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Harvest Church

Harvest Church

By Harvest Church

Listen to live recordings of biblically based sermons from Harvest Church of Hesston, KS.

Mission: Inspired by the Great Commission, we exist to equip and empower disciples of Jesus who are dedicated to serving the Hesston community and spreading the gospel in our region.

Vision: Grounded in God’s word, prayer, and faith in the Holy Spirit, we will live worshipful lifestyles and develop authentic relationships in our church and community.

Values: Authentic Spiritual Depth
Sound Biblical Teaching
Worshipful Living
Societal Concern
Movement of the Gospel
Church Multiplication
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Disruptors Session 1: Religious Traditions (06/03/2024)

Harvest ChurchJun 04, 2024

Disruptors Session 1: Religious Traditions (06/03/2024)

Disruptors Session 1: Religious Traditions (06/03/2024)

Aspects of the world that are seemingly unchangeable can and should be changed by the most incredible and disruptive life that was ever lived: the life of Jesus Christ. Make no mistake, Jesus Himself was a disruptive individual, finding ways to change the world around Him and completely derail many of the seemingly unchangeable systems and facets of the human experience. Religious systems, power structures, and societal norms all collapsed in the face of Jesus’ profound ministry. If that was true about Jesus’ life and ministry, shouldn’t it also be true of our own lives and ministries as well?

It may seem strange to say it, but the message of Jesus Christ about the Kingdom of God was never meant to start an institutionalized religion. It seems weird to say that because that’s just what happened, but the institutional, bureaucratic monstrosity that we see today is never what Jesus intended His church to be. That’s exactly why followers of Jesus need to break free from the religious systems that surround us.

Jun 04, 202432:11
Lean In Session 4: Speak Truth (05/26/2024)

Lean In Session 4: Speak Truth (05/26/2024)

Scripture: John 3.1-21 After discussing God's relentless pursuit of humanity, it is time to take responsibility for the fact that God is now pursuing humanity through His church. We love the idea of being sent on a mission by God, but when that mission leads us to difficult, awkward, or frightening situations, we are quick to back off to a comfortable distance. Jesus, on the other hand, never did that.

What Jesus did do was speak truth. He spoke truth to everyone, no matter who they were or when they approached Him. Jesus spoke the truth, and in John 3, we see that the most important truths Jesus could tell a Pharisee named Nicodemus was that God's love is real, and so is God's judgment. How can we emulate this in how we interact with the world?

May 27, 202448:03
Lean In Session 3: Elevate Outcasts (05/19/2024)

Lean In Session 3: Elevate Outcasts (05/19/2024)

Scripture: Matthew 25.31-46 After discussing God's relentless pursuit of humanity, it is time to take responsibility for the fact that God is now pursuing humanity through His church. We love the idea of being sent on a mission by God, but when that mission leads us to difficult, awkward, or frightening situations, we are quick to back off to a comfortable distance. Jesus, on the other hand, never did that.

Jesus was no stranger to the outcast, and in fact, He made it very apparent that anyone who claims to follow Him must embrace and love the down-and-out, the outcast, and the "least" among us. We can lean in on the kind of ministry Christ calls us to when we seek out people in the margins and love them. This was of the utmost importance to Jesus, and it should be equally important to us.

Ending Song: Send Me

© Bethel Music Publishing SESAC; Thirsty Boots Music; Capitol CMG Genesis; Tiny Hits; Be Essential Songs; Cashagamble Jet Music; Songs Of BEC; Tasha Layton Music

May 20, 202451:19
Lean In Session 2: Befriend Sinners (05/12/2024)

Lean In Session 2: Befriend Sinners (05/12/2024)

Scripture: Matthew 9.9-13 After discussing God's relentless pursuit of humanity, it is time to take responsibility for the fact that God is now pursuing humanity through His church. We love the idea of being sent on a mission by God, but when that mission leads us to difficult, awkward, or frightening situations, we are quick to back off to a comfortable distance. Jesus, on the other hand, never did that.

Jesus was never afraid to be seen with the wrong people; in fact, many labeled Him a friend of sinners. Today, however, Christians are very concerned with the idea of reputation - even to the point of avoiding the outcast to protect themselves from scrutiny. This is the opposite of the example that Jesus gave. How can we be better about these things, and what can we learn from the calling of Matthew that will transform the way that we approach the sinner?

