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A Spooky Hangout Podcast

A Spooky Hangout Podcast

By Haley Stern

A weekly podcast of three besties who sit down and discuss and report on a surprise story to give you the creeps.
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EP08- The Mysterious Death of Mitrice Richardson

A Spooky Hangout PodcastMar 16, 2020

EP - 32 The Anchorage Mansion

EP - 32 The Anchorage Mansion

We are back and better than ever with a new producer, Bodhi!

While we were gone, we had a son, traveled to the first settlement in Ohio and encountered some ghosts!

This week we discuss the haunting history at the Anchorage Mansion in Marietta, Ohio and recap our experience.

The Anchorage or Putnam Mansion was constructed in 1859 and spent time as a nursing home in the 1960s-1980s before closing down.

We also discuss the must see things and best place to stay in Marietta!

We posted our photos from this trip on our TikTok @

Mar 06, 202401:00:20
EP - 31 The Triumph of Jayme Closs
Jan 22, 202448:10
EP- 30 The Nutty Putty Cave Disaster

EP- 30 The Nutty Putty Cave Disaster

Near Thanksgiving of 2009 the unthinkable happens when a fun group trip turns into a nightmare when 26 year old John Jones was trapped upside down in a cave, more than 100 feet underground.

A team of 137 rescue workers and volunteers pulled their efforts together to get John out alive but unfortunately

his body succumbed to his being upside down for 27-28 hours and he was pronounced dead.

What was the fallout of what happened at Nutty Putty Cave?

Find us on Tim Tok!

Jan 01, 202436:20
EP - 29 The Ghosts of Hocking Hills

EP - 29 The Ghosts of Hocking Hills

This weeks episode is a little different, we discuss the hauntings of Hocking Hills and the Athens Lunatic Asylum following our weekend trip there.

Did we experience any spooky happenings?

Listen and find out!

Dec 20, 202341:32
EP-28 The Toolbox Killers

EP-28 The Toolbox Killers

In this weeks episode we again discuss the dangers of hitchhiking.

In the 1970's a terrible duo who's quest was to kill a teenage girl for each year ages 13 through 19 and unfortunately they got all to close to reaching their goal.

Nov 20, 202354:32
EP-27 The Salem Witch Trials + A Bonus Story

EP-27 The Salem Witch Trials + A Bonus Story

Everyone knows about it, but do you really know what happened during the Salem Witch Trials?
We discuss the accused and the conditions they were kept in before being unjustly hanged for Witch craft.
We also throw in a bonus story about a haunted Ohio college with ghostly tales.
Nov 13, 202354:32
EP- 26 The Horrors of Pennhurst State School and Hospital

EP- 26 The Horrors of Pennhurst State School and Hospital

What was supposed to be an institution before its time turned into a hell on earth.

With over crowding and understaffing, Pennhurst became a prison of neglect and filth.

After 79 years of operation, it closed on December 9, 1987 leaving behind decaying buildings and a history of torture.

Nov 06, 202339:29
EP- 25 The Abduction of Jan Broberg

EP- 25 The Abduction of Jan Broberg

Many documentaries came out about this case involving girl who was abducted in plain sight.

She and her family were groomed by their next door neighbor who would eventually abduct 12 year old Jan where he would take her to Mexico to get married.

All the while, Jan was being brainwashed by her abuser to believe she is part alien and must complete a secret mission to have a baby before the age of 16.

Oct 02, 202333:20
EP-23 The Mysterious Death of Tiffany Valiante

EP-23 The Mysterious Death of Tiffany Valiante

July 12 of 2015, teenager Tiffany Valiante went missing one night following a grad party. Her parents were immediately out looking for her. Her uncle had the misfortune of stumbling upon a police investigation on the train tracks, close to where Tiffany was last seen. He was told by investigators that a young woman had been hit by a train. He was asked to identify the body and he was shocked when it was in fact his niece.

The following day, the New Jersey Transit closed the case and labeled it as a suicide. However, there were many occurrences that lead the family to believe there may have been another reason for Tiffany to be out on the tracks that night. Her shorts were never found and her shoes were found miles away from where she was hit, despite investigators claiming Tiffany walked the tracks to her death.

Sep 18, 202344:35
EP-22 The Amityville Haunting

EP-22 The Amityville Haunting

It's a 5 bedroom house located at 112 Ocean Street, Long Island, New York that was the inspiration of countless books and movies.

In 1974 Ronald DeFeo Jr. murdered his family in the house that the Lutz's would purchase 13 months later for $80,000.

The family only lived in the house for 28 days despite it being their dream home.

What happened to cause the Lutz's to leave behind their belongings and food in the fridge or was it all a hoax?

