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Inspire Hope

Inspire Hope

By Inspire Hope

Welcome to the Inspire Hope podcast where we’re planting hope for Kingdom growth. There's nothing more inspiring than God being at work in people's lives through their stories.

Do you have a story that will inspire others? We'd love to hear it! Write us at
Currently playing episode

Do You See Doubting Thomas Negatively or Positively?

Inspire Hope Mar 28, 2024

No More Guilt: Finding Freedom From Fear And Shame

No More Guilt: Finding Freedom From Fear And Shame

Do you understand who you are in Christ; not just in mind but also in heart? Do you know how God sees you? Which voice are you listening to? Fear? Shame? Truth? Did you know that fear and shame are not in you? They are their own voices who taunt you to believe the enemy's lies. Sammy and Rachel expose the lies, refute with truth, and help empower you to speak the voice of truth over you!

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

May 31, 202442:08
Mother's Day Special: Spiritual Warfare in Motherhood
May 10, 202429:39
Do You See Doubting Thomas Negatively or Positively?

Do You See Doubting Thomas Negatively or Positively?

Are you on team Rachel, seeing Doubting Thomas as more of a negative response to Jesus, or team Sammy, seeing it as a positive?

Would you consider yourself a "Doubting Thomas," a Denying Peter, or a Courageous John?

In today's special Easter episode, Sammy and Rachel take a look at Jesus' response to the disciples after His resurrection.

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Mar 28, 202436:51
Hope Found During Challenging Financial, Business, and Relational Situations

Hope Found During Challenging Financial, Business, and Relational Situations

You've felt the yoyo effect of business and finances. For a time you were doing really well and making great gains, but the next thing you know, you're handing the keys of your house and car over to the bank. How do you navigate the shame and embarrassment of perceived failure?

You were pursuing education for the job you've always dreamed of doing, but it wasn't going as you had planned. Now, not only have you quit school, your wedding engagement is called off, and church and family relationships are struggling. How do you know what to do next?

Many of these scenarios are quite common. Either yourself or someone you know has/is working through them. Each of these causes you to test your faith. This was the case for Andrena Sawyer. Tune into today's episode as she shares with Rachel how she learned to cling to God, surrender her plans, and instead, embrace the ones He had for her, along the surprises and blessings she experienced from Him because of it.

To contact and/or follow Andrena, here are her links:

or on socials @andrena_sawyer

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Feb 10, 202433:34
Have You Been Duped to Believe Spiritual Oneness?

Have You Been Duped to Believe Spiritual Oneness?

Tune into a fascinating, hard, and eye-opening conversation as Sammy interviews Carl Teichrib about his book, "Games of Gods, The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-Enchantment."

They dive into discussions on climate change, what the enemy looks like in various cultures, and how we as Christians can have Gospel conversations in places that might make us feel uncomfortable, but open doors to people hearing about Jesus who may never have before.

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Jan 12, 202445:05
Are You Hoping for a Special Gift this Christmas?

Are You Hoping for a Special Gift this Christmas?

Christmas can be a blessing or a challenge depending on your circumstances. But there's one thing that can make it special regardless. There's a gift available to you that can change your difficulties and make them beautiful.

Would you like a special gift this Christmas? If so, tune into this episode to hear what it is and how it has impacted both of our hosts!

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Dec 22, 202339:37
A Courageous Lady Shares the Challenge of Being Single!

A Courageous Lady Shares the Challenge of Being Single!

Christmas is approaching and we are aware that many struggle with this holiday for various kinds of sorrows and expectations not feeling like they're being met. Some are grieving the loss of a loved one, a broken relationship, or even the lack of one.

Singleness is obviously hard at Christmastime as family and friends gather to celebrate and share memories of the year. This is no exception for Christians either.

Is it possible to have peace and joy while being single?

Rachel asks Natalie hard questions about this topic in today's episode, and Natalie courageously shares the struggle in this, as well as offers solid encouragement and advise to those who empathize with her.

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Dec 08, 202335:54
Who Are Your Allies (Part Two)?

Who Are Your Allies (Part Two)?

