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Heavily Scaled

Heavily Scaled

By Gabi Bradley

A podcast about life in and out of the gym.
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Ep. 23: When your SO didn't drink the CrossFit kool-aid...A Tale

Heavily ScaledJun 01, 2020

Ep. 79: Intimidation

Ep. 79: Intimidation

A quote from the late Cicily Tyson struck a nerve for Gabi and might strike yours too.
Oct 14, 202104:12
Ep. 78: Reclaiming Rest

Ep. 78: Reclaiming Rest

It is not uncommon in Black communities (and some other communities of color) to grow up being told to keep one's head down and hustle. All the time.
Melissa and Shanique are back this week and they're talking about the importance of rest. More importantly they're talking about the importance of and strategies for protecting rest in a society that tells us we always have to be on and working all the time.
Sep 19, 202101:03:39
Ep. 77: Fitness, Family & Friends with Shanique Allen & Melissa McLeod

Ep. 77: Fitness, Family & Friends with Shanique Allen & Melissa McLeod

This week Shanique Allen and Melissa McLeod take over for Gabi. How can we better connect with the people we love about fitness and food without forcing it on them? Shanique and Melissa talk about how to set and keep your boundaries when your family and friends don't share the same health and wellness perspective as you, all the while gently encouraging and motivating them to start their own journey.
Sep 10, 202140:28
Ep. 76: Checking In

Ep. 76: Checking In

Gabi's just taking a few minutes to check in after taking a two-week break.

Sep 03, 202104:37
Ep. 75: Are you doing these 3 things well?

Ep. 75: Are you doing these 3 things well?

Simple doesn't always mean easy, but we also don't have to overcomplicate the positive habits we want to make in our lives. These 3 are foundational.

Aug 19, 202106:01
Ep. 74: The Enneagram and CrossFit
Aug 12, 202143:37
Ep. 73: Pregnancy Round 2 with Shanique Allen

Ep. 73: Pregnancy Round 2 with Shanique Allen

In this week's episode, the roles are reversed and Gabi is interviewed by her friend Shanique Allen. Shanique asks Gabi about how this pregnancy has compared to her first and what changes were made. The big takeaway: mindset shifts are key.

Aug 06, 202143:24
Ep. 72: Investing in Your Independence

Ep. 72: Investing in Your Independence

Sometimes we just need to reframe our thinking. Maybe you need to look at fitness, mobility, eating, moving well as investments in your future independence.

Jul 27, 202106:26
Ep. 71: Food Doesn't Have to be a Stressor
Jul 09, 202137:55
Ep. 70: 5 Tips for Staying Motivated While Pregnant/After Kids

Ep. 70: 5 Tips for Staying Motivated While Pregnant/After Kids

Pregnancy and/or kids can really take a toll on the motivation to workout. Gabi highlights 5 tips that have helped her navigate her second pregnancy while raising a toddler.

Jul 02, 202109:10
Ep. 69: Stereotypes

Ep. 69: Stereotypes

Do stereotypes serve a purpose? We all use them. The key is understanding why.

Jun 26, 202107:39
Addi Bloopers: With Great Power...or Whatever

Addi Bloopers: With Great Power...or Whatever

Just in case you've ever wondered what it's like trying to record with a toddler around...

Jun 11, 202103:41
Ep. 68: With Great Power...or Whatever

Ep. 68: With Great Power...or Whatever

Today is purely about reflection on leadership. Gabi shares some insights she learned from a recent work experience.

Jun 11, 202107:04
Ep. 67: How to Create Inclusive Spaces and Be a Better Ally

Ep. 67: How to Create Inclusive Spaces and Be a Better Ally

It is PRIDE month which means we are showing love to our LGBTQ+ community (even though we do, or you should, all the time)! Gabi has some of her Summit friends, Kate, Christa, & Jake, on the podcast to discuss some of the barriers faced by members in the LGBTQ+ community and how gyms can foster greater inclusivity. Don't miss this one!

Jun 03, 202141:53
Ep. 66: Fitting Fitness into Life

Ep. 66: Fitting Fitness into Life

The title pretty much says it. Fit fitness into your life, not the other way around.

May 28, 202104:23
Ep. 65: Sticks and Stones

Ep. 65: Sticks and Stones

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." We all know this statement, though well-intentioned, is a lie. The words we speak to ourselves and to others are some of the most powerful weapons we have.