May 16, 202439:45
Lean In Session 1: Dwell Among Them (05/05/2024)

Lean In Session 1: Dwell Among Them (05/05/2024)

Scripture: John 1.1-18
After discussing God's relentless pursuit of humanity, it is time to take responsibility for the fact that God is now pursuing humanity through His church. We love the idea of being sent on a mission by God, but when that mission leads us to difficult, awkward, or frightening situations, we are quick to back off to a comfortable distance. Jesus, on the other hand, never did that.
One thing we can learn from Jesus' earthly ministry is that He saw the importance of dwelling among the people He was trying to reach. As people who are sent to others like Christ was sent to us, it's incredibly important that we emulate Jesus' willingness to dwell among others. As we do, we have to bring with us His willingness to face rejection and a message that is full of both grace and truth.
May 12, 202442:51
Reckless Pursuit Session 4: Pursuit through the Church (04/28/2024)

Reckless Pursuit Session 4: Pursuit through the Church (04/28/2024)

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1.1-10

God has been pursuing humanity since before humanity was ever created. Before there were animals, water, earth, or even light, God was pursuing humanity. This is a big concept, but the reality is that God has also individually pursued every person who has ever lived. He pursues us, despite our sin. He pursued us on a cross. And today, He pursues humanity through the church.

But what does it mean to be part of God's pursuit of the world around us? Certainly, we live in a world that is hostile toward us, yet so did Christ and the Apostles. What can we learn from their example and the example of the early church, as it pertains to recklessly pursuing the world around us?

Apr 30, 202445:52
Reckless Pursuit Session 3: Pursuit on the Cross (04/21/2024)

Reckless Pursuit Session 3: Pursuit on the Cross (04/21/2024)

Scripture: Colossians 1.15-20

God has been pursuing humanity since before humanity was ever created. Before there were animals, water, earth, or even light, God was pursuing humanity. This is a big concept, but the reality is that God has also individually pursued every person who has ever lived. He pursues us, despite our sin. He pursued us on a cross. And today, He pursues humanity through the church.

To reconcile humanity to Himself, God was willing to pull out all the stops. He pursued us, despite great cost to Himself. The cross of Jesus represents most clearly God's pursuit of humanity.

Apr 25, 202442:44
Reckless Pursuit Session 2: Pursuit in Sin (04/14/2024)

Reckless Pursuit Session 2: Pursuit in Sin (04/14/2024)

Scripture: Genesis 3.1-19

God has been pursuing humanity since before humanity was ever created. Before there were animals, water, earth, or even light, God was pursuing humanity. This is a big concept, but the reality is that God has also individually pursued every person who has ever lived. He pursues us, despite our sin. He pursued us on a cross. And today, He pursues humanity through the church.

Since the inception of sin, humanity has been running and hiding from God. Yet, we see great mercy from God, especially given the fact that sin is only possible when we abuse the greatest gift God gave us - His image. To deal with our sin, it is important to remember that no one can force us to sin, and we cannot expect God to bless our rebellion. Most importantly, we need to stop running from the God who pursues us, despite our sin.

Apr 15, 202444:14
Reckless Pursuit Session 1: Pursuit in Creation (04/07/2024)

Reckless Pursuit Session 1: Pursuit in Creation (04/07/2024)

Scripture: Colossians 1.15-17

God has been pursuing humanity since before humanity was ever created. Before there were animals, water, earth, or even light, God was pursuing humanity. This is a big concept, but the reality is that God has also individually pursued every person who has ever lived. He pursues us, despite our sin. He pursued us on a cross. And today, He pursues humanity through the church.

There was a time when we weren't alive. We didn't exist, but because God wanted us so badly, He created us. He pursued us from nothingness. What is our obligation based on the idea that Christ, our Creator and Sustainer, pursued us from nothingness? What happens when we start to see Christ for everything He really is? What happens when we stop running from our Creator?

Apr 08, 202445:06
The Hinge Session 5: The Hinge of All Salvation (03/31/2024)

The Hinge Session 5: The Hinge of All Salvation (03/31/2024)

Scripture: Romans 10.6-17

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single most important event that has ever taken or will ever take place. This message begins a five-week series meant to explore the importance and impact of the Resurrection as it pertains to the physical universe, human history, the church, and each person's salvation.

No one can ever be saved outside of being saved through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection is the only hope any of us have of "calling upon the name of the Lord." But what exactly does that phrase mean? In this sermon, Pastor Eric unpacks just what it means to call upon the name of the Lord and how that should affect the way we live.

Apr 01, 202441:29
The Hinge Session 4: The Hinge of the Church (03/24/2024)

The Hinge Session 4: The Hinge of the Church (03/24/2024)

Scripture: Acts 2.32-41

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single most important event that has ever taken or will ever take place. This message begins a five-week series meant to explore the importance and impact of the Resurrection as it pertains to the physical universe, human history, the church, and each person's salvation.

