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Live Fearlessly Free with Heather Bunch

Live Fearlessly Free with Heather Bunch

By Heather L Bunch

You are called to something greater than yourself, but with any dream comes fear. Fear tries to stop us and keep us playing small. Fears' goal is to keep you hiding, hiding your real self, stuffing your voice and limiting your impact in this world. It's trying to keep you safe, but nothing significant happens in our comfort zones. Learning to do it afraid opens the doors to our dreams.

In this podcast, I wish to lead us through a journey to help us Live Fearlessly Free, so we can stop hiding, show up fully ourselves and fulfill our God-given purpose–courageously.
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108 - What is holding onto hurt costing you...and others?

Live Fearlessly Free with Heather BunchNov 16, 2022

308 - Unlocking The Mystery of Imposter Syndrome: Does It Just Show Up Randomly?

308 - Unlocking The Mystery of Imposter Syndrome: Does It Just Show Up Randomly?

Facing Imposter Syndrome head-on is your key to freedom. 

In this podcast episode of Live Fearlessly Free #307, we answer the question, “Does imposter syndrome sneak up randomly or can we predict when this thief will show up?”

But this episode is not just about recognizing imposter syndrome; it's about beating it at its own game.

Tune in to find out how to identify the roots of your own imposter syndrome and the crucial steps to overcome it, leaving you ready to dive in toward your dreams.

May 28, 202426:26
307 - The Truth Behind the Mask: Getting to the Root of Imposter Syndrome

307 - The Truth Behind the Mask: Getting to the Root of Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever found yourself trapped in self-doubt, fear of failure, or feelings of being an imposter? Heather shares personal experiences and knowledge to help uncover the root cause of imposter syndrome and discusses how embracing your true identity can combat these feelings. Dive in as she dissects the link between identity and imposter syndrome and how to rewrite your own narrative.

May 21, 202422:06
306 - You Might Being Experiencing Imposter Syndrome If...

306 - You Might Being Experiencing Imposter Syndrome If...

On this anticipated episode of Live Fearlessly Free, your host Heather Bunch invites you on an impactful journey of self-realization and transformation. Learn how to pinpoint and tackle the impostor syndrome that's been inhibiting you from your fullest potential. Heather shares her fascinating insights and personal stories that will inspire you to break free from the cycle of self-doubt, comparison, and unrealistic standards. This episode will empower you to embrace success, accept praise, celebrate achievements, and most importantly, live fearlessly free.

May 14, 202433:59
305 - How I Achieve More by Just Becoming
May 07, 202427:10
304 – The Secret Ingredient That Binds Growth and Success Together
Apr 30, 202443:35
303 - Discipline - The Key to Unlock Your Goals Part 3 - Use Actions to Get You to the Finish Line

303 - Discipline - The Key to Unlock Your Goals Part 3 - Use Actions to Get You to the Finish Line

Unleashing Your Dreams into Reality: Steps to Bridging the Gap - Are you stuck in the valley between your dreams and your reality? In this insightful episode, our courageous coach, Heather Bunch, reveals how to make the leap. Discover the key role of discipline in unfolding a fearless life, and learn how to discipline your thoughts, feelings, actions, in your pursuit of fearless living.

Apr 23, 202429:08
302 - Discipline - The Key to Unlock Your Goals Part 2 - Discipline Your Feelings to Jump Off the Crazy Cycle

302 - Discipline - The Key to Unlock Your Goals Part 2 - Discipline Your Feelings to Jump Off the Crazy Cycle

Have you ever had your emotions run away with you? Do you ever wake up anxious and don't know why? Do you find yourself stressed, worried or depressed? Want to do something about that? I've got your ticket to jump off this crazy cycle, and it's one word...discipline. We've got to learn how to discipline our emotions. And I'll show you how in this episode. So, if you're ready to crack the code to a better life and break through limits, I'll meet you inside.

Apr 17, 202429:36
301 - Discipline - The Key to Unlock Your Goals Part 1 - It All Starts With Your Thoughts

301 - Discipline - The Key to Unlock Your Goals Part 1 - It All Starts With Your Thoughts


Apr 09, 202436:27
300 - Unleash Your Hidden Superpowers: Part 3 Discover Your Courageous Calling

300 - Unleash Your Hidden Superpowers: Part 3 Discover Your Courageous Calling

In this 300th-episode celebration, host Heather Bunch discusses the theme of discovering your courageous calling and coaching people to action to start living fearlessly and authentically.

Feeling stuck in a life of mediocrity? Need a little kick in the booty to break away from a life of settling? Ready to live life the way it was meant to be experienced?

This episode delves into your courageous calling and how it gives you that kick to step out of your comfort zone. With compelling challenges to confront your fears and maximize your potential bravely, this episode might just be the catalyst you need to live your purpose fearlessly.

Apr 02, 202426:07
299 - Unleash Your Hidden Superpowers: Part 2 Discover Your Courageous Zone

299 - Unleash Your Hidden Superpowers: Part 2 Discover Your Courageous Zone

Ever felt as if you're good at something you don't really enjoy doing? In this episode, Heather Bunch – the Courageous Coach – unpacks how people can get trapped in pursuits they excel at but find unfulfilling. Discover the difference between a zone of celebration and a courageous zone. Dive into an exercise of self-discovery, as Heather guides you through a set of reflective questions to help you find what truly satisfies and brings out the best in you – your courageous zone.

Mar 27, 202430:43
298 - Unleash Your Hidden Superpowers Part 1: Discover Your Strengths

298 - Unleash Your Hidden Superpowers Part 1: Discover Your Strengths

On this episode of Live Fearlessly Free, your courageous coach Heather Bunch is on a mission to help you identify your gifts and leverage them to fulfil your life's purpose. This episode embarks on a new series centred on unveiling your hidden superpowers. Heather gives helpful guidelines on how to ignite your potential, understand your strengths, and flourish in your unique journey. Join us as we explore a path that transforms uncertainty into confident self-empowerment.