May 21, 202107:27
Ep. 64: Gratitude

Ep. 64: Gratitude

Gabi continues to share some takeaways from Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle. This time we're talking about practicing gratitude. We're told that it's good for us, but it often falls short and doesn't do anything to lift us. Gabi shares a different, hopefully better, way to practice gratitude.

May 15, 202107:02
Ep. 63: Stress and Burnout
May 06, 202110:49
Ep. 62: Embrace The Mess

Ep. 62: Embrace The Mess

Our bodies and our relationships with them are messy. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that it's okay to embrace that mess and show our bodies a little kindness and compassion.

Apr 30, 202105:23
Ep. 61: The Myth of Balance

Ep. 61: The Myth of Balance

We often say to ourselves or hear phrases such as "work-life balance," or "I need more balance in my life." But, should we be striving for balance? Is it something we can realistically achieve? If balance is a myth, what should be aiming for?

Apr 21, 202105:46
Ep. 60: Turning Your Passion into a Business with Hawkins Catering
Apr 06, 202121:00
Ep. 59: Myths and Misconceptions - Diet

Ep. 59: Myths and Misconceptions - Diet

This is part 4 of a 4-part series about myths and misconceptions. Gabi discusses just a few myths around diet and why diet doesn't have to be a bad word.

Apr 01, 202105:03
Ep. 58: Myths and Misconceptions - Mindset

Ep. 58: Myths and Misconceptions - Mindset

This is part 3 of a 4-part series about myths and misconceptions. Gabi discusses just a few myths around mindset and how to avoid negative thinking.

Mar 31, 202105:18
Ep. 57: Myths and Misconceptions - Comparisons

Ep. 57: Myths and Misconceptions - Comparisons

This is part 2 of a 4-part series about myths and misconceptions. Gabi discusses just a few myths around comparison and how to avoid the trap.

Mar 30, 202103:43
Ep. 56: Myths and Misconceptions - Getting Started

Ep. 56: Myths and Misconceptions - Getting Started

This is part 1 of a 4-part series about myths and misconceptions. Gabi discusses just a few myths around getting started (with your fitness, nutrition) and some things to consider.

Mar 29, 202104:54
Ep. 55: Catching up with the Heavily Scaled OGs

Ep. 55: Catching up with the Heavily Scaled OGs

Life happens. It's been a few months since the original Heavily Scaled crew sat down together for a chat. Here's a glimpse into what it looks like when they connect and chat about life changes, lessons learned, and hopes for the future. Life and fitness at its finest.

Mar 26, 202146:34
Ep. 54: How are you managing your energy?

Ep. 54: How are you managing your energy?

We often talk about how we manage our time, but what our energy? Energy is a resource like time and money, which means it can be invested and spent, and wasted.

Mar 19, 202104:41
Ep. 53: Success

Ep. 53: Success

Gabi shares just a few random thoughts on SUCCESS.

Mar 05, 202103:36
Ep. 52: Rest Days!

Ep. 52: Rest Days!

Rest days are an integral, often overlooked, part of training. Athletes ask their coaches if and when they should rest, which isn’t a bad thing, but an athlete should plan for rest not wait until it’s needed.
Feb 25, 202110:09
Ep. 51: The 3 A's

Ep. 51: The 3 A's

Ability, Affinity, Affirmation. Have you thought about these 3 areas and the potential they can have on your personal growth? If not, maybe you should.

Feb 18, 202106:31
Ep. 50: Don't Let Your Goals Die in February

Ep. 50: Don't Let Your Goals Die in February

Have you checked in on your goals or resolutions lately? Are they still moving forward with some momentum or have you let them slowly die? Today Gabi and Joe Mills chat about how goal setting can get messy and how you can make your goals stick throughout the year. Don't worry there's no time to get back on track if you've strayed.

Feb 11, 202141:41
Ep. 49: What Budgeting Teaches Us About Life & Fitness
Feb 04, 202113:08
Ep. 48: Black Health is More Than Fitness

Ep. 48: Black Health is More Than Fitness

Today, Gabi continues her talk with Melissa McLeod and Shanique Allen. The three came to know each other after being part of the same fitness community FB group. This discussion focuses on Black health and the barriers to it. At the end of the day, #BlackHealthMatters means a lot more than just the foods we eat and the exercises we do.
Disclaimer: While we are talking broadly about Black people and people of color (POC), it is important that you do not walk away with the narrative that all Black people and POC are lower-income and/or are struggling with their health and fitness. Middle and upper-class POC can experience some of the same struggles and White societal norms discussed in this episode, or not be as negatively impacted by them.
Connect with Melissa and Shanique
Find Melissa on Instagram @deadliftsandwaffles
Find Shanique on Instagram @shaniqueallen_ or visit her coaching website
Jan 28, 202134:44
Ep. 47: Creating Black Communities in Fitness
Jan 21, 202143:27
Ep. 46: The Best Routine for You

Ep. 46: The Best Routine for You

Today Gabi (and her special co-host), talk about the best routine for you. Spoiler alert, it's the one you can commit to consistently.

