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Funky Fat Podcast

Funky Fat Podcast

By Funky Fat Foods

The Funky Fat Podcast interviews professionals in health, wellness, and fitness to visibilize different ways in which we can achieve optimal health.

The Funky Fat Podcast is hosted by founder Louisa Bakker, founder of low-carb high-fat snacks brand know as Funky Fat Foods and Amanda Blanco, brand manager at Funky Fat Foods and nutrition enthusiast.

The Funky Fat Podcast is created by Funky Fat Foods, a low-carb high-fat food company that serves all communities who look for clean, honest ingredients in their products to help make any type of lifestyle easier and more accessible.
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Dr. Jaime Seeman's Empowering Health and Wellness Journey and her "Hard to Kill" Approach

Funky Fat PodcastNov 02, 2023

Dr. Jaime Seeman's Empowering Health and Wellness Journey and her "Hard to Kill" Approach
Nov 02, 202340:12
De kracht van supplementen: mythes, tips en inzichten
Oct 05, 202326:23
Insulin and Longevity: The Secret to Lifelong Health with Shana Hussin
Sep 27, 202340:13
Bloedsuiker & Alcohol: Invloed van Alcohol, Koffie, Intermittent Fasting, en Meer, met Geregistreerde Koolhydraatarme Diëtist - Noor Struik
Sep 21, 202331:59
Glowing Skin and Wholesome Nutrition: Unveiling Aurélie's Secrets
Aug 23, 202332:47
Navigating Low-Carb Vegetarianism with Helene van Haren: Protein-Packed & Plant-Powered
Aug 16, 202329:10
Clear Skin and Wholesome Nutrition - Embracing Natural Wellness with Holistic Nutrition Coach Steph Robinson
Aug 02, 202330:49
Overcoming a Burnout: A Journey to Holistic Wellness with Rosie Millen a.k.a. Miss Nutritionist
Jul 26, 202335:47
The Power of Reformer Pilates with Marsha Lindsay - A Dive into the Benefits of Pilates: Enhancing Stability, Strength, and Flexibility
Jul 19, 202331:22
Romana Switzer - Overstap van Keto naar meer Carnivoor en is dit een tijdelijk dieet of duurzame levensstijl?
Jul 12, 202348:19
From PCOS to Pregnancy: Unveiling Our Founder Louisa’s Health Journey (high-fat/protein diet and exercise)
Jul 05, 202342:24
S1E32: Nils Lundgren’s: Mannen en KETO? Nils zijn ervaring als Koolhydraatarme Diëtist

S1E32: Nils Lundgren’s: Mannen en KETO? Nils zijn ervaring als Koolhydraatarme Diëtist


Maak je klaar voor een boeiende aflevering terwijl ik in gesprek ga met Nils, een diëtist gespecialiseerd in koolhydraatarme voeding van The Nourishing State. We duiken in fascinerende onderwerpen zoals zijn persoonlijke reis met het ketogeen dieet, Nils’ dagelijkse routines, zijn vorige eetgewoonten en zijn unieke aanpak als coach voor zijn cliënten.

Tune in voor waardevolle inzichten in de wereld van voeding en ontdek Nils’ expertise in het optimaliseren van je gezondheid met koolhydraatarme strategieën.

🌐 The Nourishing State 

🤳 @thenourishingstate


Get ready for an insightful episode as I sit down with Nils, a low-carbohydrate dietitian from The Nourishing State. Join me as I delve into intriguing topics like his personal journey with the ketogenic diet, Nils' daily routines, his previous dietary habits, and his unique coaching approach for clients.

Tune in to gain valuable insights into the world of nutrition and discover Nils' expertise in optimizing health through low-carb strategies.

Jun 20, 202337:20
S1E31: Guy Morley - Nootropics and Adaptogens in Coffee: Unveiling the Power of Upraising's Functional Blends
Jun 19, 202325:29
S1E30: Jenna Willis - Don't Sweat It Alone. Revolutionizing Fitness by Empowering the Mind & Body.
Jun 14, 202333:49
S1E29: Sharon Weers: Alles over Prikkelbare Darm Syndroom (IBS) en de Juiste Voeding
May 24, 202329:09
S1E28: Sophie Bertrand - Exploring Wellness and Personalized Diets for Optimal Nutrition
May 18, 202324:30
S1E27: Simona Zucca - TrustNoCarb. Biohacking Her Metabolism through OMAD and High-Protein Keto Diet
May 04, 202321:18
S1E26: Shivani Pau - Setting Goals for Success: Insights from My Performance Planner Founder
Apr 28, 202330:11
S1E25: Romy Thumann - The Nourishing State. Hoe het Keto Dieet Mijn Leven Veranderde
Apr 19, 202346:14
S1E24: Amanda Blanco - How I Started Low-carb and How It's Going
Apr 12, 202327:56
S1E23: Shana Hussin - Registered Dietitian. Reversing Insulin Resistance and Healing through Nutrition
Mar 29, 202340:00
S1E22: David Baudinaud - Manager at 7 Pines Hotel Ibiza. A Journey to Discovering the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting and Low-Carb Diets
Mar 15, 202332:57
S1E21: Jasmine - Founder of Lovari. Staying Energized and Motivated through Nutrition and Fitness Routine
Mar 08, 202333:34
S1E20: Kristen Stavridis - Nutritionist BSc Share Her Personal Gut Healing Journey for Less Bloating & Better Skin

