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Revops Therapy

Revops Therapy

By Greaser Consulting

We don't want to see your clean spreadsheets. We want to see the raw data.

Let's face it, if you're in revenue operations, your job is filled with experiments, failures (exhem, pivots), and things you'll do differently in your next role. That's why experience is so valuable.

This podcast focuses on the people behind the processes that are revenue operations.
Currently playing episode

The ProServe Journey with Nicole Ambion

Revops TherapyJan 03, 2023

Artificial intelligence for good with Tomer Zuker

Artificial intelligence for good with Tomer Zuker

Pandora’s box has been opened. Generative AI is all the buzz among salespeople, marketers, content creators, students, teachers, and many more.

Will it replace jobs? Is it considered cheating? What about copywriting laws?

In this episode, Tomer Zuker, VP of Marketing at D-ID, and RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, sit down to tackle the philosophical and ethical implications of generative AI. 

And one thing is for sure, as Zuker, an executive in the AI space, shares: as the technology advances, those who learn to work with it are one step ahead of those who try to work against it.

Sep 13, 202334:60
Persona-lization, not personalization with Jerry Pharr

Persona-lization, not personalization with Jerry Pharr

In a world of SEPs, automated emails, and now AI, it’s more difficult than ever for SDRs to stand out.

Personalization at scale doesn’t seem realistic if you’re working at a large company and reaching out to hundreds of prospects.

Jerry Pharr, Senior Director of Global Sales Enablement at Redis, shares his ideas on standing out with RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

Persona-lization, not personalization. What’s persona-lization? 

“Persona-lization or, you know, just relevance based on their role, and industry, and that kind of thing.”

To learn more and hear the rest of his insights, check out this week’s episode!

May 31, 202332:04
Celebrate the Achievements of Women in Leadership with Yael Kahn

Celebrate the Achievements of Women in Leadership with Yael Kahn

Yael Kahn, Senior ISV Partner Development Manager at Amazon Web Services, is passionate about mentoring the younger generation of girls, helping them find their voice and have the courage to share, then act on their big ideas. 

She furthers this quest through the AWS GetIT program, which focuses on 12- to 14-year-olds with visions to problem solve.

Yael and RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser talk about the importance of women breaking into tech and shattering outdated ideas about their limitations and ingenuity.

May 12, 202336:25
5 Key Concepts to Maximize CRMs with Trevor Wellen

5 Key Concepts to Maximize CRMs with Trevor Wellen

Trevor Wellen, Principal at MavenForce, lays out a simple plan to maximize your CRM and user adoption.

In five no-brainer steps, Trevor shares the necessity of having a good user interface to keep things organized, relying on data to drive decisions, communicating changes, building a Help Desk function to keep what would-be-bumps rolling efficiently, and why your best adoption strategy needs to be to build up your current platforms before you build wide. 

He shares these solutions with RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, to help you maximize your current CRM, keep your users plugged in and cruising, and allow you to evaluate future needs as your sales ops flourish

May 03, 202331:07
 Is CSM just a fancy, new title for AM? - with Stephen Sunshine

Is CSM just a fancy, new title for AM? - with Stephen Sunshine

It’s all alphabet soup: AE, AM, CSM, SDR, PS, and more. 

Roles and responsibilities tend to morph and shift between each of these titles, depending on the company. 

So what is customer success’ role versus account managers or professional services?

Stephen Sunshine, VP of Sales at AlertMedia, says it doesn’t matter what the title is as long as we’re all working together to get customers from point A to point B and then layering on C and D when they’re ready.

He shares his ideas on this, plus how comp plans could work and the future of sales with RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

Apr 19, 202324:09
Engaging and enabling Gen Z with Alicja Arts

Engaging and enabling Gen Z with Alicja Arts

“Regardless of the generation, you need to feel that you are rewarded.”

Really, are millennials, Gen X, and even Gen Z all that different?

Alicja Arts, Head of Sales Operations at sennder, would argue that each generation has its quirks, and when it comes to Gen Z, she’s learned that she has to approach enablement a little differently.

Alicja shares suggestions for enablement with RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

And keeping Gen Z engaged? Now that could be a whole other discussion, but it’s covered a little in this episode as well.