Jan 15, 202103:39
Ep. 45: If You Always Do What You've Always Done

Ep. 45: If You Always Do What You've Always Done

Gabi's first episode of 2021 reflects on the quote, "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." You've heard it before and it might seem cliché, but the message matters nonetheless.

Jan 08, 202105:30
Ep. 44: Roll with the Punches

Ep. 44: Roll with the Punches

Gabi briefly reflects on her biggest takeaway from 2020.
Dec 31, 202006:52
Ep. 43: Competing and Coaching with Shane Cavanaugh
Dec 23, 202029:57
Ep. 42: The Fundamental Skill You Might Be Overlooking
Dec 18, 202007:07
Ep. 41b: Holiday Gift Guide for Your Fitness Friends (Long Version)
Dec 11, 202019:33
Ep. 41a: Holiday Gift Guide for Your Fitness Friends (Short Version)

Ep. 41a: Holiday Gift Guide for Your Fitness Friends (Short Version)

Gabi's 5 suggestions for your fitness friends this holiday season! Check out the longer version of this episode for more suggestions from the fitness community!

  1. Jump Rope. RPM Session4 or Buddy Lee Aero Speed
  2. Kettlebell or Dumbbell
  3. HercuLean Meal Prep
  4. Chestee
  5. Experience - Do something with your friend!
Dec 11, 202010:52
Ep. 40: On Breath and Breathing

Ep. 40: On Breath and Breathing

Gabi read/listened to a fascinating book recently, Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor. Breathing is one of those things we take for granted and haven’t been taught how to properly do or use it to our advantage. In this episode, Gabi shares her top takeaways from the book.
Dec 04, 202014:40
Ep. 39: You Can Do Hard Things, Like Run a Marathon

Ep. 39: You Can Do Hard Things, Like Run a Marathon

The phrase "You can do hard things" has been pretty popular the last year or two. Prepping for and running your first marathon virtually during the epic year that is 2020 (future listeners check your history books), is definitely a hard thing. Gabi sits down with her friends and Summit athletes, Kate and Kristen, to talk about why they wanted to run a marathon this year of all years, how they prepared, and how they not only survived the marathon but crushed it. 

Nov 27, 202059:56
Ep. 38: Embrace the Suck

Ep. 38: Embrace the Suck

We all start somewhere and chances are when we start something new, we aren't very good at it. Gabi heard another quote, from a cartoon no less, that highlights how sucking at something is the first step in the process of being good at that thing.

Nov 20, 202002:35
Ep. 37: Which type of person are you?

Ep. 37: Which type of person are you?

Gabi was tuning into a workshop about building your personal brand. The speaker said something that really caught her attention. "There are two types of people in the world..." We all have gifts and how we use them matters, which type of person will you be today?

Nov 13, 202004:53
Ep. 36: Don't Rush It

Ep. 36: Don't Rush It

Gabi has been working on her tuck balance for Animal Flow for a while. Progress is slow, but it's a process. And it's important to understand that results come with patience and perseverance.

Nov 06, 202004:47
Ep. 35: Practice

Ep. 35: Practice

It is so easy to look at other people (especially with social media) and put ourselves down by thinking, "I could never do that." In this episode, Gabi shares her thoughts on practice and how anybody can do anything.

Oct 30, 202007:35
Ep. 34: Stay Afloat

Ep. 34: Stay Afloat

Today, Gabi and Katie share a recent quote that struck both of them as fitting given our current season. They share their tips for how they don't let external things weigh them down.

Oct 23, 202013:12
Ep. 33: Failure

Ep. 33: Failure

In this episode, Gabi discusses failure. We often value perfection and success, which causes us to miss out on the process.

Oct 16, 202004:39
Ep. 32: Managing Injuries

Ep. 32: Managing Injuries

Injuries are a fact for many athletes and Gabi has dealt with her fair share. Gabi shares her tips for how you should handle an injury and not have to stop completely working out. Disclaimer: Not all injuries are the same, so do what's best for you after consulting a medical professional.

Oct 09, 202012:19