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All About Soul: The Akashic Records Podcast

All About Soul: The Akashic Records Podcast

By Inga Kastrone

The Akashic Records are the memory of the universe. More than that, the Akashic Records are a field that informs and creates our reality.
In this podcast, I share my experience as an Akashic Record reader, healer and spiritual seeker. Join me as we unravel the secrets of the Akashic Records, the cosmic archive said to contain the collective wisdom of all existence. Discover how tapping into the Akashic Records can catalyze profound healing, unlock hidden potentials, and illuminate the path towards inner peace and fulfillment.
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Levels of Consciousness and Soul Ages

All About Soul: The Akashic Records PodcastNov 25, 2021

What to do when we receive guidance for others?
May 29, 202438:18
Egregores, Their Blessings — and Challenges

Egregores, Their Blessings — and Challenges

Egregores are thought forms, and can also be defined as a collective consciousness of a physical or spiritual entity. Those of us who are spiritually curious are bound to interact with many egregores, especially those of major religions. In this podcast, I wanted to share how the concept of egregores can help both with healing and expanding your own very physical and material business or practice.

May 25, 202430:26
Life Lessons: An Akashic Perspective

Life Lessons: An Akashic Perspective

In this episode I share the Akashic Records perspective on the process of learning our life lessons. Perhaps, life lessons is not always a very good term to use. We are not kids stuck in the same grade for 10th year in a row, learning lessons and never allowed out to play. Life lessons are empowerments, ways of expanding our experience and gifts. They are always for the good of everyone concerned. With this in mind, let's delve into the basics of life lessons!

May 13, 202431:26
Magical Initiations and Seals in Past Lives

Magical Initiations and Seals in Past Lives

How do we know we had magical initiations, incarnations and powers in a past life? In the Akashic Records, these often come through for me in the form of magical seals. In this episode, I am going to talk about what "magical" even means in this context, and how to practically work with magical seals that come through

May 01, 202432:05
Abundance Blocks and Working with Money Energy
Apr 17, 202427:44
The Ambrosial Hour: The Magic of Dawn
Apr 08, 202442:32
Ways of balancing high-frequency energies

Ways of balancing high-frequency energies

Are you very "galactic," with a tendency to "ground up" and a natural gift in connecting with high-frequency energies? This is a wonderful gift that you are bringing to the Earth, but it is also important to ground and balance it. Otherwise, life will gradually become quite difficult to manage.

In this episode, I share the practice of elemental reconnection as one of the ways of grounding and balancing high-frequency energies.

Apr 05, 202444:28
Dark Energies, Protection & Clearing

Dark Energies, Protection & Clearing

Do we need to protect ourselves from dark energies? And if so, what is the best way to do it?

On the topic of dark energies, clearing and energetic protection, there are probably as many opinions as there are people. Some believe that ultimately we all go back to light and darkness is just an illusion. Consequently, if we are all love and light and positive vibes only, we will be immune to darkness. Others spend their lives removing curses and clearing blockages and setting up elaborate protection rituals. Other still believe the universe is out to get them for some unknown reason, and have tried every form of clearing and protection imaginable, yet to no avail.

So how does energetic protection work — and does it?

Mar 24, 202451:10
What Type of Information Can We Find in the Akashic Records?

What Type of Information Can We Find in the Akashic Records?

If the Akashic Records are an information field, then can we receive all kinds of information? A reader can just open my "file" and tell me everything that's in it? Right?

I can hear some of you giggle at that prospect already. Listen to this episode to find out more about attempts to have one's files read and other fun stories!

And as far as information goes — the correct answer is anything, absolutely anything. But probably not in the way we expect :)

Mar 15, 202445:26
Is it Possible to Cultivate Psychic and Intuitive Abilities?
Mar 09, 202448:12
Hacking Life Vs. Dancing with Life

Hacking Life Vs. Dancing with Life

Is biohacking, greater productivity, more healing, manifesting and generally demanding things from the "universe" the way forward? Is it all there is? Or are we collectively called to something else? And if so, what is the missing piece?

Mar 02, 202428:11
Strengthening Your Auric Field for Healing, Co-Creation and Abundance

Strengthening Your Auric Field for Healing, Co-Creation and Abundance

When we strengthen our auric field, we also expand our bandwidth to receive. This may mean receiving what we have intuitively sensed to be ours all along, or what we have been trying to co-create and manifest for a very long time, be it in the areas of health, relationships or business. Why weren't we able to draw it into our lives before? Because we didn't have the bandwidth. Listen to this podcast to learn about the importance of strengthening our auric field and how it correlates with tangible expansion in our career and relationships.

Feb 23, 202440:06
The Akashic Records and Science

The Akashic Records and Science

In this episode, we delve deep into the intersection of science and the Akashic Records. Far from being just "New Age woo", the Akashic Records (often called the Akashic Field) have been a topic of many a scientific exploration. Research into quantum entanglement and non-locality parallels interconnectedness implied by the Akashic Records.

