

Coach Tyler recognizes the potential benefits of apple cider vinegar and shares his insights on how it can contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Let's dive into the advantages:

  1. Improved Digestion:

Apple cider vinegar may promote better digestion by increasing stomach acid production and improving the breakdown of food. This can lead to enhanced nutrient absorption and reduced digestive discomfort, such as bloating and gas. However, it's important to note that individuals with underlying digestive conditions should consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating ACV into their routine.

  1. Blood Sugar Management:

ACV has shown potential in supporting healthy blood sugar levels. It may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the post-meal spike in blood glucose levels. This benefit can be particularly relevant for individuals with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before using ACV as a blood sugar management tool.

  1. Weight Management:

Coach Tyler acknowledges that apple cider vinegar may have a modest impact on weight management. It can help promote a feeling of fullness and reduce overall calorie intake, potentially supporting weight loss efforts when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise. However, it should not be considered a standalone solution for weight loss.

  1. Antimicrobial Properties:

ACV exhibits antimicrobial properties due to the presence of acetic acid, which may help combat certain bacteria and fungi. Some studies suggest that ACV can be used as a natural cleaning agent or as a topical treatment for skin issues like acne. However, it's important to use it in moderation and conduct a patch test before applying it to the skin.

Incorporating Apple Cider Vinegar into Your Routine:

If you're considering adding apple cider vinegar to your daily routine, Coach Tyler recommends the following tips:

  1. Dilute It: ACV is highly acidic, so it's crucial to dilute it before consumption. Mix one to two tablespoons of ACV with water or other beverages to make it more palatable and gentle on your stomach.

  2. Start Slowly: Begin with small amounts of ACV and gradually increase the dosage over time. This allows your body to adjust and minimizes the risk of digestive discomfort.

  3. Choose Quality: Opt for raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar that contains the "mother," a cloudy substance composed of beneficial bacteria and enzymes. Look for reputable brands to ensure the highest quality.

  4. Be Consistent: Incorporating ACV into your routine consistently may yield better results. However, it's important to listen to your body and discontinue use if you experience any adverse effects.


Apple cider vinegar offers potential health benefits that Coach Tyler Fullerton recognizes. From improved digestion and blood sugar management to potential support for weight management and antimicrobial properties, ACV can be a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle. However, it's important to remember that individual responses may vary, and it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating ACV into your routine, especially if you have specific health conditions or concerns.

As with any natural remedy, it's important to approach apple cider vinegar with a balanced and informed perspective. By understanding its

Jun 25, 202309:59
Stop tracking macros for fat loss

Stop tracking macros for fat loss

In the world of fitness and weight loss, tracking macros, or macronutrients, has become a prevalent practice. However, Coach Tyler Fullerton challenges the notion that meticulously tracking macros is essential for achieving optimal fat loss results. In this blog post, we'll explore Coach Tyler's perspective on why you don't have to track macros for fat loss and how simplifying nutrition can lead to better outcomes.

The Complexities of Tracking Macros:

Tracking macros involves meticulously measuring and monitoring the intake of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. While it can be an effective strategy for some individuals, it can also be overwhelming and complicated, leading to unnecessary stress and rigid dietary patterns.

Coach Tyler's Simplified Approach to Fat Loss:

  1. Focus on Real, Whole Foods:

Coach Tyler emphasizes the importance of prioritizing real, whole foods over obsessing about specific macronutrient ratios. By focusing on nutrient-dense options such as lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, you can create balanced and satisfying meals without the need for meticulous tracking.

  1. Listen to Your Body:

Tuning into your body's hunger and fullness cues is a fundamental aspect of intuitive eating. Rather than relying solely on tracking macros, Coach Tyler encourages individuals to eat when they're hungry and stop when they're satisfied. By developing a mindful relationship with food, you can support your body's natural energy needs.

  1. Practice Portion Control and Mindful Eating:

Rather than fixating on specific macronutrient percentages, Coach Tyler suggests focusing on portion control and mindful eating. Being aware of appropriate serving sizes and creating balanced meals with the right proportions of protein, carbohydrates, and fats can help create a caloric deficit necessary for fat loss while still allowing flexibility in food choices.

  1. Make Adjustments Based on Progress:

Monitoring your progress is key. Observe how you feel and pay attention to physical changes. If you're not achieving the desired fat loss results, Coach Tyler recommends making adjustments to your food choices, portion sizes, or meal frequency. It's about finding what works best for your body and making small tweaks along the way.