Mar 19, 202423:03
297 - From Living in Fear to Fearlessly Free: Close the Gap Between Your Dreams and Reality part 4

297 - From Living in Fear to Fearlessly Free: Close the Gap Between Your Dreams and Reality part 4

In part four of the series, "From Living in Fear to Fearlessly Free," Heather Bunch masterfully uncovers the insidious "upper limiting beliefs" that can cap our potential. With wisdom pulled from her own book, "Hello Courageous," Heather guides listeners through the process of recognizing and overcoming these self-imposed ceilings in pursuit of their divine life. This episode is a must-listen for anyone feeling stuck and seeking to transform their dreams from mere imaginings to tangible realities.

Mar 13, 202431:34
296 - From Living in Fear to Fearlessly Free: Close the Gap Between Your Dreams and Reality part 3

296 - From Living in Fear to Fearlessly Free: Close the Gap Between Your Dreams and Reality part 3

In this exploration of closing the gap between your dreams and reality on Live Fearlessly Free, Heather Bunch provides a transformative path towards unconditional self-love as one of the ways to live your dreams. Heather draws deep comparisons between loving one's neighbor and caring for oneself, while dispelling the myth that self-love is a form of arrogance. This is your personalized guide to manifesting your dream life by learning to fully embrace and love your true self. Give it a listen — it's a journey towards embracing the masterpiece that is you.

Mar 06, 202415:54
295 - From Living in Fear to Fearlessly Free: Close the Gap Between Your Dreams and Reality part 2

295 - From Living in Fear to Fearlessly Free: Close the Gap Between Your Dreams and Reality part 2

In this energizing episode of Live Fearlessly Free, I unveil how to shed the negative mindset and keep fulfilling your dreams. I uncover a simple yet powerful tactic to transform your mood and self-identity, encouraging you to embrace your true potential. Get insight into how this one quick trick can help you shift how you see yourself and achieve your dreams.

Feb 27, 202415:13
294 - From Living in Fear to Fearlessly Free: Close the Gap Between Your Dreams and Reality part 1

294 - From Living in Fear to Fearlessly Free: Close the Gap Between Your Dreams and Reality part 1

Dive into this inspirational podcast episode of "Live Fearlessly Free" as your courageous coach Heather Bunch walks you through her own journey of becoming a beacon of bravery and conviction. Discover how her dream of living a life of purpose started melting away into resignation, reducing her ambitions to the bare necessities. But resilience got the best of her. Experience how she decoded the language of her mind and tackled the fears, repurposing her life in sync with her long-lost dreams. Is your dream still lingering somewhere in the back of your mind? Tune in and find your path to dust off those dreams and turn them into reality.

Feb 22, 202421:48
293 - Becoming Limitless: Realize Your Full Potential By Discovering Your True Identity Pt 4

293 - Becoming Limitless: Realize Your Full Potential By Discovering Your True Identity Pt 4

In this episode, Heather Bunch, your Courageous Coach, guides us through the path of self-exploration to unlock our full potential. Dig deep into your identity and rewrite your life story as Heather weaves elements of faith, self-compassion, and forgiveness into powerful lessons. Get ready to shed your old narrative and step into a divinely guided life in this transformative journey.

Feb 13, 202428:04
292 - Becoming Limitless: Realize Your Full Potential By Discovering Your True Identity Pt 3

292 - Becoming Limitless: Realize Your Full Potential By Discovering Your True Identity Pt 3

Ditch the labels and embrace your worth. In this thoughtful and transformational episode, host Heather Bunch implores listeners to challenge the negative story they tell about themselves. Reflecting on her own past experiences and drawing on excerpts from her new book, Heather leads the way toward a profound rediscovery of self and encourages listeners to shatter the constructed narratives that hold them back from their true potential. Listen in, and prepare to rewrite your own story.

Feb 06, 202422:08
291 - Becoming Limitless: Realize Your Full Potential By Discovering Your True Identity Pt 2

291 - Becoming Limitless: Realize Your Full Potential By Discovering Your True Identity Pt 2

Let’s talk about how our old stories shape us and how we can reshape them. In this 290th episode of Live Fearlessly Free with Heather Bunch, we set out to explore the old stories we tell ourselves and how they prevent us from living our divine lives. I’ll delve into my own old story and demonstrate how I transformed my painful narratives into profound life lessons and how you can do the same. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and reinvention, so remove the lids holding you back and be all God’s called you to be.

Jan 30, 202424:48
290 - Becoming Limitless: Realize Your Full Potential By Discovering Your True Identity Pt 1

290 - Becoming Limitless: Realize Your Full Potential By Discovering Your True Identity Pt 1

Strip Away Misunderstandings: Discovering Your God-Given Identity: Host Heather Bunch guides us through an exploration of one of the most essential yet often misunderstood topics: identity. Heather takes listeners through her personal struggles with identity, intertwining her narratives with biblical teachings on the subject. Grab a notepad, cozy up, and prepare for a transformative journey towards discovering your own divine life in this hard-hitting episode."

Jan 23, 202432:51
289 - Hello, Courageous! How to Overcome Fear with the Courageous Cycle

289 - Hello, Courageous! How to Overcome Fear with the Courageous Cycle

How do you navigate through fear and toward freedom? In this empowering episode, I share my secret weapon to overcoming fear - the Courageous Cycle. I illustrate the power of fear, how it manifests, and, most importantly, how to confront it to live fearlessly. I'll walk you through the four steps of the Courageous Cycle, helping you harness your fear and turn it into fuel for your divine life.

Jan 16, 202425:19
288 - Why Your Imagination Can Be Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy

288 - Why Your Imagination Can Be Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy

In this episode of Live Fearlessly Free, Heather Bunch, your Courageous Coach, talks about how you can achieve your goals even when things don't go as planned. She shares a personal mistake that delayed her book launch and how this experience relates to the concept of the third secret for living a courageous life – directing your imagination. Heather offers practical ways to combat fear and resistance by taking control of your mind and perception.

Jan 09, 202424:57
287 – The Art of Letting Go: Kickstart Your Best Year Yet

287 – The Art of Letting Go: Kickstart Your Best Year Yet

In this episode, we talk about how to approach a new year. I address the pressure we feel to achieve things and do more. But we need to reevaluate the tasks on our plates to make room for growth and self-fulfillment. The aim is to live free and stop hiding so that you can fulfill your God-given purpose, but you can't do that if you can't focus on what matters. 