God has so graciously allowed the world the opportunity to join together with His people, the Israelites, to be one family, to those who accept Jesus' gift of salvation.

As we discovered last month, we also are united together as one army under the Lord of Armies. He's given us Holy Spirit to counsel and defend us, His heavenly army to fight alongside us, as well as our brothers and sisters on earth.

One of the most vital things to protect in this family is our unity. The Devil works hard to create division among us, so that we won't be Christ's example of hope, light, or love to this hurting world.

When we become aware of this, we can make, "every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." Ephesians 4:3

When we do keep the unity, God does mighty work through His body of believers, joining the gifts He has given us to be the whole representation of Jesus to the world.

Learn together with Sammy and Rachel as we discuss the need for unity, and the power it can have, within and through the family of God!

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Nov 24, 202336:42
A Military Special for Remembrance & Veterans Day

A Military Special for Remembrance & Veterans Day

There are a lot of correlations between military and Christian life. As a military wife of fourteen and a half years, Kalyn has experienced countless moments where the two have connected.

If you love a good military homecoming story, hearing the behind the scenes of what military life is like, or want to find out ways to support soldiers and veterans, this is your episode.

With Remembrance and Veterans Day tomorrow, Kalyn and Rachel also talk about ways you can support both current and retired soldiers.

Thank you to every Air Force, Army, Marine, National Guard, Navy, Reservist, Chaplain, and Veteran who is and/or has served your country, and thank you to each of your family members as well. We truly appreciate the sacrifices you make every day for your country and our freedom.

“May the Lord bless you and protect you;
may the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
may the Lord look with favor on you
and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Nov 10, 202345:50
Who are Your Allies (Part One)

Who are Your Allies (Part One)

God is so good, isn't He?! He cares deeply about you! So much so, that He created you in His image.

It can be difficult to remember this when going through trials or attacks from the enemy. Weariness sets in and the weight of your circumstances has a tendency of clouding out God's truth.

So, in His grace and love, He's given you an army to fight for you because He knows you can't do it on your own. God Himself is the Commander! If we were to ask you, do you know who else is on your team?

Discover who's on your team and the amazing work they're doing behind the scenes for you.

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Oct 27, 202344:07
When You're at Rock Bottom, Look Up!

When You're at Rock Bottom, Look Up!

Does everyone around you think you've got everything together, but deep down you feel like you're falling apart?

Have you or are you addicted to any kind of substances? Drugs, alcohol, sex, eating disorders, etc. to feel satisfied, but nothing seems to relieve the pain or satisfy you're longing?

Melanie courageously shares a piece of her story with you and gives excellent suggestions of what you can do to get out of the pit and find abundant life again! It is possible. You're not lost of too far broken.

Connect with Melanie on Instagram @Melanie_D_Wilson.

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Oct 21, 202334:12
God's Strength is So Important to Understand!

God's Strength is So Important to Understand!

When your back is against the wall and you feel alone, God's strength will help you out.

When you feel like everything has been lost, God's strength will provide.

When you're in a heavy season, God's strength will help you endure.

But how? How to you identify and trust in God's strength instead of your own? How do you look for it in times of weakness? Is there something you can do to learn this now, in order to be prepared later?

Sammy and Rachel explain this using Biblical and personal examples to help you understand the power of God's strength for you!

Listen on your preferred podcast platform or click the picture below:

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Sep 29, 202336:33
A Simple Yet Powerful Generational Legacy for Christ

A Simple Yet Powerful Generational Legacy for Christ

Do you wonder what impact you're making on your children's and/or grandchildren's lives? Do you question whether your mentoring is really bringing value to those you're discipling?

God most often uses you in your seasons of suffering to see where He's working and how you can be an effective instrument for Him and His work. No matter where you're at in life right now, find out the incredible opportunities God has for you, even when it seems impossible.

Today's episode features a woman who has greatly impacted both Sammy and Rachel's lives for Christ. Find out her background story and how the Lord continues to teach her deeper things, stretch her faith, and reach those for Christ in simple, sacrificial, and yet powerful ways.

