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Happiness Life Coaching (English)

Happiness Life Coaching (English)

By HLC English

Hi I'm Axel from Happiness Life Coaching. Feel free to share my tips to get out of happiness' way!
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Habit 4 of Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Habits - Productivity

Happiness Life Coaching (English)Dec 06, 2022

Habit 4 of Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Habits - Productivity
Dec 06, 202202:18
Habit 3 of Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Habits - Necessity
Nov 21, 202202:20
Habit 2 of Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Habits - Energy

Habit 2 of Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Habits - Energy

Do have enough energy to get through your day?

How can you generate more energy to fulfil all your daily obligations and still save some for yourself?

Brendon Burchard suggests 3 things you can do

1. Release Tension/Set Intention A lot of energy is wasted by not having adequate transitions through your activities. But by closing your eyes, breathing deeply—just stopping—you can adequately let go of the tension of one activity and then with a clear mind set the intention for your next activity.

2. Bring the Joy Be responsible for the energy you bring to your life and to every situation. Anticipate positive encounters and ask yourself questions that will generate positive emotions.

3. Optimise Health  By adequately dealing with stress in your life, by sleeping sufficiently, by exercising regularly and by making conscientious decisions about your food and nutrition, you can do your best to generate the kind of positive energy you need to thrive through your day!

Here you have the 6 habits for high performers.







Which of these habits do you feel you already have under control?

And which would you like to develop further?

Nov 14, 202202:19
Habit 1 of Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Habits - Clarity
Nov 07, 202202:41
Overview of Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Habits
Oct 31, 202203:46
Components of Pain
Oct 24, 202205:34
How to Monetize the Cost of Not Changing
Oct 17, 202204:10
H.E.P.G.E.C.L. tool to elevate your emotional state!
Oct 10, 202201:27
The Triad
Oct 03, 202203:59
Good to be back! Free tools coming soon!
Sep 26, 202201:42
Step 7 of the 7 master steps - Elevate
Sep 19, 202202:52
Step 6 of the 7 master steps - Condition
Sep 12, 202201:29
Step 5 of the 7 master steps - Anchor
Sep 05, 202202:04
Step 4 of the 7 master steps - Define
Aug 29, 202202:15
Step 3 of the 7 master steps - Interrupt
Aug 22, 202201:39
Step 2 of the 7 master steps - Leverage
Aug 15, 202201:38
Step 1 of 7 Master Steps - Understand
Aug 08, 202201:26
U.L.I.D.A.C.E. - The 7 Master Steps
Aug 01, 202204:48
Martin Seligman's Book gets 4 stars from me!
Jul 25, 202204:33
Habit 6 - Synergise
May 26, 202201:49
Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood
May 26, 202203:05
Habit 4 - Think Win/Win
May 26, 202201:38
Habit 3 - Put First Things First
May 26, 202202:16
Habit 2 - Begin with The End in Mind
May 26, 202202:06
Habit 1 - Be Proactive
May 26, 202201:57
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
May 26, 202206:12
What to look for in a life coach? Here are FOUR tips
May 26, 202201:31
Welcome to Happiness Life Coaching’s podcast

Welcome to Happiness Life Coaching’s podcast

Let’s show you how to get out of the way of your flow of happiness!

May 17, 202201:48