Apr 05, 202333:01
Being a Dad, a Generalist, and Seeking Opportunities for Purpose with Matt Garber
Mar 23, 202329:50
From IC to teams: making the RevOps role work with Hannah Duncan

From IC to teams: making the RevOps role work with Hannah Duncan

“There's really two tracks within revenue operations: you can really deep dive and become a very strong IC, or you can grow and become a strong leader.”

Hannah Duncan, now Head of Revenue Operations at Logixboard, has done both. She’s been a strong individual contributor and she’s led a lean team in various roles.

She shares what strategies to implement when you are the lone wolf and what she thinks makes a good RevOps leader with RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

For a deep dive into what it takes to support and run a RevOps motion, listen in.

Mar 06, 202330:48
 What can and can’t be taught with Sean Gabrus

What can and can’t be taught with Sean Gabrus

Of the 32 people Sean Gabrus, Director of Professional Services at Outreach, has had work under him, 31 are still there.

This stat is rather unheard-of in a hyper-growth company.

Sean shares what he looks for when hiring and three specific principles he uses to guide his team with RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

Whether you’re managing a team or identifying the type of team worth being part of, this is the episode for you.

Feb 20, 202331:35
Support’s Role in RevOps with Andrew Kealoha
Feb 07, 202329:39
Navigating Cultural differences with Yael Kahn

Navigating Cultural differences with Yael Kahn

Have you ever been fully immersed in a new culture fundamentally different from your own?

Yael Kahn, Senior ISV Partner Development Manager at AWS, joins Jordan Greaser, RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, to talk about the nuances of working in cross-cultural business environments.

On today’s episode, they’ll exchange stories that show the importance of embracing a new perspective when working with people in different countries.

Jan 31, 202336:14
Understanding the partner motion with Morgan Harris

Understanding the partner motion with Morgan Harris

“The best partner people are actually awesome sellers.”

Morgan Harris debunks the myth that AEs who can’t sell get into partnerships by sharing his journey to his current role as North American Sr. Partnerships Manager at ClickUp.

He also shares how channel selling and partnerships are different, as well as the philosophies behind what makes a good partner and the future of these kinds of relationships.

RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, got an education in this episode, and you will too.

Jan 24, 202332:59
What is channel selling? - with Kyle Warren

What is channel selling? - with Kyle Warren

“I'm definitely one of those folks on the one side of the sales org going ‘Who are these Channels Salespeople anyway?’ Not saying I'm against you. Not saying I'm for you, just saying like, ‘I don't know who you are, right?”

Thankfully, Kyle Warren, now CEO of PartnerStart - a SaaS Partnership/Eco Consultancy company, joins the podcast to school Jordan Greaser, RevOps Therapist and founder and CEO of Greaser Consulting, on what exactly Channel Selling is and how it works.

He also shares his thoughts on how someone might get into a Channel Selling role and how the approach to selling is different from what SDRs and AEs do.

Jan 17, 202336:38
“Taking the beating again and again” with Samuel Sunderaraj

“Taking the beating again and again” with Samuel Sunderaraj

“What kind of freak are you that you just keep doing the beginning again, and again, and again, because you got to be a glutton for punishment if that's the case?”

Samuel Sunderaraj, now VP/Head of GTM at Pebble, loves startups. He’s passionate about getting startups from seed to series A and series A to series B.

RevOps Therapist and founder and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, discovers where this passion comes from and how Samuel’s career has evolved.

Jan 10, 202333:10
The ProServe Journey with Nicole Ambion

The ProServe Journey with Nicole Ambion

How does one even get into a ProServe role?

There doesn’t seem to be one direct path that everyone is able to follow.

RevOps Therapist and founder and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, interviews Nicole Ambion, now Practice Director for NORAM Field Services Team on the Outreach Professional Services Team, about her journey.

From Toronto to the US, from support engineers to running ProServe teams, Nicole has an interesting story to share, as well as ideas on how to lead one of these teams.

Jan 03, 202333:37
 “The most unique stories in tech unicorns” - with Mark Kosoglow

“The most unique stories in tech unicorns” - with Mark Kosoglow

In honor of our 50th episode, RevOps Therapist and founder and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, connects with one of his mentors, the man who hired him at Outreach and started his career in the trajectory that led to him to where he is today:

Mark Kosoglow, former Senior Vice President of Global Sales at Outreach, now CRO at Catalyst Software had a “1 in 10 billion” chance, coming from a small town in central Pennsylvania, to become employee #1 at Outreach.