Simplifying Nutrition for Fat Loss Success:

Coach Tyler believes in simplifying nutrition for optimal fat loss results. By focusing on wholesome, real foods, listening to your body's cues, practicing portion control, and making adjustments when needed, you can achieve sustainable fat loss without the need for meticulous macro tracking.

It's important to note that every individual is unique, and there may be situations where tracking macros is beneficial, especially for specific fitness or performance goals. However, Coach Tyler's approach offers a balanced and simplified alternative for those who find tracking macros overly complex or stressful.


Achieving fat loss doesn't have to be complicated. Coach Tyler Fullerton's approach challenges the conventional belief that meticulous macro tracking is necessary for optimal results. By emphasizing real, whole foods, listening to your body, practicing portion control, and making adjustments based on progress, you can simplify your nutrition and create a sustainable path to fat loss success.

Remember, it's important to listen to your body and seek guidance from qualified professionals who can provide personalized advice based on your unique needs and goals. Ultimately, finding a balanced and enjoyable approach to nutrition is key to long-term success on your fat loss journey.

Jun 24, 202310:01
Best diet fats fat loss pcos

Best diet fats fat loss pcos

In today's health and wellness landscape, it's easy to get caught up in the allure of trending diets promising rapid weight loss and improved health. However, nutrition expert Tyler Fullerton believes in a different approach—one that emphasizes the importance of eating real food and managing calorie intake. In this blog post, we'll delve into Tyler Fullerton's perspective on the limitations of popular diets like keto, Whole30, carnivore, and highlight the significance of consuming real, whole foods while being mindful of calorie consumption.The Pitfalls of Trending Diets:Keto Diet: The ketogenic diet, characterized by its high-fat, low-carbohydrate approach, has gained immense popularity. While it can be effective for some individuals, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Severely restricting carbohydrates may lead to nutrient deficiencies and potential long-term health concerns. Additionally, the restrictive nature of the diet can be difficult to maintain over the long term.Whole30 Diet: The Whole30 diet emphasizes eliminating certain food groups for a month to promote better digestion, reduced inflammation, and improved overall health. However, the restrictive nature of this diet can create an unhealthy relationship with food and lead to feelings of deprivation. Carnivore Diet: The carnivore diet revolves around consuming primarily animal products and eliminating all plant-based foods. While it may initially result in weight loss, the long-term sustainability, and potential nutrient deficiencies raise concerns among nutrition experts. The Power of Real Food and Calorie Management: Tyler Fullerton advocates for a more balanced and sustainable approach to eating—one that prioritizes real, whole foods and calorie management. Emphasizing Real Food: Instead of relying on fad diets, Tyler encourages individuals to focus on consuming minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods. This includes a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, , and healthy fats. Real foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and well-being.

Jun 23, 202310:01
Carbs bad for fat loss?

Carbs bad for fat loss?

n the quest for weight loss, carbohydrates have often been portrayed as the ultimate villain. However, not all carbs are created equal. In this blog post, we'll explore the impact of carbs on weight loss and shed light on the best carb choices from vegetables and real foods, as discussed by nutrition expert Tyler Fullerton.

Understanding Carbs and Weight Loss:

Carbohydrates are a fundamental macronutrient that provides energy to our bodies. However, some carbs, particularly refined and processed ones, can have negative effects on weight loss goals. Consuming excessive amounts of sugary snacks and refined grains can cause insulin spikes, leading to fat storage and hindering weight loss efforts.

The Power of Vegetable and Real Food Carbs:

Contrary to popular belief, certain carbs can support weight loss while offering an array of health benefits. Tyler Fullerton emphasizes the importance of incorporating nutrient-rich vegetables and real, whole foods into our diets.

  1. Leafy Greens: Vegetables like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They provide essential nutrients while promoting a feeling of fullness, making them an excellent choice for weight loss.

  2. Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and other cruciferous veggies are not only packed with nutrients but also offer fiber that aids digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Their versatility in various recipes makes them a valuable addition to any weight loss plan.

  3. Whole Grains: Opting for whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, and oats provides a steady release of energy and keeps you satiated for longer periods. These grains are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a wholesome choice for sustained weight loss.

