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Unstoppable Woman With Glin Bayley

Unstoppable Woman With Glin Bayley

By Glin Bayley

If you are ready to live your truth and be unstoppable in cultivating confidence for the life you want then this podcast is for you. Listen in as Glin Bayley, corporate finance leader, executive coach, entrepreneur and author of Unstoppable Woman talks all things to do self-leadership, from cultivating an unstoppable mindset, developing emotional intelligence, being your authentic self, understanding who you are and how you find your own voice to claim your seat at the table. Glin shares stories, insights and guidance on how to ultimately get out of your own way to live a life in alignment with who you are.
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28. The Power of a Pause

Unstoppable Woman With Glin BayleyJun 14, 2021

31. On being Unstoppable

31. On being Unstoppable

Jo Blowfield is a force to be reckoned with and when you hear her story you'll understand why.

It was only two years ago when Jo's husband picked her off the floor in their bedroom that she finally realised that she'd lost her own sense of identity in giving all of herself to her family.

When things at home changed so did her awareness and she could see clearly that there was a missing piece in her life - she was missing truly knowing herself.

Jo knew that there was more to her and her life and being an unstoppable woman she was determined to find it.

In this episode Jo shares how everything in her life changed and the journey she took to find herself including how she bounced back when Covid 19 decimated 75% of her business income and everything was on the line.

If you are hearing the voice of your inner self telling you that you are meant for more you'll want to listen to this episode.

Jul 08, 202143:18
30. You are not a narcissist

30. You are not a narcissist

I hadn’t imagined that I’d be talking about narcissism in this week’s episode of the Unstoppable Woman podcast but after recently attending a business retreat in Noosa I knew this had to be the subject of this week’s podcast.

Sitting among sixty women that are all working to grow their business and create the lives that they want to live – nearly everyone I spoke to found it difficult to promote herself and her business.

When asked why they said 'because I don’t want people to think I’m a narcissist and that I’ve got this deluded sense of self-importance and a need for admiration'.

Nearly everyone I spoke to also said 'I wonder why would anyone care what I’ve got to share and who would listen?'

It got me thinking and self-reflecting.  I had this beautiful moment of Sonder.  The moment that I realised that everyone was feeling the same way I had in my own journey of building my business and specifically a personal brand.

As I thought back to my corporate career and all of the women I have coached, I saw how clearly this same thread was there.  A desire not to self-promote or publicly acknowledge their achievements.  Instead giving credit to their team or others to deflect the attention away from them.

Women everywhere are dimming their lights and not letting themselves be seen for fear of being seen by others as a narcissist.

The penny had finally dropped and with it came my own freedom.

If you want to learn more about how to shine your light without being concerned about what others think - listen now.

Jul 01, 202120:18
29. Creating a Million Dollar Micro Business

29. Creating a Million Dollar Micro Business

Tina Tower is an award-winning, serial entrepreneur who has founded, grown, and sold several businesses and franchises. Tina has helped hundreds of people package their expertise into an online course and launch it to the world. Through her program, Her Empire Builder, she is on a mission to help 100 women build a $1 million a year business by 2025.

In this episode she talks candidly about her own journey to creating a million dollar micro business and her life by design. With many women plunging into poverty in their retirement Tina's mission is to help women recognise the impact they can make by sharing their own expertise and knowledge online.

Like many people as the pandemic took hold, I faced significant challenges.⁠

My income was decimated, and I was far away from my family, with no hope of travelling to be with them. It’s fair to say my resilience was tested.⁠

⁠I was determined to keep supporting my community of like minded women. More than ever before highly competent women like you needed to lead with certainty and speak your truth – to confidently claim a seat at the table.⁠

⁠So instead of giving up I doubled down and invested in Tina as my business coach I knew she could help me pivot and re-build a business that I could run independent of location and protect my income in the future by expanding my reach online.⁠

⁠Joining Tina and 'Her Empire Builder' Mastermind group is the best money I've invested.  Not only do I have my very own cheer squad but I have access to Tina's deep expertise to help me reach goals I never imagined setting for myself.  ⁠

She has a beautiful and open heart you'll want to listen to her insights in this episode.⁠

Her book Million Dollar Micro Business comes out 1st July.  If you'd like more for yourself, be sure to invest in you and order a copy for her website below.