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

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Sep 08, 202333:57
What is Spiritual Warfare

What is Spiritual Warfare

Do you know there's a war taking place you cannot see, and that you've actually been a part of it?

Spiritual warfare is something a lot of us in North America fear talking about. We want to avoid the topic because if we're ignorant about it, we can pretend it doesn't exist, right?

We want to challenge you about that thought. You can experience great victory when you understand that every physical battle and suffering you face in this life is part of a greater spiritual war at work. We don't deny that the enemy is powerful, but we serve a God that is far greater than Satan and any of his team.

In this episode, Sammy and Rachel explain spiritual warfare from North American and Caribbean understandings.

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Aug 19, 202331:54
Season One Finale

Season One Finale

This episode is loaded with goodies you're not going to want to miss!

Join us in celebrating season one as Sammy and Rachel recap some highlights from the year and discover the powerful topic they'll be digging into for season two!

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

We'll see you in August for season two! Have a great summer!

Jun 30, 202324:59
Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

This is a special episode for Father's Day at Inspire Hope Podcast. We would love to know what being a father means to you?

Thank you to Elvis for sharing the lessons he's learned about parenting his sons, and how to guide them best towards their relationship with Jesus.

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Jun 17, 202332:46
How Do You Feel About Prayer?

How Do You Feel About Prayer?

Why do you pray? Can you really hear from God? How would you describe your prayer life? Do you enjoy communicating with God or does it feel awkward to you? Are you nervous to pray out loud? Is there power in prayer?

These are all common questions. In this exciting episode, Sammy and Rachel explore the importance of prayer and the power it holds for your life!

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

This episode can be heard on any podcast platform.

Jun 09, 202331:03
Do You Read Your Bible?

Do You Read Your Bible?

Do you, like many others, struggle to read your Bible every day?

Do you find your reading to get dry at times?

Why do you think that is?

Tune in to find out the reasons why many of us have a hard time reading the Bible, gain strategies to help you get into God's Word every day, and keep it fresh.

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at 

Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

May 26, 202330:03
Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

This is a special episode for Mother's Day at Inspire Hope Podcast. We would love to know what being a mom means to you?

We'd love to hear from you! Email us at Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

May 15, 202310:57
What is Discipleship About?

What is Discipleship About?

Jesus called us to, "Go and make disciples," in Matthew 28:19. Why would He do that? What did that mean? What does it look like to be a disciple today?

Considering this is a command from Jesus, there is great importance for us to live this out. But it doesn't need to be intimidating. Listen in as Rachel and Sammy explore what the Bible has to say about this, and explain ways that you can do it too.

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Apr 28, 202337:25
Life Is a Freakshow - Did That Really Just Happen?
Apr 14, 202326:14
Should a Wife Submit to Her Husband?

Should a Wife Submit to Her Husband?

We had a listener respond to our United Front episode with this question, "Should a wife submit to her husband?" Tune in to hear Sammy and Rachel's thoughts on this according to Ephesians 5.

Do you have a question or story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Mar 24, 202336:16
But God Knew Better

But God Knew Better

Are you despairing where you're at in life at the moment? Have you experienced an unplanned pregnancy? A move to a new city? An unexpected career change? Are you stuck in the mundane waiting for something exciting to happen?

What if you looked at your past. You might discover that God has you right where He wants you, and that there are beautiful moments taking place in front of you that you've been missing this whole time.

Listen to Anna's story and how by looking back, she was able to say, "But God knew better."

Do you have a story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Click the picture above or got or go to any podcast platform to listen to today’s episode.

Mar 11, 202334:59
Do You Really Trust God?

Do You Really Trust God?

God called Dr. Matthew Rowley to move his family across country to further his schooling. But, no matter how many offers he and his wife submitted, they couldn't find a place to live. Their time to move was approaching. They had run out of money. What were they going to do next?

Are you in a situation like this? You've received word from the Lord to do something but the pieces of the puzzle aren't fitting together? What are you supposed to do? Listen to today's podcast episode to find out!

Do you have a story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Click the picture above or got or go to any podcast platform to listen to today’s episode.