  4. Legumes: Lentils, black beans, chickpeas, and other legumes are not only excellent sources of carbs but also provide a significant amount of protein and fiber. This combination promotes satiety, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and supports overall weight loss efforts.

  5. Starchy Veggies: Don't overlook the benefits of starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and carrots. These colorful options offer healthy carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, and they can add variety and flavor to your meals while assisting in weight loss goals.

Incorporating Vegetable and Real Food Carbs:

The key to incorporating these carbs effectively lies in mindful meal planning and preparation. By focusing on whole, unprocessed foods and prioritizing vegetables, you can create delicious and nutrient-dense meals that support your weight loss journey.

Experiment with recipes like vegetable stir-fries, colorful salads, roasted vegetables, and grain-based bowls to maximize the benefits of these carb choices. The possibilities are endless, allowing you to savor a wide range of flavors while achieving your weight loss goals.


Carbohydrates should not be demonized on the weight loss journey. By making smart choices and focusing on nutrient-dense carbs from vegetables and real foods, you can nourish your body, support weight loss, and enjoy a varied and delicious diet.

Tyler Fullerton reminds us that the power lies in choosing whole, unprocessed foods, especially vegetables, and incorporating them into our meals creatively. So, embrace the goodness of these carb choices and witness the positive impact they have on your weight loss and overall well-being.

Remember, consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian is always recommended when designing a personalized weight loss plan based on your individual needs and health conditions.

Jun 22, 202310:04
How to lose body fat with PCOS

How to lose body fat with PCOS

Welcome to Coach Tyler Fullerton's channel! In this video, Coach Tyler dives deep into the topic of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and shares effective strategies and tips for losing body fat while managing this hormonal disorder. If you or someone you know is dealing with PCOS and wants to achieve their body composition goals, this video is a must-watch!Coach Tyler begins by providing a comprehensive understanding of PCOS and its impact on weight gain, insulin resistance, and irregular periods. He emphasizes that with the right approach and lifestyle changes, it is absolutely possible to manage PCOS and achieve fat loss.Throughout the video, Coach Tyler shares practical tips and advice to help you on your journey. He starts with optimizing your diet, explaining the importance of consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods while minimizing processed foods and refined carbohydrates. He also highlights the significance of including lean proteins, healthy fats, and high-fiber carbohydrates in your meals.Next, Coach Tyler delves into the role of exercise in PCOS management and fat loss. He discusses the benefits of both cardiovascular exercises and strength training, explaining how they can improve insulin sensitivity, boost metabolism, and aid in shedding body fat.Stress management is another crucial aspect covered by Coach Tyler. He emphasizes the impact of stress on hormone balance and its potential hindrance to weight loss efforts. He shares practical techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises to help reduce stress and promote relaxation.Sleep, often overlooked, is given due importance in Coach Tyler's advice. He explains how quality sleep of 7-9 hours per night is vital for hormone regulation and weight management. Coach Tyler provides tips for establishing a consistent bedtime routine and creating a sleep-friendly environment to enhance restful sleep.Lastly, Coach Tyler strongly encourages seeking professional support from healthcare professionals specializing in PCOS. He explains how they can offer personalized guidance, prescribe appropriate medication if needed, and monitor your progress, ensuring you're on the right track to achieving your goals.Remember, PCOS does not define you, and with dedication, perseverance, and the right lifestyle choices, you can overcome its challenges. Watch this empowering video, take notes, and get ready to embark on your journey towards improved health and body composition!Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to Coach Tyler Fullerton's channel for more insightful content on fitness, nutrition, and wellness. Hit that notification bell to never miss an update. Stay positive, stay committed, and let's achieve our goals together!

Jun 21, 202310:01
Reversing Insulin Resistance

Reversing Insulin Resistance

Welcome to Coach Tyler's YouTube channel, where we dive deep into the world of health and wellness. In this enlightening video, Coach Tyler will be your guide on an incredible journey to understanding and reversing insulin resistance. If you've been struggling with this metabolic condition or simply want to enhance your knowledge about insulin resistance, you've come to the right place.

Insulin resistance occurs when the body's cells become less responsive to the hormone insulin, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels. It is a precursor to type 2 diabetes and can significantly impact your overall health and well-being. However, the good news is that insulin resistance can often be reversed through lifestyle modifications, and Coach Tyler is here to show you how.