S1E20: Kristen Stavridis - Nutritionist BSc Share Her Personal Gut Healing Journey for Less Bloating & Better Skin

We interviewed Kristen, a.k.a. @thatnextlevelgirl. She's a Nutritionist BSc specialised in Gut Health. In this episode, we learn about her health journey and how she was able to heal her bloating, weight, and acne issues by improving her gut health.

Feb 14, 202342:59
S1E19: @TrustNoCarb Blogger Simona Zucca - Shares Her Keto Weight-loss Journey
Jan 25, 202332:03
S1E18: Louisa Mesquita Bakker - How I Self-Diagnosed PCOS & Got Back My Period

S1E18: Louisa Mesquita Bakker - How I Self-Diagnosed PCOS & Got Back My Period

Louisa Bakker, founder of Funky Fat Foods, tells us everything about the beginning of her journey. From when she was misdiagnosed, how she learned about PCOS, who inspired her to change her lifestyle, and how, by eating keto and low-carb, she recovered her period and reversed the symptoms of PCOS.

Learn more about other similar stories from many women on our blog.

Other inspirational accounts are:

Jan 12, 202319:51
S1E17: Holiday Special - Misconception of Diets and How to Enjoy the Holidays Guilt-free

S1E17: Holiday Special - Misconception of Diets and How to Enjoy the Holidays Guilt-free

Holidays are upon us and in this episode, we wanted to focus on several topics with regard to health and fitness. Louisa and I have both been subject to the social pressure of having to look a certain way and believe holidays give way to much criticism, destructive ideologies, and sometimes even self-hate. What I mean by this is that when trying to be healthy and stay fit we might try to go to extremes and forget to enjoy what the holidays are all about. Family, friends, and yes, food.

In this episode, we talk about how we each struggled with holidays in the past, and how we see and live them now, plus, a few tips for feeling better before, during, and after big family meals without restricting in any way.

Dec 08, 202235:27
S1E16: Noor Struik - The Nourishing State. How a Low-Carb Lifestyle can Help with Hormonal Balance and Fat Mass Loss?

S1E16: Noor Struik - The Nourishing State. How a Low-Carb Lifestyle can Help with Hormonal Balance and Fat Mass Loss?

Nov 29, 202253:34
S1E15: Nanneke Schreurs - Optimal Health. Alles over voeding en een bewuste levensstijl.

S1E15: Nanneke Schreurs - Optimal Health. Alles over voeding en een bewuste levensstijl.

Nanneke Schreurs is de eigenaresse en oprichtster van Optimal Health Studio, een personal training en yogastudio in Mijdrecht. We wilden haar graag interviewen omdat ze de voordelen van yoga combineert met haar eigen Healthbar, waar je allerlei verschillende gezonde, biologische maaltijden, sappen, thee en koffie kunt vinden. Alle producten zijn plantaardig en duurzaam.

In deze podcast praten we over Nanneke’s gezondheidsreis, hoe ze een fitte green-chef werd, hoe ze Optimal Health Studio begon, en vooral, hoe ze anderen helpt hun reis naar een gezonde levensstijl te beginnen.

Nov 24, 202239:12
S1E14: Louisette Blikkenhorst - Is Keto voor iedereen en wat zijn de grootste misvattingen?

S1E14: Louisette Blikkenhorst - Is Keto voor iedereen en wat zijn de grootste misvattingen?

Leefstijlziektes is een term die je steeds vaker hoort. Louisette, de oprichtster van het Ketogeen Instituut, probeert dit de wereld uit helpen met het effectieve Ketogene dieet. Op haar website vind je van alles over Ketogene voeding en de leefstijl.

Voor professionals bieden ze meerdere opleidingen die zich specialiseren in voeding, therapie en leefstijl op het gebied van Keto. Daarnaast kun je er ook een programma volgen als je zelf de ketogene leefstijl wil proberen. Zij helpen je te begeleiden door middel van een programma met voeding van beweging. Je leert hoe beide een belangrijke rol spelen in de gezondheid.