Feb 25, 202331:00
A United Front

A United Front

Have you thought much about your spouse with Valentine's Day approaching? It's a great time to do a marriage check-up. 

How has your communication been lately? 

Have you enjoyed his/her company, or been more on edge? 

Are you still doing the things you enjoyed together while you were dating?

Tune into today's episode for tips on how to get back to a united front in your marriage! Sammy and Rachel discuss blessings and challenges they've had in their marriages, explore Scripture together, and help you apply these lessons to your life too. 

Do you have a story to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Email us at Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Feb 10, 202330:03
Could You Do It - Part 2

Could You Do It - Part 2

Brennan and Rhonda Catteni shared this story of leading their church with the focus of Missional Communities in Episode 14. What is it? How is it different from the standard North American church? Sammy and Rachel share their reactions and insights to this idea. Tune into today's episode to hear how you can take this idea and apply it to your life too.

Do you have a story to share with us? We'd love to hear it!  Email us at Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Jan 27, 202330:16
Could You Do It?

Could You Do It?

In this episode Brennan and Rhonda Cattani share some of the journey that God brought them on as he prepared them to plant a church in a core neighbourhood in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Their discovery was not groundbreaking, but it certainly was life-changing;  the discovery that all of life is church and church is all of life.

From this point, they began to see that a Community of Faith needs to operate within three concentric circles to actually live out the great commission, making disciples. It needs to be life on life, life in community, life on mission together.

Listen to today's episode to understand what this means and how it can impact your life with Jesus too. 

Do you have a story to share with us? Email us at Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Jan 13, 202331:09
A Few Outcasts and a Lowly Babe

A Few Outcasts and a Lowly Babe

Have you ever felt worthless? Unwanted? You know your past better than anyone. Why would God want to use a broken person like you? Have you questioned if God could ever use you to do anything important for Him? You're not alone in those thoughts. 

However, today's story will prove you wrong. Find out how special you are and the ways God can interrupt your quiet life to bring His message of hope to others.

Do you have a story to share with us? Email us at Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!   

Dec 21, 202214:54
What Happens When Good Christians Fail

What Happens When Good Christians Fail

Did you grow up in the church and in a Christian home, but have walked away from your faith and never looked back? Do you feel you are too far gone? Do you think God could never use you because of all the mistakes you’ve made?

Janise Somer was a pastor’s daughter, attended Sunday School and youth group, sang in the church choir, went to Bible college, married a Christian, and even worked on staff at a large church in Calgary. But things changed when her husband of 18 years left her with two little girls under the age of 7. She felt abandoned by her husband, the church, and by God. She found herself bitter and angry and began partying and looking for acceptance and validation in all the wrong places. In her rebellion against God, she even re-married and got divorced … again!

In this podcast, Janise will talk about the mess she made of her life, but how God didn’t forget about her and how he is now fulfilling the promise in her life, “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.”

Do you have a story to share with us? Email us at Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Nov 25, 202234:27
The Cost of Freedom

The Cost of Freedom

Today we remember and honour our soldiers who have sacrificed their lives or a part of their lives in service to our country so that we might continue to live in freedom. They protect our families, our values, and safety. Thank you to all active service members, reservists, and veterans. Thank you as well to all of the families and friends who support the soldiers as well. 

We appreciate the peace we can have because of the price our brave men and women have paid for our freedom. We understand war does immense damage and that soldiers more often than not are greatly affected by this. Today, we want to remind you that there's always hope! Someone understands the price you've paid and how to heal your deeply marked wounds. Listen to the episode to find out more. 

Do you have a story to share with us? Email us at Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Nov 11, 202222:24
What Are You Carrying?

What Are You Carrying?

The Devil can be sneaky. He has a way of manipulating truth to convince you parts of the Bible don't apply to you, both good and hard. How do you recognize his voice apart from God's? Can you have victory over the enemy? Hear what lie Rachel didn't know she was believing until it was exposed. We pray her story will help you find truth and freedom in yours too. 

"I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly, see, I do not keep my mouth closed as You know, LORD. I did not hide Your righteousness in my heart; I spoke about Your faithfulness and salvation; I did not conceal Your constant love and truth from the great assembly." - Psalm 40:9-10 (HCSB)

Do you have a story to share with us? Email us at
Please share our podcast with your family and friends, and leave us a review. We greatly appreciate your support!

