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IndigoTent's Podcast

IndigoTent's Podcast

By Dr Wendy Guess

This podcast is the place to gather for nurturing and nourishing your higher self. As we put Energy in Motion, we plant seeds of transformation, resilience and harmony through sharing the Elements of Interaction™. When these elements are aligned in harmony, we can tap into our highest self. You are invited to join the journey toward your higher self.

When we’re out of alignment with our decisions, actions, words, or even our higher self we feel stuck mentally, emotionally or physically. We are basically not in harmony. This impacts every interaction we have personally and professionally. Transforming what is stuck is what we call Energy in Motion. This is the process of joy. This is our purpose.
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What Does it Mean to Love Yourself First?

IndigoTent's PodcastFeb 13, 2021

More Self Love through Systemic Constellations and Assisted Lymphatic Treatments

More Self Love through Systemic Constellations and Assisted Lymphatic Treatments

How can we give ourselves more self-love, when we find ourselves in crisis management all the time? If we constantly allow ourselves to be in fright or flight mode instead of balancing with rest and digest, our bodies build up a lot of toxins. As those toxins accumulate in the body and we find ourselves with a myriad of issues, starting with our immune system. Is that the picture of health we want to see? hmmmmm...

Mar 14, 202144:26
What Does it Mean to Love Yourself First?

What Does it Mean to Love Yourself First?

Join us in the Indigo Tent for a fun conversation with author Adrian Booher. Dr. Wendy and Adrian have been friends since their childhood days in Denton Texas. In this episode, we catch up on their lifelong friendship and the release of Adrian's book, Love Yourself First: Finding Joy in The Golden Rule. We had a great time talking about life, everything from Breast-Feeding as young moms to accepting our grandma laugh lines!!!! We choose to see wrinkles as the story of our life. So come into the tent and laugh with us, learn about the human body, the inner workings of the soul and the constant adventure of tuning into the Higher Self.

Feb 13, 202130:34
Is Gossip Positive or Negative?

Is Gossip Positive or Negative?

What comes to mind when you hear the gossip? Join us in the Indigo Tent as we look at the history and etymology of the word gossip. What is the root and why did it change?  Is it positive or negative?

You'll be surprised about the origin of the word and its original purpose. And, as always, have a few moments with your higher self!

Feb 02, 202143:52
What are the Benefits of Play for Adults?

What are the Benefits of Play for Adults?

When you think about play, what comes to mind? The time we are allotted on the Earth is never long enough, so why not enjoy it?!!!! There are times when losing sight of what’s most important leads to fun! In case you forgot, life is meant to be enjoyed. That means it’s okay to step out of bounds every once in a while and play! Especially during the covid pandemic, it's hard to remember to play.  Join us in the for a discussion about scheduled, adult playdates! It's good for the brain and very good for the soul!

Jan 23, 202133:02
Resolution Vision 2021

Resolution Vision 2021

Why do we write New Year's resolutions? Why don't we keep them? Instead of lists of wants or goals that we think should happen, what about asking ....... Which areas in my life may need to be resolved? Come into the tent for a discussion about intentions framed in a new light, a new way of approaching 2021. Let's look at theming the year with reflection, purpose, and action. Join us in the Indigo Tent and see what we've been up to!!!

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."   ~ Oprah Winfrey

Jan 14, 202117:49
A Conversation with Dr. Elaine Ferguson about Healing Racism and Discrimination

A Conversation with Dr. Elaine Ferguson about Healing Racism and Discrimination

Dr. Elaine Ferguson, author, speaker, and holistic doctor joins us for another thought-provoking discussion. This week we examine discrimination, its effect on the mind and spirit, and ways to share love in difficult times and circumstances. Join us in the tent for a conversation about the healing power of peace, love, and joy.

Dec 14, 202001:01:26
A conversation with Dr. Elaine Ferguson About the Mind/Body Connection to Health and Healing

A conversation with Dr. Elaine Ferguson About the Mind/Body Connection to Health and Healing

This week we have a guest in the tent, Dr. Elaine Ferguson, author, speaker, and a physician who specializes in integrative medicine! Dr. Wendy met Dr. Elaine several years ago and they knew right away they were soul sisters. Both doctors have been on a quest to enjoy and explore the journey of wisdom, empowerment, and holistic medicine. Join us in the tent for a conversation about the healing power found within the body.