Don't forget, my upcoming book 'Hello, Courageous,' which contains secrets on how to live a divine life courageously, comes out Tuesday, January 9th on Amazon.

Jan 02, 202422:11
286 - Unwrapping Christmas - The Gift of a New Year

286 - Unwrapping Christmas - The Gift of a New Year

Closing the Year, Opening the Future: Join me as we bravely gaze back at 2023 and ahead to the untapped potentials of 2024 on the Live Fearlessly Free podcast. Dare to ask yourself the hard questions brought up during this risky reflection and set yourself on a path to purpose and abundance. Warning: You may end up committed to changing your life!

Here's a list of thought-provoking questions to facilitate reflecting on the past year and planning for the next:

1. What message does father have for you in 2024?

2. Where are you settling in life?

3. How can you add more of your true self into your life and your business?

4. What skills or talents are you not using?

5. Who can you forgive?

6. What opportunities can you let go of?

7. What have you been avoiding out of fear?

8. What risks can you take even in the face of fear?

9. What does your business or life want that you are not currently giving it?

10. What are you committing to change?

11. What went right in 2023?

12. Picture 2024; what does it look like to you?

Dec 26, 202327:16
285 - Wrapping up Christmas - The Gift of You

285 - Wrapping up Christmas - The Gift of You

In this festive episode of "Live Fearlessly Free," host Heather Bunch discusses how to elevate your holiday experience and make it more meaningful, present, and less stressful. Heather offers strategies to fully embrace the spirit of Christmas and to ensure it is a joyful time rather than a period of tension or disappointment. She also shares insight on her upcoming book release.

Dec 21, 202320:32
284 - The Gift of God’s Presence: The Foundation of Your Divine Life

284 - The Gift of God’s Presence: The Foundation of Your Divine Life

Join Heather Bunch, your courageous coach, in this riveting episode of Live Fearlessly Free as she divulges the secrets to closing the gap between dreams and reality. Heather discusses the power of fear, how it can disrupt your progression, and the tools needed to conquer it. Find out how resting in divine presence can help unshackle your potential and enable you to embark on a courageous journey to your God-given purpose.

Dec 19, 202322:47
283 - The Gift of Grace: Exploring How Good God's Grace Is

283 - The Gift of Grace: Exploring How Good God's Grace Is

In this episode of "Live Fearlessly Free" with Heather Bunch, Heather delves into discussing the concepts mentioned in her upcoming book, "Hello Courageous, The Gal's Guide to Delight, Discover, and Direct Your Divine Life" set to release on January 9th, 2024. Heather focuses on two main areas: the gift of grace and the gift of the Father's presence. She reads excerpts from her book to shed light on these topics in a bid to help listeners understand God's grace and love towards them. She also explores how to use that understanding to live a fulfilling life true to their purpose.

Dec 12, 202320:52
282 - The Gift of Love: Receiving God’s Divine Love

282 - The Gift of Love: Receiving God’s Divine Love

As we navigate through this beautiful Christmas season—a season born out of God's immense love for us—join me as I unwrap the depth of God's love for you and explore practical steps toward breaking the barriers that might be stopping you from fully embracing this love and your God-given purpose.

Dec 07, 202315:46
281 – The Gift of Peace: How to Embrace the True Spirit of Christmas Amidst the Chaos

281 – The Gift of Peace: How to Embrace the True Spirit of Christmas Amidst the Chaos

Missing the true spirit of Christmas amidst the hustle and bustle? Unravel the anxiety that Christmas can bring, as I invite you to recenter your focus on its true essence in this transformative episode of 'Live Fearlessly Free'. I extend God’s wisdom to those feeling overworked and anxious, helping you explore the profound subtleties of Christmas beyond the presents and food. Tune in to discover the gift of Christmas.

Dec 05, 202313:13
280 - Conquering the Holiday Hustle: Planning for a Better Christmas

280 - Conquering the Holiday Hustle: Planning for a Better Christmas

In this holiday-themed episode of "Live Fearlessly Free," I talk about managing the stress and busyness of the Christmas season. I share my thoughts and strategies on how to prioritize events, manage the temptation to overcommit, and cultivate contentment with what is "good enough." I highlight the importance of white space in our lives, just as it is in design, to avoid feelings of overwhelm. Toward the end of the episode, I promote my latest book, "Hello Courageous," available for pre-sale at Amazon.

Nov 30, 202315:26
279 - Never Give Up, Never Surrender

279 - Never Give Up, Never Surrender

Today I wanna talk to you about not giving up on that dream that’s in your heart. I finally am reaching a dream that’s been in the works for years but that I’ve actively been working on for over a year. I wanna share with you three principles that is going to help you fulfill your goals and dreams.
Nov 28, 202311:10
278 – Rewriting Thanksgiving Day Scripts: How to Have a Better Holiday

278 – Rewriting Thanksgiving Day Scripts: How to Have a Better Holiday

Do you struggle to enjoy the holidays? Are you looking for the key to unlocking a happier holiday season? Find it in this podcast episode of Live Fearlessly Free, #278 –– Rewriting Thanksgiving Day Scripts: How to Have a Better Holiday. We cast aside traditional "what are you thankful for" Thanksgiving talk to discuss seriously actionable ways to savor fully what the season offers––no matter where you're celebrating. We'll explore how adjusting expectations, discovering joy in small moments, and practicing mindfulness can brighten your holidays.

Nov 23, 202314:57
277 - Confession of a Juggler: Taming Weaknesses, Unleashing Strength

277 - Confession of a Juggler: Taming Weaknesses, Unleashing Strength

Get ready for another episode of Live Fearlessly Free as I flip the script on how we view our weaknesses. I’ll share my struggles with multitasking or 'juggling,' and let’s build a roadmap that we can all follow. As we negotiate through the busy routines of life, we convert our weaknesses to help us stride toward a stronger tomorrow?🚶‍♀️Dive into this episode to uncover the treasures buried in our so-called weaknesses.