Connect with us on TikTok@

Sep 11, 202301:06:00
EP-22 The Horrific Case of Junko Furuta

EP-22 The Horrific Case of Junko Furuta

Junko was 17 years old when she was kidnapped by her classmates who were also members of the feared Yakuza gang.

Junko was held captive and tortured for 44 days in one of the kids homes while his parents plead ignorance. Junko was eventually murdered when the group of teens became enraged when she beat them at a game.

To avoid murder charges, the teens disposed of Junko's body in a 55 gallon barrel and filled it with concrete.

They walked free until two members were arrested for a separate rape charge and one of the morons confessed.

Connect with us on Tik Tok

Sep 04, 202355:20
EP-21 The Possession of Maurice Theriault

EP-21 The Possession of Maurice Theriault

Maurice "Frenchie" Theriault was born in Canada in 1935 and experienced a troubled upbringing on the family farm.

Following a traumatic experience involving his father and abuse of farm animals, Maurice began experiencing strange things that plagued him throughout his adult life.

Things finally came to a head when his third wife Nancy reached out to the church for assistance and that led to Ed and Lorraine Warren intervening to perform a full exorcism on Maurice, making it the first ever video recorded exorcism.

However, not all the demons were gone and Maurice followed in the footsteps of his abusive father and attempted to kill his ex wife in the same manner of a murder suicide.

What really happened to Maurice?

Connect with us on TikTok

Aug 28, 202358:18
EP-20 Fan Man-yee AKA The Hello Kitty Murder

EP-20 Fan Man-yee AKA The Hello Kitty Murder

In May of 1999, a 14 year old girl made her way to a Hong Kong police station, telling them for the past several weeks she had been plagued by the ghost of a woman bound with electrical wire. They didn't pay her much mind until she divulged the information that she had a hand in this woman murder.

She leads them to a rundown apartment where they find the decapitated head of a woman sewed into a stuff Hello Kitty doll.

She led them to the remains of 23 year old Fan Man-yee who had been tortured to death by 3 members of the Wo Shing Wo triad. Fan had been held captive for 1 month and sustained horrible torture as punishment for stealing money from one of the triad members wallets, money that she immediately returned.

Connect with us on TikTok or on Twitter @hangoutspooky and let us know what you think

Aug 21, 202351:33
EP-19 The Mystery of the Oakville Blobs

EP-19 The Mystery of the Oakville Blobs

On August 7th of 1994 in Oakville, Washington, clear blobs smaller than a grain of rice began to rain down, covering a 20 square mile area.

Soon after their fall, residents started to fall ill, many being hospitalized for their ailments.

No one knows that these blobs are but there are some theories that range from military conspiracies to jellyfish. Yeah, jellyfish.

Connect with us on Twitter @hangoutspooky and on TikTok

Aug 14, 202335:22
EP-18 The Truck Stop Killer AKA Robert Ben Rhoades

EP-18 The Truck Stop Killer AKA Robert Ben Rhoades

Robert Ben Rhoades was a sexual sadist and rapist that was active for 15 years, with a body count that could possibly be as many as 100.

Robert worked as a long haul truck driver which made it easy for him to prey on young women who were hitchhiking.

He would hold these women captive for months while he tortured them in the converted dungeon sleeper cab.

Connect with us on Twitter @hangoutspooky and on TikTok

Aug 07, 202301:06:23
EP-17 The Truth Behind of the Mystifying Ouija Board

EP-17 The Truth Behind of the Mystifying Ouija Board

This week we discuss the mystifying oracle known as they Ouija board from the tiny room! We dive DEEP into the history of the talking board and ramble a LOT.

The Ouija board has been used since before World War 1 to contact those on the "other side". It was a hit during the spiritualist movement and was practiced in Europe long before its assent into America.

But is it really running on the power of spirits or is there another explanation as to how the board works. You be the judge!

Let us know what you think and reach out to us on twitter @hangoutspooky or send us an email @

Jul 31, 202335:52
EP-16 The Greenbrier Ghost/The Murder of Zona Heaster Shue

EP-16 The Greenbrier Ghost/The Murder of Zona Heaster Shue

It’s the late 1800s and love is in the air for Elva Zona Heaster and blacksmith Erasmus Stribbling Tout Shue. After dating for a few months, they got married and started their lives together. Things did not remain all sunshine and rainbows when Zona was found dead in their home and cause of death was said to be heart failure. 

Right away Zona’s mother thought there was more to her daughter’s death and she prayed every night that Zona would return and tell her the true story of her death. 

Eventually one night her prayers came true and over a course of 4 visits, Zona had shared with her mother that she was killed by her husband in a fit of rage. 

Does her husband get convicted on the account of a dream or is he allowed to walk free?

