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Core Principals by Howbridge

Core Principals by Howbridge

By Howbridge

Welcome to Core Principals by Howbridge. Where we bridge the gap between big ideas and big impact. As the name states, in this series, we examine core building blocks of growth and sit down with founders and leaders in their field.

Join us every Wednesday for new episodes of Core Principals. And let's get growing.
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Episode 3: Bringing Passion To Your Work In 2023

Core Principals by HowbridgeMar 01, 2023

Episode 37: The Power of Thought Leadership for Entrepreneurs

Episode 37: The Power of Thought Leadership for Entrepreneurs

Thought leadership isn't just a buzzword or a passing trend. It's a concept that holds the key to establishing credibility and building a loyal community of followers and peers. This episode of Core Principals discusses how to establish yourself as a thought leader and why it’s important for business owners.

Nov 08, 202306:27
Episode 36: Why Authentic Leadership Matters

Episode 36: Why Authentic Leadership Matters

These days, scandals, PR mishaps, public slip-ups, and offhand commentary are nearly impossible to keep off the consumer’s radar. Brands and their leaders no longer have the option to be inauthentic—if they are, they risk losing the respect of both their team and their audience. In this episode, we will discuss the importance of authenticity to leadership and how to achieve it.

Nov 03, 202304:58
Episode 35: Why You Don’t Need to Convince Everyone to Create Effective Change

Episode 35: Why You Don’t Need to Convince Everyone to Create Effective Change

Implementing effective change in a business can be daunting, especially when faced with the challenge of convincing every individual in the organization to adopt new ideas or practices. But contrary to popular belief, you don't need to convince everyone at once to bring about meaningful transformation. Change management is nuanced and complex; in today’s episode, we break it down.

Oct 29, 202305:45
Episode 34: Are Your Customers Suffering from Experience Disconnect? Why It May Be Time to Audit Your Customer Experience

Episode 34: Are Your Customers Suffering from Experience Disconnect? Why It May Be Time to Audit Your Customer Experience

As more companies embrace technologies that focus on efficiency, many have started to overlook the emotional aspect of the customer experience—how customers feel when interacting with the business. In this episode of Core Principals, we will explore how to audit your customer experience to ensure you’re making a lasting impact on your audience.

Oct 20, 202306:19
Episode 33: Your Mission Statement Isn’t Just Another “To Do” on Your Launch List

Episode 33: Your Mission Statement Isn’t Just Another “To Do” on Your Launch List

If you were to Google a list of must-have action items before launching a business, writing a mission statement would undoubtedly be one of them. But your mission statement is so much more than a “to do” on your launch list—it’s imperative to your organization’s success.

Today, in Episode 33 of Core Principals, we are delving into brand awareness. More specifically, we will reinforce why your mission statement is an imperative business driver.


Oct 16, 202305:11
Episode 32: Why it Takes a Passionate Problem Solver to Scale a Business

Episode 32: Why it Takes a Passionate Problem Solver to Scale a Business

Becoming a successful entrepreneur isn’t about being able to raise huge sums of cash or having the knowledge or skill to expertly apply the latest marketing strategies. It’s about one thing: problem-solving. Here’s why.

Oct 02, 202304:18
Episode 31: What is a Chief Growth Officer and Do You Need One?

Episode 31: What is a Chief Growth Officer and Do You Need One?

A growth mindset is crucial for companies looking to scale in 2023. To achieve this goal, many organizations have turned to a new leadership role known as the Chief Growth Officer (CGO). But what exactly does a CGO do and how can you determine whether your business needs one? We explore the rise of the CGO in this episode of Core Principals, by Howbridge.

Sep 28, 202305:08
Episode 30: 3 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Pivoting

Episode 30: 3 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Pivoting

Welcome back to Core Principals, by Howbridge. We are excited to launch our thirtieth insights episode, where our goal is to provide pragmatic advice that fuels your business growth. Today, we will talk about pivoting.  In today’s ever-evolving market, it has become increasingly important for businesses to remain agile. And while it’s important to be flexible, making big business moves without conducting your due diligence could become a costly mistake. In today’s episode, we will walk you through3 questions to ask yourself before pivoting to a new business model or product stream.

