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GCCWS Weekend Messages

GCCWS Weekend Messages

By Grace Community Church of Willow Street

Grace Community Church of Willow Street exists to help people find and follow Jesus. We are located at 212 Peach Bottom Road in Willow Street, PA. Join us for a live service on Saturday at 6 PM or Sunday at 8, 9:15, or 11 AM. You can find more information on our church website:
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Persistent, Expectant, and Confident Prayer - January 30

GCCWS Weekend MessagesJan 31, 2022

Love/Hate Relationship

Love/Hate Relationship

Last weekend, Pastor Paul taught from 1 John 2:3-6 that obedience, not results, makes the difference in the Christian life. Obedience is evidence of a life changed by Christ – doing what God says we should do. In 1 John 2:7-11, John zeroes in on that one command which he, and Jesus, consider the greatest command – the command to love. This weekend, we will do a deep dive into what it means to love one another. In the process, we will learn how to avoid the temptation to hate and how to escape from hateful thoughts and attitudes..

May 05, 202441:46


Sometimes, the end seems to justify the means in a world motivated by results. Sometimes, believers can ignore sin as long the results appear positive. Not so, John writes, in 1 John 2:3-6. Join us this weekend as we continue our sermon series in the book of 1 John and discover that obedience, not results, makes a difference.

Apr 28, 202438:14
1, 2, & 3 John - Jesus our Sacrifice

1, 2, & 3 John - Jesus our Sacrifice

This weekend, we will dig into 1 John 2:1-2. As you read these verses to prepare for worship, consider this: God traded places with us when He sent His only Son to die on a cross for our sins. God turned his wrath in punishment toward himself so he could turn his mercy in forgiveness toward us! This is amazing love!


Apr 21, 202440:41
1,2 & 3 John - Forgiveness From Sins

1,2 & 3 John - Forgiveness From Sins

We are sinners. Every one of us. That’s the truth, but we still stumble over that truth. It’s still hard to grasp and hard to accept. John shines the light on our human struggle with sin in 1 John 1:5-10. He calls out the wrong choices people make regarding the sin in their lives, and he follows each wrong choice with a right choice. He explains God’s will and provision for us as we grapple with the problem of sin. As we study these verses this weekend, judge for yourself where you are regarding how you handle sin. Let the Holy Spirit examine your heart; be alert to what He is saying to you.

Apr 14, 202439:49
1, 2, & 3 John - New Life in Christ

1, 2, & 3 John - New Life in Christ

Join your GCC family as we continue to celebrate the truth that JESUS IS LORD! We will begin a new sermon series this weekend that will take us into the riches of 1, 2, and 3 John. These New Testament letters were written to a group of churches grappling with the fall-out from false teaching and ungodly behavior. These letters were written to bring assurance and certainty to Christians – the assurance that the Christian faith is absolutely true and Jesus is truly the one and only Savior of the world. And the assurance that we can have a new and eternal life in Jesus Christ! This weekend, we begin our study in 1 John 1:1-4. We look forward to seeing you at GCC!

Apr 07, 202438:33
Easter Sunday 2024.

Easter Sunday 2024.

HE IS RISEN! Jesus Christ is alive! He is the Savior of the World! He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords! Join your GCC family this weekend as we gather in five services to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. John 20:1-18 will come alive in our minds and hearts as we see the resurrection through the eyes of Mary Magdalene, and discover the power of His resurrection over sin, death and the powers of darkness in our world. Then, we’ll be inspired to go and tell others the Good News!

Mar 31, 202447:18
unconditional - Finished!

unconditional - Finished!

According to John 19:28-30, at the end of Jesus’ life, he says, “It is finished”—a single word in Greek, but not a single word in meaning. Jesus didn’t say, “I am finished,” “You are finished,” or “We are finished.” Rather, he roared like a lion, “It is finished.” Join us this weekend as we can discover what the finished work of Jesus was on the cross and what it means for us today.

Mar 24, 202440:42
unconditional - Crucify!

unconditional - Crucify!