He shares his journey and the attributes that he looks for when hiring and what makes someone successful, regardless of where they’re from.

Listen in to hear Mark’s story as he shares insights that led him to success.

We’d also like to extend our sincerest thanks to Mark for the impact that he’s had on our fearless leader, Jordan. None of us would be here without him.

Dec 28, 202219:02
Surviving and thriving post-PIP with Cari Olson

Surviving and thriving post-PIP with Cari Olson

In January of 2018, Cari Olson was put on a PIP.

Jordan Greaser, RevOps Therapist and now founder and CEO of Greaser Consulting, was the one who put her there.

How does Cari feel about it now?

Thankful. Because being placed on a PIP changed the course of her career forever.

Now Senior Manager of Sales Development at Workato, Cari sometimes has to place others on a PIP. Having experienced both ends of the PIP, she has advice to share for SDRs who need to overcome what many consider to be the “kiss of death”.

Dec 21, 202232:38
The advent of RevOps in Europe with Toni Hohlbein

The advent of RevOps in Europe with Toni Hohlbein

Toni Hohlbein, CEO and co-founder of Growblocks, is leading the RevOps charge in Europe. And he didn’t even know it at the time. He and his Growblocks partner thought they were coming up with a new idea: commercial operations.

In fact, he shares with RevOps Therapist and founder and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, that he thought “revenue operations” would never catch on.

Now, Toni is on a mission to transform ops across companies in Europe. He shares his thoughts on what makes a good CRO and how to get sales, marketing, and CS aligned.

Dec 12, 202233:42
Quiet quitting with Molly Grossman

Quiet quitting with Molly Grossman

“Probably 30% of the guests that hop on here have some story about how they didn't like me at first, and then they kind of did, and then they weren't sure.”

Molly Grossman, Sales Manager at Upp Technologies, was prepared to hate Jordan Greaser, RevOps Therapist, founder, and CEO of Greaser Consulting when their paths crossed at Outreach.

With mutual love and respect for each other now, Molly couldn’t wait to join RevOps Therapy and share her thoughts on the latest social media sensation: quiet quitting.

According to Molly, it’s the saddest thing in the world. Why? Listen in to find out.

Dec 06, 202233:13
Managing work and home in hard times with Ronnie Ashline

Managing work and home in hard times with Ronnie Ashline

Think of a time when you struggled, when life was hard, when going to work seemed almost impossible because your mind was somewhere else.

Did you ask for help? Did you even know how?

Ronnie Ashline, Technical Business Developer – Enablement at AWS, shares personal stories of times when she struggled.

She shares lessons that she’s learned from these hard times with RevOps Therapist and founder and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

They talk about identity, community, help, being social together, drawing boundaries, and what goes into setting yourself up to be okay.

Nov 29, 202231:25
Who writes better sales copy: sales or marketing? - with Kathleen Niemann
Nov 22, 202232:37
Harmonizing your health & career with Catlyn Leavengood
Nov 16, 202231:11
Paving the path to your dream job with Bob Gardner
Nov 08, 202232:25
You CAN teach an old dog new tricks with Chris Leon

You CAN teach an old dog new tricks with Chris Leon

It’s a cliché. But for some reason, it seems that many people in SaaS believe it.

Chris Leon, now Senior Sales Execution Consultant at Greaser Consulting and “old dog,” has proven time and again that he can learn new tricks.

That’s why RevOps Therapist and founder and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, called Chris and recruited him to be the first employee here.

Chris shares his experiences, starting with being fired by Jordan at Outreach, in his 40s, to learning and sharing as much as he can with all of his clients, even into his 50s, and he has a lesson to teach anyone who thinks they “can’t,” no matter your age.

Nov 01, 202229:10
 Slow down, think small, go deep with David Breshears

Slow down, think small, go deep with David Breshears

David Breshears was a graduate student and assistant professor. Now, he’s in sales, the self-proclaimed Chief Revenue Mechanic of Silicon Hills Revenue Lab.

RevOps Therapist, founder, and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, started in sales and is currently working toward his PhD.

What do academics have to do with generating revenue? More than you’d think.

