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By Gabrielle Nunez

Our greatest hope as Christians, according to the Bible, is the second coming of Jesus to the earth. Yet the subject is often met with fear and confusion. Husband & wife duo, Benjamin & Gabrielle, are here to bring you into the greatest storyline of all time by helping to make sense of scripture, sharing life stories, dealing with current events, and talking about why the end times isn't really the end of the world as we know it.
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Beholding Jesus

ReturnApr 20, 2020

Beholding Jesus

Beholding Jesus

In this episode, we talk about the need to prioritize intimacy with God by beholding the person of Jesus. We discuss various passages that highlight taking time to behold Jesus, and to fellowship with him as we discover his character, his heart, and his ways.
Apr 20, 202023:43
Does God Judge Under the New Covenant?

Does God Judge Under the New Covenant?

In this episode we address some common questions we get about whether God judges the same after the cross as He did before the cross. We look at various verses and references throughout Scripture that address this topic, and also look at what God’s ultimate desired outcome of His judgments are.
Apr 06, 202033:41
How To Discern A True Prophetic Voice In This Hour

How To Discern A True Prophetic Voice In This Hour

In this episode we talk about how we can discern what a true prophetic voice is in this hour. What are the indicators we can be looking for? What is the difference between a false prophet and a sincere believer in error? And most importantly, how should we respond?
Mar 30, 202031:41
CORONA VIRUS: How to Respond?

CORONA VIRUS: How to Respond?

Welcome to Season 2!

In this episode we talk about the current Corona Virus Pandemic, what the Bible has to say about this, how this is affecting us and how we should respond and what God will do though this global crisis.

Mar 19, 202027:01


In this episode we look at a few (of the many) verses in Scripture that talk about persecution. We talk about how this isn’t something we need to be fearful of related to the end times, but that, according to Jesus, we should expect. We also share small tidbits of what we’ve been learning from Pastor Andrew Brunson, who was imprisoned for 2 years in Turkey for his faith and now lives in Kansas City.
Dec 13, 201925:03
Weep No More

Weep No More

In this episode we discuss some of our favorite things about Revelation 5, and how we can draw encouragement and comfort from this chapter today. We look specifically at the significance of John’s weeping and the worthiness of the Lamb that was slain.
Nov 26, 201924:32
Pre & Post Millennialism

Pre & Post Millennialism

In this episode we look at some of the different viewpoints on the End Times. We list out some strengths and weaknesses of each one and then give the reasons why we hold to the viewpoint we have.
Nov 18, 201927:33


In this episode we look at some of the different viewpoints on the End Times, then focus on explaining Amillennialism. We list out some strengths and weaknesses about this view, and why ultimately we don’t hold to this position.
Nov 15, 201929:46
Jesus In Red

Jesus In Red

Continuing our mini series on the judgements of God, we look at the scandalous and glorious passage of Isaiah 63 where we see Jesus wearing garments splattered with the blood of His enemies. How do we respond to this Jesus in Red? How can such severe judgements reveal His beauty? We talk about this and much more in this episode of Return
Oct 23, 201930:19
The Depravity of Man & God’s Justice

The Depravity of Man & God’s Justice

This episode starts off a mini series looking at the judgments of God and answering those questions of “if God is so good how could he let ...... happen?” We talk about man’s depravity, and the need for God’s righteous judgments to answer the depth of man’s sin.
Oct 15, 201924:22
The Great Falling Away

The Great Falling Away

In this episode we look at 2 Tim 3:1-2 and other verses that describe a great number of people leaving the faith as a key event in the end times. We talk about the common trend of “deconstructing”, and how we should properly go about asking questions about our faith.
Oct 11, 201926:28
The Seventh Trumpet

The Seventh Trumpet

In this episode we look at a combination of verses that describe why the rapture of the Church can’t be before the tribulation, and what the sights and sounds will be like when Jesus splits the sky.
Oct 08, 201926:43
Jesus’ Inheritance in the Saints

Jesus’ Inheritance in the Saints

What kind of an inheritance does a God who has everything get? In this episode we look at Ephesians 1 and Revelation 5- the reward that the Lamb of God receives for His suffering
Sep 26, 201925:33
Dark But Lovely

Dark But Lovely

Today is Theology Thursday! In this episode we look at the incredible truth from Song of Solomon that even though we are dark, flawed and sinful human beings, God still enjoys and loves us in our weakness.
Sep 19, 201934:39
Wise or Foolish?

Wise or Foolish?

In this episode, we look at the parable in Matthew 25 and Jesus’ clear command that if we want to be wise, we must ‘buy oil’. But why is this so important? And how are we to overcome challenges in order to make this a top priority in our lives?
Sep 16, 201922:51
Theology Thursday: Spiritually Prepared- The Bride Made Ready

Theology Thursday: Spiritually Prepared- The Bride Made Ready

Today’s episode is taken from a recent preaching that Gabrielle shared at Forerunner Church in Kansas City. She shares from Revelation 19, the Bride that prepares herself and is ready for Jesus’ return, and how that affects our lives today.
Aug 30, 201954:24
Negative Trends

Negative Trends

In this episode we dive deeper into the teaching of Jesus related to the signs of His coming and “of the end of the age” by looking at the negative signs and trends listed in Matthew 24 and Like 21.
Aug 29, 201926:20
Theology Thursday: The Fragrance of Christ

Theology Thursday: The Fragrance of Christ

In today’s Theology Thursday episode, we talk about the fragrance of Christ’s name, Jesus’ inner life, and how He constantly pours Himself out for us in a way that causes us to respond in love and fascination with who He is.
Aug 23, 201928:42
Is the End Times Just Doom and Gloom?