Oct 28, 202221:19
One Miraculous Easter Story!

One Miraculous Easter Story!

God cares about every single detail of your life. As the old saying goes, "When one door closes, another opens." Kelvin and his wife, Lorie, were faced with the deep grief of a miscarriage and loss of another friend on April 16, 2005. As they were working through their sorrow, the Lord showed up with a miraculous and perfectly timed gift exactly one year later, on Easter, April 16, 2006. Tune in to find out what happened!

Kelvin Thiessen is the Director of Admissions at Millar College of the Bible in Pambrun, SK. He is married to Lorie and they have four children, John Calvin, Janessa, David, and Caleb. He spent his childhood in Roseau River, Manitoba, the youngest child of John and Rose Thiessen. Kelvin enjoys reading, cheering for the Riders (be kind it’s been a rough year), and traveling to new places during his time off. During the summer he loves to take a week to share the good news at Bible Camp. He appreciates the words that John Newton is quoted as saying, “I am a great sinner, But Christ is a Great Saviour!”

We love to hear stories of how God has worked in people’s lives. Do you have a story that you feel will inspire others toward hope? Let us know at

Sep 16, 202223:04
Surprising Gifts Given During Tragedy

Surprising Gifts Given During Tragedy

Brad and his sister Marcia were close as kids. As they grew older, God led each of them into Christian service. This meant they lived far from one another and led busy lives which made it difficult to stay connected. Despite this, every time they were together, they were able to pick up where they left off. In the midst of raising four adopted children and supporting her husband in pastoral ministry, Marcia was diagnosed with cancer. The following years were deeply painful and tragic as Marcia fought to live but ultimately lost the battle to cancer. 

In this episode, Marcia's brother Brad shares about his family's journey to Marcia's funeral and how God's provisions along the way provided not only evidence of His goodness in an hour of darkness, but hope as he continued to process a complicated grief afterwards. 

Are you on a journey with tragedy and grief that feels complicated? Do you struggle to reconcile the truths of who you believe God to be with your life's experience? As you listen to this episode, consider what evidence of God's goodness He has provided in your life which has carried you through your own sorrows. 

We love to hear stories of how God has worked in people’s lives. Do you have a story that you feel will inspire others toward hope? Let us know at

Sep 02, 202226:21
Special - Waiting on God

Special - Waiting on God

Are you stuck in an uncomfortable situation that you want out of, but God doesn't seem to be giving you any direction? Are you looking for work without any results? Are you tired of being sick with no end in sight? Have you been grieving a loss of something and the emotions aren't letting up? 

Waiting on God can be very challenging. However, it's in the waiting that you learn so much about Him. This in turn become an anchor for you to hold onto until the Lord is ready to reveal your next steps. 

Listen in as Sammy and Rachel share what they've learned in their seasons of waiting. 

We love to hear stories of how God has worked in people’s lives. Do you have a story that you feel will inspire others toward hope? Let us know at

Aug 19, 202222:06
When Nothing Else Satisfied...

When Nothing Else Satisfied...

Jamie lived a pretty good life from the perspective of those around him. He was happily married, had three sons, and a reputable career in law enforcement. But something always seemed to be missing. Discontentment grew until he found himself at the brink of death. Jamie had fractured his ankle which led to a pulminary embolism that almost took his life. With a long recovery ahead of him, and plenty of time to sit and think, Jamie faced the reality of where his life was headed. What would he do?

Jamie is husband to Brenda, father to three adult sons, and grandfather to 12 amazing grandchildren. He is retired from 40 years of law enforcement. He is passionate about the things of God and facilitating the ongoing transformation of both mind and heart in Christian men seeking a deeper understanding of what the Bible teaches us. He holds a BA Degree from the University of Waterloo, a Graduate Certificate of Theological Studies from Heritage Theological Seminary and is currently enrolled in the C. S. Lewis Institute 2022-2023 Fellows Program. He is the Chair of the Board of Impactus I Promise Keepers Canada and active in his local church.