Nov 21, 202314:14
276 - Sticking It to the Inner Critic: A Path to Fearless Freedom

276 - Sticking It to the Inner Critic: A Path to Fearless Freedom

Unmask the saboteur within! This episode of Live Fearlessly Free unravels the inner critic we all harbor. Your personal cheerleader, Heather Bunch, guides you on a revealing journey on how this critic is sabotaging your dreams, how they are born out of our protective instinct but, unfortunately, often stifle our growth. Tune in and discover the secret weapon for silencing this critic and living your God-given purpose courageously.

Nov 08, 202317:47
275 – When Fear Steps in Hop on the Courageous Cycle

275 – When Fear Steps in Hop on the Courageous Cycle

Learn how to turn down the fear and uplevel your courage with the Courageous Cycle. I'm sharing a real-time story where the heat turned up, and I had to hop on the Courageous Cycle so my fear didn't take me for a spin on the fainting cycle. I'll walk you through how you can release the fear and generate courage in a hurry.

Nov 02, 202321:28
274 - A Sudden Turn for the Good - Embracing Eucatastrophes

274 - A Sudden Turn for the Good - Embracing Eucatastrophes

We’ve all experienced catastrophes it. It’s a sudden turn that takes us down a path. We never wished would happen. They’re challenges and issues that seem to take over our life but I’ve got good news. God works in Eucatastrophes. A massive turn in events for Good coming out of seemingly unconcoquerable obstacles to an unforeseen victory. Discover today how you can experience this beautiful grace for yourself.
Oct 31, 202324:41
273 - Decoding Discipline: The Secret to Your Potential–Feed Life

273 - Decoding Discipline: The Secret to Your Potential–Feed Life


Oct 24, 202321:18
272 - Decoding Discipline: The Secret to Your Potential–Speak Life

272 - Decoding Discipline: The Secret to Your Potential–Speak Life

Unearth the secret formula to live the life you were meant to live. Join Heather Bunch as she explains the fundamental connections between our thoughts, feelings and actions through the lenses of discipline. Instead of viewing discipline as a punishment, envision it as the greatest form of self-care, the key to fulfilling your potential. Gain insight into concrete methods to fine-tune your thought process and its influence on your feelings and actions. This episode promises a compelling blend of personal reflection, actionable advice, and life-changing revelations.

Oct 19, 202318:52
271 - Decoding Discipline: The Secret to Your Potential–Think Life

271 - Decoding Discipline: The Secret to Your Potential–Think Life

**Summary of the Episode**
In this episode of "Courageous Coach", Heather Bunch begins a new series discussing the key to experiencing the life one desires. She reveals that the secret component for growth in life is discipline - training oneself in various areas of life. Heather breaks down her approach to self-discipline analyzing three areas: thoughts, feelings, and actions. For this episode, the focus is primarily on disciplining our thoughts.
**Key Points Discussed**
- The concept of disciplining thoughts, feelings, and actions as a path to improve life.
- The importance of changing negative thoughts into positive ones to overcome challenges and obstacles.
- The discipline of our thought life is based on the principle that our entire life is influenced by the process of thinking, feeling, and acting.
- The use of the law of exchange to switch negative thoughts with premeditated positive life-giving thoughts.

Oct 17, 202317:52
270 - RAS-Your Secret Weapon To Open Doors of Opportunity

270 - RAS-Your Secret Weapon To Open Doors of Opportunity

In today’s episode, I want to talk to you about your secret weapon to open doors of opportunity. The secret weapon that will help you to live out your dreams. The secret weapon is a power that God gave you and too many of us are using it against ourselves instead of using it to open those doors of opportunity. Join me as I talk about your RAS – your reticular activating system. Join me as I show you how to put it to work for you.
Oct 12, 202321:02
269 - How to Go From Hopeless to Hopeful

269 - How to Go From Hopeless to Hopeful

Today I want to share my story with you of going from hopeless to hopeful. I’m gonna give you the two keys that will allow you to do the same.

You’ve got this, my friend and Father’s got you!
Thank you a bunch for listening!
Until next time, live fearlessly free!
Oct 11, 202320:30
268 - Unspoken Rules are Meant to be Broken

268 - Unspoken Rules are Meant to be Broken

Have you ever had something happen and you reacted in a way that was over the top from what the situation called for? 

Or, you’re not even sure why you reacted a certain way to a situation?

Have you ever had someone close get annoyed with you like you broke a rule but you had no idea what you did wrong?

As a child you probably had some rules you followed such as rules about curfew, chores or homework. There are also rules of engagement, like how you speak to others, how you handle emotions or which parent is responsible for dishing out the consequences. 

But there are rules that you unknowingly broke and then were surprised by the extreme reaction. That’s what we’re going to be talking about today.

Today is for you if…

If you’re tired of the rules of engagement being a moving target.

If you desire healthy, happier relationships with your loved ones.

If you’re ready to open the lines of communication so you get the elephants out of the room for good.

There is a thing called Unspoken Rules. These are rules that no one actually talks about but if someone breaks one, watch out. 

Children are great observers but horrible interpreters.  

They learn these rules by watching parents emotions, words and actions.

Common Unspoken Family Rules:


This family rule means don’t have conversations about uncomfortable topics.  

Certain areas of discussion are off-limits.  

This breeds secrecy and hiding, both inside the family and outside as well. 


Another way a child can absorb this unspoken rule is by observing parents’ strong reactions to negative emotions.  Then you think it’s not ok to have these emotions.

If your parent becomes abusive while angry, you might avoid ever getting angry.  

If you had a parent who was consumed by sadness or depression, you may have learned to be the positive one who brought up the mood, and sadness feels foreign to you or like it’s not ok to feel.


Become the scapegoat, taking on the blame for other people’s issues.

If you speak up as a child against these family rules, you get targeted. Whistle-blower.

If you talk about your parent’s problem to a teacher, for example, your parents may punish you severely and blame you for the problems the parent is now facing.  

You’re told consequences are your fault for speaking up.  

Know that is the parent's fault not yours. You were right to speak up.


Shove problems under the rug and pretend they aren’t affecting you.  

Phrases like “stop making such a big deal out of it.”  


Have you hear phrases like “boys will be boys” or “girls should be prim and proper”?

How did your parents handle gender roles? We learn by observing.