Dec 04, 202056:46
2.7 Thanksgiving Memories and Moments

2.7 Thanksgiving Memories and Moments

Thanksgiving conjures up so many emotions, memories and now with the pandemic........ complications! In this podcast, we take a stroll down memory lane, talk about the three Fs....... Food, Family, and Football, and share some insight into this national holiday. There is a lot to separate us today but the tradition of Thanksgiving can bring us back to a sense of community. Or, you can be like Dr Wendy, hit the road, find a beach and relax for a few days. No rules, just love. Join us in the tent for a conversation about memories and the ever-evolving Higher Self.

Nov 26, 202017:16
2.6 Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

2.6 Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Why do bad things happen, to anyone? We pondered this question in our latest podcast.  Do you find the narrative of the heroine's journey intriguing? We all face difficult times or circumstances. Why? What is the purpose?

The journey toward our higher selves continues with conversations in the Indigo Tent.  Join us on the adventure.

Nov 19, 202019:33
2.5 Setting Boundaries - Familiar Theme, New Approach

2.5 Setting Boundaries - Familiar Theme, New Approach

We're sure you are familiar with the best selling book, "Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. This book is recommended by therapists around the world and for good reason. The analysis found within, the examples given, and the suggestions and reflections recommended all give the reader substantial material to ...... wait for it...... Set Healthy Boundaries!!! Join us in the tent for another discussion about how to be your higher self by setting new boundaries or digging up some old ones.

Nov 14, 202024:51
2.4 Consistent Path - Creative Life

2.4 Consistent Path - Creative Life

In this podcast, we explore the meaning of consistency and we challenge the notion of staying on the safe path, all for the sake of being good. Does a consistent routine kill the element of surprise and curiosity? There is no path to the world of spontaneity but we can carve out a way by being creative in our lives by following a routine and setting daily intentions. Join us in the tent as we explore the safe road of rituals and the creative element of being in harmony with your higher self.

Nov 07, 202029:13
2.3 5 Tips for Being your Best in the Zoom Era Workday

2.3 5 Tips for Being your Best in the Zoom Era Workday

The workplace, the 9 to 5 environment sure has changed! Zoom meetings are a wonderful way to communicate but at what cost? Join us in the tent for an interview/discussion with Laura Bender, Yoga teacher and podcaster.

We talk about finding some peace in a new workday format. Our guest has some great tips to share as she is learning to carve out a new path in a virtual world.

Oct 30, 202055:55
2.2 Movement Myths in Yoga

2.2 Movement Myths in Yoga

Humans are designed to move, to stretch, and to carry weight. The brain muscle connection is an amazing feature that can bring so much joy and sometimes confusion. Have you ever heard, "Don't do that! You'll hurt your back." Or "Be careful, that repeated action will hurt your knees!" Should you ever find yourself in a tree pose we'll give you some tips as to what is safe for your body and what is a total misconception that is repeated blindly by most yoga instructors. Join us in the tent as we unpack two very common myths in the world of exercise and mindful movement.

Oct 22, 202037:56
2.1 Summer Shenanigans

2.1 Summer Shenanigans

Join us in the tent as we share our summer experiences, emotions, and shenanigans. I love this word, shenanigans because it has multiple meanings. Sure, it means mischievous but it also means complicated and humorous activities.

We'll reminisce about our summer adventures, analyze some emotions, and share some plans for season 2 of the Indigo Tent. How did y'all spend your summer?

Oct 15, 202042:07
Mental-Pause: How to Find More Wisdom from Books and Movies

Mental-Pause: How to Find More Wisdom from Books and Movies

We think it’s time to take a “mental pause” from the heavy events that surround us or the internal emotions that suppress us.  Join us as we talk about movies and books.  Kind of a book club combined with a mental escape.  We have covered some deep topics lately, now it’s time to change it up and explore the fictional world of novels and Netflix!  Come on into our Indigo Tent where it's nice and cool.  Bring a beverage and popcorn and let’s settle in for a fun conversation.

Aug 01, 202035:52
MentalPause - Taking a Break to Find the Wisdom

MentalPause - Taking a Break to Find the Wisdom

 It’s summertime here in the tent and we think it’s time to take a “mental pause” from the heavy events that surround us or the internal emotions that suppress us.  Join us as we talk about movies and books.  Kind of a book club and sort of a mental escape.  We have covered some deep topics lately, now it’s time to change it up and explore the fictional world of novels and movies!  Come on into the tent where it is nice and cool.  Bring a beverage and popcorn and let’s settle in for a fun conversation.