Sep 25, 202305:42
Episode 29: Unconventional Cost-Cutting Strategies: How to Save Money and Encourage Growth

Episode 29: Unconventional Cost-Cutting Strategies: How to Save Money and Encourage Growth

Cost-cutting is a scary word in business. But whether you’re grappling with a shift in market interest or an economic downturn, there are ways to save money that work in favor of your success. This episode explains how.

Sep 18, 202304:40
Episode 28: Family Business Moving Forward

Episode 28: Family Business Moving Forward

In this episode of Core Principals, by Howbridge, we will explore the dynamics, challenges, and strategies of family-owned enterprises. From time-tested traditions to innovative solutions, we'll uncover the secrets behind their longevity and resilience. 

Sep 10, 202303:45
Episode 27: In Business, There’s No Cruising Altitude: An Ode To Scrappy Founders Everywhere

Episode 27: In Business, There’s No Cruising Altitude: An Ode To Scrappy Founders Everywhere

An ode to you! Join us as we celebrate scrappy entrepreneurs who never stop innovating. At Howbridge, we're your co-pilots, guiding you through the turbulence of business growth. Embrace your entrepreneurial spark by celebrating your scrappiness and recognize how it fuels your growth.

Sep 06, 202304:09
Episode 26: What Is A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) And What Are The Benefits?

Episode 26: What Is A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) And What Are The Benefits?

Launching a new venture demands strategic investment of your time and effort. In this episode, we delve into the power of a Minimum Viable Product, or M.V.P. – an essential tool for smart entrepreneurs. Discover how MVPs allow you to swiftly test the waters, gather valuable feedback, and iterate for success. Join us as we unpack the potential of this compact acronym, exploring its benefits, cost considerations, and how it can lay the foundation for a thriving business.

Aug 30, 202305:55
Episode 25: Is Your Business Venture Scaled? 5 Questions To Ask

Episode 25: Is Your Business Venture Scaled? 5 Questions To Ask

You've launched a promising business that is gaining traction, and is receiving positive feedback from peers, friends, and family. Maybe sales projections look optimistic, which fuels your desire to elevate your product or service. For entrepreneurs, the logical step might involve courting venture capital.

However, securing venture funding isn't a cakewalk, despite what giants like Facebook and Instagram suggest. In this episode we investigate why investors agree to back some businesses, but not others.

Aug 23, 202304:19
Episode 24: What Makes a Good Leader?

Episode 24: What Makes a Good Leader?

Leadership is more than just a title – it's a calling to guide, inspire, and uplift. In this episode of Core Principals, by Howbridge, we'll unravel the true meaning of getting others to willingly follow and how disciplined leadership can transform visions into reality. Whether you're a natural-born leader or developing your skills, this podcast will provide you with strategies to strengthen your leadership prowess.

Aug 14, 202303:47
Episode 23: How to Find the Right Investor for Your Business

Episode 23: How to Find the Right Investor for Your Business

Cash may be king in business, but that doesn’t mean you should settle for the first investor willing to invest in your vision. The right investor should act as a thought partner—someone who adds value to your business (and not just monetary variety). In this episode, we explore how to find the right investor for your business.

Aug 08, 202304:48
Episode 22: Gain Trust, Share Knowledge

Episode 22: Gain Trust, Share Knowledge

Take a moment to consider what brands you are loyal to. What are the common characteristics of these brands? Consider whether you rely on this brand for their excellent customer service, if they follow through on their commitments, or act in a way that aligns with their vision and mission.

All of these pieces serve as building blocks to trust. Today, in episode 22 of Core Principals, we will delve into why fostering trust with your customer base is crucial to your success. Let’s dive in!