What was crucifixion and why did Jesus have to endure this brutal form of execution? This Weekend, we'll unpack the physical and spiritual realities of the cross. What happened to Jesus? What happened because of Jesus? Get ready for a powerful look at the unconditional love that led Christ to the cross, as we continue the unconditional! sermon series on the road to Easter. Reread John 19 as you prepare for this message.

Mar 17, 202432:07
unconditional - Crucified!

unconditional - Crucified!

The cross is the most enduring symbol of Christianity. Peter, one of Jesus’ most devoted followers, wrote that Jesus himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, “so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed” (1 Peter 2:24). The cross of Jesus Christ is that pivotal point in history, the center of time and eternity, when unconditional love met indescribable suffering, which opened the way for the salvation of all mankind. “By his wounds you have been healed.” What are those wounds? Join us this weekend as we begin to look closely at the events leading up to that pivotal moment captured in John 19:16 when, “Finally Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified.” To prepare well for our study, read John 18 and 19.

Mar 10, 202441:25
unconditional - Denied!

unconditional - Denied!

This weekend, we’ll meet up with one of Jesus’ best known followers. His name is Peter and we will meet him in one of the most painfully real, yet powerfully life-changing experiences of his life. It’s an experience you may have had, or may yet have, as you follow Jesus. It’s an experience that someone you know and love is having even now.

When you discover how Jesus ultimately responded to Peter in this painful experience, you can’t help but say, “What a Savior!” Without a doubt, Jesus’ unconditional love and grace is on display in Peter’s life. It is the same love and grace that Jesus has for every one of us!

Mar 03, 202440:13
unconditional - Betrayed

unconditional - Betrayed

His is a tragic story, and the lessons from his life are sobering. His betrayal of Jesus in the 24 hours leading up to the cross was not an isolated incident. It followed in a long line of sinful choices made by Judas that gave the devil full access to his life. It is indeed a dark tragedy, yet through the darkness, the light of Christ shines brightly. We see the light of Jesus’ unconditional love and grace. To fully appreciate this light, you need to fully experience the darkness of Judas’ betrayal. Join your GCC family this weekend as we unpack the story of Judas Iscariot beginning with John 13:18-30, and gaze at the beauty of God’s patient love toward us.

Feb 25, 202448:17
Unconditional: Humility

Unconditional: Humility

This weekend we begin a series of messages that focus on the 24 hours leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross. We will follow Him to the cross and, as we do, we will learn the true meaning of UNCONDITIONAL. Unconditional care. Unconditional compassion. Unconditional service. Unconditional giving. Unconditional kindness. Unconditional forgiveness. Unconditional obedience. Unconditional surrender. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Join your GCC family this weekend as we look at what Jesus meant when, in John 13:1-17, he called on his followers to wash one another’s feet. You may be surprised by the powerful truth that flows out of this simple command! I look forward to growing with you this weekend.

Feb 18, 202436:04
First Things First - Compassion

First Things First - Compassion

We wrap up a six-part series called First Things First this weekend. Over the past five weekends, we have said GCC holds to preaching God's authoritative, inerrant, and infallible Word. That prayer is an essential part of the life and ministry of GCC. We hold to celebratory worship, reaching the next generation, and grace in our relationships. GCC is not called “Judgment Community Church!” It is called ‘Grace Community Church,” and for good reason.

Join us this weekend as we conclude our series by giving a biblical perspective on compassion. According to Matthew 20:29-34 and many other passages, compassion is not passive but is our love in action, which is why GCC is committed to demonstrating compassion for hurting people in a broken world.

Feb 11, 202444:13
First Things First - Evangelism

First Things First - Evangelism

When we look at people, we see them as they are right now and possibly remembering who they were in the past. But do we see who they can become by choosing to follow Jesus? Do we have vision for lives changed by Christ?

Join your GCC family this weekend as we dig into John 4 and notice that Jesus had a different vision than his followers, and he took action to correct their vision. Open your eyes to the people around you who need Jesus!