We love to hear stories of how God has worked in people’s lives. Do you have a story that you feel will inspire others toward hope? Let us know at

Aug 06, 202232:18
Victory Over Darkness

Victory Over Darkness

How exciting! You've just had a baby! You should be thrilled right? Reality is, many women struggle with hormonal imbalances and exhaustion after a baby is born. When other situations life situations hit, it can be way more overwhelming than normal. What do you do when you should be enjoying this stage of life but it's a challenge to get out of bed and face another day?

The enemy tries to create a stronghold of shame around the idea of post-partum depression. He is a joy stealer. However, by the power of God's word, His community, and the right support, you can overcome it and find peace and joy again. 

Bethany blesses us with her story of staying committed to Christ in spite of the weight that post-partum held on her. She shared with others in her time of need, was courageous in seeking help, and is now a light and gift to many others as she coaches people in how to have a God-honouring, disciplined, and healthy life. 

We love to hear stories of how God has worked in people's lives. Do you have a story that you feel will inspire others toward hope? Let us know at

Jul 23, 202232:17
Obeying God Even When it Means Great Sacrifice

Obeying God Even When it Means Great Sacrifice

There is a cost to following Jesus, but God is always faithful to provide. That’s something David witnessed growing up. Most recently, with the current health and political climate, David came to learn this lesson again. He was pastoring a small rural church in Manitoba when, after studying the Bible, he became convinced that the church must gather in person. At that point, he had to decide what to do – either go along with the leadership or stand upon his biblical conviction. Listen to today’s episode to hear what David did and how God provided.

We love to hear stories of how God has worked in people's lives. Do you have a story that you feel will inspire others toward hope? Let us know at

Jul 08, 202226:21
Lord, Where Are You?

Lord, Where Are You?

Julie's life was turned upside down at the young age of 27. A month after she married her best friend, Julie got in a serious bicycle accident. She was admitted to the hospital for emergency open head surgery. After many tests, she received the diagnosis that she had suffered brain damage, and was sent to a rehabilitation program. She was told that her life would never be the same again. This left her facing an unknown future; her dreams and hopes shattered. 

Now, almost 24 years of living with this disability, hear how God has saved Julie's life in so many ways, and how her life is full of joy and hope!

Jun 24, 202220:55
How Do I Know What My Calling Is?

How Do I Know What My Calling Is?

Rachel was in her young twenties when she flew to Haiti. She knew she had an interest in mission work, but was unsure where her future was headed. Her parents were recently divorced, she had left school, and was feeling lost. Until God showed up in one simple moment and gave her a profound vision for her future. She desired to see God's plans accomplished, but felt lost in the pursuit of it when every attempt failed. It wasn't until years later that she would discover the purpose in the waiting and where her true calling resided.
Are you struggling to find your way with Jesus? Is there an idea He's given you, but you're not sure where to start? Perhaps you've had it for years but aren't seeing any results. Let today's episode inspire you on your pursuit of, Character or Calling.
Apr 05, 202212:53
Questioning God's Goodness in Family Tragedy

Questioning God's Goodness in Family Tragedy

Sammy adored his sister.  They were like 'two peas in a pod'. Growing up in Haiti had its challenges, which bonded them deeply as they learned to support one another in all they faced. An opportunity came for Marie to move to the United States, and Sammy received a scholarship to attend a Bible college in Canada. Though miles apart, they continued to grow their relationship through technology.

Marie was enjoying life's beautiful gifts of a year long marriage and tiny baby when she received devastating news. She had stage 4 cancer with a few short months to live. Sammy did whatever he could to help her and take in every moment he could before she passed. Marie left Sammy with a freeing message before she passed. Listen to today's podcast to hear Marie's words of truth.

Are you or someone you know going through the grief of losing a loved one? Do you know someone fighting for their life? Are you confused and questioning how a good God could allow such tragedy to happen? Be sure to tune in today!

We love to hear stories of how God has worked in people's lives. Do you have a story that you feel will inspire others toward hope? Let us know at

Apr 05, 202223:46