Jul 28, 202305:02
Episode 21: Why You Need To Rethink Who Your Biggest Competitors Are

Episode 21: Why You Need To Rethink Who Your Biggest Competitors Are

Today we'll be diving into a thought-provoking topic that challenges the traditional notions of competition in the business world.

In a landscape where industries intersect and digital disruption reigns, the concept of competitors has evolved. Today, we'll explore the idea that your biggest competitors may not necessarily be from within your industry, but rather the brands your audience is already engaging with.

Jul 16, 202304:60
Episode 20- The True Meaning of Disruptive Innovation (and how to achieve it)

Episode 20- The True Meaning of Disruptive Innovation (and how to achieve it)

Welcome back to Episode 20 of Core Principals, by Howbridge! Today we will delve into "The True Meaning of Disruptive Innovation (and how to achieve it)." We will explore the concept of disruptive innovation and how it differs from sustaining innovations and provide three key tips on how businesses can proactively embrace disruptive innovation, foster a culture that embraces change, and develop leaders who can drive transformative actions. Join us as we uncover the path to becoming a market disruptor and staying ahead of the curve!

Jul 12, 202305:44
Episode 19: Accelerate the Selling Process

Episode 19: Accelerate the Selling Process

Welcome to Episode 19 of Core Principals, where we will continue to talk about how your brand determines your position and success in a crowded market. Tune in for four secrets to building a brand that lasts and sells faster.

Jul 05, 202305:37
Episode 18: Everyday Branding: 3 Simple Tips To Build Your Brand

Episode 18: Everyday Branding: 3 Simple Tips To Build Your Brand

Discover why growing businesses can't afford to overlook branding as we debunk the myth that it's merely a tagline or a logo. Don't miss out on valuable tips to elevate your brand!

Jun 26, 202305:06
Episode 17: Should You Trust Your Business To Artificial Intelligence Tools Like ChatGPT?

Episode 17: Should You Trust Your Business To Artificial Intelligence Tools Like ChatGPT?

A.I. replacing humans in the workplace? The rise of ChatGPT has sparked a fierce debate between enthusiasts and skeptics. Tune into Episode 17 of Core Principals by Howbridge to learn more.

Jun 19, 202305:30
Episode 16: The O3 Effect: Why Breaking Down Silos Is The Key To Continuous Growth

Episode 16: The O3 Effect: Why Breaking Down Silos Is The Key To Continuous Growth

Our experience working with a multitude of clients and their ventures in various industries, has revealed that sustainable success sits at the crossroads of three elements. These three elements include: offerings to market, organizational dynamics, and opportunities. At Howbridge, We call this the O3 effect, and it comprises the very foundation of what we do.

In this episode, we will explain the O3 effect further, along with our approach to creating continuous growth.

Jun 14, 202304:47
Episode 15: The Power of Self-Awareness: Eliminating Leadership Blindspots

Episode 15: The Power of Self-Awareness: Eliminating Leadership Blindspots

See clearly, lead confidently! Today, we will delve into the power of self-awareness, and introduce five strategies to eliminate leadership blindspots. This episode will support you to sharpen your vision, uncover hidden weaknesses, and elevate your leadership game! Let’s begin.

Jun 06, 202305:53
Episode 14: How Founders Can Embrace The Unknown And Improve Their Tolerance For Uncertainty

Episode 14: How Founders Can Embrace The Unknown And Improve Their Tolerance For Uncertainty

Welcome back to Episode 14 of Core Principles by Howbridge. In today's episode, we'll explore the crucial skill of embracing the unknown as it applies to the world of business and entrepreneurship. Join us as we reveal strategies to help you improve your tolerance for uncertainty, and empower you to navigate the ambiguities of business with confidence. Let's get started!

May 31, 202303:07
Episode 13: Competing on Price, The Race You'll Never Win

Episode 13: Competing on Price, The Race You'll Never Win

Today we will explore why manipulating your price point is not an effective strategy to get ahead in a competitive business landscape. In fact, it could be detrimental to your business. Keep listening to learn about why this is true and gain insight into more effective strategies, that will help you stand out in any market.