Jun 24, 202150:22
28. The Power of a Pause

28. The Power of a Pause

If you're a Type A, driven, ambitious, perfection seeking human like me the you'll appreciate this episode where I get real about feeling the emotions of guilt, shame, failure and a sense of not being good enough - all because I took the time to pause and watched my ego go nuts, ignoring what it was telling me to do but instead choosing to step into what my heart needed which was to recharge, recalibrate and refocus.

If you're an action oriented achiever then this episode will really show you the Power of a Pause.

Jun 14, 202118:42
27. Why sometimes being unstoppable means having to stop

27. Why sometimes being unstoppable means having to stop

It's confronting facing into a truth that you've veered off track that you've lost you way.  

In this episode I share more about my own journey and a realisation that sometimes being unstoppable means having to stop.  

Feeling burned out and exhausted I talk more about how I lost sight of the life I was trying to create and got caught up with a measure of success that wasn't my own.

Fearing failure can easily keep you on a track to a destination you don't want to go to but when you commit to living your truth, the way forward becomes a lot clearer.

May 02, 202119:13
26. Why we need to be more open

26. Why we need to be more open

In this episode I talk about the devastating news I received which focussed my attention on why it's so important we talk more and be more open with each other.

Sometimes the challenges we have to embrace are the not the challenges we choose.

But these challenges act as powerful reminder to focus on what matters most.

If your ready to get real with me this this podcast is for you.
Mar 24, 202111:40
25. Leveraging innovation to lead a better life and business

25. Leveraging innovation to lead a better life and business

If you've ever wanted to challenge yourself to live a life that goes against conventional rules but one that fills your heart with joy then this episode is for you.

Claire Quigley, Founder of Launchpad 9 a boutique innovation consulting firm shares her journey of following her energy and leveraging her own innovative approach to create the life she dreamed of living and helping businesses maximise their profits through innovation.
Mar 11, 202155:14
24. How are you curating your life?

24. How are you curating your life?

Introducing my first ever guest to this podcast Lisa Hodgson - Founder of My Curate Life.

Last year Lisa came to the huge realisation that she was in a career and environment that made her deeply unhappy. Braving a brand new world in the middle of a global pandemic Lisa left her corporate role as a Finance Director in a global business to start her own business as a professional organiser.

In this candid interview she share the journey of how she curated her new life.
Mar 03, 202131:49
23. How to keep boundaries

23. How to keep boundaries

It's easy to fall into the trap of not keeping boundaries but usually the only person that loses out when you don't is you.

Keep boundaries as an act of self love. This episode shares exactly how to start and what to consider if you want to get better at setting boundaries and keeping them.
Feb 26, 202117:58
22. The Side Effect of Self Love

22. The Side Effect of Self Love

When you start making Self Love a priority there are many shifts that you experience in your understanding of yourself.

Self Love has given me the opportunity to really accept and own all of me and it has led me to a greater sense of freedom and confidence in my own skin.

When you observe your thoughts, actions and feelings and make self love your priority it's easy to access a different world and life becomes so much brighter and much more fulfilling.
Feb 17, 202118:58
21. The Impact Of Observing Your Emotions

21. The Impact Of Observing Your Emotions

According to Dr Joe Dispenza - when we change our personality we change our personal reality.

In this episode I share the impact of observing your emotions to create the life you want to live.

Simple methods that you can apply everyday to take you to a new reality of having more confidence, clarity and more fun!
Feb 10, 202114:47
20. What being single taught me about self love

20. What being single taught me about self love

I only began to see all the ways I didn't love myself when I no longer had my significant other half to shine his love and light on me.

In the years of being single I've learned so much about what self love is and isn't and what it looks like when you really go deep with your self love.

If you're looking for more freedom then this episode will tell you how.
Feb 03, 202116:11
19. How to be a time ninja

19. How to be a time ninja

We all have the same 24hrs in the day but why is it that some people always seem to have plenty of time and others never enough.

In this episode I share how to understand where your time is going and six ways you can get your time back and become a time ninja!
Jan 27, 202117:18
18. Top 5 Reasons Why Women Don't Invest In Themselves

18. Top 5 Reasons Why Women Don't Invest In Themselves

It wasn't until I started building my coaching practice that I really began to really understand female psychology and the challenge that's facing the corporate world

Women have a reluctance to invest in themselves

And if businesses aren't investing in them it becomes quite the challenge to get a 50/50 gender representation

In this episode I share the top five reasons why they don't invest and five things they should do instead.
Jan 20, 202124:03
17. The Power of Intention

17. The Power of Intention

What is your intention in life?