So let's embark on a journey to understand how the Akashic Field, often referred to as the cosmic information network, intertwines with the fabric of reality, and latest scientific research. Get ready to expand your mind and challenge your understanding of the universe :)

Feb 19, 202448:36
Twinned Chakras: Healing the Womb-Throat Blocks
Feb 16, 202435:28
The Lived Experience of the Akashic Records

The Lived Experience of the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are the field where cutting-edge science and psychic experience converge. It is the field that informs and gives shape to our reality. In this episode I talk about how we are continuously informed by the Akashic field, and how to deepen this connection.

Feb 14, 202448:55
Integrating Body and Spirit: Healing as a Path of Balance
Feb 05, 202435:10
The Return of Light: Imbolc, Slowing Down and Celebrating Progress
Feb 01, 202426:08
Codependency and Twin Flames
Jan 23, 202442:58
Embodiment, the Akashic Records and Holographic Universe

Embodiment, the Akashic Records and Holographic Universe

Embodiment is often the last thing on our mind when we begin our spiritual explorations. The body is base, slow, annoying, let's all just astral project and have visions all the time! But what we may forget, or not know, is that our universe is holographic and holofractal, which means that every tiniest bit of our own bodies contains that structure and information patterns of the whole universe. Our souls incarnated to learn from our bodies (and of course, our bodies learn from our souls).

Jan 14, 202429:45
Mintakan Souls

Mintakan Souls

Star traveler souls from Mintaka star system, their home planet Arturvia, and the relationship of these souls with polarity on planet Earth

Jan 05, 202417:53
Pleiadian souls

Pleiadian souls

Souls that originate from Pleiades — agents of rapid transformation and catalysts for change

Jan 04, 202425:10
What Does it Mean?

What Does it Mean?

One of the unique qualities that distinguishes humans is the search for meaning — be it in the very abstract sense, such as meaning of life, or looking for meaning behind the circumstances and synchronicities in our life. What does it mean? And who can give us meaning?

Dec 28, 202320:39
Mission Realm/ Andromeda Souls
Dec 21, 202328:22
Sending Healing: Does it Work?
Dec 21, 202327:10
Healing is a Practice of Getting Out of Our Own Way

Healing is a Practice of Getting Out of Our Own Way

Sometimes, when we can't seem to heal no matter what, the issue is not external. Sometimes, we are our own worst enemy and repeatedly block any progress. Have you wondered why? In this episode, I talk about getting out of our own way, and how it practically works.

Dec 10, 202333:32
Living Your Calling from the Heart

Living Your Calling from the Heart

What are the biggest obstacles standing in the way of living your calling? Are they external, or do they arise from confusion within? And how do you know when your path needs adjustment — or a complete revamp, when to push more — and when to give up?

In this episode, I talk with my guest, Vasundhra Gupta from My Spiritual Shenanigans, about that stage in our life journey when the calling is in the process of being crystallized. When we know we are meant to do something different, but have no idea how, when we are ready, but the universe is silent.

Vasundhra shares her own experience in overcoming doubt from a heart-centered and grounded way. Join us for an honest conversation on living your calling from the heart.

Articles to dig into for further reading on:

Seeing signs but nothing happening

Why advanced souls struggle with abundance

How do I find my mission

Nov 26, 202338:02
Quick fix vs. Living from the heart

Quick fix vs. Living from the heart

Have you had an experience where falsehood was introduced as a beautiful truth? In this weekly inspiration, I will talk about discernment, living from the heart and watching out for the corruption of "quick fixes" when our unhealed selves demand an immediate solution and easily fall for appearances. One of the inspirations for this podcast is the recent 3-part Netflix series, "Escaping Twin Flames," which I highly recommend!

Nov 12, 202324:34
Keeping our Cup Empty

Keeping our Cup Empty

In this weekly inspiration, I talk about the path of the initiate, and the art of entering the mystery with a beginner's mind. When our cup is full, we can't receive more. Only those with an empty cup can be initiated and reborn

Nov 05, 202316:50
Property Clearing in the Akashic Records
Nov 03, 202348:22
Hadarian Soul Group

Hadarian Soul Group

Hadarians are souls whose main mission is to anchor the codes of Divine love on planet Earth. In this current incarnation the Hadarian soul group is mainly working on personal power and shedding the illusion of helplessness. 

Nov 01, 202318:21
How Did I Become an Akashic Record Reader
Oct 25, 202343:50
Advanced Soul and Hypersensitivity: Healing, Awareness, Meditation

Advanced Soul and Hypersensitivity: Healing, Awareness, Meditation

In this podcast video I discuss the possibility that advanced souls are also highly sensitive persons. From the point of view of psychology, highly sensitive people are more than empaths, they are also sensitive to light, sound, impressions, images, and constantly process volumes of information, sensory and extrasensory. From the point of view of the Akashic Records, this heightened sensitivity is an expression of the state of soul and its mission. Advanced souls express themselves as highly sensitive persons because their mission is to be trailblazers and magicians.