Breshears thinks about sales differently; he analyzes more and is here to get you to shift the way you think about how to approach the process, from starting up to selling to enterprise clients.

Oct 24, 202232:22
Fear of the phone with Eddie Ham
Oct 18, 202228:13
“I’m a cowboy” - choosing the right company with Mark Williams

“I’m a cowboy” - choosing the right company with Mark Williams

How do you know if you’re working with the right company, the place that fits YOU the best?

RevOps Therapist and owner and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, and AE, Mark Williams, talk about Mark’s journey to find the right company and what qualifications make Gorilla Logic that perfect fit for him.

It took an early start in a tech company, a few years of skiing, and a few years of just getting by to figure it out.

Oct 10, 202236:60
Content strategy with TJ Macke

Content strategy with TJ Macke

Having a content strategy is more than just writing a few sequences or cadences and uploading them to your SEP.

Just ask owner and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, and TJ Macke, SVP of Strategy at Sapper Consulting.

These two frenemies, with years of experience in the field, talk domain, deliverability, number of touches, testing and iteration, and what should go into creating a complete content strategy.

Oct 03, 202234:25
Career plans and bungee snaps with Brooke Threewitt

Career plans and bungee snaps with Brooke Threewitt

Some people are planners, preferring to have everything laid out; the future is clear. And some people are like bungee cords, preferring to be stretched, wanting to grow and learn, not sure where they’re going to end up, but enjoying the journey there.

Brooke Threewitt doesn’t have a 10-year plan. The career journey that has brought her to Manager of Learning and Enablement at People Data Labs is not one that she was always prepared for.

She shares her journey and insights with RevOps Therapist (and self-proclaimed planner) and owner and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

Sep 26, 202229:36
 Humanization, not personalization with Kerri Smith

Humanization, not personalization with Kerri Smith

Kerri Smith, Senior Sales Development Executive at Postclick, is the queen of efficiency.

Seriously, her kitchen is set up so she doesn’t have to move when she bakes. Why waste steps?

This need for efficiency opens her day up for time to be creative in her sales messaging.

And the numbers don’t lie: Kerri hits 160-180% of her quota.

She shares some of her secrets with RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

One of the biggest? Humanization, rather than personalization.

Sep 21, 202230:38
Being COVID-unemployed with Rich Surprise

Being COVID-unemployed with Rich Surprise

One of Rich Surprise’s earlier memories is standing in line, at the height of Communism, hoping there would be a loaf of bread waiting for him when his family got to the front.

After living in places like Senegal and Moscow thanks to a father who worked or the US State Department, he attended Virginia Tech, found a passion for cooking and hospitality, then pursued sales, and eventually landed a few other positions at some big-name companies.

And then COVID happened. Layoffs happened. Perspectives changed.

Rich, now the Director of Global Sales Development at Cloudbeds shares his journey, as well as changes he’s seen in sales since then, with RevOps Therapist and founder and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

Sep 19, 202230:08
AEs that prospect? OH MY! - with Nathan Broome
Sep 14, 202231:57
Cultural differences & bad jokes with Francois Eppinger

Cultural differences & bad jokes with Francois Eppinger

VP Growth at Consentio, Francois Eppinger has lived/worked in Singapore, Milan, London, Paris, Berlin, and now Barcelona.

Is there anyone better for RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, to interview about differences between the Unites States and European countries when it comes to tech stack adoption?

“Frank the Tank” shares what some of those differences are and his ideas behind why they exist.

If you’re looking to break into other markets, this episode has a wealth of knowledge for you.

Sep 12, 202229:12
Getting stakeholder buy-in with Suriel Lopez

Getting stakeholder buy-in with Suriel Lopez

It might seem like Mission: Impossible when it comes to getting buy-in from all stakeholders in your organization.

If you’re feeling the odds aren’t in your favor, Senior Director of Revenue Operations at DISQO, Suriel Lopez, who has 12 years of experience in Sales and Revenue Operations in SaaS, has some advice.

It starts with using the data, no matter how bad it is, to show that a solution is needed; no need to hide it.

He explains this tip, as well as a few others with RevOps Therapist and CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser to help you get to Mission: Complete.

Sep 07, 202231:56
Balance, connection and availability with Philip Yi

Balance, connection and availability with Philip Yi

Post-pandemic, it seems one of the biggest debates throughout the country is: work in office or work from home?