Feb 04, 202435:09
First Things First - Do Not Judge

First Things First - Do Not Judge

Early 20th century devotional writer J. Oswald Sanders wisely noted, “There is always one fact more in every life of which we know nothing, therefore Jesus says, "Judge not." Yet that is precisely what we too often do. Too often, we judge men and women without having all the facts. We assume we know it all when, in truth, our judgments show how very little we know and how very little we care. It is one of the many reasons that God tells us to keep a tight rein on our tongues! Since the first weekend of 2024, we have been putting FIRST THINGS FIRST as we’ve studied Scripture together. This weekend, we will be challenged to live lives that are full of grace and free of judgment in obedience to God’s Word to us in Luke 6:37-38, 41-42. We look forward to sharing these truths with you!.

Jan 28, 202437:01
First Things First - The Next Generation

First Things First - The Next Generation

We continue our First Things First series this weekend as we look at our third core value: We are committed to leading children, youth, and young adults into a growing relationship with Jesus. Join us as we study Mark 10:13-16 together and reflect on the powerful truths of that verse. Together, we can remove the hindrances that keep children, youth, and young adults from Jesus. We can and should invest in the present and future of the church!

Jan 24, 202434:05
First Things First - Prayer

First Things First - Prayer

Grace Community Church is where faithful, fervent, and intentional prayer is woven into daily life and ministries. Don’t be surprised when a pastor meets with you that we pray. Don’t be shocked when we start a meeting; we pray. In Church, we pray. Over food, we pray. Before ministry begins, worship starts, and even funerals and weddings, we pray. Don’t be surprised if we pray over you in the hospital, at hospice, or in your home. Prayer is woven into the life of this Church, and we want prayer to be incorporated into your life. This weekend, as we continue our series First Things First, is a call for everyone to make prayer a part of their daily lives. Join us as we look at Matthew 7:7-11 and see why we should all set aside time each day to converse with God.

Jan 14, 202442:15
First Things First - The Power of God's Word

First Things First - The Power of God's Word

If you want to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ, you need to make certain practices a priority in your life. You need to put FIRST THINGS FIRST, and the very first of those practices is the study of God’s Word. The first value of Grace Community Church is Biblical, life changing truth in preaching, teaching and worship. We are a Bible believing, Bible teaching, Bible preaching church. We don’t worship the Bible; we worship the one true and living God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But we do believe the Bible is God’s Word from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. God’s Word is essential to our daily lives; it gives us abundant life. That’s what Jesus teaches us in Matthew 4:4 when, tempted by the devil to satisfy his hunger by turning stones into bread, Jesus answered the devil by quoting Deuteronomy 8:3 – “It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Just as we need a daily diet of good foods to be physically healthy, we need a daily diet of God’s good Word to be spiritually, emotionally, and relationally healthy. Simply put, THIS BOOK has the power to change you!

Jan 07, 202443:33
Christmas Eve 2024

Christmas Eve 2024

Enoy Our Christmas Eve 2024 Sermon!

Dec 25, 202328:37
Responding To Shepherds

Responding To Shepherds

The Christmas story often captures our imagination because it is when the majestic and mundane collide. This weekend, we continue our sermon series, The Journey, as we journey with shepherds. Ordinary, average, and at best mundane, in Luke 2, we find shepherds not in a palace but “living out” in a pasture. Then, out of nowhere, the majestic and the mundane collide. First, an angel appears, then a host of angels, and then the shepherd encounters Jesus Himself. On three occasions, the shepherds collide with majesty. And, yet, they don’t keep what they have experienced to themselves. They tell others.

Join us this weekend as we see three responses to what the shepherds share found in Luke 2.

Dec 17, 202345:54
Mary & Joseph Living By Faith

Mary & Joseph Living By Faith

Do you trust God? Most Christians would give a mighty roar of positive approval to this question. Yes, we trust God. Well then, get in! Jump into God’s will for your life. Surrender yourself wholly and completely to his plans. Follow God with total abandon. Do exactly what He asks you to do and do it without delay!

Join me and your GCC family this week as we enter into the lives of Jesus’ parents and learn what it means to trust God – unflagging, unconditional, unreserved trust in God.