Is the End Times Just Doom and Gloom?

In this episode, we list out the positive trends that we will see unfold before the Lord returns, and how knowing these positive events will change our perspective about Jesus’ return.
Aug 19, 201932:20
Theology Thursday: His Love Is Better

Theology Thursday: His Love Is Better

In today’s Theology Thursday episode, we continue to build on the theme of last week: how the kisses of God’s Word on our heart reveal how far superior His love is to any other pleasure we can experience on earth.
Aug 15, 201922:06
Signs of the Times

Signs of the Times

In this episode, we give an easy way to break down the signs of the times Jesus told us would take place before His return.
Aug 14, 201923:07
Theology Thursday: The Kiss of God’s Word On Our Heart

Theology Thursday: The Kiss of God’s Word On Our Heart

In this episode we start off a new series called ‘Theology Thursdays’ where we will be discussing different subjects throughout scripture. In this episode we look at Song of Solomon 1:2 and the request for the kisses of God’s Word to touch and transform our hearts as we receive the revelation of His love and emotions for us.
Aug 08, 201930:30
Revelation 19: The Church Will Be READY

Revelation 19: The Church Will Be READY

In this episode we look at Revelation 19:7, an incredible verse that gives us confidence of where things are going for the Church. We also contrast what we see when humanity progresses to her fullest measure of sin, and how the choices we make today affect the trajectory of which ‘Bride’ we will be a part of.
Aug 06, 201926:53
3 Transitional Generations
Jul 23, 201932:09
Why Do We Need A Savior?

Why Do We Need A Savior?

In this episode we look at Jesus’ first and second coming, and how each one demonstrates our crucial need of a Savior.
Jul 10, 201926:14
Why do the Nations Rage?

Why do the Nations Rage?

In this episode of Return, we look at Psalm 2 as a crucial passage to interpret the rage we’re seeing in the nations, politics and events around us. We discuss God’s plan in the midst of all this, and how we are to respond.
Jun 17, 201934:03
How Do You Deal With Pain?

How Do You Deal With Pain?

In this episode we look at what Jesus said in Luke 21, that there would be “distress” in the nations, and that men’s hearts would “fail from fear”. When these troubling things touch our lives, how do we respond? Do we numb ourselves in carousing, drunkenness, or the cares of life, as Jesus warns, or do we turn to Him and “watch” and “pray”?
Jun 04, 201928:53
Counting the Cost

Counting the Cost

Persecution, pain and suffering has a way of making us stop to ask the deep questions of the heart. In this episode we look at Jesus' message to the church of Smyrna and how the call to be faithful and fearless in the midst of persecution is still the message for the Church today. 

May 20, 201936:55
Have You Left Your First Love?

Have You Left Your First Love?

In this episode we look at Jesus’ message to the church of Ephesus in Revelation 2, and why the same things the Ephesians faced are what the Western Church is facing today.
May 13, 201937:19
Dealing with Antisemitism

Dealing with Antisemitism

In this episode, we look at recent events and statistics that show the rise of antisemitism in America. We discuss the church's need to stand for Israel in light of the Scriptures we see from the Book of Romans, as well as our call to be intercessors for Israel.
May 03, 201936:06
Why Israel?

Why Israel?

In this episode we discuss Israel’s importance and relevance today and the disconcerting rise of Antisemitism in society.

Apr 28, 201932:18
This Jewish Man will Rule the World

This Jewish Man will Rule the World

In this episode Benji and Gabrielle look at the title of Jesus as ruler over the kings of the earth. We often don't think of Him as a literal King with a literal Kingdom, but He is coming to take over the world and set up His capital in Jerusalem

Apr 17, 201943:33
The Glory of the Resurrection

The Glory of the Resurrection

Looking at the title of Jesus in Revelation 1:5, The First Born from the Dead. In this episode, we discuss a central part of our faith, the resurrection and how it ties into the destiny we have as believers. 

Apr 12, 201932:03
The Whole Truth, Nothing But the Truth

The Whole Truth, Nothing But the Truth

In this episode we look at the title of Jesus as the Faithful Witness, and why taking a stand for truth is such a crucial and costly issue we are facing today.
Apr 06, 201935:49
The Coming of the Father

The Coming of the Father

In this episode we look at Revelation 1:4, the title spoken about the Father and what it tells us about His relationship to the earth. We discover God's original desire when creating the earth, how He plans to fulfill that desire, and the three very important generations He's used, and will use, to do just that. 

Apr 01, 201924:40
The Revelation of Jesus Christ

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Welcome to our new Podcast! 

In this episode we share about how we first heard about the end times and our journey from fear to fascination with not just what's going to happen in the end, but the Man behind the story. We believe this subject will change your life the way it changed ours.

Mar 29, 201927:29