This is a very famous case as it is the first time anything like this has happened in an American courtroom.

Connect with us on Twitter @hangoutspooky

Jul 24, 202348:18
EP-15 The Freeway Killer(s)/The Magical Mystical Butts

EP-15 The Freeway Killer(s)/The Magical Mystical Butts

William George Bonin was born in 1947 and unleashed a reign of terror in Southern California during the late 70s and 80s. He had multiple accomplices, between Patrick Kearney, Randy Craft, Vernon Butts and William Pugh, at least 113 lives were taken too soon. The media was making the connection that a serial killer was on the loose before the police did and they gave this murderer(s) the name of “The Freeway Killer”.

Bodies of teenage boys were found littering the highways and byways of the Southern California area until the capture of these monsters.

Jul 17, 202355:59
EP-14 The Donner/Dinner Party

EP-14 The Donner/Dinner Party

In April 16, 146 nine covered wagons left Springfield, Illinois on the 2,500 mile journey to California. The train would later grow and gain the name of the Donner Party.

The party was faced with constant hardships and food shortages. Things only got worse when they failed to make it over the summit of the mountains in time before they were trapped by 25 feet of snow with limited supplies.

Needless to say, things didn't get any better and when people began dying of malnutrition, party members realized they had to do something to avoid ending up like their fallen comrades. This led them to cannibalize their dead party members.

What is the whole story behind the Donner party?

Listen and find out!

Connect with us on Twitter @hangoutspooky

Jul 11, 202301:19:50
EP-13 The World of Zack Bowen and Addie Hall

EP-13 The World of Zack Bowen and Addie Hall

!!!! Jacob very clearly asked for me to clarify that he said "I've seen it" and not "I seen it"!!!!!!!

Following the wrath of hurricane Katerina in August of 2005, another horror was unfolding in the dilapidated city. From the ashes of the storm rose Addie Hall and Zack Bowen, a couple who decided to wait out the storm and take the city back from the disaster. 

The couple made a community for themselves and others who stayed behind amongst the wreckage of the storm, creating an almost camp-like environment to support and care for each other while the city was rebuilt. 

Behind closed doors it was not all sunshine and rainbows for Zack and Addie. Many untreated issues were creating a storm all their own and it took over when Zack turned to murder as a means to resolve his problems. He turned on Addie and killed her in their apartment they shared. The state that Addie’s body was left in is truly disturbing. No one nows how long it would have been before her body was discovered if Zack didn’t complete suicide with a note in his pocket directing police back to their apartment.

to see the pictures I made Jacob describe

Jun 26, 202301:06:58
EP-12 The Shocking Shadow Man

EP-12 The Shocking Shadow Man

This week Jacob is the host!

He presents the shocking story of Jonathan Sinclair the self proclaimed Shadow man who was causing havoc to a small town in South Dakota for a period of time before being caught.

What inspired this Shadowman? How was he caught?

Let Jacob tell you all about it!

Jun 18, 202341:43
EP-11 The Horrors of the Real Moby Dick AKA The Whale Ship Essex

EP-11 The Horrors of the Real Moby Dick AKA The Whale Ship Essex

Everyone but Gianna knows of Moby Dick by Herman Melville but not everyone knows why it was written or the disaster it was inspired by.

On November 20, 1820, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the American whaling ship known as the Essex was rammed by a sperm whale which led to the sinking of the ship. All 20 crewmen initially survived the sinking but months later, only 8 men were rescued.

On February 18, after 89 days at sea, the last three men on the first mates sketchy whale boat were rescued, a week later the remaining surviving crew members in the Captain's boat were rescued.

The men were barely alive at the time of their rescue, what followed the sinking of the whale ship Essex was a demonstration of just how much the human body can take with the co-start of ~cannibalism~

Jun 12, 202342:19
EP-10 The Worst Person David Parker Ray AKA The Toy Box Killer

EP-10 The Worst Person David Parker Ray AKA The Toy Box Killer

Coming to you this week from the Tiny Room! In this episode Haley will give you nightmares with the case that has always stuck in her brain, the Toy Box Killer. 

David Parker Ray was responsible for kidnapping and holding women captive in his trailer that he converted into his $100,000 sound proofed sex slave dungeon. These women were tortured in various horrible ways until their death 

David Parker Ray was an active serial rapist until his arrest in March of 1999.

Jun 05, 202348:04
EP-09 Silence of the Lambs Killer Gary Heidnik

EP-09 Silence of the Lambs Killer Gary Heidnik

WE ARE BACK!!!! After 3 long years and a pandemic later, we bring you the new and improved Spooky Hangout Pod with this episode about douchebag Gary M. Heidnik, a partial inspiration for Silence of the Lambs "Buffalo Bill".