Family focused more on the external than the internal.  

You had to put on a good face even when there are problems at home, addiction, or arguing.  


You learn that academic achievement, financial success, Christian service, or some other measure of external success is what makes you worthy or valuable.  

So what are the unspoken family rules you experienced growing up?

Name these rules so that you can break the patterns and create clear communication.

Questions to ask yourself:

• What were topics that were off-limits for discussion in your family?

• What emotions were unacceptable in your family?

• Did you learn to shut off any negative emotions?  Which ones?  Why?

• Where do you tend to place blame when something goes wrong?  Yourself?  Others?

• What gender roles did you learn from your family?

• When do you find yourself putting on a mask to pretend everything is okay on the outside?

• Is it okay for you to make mistakes?  Where does your value come from?

If you enjoy this podcast, please rate, review or share it with a friend.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until next time, Live Fearlessly Free

Oct 05, 202328:06
267 - When Challenges Come, Are You a Firefighter or an Arsonist

267 - When Challenges Come, Are You a Firefighter or an Arsonist

Today is a fireside chat about what to do when your plan goes wrong. Join me as you learn how to be a firefighter or an arsonist when the challenges comes.

Episode Summary:

In this episode, I share a story that took place on October 3rd involving a disrupted video shoot when I should have gotten a podcast episode out to you.

The equipment failed, the process was delayed, and not as many videos were produced as planned.

However, instead of letting this situation turn into a disaster, my husband and I utilized it as an opportunity to work together, get creative and enjoy each other's company.

I underline the importance of a calm mindset during distressing situations, reminding us to be "firefighters" who solve problems rather than "arsonists" who create more.

Key Takeaways:

  • When met with obstacles, ask, "What does this obstacle make possible?"

  • Panic does not lead to problem-solving.

  • A positive mindset can turn non-ideal situations into opportunities.

  • Instead of worrying about what is outside of your control, allow yourself to focus on the current situation and get curious.

  • Treasure the moments and the unexpected opportunities that a detour in life can present.

  • Technology can fail, but it should never stop you from enjoying your life and learning from each challenging situation.

Oct 04, 202314:17
266 - Decoding the Puzzle of Human Motivation Part 7 – Does Need to Contribute Drive You?

266 - Decoding the Puzzle of Human Motivation Part 7 – Does Need to Contribute Drive You?

Do you meet everyone else’s needs and skip your own?

Do you feel most alive when you’re helping others?

Do you desire to live a life of real significance beyond yourself? 

It’s the final episode of our series, decoding the puzzle of human motivation. We’re tackling the last of six human motivations or needs. 

So today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of feeling like everything you do isn’t making a difference.
  • If you desire a life that is greater than yourself.
  • If you’re ready to learn the ultimate secret of a life of joy and satisfaction.

It’s time for our last need…#6 Contribution

Contribution believes: 

  • Life is incomplete without the sense that you’re contributing to others or a cause. 
  • You have to go beyond your own needs and give to others. 
  • You desire to give back and to leave a mark on the world. 

If this is you…contribution might be a top need.

What the Need for Contribution Looks Like:

  • Your focus is on the world, a cause, how to help others, and how to contribute. 
  • You’re energetic and focused outwardly to the point that you can exhaust yourself. 
  • You would like to stay healthy, but your need to contribute may drive you to neglect yourself and your health. 
  • You avoid being weak, dependent and powerless. 
  • You don’t want to lose the respect of those you care about. 


  • Brave 
  • Persistent
  • Generous 
  • Assertive

Growth Tactics If You Need for Contribution is Holding You Back:

The Goal for Growth:

Find a balance between caring for yourself and loved ones and your need to contribute to the larger good. 

What Can You Do to Achieve Your Goal?

Notice that you can come across as too intense. 

Acknowledge your need to take care of yourself. 

Take care of relationships that matter to you before contributing to another cause.

What Interferes With Your Goal? 

  • Contribution satisfies all your needs so much that you often ignore your own needs and neglect yourself and others. 
  • Your lifestyle can lead to exhaustion. 
  • Your need to always be strong and deny my vulnerability interferes with your goal for balance. 

How Others Can Support You in Your Goal?

  • Others can encourage you to care for yourself and express your vulnerabilities. 
  • They can stand their ground in expressing what they need from you regarding attention and energy. 


  1. Pick a goal to focus on: balance caring for yourself or others.
  2. Enlist others to support and encourage you in this goal.
  3. Get comfortable asking for what you want by starting small and working up to more significant asks.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this series on the six human motivations. When you learn how to balance each one and meet your needs in healthy ways, you’ll enjoy more of your life on the way to where you’re going.

If you enjoy this podcast, please rate, review or share it with a friend.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until next time, Live Fearlessly Free

Sep 28, 202325:27
265 - Decoding the Puzzle of Human Motivation Part 6 – Does Growth Drive You?

265 - Decoding the Puzzle of Human Motivation Part 6 – Does Growth Drive You?

Do you love learning and growing?

Does it stress you out to be dependent on others?

Have you ever been so caught up in researching or studying that others felt you were ignoring or abandoning them?

Thanks for joining me for part 6 of decoding the puzzle of human emotions. We’re unpacking what makes us tick. What motivates us? We’ve broken down 4 out of the six human motivations or needs so far, and now it’s time for the motivation that can sculpt us into our best selves and propel us into our dreams.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of always saying someday, but someday never comes.
  • If you desire to continue your learning journey to uncover your best self.
  • If you’re ready to learn and use that learning to grow deeper connections with others.

Need #5…Growth

We’re either growing or dying. 

It doesn’t matter how much money you have, accolades you receive or accomplishments you can check off your list. 

You won’t be fulfilled and happy unless you feel you’re growing.

Growth could be your top need if these beliefs hit home:

  • I need to develop new skills constantly. 
  • I need to learn new things and improve what I already know. 
  • I must develop myself physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. 
  • I need to be constantly growing. 

What the Need for Growth Looks Like:

  • You focus on learning, studying, developing your skills and being the best you can be. 
  • You conserve my energy and focus away from feelings to learn everything there is to be learned. 
  • You are self-contained and set careful limits to protect my time and privacy. 
  • If your need to grow is tied to developing physically, I will do whatever is necessary to stay healthy and fit. 
  • You’ll do anything to avoid feeling inadequate or drained. 
  • You avoid demands and intrusions on privacy, allowing me to focus on your personal growth. 