Throughout this informative video, Coach Tyler will break down the complex mechanisms behind insulin resistance in an easy-to-understand manner. He will explore the factors that contribute to its development, such as sedentary lifestyles, poor dietary choices, chronic stress, and genetic predispositions. By understanding the underlying causes, you'll gain valuable insights into how to tackle insulin resistance head-on.

Coach Tyler will share practical tips and evidence-based strategies to help reverse insulin resistance. From optimizing your diet and engaging in regular exercise to managing stress levels and improving sleep quality, he'll provide you with a comprehensive toolkit for combating this condition. You'll also discover the importance of incorporating strength training and cardiovascular exercises into your routine to enhance insulin sensitivity.

But that's not all—Coach Tyler will discuss the role of certain foods and nutrients in reversing insulin resistance. He'll unveil a selection of delicious and wholesome recipes that are low in sugar and high in fiber, helping you make informed choices when it comes to your meals and snacks. Additionally, he'll highlight the significance of mindful eating and portion control in maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

Join Coach Tyler in this transformative exploration of insulin resistance and learn how to regain control of your health. Subscribe to his channel for more empowering videos on various health topics, and don't forget to hit the notification bell to stay updated with his latest content.

Remember, reversing insulin resistance is within your reach, and with Coach Tyler as your mentor, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to embark on a healthier, more vibrant life. Let's embrace this journey together and take the first step towards reversing insulin resistance today!

#InsulinResistance #ReversingInsulinResistance #HealthAndWellness

Jun 20, 202310:02
Fasting for fat loss

Fasting for fat loss

Welcome to Coach Tyler Fullerton's YouTube channel! In this captivating video, Coach Tyler dives deep into the world of intermittent fasting, uncovering its potential benefits and addressing the important drawbacks to consider. Join us as we explore the science behind intermittent fasting and gain valuable insights to help you make informed decisions about this popular eating pattern.

Coach Tyler Fullerton, a respected fitness expert and nutrition enthusiast, brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to this discussion. With a focus on empowering individuals to optimize their health and fitness goals, Coach Tyler sheds light on the potential advantages and challenges associated with intermittent fasting.

In this thought-provoking video, Coach Tyler delves into the potential benefits of intermittent fasting. He highlights how this eating pattern can support weight management by reducing overall calorie intake and promoting fat burning. Additionally, he explores how intermittent fasting can enhance insulin sensitivity, a crucial factor in maintaining stable blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of metabolic disorders.

Coach Tyler also discusses the intriguing concept of cellular repair and autophagy that occurs during fasting periods. By triggering autophagy, intermittent fasting promotes the natural process of cellular rejuvenation and waste removal, potentially reducing the risk of age-related diseases.

However, Coach Tyler doesn't shy away from addressing the drawbacks and considerations associated with intermittent fasting. He acknowledges that this eating pattern may not be suitable for everyone, emphasizing the importance of consulting with a healthcare professional, especially for individuals with certain medical conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with a history of disordered eating.

Furthermore, Coach Tyler explores the potential challenges of adhering to an intermittent fasting schedule. He discusses the adjustment period required, potential hunger or discomfort during fasting periods, and the importance of maintaining a balanced diet and overall healthy lifestyle to ensure proper nourishment.

Join Coach Tyler Fullerton on this enlightening journey as he presents a balanced perspective on intermittent fasting. By understanding the potential benefits and drawbacks, you'll be equipped to make informed decisions about incorporating intermittent fasting into your lifestyle.

Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and gain valuable insights into the world of intermittent fasting. Remember to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on Coach Tyler Fullerton's latest videos. Let's embark on this educational adventure together!

Jun 19, 202310:02
What is the best proteins to take in plan vs Animal Coffee over weight loss

What is the best proteins to take in plan vs Animal Coffee over weight loss

Welcome to Coach Tyler Fullerton's YouTube channel! In this thought-provoking episode, Coach Tyler delves into the fascinating world of nutrition, specifically exploring the differences between animal protein and plant protein. Join us as we uncover the unique benefits of animal protein and understand why it can be more beneficial compared to plant protein.

Coach Tyler Fullerton, a renowned fitness expert and nutrition enthusiast, brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to this discussion. With a focus on empowering individuals to make informed dietary choices, Coach Tyler sheds light on the distinct qualities of animal protein that make it a valuable component of a well-rounded diet.