This episode ends with a 15-minute healing meditation for stabilizing your energy field.

Oct 21, 202342:50
Spirit Guides Meditation

Spirit Guides Meditation

In this guided meditation we will travel to the astral realms to meet your spirit guides, in whatever form they show up for you today.

Oct 18, 202341:57
Earth Chakras and the Place of the Middle East in the Earth Ascension
Oct 17, 202353:31
Discernment: Inspiration for the week

Discernment: Inspiration for the week

The theme of the week ahead is discernment, counting costs before you embark on a journey. This brings up the theme of dancing with grace: of the tension between doing the work and surrendering, counting costs and stepping into the unknown, of healing as an attempt to become "perfect" and healing as a way of changing your bandwidth. In this podcast, we will touch on these themes, and more...

Oct 15, 202327:53
Arcturean Starseeds Souls

Arcturean Starseeds Souls

Souls that have Arcturus as their star gateway of incarnation are often called the Arctureans. Arctureans do not incarnate often, and serve as guides and teachers in the higher dimensions. They are powerful healers and, when incarnate, always connect to the Earth and its peoples very broadly, often carrying the issues of their whole "tribe"

Oct 11, 202321:60
Blueprinter Soul Groups
Oct 10, 202301:00:47
What Happens to a Soul in between Lifetimes?

What Happens to a Soul in between Lifetimes?

You will learn about the process of transitioning from one incarnation to another, and some of the "work" advanced souls do as guides outside of the physical body.

Oct 10, 202352:36
Vows and Contracts: Blocks to Health
Oct 10, 202329:09
Do Twin Flames Have Soul Contracts?
Oct 06, 202351:34
What is ripe in your life?

What is ripe in your life?

This week's inspiration is a reminder to put the effort into harvesting what is ripe in your life. It is the time when the fruit of our labor is ripe for the taking — but we hesitate because of inertia. Resistance is normal, but remember that now is the time to manifest

Oct 01, 202314:38
Entheogens, Psychoactive Substances and Plant Consciousness

Entheogens, Psychoactive Substances and Plant Consciousness

What types of entheogens and psychoactive plants were used across world religions? Is it true that marijuana was used in the Temple of Solomon? What is iboga? And what does the use of psychoactive plants all over the world tell us about plant consciousness?

In this episode we will discuss plant entheogens and altered states.

Obviously, the topic is vast, and can take on many different angles. My perspective is that plants certainly have consciousness that we can connect to and build a relationship with. They are a part of a greater tapestry of Divine creation. We just need to be careful to not miss the forest for the trees — to remember that we are a part of a creation, and that all of it points back to the Source :)

Sep 25, 202345:48
How to Work with Crystals
Sep 17, 202345:49
The Akashic Records, Reiki & Sacred Symbols
Sep 15, 202345:02
The Akashic Records and the Role of Imagination

The Akashic Records and the Role of Imagination

What could the imagination, or better said, the imaginary, have in common with the Akashic Records? As it turns out, we can't access the records from the perspective of demanding knowledge...

Sep 08, 202333:13
Magical Drawing: Can Drawing Change Our Reality?

Magical Drawing: Can Drawing Change Our Reality?

Can drawing be magical? Can we use symbols, colors, shapes, to change our lives, to affect our reality? In this video, we will discuss the main principles of magical drawing and take a look at some examples: sigils, veves, talismans, mandalas and yantras. Some modalities that work with drawing to transform blockages and change reality are neurographics and talisman drawing.

Watch a 1-hour neurographic drawing practice:

Aug 30, 202301:02:47
Healing Mind Body Issues
Aug 15, 202339:56
Working with Root Chakra Blocks

Working with Root Chakra Blocks

How to work with root chakra, our roots, grounding and anchoring change into our lives

Healing root chakra blocks guided meditation:

Aug 09, 202343:28
Cutting and clearing cords

Cutting and clearing cords

What happens when we are trying to cut a cord? And why are some cords so difficult to cut? In this episode, we talk about the energetic mechanism behind creating cords, the various types of cords, as well as the principle behind cords to “difficult” people.
Aug 03, 202343:55
Quantum Reality & the Akashic Records

Quantum Reality & the Akashic Records

What do the Akashic Records have in common with quantum physics? I believe the quantum field, magic, fairy, the Akasha — may all refer to the same thing. The quantum reality that exists side by side and parallel to Newtonian physics reality. It may be tempting to try and come up with a neat "theory of everything", but is it possible to describe the quantum in linear terms? Paradoxically, the more comfortable we are with sitting in the darkness, with not knowing, not having answers — the more we are able to receive from the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are a quantum field beyond the structures of our thinking mind, and we can learn to build a relationship with them, by surrendering our expectations.

Aug 02, 202337:00