On the first day of the Church, Pentecost, the Holy Spirit arrived and empowered Peter and the other followers of Christ to lead thousands of people to salvation. Peter stood and gave an impassioned sermon, with one single fact at the center of his message: Jesus Christ rose from the dead. This life-changing message is the hinge upon which the entire Church hangs.

Mar 25, 202445:28
The Hinge Session 3: The Hinge of History (03/17/2024)

The Hinge Session 3: The Hinge of History (03/17/2024)

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15.12-28

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single most important event that has ever taken or will ever take place. This message begins a five-week series meant to explore the importance and impact of the Resurrection as it pertains to the physical universe, human history, the church, and each person's salvation.

Adam's sin set humanity on a trajectory that we were powerless to change. Death, decay, and evil became the course upon which humanity was set. There was no hope until one single event changed everything: the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. What should we do now, knowing that the Resurrection changed the course of human history?

Mar 18, 202438:32
The Hinge Session 2: The Hinge of Creation (03/10/2024)

The Hinge Session 2: The Hinge of Creation (03/10/2024)

Scripture: Romans 8.18-25

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single most important event that has ever taken or will ever take place. This message begins a five-week series meant to explore the importance and impact of the Resurrection as it pertains to the physical universe, human history, the church, and each person's salvation.

The moment humans sinned, betraying their Creator, the entirety of the physical universe was changed. Death and decay went from concepts to realities. Everything in the universe was affected, including the pinnacle of God's creation, humanity. Nothing we could do could fix what was broken, but the Resurrection of Christ provides hope for both the universe and mankind.

Mar 15, 202439:17
The Hinge Session 1: Importance and Evidence of the Resurrection (March 3, 2024)

The Hinge Session 1: Importance and Evidence of the Resurrection (March 3, 2024)

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15.1-11

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single most important event that has ever taken or will ever take place. This message begins a five-week series meant to explore the importance and impact of the Resurrection as it pertains to the physical universe, human history, the church, and each person's salvation.

Truly, everything hinges on the Resurrection. But how can a reasonable person really believe that Jesus came back from the dead? Join us today as Pastor Eric unpacks Dr. Gary Habermas' "Minimal Facts" argument, a simple yet profound argument in favor of the Resurrection.

Mar 04, 202453:34
Exiled Session 4: Finding God's Plan in Exile (February 25, 2024)

Exiled Session 4: Finding God's Plan in Exile (February 25, 2024)

Scripture: Jeremiah 29.10-14

600 years before Christ, God's people went into exile. Then, decades after Jesus ascended to Heaven, Peter wrote to persecuted believers, calling them "temporary residents and foreigners." Peter was connecting the situation of citizens of the Kingdom of God with the citizens of Judah during the Babylonian Exile.

God really shows His character in how He treats His exiled people. The Jewish people betrayed Him at every turn, yet He still forgave them and promised restoration. Today, we Exiles can know that God is to be trusted. He keeps His promises. He always has. He never hasn't. So, what does it mean as Exiles to believe that God has a plan?

Feb 26, 202443:58
Exiled Session 3: Trusting God's Justice in Exile (February 18, 2024)

Exiled Session 3: Trusting God's Justice in Exile (February 18, 2024)

Scripture: Jeremiah 20.20-23

600 years before Christ, God's people went into exile. Then, decades after Jesus ascended to Heaven, Peter wrote to persecuted believers, calling them "temporary residents and foreigners." Peter was connecting the situation of citizens of the Kingdom of God with the citizens of Judah during the Babylonian Exile.

The unfortunate truth is that, even in Exile, there were false prophets who were rising up, claiming to have messages from God. These messages directly contradicted the truth God was communicating through His real prophets, but people embraced them because they were easy to believe.

These false prophets led God's people astray, robbing them of the benefits of the truth. God called them out by name, and today, God is still in the business of judging false teachers. It is the responsibility of every believer to pay careful attention to what teachers say and how they live. Finally, the judgment of these teachers is God's responsibility.

Feb 19, 202442:43
Exiled Session 2: Pursuing Truth in Exile (February 11, 2024)

Exiled Session 2: Pursuing Truth in Exile (February 11, 2024)

Scripture: Jeremiah 29.8-9;15-19 600 years before Christ, God's people went into exile. Then, decades after Jesus ascended to Heaven, Peter wrote to persecuted believers, calling them "temporary residents and foreigners." Peter was connecting the situation of citizens of the Kingdom of God with the citizens of Judah during the Babylonian Exile.