Dec 10, 202331:42
Angels Come and Go!

Angels Come and Go!

A large majority of Americans believe in the existence of angels! Christian or not, angels have captivated our imaginations. That said, what exactly do we believe about angels? What do you believe about angels? Join your GCC family this week as we continue THE JOURNEY to the birth of Jesus by taking a deeper look at what God says about angels. It has been a wonderful study in God’s Word and I’m excited to share it with you! #thejourney #advent #christmas

Dec 03, 202332:46
Prepare The Way

Prepare The Way

We begin this weekend with a man named John the Baptist. John the Baptist was a messenger of God who prepared the way for Jesus Christ who was the Messiah of God. Luke 1:5-25 records the foretelling of his birth and the story is fascinating. Read it. Pay attention to the details as you read it. Then, come to GCC this weekend and be prepared to begin getting your heart ready for Christmas!

Nov 26, 202353:29
Sing to the Lord

Sing to the Lord

As Thanksgiving approaches, it's common for us to reflect on what we're thankful for. But this year, let's delve deeper. Join us this weekend as will explore profound questions about faith, gratitude, and our relationship with God. Is He Worthy? We'll dive into Psalm 96 and ask ourselves if we truly believe in God's goodness and worthiness of praise. Do our lives reflect this belief? Are You Welcome? Scripture tells us that everyone is welcome at God's table. Let's understand how this love can transform the way we live and share our faith. Is Judgment Good? Often, we fear judgment, but if we trust in a good Judge, this fear transforms into hope. We'll explore how this perspective can change our understanding of justice and righteousness. This sermon isn't just about giving thanks; it's about understanding the core of our faith and how it shapes our lives. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your spiritual journey and find answers that resonate beyond the holiday season.

Nov 19, 202334:23
Saturday: Pastor Kevin Kumher | Scripture: Acts 10:44-46; Acts 13:4

Saturday: Pastor Kevin Kumher | Scripture: Acts 10:44-46; Acts 13:4

It can be said that without the Holy Spirit, there would be no “missions”.  The great missionary movements of the early church were commanded and appointed by the Spirit of God.  The energy behind the missionary work of the church was and still is today, from the power of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus himself, promised this would happen when he said in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses”….. The disciples had Holy Spirit power then, and believers today have that same power to witness or proclaim the message of the risen Christ.  Let’s pray for another great missionary movement that is empowered and driven by the Holy Spirit.  

Nov 18, 202300:51
Friday: Pastor Paul Weitzel | Scripture: Acts 16:6-7

Friday: Pastor Paul Weitzel | Scripture: Acts 16:6-7

Which way should I go?  In Acts 16, Paul is stopped from going southwest by the Holy Spirit and blocked from going north by the Spirit of Jesus until finally permitted to go northwest.  A. T. Pierson, in his The Acts of the Holy Spirit, says sometimes, we are “forbidden in one direction, invited in another…”.  Pierson gave later examples from the history of missionaries: Adoniram Judson (1788-1850) went to India first but was driven on to Burma. William Carey (1761 – 1834) planned to go to Polynesia, but God guided him to India. David Livingstone (1813-1873) tried to go to China, but God sent him to Africa. So, we need to trust the Holy Spirit for direction and rejoice equally in his restrictions; only then will we know which way to go! 

Nov 17, 202301:00
Thursday: Pastor Jake Farnham | Scripture: Acts 10:19-20

Thursday: Pastor Jake Farnham | Scripture: Acts 10:19-20

This passage demonstrates an amazing way in which the Holy Spirit works in the lives of believers. Those who seek to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit often ask to be shown who in their life God is leading them to seek out. But here, we see the Holy Spirit bringing three men directly to Peter. 

When considering how God may be moving in your life, be careful to consider who He has recently brought into your life. It may be that the person God wants you to reach out to is already reaching out to you.