  • You’re respectful of others. 
  • You’re thoughtful, calm and dependable. 
  • You like to think that you’re a model of self-improvement for others. 

Growth Tactics If You Need for Growth Is Holding You Back:

Goals for Growth:

  • Pursue growth while enjoying relationships and connection with people. 
  • Experience joy and pleasure in many ways, not just by learning. 

What Can You Do to Achieve Your Goal?

  • Find balance by focusing more on others than your growth and development. 
  • Experience pleasure in giving. 
  • Be less reserved. 
  • Give priority to love and relationships. 
  • Take better care of those I love. 

What Interferes With Your Goal? 

  • The belief that you’re not worthy if you don’t constantly improve yourself. 
  • The importance that you give to privacy interferes with your goal. 
  • Recognize that you can appear self-centered. 

How Others Can Support You In Your Goal? 

  • Appreciate your ability to be self-sufficient and independent.
  • Appreciate your willingness to live and let live. 
  • But also encourage you to be more social and loving. 


  1. Pick a goal to focus on expressing joy in other life experiences besides learning or pursuing deeper connections with people.
  2. Enlist others to support and encourage you in this goal that are safe people.
  3. Remember you’re loved whether you grow or not.

In the next episode, we’re tackling our final human need––Contribution and not just talking about giving to charity.

If you enjoy this podcast, please rate, review or share it with a friend.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until next time, Live Fearlessly Free

Sep 26, 202325:12
264 - Decoding the Puzzle of Human Motivation Part 5 – Does Need for Connection Drive You?

264 - Decoding the Puzzle of Human Motivation Part 5 – Does Need for Connection Drive You?

Do you feel most worthy when you’re loved and can love others?

Have you ever struggled to receive a gift but are continually giving gifts?

Do you need meaningful connections with others regularly, or are you unsatisfied?

It’s part 5 of decoding the puzzle of human emotions. We’ve unpacked three out of the six human needs so far. It’s time for the need that can make or break you.

Today is for you if…

If you’re tired of being disappointed when others don’t return love to the level you do.

If you desire to finally share your needs instead of only fulfilling everyone else’s.

If you’re ready to shed the guilt that keeps you giving, giving and never resting and receiving.

In this series, we’re talking about our top needs as humans. We all have these six needs, but each person’s top needs are different. We also can get our needs met in healthy and unhealthy ways. 

The goal is to grow ourselves so we can get our needs met in healthy ways that help instead of hurt us and others.

Let’s talk about Need #4…

Do you Believe any of these statements? 

  • To feel worthy, you need to love and be loved. 
  • You need to have meaningful connections with people. 
  • If you’re not loved, and you can’t give love, you’re worthless. 

You might have love and connection as a top need.

What the Need for Love and Connection Looks Like:


  • Focus is on the relationships with those you love and how to satisfy their needs. 
  • Great empathy for the feelings and emotions of others. 
  • Expect to be loved in return. 
  • Focus is on understanding others and meeting their needs. 
  • You think you can help and are proud of being able to do so. 
  • Need people’s approval and acceptance. 
  • High energy when it comes to giving. 
  • Crave romantic love. 
  • You may be so focused on caring for others that you neglect your health. 
  • Will do almost anything to avoid feeling dispensable. 
  • Avoid disappointing others and feeling unappreciated. It’s hard for you to tolerate rejection. 


  • Generous, sensitive, supportive and helpful. 
  • Relate well to people of all ages and all walks of life. 
  • You’re a good companion and listener. 
  • Give good advice. 
  • Freely give your time, energy and material possessions. 
  • Empathize with suffering. 
  • Have emotional depth. 

Check out for more detailed show notes.


  1. Pick a goal to focus on: taking care of yourself, buying something for yourself or asking someone for something you want or need–start small if you need to.
  2. Enlist others to support and encourage you in this goal that are safe people.
  3. Get comfortable asking for what you want by starting small and working up to more significant asks.

If you enjoy this podcast, please rate, review or share it with a friend.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until next time, Live Fearlessly Free

Sep 21, 202331:38
262 - Decoding the Puzzle of Human Motivation Part 3 – Does a Need for Variety Drive You?

262 - Decoding the Puzzle of Human Motivation Part 3 – Does a Need for Variety Drive You?

Do you struggle with shiny object syndrome or FOMO?

Have you ever started a routine or habit and quickly shifted to a new one before establishing the old one?

Are you always up for an adventure but feel like those around you are poo-pooing your adventurous spirit?

It’s part three of decoding the puzzle of human motivation. It’s time to tackle the need that can lead you to a life of fun but miss out on what matters most.

Today is for you if…

If you’re tired of people thinking you’re flighty.

If you desire to learn how to focus on what matters.

If you’re ready to apply your exuberant energy to reach new heights.

There are six human needs. We need them all, but a couple of them drive us and shape the quality of our lives. This can be positive or negative depending on how we’re trying to meet our needs.

What the Need for Uncertainty/Variety Looks Like:

  • Seeks excitement and change. 
  • Focused on what’s new and exciting or challenging. 
  • While involved in an adventure, planning the next one. 
  • Needs to focus energy on several projects. 
  • Constantly seek stimulation and entertainment.
  • Avoid a life of habits and routines. 
  • Relationships that restrict me from new challenges and new experiences are hard on you. 
  • Avoid boredom.


  • Enthusiastic, independent and fun to be with. 
  • Never a dull moment. 
  • See the glass half full. 
  • Leader.
  • Life of the party. 
  • Not afraid of taking risks. 
  • Playful and optimistic.

Believe that happiness comes from having many different experiences and challenges that exercise my emotional, intellectual or physical range. 

To have balance in life, there are times when you have to prioritize stability and responsibility in relationships.  Sometimes, it’s necessary to focus on subjects and tasks that are not interesting so you can obtain rewards later on. 

The Consequences:

  • People sometimes feel they can’t count on me or feel you’re uncommitted, unreliable or don’t take care of your loved ones. 
  • You can be involved in too many things and neglect what you must do to ensure what matters most.