In onze nieuwste podcast aflevering vertelt Louisette me hoe ze met keto en dit instituut is begonnen, wat de grootste misvatting is over dit type dieet en hoe ze via haar website en opleidingen alles wat ze heeft geleerd probeert te mee te geven aan iedereen die er open voor staat.

Nov 22, 202238:34
S1E13: Eduard de Wilde - Bulletproof Certified Coach Shares His Healing Journey & Favourite Biohacks
Oct 24, 202244:51
S1E12: Andy Pujol - Yoga Instructor Andy and Founder Louisa Share their Keto Journey to Health and Self Love

S1E12: Andy Pujol - Yoga Instructor Andy and Founder Louisa Share their Keto Journey to Health and Self Love

Andy Pujol is a yoga teacher and a keto and low-carb recipe creator. We met Andy through Instagram about 2 years ago and have been collaborating ever since. Andy had recently started keto for the same reason Louisa did, they both have PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome. This meant they shared a lot in common, one of those things is being passionate about healthy keto foods and specifically, chocolate.

Since then we have collaborated in creating recipes, ebooks, and events together. So, naturally, we wanted to invite her to a podcast so she and Louisa could share their keto journey as well as what inspired them to start their company and studio.

And that’s exactly what this podcast is about. 2 different journeys, but the same approach and appreciation toward self-love and growth.

Oct 17, 202257:32
S1E11: Eleanor Thrupp - Using Foods and Supplements to Optimize Our Energy Levels, Sleep and Recovery

S1E11: Eleanor Thrupp - Using Foods and Supplements to Optimize Our Energy Levels, Sleep and Recovery

Energy is an underestimated topic by many. People believe energy levels associate with age and while part of that is true, it doesn’t mean we have to accept it but instead, work towards biohacking our way out. Yes! We can continue to have the vibrance and vigor we used to have.

Nutritional therapist, Eleanor Thrupp and Funky Fat Foods founder, Louisa Mesquita Bakker discuss the effect different lifestyles have on our mood, energy levels, sleep and recovery. In this podcast they dive into the effect foods have in our mind and bodies, both short and long-term plus, some tips on how to change them.

So buckle up and get ready to get all the insights on how to start an energy-boasting journey.

Oct 12, 202235:40
S1E10: Dr. Folusha - Combining Sports Science and Exercise Medicine for a More Holistic Approach to Health and Fitness
Oct 05, 202223:39
S1E9: Dr. Heather McKee - How Adapting Daily Habits Can Lead to Long Term Health Results

S1E9: Dr. Heather McKee - How Adapting Daily Habits Can Lead to Long Term Health Results

Dr. Heather McKee is Europe’s leading lifestyle behaviour change specialist. With over 10 years in academia, her work has been published in world-leading research journals as well as over 300 media articles such as Vogue, Time magazine, and The Times. In this episode, we talk about how habits are made, how they can be changed, and the difference between willpower and skill power. We also uncover some myths about changing habits that have been going around for quite some time.

Sep 22, 202236:38
Funky Family Episode 1| The 7 Types of Rest

Funky Family Episode 1| The 7 Types of Rest

Funky Fat Podcast introduces another series into the mix called the Funky Family hosting the Funky Fat Foods team, Louisa, founder and CEO, Clemens, Sales Director, and Amanda, Brand Manager. Featuring in-depth, personal conversations about health, wellness, and fitness we discover daily on articles, podcasts, and more. There is strength and power in sharing our diverse experiences, and that’s what we’re hoping to extend to you.
Aug 23, 202235:45
S1E8: Pauline Cox - Best Functional Foods for Fueling Our Bodies and Optimizing Our Health

S1E8: Pauline Cox - Best Functional Foods for Fueling Our Bodies and Optimizing Our Health

Pauline Cox is a functional nutritionist and the co-founder of Sow and Arrow, a convenient healthy food cafe and store. And we’re proud to say that they were the first resellers of Funky Fat Chocs in the UK. Pauline has a passion for teaching and understanding the latest news, information, and research on any and all areas of health and wellbeing. And in this call, we dive into how our bodies use different foods for fuel and how natural functional foods can help us optimize our health.
Aug 16, 202234:47
S1E7: Dr. Nicole Huffman - How Stress Can Affect Fertility in Men and Women

S1E7: Dr. Nicole Huffman - How Stress Can Affect Fertility in Men and Women

Dr. Nicole Huffman is a naturopathic doctor with a passion for finding the root cause of her patients’ dis-ease. She is not interested in masking symptoms with medication but in understanding what’s going on underneath the issue and imbalance in the body. In this episode we talk about how stress works, how it affects our bodies and mind, and, by extent, both men’s and women’s fertility
Aug 09, 202229:14
S1E6: Bella Nutrition - How Reverse Dieting can Help Improve Metabolism and Gut Health