Nov 16, 202300:40
Wednesday: Pastor Addison Roberts | Scripture: Acts 8:29

Wednesday: Pastor Addison Roberts | Scripture: Acts 8:29

Phillip’s exit from a thriving revival to encounter one Ethiopian seeker in Acts 8 must have seemed bizarre. Yet Phillip obeyed God’s prompting. In that divine appointment, the eunuch discovered Jesus. God sees people exactly where they are. What might come from radical obedience to that odd divine nudge you can’t shake? The Spirit may seem to lead you away from fruitful work. But God may want to reach one waiting heart through your availability. Like Phillip, obey even when it makes no sense. Sacrifice a comfortable strategy for radical obedience. You could meet a divinely arranged Ethiopian seeking truth today. Be ready to leave the familiar path to follow God’s unexpected lead.

Nov 15, 202300:52
Tuesday: Pastor Jesse Bills | Scripture: Acts 13:2

Tuesday: Pastor Jesse Bills | Scripture: Acts 13:2

This verse gives us two practices that help determine the Lord’s will.  

First: worship. Worship is not for God’s benefit… He knows how good and powerful He is. Instead, it is for our benefit! We easily forget how good and powerful God is; thus, we often forget who God is. If we don’t know who our God is, how can we discern His will for our lives? 

Second: fast. When we think of fasting, we often think of fasting from food, but that is not the only item that we can fast from. Are you trying to discern the Lord’s will for your life? Have you tried fasting from the item that distracts you most from the Lord? 

Nov 14, 202300:48
You Will Receive Power

You Will Receive Power

Over the past several weeks, we have been studying the Holy Spirit over the past several weeks. We have looked at how the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead. He is the believer’s advocate, helper, counselor, guide, light in the darkness, and prayer warrior, and this weekend, we will discover how the Holy Spirit empowers Christians for ministry.

Nov 13, 202337:18
Monday: Pastor Mike Sigman | Scripture: Acts 1:8

Monday: Pastor Mike Sigman | Scripture: Acts 1:8

The final week of our Holy Spirit Devotional Series.

Nov 13, 202301:08
The Holy Spirit and Prayer | Romans 8:26-27

The Holy Spirit and Prayer | Romans 8:26-27

Let’s be honest! As much as we love the idea of prayer, prayer can be hard work. That’s true when we don’t know what to pray, or when God’s will is a mystery to us. And it is especially true when we are weak, wrung out by whatever decision or distress or difficulty is dominating our lives. I would guess that most of us, if not all of us, have been in that place sometime in life. We are tempted to shut down, give up, just walk away from prayer, but the message of Romans 8:26-27 calls us to PRESS ON IN PRAYER even when prayer is harder than we ever expected.Join your GCC family this weekend as we continue to discover the works of the Holy Spirit. As we study Romans 8:26-27, we will be greatly encouraged by the way the Spirit helps us pray!

Nov 05, 202344:02
Fruit of the Spirit Devotionals - Week 6 Holy Spirit

Fruit of the Spirit Devotionals - Week 6 Holy Spirit

Join us as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 30, 202305:06
Week 5 Holy Spirit Devotionals

Week 5 Holy Spirit Devotionals

Apologies for the delay on these

Join us as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 30, 202305:35
The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit

Inside of every one of us – our minds and our hearts – there is a battlefield – a place where battles have been fought in the past and continue to be fought. It is a battle between our sinful nature and the Holy Spirit; battles between who we are by our natural birth and who we are becoming by our new birth in Jesus Christ. We’ll unpack that truth as we study together Galatians 5:16-25 this weekend. And in the midst of our study, we will learn about another powerful work of the Holy Spirit in our lives – the fruit of the Spirit.

Oct 29, 202345:23
Unwrapping the Gifts of The Spirit

Unwrapping the Gifts of The Spirit

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” That’s how the apostle Paul celebrates the grace God gives us when Jesus saves us, forgiving our sin and giving us new and eternal lives. But God’s gift giving doesn’t stop there. Once we are saved, and the Holy Spirit lives in us, God continues to give us gifts of grace – gifts that we don’t deserve but that he desires for us to have. In the Bible, God calls these gifts SPIRITUAL GIFTS, and spiritual gifts are one of the works of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Join your GCC family this weekend as we focus on 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and unwrap the gifts of the Spirit.