Who are you committing to being and what are you committed to doing?

In Deepak Chopra'a 21 Day Abundance Meditation he mentions that "Attention Energises and Intention Transforms" - in this episode I share more about how powerful intentions can be in shaping the way we live.

Using intentions is like choosing to live your life on purpose - they are most effective when they are part of your daily life.
Jan 13, 202114:43
16. Manifesting what you want this year
Jan 06, 202123:15
15. 2020 from Heartbreak to Wholeness

15. 2020 from Heartbreak to Wholeness

2020 wasn't the year that anyone expected and it's tested us all in so many ways.

In this episode I share how 2020 unfolded for me and what I learned about myself in a year that has been like no other.

I share who I was at the beginning of the year and who I'm taking forward into 2021.

It's only through reflection we can allow ourselves to be clearer about our intentions for the future we want.
Dec 30, 202020:46
14. How to set yourself up for success in 2021

14. How to set yourself up for success in 2021

Annual planning was only ever something I did in my corporate job and it was never something I thought I'd be indulging in for my personal life.

But having left the structure of my corporate role I soon discovered how incredibly valuable undertaking an annual planning session for my life really is.  

Not only have I had more clarity about who I am and what I want it's helped me to stay focussed and kick some really big goals!

If you are interested in doing the same - you'll want to listen to this episode.

Dec 22, 202022:21
13. Why are we so afraid of asking for what we want?

13. Why are we so afraid of asking for what we want?

When did we lose the ability to confidently ask for what we wanted?

As children we had this wonderful ability to ask without any fear that someone would say no to us - we'd ask and ask again without being a deterred!

But somewhere along the way we lose that ability and in this episode I talk more about boundaries and communication and how to get more of what you want in your life.
Dec 16, 202012:35
12. What to do when you're feeling lost

12. What to do when you're feeling lost

We all have moments when we feel lost, confused and uncertain about life ahead. When we question who we are and what we are doing.

It's been a big year and it's understandable if you find yourself feeling these emotions. In this episode I share more about what to do and how to move yourself forward with confidence.
Dec 09, 202016:47
11. Have you been hiding?

11. Have you been hiding?

In this episode I share more about how I realised I was hiding and how having a high stakes environment required me to lean in an d get passed my fear of judgement.

We all fear the judgement of others at time and as a consequence it can be easy to hide.

But as Unstoppable Women we have work to do to ensure our gifts and talents are used to create outcomes that matter - and that means stepping out of the shadows into the light.




Dec 02, 202011:53
10. Are you attaching your worth to someone else's opinion of you?

10. Are you attaching your worth to someone else's opinion of you?

It's all too easy to give your power away to others and let them determine your worth.

If you're a female leader wanting to claim your seat at the table then you will want to make sure you listen carefully to this episode.

Attaching your worth to someone else's opinion of you will have a significant detrimental effect to your leadership and to your life - it's not a strategy for success - please stop now.

Nov 25, 202016:55
9. What does it mean to be an unstoppable woman?

9. What does it mean to be an unstoppable woman?

When it comes to being unstoppable you have to get present to the truth of who you are so that you can choose what it really means to live your truth.

When I got present to my truth I realised being unstoppable meant choosing a career path that was in alignment to my heart not my head.

Being unstoppable isn't about emulating other's ideas on who you should be it's about getting real and comfortable with who you know yourself to be and who you are proud to become.





Nov 18, 202015:41
8. Mistake 7 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

8. Mistake 7 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

Over the last few years coaching female leaders I've been paying attention to the what female leaders are doing when it comes to claiming their seat at the table.

Through my coaching and leadership programs I've noticed seven mistakes that consistently show up across leaders regardless of experience level, seniority, industry and job function.

Over the course of these seven episodes of Unstoppable Woman I share what the mistakes are and how they are holding female leaders back from making the impact they want.

If you are ready to claim your seat at the table then you'll want to listen to these seven episodes to learn more.

It's time for you to live your truth and be unstoppable.

Nov 11, 202010:46
7. Mistake 6 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

7. Mistake 6 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

Over the last few years coaching female leaders I've been paying attention to the what female leaders are doing when it comes to claiming their seat at the table.

Through my coaching and leadership programs I've noticed seven mistakes that consistently show up across leaders regardless of experience level, seniority, industry and job function.

Over the course of these seven episodes of Unstoppable Woman I share what the mistakes are and how they are holding female leaders back from making the impact they want.

