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Go Deeper into the Way Of Mastery

Go Deeper into the Way Of Mastery

By Jeffrey Gilliam

Blessings to you! I was moved to create some brief explanations based on the Way Of Mastery, the teachings of Jeshua as channeled through Jayem. These short episodes are also accompanied by a music meditation/contemplation (these are my original compositions also on Spotify, Apple etc. 'Jeffrey Gilliam') to help you sink even deeper into these ancient Truths. Thank you for being You . . .
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The Allowance Key

Go Deeper into the Way Of MasteryJan 29, 2021

Birthing Christ Mind

Birthing Christ Mind

For this Christmas, we're doing what Jeshua suggested to us... Celebrating our own Christ Birthing process... (with original music meditation, like all episodes...)

Dec 20, 202318:36
The Highest Work - Forgiving Your Past

The Highest Work - Forgiving Your Past

Although our past might seem horrifying, Jeshua guides us on a conscious, healing journey of ' The Highest Work, Embracing and Forgiving Your Past'.

Nov 04, 202317:33


When we desire the Kingdom/Queendom above all things, we can allow the purification process to bring up all of our unconscious fears to be healed. Then only Love remains.

Oct 09, 202318:58
The Voice For Love

The Voice For Love

As we come to learn more about the false self, to know and to feel it, that creates more of a space that allows us to be informed by the Voice For Love.

Oct 30, 202213:60
Healing Fear

Healing Fear

Fear is an illusion in reality.  God's reality.  But most of us seem to have a very real experience of fear.  Let's discuss how to heal fear.

Feb 28, 202219:13
Living It

Living It

How do we live this truth that 'Only Love Is Real' and I am that Love.  Here's some sections I found in the Way Of Mastery that have really helped me bring this truth into daily life.  

Nov 15, 202113:52
The Surrender Key

The Surrender Key

The last of the four keys to the kingdom, Surrender, is a culmination of the first three keys.  It's here where desire is becoming more purified and ultimately where the Father/Mother takes the final step for you into a 'Perfect Knowledge'.

May 03, 202112:26
The Allowance Key

The Allowance Key

The third of the four keys to the Kingdom, Allowance, is said to be the greatest of the keys.  It's the process whereby the mind is healed and wholly corrected and one returns home.

Jan 29, 202108:54
The Intention Key

The Intention Key

The second of the four 'keys to the kingdom', Intention works closely with Desire.  It helps Desire become a crystal clear, laser-like focus that can cut through the dross of this world...

Dec 04, 202010:30
The Desire Key

The Desire Key

The first of the four keys to the Kingdom, Desire is the energy through which everything comes into being.  Without it, nothing can come into existence, including your spiritual awakening into Enlightenment.

May 05, 202007:45
The Good, The Holy and The Beautiful . . .

The Good, The Holy and The Beautiful . . .

We're here to extend the Good, the Holy and the Beautiful!  Let's consider what this really means in our own life.  It's worth looking at since this is where we will find our greatest good and fulfillment.  It's Love fulfilled . . .

Feb 08, 202008:36
Making Or Creating

Making Or Creating

Our purpose is to create, or extend Love.  Not to try to make something happen.  The melodic song at the end reflects the effortless flow of Love that extends itself through our being.  

Nov 09, 201910:09
Just One Thing

Just One Thing

All things are really just one thing.  Dive into the deep union in all of creation.  Feel your Self as this one thing.

Sep 03, 201907:02
Only Love Is Real

Only Love Is Real

Love allows all things, trusts all things, embraces all things and thereby transcends all things...

Aug 04, 201906:17
True Forgiveness based on the Way Of Mastery

True Forgiveness based on the Way Of Mastery

Blessings to you!  I was moved to create some brief explanations based on the Way Of Mastery, the teachings of Jeshua as channeled through Jayem.  These short episodes are also accompanied by a music meditation/contemplation to help you sink even deeper into these ancient Truths.  This one is on true forgiveness.  Thank you for being You . . .

Jul 11, 201904:48