Goals for Growth:

  1. Have roots, stability and permanent relationships while enjoying excitement and adventure. 
  2. Make taking good care of yourself and others a priority. 
  3. Become a better judge of character. 
  4. Live in the present more than in the future.

What Can You Do to Achieve Your Goal?

  1. Focus more on the present and less on the next adventure in the future. 
  2. Create a stable, harmonious environment for yourself.
  3. Develop long-lasting relationships. 
  4. Focus on activities that are not particularly exciting but lead to important accomplishments in the future.

What Could Interfere with Your Goal?

  • An infinite number of new, exciting experiences are open to me. Difficult to choose which to focus on. 
  • It’s challenging to stay focused on what’s essential in the present. 
  • Sometimes, focus too much on yourself and what you want. 
  • Easily distracted and diverted.

How Others Can Support You in Your Goal.

Others can support you by encouraging and praising you when you stick to a task that isn’t particularly exciting.


  1. Pick a goal to focus on in the present that may not be exciting now but will reap great rewards in the future.
  2. Enlist others to support and encourage you in this goal.
  3. Find ways to make the goal fun so you can keep going.
  4. When you get bored with your goal or see a better one, remind yourself of the reward you’ll reap in the future if you stick with it.

If you need more help overcoming an excessive need for uncertainty or variety, check out the Joy-Filled Life online course. One of the benefits is you’ll learn how to focus your thoughts better. It’s on special for only $7 until 9/15/23.

I also have the Mirror Moments devotional on sale for $5 plus shipping. So, if you need help shifting your focus from negative to seeing yourself in Christ, check it out.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until next time, Live Fearlessly Free

Sep 19, 202332:32
263 - Decoding the Puzzle of Human Motivation Part 4 – Does Need for Significance Drive You?

263 - Decoding the Puzzle of Human Motivation Part 4 – Does Need for Significance Drive You?

Do you or others struggle to live up to your standards?

Do you feel happy when you’re respected, seen or heard and unworthy and unloved if you’re not?

Has anyone ever thought you’re arrogant or full of yourself?

We’re continuing our series on decoding the puzzle of Human motivation. Every human on this planet has six basic needs. I’m not talking about food, shelter and water. I’m talking about the needs that motivate what we do.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of feeling looked over and left out.
  • If you desire to be respected but whether you are or not, you know you’re worthy.
  • If you’re ready to feel unique and special regardless of what other people think.

So far, we’ve learned about the need for certainty; we all need a level of knowing what’s coming or stability, but we also need some uncertainty or variety, or things will get too stale.

The problem with our needs is if we try to meet them in unhealthy ways.

Let’s talk about human need #3 - The Need for Significance.

Listen, we all need a level of significance and feel valuable. What matters is how we try to get this significance met. If you only think you’re valuable while you’re achieving or are essential, when you’re not, you’ll feel worthless.

Remember, you are worthy because Jesus made you worthy. 

Your Heavenly Father always loves you.

You are the apple of His eye.

Fearfully and wonderfully made.

Rest in that, knowing you’re significant.

If you enjoy this podcast, please rate, review or share it with a friend.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until next time, Live Fearlessly Free

Sep 19, 202327:31
261 - Decoding the Puzzle of Human Motivation Part 2 – Does Certainty Drive You?

261 - Decoding the Puzzle of Human Motivation Part 2 – Does Certainty Drive You?

How do you react when you can’t control your circumstances? Do you overreact, act like it’s no big deal or scrabble for control?

Do you have a burning need for life to be certain?

How do you seek certainty? Faith? Positive outlook? 

It’s part two of decoding the puzzle of human motivation. In each episode, we’ll break down one of the six human needs and how to ensure we’re using them to help and not hurt us. It’s time to unpack the first human need.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of being stuck in your comfort zone.
  • If you desire to live a life, let go and let God.
  • If you’re ready to reap the rewards that come with risk, spontaneity and variety.

There are six human needs. We need them all, but a couple of them drive us and shape the quality of our lives. This can be positive or negative depending on how we’re trying to meet our needs.

We’re starting with our first human need, and that’s the need for certainty.

What the Need for Certainty Looks Like:

  • Prefer work that is stable and easy instead of work that challenges and stretches your abilities.
  • Focused on evaluating levels of your comfort-discomfort.
  • Take care of yourself, but the need for comfort may lead to overeating or drinking.
  • Tend to avoid new people and new experiences. 
  • Avoid relationships missing full commitment. 
  • Avoid threats and hazards.
  • Fear not being in control.

What Certainty Believes: Need to feel secure, safe and comfortable now and in the future.

  • It is possible to be uncertain about the future yet happy in the present.

What Certainty is costing you:

  • Limit new experiences.
  • Trouble letting love flow when I don’t feel secure and comfortable. 
  • Others think you’re controlling. 

Goals for Growth:

  1. Live in the present. This allows you to experience the moment without focusing on what’ll happen next and what the future might hold. 
  2. Take some risks and reap the benefits, like starting a new business, making a new friend, reaching out to an old friend, or taking a chance at doing something you’ve always wanted to do.
  3. Accept that uncertainty and insecurity are a part of life.

What Can You Do to Achieve Your Goal?

1. Stretch Yourself

2. Experience More Positive Emotions On Purpose

3. Learn to Enjoy a Challenge 


Pick a goal that requires you to get comfortable being uncertain.

You could try living in the present or taking a risk.


1. Find ways to stretch yourself.

2. Experience more of the positive emotions that come with growth.

3. Enjoy the challenge.

4. Get help or perspective from others if you need it.

If you feel you have a severe need for certainty, try reading this prayer when things feel out of control.

PRAYER FOR SERENITY by Reinhold Niebuhr

God, grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference….

When you use the need for certainty in positive, healthy ways, it’s a beautiful thing that helps you be that reliable person people can count on. But when it’s out of control, it steers your life in unhealthy ways and can create what you’re trying to avoid…uncertainty.

In the next episode, we’ll tackle the need for uncertainty. We need some of that because God has a sense of humor.