Oct 22, 202341:50
Saturday: Pastor Kevin Kumher | Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:6

Saturday: Pastor Kevin Kumher | Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:6

Join us each day this week as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 21, 202301:14
Friday: Pastor Paul Weitzel | Scripture: Romans 8:11

Friday: Pastor Paul Weitzel | Scripture: Romans 8:11

Join us each day this week as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 20, 202300:43
Thursday: Pastor Jake Farnham | Scripture: Ezekiel 11:19-20

Thursday: Pastor Jake Farnham | Scripture: Ezekiel 11:19-20

Join us each day this week as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 19, 202301:11
Wednesday: Pastor Addison Roberts | Scripture: Titus 3:5

Wednesday: Pastor Addison Roberts | Scripture: Titus 3:5

Join us each day this week as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 18, 202301:11
Tuesday: Pastor Jesse Bills | Scripture: John 3:5-6

Tuesday: Pastor Jesse Bills | Scripture: John 3:5-6

Join us each day this week as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 17, 202301:22
Monday: Pastor Mike Sigman | Scripture: John 16:13-14

Monday: Pastor Mike Sigman | Scripture: John 16:13-14

Join us each day this week as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 16, 202300:56
The Holy Spirit Tells the Truth

The Holy Spirit Tells the Truth

We give our conscience too much credit! Does our conscience really “bother us”? Is it our conscience that tells us what is right and what is wrong in life? Not at all. It is the Holy Spirit at work in us, convicting us with regard to the “rights and wrongs” of life. The Spirit is the One who bothers us when we need to be bothered. He is the One who keeps us up all night, or gives us peace and calmness within. He reminds us when an action is wrong, and He contends for the right way and right response. Such activity on the part of the Holy Spirit is what the Scriptures call the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, and His convicting power is clearly and forcefully taught in John 16:8-11.

Join your GCC family this weekend as we learn more about how the Holy Spirit tells us the truth we need to be guided in our lives! I look forward to sharing this truth with you.

Oct 15, 202338:40
Saturday: Pastor Kevin Kumher | Scripture: Luke 10:21

Saturday: Pastor Kevin Kumher | Scripture: Luke 10:21

Join us each day this week as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 14, 202301:20
Friday: Pastor Paul Weitzel | Scripture: John 1:32

Friday: Pastor Paul Weitzel | Scripture: John 1:32

Join us each day this week as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 13, 202300:48
Thursday: Pastor Jake Farnham | Scripture: Mark 1:10-11

Thursday: Pastor Jake Farnham | Scripture: Mark 1:10-11

Join us each day this week as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 12, 202301:07
Wednesday: Pastor Addison Roberts | Scripture: Luke 1:35

Wednesday: Pastor Addison Roberts | Scripture: Luke 1:35

Join us each day this week as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 11, 202300:42
Tuesday: Pastor Jesse Bills | Scripture: Matthew 3:16

Tuesday: Pastor Jesse Bills | Scripture: Matthew 3:16

Join us each day this week as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 10, 202301:20
Monday: Pastor Mike Sigman | Scripture: Luke 4:1

Monday: Pastor Mike Sigman | Scripture: Luke 4:1

Join us each day this week as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Our pastors will guide us through Scripture to understand how the Spirit reveals God's truth, empowers us for godly living, and connects us to one another in Christian fellowship. As we dive deeper into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, these devotions will encourage your faith.

Oct 09, 202301:02
The Holy Spirit and Jesus

The Holy Spirit and Jesus

This weekend, we continue our series on the Holy Spirit. Just consider how Jesus walked on water. How did he feed five thousand with five loaves and two fish? How did He cast out demons, heal the sick, give sight to the blind, and even raise Lazarus from the dead? Unless we have been carefully taught, many would quickly say, “Because He is God!” And He truly is God. But is that how the New Testament answers these questions? We might say that Jesus’s miracles show He is God, but how Jesus performed these wonders is not as simple as we may assume.

Join us as we examine several Scriptures that answer the question: Why did Jesus need the Holy Spirit?

Oct 08, 202343:09