Gary Heidnik captured and held several women captive in a pit in his basement where he tortured them in Pennsylvania during the 1980s. These women were starved, electrocuted and fed the remains of their fellow captives.

May 29, 202324:00
EP08- The Mysterious Death of Mitrice Richardson

EP08- The Mysterious Death of Mitrice Richardson

In this weeks episode Haley brings to you a case to make your blood boil. 

If you have never heard of the mysterious death of Mitrice Richardson, you need to. More people need to be talking about this. 

Mitrice went on an impromptu road trip to Malibu from her home she shared with her grandmother in LA. When Mitrice stopped at a high end restaurant near the beach staff reported that Mitrice was acting strangely and not making much sense. Mitrice was eventually arrested after not being able to pay her tab but what happened after Mitrice was released from jail at 12:15am remains a mystery because 11 months later her body was found in a puzzling state. 

All evidence is pointing to a police cover up, but will we ever know the truth? 

Let us know what you think by connecting with us @hangoutspooky on twitter and email us at with any questions or suggestions

Mar 16, 202045:26
EP07- The Tragic Life of Judy Garland

EP07- The Tragic Life of Judy Garland

For this weeks episode Haley presents a "detox" of sorts and reports on a less traumatic case but equally as scarring!

Join us while Haley successfully destroys all of your childhood dreams pertaining to the Wizard of Oz and Judy Garland before she was Judy Garland.

Although there is no murder in this weeks EP, there is still plenty of crime and not enough punishment. Have you ever heard of what the cast went through to give us the movie classics we know today? 

Let us know what you think by connecting with us @hangoutspooky on twitter and email us at with any questions or suggestions

Mar 09, 202001:18:01
EP06- The Cincinnati Strangler Pt. 2

EP06- The Cincinnati Strangler Pt. 2

Join us for the conclusion of the Cincinnati Strangler saga where in this weeks episode we discuss who done it!

Does the case get solved? Come find out.

Let us know what you think by connecting with us @hangoutspooky on twitter and email us at with any questions or suggestions.

Mar 02, 202024:39
EP05- The Cincinnati Strangler Pt. 1

EP05- The Cincinnati Strangler Pt. 1

This week Haley presents a home town historic case for Gianna, the case of the Cincinnati Strangler.

The year is 1965 and a serial killer is running rampant taking the lives of elderly women in the area. The Strangler would claim the lives of 7 victims. 

Will we ever know who is responsible for these heinous acts? 

Let us know what you think by connecting with us @hangoutspooky on twitter and email us at with any questions or suggestions.

Feb 24, 202029:33
EP01- The Athens Lunatic Asylum

EP01- The Athens Lunatic Asylum

Join Haley and co-host Gianna for the first of a weekly podcast in which Haley researches and reports on a strange and bone chilling happenings. 

New episodes scheduled to come out every Monday!

This week Haley presents the history of the Athens Lunatic Asylum located in Ohio. With a haunting and dark past, this Asylum is not a place we'd like to be stuck at alone, late a night with no cell service.

Let us know what you think by connecting with us @hangoutspooky on twitter and email us at with any questions or suggestions.

Feb 22, 202030:13
EP04- Serial Killer Dorothea Puente

EP04- Serial Killer Dorothea Puente

In this episode of A Spooky Hangout Poddie, Haley presents Gianna with a terrifying tale that comes from her hometown of Sacramento, California. 

You may have heard the case on Ghost Adventures when Zak Bagans verbally assaults the ghost of the deceased murderer Dorothea Puente. 

What happened behind closed doors at Dorothea Puente's boarding house of MURDER?

Let us know what you think by connecting with us @hangoutspooky on twitter and email us at with any questions or suggestions.

Feb 22, 202051:28
EP03- The Kidnapping of Jaycee Dugard

EP03- The Kidnapping of Jaycee Dugard

For the third rendition of a Spooky Hangout Poddie, Haley presents the case of Jaycee Dugard, a young girl who was kidnapped in California and held captive for years. 

Does Jaycee find freedom? Does she live to tell her terrifying tale?

Let us know what you think by connecting with us @hangoutspooky on twitter and email us at with any questions or suggestions.

Feb 22, 202053:49
EP02- The Bricca Family Murder

EP02- The Bricca Family Murder

This marks the second episode of the Spooky Hangout Poddie with Haley and Gianna. 

In this episode Haley presents the long time cold case of the Bricca Family murder that took place in Cincinnati many years ago. 

Who is responsible for this heinous crime? Do we ever find out?

Let us know what you think by connecting with us @hangoutspooky on twitter and email us at with any questions or suggestions.

Feb 22, 202032:12