If you need more help overcoming an excessive need for certainty, check out the Joy-Filled Life online course. It’s on special for only $7 until 9/15/23.

I also have the Mirror Moments devotional on sale for $5 plus shipping. So, if you need help shifting your focus from negative to seeing yourself in Christ, check it out.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until next time, Live Fearlessly Free

Sep 12, 202338:05
260 - Decoding Motivation - What Really Drives Us? Part 1

260 - Decoding Motivation - What Really Drives Us? Part 1

How do you currently cope with situations that feel unpredictable or uncertain in your life? Or do you ever feel like life is boring you to tears because it’s the same thing over and over?

Have you ever felt like your efforts went unnoticed or unappreciated, and how did that make you feel?

Have you experienced feelings of loneliness or isolation? Do you remedy that in healthy or unhealthy ways?

We’re starting a new series on decoding what motivates us because it’s vital to know why you do what you do.

Today, if for you if…

  • If you’re tired of feeling looked out and left over.
  • If you desire to live a life of meaning, significance and fulfillment full of love.
  • If you’re ready to shed anything that costs you the life you dream about. 

Why do we do what we do?

When you understand why you do what you do…you gain clarity for your purpose, achieve meaning and fulfillment and create deeper connections with others. 

We’re all different, and yet, we’re all wired in similar ways.

All human motivation can be explained as the desire to meet one or more of our six primary human needs.

1. Certainty: The need for stability, safety, and comfort

2. Uncertainty/Variety: The need for stimulus and change

3. Significance: The need to be special and worthy of attention

4. Connection/Love: The need to feel connected and that you


5. Growth: The need to learn and expand your abilities

6. Contribution: The need to give to others without expecting anything back

We have varying degrees of each need. 

And seasons can change the degree we need each need as well.

Also, whichever one you value most will vary from what someone else values most…including your spouse if you have one.

That’s where conflict can come in. 

Say you’re #1 need is certainty, and your spouse’s is uncertainty. 

Can that cause some issues?


We tend to have two top needs.

Which two do you think are your top needs?


Tap into your inner needs.

1. What’s your priority?

Break up different areas of life into three manageable parts.

Three Spheres of Life: 

1. Yourself

2. Your Work

3. Your Relationships

In what order do you prioritize these spheres of life? 




What needs do you meet through Sphere #1?

What needs do you meet through Sphere #2? 

What needs do you meet through Sphere #3?

When you know what you need and why, you’ll become more resilient and motivated to keep pushing on. Again, you’ll create more and deeper connections and more meaning and fulfillment.

Hang on to this info, and we’re going to dive deeper into each human need and unpack 

If you need more help tapping into who you are and what drives you, I’m offering my Joy-Filled Life online course on special for only $7. 

I also have the Mirror Moments devotional on sale for $5 plus shipping. So, if you need help shifting your focus from negative to seeing yourself in Christ, check it out.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until next time, Live Fearlessly Free

Sep 07, 202321:37
259 - Ordinary to Extraordinary: Unraveling the Secrets of Living an Extraordinary Life Part 3

259 - Ordinary to Extraordinary: Unraveling the Secrets of Living an Extraordinary Life Part 3

When you make a mistake, do you say things like, “dumbing, moron or idiot? 

When you’re feeling down, what’s your body doing? Is it full of energy or about to drag you down?

Have you ever felt like when it rains, it pours?

It’s part 3 of Ordinary to Extraordinary: Unraveling the Secrets of Living an Extraordinary Life. Are you ready for the secrets that control the quality of your life?

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of life, drag you around where you didn’t plan to go.
  • If you desire to experience a greater quality of life than what you’re experiencing right now.
  • If you’re ready to take control of your life, you can take it from ordinary to extraordinary.

What controls and determines the quality of our lives?

1. Meaning

2. Emotion

The meaning we assign to what happens to us creates an emotion. Then, the feeling creates the quality of our lives.

Whatever you want in life, you want because of a feeling that you believe you’ll get when you get what you actually get what you want. 

Did you know you can have that feeling right now if you want? You just need to make some simple shifts to create the emotions you want and live in an extraordinary state of life.

Three Patterns that Create Any Emotion:

1. Physiology

That just means what you do with your body.

Motion creates Emotion.

Whatever you’re feeling right now relates to how you use your body. This includes your face.

To live an extraordinary life, you must be intentional with your physiology.

2. Focus

Your focus is your reality, even if it’s not really reality.

Whatever you’re focusing on, you’ll eventually believe.

“Where focus goes energy flows.” – Tony Robbins

Is your energy flowing where it’ll lead you to an extraordinary life?

3. Language/Meaning 

Belief is a phrase you say over and over again until you believe it.

Certain words create different meanings and change the way you feel.

  • I made a mistake.
  • I’m wrong.
  • I’m an IDIOT.

There’s a significant difference in the feeling those words create.

Change your words and change your life.

Create Intentional Incantations: Incantations are like a mantra. They’re repeated phrases with emotional intensity added.

Use positive incantations that support your extraordinary life and do it with emotional intensity.

When you align your physiology, focus and language with what God says, you’re not just creating an extraordinary life to live one day; you shift your emotions to start living it right now.


1. What is your body doing?

  • Notice what your body is doing when you’re feeling down.
  • Notice what you’re body is doing when you’re feeling happy.
  • Pick two to three changes you can make to your physiology when feeling down.

2. Where is your mind focused?

  • Is your mind focused on where you want to go?
  • Is it helping you create beliefs that will support your extraordinary life?
  • If not, shift your focus.

3. What language are you using regularly?

  • What negative incantations do you use without realizing it?
  • What new positive incantation can you create and use instead?

One final thought on living an extraordinary life–look for the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Life is full of ordinary moments. Live them, love them, experience them in the moment.

That, my friends, is how you can take your life from ordinary to extraordinary.

If you need more help creating an extraordinary life full of joy, I’m offering my Joy-Filled Life online course on special for only $7. I also have the Mirror Moments devotional on sale for $5 plus shipping. So, if you need help shifting your focus from negative to seeing yourself in Christ, check it out. No coupon code is needed. The sale ends on 9/15/23.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until next time, Live Fearlessly Free

Sep 05, 202331:51