There are many pros and cons of each option that RevOps Therapist and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, and Philip Yi, SDR Manager at Confluent, discuss, as well as ways to better connect in a virtual world.

This episode starts with a bonus discussion of what it’s like to work in the UK versus the United States.

How does each country handle PTO? What does work and life balance look like in each country?

No matter your industry, this is an episode for everyone.

Sep 02, 202229:44
Make data, not war” - GTM Automations with Nate Roybal
Sep 01, 202232:08
It’s all about the base hits - GTM Myths with Amy Kohl

It’s all about the base hits - GTM Myths with Amy Kohl

Do you believe some of the myths surrounding the go-to-market funnel?

If you’re wondering whether or not what you believe IS actually a myth, Amy Kohl, CEO and founder of AK Operations, is here to clear those up for you and for CEO and founder of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

She also shares her expertise on when to hire, when to slow down, when to keep running lean and the achieving alignment between marketing and sales.

Aug 29, 202231:49
 “What were you doing in this maze?” - Scaling with Ali Adler and Jan Chmura

“What were you doing in this maze?” - Scaling with Ali Adler and Jan Chmura

Ali Adler, VP of Marketing, and Jan Chmura, CRM Project Manager, both from Sealed, broke Microsoft Excel.

Seriously. They maxed out the formula input tab with too many characters for the formula they needed.

At 15 people, their Excel sheet did the job. But when it came time to scale, it just wasn’t enough.

That’s where RevOps Therapist and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser came in.

Together, these three discuss what it takes to scale, setting up the world’s most complicated trigger map, and when to automate parts of a workflow.

Aug 24, 202235:34
Parenting = coaching = managing with Penny Williams

Parenting = coaching = managing with Penny Williams

VP of Marketing at EnGen, Penny Williams, believes her role as a mom, among other things, is to prepare her nine-year-old daughter for the workforce.

How does she do that? She has one definitive rule: participate in a team sport each year.

She explains the reason why to dad, coach, and founder and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

Sure, it’s healthy. Sure, it promotes resilience. But Williams has another reason. Listen in as these two parents relate raising kids to managing a team.

Aug 22, 202228:52
Marriage, product and sales with Hugo Song

Marriage, product and sales with Hugo Song

Hugo Song, Product Manager at Google, wants to talk to customers. He’s not the product developer with his head down, staring at white boards all day.

The best way to create a product that solves customers’ problems? Simply talk to them.

He shares the benefits, and how to listen the right way (yes, even to your spouse), with RevOps Therapist and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

Aug 17, 202235:06
From carrying a bag to enabling a team with Philip Bokan

From carrying a bag to enabling a team with Philip Bokan

Changing careers can be really scary. Changing careers later in life could be absolutely terrifying.

New Global Sales Enablement Program Manager at Redis, Philip Bokan, shares his experience moving from a 25-year career in sales into enablement with RevOps Therapist and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

From how to level up a team to doing that and working remotely, these two cover a variety of topics on the journey from sales to enablement.

Aug 15, 202230:32
DC Hustle to Denver Outdoors with Sonja Hinish

DC Hustle to Denver Outdoors with Sonja Hinish

From working on the National Catherdral and Washington Monument to running endless miles in the mountains of Colorado, Sonja Hinish, Senior Associate at BC&E, LLC knows a thing or two about career change; work/life balance; hustle; and most importantly, resilience.

This episode is a little different; it’s not about marketing, sales, or SEPs. It’s about life. And Hinish has a lot of insights to share with Jordan Greaser, RevOps Therapist and CEO of Greaser Consulting.

Her greatest lesson? Enjoy the journey. But there’s a little more to it. What do you do when you’re feeling uncomfortable?

Aug 10, 202230:25
Life / Work Balance with Jacob Turner

Life / Work Balance with Jacob Turner

“Man, those were some of the happiest days of my life. And I was making little to nothing; I wasn't able to actually afford my student loan debt. I wasn't able to, you know, save at all.

“But I was in such a zone of like, feeling peace, that it didn't even matter. I didn't I didn't even care about my debt or my income or any of that, because it was just like, I felt alive every day that work.”

When is the last time you felt alive at work? If this question has your mind hopping in a time machine, Jacob Turner, Founder/CEO of Xebra Consulting, has some advice for achieving work and life balance.