S1E6: Bella Nutrition - How Reverse Dieting can Help Improve Metabolism and Gut Health

The word diet has almost always been linked with restricting or limiting foods that most of the time “prevent” people from reaching their health goals. Short-time solutions call for short-time efforts, and that’s what diet culture has shown us for years. In this episode, Bella, a nutritional therapist with a special interest in the role of metabolism, gut health, and dietary choices, teaches us about a different approach: Reverse Dieting.
Aug 03, 202226:38
S1E5: Danielle Hamilton - Blood Sugar Stability for Hormonal Balance, Fat Mass Loss and Energy Boost

S1E5: Danielle Hamilton - Blood Sugar Stability for Hormonal Balance, Fat Mass Loss and Energy Boost

Danielle Hamilton is a blood sugar specialist focused on helping sugar cravers regain their energy, lose fat mass & balance their hormones without struggling. During this podcast she joins us to talk about all the benefits that come with stabilizing your blood sugar levels, short and long-term side effects of insulin spikes, the misconceptions about fats, and several tips to start stabilizing your blood sugar levels today!
Jul 26, 202237:53
S1E4: Dr. Stephanie Estima - Biohacking the Menstrual Cycle Eating and Training for Your Cycle and for Optimal Health

S1E4: Dr. Stephanie Estima - Biohacking the Menstrual Cycle Eating and Training for Your Cycle and for Optimal Health

From mood and fitness to sexual function and reproduction, hormones affect every woman from the moment we enter our reproductive age. In this episode, Dr. Stephanie Estima tells us about the Estima Diet, the importance of balancing our hormones, and how to optimize our bodies by understanding how our bodies work at the different stages of our menstrual cycle & menopausal stage.
Jul 19, 202235:58
S1E3: Cynthia Thurlow - Understanding Intermittent Fasting for Stabilising Blood Sugar Levels and Improving Mental Clarity

S1E3: Cynthia Thurlow - Understanding Intermittent Fasting for Stabilising Blood Sugar Levels and Improving Mental Clarity

Cynthia Thurlow is a nurse practitioner, intermittent fasting and nutrition expert, two-time TEDx speaker, and author of the ”Intermittent Fasting Transformation”. In this podcast, we dive into the different benefits of intermittent fasting: from stabilising your blood sugar levels and improving mental clarity to losing that stubborn fat mass that’s so hard to get rid of. Cynthia’s Podcast - Everyday Wellness.
Jul 12, 202231:35
S1E2: Hannah Sutter - Founder of Natural Ketosis and manager at Keto Care Foods

S1E2: Hannah Sutter - Founder of Natural Ketosis and manager at Keto Care Foods

Hannah Sutter talks about the differences between clean keto and dirty keto while Hannah tells us about her keto journey, and how it led her to create her brand and run a medical business for epilepsy, called Keto Care Foods, that supplies the national health service in the UK. She tells us her top tips for starting Keto and shares that following this lifestyle rather than a diet, has brought her numerous benefits, and is very happy with the decision she took a long time ago.
Jul 06, 202223:37
S1E1: Dr. Nicole Huffman - Using Naturopathic Medicine to Understand the Root Cause of Our Body’s Imbalance

S1E1: Dr. Nicole Huffman - Using Naturopathic Medicine to Understand the Root Cause of Our Body’s Imbalance

Dr. Nicole Huffman is a naturopathic doctor with a passion for finding the root cause of her patients’ dis-ease. Since she was a little girl she remembers always rushing to the emergency room whether it was because of her allergies or some other health issue. Her interest in understanding health had been rooted in her for years. So, she then went into medical school and later on started her own consult.

During this podcast, Dr. Nicole talks about her different approach to medicine, which, as she describes, consists of “playing detective”, where her main objective is to treat the root cause of what’s going on with any person who comes for help. She is not that interested in masking symptoms with medication but wants to truly understand what’s going on underneath the issue and imbalance in the body.
Jun 29, 202227:47
Intro to Funky Fat Podcast

Intro to Funky Fat Podcast

At Funky Fat Foods we are on a neverending quest to find the best ways to optimize our health, wellness, and fitness. We believe that with the right knowledge, anyone can achieve their health goals. When it comes to followaing a healthy lifestyle, there is no one right answer, but there is a solution for each individual.

With the help of top experts and professionals in different sectors, we explore and search to understand bio-individuality and what could work best for each of us.
Jun 23, 202200:40