If you are ready to claim your seat at the table then you'll want to listen to these seven episodes to learn more.

It's time for you to live your truth and be unstoppable.

Nov 04, 202012:08
6. Mistake 5 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

6. Mistake 5 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

Over the last few years coaching female leaders I've been paying attention to the what female leaders are doing when it comes to claiming their seat at the table.

Through my coaching and leadership programs I've noticed seven mistakes that consistently show up across leaders regardless of experience level, seniority, industry and job function.

Over the course of these seven episodes of Unstoppable Woman I share what the mistakes are and how they are holding female leaders back from making the impact they want.

If you are ready to claim your seat at the table then you'll want to listen to these seven episodes to learn more.

It's time for you to live your truth and be unstoppable.

Oct 28, 202015:24
5. Mistake 4 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

5. Mistake 4 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

Over the last few years coaching female leaders I've been paying attention to the what female leaders are doing when it comes to claiming their seat at the table.

Through my coaching and leadership programs I've noticed seven mistakes that consistently show up across leaders regardless of experience level, seniority, industry and job function.

Over the course of these seven episodes of Unstoppable Woman I share what the mistakes are and how they are holding female leaders back from making the impact they want.

If you are ready to claim your seat at the table then you'll want to listen to these seven episodes to learn more.

It's time for you to live your truth and be unstoppable.

Oct 21, 202015:19
4. Mistake 3 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

4. Mistake 3 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

Over the last few years coaching female leaders I've been paying attention to the what female leaders are doing when it comes to claiming their seat at the table.

Through my coaching and leadership programs I've noticed seven mistakes that consistently show up across leaders regardless of experience level, seniority, industry and job function.

Over the course of these seven episodes of Unstoppable Woman I share what the mistakes are and how they are holding female leaders back from making the impact they want.

If you are ready to claim your seat at the table then you'll want to listen to these next seven episodes to learn more.

It's time for you to live your truth and be unstoppable.

Oct 14, 202011:09
3. Mistake 2 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

3. Mistake 2 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

Over the last few years coaching female leaders I've been paying attention to the what female leaders are doing when it comes to claiming their seat at the table.

Through my coaching and leadership programs I've noticed seven mistakes that consistently show up across leaders regardless of experience level, seniority, industry and job function.

Over the course of these seven episodes of Unstoppable Woman I share what the mistakes are and how they are holding female leaders back from making the impact they want.

If you are ready to claim your seat at the table then you'll want to listen to these next seven episodes to learn more.

It's time for you to live your truth and be unstoppable.

Oct 07, 202013:51
2. Mistake 1 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

2. Mistake 1 of 7 that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table

Over the last few years coaching female leaders I've been paying attention to the what female leaders are doing when it comes to claiming their seat at the table.

Through my coaching and leadership programs I've noticed seven mistakes that consistently show up across leaders regardless of experience level, seniority, industry and job function.

Over the course of the next seven episodes of Unstoppable Woman I share what those mistakes are and how they are holding female leaders back from making the impact they want.

If you are ready to claim your seat at the table then you'll want to listen to these next seven episodes to learn more.

It's time for you to live your truth and be unstoppable.

Oct 03, 202014:60
1. Every journey begins with a first step

1. Every journey begins with a first step

We all have aspirations for more in our lives but so often we hold ourselves back from taking the first step.

Whether it's fear, procrastination or not believing in ourselves the list of excuses made are endless.

In this first episode I share more about my own journey of self leadership and the methodology I discovered through looking back on my life journey.

It's what I live by and it helps me move past my limiting beliefs to create the life that I want to live.

I'm here to show you that I'm no different to you - perhaps I might be further ahead on a journey that you'd like to embark on, it's why I started this podcast - to help you get where you want to go.

We need more women claiming their seat at the table and cultivating confidence for the life they want to live.

It's time for you to live your truth and be unstoppable.

Sep 30, 202019:36
0. Welcome to Unstoppable Woman

0. Welcome to Unstoppable Woman

If you are ready to live your truth and be unstoppable in cultivating confidence for the life you want then this podcast is for you.  Unstoppable Woman talks all things to do self-leadership, from cultivating an unstoppable mindset, developing emotional intelligence, being your authentic self, understanding who you are and how you find your own voice to claim your seat at the table. Glin shares stories, insights and guidance on how to ultimately get out of your own way to live a life in alignment with who you are.

Sep 30, 202003:29