Jul 03, 202035:02
Higher Self Discovery: The Importance of Journaling to Reflect and Connect

Higher Self Discovery: The Importance of Journaling to Reflect and Connect

Writing and keeping a journal has been a New Years Resolution almost as much as going to the gym. It can be difficult, and often daunting to set aside time each day to write down your own thoughts for seemingly no other reason than to hope someone finds them and reads them one day. 

However, we here at Indigo Tent know that journaling is a key aspect of health and a big part of your journey to connecting with your higher self. Journaling is important because it is a key way in which your higher self communicates with you. Your higher self is your real self and it empowers you to connect with the universe at large and your true potential. 

Several people find it difficult to hear messages from their higher self but this is because it takes practice. Like any other discipline, the more you work on listening to your higher self, the easier it will be. Journaling is the easiest way to help you get consistent practice in listening to your own thoughts and feelings. 

Jun 27, 202034:31
Healing your Soul through Dance and Art

Healing your Soul through Dance and Art

Dance has the power to “choreograph” the human experience by connecting and bonding through the art of visually replicating the stories that preserve tradition and community. The resulting bond that ties together humanity is enhanced and deepened through the dance experience. 

Jun 18, 202028:10
15 I'd Like to Teach the World to Dance ... Find Peace

15 I'd Like to Teach the World to Dance ... Find Peace

Here in the Indigo Tent, we are on a constant journey toward connecting more with our higher selves.  One of the roadblocks we encounter on that journey comes in the form of problems.  Big ones and small ones that eat away at our ability to think and so we start to feel scrambled.  Albert Einstein tells us that:

One cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it.   

Join us in the Tent as we attempt to ‘unscramble’ our thoughts and rise to a higher level of consciousness.  And let's dance along the way... to finding peace.

Jun 12, 202029:51
Accepting Loss With Grace and Dignity

Accepting Loss With Grace and Dignity

There are constant transitions in our life and inevitably we will reach a time to say goodbye to a place, idea, job, pattern, or a person. In a way, the idea of letting go is like experiencing a loss.  How do we handle that loss?  How do we cope with the myriad of emotions - determination, grief, sadness, reminiscing, moving forward, etc?  All of these can become a beautiful or necessary transformation - from what was to what will be. Join us in the Indigo Tent for a conversation about letting go with grace and dignity.

Jun 04, 202033:11
13 Expressing the Creativity of Spring

13 Expressing the Creativity of Spring

A look at how the depiction of women in art can shape our own expression of creativity.  Think of all the creative energy usually found in spring and all the activities that go with it - The desire for continued fertility brought many rituals, we danced, sang, creative art to welcome in the Spring and prepare a new season of crops - plant, animal and human.

Join us as we talk about our passion for dance and art and nourishing our higher selves in this episode.

May 15, 202029:00
12 Cocoon of Transformation

12 Cocoon of Transformation

Do you have a map for your life? Stephen Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, recommended that individuals, not just businesses have a mission statement. Following that line of thinking, Dr. Wendy has developed three essential questions that we all need to answer as we navigate our personal, professional, and spiritual life. Join us in the tent as we explore these essential questions and ponder the road well-traveled.

May 07, 202011:25
11 Good Vibrations and Friendships

11 Good Vibrations and Friendships

Here in the Indigo Tent Podcast, we like to focus on our higher selves.  Sometimes that impacts the friendships in our lives. Vibration energies change, our vision and spirit changes, hopefully for the better.  As we evolve to our higher selves, the friendships we have may alter over time, are we willing to grow when that evolution occurs?  Sometimes our perspective of the world changes, so does the way we relate to people. Join us in the tent for stories and evaluations of the higher self.

May 02, 202009:07
10 Pondering Meditation

10 Pondering Meditation

"Until the mind is at rest, there cannot be peace. " Sri M, India's leading spiritual guide, social reformer and educationalist

What comes to mind when you hear the word meditation? A Buddhist monk in a serene state of being, a yogi doing an impossible pose? Listen to the conversation in the tent as we ponder this ancient form of thoughtfulness and gain a realistic picture of being present and aware. Along the way, Dr. Wendy will unpack the science behind the contemplation. Join us as we explore mindfulness.