The unfortunate truth is that, even in Exile, there were false prophets who were rising up, claiming to have messages from God. These messages directly contradicted the truth God was communicating through His real prophets, but people embraced them because they were easy to believe. This is the case today as well, in the church's exile. False teachers have arisen and tell people what they want to hear to gain followers, influence, and power. When the truth is hard to hear, people will refuse to hear the truth.

Today, believers have a responsibility to know and protect the truth, while actively and diligently avoiding false teachers. The pursuit of real truth is essential to the life of the believer.

Feb 11, 202438:33
Exiled Session 1: Building a Life in Exile (February 4, 2024)

Exiled Session 1: Building a Life in Exile (February 4, 2024)

Scripture: Jeremiah 29.1-7
600 years before Christ, God's people went into exile. Then, decades after Jesus ascended to Heaven, Peter wrote to persecuted believers, calling them "temporary residents and foreigners." Peter was connecting the situation of citizens of the Kingdom of God with the citizens of Judah during the Babylonian Exile.
During the Exile, God used a prophet named Jeremiah to write a letter to the Jews in Babylon. In it, He gave instructions for how He expected His people to live. They were to plan to stay, put down roots, thrive, and act for the benefit of the land in which they were exiled.
There are principles in this letter that apply to citizens of the Kingdom of God. As Exiles, we can learn a lot from how God desires His people to live in exile.
Feb 05, 202446:21
ReChurch Session 4 - ReConnect (January 28, 2024)

ReChurch Session 4 - ReConnect (January 28, 2024)

Scripture: 1 John 3.11-24 To solve the problem of an increasing number of "de-churched" people in America, the church must start the ReChurch movement. We don't need new programs or bigger, flashier buildings. We need churches dedicated to getting back to the basics and the original intent of Jesus Christ for His church.

First, we need to ReDefine the church by getting back to the original mission Jesus gave it. We also need to ReFocus the church on working together to look like Christ. Then, we need to ReInvigorate the church by embracing the opposition of the world and seeing it as an unsurprising privilege.

Lastly, we need to ReConnect with one another, bringing the church back to the primary principle of love. It's clear that our love for one another is extremely important to God. Scripture also makes it clear that it is the evidence that we belong to God. Finally, our love for each other binds us together with God.

How can we live and bring love back to the church.

Jan 29, 202443:13
ReChurch Session 3: ReInvigorate (January 21, 2024)

ReChurch Session 3: ReInvigorate (January 21, 2024)

Scripture: 1 Peter 4.7-19 To solve the problem of an increasing number of "de-churched" people in America, the church must start the ReChurch movement. We don't need new programs or bigger, flashier buildings. We need churches dedicated to getting back to the basics and the original intent of Jesus Christ for His church. First, we need to ReDefine the church by getting back to the original mission Jesus gave it. Then, we need to ReFocus the church on working together to look like Christ. Now, we need to ReInvigorate the church by embracing the opposition of the world and seeing it as an unsurprising privilege. Instead of losing ground to the world and shirking away from opposition, is there another option for the church?

Jan 22, 202444:16
ReChurch Session 2: ReFocus (January 14, 2024)

ReChurch Session 2: ReFocus (January 14, 2024)

Scripture: Ephesians 4.1-16
To solve the problem of an increasing number of "de-churched" people in America, the church must start the ReChurch movement. We don't need new programs or bigger, flashier buildings. We need churches dedicated to getting back to the basics and the original intent of Jesus Christ for His church.
After we ReDefine the church, getting back to the mission that Christ gave it, we need to ReFocus the church on the end goal of looking more like Christ. For too long the church has focused on too many wrong things - tradition, appearance, programming, or any number of other things that serve to pull the church's focus away from what it's meant to be: growing to look more like Christ.
Jan 14, 202441:10
ReChurch Session 1: ReDefine (January 7, 2024)

ReChurch Session 1: ReDefine (January 7, 2024)

Scripture: Matthew 28.1-10;16-20

To solve the problem of an increasing number of "de-churched" people in America, the church must start the ReChurch movement. We don't need new programs or bigger, flashier buildings. We need churches dedicated to getting back to the basics and the original intent of Jesus Christ for His church.

The first step in the ReChurch movement is to ReDefine the church. However, we don't need to come up with something new and different to attract people. We only need to strip away what we have added to Christ's original intent for His church and get back to our original purpose. The church was never meant to build big buildings, fund big bank accounts, create celebrity pastors, or have worship teams carve out a niche in the entertainment industry.

The real, original purpose is simple. We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Jan 07, 202440:07
Welcome to Harvest Church!

Welcome to Harvest Church!

Thanks for listening! Here’s a rundown on what to expect as you listen to Harvest Church. We hope this podcast can help you as you become a mature disciple of Christ.
Jan 02, 202401:46