In this engaging video, Coach Tyler explores the biological composition of animal protein and highlights its complete amino acid profile. Animal proteins such as those found in meat, dairy, and eggs contain all the essential amino acids necessary for optimal muscle growth, tissue repair, and overall health. He also emphasizes the bioavailability of animal protein, which refers to the ease with which our bodies can absorb and utilize the nutrients.

Additionally, Coach Tyler compares the protein content of animal sources to various plant-based alternatives. While plants like legumes, nuts, and grains can provide protein, they often lack one or more essential amino acids. He discusses the importance of combining different plant-based sources to ensure a complete amino acid profile, which can be a challenge for individuals following strict plant-based diets.

Coach Tyler further elaborates on the higher concentration of certain nutrients found in animal protein, such as vitamin B12, iron, and zinc. These nutrients are crucial for energy production, brain function, and maintaining a robust immune system. He explains how these elements are more readily available in animal-based sources and may require careful consideration and supplementation for those who rely solely on plant protein.

Join Coach Tyler Fullerton on this insightful journey as he presents a balanced perspective on animal protein and plant protein. By understanding the unique benefits of each, you'll be equipped to make informed decisions about your own dietary choices, whether you prefer an omnivorous or plant-based approach.

Don't miss this opportunity to expand your nutritional knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the role protein plays in a healthy lifestyle. Remember to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on Coach Tyler Fullerton's latest videos. Let's embark on this educational adventure together!

Jun 14, 202310:05
ep 2 Moujaro weight over coffee

ep 2 Moujaro weight over coffee

Join Coach Tyler Fullerton as he takes a critical look at the weight loss drug "Mounjaro" and highlights the potential harmful side effects associated with its use. With his expertise in health and wellness, Coach Tyler provides an insightful and informative discussion, helping viewers understand the risks and make informed decisions about their weight loss journey.

"Mounjaro" Coach Tyler starts by introducing the weight loss drug "Mounjaro," discussing its growing popularity and the promises it makes in terms of rapid weight loss. He delves into the marketing tactics used to promote the drug, shedding light on the importance of approaching such products with caution and skepticism.

Examining Side Effects Coach Tyler delves into the potential adverse side effects of "Mounjaro." He shares scientific research and expert opinions that highlight the risks associated with the drug, including cardiovascular complications, high blood pressure, digestive issues, insomnia, and mood disturbances. By providing a comprehensive overview of the potential side effects, Coach Tyler emphasizes the importance of prioritizing health and well-being over quick fixes.

Segment 3: Long-Term Sustainability and Health Risks Coach Tyler explores the long-term implications of relying on weight loss drugs like "Mounjaro" for sustainable weight loss. He discusses the significance of lifestyle changes, including healthy eating habits and regular exercise, in achieving lasting results. Coach Tyler emphasizes that relying solely on medications without addressing underlying factors can lead to dependency, rebound weight gain, and potential harm to overall health.

Segment 4: Empowering Alternative Approaches Coach Tyler shifts the focus to sustainable weight loss strategies that prioritize health and well-being. He highlights the importance of personalized nutrition plans, regular physical activity, and mindful lifestyle choices. Coach Tyler offers guidance on finding a healthy balance, developing realistic goals, and seeking support from qualified healthcare professionals.

In this eye-opening discussion, Coach Tyler Fullerton educates viewers about the potential risks associated with the weight loss drug "Mounjaro." By delving into the side effects and emphasizing the importance of sustainable, holistic approaches to weight loss, Coach Tyler empowers individuals to prioritize their health and well-being. Through his expertise and guidance, viewers gain the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about their weight loss journey, steering clear of potentially dangerous quick fixes. Join Coach Tyler as he reveals the truth behind weight loss drugs and helps individuals embark on a safe and sustainable path to better health.

Jun 13, 202310:02
Weight loss over coffee Ep 1 Weight loss surgery

Weight loss over coffee Ep 1 Weight loss surgery

Join Coach Tyler Fullerton on an invigorating weight loss journey as he hosts a dynamic morning show dedicated to transforming lives. With his infectious energy and passion for wellness, Coach Tyler inspires viewers to embrace a healthier lifestyle and achieve their weight loss goals. Through his expertise and compassionate approach, he has become a trusted source of guidance and motivation in the realm of weight loss.

Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is a medical procedure that aims to assist individuals in achieving significant weight loss. While it can be an effective tool for some people, it is important to consider the potential negative impacts associated with this surgical intervention. Understanding these considerations can help individuals make informed decisions about their weight loss journey.