Apr 23, 202013:44
09  Be The Instrument - Tuning into Ourself

09 Be The Instrument - Tuning into Ourself

Lord, Make me an Instrument of Your Peace. Saint Francis

What takes you out of harmony and causes you to be stressed, to be out of tune? In this podcast, we continue the call to go deeper with the idea of showing up. Whether it's an expensive violin or a cheap guitar, all instruments must be tuned. How much more should we guard our emotions, our time and our energy all within the challenge of showing up for ourselves and others? Join us as we talk about loyalty, vulnerability and examine our own patterns so that we can be an instrument of peace in a complex world.

Apr 16, 202010:53
08 A Respectful Bias with Guest Tali Connell

08 A Respectful Bias with Guest Tali Connell

"Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love."
Miguel Angel Ruiz

What does respect mean in 2020? Listen to another conversation with Tali Ben David Connell. We address several issues in light of this powerful word. With the current Pandemic, we have to respect one another to be safe, to survive and to heal individually and as a nation. What are the sculptured patterns of your life, your bias, that determine what respect looks like and feels like to you? Join us in the Tent and in the words of our Soul Sister Aretha Franklin, " R E S P E C T..... Find out what it means to me!"

Apr 09, 202011:46
07 Expect to be Curious, with Guest Tali Connell

07 Expect to be Curious, with Guest Tali Connell

"It is not at all hard to understand a person; it's only hard to listen without bias."
- Criss Jami

This week's podcast is an interview with Tali Ben David Connell, an anthropologist and bias expert. Our guest shares stories from the field, gives an insightful example of the teenage mind and challenges us to change from being biased to being curious. Join us in the tent for an exploration of stereotypes and judgments. Develop a journey within to truly understand yourself and then listen with a curious mind to the fascinating people in your world. Wisdom, it starts by listening with an open mind and a loving heart.

Apr 02, 202020:54
06  E-motion: Moving Our Emotions

06 E-motion: Moving Our Emotions

We're all beings of energy, we all have emotions.  What's the connection?  Emotion literally means energy in motion.  Join our conversation inside the Indigo Tent as we cover how to understand this energy in motion, how to get un-stuck, and we'll end with a special sound therapy cameo to help us return to balance (homeostasis).

As we move through the emotional uncertainty of Coronavirus/COVID-19, we can utilize emotional intelligence to help us navigate.

Mar 26, 202018:53
05 Walking in Harmony with Inspiration

05 Walking in Harmony with Inspiration

When you think about inspiration what comes to mind?  In this podcast, we discuss the soulful grace that comes from the joy of rituals.  What rituals or traditions inspire you to become your highest self?


Mar 20, 202011:53
04 - Walking in Harmony with Creativity

04 - Walking in Harmony with Creativity

Your Creative side, what is it?   Are you a writer, a sculptor, or a musician?  All of these are typically what comes to mind when we think about the word Create.  Listen to this conversation in the tent and gain a new perspective or wake up an old idea about Creativity!!  Now is your time.

Mar 12, 202008:46
03 Walking in Harmony with Expression

03 Walking in Harmony with Expression

Question of the day, is it better to give than receive?  That question is pondered in today's conversation in the Indigo Tent.

Feb 28, 202013:12
02 - Walking in Harmony with Empowerment

02 - Walking in Harmony with Empowerment

Managing life can be challenging and chaotic.  Discover what really needs to be changed and transformed to empower you into your higher self! In this conversation, we discuss perceptions and actions.  And, we talk about the half time show of the 2020 Super Bowl.  Empowerment with dance and the human body!


Feb 20, 202014:36
01 - Walking in Harmony with Wisdom

01 - Walking in Harmony with Wisdom

Is your body a vessel for health and healing?  We live in this beautiful world that is full of constant activity and sometimes confusion.  This can affect our emotions, decision-making process and physical wellbeing. 

Do you need more than downtime to fill your cup of joy?  We don’t have all the answers put Wendy and I have some thoughts to share with you about wisdom.

Welcome to episode number one of the Indigo Tent, a podcast where we invite creativity and look for balance in this complicated and yet oh so wonderful world.

Join us for a conversation in the tent about self-reflection and insights from our ancestors.  This episode is about Wisdom and how we can gain knowledge to be more effective in our inter and inner actions.  If the body, the vessel is healthy, the mind will make better decisions.  Wisdom in action.

Thanks for subscribing!

Feb 19, 202016:42