And no, it doesn’t include finding a job that pays little to nothing.

From becoming the second employee, who was pivotal in helping Outreach become the company it is today, to government work and then starting his own business, Turner shares the experiences he’s gained in his life with RevOps Therapist and Founder/CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

Aug 09, 202232:23
Are you an eagle or a pigeon? - with Stephen Farnsworth
Aug 03, 202233:55
 “Crisis isn’t terrible” - a ProServe tale with Deirdre O’Connor

“Crisis isn’t terrible” - a ProServe tale with Deirdre O’Connor

What do you do when it all goes wrong with your customer?

RevOps Therapist and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, and Deirdre O’Connor, North American Outreach Program Leader at SAP, share a story from their Outreach days when things didn’t go as planned.

Pro-tip: Don’t hit the “Clone” button 20 times; it won’t do you any favors when you’re about to meet the Outreach ProServe Team.

But, when you’re on a ProServe team, and you’re looking at a customer who told you they knew what they were doing, but they don’t, where do you go from there?

As it turns out, overcoming these challenges can lead to the best customer relationships down the road. Jordan and Deirdre will have you laughing along the way as they share their stories and tips.

Aug 01, 202230:26
Sales reimagined with Brian Court

Sales reimagined with Brian Court

Everyone’s in sales. Everyone.

Brian Court, Director of Global Sales at DHD, explains this concept best to Jordan Greaser, RevOps Therapist and CEO of Greaser Consulting:

“The easiest way to get to that is if I asked you, ‘tell me something you're passionate about,’ right? … It just naturally starts to come out. And you're not, you're not selling me, but you're selling me? Right?

“You're, you're showing me how this particular thing is worth a time investment or is meaningful, when before it wasn't to me. And we don't think of that as sales… And that's, in my mind, selling; that's what selling is.

“It's, it's encouraging people to move towards something for something that they truly believe is in their best interest and others' best interest. And so, that, to me, that's where you want to sit in a sales process.”

Court goes on to explain how this understanding can lead sellers to being more empathetic and more helpful, closing better deals.

Jul 27, 202235:25
What's the right time for certain pieces of the stack? - With Mark Turner

What's the right time for certain pieces of the stack? - With Mark Turner

Let’s be honest: this episode didn’t go in the direction we had expected or planned.

But that’s to your benefit: you’re getting a raw, insider’s look into the thought processes of RevOps Therapist and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, and Mark Turner, VP of Revenue Operations at Built In, when it comes to how to build your tech stack.

From Series A to Series B, and we didn’t make it much further past that, where do you start spending your money on tech? Is a CRM really the best first choice?

Jul 25, 202232:17
 Funnels, cycles, and bowties with Stacie Sussman
Jul 20, 202230:41
 Omnitools vs. stitching? - with David Kübler

Omnitools vs. stitching? - with David Kübler

Are you a smartphone or a flip phone kind of person? Before you glance at your smartphone and scoff at such a silly question, we’ve managed to find two leaders in the tech space who have made the switch back to flip phones.

Why should we care? Because whether someone uses a smartphone, that has everything anyone could want in one place, or whether someone uses a flip phone, carrying around simply the ability to call and text while keeping productivity apps on devices like work laptops, parallels the discussion of which is better: omnitools or stitching together parts of a tech stack?

RevOps Therapist and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser, and David Kübler, Sales Analyst at Project A Ventures debate these two concepts: not smartphones versus flip phones (although you’ll have to listen to determine who the real trendsetter is there), but whether it makes more sense to invest in one tool that can do it all or many that can do precisely what you need.

Jul 18, 202229:10
Product-Led Growth with Jon Hill

Product-Led Growth with Jon Hill

It’s not just a 30-day free trial. It’s not firing all of your salespeople.

Product-led growth is a shift in thinking, starting with and focusing on the question “how do we create value for the end user?”

As Jon Hill, VP of Global Revenue and Operations at Linode, puts it: “how do we start that way: thinking of the end-user, leading with value, removing friction, and then earning the rights to get them to convert into being a paying customer, or growing as a paying customer?”

Hill answers these questions and reveals how product-led growth can work in SaaS in his interview with RevOps Therapist and CEO of Greaser Consulting, Jordan Greaser.

Jul 13, 202233:47