  1. Surgical Risks and Complications: Weight loss surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries inherent risks. These risks include infections, bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia, blood clots, and complications related to the gastrointestinal system. It is essential to thoroughly discuss these risks with a qualified healthcare professional to understand the potential impact on overall health and well-being.

  2. Nutritional Deficiencies: Weight loss surgeries, such as gastric bypass or gastric sleeve, can significantly alter the digestive system's anatomy and restrict the amount of food intake. Consequently, individuals may face challenges in meeting their nutritional requirements. Deficiencies in essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, including iron, calcium, vitamin B12, and folate, may occur. Regular monitoring and proper supplementation are crucial to mitigate these risks.

  3. Emotional and Psychological Factors: Weight loss surgery can have emotional and psychological impacts that are important to consider. Some individuals may experience a sense of loss or dissatisfaction due to changes in their relationship with food and eating habits. Moreover, body image issues may persist or intensify after surgery. It is crucial to have a support system in place, including mental health professionals, to address these emotional and psychological factors.

  4. Lifestyle Adjustments: Weight loss surgery is not a quick fix but rather a tool that requires significant lifestyle adjustments. Following the surgery, individuals need to adhere to dietary restrictions, portion control, and regular exercise routines to maintain weight loss. These adjustments may pose challenges and require long-term commitment and discipline.

  5. Potential Surgical Revisions: In some cases, individuals may require additional surgeries or revisions due to complications or inadequate weight loss. These additional procedures carry their own risks and can lead to physical and emotional stress.

  6. Financial Considerations: Weight loss surgery can be expensive, and the cost may not be fully covered by insurance. It is crucial to evaluate the financial implications and potential long-term expenses, including post-operative care, follow-up appointments, and lifestyle changes.

Weight loss surgery is a significant decision that should be thoroughly considered in consultation with healthcare professionals. While it can offer benefits for certain individuals, it is essential to understand the potential negative impacts associated with the procedure. Risks, such as surgical complications, nutritional deficiencies, emotional and psychological factors, lifestyle adjustments, potential surgical revisions, and financial considerations, must be carefully evaluated. Ultimately, individuals should weigh these factors against their unique circumstances and explore alternative approaches to weight loss, such as lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, and exercise programs, before opting for surgical intervention. A comprehensive understanding of the potential negative impacts can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their weight loss journey.

Jun 12, 202310:01
Type 2 down 26lb little over one month

Type 2 down 26lb little over one month

Type 2 down 26lb little over one month

May 23, 202318:49
Unfallowed me started back down 6 Pant sizes

Unfallowed me started back down 6 Pant sizes

Unfallowed me started back down 6 Pant sizes

May 23, 202318:05
Size 13 to size 6 in 5 months!

Size 13 to size 6 in 5 months!

Size 13 to size 6 in 5 months!

May 11, 202329:59
Spent 2 hours first time grocery shopping to now getting results! 1on1 update call

Spent 2 hours first time grocery shopping to now getting results! 1on1 update call

Spent 2 hours first time grocery shopping to now getting results! 1on1 update call

May 11, 202313:06
Start now or you never will 1on1 call update!

Start now or you never will 1on1 call update!

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May 11, 202318:31
7 months 80ln down- Just start

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Mar 01, 202312:26
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Nov 05, 202221:18
Ep44 dr pushing weight loss surgery's

Ep44 dr pushing weight loss surgery's

Ep44 dr pushing weight loss surgery's 

Nov 04, 202235:22
ep 43 Was ready to do weight loss surgery found Coach Tyler Down 43lb 5 months

ep 43 Was ready to do weight loss surgery found Coach Tyler Down 43lb 5 months

Was ready to do weight loss surgery and found Coach Tyler Down 43lb 5 months

Nov 03, 202221:08
ep 41 Fired dietitian started with me down how much?? fat loss

ep 41 Fired dietitian started with me down how much?? fat loss

ep 41 Fired dietitian started with me down how much?? fat loss

Oct 14, 202221:36
ep 53lb down 2 Months now sober!

ep 53lb down 2 Months now sober!

ep 53lb down 2 Months now sober!

Sep 30, 202233:43
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45lb down 4 months PCOS Hashys not working out up date call

45lb down 4 months PCOS Hashys not working out up date call

Sep 30, 202211:52