May 23, 202304:38
Episode 12: How to Turn Customers into Brand Advocates

Episode 12: How to Turn Customers into Brand Advocates

Brand advocates are the champions of word-of-mouth marketing. Want to learn how to create them? Listen to this episode of Core Principals for expert advice.

May 15, 202307:14
Episode 11: What Does a Purpose Driven Company Look Like (and Why Does It Matter)?

Episode 11: What Does a Purpose Driven Company Look Like (and Why Does It Matter)?

Think about a brand you are loyal to…what keeps you going back?

On Episode 11 of Core Principles, by Howbridge, we will discuss why your company’s fate relies on much more than your product portfolio, or service offerings alone. By rooting your business in a strong purpose, your chances of overall success skyrockets. Keep listening to learn why that is and how to make it come to life.

May 10, 202305:44
Episode 10: Why Gross Margin Is The Most Important Metric For Your Company’s Growth

Episode 10: Why Gross Margin Is The Most Important Metric For Your Company’s Growth

We live in a world where selling and consuming is a central theme. All around us, we see transactions transpiring in coffee shops, retail stores, and your favorite eateries. Vendors in street markets use creative tactics to catch the eye of the consumer, and mechanics try to convince you that your car requires more work than you previously anticipated. Sell, sell, sell.

However, when it comes to scaling a profitable business, we must shift our focus away from the act of selling alone. Today, in Episode 10 of Core Principals by Howbridge, we will introduce you to a paradigm shift. Keep listening to learn why gross margin is the most important metric to your company’s growth.

May 02, 202307:37
Episode 9: Fostering Innovation by Accepting Failure

Episode 9: Fostering Innovation by Accepting Failure

Failure is a key business driver. Join us for Episode 9 of Core Principals by Howbridge where we will unpack why welcoming, rather than resisting, failure is paradoxically the ticket to innovation and overall business success. 

Apr 24, 202305:16
Episode 8: ‘The Marvel effect’: Why entrepreneurs need a sidekick to bridge the gap between vision and execution

Episode 8: ‘The Marvel effect’: Why entrepreneurs need a sidekick to bridge the gap between vision and execution

In order to break the ground with an idea and grow the idea into a business, Entrepreneurs must balance strategic focus with tactical execution. Innovating products and services while simultaneously surmounting the operational challenges inherent to any venture can be a daunting feat. Are you wondering how you will do it all? 

Today we will discuss "The Marvel Effect." This episode will explain why entrepreneurs need a sidekick to bridge the gap between vision and execution, and how to choose one wisely.

Apr 18, 202306:28
Episode 7: From Gen X To Z: How Generational Marketing Can Help You Speak To Every Demographic

Episode 7: From Gen X To Z: How Generational Marketing Can Help You Speak To Every Demographic

Welcome back to Episode 7 of Core Principals. Today we will unpack generational marketing and learn how to effectively market your product to the individualistic people of  Generation X and the civic-minded people of Generation Z, alike. In a world where generations collide, it is imperative to distinguish the unique patterns that erupt with varying age groups in order to ensure that while your marketing strategy talks, that your audience actually listens. Let’s get started!

Apr 12, 202307:01
Episode 6: Struggling with Imposter Syndrome? Stop Listening to the “Yes Man” On Your Team

Episode 6: Struggling with Imposter Syndrome? Stop Listening to the “Yes Man” On Your Team

If thoughts of self-doubt are invading your precious headspace, space that you could be using to drive your brilliant ideas forward, then you may be struggling with imposter syndrome. Luckily, imposter syndrome is a curable condition that is omnipresent amongst budding entrepreneurs and Chief Executive Officers alike. Listen in for tips on conquering your self-doubt.

Apr 05, 202305:02
Episode 5: How to Price Your Product Effectively and Win Over Your Target Audience

Episode 5: How to Price Your Product Effectively and Win Over Your Target Audience

Do you have a great idea for a product or service? Are you paralyzed by price point? Wondering what model will attract and retain customers? If so, then this episode is for you!

Today we will discuss How to Price Your Product Effectively, and how to Win Over Your Target Audience. The pricing model you choose will impact each part of your business. Most notably, it will impact your customers. Make sure you do it right.

Mar 29, 202306:09
Episode 4: Your Brand Is Much More Than Your Logo. Here’s Why

Episode 4: Your Brand Is Much More Than Your Logo. Here’s Why

Branding is one of the most vital parts of growing a business. It transcends logos and font choices to determine how you differentiate yourself from your competitors. This is done by creating a persona that your audience connects with.

Your brand is what your customers feel when they think of you, the problems you’re trying to solve, and the promises you make to them.

In this episode, we walk through the 3 critical insights to build an unforgettable brand.

Mar 08, 202306:12
Episode 3: Bringing Passion To Your Work In 2023

Episode 3: Bringing Passion To Your Work In 2023

What do you do?” This is one of the most common questions people ask when they meet someone new.

What if the question became: “do you love what you do?”

Last December, a record-breaking 4.3 million people answered this question by voluntarily quitting their jobs (source: The Bureau of Labor Statistics). This was after another 4.5 million left their jobs in November. Some left to pursue their passions, taking the opportunity of a favorable job market to move into a new industry, or to seek out a work culture more aligned with their values. Others left because of pure burnout or exhaustion.

Whether you’re staying in your role, managing through employee attrition, or starting a new career path, the rules of the game have changed when it comes to happiness at work.

Mar 01, 202304:48
Episode 2: This Is The Only Resolution You Need To Make As A Business Owner In 2023

Episode 2: This Is The Only Resolution You Need To Make As A Business Owner In 2023

This episode examines the Only Resolution You Need To Make As A Business Owner In 2023 shared by Howbridge founder, Jeffrey Prag. 

You’ve probably read a dozen articles with similar headlines to this one by now, each encouraging you to set a different business-oriented goal for the year ahead. But they often miss the common thread required to follow through on those resolutions, no matter how “smart” they may be.

Introducing the power consistency.

Feb 22, 202303:57
Episode 1: 5 Books CEOs Should Read In 2023

Episode 1: 5 Books CEOs Should Read In 2023

In a world of change and volatility, today’s leaders are expected to understand and engage in a broader set of global issues. And what better way to broaden your horizons than diving into a new book? Here are five books we think all leaders should read in 2023.

Feb 16, 202306:35
Welcome to Core Principals

Welcome to Core Principals

Welcome to Core Principals by Howbridge. Where we bridge the gap between big ideas and big impact. As the name states, in this series, we examine core building blocks of growth and sit down with founders and leaders in their field.

Follow along and you will hear two types of episodes: growth Insights and growth Interviews. Think of our Insights episodes as “The Skinny” and our Interviews episodes as “The Not-So-Skinny.”

In our “Skinny” Insights episodes, we'll bring you quick-hit, thought-provoking insights and expert perspectives on the culture, brand, and growth strategies that drive success. You can digest these episodes in about five minutes alongside your favorite cup of coffee or tea.

In our longer form Interviews, we'll delve into the real-life experiences of business leaders, Howbridge clients, and other folks doing big things. In these discussions, we will hear stories, lessons learned, and wisdom gained on the journey from idea to execution.

At Howbridge, we believe that great ideas have the potential to shape our world. However, an idea’s ability to transform our world only exists in its strategic execution, until then, it is simply a seed that lives in potential.

That's why we started Howbridge, and started this podcast. To help visionary thinkers bridge the gap between big ideas and business execution. We like to say, you bring the great ideas, we will serve as the farmers and nurturers of growth, and together we will transform your ideas from seed to scale.

Join us every Wednesday for new episodes of Core Principals. And let's get growing.

Feb 14, 202301:51